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edited by Toshiaki Adachi (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan) & Hideya Hashimoto (Meijo University, Japan) This volume presents recent developments in geometric structures on Riemannian manifolds and their discretization. With chapters written by recognized experts, these discussions focus on contact structures, Kähler structures, fiber bundle structures and Einstein metrics. It also contains works on the geometric approach on coding theory. For researchers and students, this volume forms an invaluable source to learn about these subjects that are not only in the field of differential geometry but also in other wide related areas. It promotes and deepens the study of geometric structures. Featured Contents: Magnetic Curves in QuasiSasakian Manifolds of Product Type (Marian Ioan MUNTEANU and Ana Irina NISTOR); Motion of Charged Particles in a Compact Homogeneous Sasakian Manifold (Osamu IKAWA); A Note on Legendre Trajectories on Sasakian Space Forms (Qingsong SHI and Toshiaki ADACHI); Non Naturally Reductive Einstein Metrics on the Symplectic Group via Quaternionic Flag Manifolds (Andreas ARVANITOYEORGOS and Yusuke SAKANE); A Lie Theoretic Interpretation of Realizations of Some Contact Metric Manifolds (Takahiro HASHINAGA, Akira KUBO, Yuichiro TAKETOMI and Hiroshi TAMARU); and others. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in the fields of differential geometry and discrete mathematics.
260pp May 2022 978-981-124-809-2 US$88 £75 A ROYAL ROAD TO TOPOLOGY
Convergence of Filters
by Szymon Dolecki (Mathematical Institute of Burgundy, France) Topological spaces are a special case of convergence spaces. This textbook introduces topology within a broader context of convergence theory. The title alludes to advantages of the present approach, which is more gratifying than many traditional ones: you travel more comfortably through mathematical landscapes and you see more. The book is addressed both to those who wish to learn topology and to those who, being already knowledgeable about topology, are curious to review it from a different perspective, which goes well beyond the traditional knowledge. Contents: Introduction; Preliminaries; From Convergence of Sequences to the Concept of Filter; Convergence of Filters; Continuity; Families of Sets; Sequentially Founded Convergences; Pretopologies; Topologies; Functional Study of Topologies; Functional Partitions and Metrization; Adherences and Covers; Compact Topologies; Connected and Disconnected Topologies; Extensions and Compactifications; NonPretopological Convergences; Structural Aspects; Fundamental Classes; Diagonality and Regularity; Compactness; Mixed Properties; Implementations and Refinements; Completeness; Spaces of Maps; Duality Theory; Modified Duality; Outline of Principles; Bibliography; Nomenclature; Index. Readership: Graduate students of mathematics, Academia (topology, analysis).