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WSPC-ECNU Series on China - Vol 7
edited by Ruiquan Gao & Guanjun Wu (East China Normal University, China) Studies on Chinese Modern History and Politics collects important research findings of China’s social sciences studies conducted by the academics at East China Normal University (ECNU) in recent years. The book covers topics including the studies of Chen Xulu (a famous Chinese historian), the institutional advantage and governance efficiency in China, latest research on western political science, etc.
Featured Contents: Debord contra Lacan: Two Critical Theorizations of Image in 20thCentury French Thought; Can the Oriental Know Justice? Can the Subaltern Tell Stories?; Liberty and Its Abuse: Isaiah Berlin’s Thesis on Liberty Revisited; Institutional Advantage and Governance Efficiency: On the Essential Features of China’s State Governance System in the New Era; “Reform Apocamnosis” and Its Countermeasures from the Perspective of Social Differentiation; Debates on Public History in Weimar Germany: The “Controversy of Historical Belles-Lettres” in 1928 as a Case Study; Never Gone with the Wind: On Chen Xulu’s Records of Free Thoughts; The “History” and “Thinking” of the Change of Concept: Rereading The Metabolism of Modern Chinese Society Money in the Social Sciences: The Individual, Society, the State and Beyond; and others. Readership: Policymakers, academics, professionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in Chinese literature and art.
300pp Mar 2022 978-981-124-660-9 US$88 £75 SOCIAL CONTEXT, POLICIES, AND CHANGES IN SINGAPORE
Beyond the First 50 Years
edited by Intan Azura Mokhtar & Yaacob Ibrahim (Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore) This book is a collection of essays by thought and advocacy leaders, policymakers, and academics in Singapore who have been and are in positions of influence in shaping social policies, and hence the social context, in the country. These essays are meant to initiate discussion, promote debate and broaden understanding of the social issues at play, the challenges faced, and the trade-offs involved in enhancing social policies, strengthening the social compact, and shaping the social context in Singapore.
Featured Contents: Government and Civil
Society: Social Movements: Civil Societies and Advocacy Groups (Anthea Ong); Education: School Leadership and Teacher Professional Development (Hairon Salleh); Employment and Employability: SkillsFuture and Applied Learning: The Need for Continual Upskilling and Reskilling (Tan Thiam Soon, Chua Kee Chaing, Foo Yong Lim, May Lim Sok Mui, Arthur Poh Heo Tat & Yeo May-Fung); Social and Family Development: Social Welfare Spending, Programmes and Development in Singapore (Walter Theseira); Demographics and Social Spending: Financing Social Spending (Randolph Tan Gee Kwang);
Healthcare and Healthcare Financing:
Innovations in Healthcare Financing (Phua Kai Hong); Urban Planning and the Environment: Housing, Urbanisation and Gentrification (Intan Azura Mokhtar); Disruptions, New Technologies and Smart Nation: New Technologies (Inderjit Singh Dhaliwal); and others. Readership: Undergraduates and researchers of sociology, social policy or public policy.