2 minute read
Series on Technology Management
A Systems Approach and the ISO Standard
edited by Joanne Hyland (rInnovation Group, USA & Standards Council of Canada (SCC), Canada), Magnus Karlsson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden & Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Sweden & Swedish Institute for Standards (SIS), Sweden), Ingrid Kihlander (Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Sweden & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden & Swedish Institute for Standards (SIS), Sweden), John Bessant (University of Exeter, UK), Mats Magnusson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden & LUISS Business School, Italy) & Jimmi Kristiansen (Aalborg University Business School, Denmark & rInnovation Group, Europe & Danish Standards Foundation, Denmark) This book focuses on the new ISO Innovation Management System (IMS) Standard and the links with ISPIM’s Body of Knowledge (BoK) special interest group, the ISO innovation management community, and the International Collaboration Platform for Innovation Management Systems (ICP4IMS). Featured Contents: Perspectives: The Standard for Innovation Management (Joanne Hyland and Magnus Karlsson); Implementing an
Innovation Management System: Around
the World Case Studies: Airbus: Foster Innovation Culture in Practice within a Large International Corporation — Case of Airbus Defence and Space Division (Alice de Casanove, Elodie Ponchel, Jean-François Barrand and Yannick Marin); Reflections: Common Themes and Success Factors (Joanne Hyland, Magnus Karlsson, and Jimmi Normann Kristiansen); and others. Readership: Managers, practitioners, academics or researchers.
300pp Apr 2022 978-1-80061-209-9 US$98 £80
Series on Innovation and Knowledge Management
edited by Serdar S Durmusoglu (China Jiliang University, China) China is the largest emerging market economy and the second largest economy in the world which makes the experiences of Chinese firms and firms in China crucial. In essence, this book focuses on providing conceptual as well as in-depth case or empirical studies on the challenges faced and lessons learned regarding the ‘management of Innovation, knowledge management and branding’ by Chinese firms in the global arena as well as Western firms in China, while they manage their product innovations and branding efforts. Contents: Chinese Innovation and Branding Leaps: Introduction; ICT Adoption and Product Innovation of Chinese Firm: A Perspective on Intra-and Inter-firm Operations; OpenSource Software Platform Innovation in China: Past, Present, and the Future; Localization in Business-to-Consumer Cross-border Online Marketplaces: How AliExpress Turkey Enables Its Sellers’ Brands and Manages Their Experiences; Hierarchical Branding Strategy for New Product Launches: Evidence from China; Corporate Branding Strategy for New Companies in China: Lessons Learned from GoGoVan and LaLaMove; Using Neuro-linguistic Programming to Build the Foundation of Brands: A Guide for Chinese Firms. Readership: Academics and scholars in Marketing, Management, Business, Branding in Asia, Innovation, New Product Development; New and experienced professionals and executives in product development, innovation, branding, building long-lasting brands or protecting existing brand equity.