Kemptville Advance

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NO MYSTERY Just Kiddin Theatre group in Metcalfe searches for young actors.


Serving Kemptville, Merrickville, Winchester, Osgoode and surrounding area

SEA OF BLUE The new Walmart Superstore opened its doors in Kemptville on Friday, Jan. 28. The store will employ close to 200 employees. 2

Volume 156 Issue No. 5

Thursday, February 3 , 2011

Kitchen next project for youth centre HOWAIDA SOROUR

Special to the Advance

The rush to move forward with clean energy creates opportunity and discussion about which direction to take. 9

SAUCY CHEF CHALLENGE The Beth Donovan Hospice held their 13th annual bowla-thon and dinner featuring a Saucy Chef Challenge. 13

LJ Matheson Photo

Tanner Workman, 10, and Victor Kop are competing in the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Leeds Grenville’s Bowl for Kids on Feb. 27 in Kemptville. The Kemptville residents are a nine-month Big Brother/Little Brother match through the agency and they are showing a toy car they have been working on during their weekend get-togethers.

Offering a helping hand LJ MATHESON

Tanner Workman says it was hard for him to grasp the idea of having a big brother when his mother, Pam, told him. “I didn’t think she was pregnant,” the 10-year-old said with a laugh. “It was really hard to wrap my head

around it. I was, like, wow… that’s so cool. I was really psyched up about it.” Tanner was matched with his big brother Victor Kop last April. Tanner had been processed for a match through the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville since he was eight. “Tanner was on the list for a big brother for almost two years,” said Workman. BIG BROTHERS see page 10

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They were packed and moved by Nov. 1, but they are still not up and running at full speed. The young adults, who call the Kemptville Youth Centre (KYC) their own, are eager to get a kitchen operating at their new location on Oxford Street. “We’re very thankful to the community members that have stepped forward, but we’re still hoping to get into Phase II,” said Stacey Tenbult, KYC executive director. Phase II includes a kitchen, an essential part of the youth centre and central to several of it programs. “It has been difficult to maintain the lunch program. We’ve been serving cold sandwiches and fruit. We’ve been contemplating cancelling until the kitchen is complete, but it is one of our core programs,” said Tenbult. The centre prepares and serves about 75 lunches every week. The kitchen was also the hub of Cooknight – where 20 to 40 youth every week learn how to budget and cook healthy meals – that program is temporarily cancelled. Though the kitchen is the most critical, there’s still flooring, drywall, doors, lighting and trim for the lower level of the centre’s new home. “We’ve completed all the framing inside, and framed wider doors to allow for accessibility,” said Tenbult. The centre hopes to become fully accessible with ramps off the street, a lift inside the building to give access to the two levels and an accessible washroom. “We’re still waiting to hear about accessibility, we’ve applied for funding but still haven’t heard back,” said Teri Devine, KYC board member. The centre sees about 150 youth and expects anywhere between 30 and 60 on a daily basis. YOUTH CENTRE see page 3


Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011



Walmart Supercentre in Kemptville

Value Pack, Fresh




99 /lb.

J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff

$6.59 kg

The Walmart Supercentre opened its doors at Kemptville Colonnade on Friday, Jan. 28. Left to right are: Mark Thornton, incoming North Grenville Chamber of Commerce Chair, DebbieGadbois, North Grenville Coun. Barb Tobin, Coun. Tim Sutton, store manager Jason Salmon, North Grenville Mayor David Gordon, Coun. Ken Finnerty, MPP Steve Clark, Richard Getz, CDI Reality Inc. Brokerage and Christina Trickey.

Value Pack, Fresh





One hour before sunrise on Friday. Jan. 28, the Walmart Supercentre parking lot at Kemptville Colonnade was packed. Finding a place to park a car was as difficult as it is on a sunny summer Saturday afternoon. At 8 a.m. the Supercentre’s doors opened and Walmart staff greeted

99 /lb.

$6.59 kg

ASPARAGUS Product of Mexico, No. 1 Grade



79 /lb.

$3.95 kg





Linda Robinson from the B&H Your Community Grocer with the Hospice Award for Best Spaghetti Sauce. PRICES




FEB 10, 2011



their new customers with enthusiasm and a great big smile. The store held a pre-opening ceremony that began at 7 a.m. Store manager Jason Salmon thanked his staff for getting the new store up and running and ready for its first day of business. He took advantage of the moment to present community donations to the Salvation Army, the North Grenville Public Library, the Food for All

Food Bank and the Kemptville Public School. Each of the groups were given $1,000 while the library received $4,000. The 90,000 sq. foot store has been something many North Grenville residents have been waiting for. Long time Kemptville resident Peter Tsarouhas said, “We have been waiting for this for a long time,” as he and his family headed off to do some early morning shopping. Asked if the existence of a Walmart in the Kemptville area would hurt small business. He said small business will be all right. “Kemptville will be getting bigger now,” he said and added that there would most likely be enough business for everyone as the population grew. The Kemptville Public School Choir was on hand to sing O Canada. Also at the morning opening were MPP Steve Clark and North Grenville Mayor David Gordon. Standing on a makeshift platform with televisions in the background showing pictures of the staff at the store he said, “I hope our relationship will be long and prosperous.” MPP Steve Clark commented that Kemptville is a great place to be. “This is a very exciting day,” he said. As the clock ticked down, store manager Salmon addressed his staff one final time. He said that he was very proud of all the work they had done to get ready for the opening. “You are ambassadors to the community,” he said adding, “it is up to you to make our customers feel at home.” Jonathan Galleta the district manager for Walmart explained how quickly the store had been built. Randy Hutchings the vice president of operations for Walmart said that in 1994 there were only 121 stores in Canada employing 16,000 people. “Now there are 325 stores and 90,000 employees,” he said. Joyce Pal, a greeter at the front of the store commented, “It has been very busy, and customers have been excited.”




REGULAR COUNCIL Monday, February 14 th at 6:30 pm in the Council Cham bers, North Grenville Municipal Centre.

many more local businesses and individuals have contributed materials and expertise. Although they’re still running most of their programs like the lunch program and the RBC After School program there’s still a lot to be done to make the new space fully useable. “We’ve set out the tasks, we now need to plan how these are going to happen,” said Lisa Davies, KYC board president.

COM M ITTEE OF THE W HOLE COUNCIL Monday, February 7th at 6:30 pm in the Com m ittee Room , North Grenville M unicipal Centre. For agenda inform ation, please contact the Clerk’s Office or the Municipal web site.

CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking applications from individuals interested in being an Appointee to the following Com m ittees during the term of Council: • Accessibility Advisory Com m ittee Daytime meetings shall be held quarterly. • Property Standards Comm ittee Meetings shall be held as required. Candidates m ust be 18 years old, a Canadian citizen and a resident of North Grenville. Application form s are available on the Municipal web site at, by contacting the Clerk’s Office at cpom inville@ or at the Adm inistration Office. Please subm it applications by Friday, February 11 th , 2011 to the Adm inistration Office, 285 County Rd. 44 or cpom inville@

Sale of Land for Tax Arrears By Public Tender MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001



TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, February 24, 2011 at Box 130, 285 County Road 44, Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0

Residents are rem inded that in accordance with By-Law 3301, a Burn Perm it is required to conduct open burning on property located outside of the urban area. Burn Perm its for 2011 are available at the Municipal Office or at the Fire Hall at 259 County Rd. 44 for a fee of $15.00. Please contact the Fire Hall at 258-2438 for conditions prior to burning.

The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m. Description of Lands:

The Ontario Heritage Trust is requesting Letters of Interest from licensed caterers, food service and restaurant operators to operate a Tearoom at Fulford Place. Fulford Place is a National Historic Site located at 287 King Street East in Brockville. It is owned and operated by the Ontario Heritage Trust as a museum with event conference and meeting facilities. An operator is required to undertake the set up and operation of a tearoom , opening no later than May 24, 2011, in support of museum activities under a license agreement with the Trust. Letters of Interest are to include company background, all previous experience, current professional references, a marketing strategy and personnel to be assigned. Letters of Interest will be evaluated and selected firms invited for a site meeting. Following this meeting, a detailed proposal must be provided to the Trust. Address Letters of Interest to Pamela Brooks, Site Manager Fulford Place. Fax 613-4981050, e-mail or mail to 287 King Street East Brockville, Ontario, K6V 1E1. Letters must be received no later than Friday March 1, 2011. For information please call 613-489-3003.

Renewal notices have been sent to all currently registered dog owners. If you are not a currently registered dog owner, please contact By-Law Services at 613-258-9569 Ext 119 for further inform ation. The 2011 rate for Dog Licenses is a flat fee of $15 for each dog. For inform ation on Kennel Licenses, please contact By-Law Services.

Roll No. 07.19.716.025.06908 – 900 County Road 18, Oxford Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,920.29 Being Part of Lot 9, Conc. 8, being Part 1 on Plan 15R-6946 Geographic Township of Oxford – PIN 68111-0174 (LT)


Roll No. 07.19.716.040.18501 – Part of Lot 29, Concession 2 as in PR68612 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,077.47 t/w PR68612, Geographic Township of Oxford - PIN 68130-0226 (LT)

Please be advised that parking on Municipal roads is prohibited between 11:00 p.m . and 8:00 a.m . from Novem ber 15th to April 15th . The vehicle m ay be issued a ticket and/or rem oved at the owner’s expense for this infraction or at any tim e a vehicle is parked in a m anner interfering with snow clearing or rem oval operations. Please note that parking in any Municipal owned parking lot is prohibited between 11:00 p.m . and 7:00 a.m . all year round.

Roll No. 07.19.721.015.04508 – Part of Lot 10, Concession 6 being Pt 1 on .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,267.18 15R6839, Geographic Township of South Gower - PIN 68134-0094(LT) Roll No. 07.19.721.015.05700 – Part of Lot 1, Conc. 7 as in PR47797, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,675.71 PR31224 & PR28141 except PR37178, Geographic Township of South Gower PIN 68132-0173 (LT)

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.

The Municipality of North Grenville

285 County Rd. 44, Box 130 Kemptville, ON. K0G1J0 Tel. 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building Tel. 613-258-4424 Fax 613-258-1441 Fire Dept. Info 613-258-2438 Fax 613-258-1031 Police Administration Tel. 613-258-3441 Animal Control Tel. 613-862-9002

Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: Judy Carroll, Deputy Treasurer The Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44, P.O. Box 130 Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0 • 613-258-9569 x 105


Tearoom Operator Required




The Winchester District Memorial Hospital has been hosting public consultations about the direction the hospital will be taking in the future. The hospital’s board of trustees has been an active partner in regional planning. Based on information they have received, the board has developed several scenarios for the WDMH. The next step is to hear more about what members of the community want to see. The hospital has created an online survey at The on-line survey will be on the WDMH website until Feb.11. Residents can also pick up copies of the survey in the front lobby of the hospital.

