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The Competitiveness of Nations: Theory and Practice



Navigating the US – China Trade War and the COVID-19 Global Pandemic

by Dong-sung Cho (The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies, South Korea & Seoul National University, South Korea) & Hwy-chang Moon (The Institute for Policy & Strategy on National Competitiveness, South Korea & Seoul National University, South Korea) The analytical tools used in this book can be further utilized for other units of analysis such as industries and firms. As this book provides a series of sophisticated methodologies and specific guidelines for enhancing national competitiveness, both academics and practitioners can derive useful implications from this research. Alongside the theoretical frameworks and methodologies for national competitiveness presented in this book, timely topics are included such as the COVID-19 global pandemic and the US – China trade war. This book also includes various countryspecific real-world cases that are assessed from the perspective of both developed and developing countries.

Contents: Theoretical Framework and Highlights for National Competitiveness of Nations

2021: Introduction; Literature on National Competitiveness; Highlights; Conceptual Framework; Korean Case; Factor-Level Analysis; Snapshot; Special Topics: COVID-19 and Global Value Chains; US – China Relationships; Country-Specific Analysis. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the fields of competitiveness and international business.

300pp Mar 2022 978-1-80061-048-4 US$98 £85



by Lawrence J Lau (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) & Yanyan Xiong (Zhejiang University, China) Beyond real GDP, innovative capacity is an important indicator of the economic strength of a nation. By studying innovative capacity and other indicators of success in innovation across the Group-ofSeven (G7) Countries, the East Asian Newly Industrialised Economies (EANIEs) and Mainland China, this book will systematically establish a positive relationship between innovation outputs and inputs of different economies. In doing so, it seeks to answer the question — are there laws of innovation? It seeks to identify the determinants of innovation at the economy-wide level, ascertain whether these determinants are similar across different economies, and find suitable metrics for comparing relative success in innovation across different economies. It concludes that innovation, rather than being a stroke of good fortune, comes from research and development activities conducted over a long period of time, and sheds light on future trends and areas for further research.

Readership: Economists, technologists, government officials, researchers, inventors, intellectual property specialists, students of innovation, and professionals interested in innovation, intellectual property, and patents.

300pp Feb 2022 978-981-125-117-7 US$48 £40

Series on Technology Management


edited by Stoyan Tanev (Carleton University, Canada) & Helena Blackbright (Mälardalen University, Sweden) Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Management contributes to the ongoing debate among innovation scholars and practitioners focusing on the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the ways companies and organizations do business, operate and innovate. It considers AI as a source of innovation both in terms of innovation within the field of AI itself (AI innovation) and in terms of how it enables or disrupts innovation in other fields (AI-driven innovation).

It is therefore both necessary and timely to explore the different aspects of the relationship between AI and Innovation Management (IM). Featured Contents: Introduction (Stoyan Tanev and Helena Blackbright); What AI Can Do for Innovation Managers and Innovation Managers for AI (Nina Bozic Yams and Galina Esther Shubina); A Knowledge-Based Perspective of Strategic AI Innovation Management (Erich Prem); Addressing AI Traps: Realizing the Potential of AI for Innovation Trend Spotting, Monitoring and Decision Making (Amber Geurts); Social Media Video Analysis for Entrepreneurial Opportunity Discovery in Artificial Intelligence (Mika Westerlund and Maham Aman); AI-Driven Innovation: Towards a Conceptual Framework (Sergey Yablonsky); and others.

Readership: Innovation management researchers, innovation managers, technology entrepreneurs and graduate students.

300pp Feb 2022 978-1-80061-132-0 US$98 £85

Series on Innovation and Operations Management for Chinese Enterprises


Theory and Practice

by Qingrui Xu (Zhejiang University, China) This book is the research report of the “Construction of Theory and Formation Mechanism of Total Innovation Management (TIM)” (Program No. 70372018), a program funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. This program aims to discuss and analyze, under the general trend of indigenous innovation, how enterprises construct indigenous innovation capability through total innovation management and to offer enterprises theoretical foundations and practical guidance to develop themselves towards indigenous innovation. The research results are not only the results of a three-year long research but also the reflection of the accumulated experiences of our research center in the field of technology innovation for nearly 40 years. In the field of technology innovation, we have experienced three distinct phases, namely: secondary innovation, portfolio innovation and total innovation.

Featured Contents: Preface; Practical and Theoretical Background of Total Innovation Management; Main Theoretical Basis of TIM; System Framework of Total Innovation Management; All-Element Innovation; AllInvolvement Innovation; All Time-Space Innovation; Basic Architecture and Formation Process of Total Innovation Management System; Synergy Mechanism of Total Innovation Management; and others. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners.

513pp Feb 2022 978-981-123-098-1 US$148 £130

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