2 minute read
Newest Developments in Japan and the UK
edited by Yumiko Hada (Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts, Japan) This book brings together contributions from leading authors in a range of fields related to Japan and the United Kingdom. Adopting a comparative perspective, it tackles topics ranging from the politics of opposition, democracy, immigration and citizenship, to education, sportsmanship and popular culture, as well as issues of immigration and identity. Each chapter presents and clarifies the differences, similarities and exchanges between the two countries to emphasise that, though little exists in isolation in this global age, in-depth knowledge of particular regions remains vital. This book argues for a deeper understanding of the UK and Japan in pursuit of hope, and as a reflection on the self and one’s own sense of place and identity. It is a must-read for anyone who is interested in cross-cultural theory and comparisons between Japan and the United Kingdom. Featured Contents: Foreword (Sir Ivor Crewe); History; Politics; Culture; Internationalisation; Sports and Sportsmanship; Education; Personal Growth; Language; The Commonwealth; Women; Conclusion (Sam Bamkin); and others.
Readership: Scholars, teachers, researchers and undergraduate and postgraduate students in area studies, education, politics, cross-cultural theory, and international relations; government officials; readers interested in learning more about Japan and the United Kingdom.
276pp Mar 2022 978-981-124-441-4 US$98 £80 REFLECTIONS ON CONFLICT RESOLUTION
In the Middle East and Beyond
by Gilead Sher (Gilead Sher & Co., Israel) Reflections on Conflict Resolution offers hope that there might be ways to resolve, or at least mitigate, even complex, violent, and protracted conflicts between communities and nations. This volume presents the state of the art in a decade-long analysis of conflict resolution in the Middle East and beyond. The 15 articles by the author and his coauthors contain policy ideas, dilemmas, research, and analysis: dealing with social media and peacemaking as well as with negotiating climate politics; transcending from grappling with Anti-Semitism to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict resolution; and analyzing the negotiations that led to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal as well as Israeli-Arab peacemaking. Featured Contents: Conflict Resolution: Social Media and Peacebuilding: Could Mindsets be Positively Affected? (Gilead Sher and Elias Sturm); Israeli-Palestinian Outlook: The Partition Plan (Gilead Sher); Arab-Israeli Perspective: The Grand Bargain that is the Mideast’s Best Hope (Shai Feldman and Gilead Sher); United StatesIsrael-Iran Context: Diplomacy or Driving a Hard Bargain? Lessons from the Negotiation that Led to the Iran Nuclear Deal (Emily B Landau and Gilead Sher); Reflections on Conflict
Resolution in the Absence of Negotiations:
Peace Without Partners (Ami Ayalon, Orni Petruschka and Gilead Sher); and others. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, lecturers, officials, diplomats, national security experts, and practitioners.