Minimum Tender Amount

Roll No. 07.19.716.020.12100 – 6 & 8 Water Street, Oxford Mills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,609.81 Being Lots 6 and 8, Plan 4, Geographic Township of Oxford PIN 68117-0175 (LT) - Minimum Tender Amount:


Online survey deadline extended



YOUTH CENTRE from the front All the youth have been thoroughly involved with the entire process of moving, helping with the packing and unpacking and the massive clean up at the new location according to Drew McLean volunteer sustainability coordinator. Meanwhile, community support has been phenomenal, according to both Tenbult and Devine, with businesses like Total Move Management helping to move the centre for free and TruLine electrical services providing complete rewiring and safety lighting. Others like Sauve Heating helped with a new heating and cooling system and

Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011

Youth centre needs help with kitchen construction



Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011


The problem is people...not coyotes Two coyote contests in the Osgoode and West Carleton areas have prompted the Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre to encourage Parliament Hill to take another look at preventative measures. This is the second year that the contests have been held despite the fact that the hunts violate the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act — which states that hunting for gain, or to induce another person to hunt for gain is an offence. The coyote is an apex species — it has adapted well to both rural and urban environments. It performs an important role as a top predator. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources, coyotes breed in February, with the pups born in April or May. Litters usually average five to six pups, but can range from two to 10. Litter size may increase when food is abundant, or the litters may increase in size due to the fact that a contest cull takes a sizeable number of them, thus resulting in compensatory reproduction. Coyotes eat a variety of foods, including meat, carrion, fruits and vegetable matter. In winter, their diet consists mainly of rabbits, hares and deer. In spring, summer and fall, they prey mainly on small mammals, fawns, wild berries, birds, amphibians and grasshoppers. Coyotes

find their way to residential areas where they may come into conflict with pets, disturb garbage, and cause concern for residents. Wild animals have the same basic needs as humans — food, water and shelter. Sometimes, humans and wild creatures come into conflict when animals are trying to meet their basic needs. Often, conflicts can be prevented if we’re willing to make changes to how we think and act. People and wild animals live side by side in Ontario. We all share responsibility for preventing and handling human-wildlife conflicts. If you must take action against wildlife, please consider all your options and follow all relevant laws and regulations. These coyote hunts may pretend to be a legitimate cull, but are more like primitive shoot-’emup Wild West games. They won’t decrease the population of the animals in the long run. Perhaps compensation from the ministry to help pay for preventative measures would help alleviate the issue. Build a fence, hide garbage, prevent urban sprawl and get educated... these are all things the human species can do to see a more natural life cycle return to the coyote population.


Lessons for grown-ups from Story Time After an absence of about, oh, 40 years, I checked in at the library for Story Time the other day. It was pretty good. All the kids thought so. There was a lot about snowflakes. The kids paid attention, behaved, the way kids do when they are really interested in something. And while the little movie had their undivided attention, so did the reading aloud from books, which is encouraging in this day and age. If you needed persuading, you would be persuaded that public libraries are a good thing when you watch dozens of toddlers and their parents wandering in and amusing themselves in a constructive way, and none of it costing them a dime. Before and after Story Time, there was time to hang out in the children’s section, picking over books for them to borrow, keeping an eye out for stories that were too scary (which doesn’t necessarily mean ones with alligators in them), or too earnest, or too long, or too precious, or too much aimed at pleasing grown-ups. Here is another reason to thankful for public libraries. If you know children who like books, you know that they like a lot of books. They may like to go back to the same ones again and again, but

CHARLES GORDON Funny Town they also like new books, many of them, and you would rapidly go broke buying them all. So the library is vital here. To run a children’s program well, a library doesn’t need to be grand. This is not to say that a brand new fancy library in downtown Ottawa wouldn’t be great. It would be and should be. Anyone who has seen how Vancouver’s public library adorns the city’s downtown knows how truly cool, not to mention useful, a library can be. But in building the big downtown library, it would wrong to neglect the suburban branches. Those are the ones that are full of little kids on the days of Story Time. The buildings may be more modest, the facilities less than sumptuous. But they are close to where people live and they get used. They need to be kept open, and perhaps be kept open

more days and more hours than they are now. For one thing, this would give children an opportunity to see librarians in action, and notice what heroes they are. As anyone with children or grandchildren knows, the heroes and heroines of children’s books are usually bears, turtles, monkeys, dinosaurs or trucks, not librarians. On the rare occasion when heroes and heroines are human, they are mostly children, which is fair enough, or fire fighters, which is always good. Sometimes the stars of children’s books are knights who go around slaying dragons, which seems a little violent, not to mention archaic in the Internet age. Nowadays if you wanted to slay a dragon, you’d just pose an unflattering picture (and most dragon pictures are) on its Facebook page. Relevance in children’s literature is what we need. True, farmers get to be in children’s books, which is well-deserved. But we need to see more librarians on those large pages. Sharp-eyed readers may recall that there is indeed an heroic librarian in the book Library Lion, but she mostly takes second-billing to a lion. Books make a big impression on young readers and listeners. That’s why there should be social workers at the Vice-President & Regional Publisher Chris McWebb Regional General Manager John Willems

Editor in Chief Deb Bodine

Managing Editor Suzanne Landis

Associate Editor Joe Morin

Office Administrator Kathy Farrell

Serving North Grenville and area since 1855

Advertising Manager Terry Tyo

113 Prescott St., P.O. Box 1402 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

Advertising sales Drew Headrick

Advertising sales Jennifer Hindorff

Telephone: 613-258-3451 Fax: 613-258-0617

Lori Sommerdyk, District Service Rep, Kemptville Advance 613-221-6246 • 1-877-298-8288 missed delivery •

centre of those books, and missionaries and researchers and statisticians. And writers too. Yes. None of these people slay dragons or find buried treasure or save Christmas, but they lead interesting and useful lives and who’s to say that they don’t deserve to be in picture books. Those of you who are public servants know the kind of quiet heroism the work entails. The trick is to find enticing story lines with words that are not too big. The library needs more public servants in picture books. Also teachers who are not owls.

Editorial Policy The Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at To submit a letter to the editor, please email or fax to 613-258-0716 or mail to: 113 Prescott Street Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0.

DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES - DISPLAY ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING is Monday 9 a.m. Call 613-258-3451 (local) or 1-877-298-8288. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its employees or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All photographs and advertisements created by The Advance staff are the property of The Advance and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Please call or stop by the Kemptville office for Canadian, foreign and US rates.

Director of Classifieds & Community Relations Terrilynne Crozier

Member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association & the Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Also a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations



Let’s go back to the good old days

I am one of those who still mourn the loss of our former Oxford-on-Rideau Township Offices. You would enter the office, and the staff, clerk treasurer, Reeve or perhaps a councillor or two would greet you by your first name and deal with you in a friendly, informal way. Today, we went to our municipal office to pay and receive our burn permit and, as my wife and I always do, get the same permit for our daughter who lives just up the road. Nothing doing. A father cannot be trusted to obtain a simple $15 burn permit for his daughter (still the same family name), because some bureaucrat made such a rule. Is this one of the many ad-

Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011


vantages and benefits that were promised to us when we agreed to the amalgamation back in 1998? Whatever became of our civilized society that a father cannot be trusted to obtain a simple $15 permit for his very own daughter? And who are those bureaucrats (or who do they think they are) to make such rules and regulations that an 84 year-old physically handicapped man has to be turned away for such a simple matter? Oh, for those good old days in Oxford Mills in our old Township of Oxford-on-Rideau. Kar1-F.and Traudie Hafner Beckett Lane

Where does your food come from? It is extremely disappointing that Canadian consumers wanting to support local food are not always served well by Canadian food labels. The members of the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario are very disappointed that the labeling practices of Canadian food processors and retailers don’t always clearly identify where the food was grown and processed. But there are some bright spots. Our fresh fruits and vegetables have excellent mandatory labeling rules that provide Canadians with informed choices when making their purchasing

decisions. We believe that consumers should have that same knowledge for all of their food purchasing decisions. If you care about where your food comes from, you need to ask yourself if current labeling practices really give you enough information about where your food comes from. If you find the answer as dissatisfying as we do, you need to talk to your MP about this important food issue. Henry Stevens, President Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario


Free Methodist. North Grenville Community Church (2659 Concession).

Wesleyan Southgate Community Church. 1303 French Settlement Road Kemptville. 10:30 a.m Sunday Service. Reverend Ben Last. The Anglican Parish of Oxford. “A BIG Country Welcome” • St. Andrew’s Garretton • St. Peter’s - North Augusta • St. Anne’s - Oxford Station. The Reverand

Matthew Kydd, 613-345-2022. South Gower Baptist Church. 447 South Gower Drive - 258-9570. Service: Sunday evening 7:30pm. Roman Catholic. Holy Cross Church (505 Clothier St. W). Mass Times: Sat: 5pm, Sun: 9 & 11 am. Children’s Liturgy during 11am Mass. Father Andrew Shim. Presbyterian. Kemptville & Mountain Pastoral Charge. Rev. Samer Kandalaft. St. Paul’s Kemptville - 10:45am. Sunday

A Proud Community Sponsor since 1963 301 Rideau Street, Kemptville, ON


Service - Church School - Nursery. Knox Mountain Service - 9:15am. St. Andrew’s United Church, 256 South Gower Drive - Heckston. 11:00 am Service. Reverend Blair Paterson & Reverend Victoria Fillier. St. John’s United Church, 400 Prescott Street 10:00 AM Sunday Service with a nursery and Church school. Rev. Lynda Harrison officiating. Offices open Tues 8:30 am - 4 pm, and Wed - Fri 8:30

am - 12 pm. Phone 613-258-3259 or e-mail Calendar of events available at Building is fully accessible. Kemptville Christian Reformed Church. (2455 County Rd. 18/Clothier St. W) 10:00 a.m and 6:30 p.m Sunday Services. Children’s Worship during morning service, Sunday School following a.m service. Reverend Benjamin Ponsen.

Bethesda Chapel at the Baptist Church, 477 South Gower Drive, Kemptville. Sunday service 9am. Worship Leader: Debbie Gallagher. Teaching Elder: Bob Jones. 774-5170. Bishop's Oxford Pastoral Charge. Service at 10:00 am, 1st. & 3rd Sundays at St. Andrew’s United Church Bishop’s Mills, 2nd & 4th Sundays at Oxford Mills United Church. Minister: Reverend Paul F. Vavasour

This Community listing is brought to you by the Advance and these community minded sponsors. If you would like to sponsor this listing, call Drew or Jennifer.

Kemptville Vacuum and Water treatment 373184-11-10

Kemptville Pentecostal Church. 1964 County Road 43 - Kemptville. Sunday services: 10:00am and 6:30pm. Sunday School during service. Reverend Steven Kohls.

10:30 a.m Sunday Service 613-258-4815. Senior Pastor Reverend Daniel C. Massey.


St. James Anglican. Clothier St. W. Sunday service, 8am and 10am. Sunday School at 10am service. Reverend Canon Peggy Hudson.


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Silver Cross Medal replaced on 60th anniversary

A lost medal re-awakens memories of a family at war and the sacrifice of generations of Canadian soldiers JOSEPH MORIN

The story of a lost Silver Cross Medal came to an end on Sunday, Jan. 30 at the Osgoode Legion. The Silver Cross Medal is awarded to surviving mothers and the widows of airmen and

sailors who die for their country. Originally given to Mary Ellis Lewis, the mother of Gordon Samuel Lewis, who lost his life in the early months of the Second World War, the cherished medal was eventually lost during a household move.

