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CRITTER POSES THREAT TO ASH TREES The emerald ash borer has been found in the United Counties Serving Kemptville, Merrickville, Winchester, Osgoode and surrounding area
LEGACY ENDS Sears in its downtown Kemptville location is closing its doors on Sept. 1 after 45 years. 2
Volume 155 Issue No. 32
Running for Terry’s team
12 Thursday, August 19, 2010
David Gordon, a well-known resident in the volunteer community, is running for North Grenville mayor. 3
PATHWAY DEBATE An Osgoode resident of 20 years hopes the verdict isn’t in yet for a multi-use pathway near her home. 6
K. Wallace Photo/ Advance Staff
Nine year-old Josh McKenney, of Oxford Mills, will be on Terry’s Team in this year’s Terry Fox run held at Riverside Park. Participants on Terry’s Team are reserved for those who have survived cancer and symbolize hope. However his mother remembers the relief of finding out her son’s type of cancer was treatable. “When the doctors said it was Hodgkin’s, I had no idea what that was. That was the hardest,” she said. “I was thinking caskets and pallbearers.” Although the experience wasn’t as bad as Fiona thought, it reminded her how lucky she was that it wasn’t a worse form of cancer. “His hair fell out, but he was the healthiest looking cancer kid ever in the grand scheme of things,” she said. However, she added, it was difficult for her
and Josh when people would stare at him after he lost his hair. So to take the attention away from her son, Fiona shaved her head complete with a green Mohawk. “When people see the bald-headed grown woman, they stop staring at the little bald kid,” she said. While Josh was in recovery, Fiona created a patch with Josh’s face on it and sewed it on the back of her jacket. Along with the picture of Josh, Fiona also sewed in the words, “chemo took my son’s hair but didn’t take his smile. I shaved off my hair to keep the smile there.”
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Josh McKenney was only five years-old when he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. While his form of cancer was one of the most curable types, it wasn’t always that easily treatable. “He told me that 20 years ago, if no one raised money for cancer, he would be dead,” said his mother, Fiona McKenney. “His cancer was incurable 20 years ago.” Today, Josh is a typical nine year-old from Oxford Mills who enjoys video games, swimming and bouncing on his trampoline. But he’s also taking his love for running and giving back to others who are suffering with cancer. Josh will be on Terry’s Team at this year’s Terry Fox Run held at Riverside Park on Sept. 19. “I read a book about when Terry Fox was trying to run across Canada,” he said. “I was pretty amazed.” The spot on Terry’s Team is reserved for those who have survived cancer. According to the Terry Fox Run website, participants on Terry’s Team are symbols of hope and a reminder of the legacy Terry left behind. Josh doesn’t remember a lot of things from his treatment, except for the hospital food at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. “I ate bacon, ham and sausage – but definitely not eggs,” he said. “They were basically a scoop of margarine. That’s what it tasted like.” He also remembers a couple of other children he met in the hospital – particularly a roommate who had the same type of bone cancer as Terry Fox and had his leg removed. “I had my neck sewed up, but I don’t remember anything else really,” Josh said.
Kemptville Sears outlet moves to County Road 43
Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
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Some have said that 70 percent of family businesses, as a rule, will not make it through to the next generation. Changing times, challenging circumstance and the never ending search for a better bottom line has forced many small businesses and family businesses to find a different way to survive. In Kemptville, loyal Sears catalogue customers have been able to enjoy the services of the local Sears outlet for the past 45 years. Beginning with Pauline and Gord Windsor, in 1965, three generations of that family have maintained the Sears outlet in Kemptville. The outlet is located on Water Street right across from the Kemptville Courthouse. Sears has decided to move their outlet up to the Kemptville Mall ending nearly half a century of service in downtown Kemptville. Vickie followed in her mother’s footsteps in taking over the successful franchise operation. Her mother, Pauline ran the shop providing the kind of customer service that could
J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff
The Sears outlet on Water Street in Kemptville is moving after 45 years of business. In this photo long time customer Marilyn Holmes chats with Vicki Telford centre and Laura Bolton employee. The outlet will be re-located at the Kemptville Mall at Box Office Entertainment on September 1, 2010. only be found in a small town environment where how you felt about making a purchase was as important as the price you paid. Vicki has continued the family tradition of offering her customers great customer services, quality products and efficient service. Her husband, Kevin Telford would help with deliveries along with their children Brandon and Shaylin. The
children became the third generation in the family to work at the outlet. Kevin can remember keeping the outlet as current as possible. “Over the years extensive repairs and improvements to the building have continued to be made, respecting the heritage that makes the Kemptville downtown core such a pride to the community,� he said.
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AUGUST 26 2010
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Marilyn Holmes has been a customer at the outlet for the past 33 years. “I have known them for so long,� said Marilyn who has stopped by to chat. Marilyn agrees that good customer service is what has set this particular Sears outlet apart from all others. “In the beginning,� remembers Vicki, “it was strictly catalogues at that time.� These days are very different from the distant past. The outlet is home to new appliances and a never ending stream of customers dropping by to pick up their ordered items. Kevin gets to deliver the bigger ones while packages that can be carried are simply picked up at the front counter. Greeting people by their names as they come through the door to pick up their order, Vicki busies herself with chatting with them while she processes their order. She can remember coming into the store when she was a little girl and helping out her mother by taking orders over the phone. She can also remember being able to match all of those phone numbers with the names of the people who would come in the store. The reason for the move was simple. Sears wanted their outlet to have more room. “No matter what, we were moving,� she said. Despite feeling disappointed that Sears could not give them more time to find a new location and chose instead to relocate the outlet at the Kemptville Mall at the Box Office Entertainment store, Vicki says the business will continue. Sears has asked her to move with the outlet and bring all of that family business and customer service experience with her. While the aspect of half century of family business may be coming to an end, the business of helping people have a good shopping experience has not. Kevin said that while the outlet is moving and the family is no longer looking after it as before, he is confident that the relationships between customers and the family will continue, just in a different location. “I want to thank the people of Kemptville,� he said, “for their patronage and continued support over our last 45 years of service.� The ending of an era is admittedly a sad moment for Kevin, Vicki, Shaylin and Brandon but the legacy their family leaves behind is one they are proud of.
