The Wedding Guide 2015-2016

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He l l o ! Thankyous omuchf oryouri nt er es ti nhavi ngme asyourweddi ngphot ogr apher !Mynamei sKel s ey andIam cur r ent l ybas edoutofBur l i ngt on, Ver montbutt r avelal loverNew Engl andt o phot ogr aphweddi ngsandengagement s .Il ovet hat myj obal l owsmet omeets omanywonder f ul peopl eandbr i ngsmet ol ot sofgr eatpl aces !Il ove get t i ngt oknow mybr i des&gr oomss ot hatwhenI comet ophot ogr aphyourweddi nganddocument oneoft hebi gges tdaysofyourl i ves ,Iwi l lbet her e asmor et hanj us tavendor ,butal s oasyourf r i end. Pl eas eus et hi sweddi nggui deasawayt obecome al i t t l emor ef ami l i arwi t hme,mywor k&whatI of f er –Ican’ twai tt ogett oknow you& hearal laboutyourbi gday!

Lo v e , Ke l s e y

Co n g r a t u l a t i o n s ! You’ veal r eadyt akent hef i r s t s t epsi nbooki ngyourweddi ng phot ogr apher .Thr oughoutt hi s ebookl etyouwi l lf i ndmor e i nf or mat i onaboutmeand whatIof f erasaweddi ng phot ogr apher . I faf t erl ooki ngt hr ought hi s youf eelt hatIwoul dbea goodf i tf oryou,Iwoul dl ove t ochat !I fyou’ r ecl os e,Iwoul d l ovet ogr abacupofcof f ee wi t hyou,buti fyoul i veal i t t l e f ur t heraway,Skypes es s i ons ar eal waysagr eatwayf orus t o“ meet ”t oo! W heni tcomest oques t i ons , t her ei ss er i ous l ynos ucht hi ng ast oomany!Icompl et el y under s t andt hatweddi ng phot ogr aphyi sabi g& i mpor t anti nves t ments omake s ur et oas kawayt ogetal lof yourques t i onsans wer ed!

If i r s ts t ar t edphot ogr aphi ngcoupl esbacki n201 1 , butdeci dedt ot ur nmyl oveofphot ogr aphyi nt oa car eerwhenIat t endedHal l mar kI ns t i t ut eof Phot ogr aphyi n201 2201 3.Af t ergr aduat i ngatt he t opofmycl as s ,Ij umpedr i ghti nt oabus ycar eeras aweddi ng&por t r ai tphot ogr apher .

Iwantt oof f ermycoupl ess omuchmor et hanj us t weddi ngphot ogr aphy Iwantt oof f ert hem an exper i ence.Fr om t hef i r s tt i mewemeet ,t oyour engagements es s i on,t oyourweddi ngdayand ever yt hi ngi nbet ween,Iwantyout of eel1 00% comf or t abl ewi t hmeandknow t hatyouar ebei ng t akencar eof .Mygoali st odocumentt hel ove bet weenyout wowi t hgor geouspor t r ai t sand capt ur eal lt hel i t t l emoment sonyourweddi ngday s oyoucanl ookbackatyourweddi ngphot osand cher i s ht hem f oral i f et i me.

Igotmar r i edi n201 2andunder s t andwhatyou’ r e goi ngt hr ough—t hes t r es sofal lt hedeci s i onst obe made,t hebut t er f l i esonyourweddi ngday,t hel ove yous har ef oreachot her ,t hepur ej oyofl et t i ng l oos eatyourr ecept i on— Iexper i encedi tal land l ovet os har ei tal lwi t hot hercoupl es .Youhaveput s omuchwor ki nt oyourbi gday,yeti tf l i esbyand bef or eyouknow i t ,i t ’ sover .Ibel i evet hatyou des er vet ohaveal lt hememor i espr es er vedf r om yourweddi ngdaywi t hbeaut i f ulweddi ngphot os t hatyoucancher i s hi nf r amesonyourwal l sori na cus t om al bum onyourcof f eet abl e,andevent ual l y pas st hes ephot osdownt oyour chi l dr en&gr andchi l dr en.

En g a g e me n t s

Ii ncl udeacompl i ment ar yengagements es s i onwi t h al lofmyweddi ngsbecaus eIs os t r ongl ybel i evei n t heval ueoft hem.Formos tcoupl es ,t heengagement

Wewi l lwor kt oget hert odes i gnanengagement

s es s i oni st hei rf i r s tpr of es s i onalphot ogr aphys hoot s es s i oncompl et el ycat er edt oyou.I tus ual l yt akespl ace t oget her .I t ’ sagr eatwayf orust ogett oknow each

atal ocat i ont hati ss i gni f i cantt oyouasacoupl e,or

ot herbef or eyourbi gday,andf oryout wot opr act i ce

doi ngoneofyourf avor i t eact i vi t i es .

get t i ngcomf or t abl ei nf r ontofmyl ens . . .you’ l lbe pr osbyyourweddi ngday!

Engagementphot osar es omuchmor et hanj us t s avet hedat es&news paperannouncement s . . .i t ’ sa gr eatwayt ocapt ur eyourl ovei na cas ual ,f unenvi r onment !

We d d i n g s

Th e We d d i n g Ex p e r i e n c e

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Al b u ms Al bumsar eexpens i ve. Letmej us t s ayt hatIunder s t andi fyouar e exper i enci ngabi tofs t i ckers hock. Wi t hal loft heweddi ngexpens esyou al r eadyhave, i t ’ seas yt opas sona weddi ngal bum ands ayyou’ l lpr i nt t hephot osyour s el fandmakean al bum your s el f . Her e’ swhyyoumi ght wantt ot aket het i met ot hi nki tover al i t t l emor e. . .

Theweddi ngal bumsIof f erar e cus t omdes i gned, handcr af t ed al bumst hatyouwoul dnotbeabl et o getanywher eel s e. Thes eal bums havet hi ckpageswi t hexcept i onal i magequal i t yt hatar egar aunt eedt o l as tal i f et i me. Thepageswon’ tr i p. Thecol orwon’ tf ade. Thi si sabook t hatwi l lbeas t at ementpi ecei nyour home, andbef l i ppedt hr oughwhen youwantt obebr oughtbackt oyour weddi ngday . I twi l lbef l i pped t hr oughbyyourf ut ur echi l dr en& gr andchi l dr en. Youwi l lhaveal lof yourdi gi t ali magesf r om your weddi ngday , buti nt heever changi ngwor l dofdi gi t al , at angi bl e al bum t hatal l owsyout ohol dyour weddi ngphot osi nyourhandss t ands asat i mel es si ns ur ancepol i cyt hatwi l l wi t hhol dt het es toft i me.

www. kel s eydewi t t . com kel s ey@kel s eydewi t t . com

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