It has now been replaced. Gordon’s sister Dorothy Brownrigg, who is 94 years old, has fond memories of her brother. She has lived through the loss of most of her family including her mother. The 60th anniversary of her brother’s death on Jan. 29, 1941


North Grenville Family of Schools

Early French Immersion Junior/Senior Kindergarten and Grade 1 Information Night for interested parents in North Grenville, and Merrickville When: February 16, 2011 Time: 7:00-8:00 pm Where: Kemptville Public School 215 Reuben Crescent, Kemptville Please call 613-258-2206 if you have any questions. This is an opportunity for parents to learn more about the Early French Immersion Program which is available for students entering Junior and Senior Kindergarden and Grade 1 in September 2011. Nancy Hanna Principal David K. Thomas Director of Eduction

Austin Jean Photo

John Light, former constituency assistant to MP Pierre Poilievre, presents the Silver Cross Medal to Dorothy Brownrigg, in remembrance of her brother, Gordon Samuel Lewis, who fought and died in the Second World War.


Mike Vincent Vice-Principal Greg Pietersma Board Chair

brought back to her family the importance of the missing medal. After talking to her member of parliament Pierre Poilievre, and applying for a new medal at the Department of National Defense, she received word that a new Silver Cross Medal would be issued. Brownrigg said her brother was a great Canadian. “My husband and I, along with my brother, went to Hogs Back in Ottawa for the day. We had a radio that we stuck in the fork of a tree. There was an announcement that came over the radio about Canada going to war and Gordon said, “if my country is going to war then I will be the first to go,” she remembered. Gordon Samuel Lewis went over to England as a signalman with the First Canadian Corps of Signals. “I can remember my mother with a broken heart when he died” Brownrigg said. She says that when she received the new medal she added her wedding ring to it. “I loved my brother very much.” Dorothy’s family has always been quick to defend their country. She was born right in the middle of the First World War. Her father Neil Gatens Lewis, went over to Europe as part of the 207th battalion to fight. He left just months after she was born. Her grandfather had his

own history of serving his country. He fought for the British in the Crimean War in the Battle of Balaclava, which would later be captured in Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem The Charge of the Light Brigade. A spokesperson with the Department of National Defense said that Gordon was most likely involved in training sessions as the British prepared themselves for a German invasion from the air and the sea. Gordon is thought to have been killed during a bombing raid. Pierre Poilievre MP for Nepean Carleton has been the driving force in helping the Osgoode resident get the medal. This past Sunday the medal was officially presented to her at the Osgoode Legion hall. Poilievre said, “Families like her’s have suffered for our country and for all of us. Their contributions are invaluable to Canada, and we must constantly thank them for their sacrifice and comfort them in their loss - especially on important anniversaries.” Brownrigg is also the greatgrandmother of the late Michael Potvin of Osgoode. Potvin was serving as an RCMP officer when he died in a boating accident last August. In addition, she was the Silver Cross Mother for the Osgoode Legion last Remembrance Day.

MP Brown urges input from constituents

Leeds Grenville MP Gord Brown was in Kemptville at the North

Auction Sale of Antiques, Collectibles, Royal Doulton Figurines, Glassware, Old Musical Instruments, Household Furniture, Quilts, Tools and Miscellaneous Articles In the Vernon Recreational Centre, Vernon Ont – turn east on Lawrence St. ½ mile-just off Bank St. (formerly Hwy 31)- approx 20 miles South of Ottawa. Watch for Auction Signs.

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Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011


Grenville Municipal Centre on Jan. 20. He urged constituents for their input on the federal budget. Brown said he is engaging the communities in his riding. “We want to get to get the views of hardworking Canadian families, small business owners and workers that we should adopt as part of the next phase of the Economic Action Plan. We want to get the views of Canadians on the best ways to create jobs and economic growth.” North Grenville is the fastest growing community with the development of the Colonnade project, Brown noted. Infrastructure will be an important focus in the near future with the upgrading of County Road 43, where much of the development is happening. “That will be a major project in terms of infrastructure,” Brown said. “A better and more efficient infrastructure for North Grenville will be the next big push and I will support that.” Brown said they are looking at lowcost ways of creating jobs and economic growth while staying on track to balance the budget by 2015. Steve Kirby was one of the members

of the public who was concerned with a number of issues, including infrastructure deficit and stimulus funding, to rising prices of gasoline, income inequality and health care. “We have a large number of people who are homeless in this country and many who are making obscene salaries,” Kirby said. Brown noted that the country is on the right track and cited various ways that was happening.“Over the past two years, Canada has weathered the worst global economic downturn since the Second World War, a downturn that was started by the financial crisis on Wall Street and soon spread throughout the world,” he said. Home renovation tax credits, freezing employment insurance premiums and enhancing benefits as well as introducing training options were also introduced, Brown added. “Our government knows that Canadians are concerned about the economy,” he said. “That is why the economy continues to be the number one priority of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, our government and me. Our government will continue to focus on creating jobs for workers, retirement savings for seniors and the financial security of all Canadian families.”

7 Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011

The Upper Canada District School Board Dr. Alec Patterson World-Renowned Thoracic Surgeon UCDSB Graduate

David White Mechanic Businessman UCDSB Graduate

Kristine Plant Nurse Ironman Triathlete UCDSB Graduate

Nimrta Khalsa UCDSB Student Future Pediatrician

Kylee Mitchell-Gibson UCDSB Student Future Car Restoration Specialist

North Grenville District High School 304 Prescott St., Kemptville 613-258-3481 Principal: Steve Sharp Grade 8 Parent/Student Information Night Wed., Feb. 9, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Gymnasium T.R. Leger School of Adult, Alternative and Continuing Education Kemptville Campus Ontario Agricultural College Gibson Hall, 2nd Floor, Kemptville 613-258-8519 Principal: Frank Hummell


Michel Sauvé UCDSB Student Future Furniture Craftsman

Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011


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Wind turbines are popping up in eastern Ontario like daisies in the spring – but it takes about three years before the building stage begins. A proposed site for 10 to 15 turbines near North Gower (the Marlborough Project) may take up to six years before it’s plugged into the hydro grid. According to Cathy Weston, manager of operations of Prowind Canada Inc., located in Kemptville, the project was not awarded a contract to sell power under the FIT program. “Now we wait for the results of the OPA’s (Ontario Power Authority) Economic Connection Test,” she said. “These results will tell us whether the OPA believes their planned expansions to the grid system will create enough capacity for our project to connect, and if so, the timelines for these expansions.” A recent public meeting in North Gower, hosted by three Ottawa-area communities that are concerned about the project, prompted much debate about safety issues surrounding the turbine prject Host groups included the North Gower Wind Action Group, the South Branch Wind Opposition Group, and the Beckwith Responsible Wind Action Group. Guests spoke about their personal situations dealing with turbines. Although the public was encouraged to attend the meeting, and the hosts stated that it was open to everyone, Prowind Canada Inc. was not invited. “I didn’t get an invitation,” she said. But despite the “oversight” Weston said her office door is open to anyone who has ques-

tions, concerns or comments about any of the current projects. Regarding the health factor that was discussed at the meeting, Weston said there is no clear evidence about definite health risks. “We are not a zero-impact society, but sometimes we have to find the best solution. The demand for energy is even more… I believe green energy is key to the sensitive environment around us. It’s a lot cleaner than coal-fired or nuclear hydro.” Prowind Canada Inc. is associated with Prowind GmbH (Osnabrueck, Germany), a company that deals with planning, financing, construction, and operation of power plants driven by renewable energy. They have built wind, solar, organic and hydro power projects. Prowind was established in 2000 by farmer and lawyer Johannes Busmann, and has since completed 16 successful wind power projects in Germany alone. Weston said the company has had a long-working relationship with area farmers. She has an agricultural background as well and has been a project manager for nine years. “We approach farmer and landowners,” she said about the acquisition of land for the projects. “They are paid a percentage of cost of the amount of power generated by the turbines on their property. We don’t strongarm anyone into contracts. We have to work with these landowners over the course of the contract, so we want to ensure a stable and friendly relationship.” The contracts with the landowners last 20 to 25 years and the company is responsible for the turbine’s maintenance, which usually takes place twice

a year as they clean and maintain them. They are electronically monitored and are repaired when necessary. When decommissioning is required, the company is responsible for returning the land to its original condition. The South Branch Project – near Brinston, in South Dundas Township, is set to start producing energy for the grid by Jan. 2013. “There are 15 locations (for turbines) in the South Branch project and we have to decide what size will be used – it’s a 30-megawatt project, so that could mean 10 three-megawatt turbines or 15 two-megawatt turbines,” Weston said. The turbines are 150 metres in height (including the blades) and have a base of about six metres. They have to be located at least 550 metres from homes, or public places and the noise level is not to exceed 40 decibels. “That’s like the sound two refrigerators together would make,” said Weston. There is a myriad of regulations to follow from such government agencies as the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of the Environment. The development can take years. The project for North Gower area is called the Marlborough Project which will generate 20 megawatts of power. One turbine can generate enough power to run 500 homes. There are 1015 turbines slated for this area, depending on the size the company uses. Weston says wind generation is not a new concept. “Look at windmills – the Dutch have been using them since the 1400s… they have been around forever. It’s not a new concept.”

Sheila Shortfat the Housecat The plan was that the two discussing this.” kittens would keep each other Well, neither do I. It just sort company while they were in the of happened. I’m allergic to cats. house being treated for their var- I’m not supposed to have them ious viruses. For the first month, in my house. But Sheila (we felt that plan worked very well. They she needed a real name) adopted came when I called, and I found us. Now instead of mousing and that if I wore fingerless gloves I playing with her friends all day, could put drops in their eyes and she entertains herself in the antibiotics in their mouths with- basement while we’re at work. out having my hands scratched When I come home, I find her to oblivion. collection of treasures at the The one I called Shortfat re- bottom of the stairs: a pompom ally wasn’t very sick – her eyes from an old winter toque, an eyecleared up in a couple ball from a discarded of days. But she had teddy bear; a crumto stay in the basebled piece of duct tape ment to keep the from my husband’s smaller, weaker grey workbench. She even and white kitten from has an old ratty basefeeling scared and ball that she uses as alone. a sort of yoga-pilates Then, one day, the ball, rolling herself eyes cleared up and over it on the floor. the breathing was And the grooming. back to normal. The Sheila spends hours kittens were cured. The Accidental grooming herself And they had no inevery day. I’ve fleaFarmwife tention of going outsprayed her and flea Diana Fisher side. First of all, in collared her, but she the two months since continues to nibble they had come in, and comb and pick and winter had arrived in bite, constantly. She full force. They had not grown a has white fur, so a flea should coat of winter fur and they were be pretty easy to spot upon inquite shocked by the cold. Sec- spection. I don’t think she has ondly, they were now considered any. She has just become rather outsiders and threats to the oth- obsessive-compulsive since she er cats who put up a fight every became an indoor cat. time I tried to re-introduce them Oh, and thanks to Bill Gooch to the pack. for giving my cat a taste of WhisI put a poster in the vet clinic kas-in-the-pouch. She is now adand grocery store. Someone dicted. And doesn’t wish to eat called and made an appointment anything else. The only place I to see the kittens. While I was have found this food is at the dolat work, my daughter adopted lar store. Two for a dollar. And out the grey and white kitten, she wants at least three of these the smaller and weaker of the pouches a day. I also keep dry two. Shortfat remained. Again, I food in her bowl, because if it is tried to shove her outside to join empty she complains. the other cats in the barn. She This is one spoiled cat. would go and explore, but within In the spring, we are hoping minutes she would be back at the she will venture out-of-doors door, screaming for re-entry. once again. Then again, we So now we have a housecat. might miss her lying in wait “How did this happen?” asked around corners to ambush our the Farmer. “I don’t remember ankles as we pass by.