Long-time resident runs for mayor
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that might arise from a growing community, but said the kind of public consultation and open government he wants would help solve some problems. “You have to keep people in the loop,” Gordon said. His volunteerism stretches from his work with the Kemptville Kinsmen Club to being the founding member of The Kin Winter and Family Fun Day. In between, Gordon has helped maintain the Kemptville Creek skating rink for almost 20 years, helped with the annual Kemptville Christmas/Santa Claus parade and also volunteered with health organizations including the MS Society and Cancer Society. This
UPCOMING MEETINGS REGULAR COUNCIL Monday, September 13 th at 6:30 pm in the Council Cham bers, North Grenville Municipal Centre. COM M ITTEE OF THE W HOLE COUNCIL Tuesday, September 7 th at 6:30 pm in the Com m ittee Room , North Grenville Municipal Centre.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Planning & Developm ent Departm ent requires a Building Inspector and a Building & Planning Clerk. Additional in fo rm atio n is a va ila b le a t w w w .n o rthgrenville.c a/ em ploym ent.cfm or contact Heather Render, Deputy Clerk at 613-258-9569 Ext. 109 or
MUNICIPAL ELECTION PERSONNEL REQUIRED In preparation for the upcom ing Municipal Election on October 25th , we are accepting applications for Election Day personnel. W ith internet/telephone voting this year, there will be one poll location on Election Day at the Municipal Centre to vote using paper ballots. All positions require excellent analytical and personal skills as well as strong com puter skills for DRO positions. To subm it your application or for further inform ation, please contact Heather Render, Deputy Clerk at or 613-258-9669 Ext. 109.
GARAGE SALES Garage Sales in North Grenville are regulated by By-Law 1003. No licence or fee is required, but there are regulations which you m ust follow. Before having a garage sale, please obtain a copy of this by-law from the Adm inistration Office or the Municipal web site.
The Municipality of North Grenville
285 County Rd. 44, Box 130 Kemptville, ON. K0G1J0 Tel. 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building Tel. 613-258-4424 Fax 613-258-1441 Fire Dept. Info 613-258-2438 Fax 613-258-1031 Police Administration Tel. 613-258-3441 Animal Control Tel. 613-862-9002
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For 27 years, David Gordon’s name has been well-known around North Grenville’s volunteer world, policing and politics. Now, his name will also be known in this year’s municipal election as one of North Grenville’s mayoral candidates. “I felt that we needed someone with leadership,” said Gordon, who said one of his major concerns was the debt load in the township. Gordon said he has had experience with debt management through his volunteer work in health and education boards. Gordon is also currently the president of the Leeds and Grenville Federal Conservative Association and vice-president of the Leeds and Grenville Provincial Progressive Conservative Association. He has served as director of the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Health Board. As vice-chair of the Leeds and Grenville Board of Education, Gordon helped in the construction of South Branch Elementary School, purchasing land for the new North Grenville high school and has helped bring French Immersion to the school board. With the municipality in a changing and growing climate, Gordon said one of the things a mayor should not forget is the people. “I believe in an open government. I believe in openness and truthfulness,” he said. He said he’s aware of conflicts
kind of volunteerism reflects what his overall vision is for North Grenville, he said. “I don’t want [North Grenville] to be a Barrhaven,” Gordon said. “The growth has to compliment our existing community, and a lot of people moved here to get away from the big city.” Gordon has been married to his wife Pamela for 38 years – who was also a past Kemptville municipal councillor. In addition to being co-founder of the Kemptville and Area Youth Centre, he is currently a member of the Committee for Affordable Housing in North Grenville. “I believe people should be proud of their community,” he said. For information on Gordon, members of the public are welcome to call him at 613258-4361.
Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
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Kemptville Advance - August 19, 2010
The solution to sign pollution The issue of “sign pollution” has been in the news recently in North Grenville – and for good reason. People are unaware that when they post signs for their garage sale or business on a hydro pole, they need permission from the hydro company that owns the pole. It makes sense. Residents wouldn’t want a stranger posting an advertisement on their property. And then there’s the issue of Old Town Kemptville. The classic-style poles that line the old town are brand spanking new, but are already getting worn and paint-chipped with people posting their signs on them. These signs are creating eyesores, especially where millions of dollars was recently pumped into the old downtown to make it look visually pleasing. But the people who are posting these signs will argue they need to get their message out. Business windows, grocery store bulletin boards and paying to take out ads aren’t good enough. And it won’t be good enough for thousands of new residents who will be moving to North Grenville. They, too, will be hosting garage sales, losing pets, and leading fundraisers in the community. What the municipality needs to do is come up a solid plan on how to move all this “sign pollution” without slapping people with fines. In Ottawa, signs are prohibited from being posted on poles across the main downtown area. However, the city came up with a solution of erecting “sign-designated” poles around the community. By doing this, residents don’t have to contact the hydro company before posting a sign nor do they have to worry about damaging expensive street light poles and chipping paint. It doesn’t necessarily solve the “visually-pleasing” aspect of the issue – these wide, steel poles are on street corners and dispersed throughout the area. However, it shows a compromise that worked to benefit everyone. People get their message out, and municipal staff and council don’t need to worry about pole damage. In order to prepare for this expected increase in population, North Grenville needs to start worrying about the finer details like sign pollution.
Editorial Policy The Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at To submit a letter to the editor, please email to , fax to 613-258-0617 or mail to The Advance, 113 Prescott St., P.O. Box 1402, Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0.
Editor in Chief Deb Bodine
Managing Editor Suzanne Landis
Associate Editor Joe Morin
Reporter Kristy Wallace
Serving North Grenville and area since 1855
OPP tip of the week Drinking and driving is a deadly combination. One drink can reduce your ability to concentrate and react to things that happen suddenly while you are driving. The more alcohol in your blood, the more difficulty you have judging distances and reacting to sudden hazards on the road. To make matters even worse, your vision may become blurred. Also, any drug that changes your mood, or the way you see and feel, will affect the way you drive. This is not only true for illegal drugs. There are prescription drugs and some over-thecounter drugs that can also impair your driving ability. Remember, fatigue and stress will also affect your ability to drive. For more information on this topic please go to www.mto.
