3 minute read



by Terence W Barrett (BSEI, USA)


The aims of the book are: (1) to extend Maxwell theory to non-Abelian group forms; (2) to demonstrate that the foundations of electromagnetism are topological; (3) to show the multi-disciplinary nature of communications; (4) to demonstrate the effectiveness of modulated signals in penetrating media; (5) to demonstrate that geometric (Clifford) algebra is the appropriate algebra describing modulated signals.

The book is important in indicating that the classical theory of electromagnetism, or Maxwell theory, can be developed to address situations and signals of differing symmetry form, and that different topological spaces require that development.

Contents: Preface; Electromagnetic Phenomena Not Explained by Maxwell’s Equations; Sagnac Effect: A Consequence of Conservation of Action Due to Gauge Field Global Conformal Invariance in a Multiply-Joined Topology of Coherent Fields; Topological Approaches to Electromagnetism; Orthogonal Signal Spectrum Overlay (OSSO); Polarization and Axis Modulated Signal Transmission; Geometric (Clifford) Algebras: Transmission Through Disturbed Media and Transient Wave States

Readership: Post graduates and research professionals in the field of electromagnetism or laser.

300pp Apr 2022 978-981-125-329-4 US$118 £95

For more information, visit: www.worldscientific.com

Recommended for Bookshops WORLD OF CHIPS

Roaming Integrated Circuit World

by Shichang Zou (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

The book is Zou Shichang’s introduction of chips and integrated circuits to elementary students. It includes many talks, where Dr. Zou introduces to children common knowledge of chips and integrated circuits and the present situation of China’s chip industry. With the great scientist’s introduction of cutting-edge science and industry, this book is a rare-to-find popular science book for elementary students.

Contents: His Fate is Entwined with the Cause of Science in China; Amazing Chips; Semiconductor: A Kind of Unique Materials; Chip Manufacture Line.

Readership: Students of all levels with interest in physics and applied/technical physics.

136pp May 2022 978-981-120-902-4 US$48 £40





by Nicholas S Manton (University of Cambridge, UK) The book summarises the particle and field theory background, then presents Skyrme field theory together with the mathematics needed to understand it. Many beautiful and surprisingly symmetric Skyrmions are described and illustrated in colour. Quantized Skyrmion motion models the momentum, energy and spin of nuclei, and also their isospin, the quantum number distinguishing protons and neutrons. Skyrmion vibrations also need to be quantized, and the book reviews how the complicated energy spectra of several nuclei, including Carbon-12 and Oxygen-16, are accurately modelled by rotational/vibrational states of Skyrmions. A later chapter explores variants of Skyrme theory, incorporating mesons heavier than pions, and extending the basic theory to include particles like kaons that contain strange quarks. Contents: Introduction; Fields and Particles; Lagrangians and Symmetries; Skyrme Theory; Quantization of Skyrmions; Skyrmions with Higher B – Massless Pions; Rigid-Body Skyrmion Quantization; Skyrmions with Higher B – Massive Pions; Skyrmions with Even B; Skyrmion Deformations and Vibrations; Modelling Oxygen-16; Modelling Calcium-40; Electromagnetic Transition Strengths; Variants of Skyrme Theory; The Sakai – Sugimoto Model. Readership: Academic researchers in mathematical physics, Skyrmions; nuclear theorists; Graduate students studying particle physics, nuclear physics, solitons in quantum field theory, and effective field theory. The book may also interest those working on Magnetic Skyrmions, a development of Skyrme’s topological ideas to condensed matter physics.


The Quantum Physics of Emergent Magnetic Monopoles

by Carlo A Trugenberger (SwissScientific Technologies SA, Switzerland) This book is about the physical effects of such emergent magnetic monopoles. These range from a new mechanism for local, strong pairing of electrons possibly relevant for high-T superconductivity, to the formation of a new quantum phase of matter when monopoles condense. In such a condensate the electric interaction becomes extremely strong, so much so that only extended neutral states survive, with the consequence of an infinite resistance, even at finite temperatures. This state, called a superinsulator, is a dual superconductor and has been experimentally detected in various materials. In a superinsulator the electric interaction becomes analogous to the strong interaction holding quarks together in colour-neutral hadrons. Even more interesting is the case when the condensate carries both magnetic and electric charge. The ensuing state has properties that are strikingly reminiscent of the mysterious pseudogap state of high-T superconductors. Magnetic monopoles might thus have been hiding in plain sight where no one was looking for them for a long time. Featured Contents: Introduction; Gauge Theories and Magnetic Monopoles: A First Encounter with Superinsulators; Gauge Theories in (2+1) Dimensions: The Chern – Simons Term; Lattice Chern – Simons Term; Saddle Points, Topological Excitations and Instantons; Effective Chern – Simons Gauge Theories of Emergent Condensed Matter Systems; and others. Readership: Professorial and graduate student level.

240pp May 2022 978-981-125-095-8 US$88 £75

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