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January 2011

Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011

Lengthy process of studies and approvals for wind turbine projects



Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011


Big Brother match is an opportunity to give back

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Kop said he contacted the agency last year and caseworker, Bob Merriman made a trip to his home as part of the screening process. “Bob was great. It didn’t take long at all to go through the process,” Kop said. “Maybe three weeks and that included the police background check.” The pair were then scheduled for a meeting and they both said they got along right from the start. “He’s great,” Tanner said of Kop. “We’ve had no trouble at all,” Kop added. They both say they are looking forward to the Bowl for Kids Sake that will be taking place on Feb. 26 at the Kemptville Bowling Centre and the Elgin Bowling Lanes for five pin bowling, and on Feb. 27 at the Brockville Bowling Centre for 10 pin bowling and at Delaney Bowling Centre in Gananoque for five-pin bowling. The agency is asking for assistance to ensure the success of this worthwhile and fun event. Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions or to discuss how you could play a role in the success of this event. Register your team for online pledging. Visit for more information.


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“There are very few ‘bigs’ in Kemptville, but it was well worth the wait. Vic is an awesome man and Tanner respects and looks up to him, so much. Tanner does not see or hear from his father – actually he has never met his father – so the relationship with Vic is even more important for Tanner. Vic and his wife are like family to me and my family, and I am thankful to Bob (Merriman, caseworker) every day for finding Vic for Tanner.” Kop is a transplant from Hamilton. He and his wife have no children; just a bull mastiff named Conga. The couple are currently busy with home renovations, when they are not working at their spill remediation business. He was also a former cub leader in the city. “Becoming a Big Brother was a natural fit,” Kop said. “It’s not as time consuming as being a cub leader and it’s more flexible. Tanner and I usually spend four of five hours together on the weekend. It’s been a really rewarding experience.” For Tanner, Kop is someone the boys can confide in, enjoy outings and play video games with. “It feels good to give back,” Kop said. “It’s a good break and it forces me to chill and relax. It’s what I need.”




Banking on the success of Ribfest in Brockville for the past 10 years, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville, (BBBS) will host its inaugural event in Kemptville June 17-19 at the North Grenville Municipal Centre, with a big goal in mind – opening a new office in town. Jane Fullarton, who is the executive director of BBBS and a Brockville councillor, says there is a real need to service the children of Kemptville due to the town’s growth in population. That’s the purpose of Ribfest and other events like Bowling for Kids on Feb. 26 – funds raised from these specific events will directly help those children living in Kemptville. The June Ribfest will feature many of the family favourites that Brockville Ribfest has, including a midway, concerts and entertainment, a great selection of ribs and other food items and there is no entry fee. “It’s a great source of funding (for the agency) and it’s a great family event,” said Fullarton. “Best of all, it’s free to get in.” Fullarton said they have applied to the Trillium Foundation for a grant to open the office in Kemptville and she expects to know the results of that by the first of March. If they don’t get the entire amount

Jane Fullarton executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds Grenville – about $60,000 – to open in April with a full-time staff and programming, they will shoot for a September opening with funds raised from the Kemptville Ribfest. “The focus of our agency is to service the Kemptville kids – that’s our main goal to achieve this year,” Fullarton said. “We are keenly aware that we are not meeting that need in the outer areas and having an office in Kemptville will help us meet those needs.” The agency is an organization that provides direct service to children by matching adults and children in quality mentoring relationships. Men and women (age 18 or older) give of their time to become a mentor to a youngster who can greatly benefit from having an adult role

model to look up to. Currently, there are 50 matches, and that includes couples’ matching, which is a relatively new “and well-received” concept, Fullarton said. “It (the couples’ matching) prevents cancellations (by either person) and shows a model of family relationship.” Currently, there are 40 children on the waiting list for a big brother or sister. But once the child is accepted for the program, they are available to take part in the “Big Bunch” activities. “It’s a wait group and we provide programming every week,” says Fullarton. And there is no fee for the child to take part. Another program the agency wants to get up and running in Kemptville is the in-school mentoring program. This is an opportunity for a volunteer to spend one hour per week with a child, in the child’s school. Currently, the agency provides this programming for 60 children in Leeds and Grenville schools. “Volunteers bake cookies, carve pumpkins at Halloween, play card games, board games… it’s beneficial for the child because it lets them realize that school isn’t all that bad,” said Fullarton.

Weaving a Hospital Web

Ensuring the best environment for elderly patients Nicolas Ruszkowski Nicolas Ruszkowski VP, Communications Ottawa Hospital

Ottawa, January 24, 2011 My first ski instructor was Fernand Bonnevie. I saw him at Christmas. He is 96. He doesn’t ski anymore. Even walking is too difficult. He gets 24-7 care from a live-in caregiver (his wife died years ago), children and grandchildren. Not in a hospital or long-term care setting, but from his old house in the alpine village of Val d’Isère. Does it complicate things? To an extent, yes. He doesn’t benefit from doctors conducting complex procedures to make it easier for him to walk. Would he prefer a long-term care space? Not a chance. From his house, he uses binoculars to spy on an Alpine Ibex who is also struggling with old age. He worries about the Ibex, but cherishes his ability to relate to the world outside. Between advanced but invasive care and quality of life, Fernand chooses quality of life, surrounded by the nature and people he loves.

The volunteer has no outside contact with the child and sometimes, it’s a better fit for a volunteer who can’t give any more time than an hour a week, she explained. “This is a great program,” Fullarton said. “It shows you that an hour really can make a difference to a child.” For more information on Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville, visit: home/default.aspx. To register a team for the bowling event in Kemptville on Feb. 26, visit http://leedsgrenville.kintera. org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=454923.



That changed with the launch of a new www.

The choice raises important questions for all health providers who care for the elderly. Are acute care hospitals a good setting for people like Fernand? Is there a better way? A consensus is emerging between hospitals, community healthcare providers, caregivers and care coordinators such as the Community Care Access Network: once they have treated seniors, acute care hospitals are not well suited to providing them the comfort, dignity and quality of life they should expect. Home, where patients can enjoy the independence from which so much of their dignity derives, along with the company of loved ones, is better. That is why our social workers – along with our leadership and a host of other health professionals – are working with the Community Care Access Network, the Local Health Integration network and other partners in health to implement Home First. Home First is a new approach to care that immediately starts the discussion, upon admission to hospital, about the best place and options available to patients and families after discharge. The approach puts every stakeholder in the system on the same page, seeking ways to reintegrate elderly patients into the community as promptly, compassionately and safely as possible. To find out more, visit 446012

Nicolas Ruszkowski Nicolas Ruszkowski VP, Communications Ottawa Hospital Professor Pierre Bélanger taught New Media at the University of Ottawa, in 1994. The internet, web-sites and instant messaging was still considered novel. Perhaps even a little obscure. We actually devoted hours of class time to learn about search engines, web-sites and messaging. Today, four-year olds can do this with no instruction. But we were still asking: what is the art of the possible? What will communications look like thanks to the internet? They would be instant. They would force real-time dialogue. They would become brief, bite-sized, “user-friendly”. They would change people’s expectations of good communications.

The site is built on 5 principles. It is inclusive, not only of different professions, departments or programs, but of our patients, visitors and community. It is bilingual, so that everything is available in English and French. It is accessible, whether you are visually impaired or not. It is dynamic; inviting visitors to share feedback and patient stories so we can always improve. Finally, it is patient and user-centered. For instance, visitors can use the Directions and Maps section of the site to plan their itinerary from home, to hospital, back home. They can search our physician directory alphabetically, by name or specialty. And they can search information about programs, departments or clinics by keyword. For the first time, users can also follow us on Twitter, at OttawaHospital, and Facebook, on The Ottawa Hospital Facebook Group. We will use these tools to inform the community of important news, as well as maintain an ongoing dialogue about how best to serve our patients. Don’t just take our word for it. Visit and tell us what you think.

All of that, and more, has come true. People of all generations and service providers from all sectors have embraced the internet, social media, and social networking. Until recently, however, The Ottawa Hospital had been slow to embrace these changes. Our web-site looked like it had been built not long after 1994. It was hard to update, and didn’t allow instant communications. It didn’t seek out patient and visitor advice, nor promote dialogue. It was not “user-friendly”. In short, it did not live up to expectations of good communications.


Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011

New Big Brothers Big Sisters office coming to Kemptville

Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011



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Hospice hosts Bowl-A-Thon and Saucy Chef Challenge JOSEPH MORIN

The Beth Donovan 13th Annual Bowl-AThon was a hit with everyone this year. Kemptville Bowling was busy all day Saturday, Jan. 29 as 71 bowlers arrived to split up into teams. Later on in the evening, the Kemptville Legion hall was filled up with diners waiting for their spaghetti dinner. A new event for this year was the Saucy Chef Challenge. A panel of seven celebrity judges took on the task of selecting the best sauce from a list of seven chefs. The winning sauce would be used that evening for the meal. Taking part in the friendly and tasty competition

were: Salamander Restaurant with Liane Tucker, Heather Kranek sous chef from the branch restaurant, Todd Gooch from Lock 17, Terry and Josie Butler of Butler’s Victorian Pantry, Erik LePors of Dial a Chef, Cheryl Mackie of The Brigadoon and Linda Robinson from the B&H Your Community Grocer. The judges were: Managing Editor of the Advance, Suzanne Landis; Pastor Dan Massey, Hospice Chaplin; Robert Noseworthy of Westerra Homes; Norma Fisher; Dr. Farncombe; Dermid O’Farrell of O’Farrell Financial and Senior OPP Constable Shawn Tobin. Executive Director Dawn Rodger said that this year’s dinner was busier than ever. The Hospice had help from Grahame’s

Bakery, who supplied the buns as well as a fantastic cake. B&H Your Community Grocer donated all of the Caesar Salad. The judges had to taste their way through seven courses of sauce before they were ready to announce a winner. While all of the sauces were delicious, just one could

be named as number one. The winner of the Saucy Chef Challenge went to Linda Robinson of B&H Your Community Grocer. “This is my top secret sauce,” she said adding that she was pleasantly surprised when it came in first. Her prize is a silver ladle and a specially designed apron.

13th Annual North Grenville Community

Sweetheart Brunch Sunday February 13, 2011 North Grenville Municipal Centre 285 County Road # 44, Kemptville

All-You-Can-Eat-Brunch Served Continuously From 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Draw for Cash Prizes!! Come “Celebrate Our Community Working Together”

All Proceeds Will go to Sponsoring Our Local Charities and Community Initiatives J. Morin Photos/Advance Staff

The winner of the 2011 Saucy Chef Challenge was Linda Robinson of B&H Your Community Grocer. Left to right are: Marlene Quinton Hospice event and fundraiser planner, Jim Beveridge, Linda Robertson, Hospice excutive director Dawn Rodger and Judy Beveridge.

Tickets: $10.00 per Person Children 6 - 11 $5.00 per Person Children under 6 Eat for Free Tickets are available at the door or

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The judges had a great time selecting the winning sauce.