Why I love the library
I was raised by a single mother in a low income neighbourhood. We did not own a car until I was seven years old and there were no libraries within walking distance of my home. I looked forward to grocery shopping every week. I would leave my mother at the main entrance and run over to the cereal aisle. There, I would go straight to a basket filled with books. I would sit on the floor and read as many books as I could. My mother bought me some books which included 45 rpm records. I would follow along and let my imagination run free. During the summer months I would spend some time at my grand parents’ home. They lived in the country. Their home had a screened-in porch at the back. There was a small bookshelf there with decades of Farmer’s Almanac and a few cookbooks. There were four children’s books; one for each season. I would spend hours reading the same four books over and over again. When I was in grade one, we would spend some time at the library every
Advertising Manager Terry Tyo
Advertising sales Drew Headrick
113 Prescott St., P.O. Box 1402 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
week. The bottom shelf held books for first graders. It contained a series of books titled; Martine. I loved those books. They described a wealthy young girl who travelled with her family. I lived vicariously through her and really loved the title because I idolized my cousin whose name was Martine. When my mother was able to purchase a car, we drove to the closest library located in Vanier on White Fathers Street. I could pick any topic of interest to me and find a book that would teach me about it and answer my questions. To this day, I always need a book to read and I often read a few books at a time. Having my two beautiful daughters has raised my appreciation of books to a new level. Knowledge is power. Each time they recognize a letter or count along with me I know they are learning. When we read about feelings and they are able to say; “That hurt my feelings” instead of hitting or having a tantrum I am grateful to books. Books are powerful. I get ideas for my art therapy workshops
Vice-President & Regional Publisher Chris McWebb Regional General Manager John Willems Director of Classifieds & Community Relations Advertising sales Terrilynne Crozier Jennifer Hindorff
Telephone: 613-258-3451 Fax: 613-258-0617
Lori Sommerdyk, District Service Rep, Kemptville Advance 613-221-6246 • 1-877-298-8288 missed delivery •
from books, I use books in my child yoga classes and I have published two stories because I recognize the potential for books to heal, empower and inspire. On May 30th 2010, my husband and I took our two daughters; Molly (age 4) and Stella (age 22 months) to the Dandelion Festival. Molly had her face painted, Stella got a balloon animal and they both spent a good deal of time at the petting zoo. We made our way over to the Mad Hatter workshop. It was coming to an end but the volunteers found a hat and a seat for Molly. They brought ribbon and decorations so she could get to work designing her own top hat. I walked around the Room-to-Read fundraising office (125 Prescott Street) and noticed an architectural drawing of the proposed North Grenville Public Library. There was such a buzz in the room. I would not be where I am today without access to free books through the library. Anne Walsh Kemptville
DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES - DISPLAY ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING is Monday 9 a.m. Call 613-258-3451 (local) or 1-877-298-8288. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its employees or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All photographs and advertisements created by The Advance staff are the property of The Advance and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Please call or stop by the Kemptville office for Canadian, foreign and US rates.
Member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association & the Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Also a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations
5 Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
AUCTION SALE Saturday, August 28, 2010 10:00 a.m. Selling at NORTH GRENVILLE MUNICIPAL CENTRE 285 County Road 44 – Kemptville, ON All remaining household furniture; bikes; exercise equipment not sold at liquidation sale Plus many more new items
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held to celebrate the completion of McCordick Road’s upgrades. The project was finished on time, on budget, and will provide a route between Kemptville and Kanata. This was part of the Economic Action Plan and involved removal and replacement of some culverts, granular upgrade, the application of a double surface treatment, and slurry seal. There were also some earthworks to improve the line-of-sight at one location. The cost was $620,000 which is under budget, and the total time to repair the road was about three months. Cutting the ribbon from left to right are Trevor Griese, City of Ottawa roads department, Glenn Brooks, City of Ottawa councillor, Pierre Poilievre, Member of Parliament for Nepean-Carleton and Glenn Hayes, City of Ottawa roads department.
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Osgoode resident hopes final verdict isn’t in yet November, allowing for pedestrians to use the pathway by the spring. Crushed limestone will be the surface of choice on the trail – which stretches from Buckles Street in Osgoode to Leitrim Road in Riverside South near the airport. The crushed limestone is tough on walkers, but allows for optimum conditions for motorized vehicles, who continue to use the trail. Thompson’s mid-year report last July stated the pathway would be paved, but the 2009 final report stated otherwise. He later said that the $1.4 million covered the costs of gates and consultants that had to be included in the project. Therefore the pathway simply could not be paved due to costs. Public consultation meetings at Osgoode Community Centre on Feb. 25 and at Greely Community Centre on March 4 resulted in a steering committee being formed to determine the best course of action for the pathway. While Thompson maintains the steering committee members were all volunteers who came forward after the two public meetings, Wallace-Graner – who sat on the committee – didn’t think the membership was a fair reflection of the all the concerned parties. “His bias towards snowmobiles was evident and the findings from the committee were predictable,” Wallace-Graner
said, adding that she asked for mediation from the committee during subsequent meetings but was denied. Karen Wallace-Graner walks into her At city council on May 12, it was anquaint backyard of her Regburn Drive nounced by Thompson that snowmobilhome in Osgoode and stops to listen. The ers would be permitted to use the pathambiance of the rushing water from the way thanks to pre-standing agreement Rideau River and the soft breeze bristling with the city. through the countless trees fills the air. That non-exclusive licence of occupaAnd, of course, there’s the pleasant tion agreement was issued by the city’s chatter of the birds chirping. real estate officer Paul Kerluke for the “It used to be that the loudest sounds 2008-09 season and came shortly after the came from the birds,” said Wallace-Gracity purchased the abandoned rail bed ner, who has lived in the house since 1990 from Canadian Pacific three years ago. with her husband Paul Graner. Thompson said the deal came about She’s well aware that is no longer the because snowmobilers had been forced to case. The edge of Wallace-Graner’s propcross the Rideau River in the past, someerty sits not even 30 metres from the soontimes leading to catastrophic accidents. to-be reconstructed multi-use pathway. The various clubs – most specifically the While the part of the pathway behind Osgoode Carleton Snowmobile Trail Club Wallace-Graner’s fence remains mostly – have brushed back the trail and spent untamed and is about half the width of upwards of $80,000 doing so over the last 3.5 metres the trail will be when comtwo winters. Going forward the city will pleted, that doesn’t mean people are staybe responsible for maintaining the trail ing off of it. Repairs are set to begin on except for during the winter – December the 21-kilometre pathway this month. All to the beginning of March – when the three levels of government are splitting snowmobilers will use and care for it. the cost of the project, and since the $1.4ATV riders will not be permitted to use million price tag includes federal fundthe path, but that hasn’t stopped them ing, the project must be completed by from using it now. March 2011. Osgoode Coun. Doug Thomp“It’s becoming a bad nightmare for us son expects the project to be finished by because of the noise and fumes,” Wallace-Graner said, adding police and snowmobile clubs have a tough task to control what goes on. Thompson said gates will be erected between the pathway’s most contentious stretch – a 500metre stretch between Osgoode Main and Buckles streets – which is aimed to prevent dirt bikes from getting on the field. In total there will be 21 gates. The Osgoode councillor admits things cannot continue as they are now. Sunday was North Grenville Night at Rideau Carleton Raceway and many residents, business owners and staff, came “There’s ATVs and out for an entertaining evening of excellent food and harness racing. Left: Selling tickets for the Kemptville District dirt bike roaming up Hospital Foundation's 50th Anniversary Celebration Draw for a $10 000.00 cash prize. Tickets are still available so get there right now,” he said. yours soon - the draw is being held on September 15th. Right: (left to right) Jennifer Hindorff (The Advance), Jennifer “It’s sort of like a lawless Droeske (RBC), Judy and Jim Beverage (B&H Your Community Grocer) enjoy a relaxing evening out at the racetrack. territory.” This is an annual event that has been celebrated at Rideau Carleton Raceway since the early 1990's when it was formerly Steering committee Kemptville Night at the races. 409227-33-10 member and Nation Val406784-33-10
CHURCH LISTING St. James Anglican. Clothier St. W. Sunday service, 8am and 10am. Sunday School at 10am service. Reverend Canon Peggy Hudson. Kemptville Pentecostal Church. 1964 County Road 43 - Kemptville. Sunday services: 10:00am and 6:30pm. Sunday School during service. Reverend Steven Kohls. Free Methodist. North Grenville Community Church (2659 Concession). 10:30 a.m Sunday Service 613-258-4815. Senior Pastor Reverend Daniel C. Massey. Wesleyan Southgate Community Church. 1303 French Settlement Road Kemptville. 10:30 a.m Sunday Service. Reverend Ben Last.
