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Recommended for Bookshops DANCING ON THE EDGE OF GREATNESS
Making Leadership Personal
by Sophia Chin (PERSONNA, Singapore) This book is for anyone who dreams of being a rockstar at work. We’re standing at the edge of greatness, as an individual, a team, and an organisation. Universal access to knowledge and technology is empowering us to be a powerful force for positive change. But why do we feel so powerless? Every day, we are under immense pressure to perform at the top of our game. We can come very close to perfection, but no matter how hard we work, we don’t get there. Instead, we end up stressed and burnt out. Somehow, somewhere, we got derailed. Where did we lose our edge? And more importantly, how do we get it back? This book will take you on a journey through the corridors of power, the pantheon of the gods and goddesses of the modern world. We dive into the murky depths of the minds of the most powerful individuals in organisations. I hope these incredible stories will not only engage your mind but inspire your corner-office lust when you realise that you, in fact, every one of us, are born to lead. It’s what we’re here to do. Greatness is within our reach, but we must step towards the edge. To dance between greatness and adversity; success and failure; pleasure and misery; hope and despair. To dance on the edge of greatness. Readership: For anyone who dreams of becoming a CEO regardless of age, job function, seniority or industry.
260pp May 2022 978-981-125-120-7 US$58 £50 978-981-125-193-1(pbk) US$28 £25
Series on Technology Management
by Frank M Hull (University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA & Strategy Research Institute, New York, USA) This book quantifies best practices for developing innovative products cost-effectively. Analyses of dozens of studies show how managing the work of people collaborating in parallel creates products faster, cheaper, and better in any organization. Concurrent systems deploy four kinds of practice simultaneously to synergistically achieve high performance: Strategy, Process, Organization, and Tools/Technologies (SPOT).
Featured Contents: Concurrent Value Develop-
ment and Supporting Evidence: Concurrent Product Development for Cost-Effective InnovationDevelopment System Operations:
Organization, Process, and Tools & Technolo-
gies: Organization; Process; Tools/Technologies; Strategy for Guidance of Operations and Competitive Innovation: Strategies for Driving Product Development Operations; Transfor-
mation from Serial to Concurrent Development
Systems: Concurrent Development Transformation at Varian Semiconductor; Generat-
ing and Commercializing Ideas in R&D Lab
Organizations: R&D Case Studies; Interfaces Between R&D, Manufacturing, and Service: The Research-Product-Process-Service Feedback Cycle; Leadership of Project Teams and Championing Enterprise Transformation: Concurrent Project Leadership; and others. Readership: Executives, development managers, human relations managers, and quality managers and academicians.