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Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011


Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011


Arts and Culture

Dancing the night away in North Gower JOSEPH MORIN

White commented that many residents of the North Gower area as well as those in North Grenville have been able to enjoy the care and services the Kemptville District Hospital offers. The clubs executive feel the hospital is a good choice for some fundraising. The dances feature a bit of everything from square dancing and waltzing to the two-step and round dancing. The mandate of the club is to promote Olde Time Fiddling, step dancing, and country music. The club also holds local fiddle contests as well as helping out with the Canadian Grand Masters Fiddle contest. The club began 27 years ago in 1984. The age range of members is from 20 to 95 year’s old.. The cost is $30 for a single membership and $60 for a double.

Anyone who loves country classics will appreciate what the Rideau and District Olde Time Fiddling Corporation is all about. Every second Friday of the month, the Olde Time Fiddlers gather at the Alfred Taylor Centre in North Gower. With a club membership of close to 250, the Friday night get together turns out to be a great night of live music and dancing. The fun begins at 7:30 p.m. and runs until 11:30 p.m. This Feb.11 the dance will be a fundraiser for the Kemptville District hospital. Melissa Graham, the chairperson of the hospital foundation will be on hand to explain what the hospital is doing and how much the fundraising is appreciated. Each year the club chooses different causes to sponsor through their dances. In the past, they Your Vacuum Cleaner Headquarters have raised funds for the heart institute, Ottawa diabetes and paraplegic associations. The president of the club, Irwin White says that the dances are great fun. “People come to the dances to meet people and We service all Central Vacuum Systems listen to the music,” he said adding, “I think all that dancing helps to keep people out of the hospital.” 391463 Hobin & Main Street, Stittsville

Vac Shack

Complete Vacuum Cleaner Sales & Service


Rani, John, and Eli H&R Block Kemptville

This year has seen tremendous growth and new opportunities for area residents with new businesses opening with regularity in Kemptville. Just in time for tax season, H&R Block opened its door last month at the Kemptville Mall. For years Canadians have relied on H&R Block to provide quick, accurate tax and financial services that they stand behind. Why wait for your return to get processed and mailed back when you may be able to take advantage of their Cash Back services. Many returns are available for this service, simply ask. Looking for a better way to do your taxes? Stop in and see what H&R Block, Kemptville, can do for you. Conveniently located at the Kemptville Mall beside the Independent Grocer.

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Arts and Culture



It’s no mystery why Just Kiddin Theatre in Metcalfe is so popular with kids with a flair for drama, especially when founder and director Andrie Nel has offered up a brand new mystery-thriller for the winter and spring months. Registration has opened for the theatre’s Mainstage program, which allows kids aged nine and up to rehearse and perform an original play from start to finish. This spring’s production is called “The Mirror Never Lies,” which was written by Nel. “It kind of starts as a mystery and turns into a thriller. It takes place in a romantic inn in the Muskoka area, and as you can guess a murder takes place,” Nel explained. “What’s fun about it is there’s no real lead character. We try to write the characters in a way that’s very balanced, so they all have to be very interesting.” Young actors and actresses are usually split into two groups of 15, who practice and perform at the old town hall in Metcalfe. Although the Saturday session is already full, there are still spots available on Thursday nights, Nel said. The final production will take place between May 13 and 16 at the old town hall. Since 2005 the after-school rural theatre has exploded in popularity, to the point where Nel applied for Trillium Founda-

Courtesy Photo

Sentrions are now at the top of the food chain and appear to be making the same mistakes as humans did in Gillian and the Boss, the last installment of a three-part play that was performed at the old town hall in Manotick in December. Registration is now open for kids aged 9 and up to act in Just Kiddin Theatre’s spring play, “The Mirror Never Lies.” tion funding to make sure the theatre’s volunteers have the resources to accommodate the growing interest. The theatre now has two years’ worth of funding to keep the program going. Nel said she began the program to offer affordable arts opportunities to children living in rural Ottawa, where there has traditionally been a lack of arts program-

ming. The theatre has also embraced an accessibility policy that encourages kids with special needs to join as well. Along with the Mainstage program, registration is also open for a program

specifically designed for teenagers, called Stage Craft. This program allows students aged 13 and up to take their acting skills to the next level, she said. “It takes a little bit more of an advanced approach, where they actually write and create their own show. Then they tour it to area schools,” she said, adding that the performances will likely be in May as well. “We don’t know because the kids haven’t decided that yet,” she laughed. The third program open for registration is a week-long March break camp for kids aged seven and up, which offers a more accessible drama program to help initiate young children into the world of theatre. “The kids we’re trying to reach one are ones that aren’t quite sure that drama is for them, and making a big commitment is a barrier,” she said. “We’re also introducing at a younger age, where the kids don’t need to be able to read, because they’re going to create something but in an improvisational approach.” Registration is open “until it fills up” Nel said, but spots are filling quickly. Residents from across the Ottawa area are welcome to sign up. For more information or to register, visit


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Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011

Young actors wanted for Just Kiddin mystery

Congratulations Walmart Kemptville

Kemptville Public School

Salvation Army

Food For All Food Bank

North Grenville Public Library

Above: Walmart gives generously as part of their committment to community.

Welcome to Kemptville from the Advance


Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011



February 4th - 5th, 2011

Schedule of Events Time All week

Event Contact Broomball Tournament – Sara: 489-4208 come out and have fun. Build your own team or call and we’ll find a team for you.

Saturday Afternoon Outdoor Fun Time: Toboggan Races - Skating - Hockey skills

Cost No Charge

Saturday - Evening 4:30 - 7 pm Ham Supper - Includes potatoes, beans, salads, dessert and beverage

Friday 4:30 - 6:30 pm

7 pm

Spaghetti/Sheppards Pie Dinner – Adults $7.50 proceeds to Pathfinder Girl Guides Children under 10 -$5. includes salad, bun, dessert, coffee/tea or cold drink 6:30 pm Talent Show – 1st prize $100.00 Sharon: 489-3918 No charge Anyone can enter! 8:00 pm approx. North Gower’s Minute to Win it – No charge registration at Spaghetti Dinner or during the week at sign up sheet on Bullentin board in RA. Canteen will be open Saturday 8 - 10:30 am Pancake Breakfast NGRA: 489-3975 Adults $5. Children under 10 -$3. 9 - noon Bake Sale – proceeds to Holy Trinity Anglican Church 9:30 - noon Snowmobile Rally Registration Wayne: 489-3265 event is weather permitting 10:30 am Junkyard Symphony performs for all ages No charge thanks very much to Holy Trinity Anglican Church 11am – 1 pm Sleigh Rides No Charge 1:30 – 4pm Euchre Tournament – registration 1:30 1:30 pm Car Rally– great fun – Prize 50/50 Registration – RA Front Lobby $5/person

All Outdoor Activities are weather permitting. Proceeds from the Pancake Breakfast and some of the other activities will be used to purchase Fireworks for Canada Day.

Thanks for all your participation!!!

Hockey Fan Night - Featuring Liam Maguire Hockey Bingo, Trivia, Prizes, Silent Auction – great for all ages, all Hockey Fans

Adults - $10. Children 10 & under $5 $5 per person

Liam Maguire is the self proclaimed NHL trivia expert of the world. He is a twice published author on the subject releasing his second book in 2001. It was titled “What’s The Score?”. Bobby Orr wrote the forward. He has worked extensively on radio and TV since 1981 including Hockey Night in Canada and TSN. He currently is the Managing Editor of Centre Ice Magazine, a minor hockey publication in Ottawa. Liam has made over 2000 appearances as a keynote speaker, emcee, host or entertainer. Besides being able to provide a very entertaining segment for any audience talking about hockey’s rich history, it’s anecdotes and different trivia elements, Mr. Maguire has added a Canadian component to the gig that among other things details a very passionate and truthful account of the state of our national winter sport.

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Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011

North Gower

Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011




Kemptville 73’s look for a playoff spot

Special to the Advance

Kemptville opened the weekend within three points of the last playoff spot in the league. The opposition on Friday, Jan. 28 was the team they needed to catch. The Kanata Stallions visited North Grenville and the 73’s hoped to give them an unfriendly welcome. And that they did for most of the game. Kemptville took a 1-0 lead into the first intermission with a goal scored by Brett Jackson with assists from Cameron and Lesway. The goal was Jackson’s third of the season. In the second, Alex Brenton scored to increase the 73’s lead. Setting up the goal were Clark and Upshall. Kanata got one back on the power play but Kemptville restored its two goal lead when Pat Cameron, from Jackson and Ferras, scored at the 14:34 mark. The 73’s were enjoying a 3-1 lead at the end of two. The third saw the game plan start to go awry. Kanata scored their second power play goal of the game less than three minutes into the final frame. Fortunately, Jake Clark restored the 73’s twogoal lead with his fifteenth of the

year from Upshall and Brenton. Kanata then scored their third power play goal of the evening to get within one. The Stallions were able to tie the game with just 25 seconds left in regulation time after they pulled their goalie in favour of the extra attacker. Overtime lasted just 41 seconds when Kanata scored to steal the victory. Kyle Rankin was a one man wrecking crew for the Stallions, scoring four of the goals and setting up the fifth one. This loss was a setback for the 73’s as they had the win within easy reach and allowed Kanata to steal two points and move further ahead of them in the standings. Brett Jackson was named the game’s second star. Friday night featured giveaways from O’Farrell Financial. As Kemptville’s exclusive home jersey sponsor, members of the

O’Farrell team were on hand for a ceremonial puck drop. On Sunday afternoon, representatives from Shaw Direct, the team’s exclusive away jersey sponsor were at the complex to give a Shaw Direct teddy bear to the first 100 fans. The Hawkesbury Hawks were in town to battle the 73’s on Sunday, Jan.30. The Hawks jumped out to a fast start, scoring twice in the first ten minutes of the game. Kemptville cranked their game up for the last ten minutes of the period as Alex Brenton scored twice to bring his teamleading total to twenty-seven for the season. Plouffe and Hutton earned the assists on the first goal while Nevins and Clark picked them up for the second. The first intermission saw the game tied at two. Almost six minutes into the second period, Jake Clark, from Jackson and Lesway, scored what turned out to be the eventual game winner. The goal was Clark’s sixteenth of the season. There was no scoring in the third and the 73’s took the victory 3-2. Jake Clark and Ben Hutton were named the game’s first and third stars. Still chasing a playoff spot,

Kemptville will see lots of action this week. On Tuesday, Feb.1, the 73’s will try their luck with Kanata again. This time, the action will be in Kanata. On Thursday, Feb. 3, they will travel to Cornwall to take on the Colts, who are currently ranked as the number two junior team in the country. The 73’s then return

home for games on Friday, Feb 4 and Sunday, Feb 6. Their opponents will be the Ottawa Junior Senators on Friday with a puck drop at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, the Brockville Braves will visit North Grenville. There is a special game time of 1:00 p.m. Catch the excitement of a playoff race and see some great Junior A

Wrestlers training pays off ZACK FORTIN Special to the Advance

Tournaments in November and December brought victory to the wrestlers of St. Michael’s Catholic High School. The St. Mike’s student wrestling team, along with coach Tony Camillone, kept busy in the last two months by competing in various tournaments throughout Ontario and beyond, including Montreal, Kingston, Renfrew and Odessa. St. Mikes triumphantly emerged from the tournaments with the awards to prove it. Rookie Ethan Yakabuski finished

with two first place standings as well as two bronze medals. After their first tournaments, Jake Gorton received a bronze medal and Jocelyn Simard received a silver medal. In his second year, Zak Vaillancourt was awarded two gold medals from two of the tournaments that he attended. Jordon Moore, also in his second year, finished the Ernestown HS, Odessa tournament in second place. Brothers Gareth and Kenneth Kaczkowski had brand new victories this year. Gareth won all four of his tournaments and Kenneth won two and placed third in the other.