The Anglican Parish of Oxford. “A BIG Country Welcome” • St. Andrew’s - Garretton • St. Peter’s - North Augusta • St. Anne’s - Oxford Station. The Reverand Matthew Kydd, 613-345-2022. South Gower Baptist Church. 447 South Gower Drive - 258-9570. Service: Sunday evening 7:30pm.
St. Andrew’s United Church, 256 South Gower Drive - Heckston. 11:00 am Service. Reverend Blair Paterson & Reverend Victoria Fillier. St. John’s United Church. 400 Prescott St. 10:00 a.m. service. Reverend Lynda Harrison.
Roman Catholic. Holy Cross Church (505 Clothier St. W). Mass Times: Sat: 5pm, Sun: 9 & 11 am. Children’s Liturgy during 11am Mass. Father Andrew Shim.
Kemptville Christian Reformed Church. (2455 County Rd. 18/ Clothier St. W) 10:00 a.m and 6:30 p.m Sunday Services. Children’s Worship during morning service, Sunday School following a.m service. Reverend Benjamin Ponsen.
Presbyterian. Kemptville & Mountain Pastoral Charge. Rev. Samer Kandalaft. St. Paul’s Kemptville 10:45am. Sunday Service - Church School - Nursery. Knox Mountain Service - 9:15am.
Bethesda Chapel at the Baptist Church, 477 South Gower Drive, Kemptville. Sunday service 9am. Worship Leader: Debbie Gallagher. Teaching Elder: Bob Jones. 7745170.
This Community listing is brought to you by the Advance and these community minded sponsors. If you would like to sponsor this listing, call Drew or Jennifer.
Bishop's Oxford Pastoral Charge. Service at 10:00 am, August 8 at Oxford Mills United Church, August 15 at St. Andrew’s United Church, Bishop’s Mills, August 29 at Oxford Mills United Church.
Daniel Nugent-Bowman
Osgoode resident Karen Wallace-Graner kneels by the stretch of the soon-to-be reconstructed multi-use pathway. ley ATV club president Theo Janssen agrees that four-wheelers should not be allowed on the contentious stretch of the trail right now. The Winchester-based club leader believes snowmobilers in the area are better organized and have a better relationship with the city. “We’re hoping to maybe gain access to some different areas,” Janssen said. “We’re hoping with that and the trails that we’re developing in this area (Winchester), it’ll be good enough proof that we’re there to help.” The ATVers debate will reopen in 2013, when the limestone surface has time to settle properly. A transportation plan review will begin in November once pathway construction is complete. Even though he can’t say unequivocally that snowmobilers will be allowed to use the path because the review has yet to occur, Thompson believes he is making a safe assumption in saying they’ll be on the trails going forward. In fact, their agreement is in place for the 2010-11 season. Thompson expects a plan to be put in place by January that will be determine what should be allowed on rural pathways going forward. “No one would envision riding a snowmobile down along the canal or a bike path in urban Nepean or Barrhaven,” Thompson said, “but in the rural areas, it’s a little different.” Wallace-Graner doesn’t think there should be a difference based on how the city’s official plan defines as a pathway right now. See Pathway page 18.
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BY DIANA FISHER After about two-and-ahalf months, the time had come to send our chickens for processing (aka holiday with no return). So at 5:30 one weekday morning, we headed out to the
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School begins on September 7th. Any help would be greatly appreciated by The Salvation Army and those in need! This ad sponsored in part by The Advance. 409217
The Accidental Farmwife
barn in the early morn- firmly pushed them into “thank you” for feeding fore he left. I didn’t want air and running room. ing mist. The Farmer got place, making room for us. Well, not every one of him driving through Tim Turkeys get bored: if you into the pen with the little three or four more. Once them – but I do make eye Horton’s with that load of leave your stuff – like pecking beasties, while I I had them in the cage, I contact with at least one chickens. jackknives and hammers struggled to stack the plas- put my palm on their soft before they leave. With a vacancy in the – lying around, they play tic cages that would hold sides to calm them. I don’t feel like I helped chicken house, the turkeys with them. seven birds each. In my I like to think I send my much but the Farmer says were upgraded from their They are particularly own defense, they were animals off to market or to I did. He had given him- cramped digs in the coop. fond of shiny objects. So big cages and heavier than processing with a peaceful self ninety minutes for They seemed to like their things are never where they looked. state of mind. the loading job and we new home as it was much you left them. The Farmer herded the And I always try to look were done in sixty. Time more open to the outside, chickens into a corner, them in the eye to say for coffee together be- giving them more fresh Chickens See Page 8 grabbed three or four of them by the legs, and brought them flapping and squawking to me. My job was to open the cages and direct their heads into the As in years past, The Salvation Army in Kemptville would like to provide back packs and school supplies for families in corners. If you get need in our community. If you are able to help with this effort, either by purchasing school supplies or by making a the chicken’s head financial donation designated to purchase these items, please drop them off at our Thrift Store at 2 Oxford Street West. into the corner, he stops fussing, I’m We specifically need: told. But they kept trying to wriggle out Secondary School: Elementary School: of my grip and peck me as I gently yet scientific calculator crayons
Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
The Accidental Farmwife: Chasing Chickens
Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
If you have a story to share, contact Kristy Wallace 613) 258-3451 ext. 204
Ontario Shake N’ Tile, Ontario’s most trusted metal roofing specialist is looking for homes in your area that need a new roof and never want to roof again. We offer the beauty and elegance of a natural wood shake roof with the durability and unmatched performance of metal. It comes with a lifetime, transferable Warranty against: wind, rain, snow, moss, hail and tree resin. This beautiful roof is being introduced to your local market now. If you participate in our Display Home Program, we will reduce our already competitive pricing and make it worth your while to investigate the many benefits of our roof. You must book your job within 10 days of this advertisement.
