Fick Group Executive Summary

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Executive Summary Fick This Piping Systems Incorporated is a small, elite company in the business of designing, managing, and building global pipelines. Our services are unparalleled in providing comprehensive solutions and customer satisfaction, due to our friendly staff of dedicated, ingenious engineering professionals. With four full time employees and a host of engaging contractors, Fick This considers customer relationships its first priority. Dedication to our customers drives ingenuity in design and economic feasibility. The Fick This team eagerly wishes to conquer the intriguing challenges of two renovation projects: the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and Goldfields Water Supply Scheme. Our group has an intense desire to provide environmentally cognizant piping systems, and these projects will be a grand step in achieving this goal. Tackling the Alaskan Pipeline allows us to provide a solution to previous ecosystem dangers such as oil spills and permafrost melting. The Goldfields Scheme provides the most important natural resource, water, to millions of people. Our personal investment in these pipelines stem not just from our commitment to engineering innovation, but also to providing sustainable solutions to fluid issues in the global community. For the Alaskan Pipeline, we plan to decrease the pumping stations from twelve sets of four centrifugal pumps to four sets of six Sundyne ISO13709-API 610 pumps. This decrease in stations allow for lower pumping power (only one of our pumping stations operates at 1080 psid, the operating power of all twenty-four pumps in the original design), as well as lower initial unit and operating costs. The use of stainless steel insulated with FOAMGLAS decreases corrosion and lessens temperature gradients across all 800 miles. In addition, our design does not need to bury pipes underground or utilize heat exchangers, lessening long term costs to pipeline benefactors and the environment. Our plans for the Goldfields Scheme focus on renovating the original 330 mile-long pipeline to better serve the 33,000 towns it currently supplies by creating a solid, less corrosive pipeline. This system will also use stainless steel, and the same pumps: not only is this combination the best fit for these pipelines, but it also provides economic relief to the customer in the form of bulk purchases. Because we will be using these superior pumps instead of antiquated steam powered pumps, there will only be three pumping stations instead of the former eight. Although we will not be working on the extended lines that spread to the individual towns for they are not as degraded at the present time, we would be honored to serve those communities after the completion of this project. Overall, Fick This aims to provide sustainable, environmentally conscious solutions to the renovation challenges of the Alaskan and Goldfields pipelines. We plan to work closely with the pipelines’ benefactors to achieve the goals of both parties. Our meager payment of 23.4 billion dollars for the Alaskan system and 11.5 million dollars for Goldfields will seem like a pittance compared to our impeccable service compounded with a system much cheaper than the original of either design.

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