19 Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011

Cleary escapes with win in Capital Hoops Classic clash



Photo by Dan Plouffe

Kemptville’s Ashleigh Cleary played a frontand-centre role in the Carleton Ravens’ thrilling 71-63 double-overtime victory over the University of Ottawa Gee-Gees in last week’s Capital Hoops Classic at Scotiabank Place. The North Grenville District High School grad is averaging 10.8 points and 5.4 rebounds per game as a fourth-year starting forward for the Ravens, who are ranked fourth amongst women’s basketball teams in the country. With the victory in front of 7,565 Capital Hoops fans, the Ravens improved their season record to 13-2 with seven games left until the playoffs begin.

Kemptville’s Ashleigh Cleary (centre) accepts the Capital Hoops Classic trophy with her Carleton Ravens co-captains last week at Scotiabank Place. The North Grenville District High School grad played a front-and-centre role in the Ravens’ thrilling 71-63 double-overtime victory over the University of Ottawa Gee-Gees, scoring 12 points and pulling down eight rebounds, including five on the offensive boards. Cleary is averaging 10.8 points and 5.4 rebounds per game as a fourth-year starting forward for the Ravens, who are ranked fourth amongst women’s basketball teams in the country. With the victory in front of 7,565 Capital Hoops fans, Carleton improved its season record to 13-2 with seven games left until the playoffs begin.

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Photo by Dan Plouffe

Call 258-3583 or drop in to the Thrift Store and ask for Simon!

LIQUIDATION SALE Rideau Auctions Inc. 2250 County Road 31, Winchester, ON SUPER DISCOUNTS UP TO 50% OFF Large quantity of new coats 1000’s of Pieces of Clothing(men’s, ladies, children) Pet Supplies Toys Furniture & Appliances Linen Brand New Leather Sofa Sets

73’S SHINE AT ALL STAR GAME Courtesy of styvesphotos

The Robinson Division all stars defeated the Yzerman Division by a score of 3-2. Brenton scored all three goals for the team including the winner in the final minute. General manager and owner Paul Brenton presented both players with their All Star team jerseys. Left to right are: Brandon Lesway, Keinan Brown, Paul Brenton, Donovan Gardiner and Keegan and forward Alex Brenton was named as an alternate.

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Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011



21 Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011


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COIN AND STAMP SALE New location the RA CENTRE - 2451 Riverside Drive Sunday, February 13, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Information, 613-7491847. mmacdc342@ (Buy/ Sell). THANK YOU to property owners in North Gower, Kemptville, Richmond and area who did not sign options/leases for industrial wind turbines. Thank you for thinking of your community, your neighbours and friends. northgower windactiongroup@ Thank you.



FIREARMS AUCTION SATURDAY, February 12, 10:00 A.M. AT SWITZER’S AUCTION CENTRE, 25414 HIGHWAY 62 SOUTH, BANCROFT, ONT. From a large collection and several estates, antique, collectible commemeratives, target and hunting. Over 300 new and used rifles, shotguns, handguns, crossbows, antique rifles, reloading equipment, parts and knives. See our complete listing at: www.switzers and check back for regular updates. We still have room for your quality consignments in this and future sales. Paul Switzer, Auctioneer/Appraiser, 1-613-332-5581, 1800-694-2609 or email: info@swit HELP WANTED



NEEDED NOW: AZ DRIVERS & OWNER OPS. Start the new year off right with a great career opportunity. We’re seeking professional, safety-minded drivers and owner operators. Lease program available. Call Celadon Canada, KitchenCONSTRUCTION LA- er, 1-800-332-0518. BOURERS required im- www.celadoncanada. mediately. Must have com own transportation, largest driver’s licence, OTTAWA’S WHMIS, Fall Protection lawn and property & Confined Space. maintenance company Phone 613-223-2303 pays $120-$360 DAILY for outdoor spring/ or fax 613-839-7415. summer work. Hiring honest, competiFULL-TIME worker for tive and energetic inditie-stall dairy farm. Ex- viduals to fill our variperience an asset and ous 2011 positions. online @ house available. Phone Apply www.SpringMasters 613-774-6510. COMMERCIAL GLAZIERS, Edmonton and Grande Prarie locations. www.all-west Contact Chad Clesfstad: phone 780-451-6108, fax 780-447-1101, cclef

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HOMEWORKERS NEEDED!!! Full- and part-time positions are available - will train. Online data entry, typing work, e-mail reading, PC/clerical work, homemailers, assembling products. HURRY, SPOTS GO FAST! www.Ontario

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EXPERIENCED EXCAVATOR required immediately. Must have clean driver’s abstract, AZ/DZ licence, plus WHMIS, Fall Protection & Confined Space. $25-$35/hour depending on experience. Phone 613-223-2303 or fax 613-839-7415.

TIM HORTON’S KEMPTVILLE looking for maintenance person. Good physical condition. Mature, responsible individual. Duties: interior and exterior cleaning, equipment maintenance. Apply at store or fax 613258-0455.


HOMEWORKERS NEEDED!!! Full-/parttime positions available - will train. Online data entry, typing work, e-mail reading, PC/clerical work, homemailers, assembling products. HURRY, SPOTS GO FAST! www.CanadianJobs


ADULT CARRIERS NEEDED Looking for adult newspaper carriers to deliver local community newspapers. Door-to-door delivery once a week. Must have vehicle. is more than just a job board. We’re the premier source for local job opportunities in Ontario’s heartland. We don’t just provide job listings, we put you in control of your job search with an array of job search features and tools.

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Interested applicants should forward resumes by 5 p.m. Friday February 25, 2011 to:

Call Today 613.221.6247 613 .221.6247

Patricia Lonergan- Managing Editor Email: No phone calls please.


Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011


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AZ, DZ OR BZ DRIVERS Terrific career opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects using non-destructive testing. No Exp. Needed!! Plus Extensive paid travel, meal allowance, 4 weeks vacation and benefits pkg. Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 mos. at a time, Valid D.L. & High School Diploma or GED. Apply online at under careers, Click here to apply, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE.

LOOKING FOR NEW BUSINESS and added revenue? Promote your company in Community Newspapers across Ontario right here in these Network Classified Ads or in business card-sized ads in hundreds of wellread newspapers. Let us show you how. Ask about our referral program. Ontario Community Newspapers Association. Contact Carol at 905639-5718 or Toll-Free 1-800-387-7982 ext. 229.

$$$ HOME OWNER LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE - Decrease payments up to 75%! 1st, 2nd & 3rd Mortgages & Credit lines. Bad credit, tax or mortgage arrears OK. Ontario-Wide Financial Corp. (LIC# 10171), TollFree 1-888-307-7799,

$$$ 1st, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAGES - Tax Arrears, Renovations, Debt Consolidation, no CMHC fees. $50K you pay $208.33/month (OAC). No income, bad credit, power of sale stopped!! BETTER OPTION MORTGAGES, CALL 1-800-282-1169, (LIC# 10969).

SOLAR SALES - CLEAVE ENERGY Ontario's Solar Leader is looking for self-motivated, teachable sales agents in Eastern Ontario to market and sell solar systems. High earnings potential. Full training and marketing support. Call Norton Solonon @ 613577-0551 or e-mail,

$$$ 1st & 2nd & Construction Mortgages, Lines of Credit... 95-100% Financing. BELOW BANK RATES! Poor credit & bankruptcies OK. No income verification plans. Servicing Eastern & Northern Ontario. Call Jim Potter, Homeguard Funding Ltd. TollFree 1-866-403-6639, email: jim,, LIC #10409.

STEEL BUILDINGS PRICED TO CLEAR - Holding 2010 steel prices on many models/sizes. Ask about FREE DELIVERY! CALL FOR QUICK SALE QUOTE and FREE BROCHURE - 1800-668-5111 ext. 170.

AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or damaged vehicles. BUSINESS OPPS. 80% COMMISSION TRAVELONLY has 500 agents across Canada. Business opportunities with low investment, unlimited income potential, generous tax/travel benefits. Run your travel company, full-time, parttime from home. Register for FREE seminar,, 1-800608-1117, Ext. 2020. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FUTURE. Invest 10 hrs/wk and build a serious business. You guide and train - no sales, no inventory, no risk. Great income! WWW.PREMIERSOLARINC.COM "Your Long Term Solar Partners" System Sales/Installations/ Financing/Dealership. Start Making Money with the 'MicroFIT Program' TODAY! Call Now! Toll-Free 1-877255-9580. HOME BASED BUSINESS. Established franchise network, serving the legal profession, seeks selfmotivated individuals. No up-front fees. Exclusive territory. Complete training. Continuous Advertising Support; Energy Drinks = LIQUID PROFITS! Distribute our hot selling, allCanadian, pro endorsed energy drinks. Exclusive retail/vending opportunity, limited areas. Investment required. Free samples/information package. 1-800-267-2321. Peak JEWELLERY SALES OPPORTUNITY! NEW to Canada, trendy, affordable! Work from home, Earn GREAT money & vacations. Contact Curt for catalogue and business information. - 403-909-4302.

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BUILDING SALE... "FINAL WEEK!" 25x30 $6200. 30x40 $9850. 32x60 $15,600. 32x80 $19,600. 35x60 $17,500. 40x70 $18,890. 40x100 $26,800. 46x140 $46,800. OTHERS. Doors optional. Pioneer MANUFACTURERS DIRECT 1-800-668-5422. VACATION/TRAVEL ABSOLUTELY THE MOST FABULOUS ORLANDO Vacation Homes specials for our Canadian friends! Plan your next stay with us now! Furnished weekly/monthly rentals available. www.globalresort, 1-866-966-6480 WANTED WANTED: OLD TUBE AUDIO EQUIPMENT. 40 years or older. Amplifiers, Stereo, Recording and Theatre Sound Equipment. Hammond organs. Any condition, no floor model consoles. Call Toll-Free 1-800-947-0393 / 519853-2157. FIREARMS WANTED FOR FEBRUARY 12th AUCTION: Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns. As Estate Specialists WE manage sale of registered / unregistered firearms. Contact Paul, Switzer's Auction: Toll-Free 1800-694-2609, info@switzers or www.switzers HELP WANTED

DATING SERVICE. Long-term/shortterm relationships, FREE CALLS. 1877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1-888-5346984. Live adult casual conversations -1on1, 1-866-311-9640, meet on chatlines. Local single ladies. 1-877-8045381. (18+)

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*CONNECT WITH YOUR FUTURE* Learn from the past, Master the present! Call a True Psychic now! $3.19/minute. 1-877-478-4410 (18+). 1-900-783-3800. Answers to all your questions!

HOMEWORKERS GET PAID DAILY! NOW ACCEPTING: Simple part time and full time Online Computer Work is available. No fees or charges to participate. Start Today,

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Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011



Red Rooster Bistro

Colleen and Christina are always glad you came by.