Turkeys on the loose Chickens From Page 7 I much prefer the turkeys to the chickens, because they don’t peck, they are curiously entertaining with their synchronized gobbles and they are always happy to see me. They run over warbling to my side of the room when I hang my leg over the half wall and drop into their pen. We are getting to know our neighbours very well and vice versa, whether they like it or not. One day Julie showed up at the door and announced that one of her little dogs had the turkeys “hostage”. I thought that odd, because our turkeys were in a pen. “No, they’re not,” she said. Sure enough, the turkeys were running around the barnyard in one big feathered wave, from corner to corner – but they couldn’t
cross over to the open field because a fluffy little dog that looked like he would fit in a latte cup was doing a fine job of herding them. The dog knew the gig was up when he saw the two of us approaching, however, and allowed himself to be picked up and scolded. “Oh, don’t be too hard on him,” I said. “If it wasn’t for him, I would have turkeys all over the field.” I didn’t know how I was going to get them back in their pen, but decided to start by unrolling the wire fence and stretching it across the opening to the pasture. Then I held my arms out and shooed them toward their pen. And they ran in. One by one, directed by my arms. That was easy. I pulled the door shut and examined the damage. Obviously one of our cows had busted in. I wedged a
piece of wood across the door and told the turkeys to stay put. A chorus of garbles replied. Never a dull moment on the farm. I guess the neighbours are quickly learning that the bucolic existence they imagined can sometimes be a little more exciting than living in the suburbs. I’m sure they were quite thrilled to look out their kitchen window Saturday morning to see Bonnie and Clyde (aka Horse and Donkey) munching on their front lawn. So her show dog pooped on my lawn and teased the heck out of my farm dog. As Julie said, I think we’re more than even. To the reader who sent me his old collection of farm magazines, thank you very much! They are literary antiques.
Room to Read Campaign
Low payment, 100% financing available, O.A.C.
The Room to Read Campaign volunteers have been busy stuffing 5,712 envelopes with information about the exciting plans for the new library. The campaign committee will be making a mail drop next week. Robyn Harris, the Room to Read Project manager says that the mailing idea is cost effective for the campaign and is a gentle reminder to everyone that the library wants and needs community support. “We need to reach out to everyone,” she said. Those wanting to make a donation to the library’s building fund can stop by at the Room to Read campaign office at 125 Prescott Street in downtown Kemptville. You can call them at 613-608-3509
KIM SHELDRICK Special to the Advance
On Saturday June 12, in Ottawa, 55 youth members of the Voyageur Council of Scouts Canada were honoured for earning the highest awards in Scouting; the Chief Scout Award, and the Queen’s Venturer Award. These awards were founded by the former Governor General of Canada, Roland Michener in 1973. Thirteen of those youth are from Rideau Area Scouting Groups, represented by 1st Gree-
ly, 1st Manotick, 1st North Gower, 1st Osgoode, and 28th Ottawa. These youth were all honoured for their work in the community, their skills in leadership, environmental stewardship, and personal and outdoor skills development, all of which form a component of the award. As Parents/Scouters/Friends, we are extremely proud of these youth and their commitment to making this world a better place.
Courtesy Photo
More than 50 youth members of the Voyeageur Council of Scouts were given awards in Scouting. The awards were founded by former Governor General of Canada, Roland Michener in 1973. In the photo, front left to right are: Aaron Shore, Justin McLaughlin, Heather Sutcliffe, Alison Jerome, Thomas Gola, Kieran Marks. In the back row are left to right: Byran Simpson, Colin Cumming, Drew Branson, Zachary Staff, Michael Catt, James Pekary, and David Campion-Smith.
Kim Sheldrick writes for the Scouts.
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Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
Youth Earn Highest Scouting Honours
Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
The Census: A voluntary survey might not be the same HOWAIDA SOROUR
we tend to use the data from Statistics Canada to talk to the government about Special to the Advance education and economic development,” Nelson said. The federal government’s decision to Local municipal staff also say they change the mandatory census to a volregularly use census data to entice ecountary survey could affect local organomic development. nizations and governments’ ability to “We use the data to create commuplan for future needs. nity profiles to inform businesses of Statistics gathered from the Canaout market, and to plan recreational dian census every five years, provide facilities among other things, I’m not users with information on the demosure how much of that information graphics of every region in the counwill be lost,” said North Grenville CAO try, including language mix, education Andy Brown, who says he hasn’t had a levels, health, transportation use and chance to examine the issue yet. employment. According to the statistical agency’s In turn, that data is used to plan 2006 website, business and industries services, and programs ranging from use census data to analyze markets for French-language education to healththeir goods and services, plan staffing care, transportation needs and employor select new manufacturing or retail ment training. sites. “The Statscan data is helpful in planThe government’s argument that it’s ning for educational and hospital facilia privacy issue doesn’t hold water, as ties, for community growth, roads – we there has never been a breach of trust use it a lot,” said Bill Gooch, Mayor of in over 150 years of data collection. North Grenville. The second argument that it is unreasonable to threaten the public with jail time for refusing to fill out the census has validity but there are other ways to maintain the mandatory nature of data collection. Wednesday, August 25, 2010 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Statscan says the Thursday, August 26, 2010 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. response rate for the mandatory census in Friday, August 27, 2010 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 2006 was 96.5 per cent. “Most voluntary Saturday, August 28, 2010 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. surveys conducted by Statistics Canada will have response rates in the high 60 per cent to 70 per cent range” said Rideau Auctions Inc. Peter Frayne, head of media relations at Statistics Canada. Selling at NORTH GRENVILLE MUNICIPAL CENTRE Some analysts are 285 County Road 44 – Kemptville, ON predicting response rates as low as 50 per cent given the unusual SUPER DISCOUNTS UP TO 50% OFF length of the National “The hospital that is being built right now wouldn’t have been built without data from the census,” said Colin Goodfellow CEO of Kemptville District Community Hospital. Even smaller communities use the information from the census. “We use census data to determine policing needs, or when designing programs for youth in the community,” said Angie Sels, Treasurer, Merrickville-Wolford. In the past, Statscan has used two census forms, a short eight-question form mailed to 80 per cent of households and a longer 61-question form sent to 20 per cent of households, which includes questions on ethnicity, language, employment, education and health. Rodney Nelson, a lecturer at Carleton University, says the demographic details go a long way to informing policy makers on the needs of communities and minority groups. “I work with aboriginal groups and
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Household Survey (NHS) and the audience it targets. “The concern now is that the response rate may be much lower because the public has been made very aware of the voluntary nature of the survey,” said Craig Alexander, President of Canadian Association for Business Economics. The biggest concern for data users is that there may be a bias built into the responses depending on which groups don’t fill out the survey. “The demographic most likely to respond to the NHS will be those who are comfortable with the Internet because that will be one of the options and who are comfortable in one of Canada’s official languages and most importantly who have time. That is a problem because persons with challenges of income, time (children, multiple jobs etc), age, health, rural areas will be least likely to respond,” said Paul M. Jacobson, vice president Canadian Association for Business Economics. It will also affect the ability of anyone using the data to compare it with previous data – as is often necessary when examining trends over time. “If you make a change to a data series such as this one, you create a break in the series,” said Alexander. Statscan, whose chief statistician resigned over the changes and the governments puzzling attempt to pin the changes on his agency, admits that the NHS data may not be comparable to previous mandatory censuses. “While the data will be useful for many data users, the quality of the information will not be equivalent to a mandatory long-form census, “ said Frayne In the meantime, the new NHS will still attempt to collect much of the same data collected with the mandatory census in the past - to what effect has yet to be determined. Howaida Sorour is a freelance writer for the Advance.
