Jacob of Sarug’s Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Fifth Day Edited and by Edward G. Mathews Jr. Series: Texts from Christian Late Antiquity
Jacob comments on the events of the fifth day of Creation. In this fifth instalment of the long Homily 71, On the Six Days of Creation, Jacob comments on the events of the fifth day, the creation from the waters of the various species of fish and reptiles, as well as the assorted types of birds and other winged creatures. Jacob highlights the fact that the creation of these animals on the fifth day to inhabit the land and water separated on the third day is a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ.
Gorgias Press • 9781463241179 • Paperback 229 x 152mm • 68 pages • Available Now • £25.00
The History of John the Son of Zebedee By Jacob A. Loller Series: Texts from Christian Late Antiquity
Examines the stories of John the son of Zebedee from the perspective of Syriac Christians. Many stories and legends about John the son of Zebedee have survived from antiquity. The present volume brings together all of the known Syriac witnesses to the History of John with a new translation and includes, for the first time, a critical discussion of the history, provenance, and importance of this text for the study of Syriac Christianity and Christian Apocrypha more generally.
Gorgias Press • 9781463240752 • Hardback 229 x 152mm • 300 pages • August 2020 • £110.00
Gender in Jewish Studies Proceedings of the Sherman Conversations 2017 Edited by Daniel Langton Series: Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies
An interdisciplinary journal concerned with Jewish law, history, literature, religion, culture and thought. Volume 13 of Melilah, an interdisciplinary electronic journal concerned with Jewish law, history, literature, religion, culture and thought in the ancient, medieval and modern eras. This issue focuses on the theme of gender in Jewish studies.
Gorgias Press • 9781463240561 • Paperback • 178 x 254mm 164 pages • Available Now • £47.00
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