Royal Canadian Legion Kemptville

Sponsor Appreciation & Valentine’s Candle Light Dinner Sunday February 13, 2011 5:00 pm

$15.00 per person (12 and under $5.00) For Tickets Call

613-258-5734 or 613-258-9065 At the Kemptville Legion 100 Reuben Cres.

Hair Salon and Full Esthetics

Some of the best restaurants offer the same things: fabulous food, excellent service, and an intimate relaxing atmosphere. Red Rooster Bistro measures up in all these categories. Josef Zsofnyak opened this restaurant mid 2010 choosing the new Sanders Square Complex in Old Town Kemptville as the ideal location. His past success as chef earned the Locks restaurant special mention in Treasures of Ontario magazine for his home prepared Italian Dishes. Starting this month, Italian selections of Josef’s creation will be offered in addition to his regular menu. Since opening, patrons have enjoyed the weekend AAA Prime Rib and other favourites made to order and satisfying in every aspect. Quiet music plays in the background as you enjoy the cosy dining experience you may find at a fine bistro in Europe. The Red Rooster Bistro also can accommodate food allergies if there is any concern and they take the effort to ask. Everything is made to order and care is taken in the presentation. We invite you to sample the European inspired menu in a comfortable intimate setting. Reservations appreciated.

SJ ilverB Star

Offers the ultimate special for February A Room for Two A special package for couples An Aroma essential Oil Massage Slow soothing strokes to bring balance to the body, mind and spirit,You will leave refreshed and calm

Complimentary Champagne and chocolates This special is for Valentines, Two friends, Mum and Dad, Mum and Me $150 per couple ~ By appointment only


Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

613-258-0900 2876 County Road 43,Creekside Centre, Kemptville •

A Gift that lasts Forever 10K White Gold, diamonds

14K White Gold, 11 diamonds Suggested Retail: $2,200.00




Jade, Citrines, Sterling Silver

Suggested Retail: $520.00


Suggested Retail: $156.00





Maley Street in Raina's Mall (Just off the parking lot)


HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 10am - 5pm, Fri. 10am - 8pm, Sat. 10am - 4pm

Also carrying Watkins Home Products Superior Quality since 1868

All natural and organic items for health and home. 446576-05-11

ellery w e J l u f i t Beau g Prices Amazin day! Every

Special Four Course Valentine's Menu Soup : Valentino's Minestrone Salad : Baby Romaine,prosciutto, strawberry, pear, papaya with balsamic lime beet dressing Choice of Main Courses

Folded free range chicken breast with herbed goat cheese and baby spinach, Martini-sun dried tomato sauce served on fresh pasta $36.95 Duo of seafood (shrimp and sea scallops) on pork tenderloin scallopini with Gorgonzola mint sauce served with Arborio rice and vegetable $39.95 Certified Black Angus fillet(10 oz) with Porcini mushroom truffle oil glaze served with buttermilk potato puree and vegetables $41.95 Dessert

Field berry Tiramisu with Grand Marnier ganache Dark chocolate passion fruit cake

Our Valentine's Menu will be offered Friday, February 11th, Saturday February 12th and Monday, February 14th. Monday, February 14th by reservation Only . Starting February 15th we are introducing our award-winning Authentic Italian Menu, featured in Treasures of Ontario. We invite you to join us for a “little taste of Italy” in the heart of Kemptville.


ewellery outique

25 Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011



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2009 Chevrolet HHR LT. One owner local trade, safety check, with full coverage factory warranty and balance of 5/100 powertrain warranty. Was 15,995 NOW $14995 during Kia’s Winterfest Sales event. ........................................................$14,995* 2009 Chevrolet Impala LS, Automatic, 3.5L, A/C, Cruise, Traction and MUCH MORE......................................................................................$15,995* 2009 Chrysler 300, Automatic, A/C, AM/FM CD, Keyless entry,VERY CLEAN ONLY 39,938 Kms. ...................................................$17,995* 2009 Pontiac G5, 2.2L Ecotech, automatic,A/C, LIKE NEW ..............................................................................................................................$10,995* 2009 Kia Rio, CD/MP3/USB and bluetooth, 1.6L 4cyl, automatic........................................................................................................................ $11,995* 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt, ONLY 60,000 kms LIKE NEW!A/C, CD AM/FM. .............................................................................................................$8,995* 2008 Chevrolet Impala LS, Auto, 3.5L, A/C, AM/FM/CD, Keyless entry, cruise, traction control. ....................................................................... $11,995* 2008 KIA Rondo EX, auto, A/C, CD, keyless entry, cruise, tilt steering, POWER- windows, locks, mirrors, heated seats, roof racks, steering wheel audio, fog lamps, Safetied and e-tested. ........................................................................................$13,995* 2008 Dodge Caravan, sand track, 60,011 km. ....................................................................................................................................................$17,995* SOLD 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt, 5-speed manual, 2.2L ecotech, Like new, VERY clean. ..................................................................................$7,995* SOLD 2007 Ford Focus, 2.0L, automatic, A/C, Keyless entry, Heated seats, VERY CLEAN. ........................................................................ $7,995* 2007 Pontiac G5 GT, ONLY 69,000 Kms like new, 2.4L, Auto, A/C, Cruise, Bluetooth, Power sunroof. .............................................................$10,995* SOLD 2006 Lexus RX 330, A/C, CD player, keyless entry, cruise, traction control, tilt steering, POWER - windows, seats, locks, mirrors, heated seats, auto climate control, memory seats/mirrors, steering wheel audio. ........................................................$23,995* 2006 Kia Sedona Ex, 3.8L 6Cyl, auto, A/C, cruise, keyless entry, sun roof, tilt steering, heated seats, POWER- windows, seat, locks and mirrors, 7 passenger, auto climate and reverse sensors. ........................................................................ $11,995* SOLD 2006 Saturn Vue, Auto, front wheel drive, CD player, keyless entry, remote start, steering wheel audio, bluetooth, cruise, tilt steering, POWER- windows, locks, mirrors, alloy wheels. .............................................................................................. $11,995* 2006 Ford Five Hundred SE, A/C, CD Changer, keyless entry, cruise, traction control, sun roof, tilt steering, ABS, POWER- windows, seats, mirrors, alloy wheels, steering wheel audio, automatic climate control ........................................................$12,995* 2006 Pontiac Torrent, red, 59,340 km. ...............................................................................................................................................................$12,995* 2005 Kia Magentis, blue, 183,254 km. ................................................................................................................................................... $Make an Offer* 2005 Pontiac Sunfire, sun roof, red, air conditioning. ..........................................................................................................................................$6,975* 2005 Kia Sedona EX, A/C, keyless entry, cruise, sunroof, tilt steering, ABS, heated seats, POWER- windows, seats, locks, mirrors, alloy wheels, tow package, remote start...........................................................................................$6,995* 2005 Pontiac Sunfire, 2.2 Ecotech, Automatic, 4Dr, VERY CLEAN. ...................................................................................................................$6,995* 2005 BMW 325i, auto, A/C, keyless entry, power sunroof, telescoping steering, POWER- windows,seats, locks, mirrors, heated seats, alloy wheels, auto climate control, bluetooth, steering wheel audio. .................................................................$17,999* 2005 KIA Sedona LX, A/C, Rear A/C, CD player, keyless entry, cruise, tilt, ABS, power windows, power locks, power mirrors, 7 passenger quad captains seats, tow package, reverse sensors. 92,126 kms. .....................................................................$10,995* 2004 Chevrolet Optra, 2.2L Ecotech, 5 speed manual, Very Clean, Great running car. ......................................................................................$4,995* 2004 Kia Rio, motor’s gone, green, 93,000 km. ....................................................................................................................................................$6,995* 2003 Kia Rio, service loaner, bright silver, 112,500 km. ........................................................................................................................................$4,995* 2003 Kia Sedona, grey, 118,672 km. .....................................................................................................................................................................$6,995* 2002 Kia Spectra, 5-Speed, air, bright silver, 113,800 km.....................................................................................................................................$5,495* 2002 Oldsmobile Alero, 2.2L, automatic, Clean Great running condition.............................................................................................................$4,995* 2002 Pontiac Sunfire, 2.2L 4Cyl, A/C, CD, keyless entry, tilt, power locks, alloy wheels, tinted windows, AS IS. ...............................................$4,975* 2002 Chrysler Sebring, A/C, CD changer, keyless entry, cruise, tilt steering, POWER- windows, seats, locks, mirrors, alloy wheels, tinted windows, leather interior. ..............................................................................................................................................................................$6,995* 2001 Kia Magentis LX, 2.4L, automatic, A/C, cruise, tilt steering, ABS, POWER- locks, windows and mirrors. .................................................$2,500* 2001 Hyundai Accent, Black, 4 Door, Automatic, Great on fuel, Clean, great running condition..........................................................................$2,675* 2001 Volkswagen Beetle, 1.8L Turbo, 5 spped manual, FULL LOAD. ................................................................................................................$5,995* 2001 Buick LeSabre, Auto,GM’s proven reliable 3.8L, A/C, AM/FM CD/Casette, Keyless entry, Cruise. ............................................................$6,995* 2001 Chevrolet Malibu, grey, 175,000 km. ............................................................................................................................................ $Make an Offer*



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We at Street Kia invite you to enroll in the Kia Members Rewards Program! This unique program entitles you to valuable discounts, complimentary service items, and privileges available exclusivley to our rewards members. Earn 10 points for every dollar spent at Street Kia for maintenance services, parts and accessories – so points can add up fast! The more you use your card, the more valuable it becomes, so please remember to present your card every time you visit Street Kia. Save up your points for up to $1,500 off the purchase of your next new Kia vehicle!




2001 Volkswagen Golf, clear white, 177,160 km. .............................................................................................................................................$6,375* 2000 Chrysler Neon, 225,108 km. .....................................................................................................................................................$Make an Offer* 1999 Honda Accord, 4 door sedan, silver, 5 speed manual,A/C. .....................................................................................................................$4,975* 1999 Cadillac DeVille, clear white, 109,900 km. ...............................................................................................................................................$5,975* 1999 Mercury Sable, beige. $2,475* 1997 Ford Cutaway Van, clear white, 38,700 km. ............................................................................................................................................$9,975* 1996 Honda Accord, green, 264,200 km. .........................................................................................................................................................$6,995* 1994 GMC Cutaway Van, red. $7,495* 1988 Chevrolet Cavalier, clear white. ...............................................................................................................................................................$3,475* 1986 Chrysler Fifth Avenue, red, 17,000 km. ..................................................................................................................................................$3,995*

SUVS SOLD 2007 Ford Edge SEL FWD, 3.5L 6Cyl, automatic, AWD, A/C, CD player, keyless entry, cruise, tilt steering, POWER- windows,seats, mirrors and locks, Heated seats and mirrors. .....................................................................................................$20,995* 2007 Chevrolet Uplander, Automatic, 3.9L 6 Cyl, A/C, CD player, Keyless entry, remote start, Cruise control, tilt steering, Power windows, power locks, power mirrors, 7 passenger. ONLY 83,791 kms. ......................................................................$11,995* 2007 Chevrolet Uplander, red, 83,802 km. ....................................................................................................................................................$11,995* 2007 Jeep Compass, black, 30,561 km. .........................................................................................................................................................$17,995* 2006 Ford Escape XLT, 4X4, A/C, keyless entry, cruise, tilt steering, ABS, POWER- windows, seats, locks, mirrors, roof racks, alloy wheels, running boards, CD Changer, Safetied and e-tested ..............................................................................$14,995* 2005 Toyota Rav 4 Plus Chili 4X4, 4cyl, automatic, 4X4, A/C, CD player, keyless entry, cruise, tilt steering, POWER- locks, mirrors and windows. ........................................................................................................................................................$16,995* 2005 Hyundai Tucson, blue, 115,200 km........................................................................................................................................................$12,995* 2000 Honda CRV, 127,500 km. $7,995* 1985 Jeep, Automatic, green, 58,600 km...........................................................................................................................................................$4,500*