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Look who’s making a difference
The Jazz in the Garden event hosted by June and Peer Norgaard raised $5,000 this summer. Scotiabank matched the funds raised by the event dollar for dollar. The bank presented a cheque for $10,000 to the library. In this photo are, left to right: Robyn Harris, Room to Read project manager, Norma Fisher, honorary chairperson of the Room to Read Campaign, Bill McElrea chairman of the fundraising committee, June Norgaard and Scotiabank Manager Brenda Hill.
K. Wallace Photo/ Advance Staff
Dwayne Corrigan of the Oxford Mills Cubs and Beavers grills up some hamburgers for the North Grenville Scout Group. The barbecue was held at O’Farrell Financial Services.
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Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff
United Counties respond to emerald ash borer threat KRISTY WALLACE
Residents living anywhere within the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville are warned to watch for a type of beetle that is known to kill a large number of ash trees in Ontario and northeastern United States. The Canadian Food Inspection Agen-
cy recently confirmed the presence of the beetle – known as the emerald ash borer – in the United Counties. “One of the key messages we want to get out to the public is that the main way people can slow the spread of thus destructive beetle is by restricting the movement of wood to non-infested areas,” said Geoff McVey, United Counties of Leeds and Grenville forest man-
ager. “This includes ash logs, branches, nursery stock and wood chips, as well as firewood of all species. The main mode of transportation for this beetle is through the movement of wood.” The emerald ash borer is not threatening to human health, but is a very destructive insect feeding on ash trees, not including the mountain ash. See Emerald page 14
Natural Resources Canada photo
This is the beetle known as the emerald ash borer that has killed a large number of ash tress in Ontario, and has now been found within the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.
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Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
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Emerald ash borer threat in Leeds-Grenville
Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
From United page 12
The beetle, which is described as “strikingly beautiful”, emerges from the tree in May and creates a small Dshaped hole. It lays eggs in the bark’s crevices, and when they’re hatched it eats away under the bark, cutting off flows of nutrients to the tree. McVey said those who are particularly at risk would be parks and campground operators where visitors bring their own firewood. “It should be inspected and if you think there is ash wood or if it comes from a quarantined area then the wood should be seized and burned,” he said. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency will establish quarantine
Contact Tracy for assistance with your severances and land use planning projects.
boundaries with input from the United Counties this fall to help control the spread. This means the movement of wood will be restricted to within the boundaries of the quarantine. “Once the ministerial order is established, we will be able to get more facts on how it affects firewood dealers and mill operators,” said McVey. To help control the threat of emerald ash borer, the United Counties are also establishing a task force on Aug. 25 which will help in the communication and public education about the beetle. It may address issues like making recommendations to the Canadian
Food Inspection Agency on quarantine boundaries, taking local ash tree inventories – especially in the urban areas and encouraging land owners not to remove live and unaffected ash trees, to name a few. “Overall we want to preach patience to the public,” said McVey. “In the forest industry we’ve known this was coming. It’s unfortunate, but it’s not a surprise. Don’t panic and cut all of your ash trees because some trees may prove to be tolerant or resistant.” For more information on the emerald ash borer, contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency at 1-866-4636017 or check out: www.inspection.
Bishops Mills hits 170 year mark The Village of Bishop’s Mills is gearing up for the 170th anniversary of the founding of the mills. At the same time, residents of the small village will be celebrating the 125th anniversary of the registration of the village’s plan. The big day is planned for Saturday, Aug. 28 and the fun includes music,
children’s activities for all ages as well as “Made in Bishop’s Mills” displays. There will be a special moment for everyone as an historical plaque will be unveiled at the bridge at 1 p.m.. One of the descendants of the mills founders will be on hand for the plaque presentation. Mr. David Bishop will be there as
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well as representatives of the Ontario Heritage Foundation and North Grenville. At 2 p.m. music will be front and centre as the Bytown Bluegrass band gives a performance along with other local talent. For more information about this special event in Bishop’s Mills please go to
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land that the and is in writing Langlo Doug gift, E was a WALLAC ald’s nephew the transac McDon have . didn’t in writing the board s of pal tion ling legal “In short, After month o Municiconno compelreason to g found the Ontari atic is allowin on the pragm parkland-type Board start w, i- or in on to mainta on this meado structi Heights subdiv r zoning has been private Schola said two come sion. g which ty for 20 years,”memthe The results a hearin the properDenhez, d over the after at weeks place preside the M.C. t that took regardingpiece ber who g in a report. ouse cre hearin is, who brougho courth y three-a Clothier Langlo to the Ontari roughl 539 , the at the issue Board, saidvery this debate of land ipal West. In a Langlois Munic decision was I Street staff t Cynthi Advance . “Whatthat chair’s residen the municipality’s photo/ ointing land ng is K. Wallace fought to re-zone the resi- disapp shocki relatt to find truly planning from attemp space ant d woods the former- import were omitte from open Charlie after said. “It ts to the 2. ed facts eau munici dential n,” she -on-Rid land to the decisio that this landa ds of residen see page Oxford ant is the as t hundre sold this full story Langlo is irrelev identified and y brough pality For the sector. land been music. years on Saturda private that former Mc- has over 30 as a sellh concert food and some Anna to park for argued good was used the Cran- An Ambus the late it lot for land that for owner, gifted the parking feature ision.” the conDonald 11 erg on a ing Hill subdiv nently see page Karl Norenb the berry OMB it be perma the dition er when ng looks into Howev park. for anythi ts of wild- 17 Don Mercer asked judge onal benefi nutriti flowers
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CLEAN, DRY, SEASONED hardwood, mostly maple, cut and split, 2 years old. Free delivery. Kindling avail*HOT TUB (SPA) cov- able. Call today, 613ers - best price, best 489-3705. quality. All shapes and colours. Call 1-866- GERRY BLAIR & SON 585-0056. www.the Firewood - cut, split and delivered. 2723. HOT TUB (spa) cov- MIXED HARDers. Best price, best WOOD, 8’ lengths, quality. All shapes and excellent quality, by colours available. Call the tandem load. 1-866-652-6837. www. We also purchase standing timber and hard or soft pulp JEEP OWNERS: PARTS, wood; also, outdoor ACCESSORIES for furnace wood availJeeps 1942-2010. able. Call 613Huge stock, lower pric- 432-2286. es, fast shipping. Gemini Sales, Burnaby, B.C., 604-294-2623, HORSE SUPPLIES 604-532-9528. Shop & BOARDING online: HORSE, TACK, EQUIPMENT. CONSIGNMENT sale, Galetta Livestock, 1/2 hour west of Kanata, 10 minutes east of Arnprior. Saturday, Aug. 28. Tack 10 a.m., equipment noon, horses 2 p.m. Consign early, call Gail, 613622-1295.
Time changes many things but love & memory ever clings.
A booklet of commemorative verses is available for viewing at our office to help you get through this difficult time.
TRANSPORTATION WANTED From Kemptville, Prescott Street, to Brockville, James Street, and back. September to June, Monday to Friday. Must be in Brockville no later than 8:45 a.m. Leaving Brockville at 3:30 p.m. but no later than 5 p.m. Call 613-794-3551. HUNTING
You may also download a copy at
HUNTER SAFETY CANADIAN FIREARMS COURSE at Carp, Aug. 27, 28, 29. Wenda Cochran, 613256-2409.
HUNTER SAFETY CANADIAN FIREARMS COURSE at Arnprior, Sept. 17, 18, 19; Almonte, Sept. 23, 25 and 26. First night starts 6 p.m. Wenda Cochran, 613-2562409. HUNTER SAFETY Canadian Firearms Course. Courses and exams held throughout the year. Free course if you organize a group, exams available. Wenda Cochran, 613-2562409. PETS
BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG pups, born June 18, vet checked, ready to go. Shawville, 613223-5015. DOG SITTING. Experienced retired breeder providing lots of TLC. My home. Smaller dogs only. References available. $17-$20 daily. Marg, 613-721-1530. DOGGIE DO We care for your pets. Walks, daycare, pet sitting. Your home or ours. Daily or hourly rates. 613-4073117.
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CERTIFIED MASON 10 years’ experience, chimney repair and restoration, cultured stone, parging, repointing. Brick, block and stone. Small/big job specialist. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 613-250-0290.
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EVA’S HOME DAYCARE in Kemptville has spaces available, any age. Great references available, CPR. If interested, please call 613-258-0521 for more details.
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HEISEL, DYLAN August 23, 2009 One year ago since that tragic day The one we loved was called away. God took Dylan and we don’t know why And we never had a chance to say goodbye. His smiling way and pleasant face Are a pleasure to recall. He had a kindly word for each And died dearly loved by all. Someday we hope to meet him Someday, we know not when. To clasp his hand in a better land Never to part again. Sadly missed by Kathy, Charlie, Charlene and Kyle
CARDINAL LEGION. Sunday, Aug. 29; Sunday, Sept. 5, This Old Heart and The Country Comrades, 26 p.m. Supper to follow.
HOW to be more employable? Humber College offers over 150 business courses, diplomas and certificates available part time through continuing education on evenings, weekends and online. Visit business.hum for the chance to win one course free tuition. General info at Busi, 416.675.6622, ext. 4174.
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WE ARE looking for key people to expand our financial services business in this area. Experience not necessary. We will train. For an interview, call Matthew McBain at 613723-1139. ESTABLISHED COMPANY has immediate openings for experienced landscape installers with extensive landscape construction experience to join our team. Permanent full-time positions. Salary based on qualifications and experience. Full benefit package. Our company offers opportunities for personal growth and success in a team environment. Email résumé to jobs@thunder EXPERIENCED excavator required immediately with minimum 5 years’ experience. Must have AZ/DZ licence with clean driver’s abstract and certification. The starting rate is $20/hour. Fax 613-839-7415 or email miki.membranix@
Full-time painter required. At least one year experience in the trade. Please call 613-989-2675. GREENSMERE Pro shop assistant required A.S.A.P., part time until the end of October, for 36-hole golf club. Experience an asset. Send résumés to: Greensmere Golf & Country Club, 1717 Bear Hill Rd., Carp, ON, K0A 1L0, or by fax, 613-839-7773, or e-mail golf@greens Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
COUNTRY STYLE, Hwy. 43, Kemptville. Part-time staff needed for evenings/weekends. Please fax résumé to 613-258-0239 or email crichard@wostin
PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1,000 weekly. Brochures from home. 100% legit! Income is guaranteed! No experience required. Enrol today!
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Saturday, Aug. 21, 2010, #325 SOUTH GOWER DR., KEMPTVILLE, 9 a.m.-5p.m. Tools, furniture, bikes, electronics, toys, household items, new patio STITTSVILLE LEGION cushions, fitness equipHALL, Main Street, every ment. Everything must Wednesday, 6:45 p.m. go. Rain or shine. OSGOODE LEGION Bingo, Main Hall, 3284 Sunstrum St., Osgoode. Every Thursday evening, 6:30 p.m. sharp.