TRUCKS SOLD 2008 Dodge Ram Quad Cab Trx 4X4 HEMI, A/C, keyless entry, cruise, traction control, tilt steering, ABS, POWER - win., locks, mirrors, heated mirrors, alloy wheels, tire pressure monitoring system, tow pkg .....................................................$22,995* 2007 GMC Sierra Ext 4X4, Autoc, A/C, Cruise control, tilt steering, ABS, Bed liner, tow package. ................................................................$22,995* 2007 GMC Canyon SLE Ext Cab Off Road 4X4, A/C, CD player, keyless entry, cruise, tilt steering, ABS, POWER - windows, locks, mirrors, alloy wheels, tire pressure monitoring system, bed liner, tow package....... $22,995* 2007 GMC Sierra, grey, 55,158 km. ................................................................................................................................................................$28,900* 2007 Ford Explorer, red, 77,212 km. ..............................................................................................................................................................$22,995* 2007 Ford LGT CONVTNL “F”, red, 82,500 km. ............................................................................................................................................$22,995* 2007 Ford Ranger, grey, 50,885 km..............................................................................................................................................................$Make an Offer* 2000 Chevrolet “S” Truck, blue, 190,000 km. ..................................................................................................................................................$7,995* 2000 Ford Ranger, red, 199,300 km. ................................................................................................................................................................$8,995* 2000 Dodge Ram 1500, Auto, A/C, Cruise, Tilt Steering,GREAT WORK TRUCK.............................................................................................$5,995* 2000 Ford Ranger, Extended cab, Automatic, A/C, Keyless entry, 4X4 GREAT TRUCK FOR WINTER! .......................................................$5,995* 1997 Dodge Ram Regular Cab 4X4, 5.2L, auto, A/C, ABS brakes, tinted windows. .......................................................................................$6,995* 1996 GMC Sierra, 312,000 km. $2,195* 1995 Dodge Ram, bright silver, 252,974 km......................................................................................................................................................$2,895* 1995 International, school, electronic, 214,892 km ..........................................................................................................................................$3,975* 1992 Dodge D300, Auto, 2WD, Cummins diesel, clear white, 325,000 km. ......................................................................................................$8,995* 1991 Ford LGT Convtnl “F”, blue, 225,800 km.................................................................................................................................$Make an Offer*

Winter Tire & Rim Special

SAVE SAVE SAVE!!! Call for your special price!!

Filter Replacement

For your vehicle protection. SAVE on gas and INCREASE your fuel mileage!! • Fuel Filter • Engine Air Filter • Cabin Air Filter • Fuel Tank Filter

Dress up and Protect your Kia

With Genuine Kia Accessories!! 13% OFF • Hood Deflector • Chrome Mesh Grill • Roof Rack Cross Bars • Vent Visors • Floor Mats • Trailer Hitch & Harness • Running Boards • Push Bars • Rear Spoiler These are just a few of the main items that are available. Please call for a price.


Transmission Service Special 10% OFF (most vehicles)

L.O.F. and Rotate Special $42.95

FREE Brake Inspection • Brake Service 10% OFF BEST PRICED OIL CHANGE IN TOWN!!! $34.95 Includes 15-point inspection and FREE fluid top ups!!

Fuel Filter Service from $69.95 Includes inspect and replace fuel filter and necessary gaskets Coolant Flush and Refill Only $129.95!!! (most vehicles)

*Prices DO NOT include admin fee of $299.00 or any other applicable taxes. Certified pre-owned Kia comes with our 5-star warranty for a minimum of 1 year-on top of any remaining factory warranty. APR financing as low as 3.9% on all CPOV vehicles. All new car payments INCLUDE all fees and taxes.


Rob Street General Manager

Paul Kennedy Sales Manager

Andrew Thomas Sales & Leasing

Jack Traynor Sales & Leasing

Justin Kinch Sales & Leasing

Max Hitchcock Finance Manager

Mike Kingston Sales & Leasing


Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011




Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011

Community Calendar




Feb. 4

Gallery 6 126 Prescott Street, Kemptville

Opening party. Black and White, will kick of the month-long exhibit of local talent. Dress the part, wear black or white, or both and bring a friend. From 7 to 9 p.m.

Feb. 4 and 5

North Gower

Winter Carnival: Friday night, spaghetti or shepherd’s pie; talent show; Saturday, pancake breakfast, 8 to 10:30 a.m.; bake sale 9 to 11 a.m.; snowmobile rally (weather permitting); Junkyard Symphony, 10:30 a.m.; sleigh rides, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; euchre tournament and car rally starting at 1: 30 p.m.; ham supper, 4:30 to 7 p.m.; hockey fan night, 7 to 10 p.m. featuring Liam Maguire. Information, call Sara at 613-489-4208.

Feb. 5

Purvis Hall, University of Guelph, Kemptville campus

Children’s music show, Juice Jam, will hold a concert at 11 a.m. Come sing and dance along to a range of children’s songs, see displays and enjoy cookies and juice at the break. Admission is free and everyone is welcome. Registration is recommended. Call 613-258-4711. The event is hosted by the North Grenville Public Library.

Feb. 5

Royal Canadian Legion, Osgoode

St. Paul’s Anglican Church spaghetti supper; 4:30 to 7 p.m. Adults, $10, children $5, toddlers free.

Osgoode Ward

Winter carnival highlights include a Don Mott hockey tournament at the Stuart Holmes and Manotick arenas Feb. 3 to 6; Feb. 5 enjoy a pancake breakfast at the community centre, the firefighters snowbowl game at Taylor Field at 11 a.m.; O-YA’s team cook-off competition (soup and fudge) from noon to 2 p.m.; snowmobiling from the OCSTC clubhouse on Manotick Station Road; spaghetti dinner at the Legion, from 4:30 p.m.; on Feb. 10, carnival bingo at the Legion, 6:30 p.m.; Feb. 12, poker run snowmobile event from 8:30 a.m.; Scouting outdoor experience at 10 a.m. behind the Osgoode library; snowball softball tournament at the community centre all day; cribbage tournament at the Legion starting at 1 p.m.; dinner and silent auction at 5:30 p.m. at the community centre; Valentine’s BBQ and teen dance, 6 to 10 p.m.; Feb. 13: Hey Buster at the community centre from 3 to 5 p.m.

Feb. 5 to 13

Now Reserving for Valentine’s Dinner Sunday, February 13th

Feb. 7, 9 and 11

North Grenville Municipal Centre

Kemptville and area walking group meets at 9 a.m. Contact Eva Francoeur at 613-258-4487 for details.

We Beautify Your Entire Home! • Windows & Doors • Kitchens & Bathrooms • Flooring • Sunrooms • Basement Renos • Roofing & Siding 364200

Snowarama breakfast and rally to support Easter Seals children; $75 in pledges or $5 breakfast and registration, 8 to 10 a.m. Call 613-258-3648 for details. The club is hosting a second event on Feb. 13 with the Kure rally, for women only; $20 registration for the 1 p.m. rally and dinner; or $10 dinner only. Prizes for the best decorated sled in support of breast cancer awareness. Proceeds to the Country Boobkins. For information, 613-825-5147.

Want to submit an event to appear on this calendar? Let us know within 3 weeks of the event by emailing


Call us for a free in-home consultation 989-2367 or 1-800-561-4206 10616 Main St. South Mountain

WINTER CLEARANCE NOW ON! Winter Boots Good Selection Now On Sale!

Kemptville Mall Highway 43 West, Kemptville

613-258-5966 Open Mon to Sat 8am to 9pm Sunday 8am to 8pm 446139-05-11


14 Reuben Cres. Kemptville


Kemptville Snowmobile Clubhouse

Hwy 43, Kemptville

613-258-2630 Something for everyone! Catering Available

Feb. 6 and 13

For the best selection in the area call...

Located Downstairs at 28 Clothier St. East, Kemptville CLOSED MONDAYS

Since 1972


Ph. 613-258-3544 Fax: 613-258-1700

Our promise and commitment to you, our current and future clients…

WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. At Bill Osborne Chevrolet Buick GMC we will strive to provide value through a commitment to quality. We will combine the best technology and training, with professionalism, honesty, integrity, and an attitude of complete customer satisfaction. We are working hard to build lasting customer relationships and become the most trusted name in automotive service in Kemptville! Our team will continue to explore the most up to date technologies and innovations that will allow you to keep your vehicle running as safely and reliably as it can, for as long as it can. Allow us to help build a maintenance program that will suit the needs of you, your family and your budget. Services like fluid changes do need to be completed on your vehicle. If they are being changed at the proper intervals, they should only be needed every 2-5 years, (not including oil changes)… and never all at once! We will perform only the services you require, when you require them… NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS. Questions about a service?? Come on into the shop, we will show you, on your car, what it needs and why it needs it. With multiple levels of parts pricing, and value priced services (we do not charge door rates for maintenance) we have the means to meet any budget. All in an effort to keep your car as safe and reliable as possible.

2010 Clearance All payments based upon 84 months, OAC. See dealer for details.


2010 Buick Enclave CXL FWD Bi-weekly payment of $327.63 all inclusive

Cash price $44 510.77*

Stock # 101054


2010 Chevrolet Traverse LS AWD


Give us a call today and let us help look after all of your service needs.

Bi-weekly payment of $238.80 all inclusive

Cash price $32 445.30*

Stock # 101187


2010 Camaro Coupe 2SS

We are now open longer during the week and weekends! Now open 7-6 Monday to Thursday and 8-3 on Saturday, ( 7-5 on Friday)

Bi-weekly payment $336.93 all inclusive Cash price $45 774.56*

Stock # 101061


Alignments $ .95 Regularly $99.95 now 69 !!

Cooling System Service

Oil Changes – for this month only will include free 4 wheel brake and front end inspections!!

Transmission Fluid Change


.00 20 off the price of a tune up and spark plug change!!

Regularly $109.95

Regularly $169.95

Bi-weekly payment $205.88 all inclusive Cash price $27 974.20*

now $89.95 $


now 139 !!

2010 Buick Lacrosse CX V6


2 to choose from

2010 GMC Sierra SLT Ext. Cab 4WD


Bi-weekly payment $290.85 all inclusive Cash price $39 515.93*

Terra Clean Fuel Injection Service

Stock # 101047

( as seen on TV’s – Two Guys Garage) regularly $129.95 now on for


Stock # 101114 & DT101176


These specials will only be available for the month of February!! So book online at or call us at 613-258-3403.

2010 Buick Lacrosse CX V6


Bi-weekly payment $200.96 all inclusive Cash Price $27 301.29* 2 to choose from

104 Elvira St. East Kemptville, Ontario

Stock # 101255 & 101252

*plus applicable taxes



Kemptville Advance - FEBRUARY 03, 2011


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