MUST be licensed with OCP. Compounding and long-term care experience an asset. FT/PT. Submit resumes by mail or to
FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS: • 2+ years experience • OBT II, G II, A/C (Asset) • Drivers License ( Clean) EXPECTATIONS: • Service, Maintenance, • New Contruction, Installations • 3 Week ON-CALL rotation must work well in teams & individually OFFERING: • Competitive Wages • Company Vehicle • Great Working Environment
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Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
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Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
Th e
Pathway debate in Osgoode
From Osgoode page 6 Section 4.4 states, that “Multiuse pathways are dedicated offroad facilities for walking, cy-
cling and other modes such as in-line skating.” Wallace-Graner and her husband canvassed the neighbour409208
Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
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hood over two weekends and got 118 people to sign a petition to protest the pathway’s improvements as they currently stand. Their 10 reasons for not allowing any form of motorized vehicles on the pathway and not improving it include invasion of privacy, reduced home values, excess fumes, and heightened noise – sometimes reaching dou-
ble the amount of legal decibels permitted. “We’re here because we want this,” Wallace-Graner said. Thompson agreed that WallaceGraner and the rest of Osgoode’s affected residents should get the privacy they deserve, but wants to continue to give snowmobilers their chance. “We will be instituting bar-
HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY Residents of the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville & the Towns of Prescott and Gananoque can drop off Household Hazardous Waste
FREE OF CHARGE SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 2010 South Leeds Patrol Garage County Rd. # 3 (North of Lansdowne) 8:30 am – 2:00 pm
North Leeds Patrol Garage 331 County Rd. # 29 (South of Toledo) 8:30 am – 2:00 pm
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2010 South Grenville Patrol Garage North Grenville Patrol Garage 2320 County Rd. # 21 720 County Rd. # 44 (East of Spencerville) (South of Kemptville) 8:30 am – 11:30 am 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Electronics, appliances, explosives, PCB’s, radioactive, commercial and/or industrial waste, will not be accepted. Waste from other municipalities including the City of Brockville will not be accepted.
riers to prevent ATVs and dirt bike, which I’m sure are much more annoying and have a much longer time frame to be ripping up and down there than the snowmobiles,” saod Thompson. Thompson believes snowmobiles are actually more of a help than a hindrance. “There’s been very few complaints registered in terms of snowmobilers using that trail during the winter,” he said. The 10 committee members voted in favour of having snowmobiles on the path, with Wallace-Graner being the only one opposed. While she said she’s been called selfish for taking the stance she has, Wallace-Graner believes she’s looking out for other active people like herself. Her husband was not able to run a cross-country ski camp through the Osgoode Youth Association Centre because his insurance wouldn’t cover it. Wallace-Graner hopes she has enough time to make a difference. “We will be delighted to use the pathway, but not if there’s motorized vehicles,” she said. “It’s just too dangerous for us. I don’t begrudge them for doing their sport, but I shouldn’t have to suck it up.”
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Community Calendar WHEN
August 21
Maplewood Hall, Oxford Mills
Euchre and supper at 2 p.m. Sponsored by the Oxford Mills United Church. There will also be another one held on Saturday, Sept. 11. For more information contact Harold Patterson at
August 21
Royal Canadian Legion, Kemptville
2010 “Best Ball” Golf Tournament, Rideau Glen Golf Course. Sign in at 8 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. Shot gun start at 8:30 a.m. Call 613-258-2540 for more information.
August 21
St. John’s United Church, 400 Prescott Street
A farmers market in support of the Canadian FoodGrains Bank from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Come enjoy our locally grown produce, preserves and even a bouquet of flowers. Call 613-258-4526 for more details.
August 22
Riverside Park, Reuben Crescent
The Kemptville Kinsmen Farmers’ Market in Old Town Kemptville, Sundays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. New vendors welcome. For more information please call Colleen Bailey at 613-658-2474 or visit us at
August 23, 25 and 27
North Grenville Muncipal Centre
Kemptville and area walking group meets at 9 a.m. Contact Eva Francoeur at 613-258-4487 for more details.
August 25
Ontario Early Years Centre Baby Talk from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Breastfeeding support is available. - downstairs
August 25
Kemptville Campus, University of Guelph
Passport to a Partylite Adventure. Partylite Canada launches fall/holiday candles, decor and gift selections for 2010. Come, mix and mingle between 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. at Purvis Hall.
August 26, 27 and 28
House of Lazarus
Grand clearance sale - everything $4.99 and under is 25 cents and everything $5 and over is half price in our household goods shop.
August 28
Trinity United Church, Kars
Fall plant sale from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Great selection of hardy mums, grasses, hostas, perennials and house plants.
August 28
Spencerville Library
Used book sale the last Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to noon
August 28 and 29
Merrickville village
Merrickville’s second annual Artisan’s Show and Sale. For more information contact Doug Stroud at 613-850-5446.
August 31
North Gower United Church
Early bird registration for the Eco Friendly Health and Wellness fair taking place October 2. Call 613-489-2097 or 613-489-3885 for more information.
• Windows & Doors • Kitchens & Bathrooms • Flooring • Sunrooms • Basement Renos • Roofing & Siding
Newly renovated 3 bedroom 55 on Acres! house 25 acs, 1/3 bush - balance open, two fenced paddocks - 200x600 & 600x400. 5 stall barn with run-in shelter, 20x30 for hay and machine storage. New roof April 2010, hardwood flooring, windows, & more. MLS# 756714 $325,000.
Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
Phone: 613-258-1990 Toll Free: 1 (866) 447-1990 2705 County Road 43, Kemptville
97 ac working HORSE farm, 38 acs, 20 acs bush, 6 paddocks + sand ring, arena 60 x 120,barn 40x80,shop 32x20, equipment shed 50x30 (09) frontage - 3 fields. Restored / upgraded preserving original integrity, board & batten exterior, porch MLS#753622, $650,000
Call us for a free in-home consultation 989-2367 or 1-800-561-4206
Want to submit an event to appear on this calendar? 10616 Main St. South Mountain
Let us know within 3 weeks of the event by emailing or Available at:
Come in and check it out!
Ultimate Vanity Sale Now O n!
Located in Kemptville beside the Shopper’s Drug Mart in The Community Square
Just J ust Imagine g Windows, Kitchen & Bath
The Best Brands From Around The World
Open Mon to Sat 8am to 9pm Sunday 8am to 8pm
Windows, W Doors, Siding & Eavestroughs 216A Van Buren St., Kemptville
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Hwy 43, Kemptville
Kemptville Mall Highway 43 West, Kemptville
For the best selection in the area call...
Fall Styles Arriving Daily!
Kemptville Advance - AUGUST 19, 2010
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In-stock vanities and accessories on sale now.
Let us renovate your bath or change your windows and doors for as little as 216A Van Buren St., Kemptville
*OAC, based on ten year variable rate (6.49%), amount financed $5,285.00. Rate subject to change without notice.
Financing available.
Free Estimates