Kemptville Advance

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SUPER SISTERS Merrickville girls collect hair for oil spill cleanup


Serving Kemptville, Merrickville, Winchester, Osgoode and surrounding area


Volume 156 Issue No. 9

The Winchester District Memorial Hospital has created a model system for data retrieval.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Emerald ash borer heading this way Woodlot Conference shines light on pest threatening Leeds-Grenville forests

73’S END SEASON The Kemptville 73’s were unable to get past the Bears for a final playoff spot.


KEMPTVILLE SKATING CLUB The Kemptville Skating Club has kicked off its 2011 skating season with practice and competition.


North Grenville woodlot owners are being urged to diversify their tree stands and begin selectively salvaging inferior ash trees to prepare for the spread of the emerald ash borer (EAB) through the region. Over 150 attendees at the 24th annual Winter Woodlot Conference at the Kemptville Campus last Wednesday were updated on the EAB situation by representatives of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). The best defense against the rapacious insect, said Martin Streit, Stewardship Coordinator of the Leeds Grenville Stewardship Council, is to be proactive. “If you start to thin your woodlot, you’re go-

ing to have a bit more diversity of tree species. So if the emerald ash borer does kill your (ash) trees, you’ve got something else there. If you have a stand that’s 50 per cent ash, try to get it to 30 per cent ash,” Streit advised. The EAB is thought to have arrived in Detroit, Michigan, in the early 1990s in wooden packaging materials from China. It went undetected until 2002. Since flying over the water into Windsor, the tiny pest has gnawed its way through 35,000 acres of ash forest in Ontario, including almost 20,000 acres in 2010 alone, killing millions of trees and wreaking grave environmental and economic damage. Last August, EBA-infected wood was found at a rest stop near Mallorytown, along Highway 401. EMERALD see page 2

J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff

OH, RATS! Tommy Glatzmayer (centre) and his sister Melanie (right) of Manotick show their pet rats to Grade 1 student Rowan Meyer during a presentation at Kemptville P.S. Friday.

New policy would limit free tickets for councillors


A proposed policy introduced at last Tuesday’s Committee of the Whole meeting at the North Grenville Municipal Centre would limit the use of public funds to purchase tickets to community events for North Grenville councillors. Each councillor, including Mayor Da-

vid Gordon, would be allotted $500 per year to cover the cost of participation fees or tickets to events of their choosing, for a total expenditure of $2,500 each year. Under the current system, council approves funds for councillors to attend community events as official representatives of the municipality. TICKET see page 16

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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011


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Emerald ash borer invading


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While this has been the only confirmed case in Leeds-Grenville to date, the insect has also been sighted in Perth. The ministry has found that EAB can spread eight to 15 km around the initial infestation site within 15 years. “In highly infested areas, high populations of trees can die within a couple of years,” warned Taylor Scarr, OMNR’s Provincial Forest Entomologist. The adult EAB is only 8.5-14 mm long, but it is the 26-32 mm larvae that do the real damage. The larvae tunnel in serpentine patterns behind the bark, cutting off nutrients and killing the tree from within. The highly destructive beetle targets all types of ash, except mountain ash, which is not a true ash. Pumpkin ash, a species native to southwestern Ontario, has been ravaged to the brink of extinction. Because the larvae are hidden from sight behind the bark, it can take three to five years for an infected tree to show symptoms, such as bark splitting or green epicormic shoots emerging from the lower trunk.

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The EAB has no local natural predators, though larvae do sometimes barrel through each other as they rush through the tree. Woodpeckers and other beetles also target the borer. But woodlot owners can’t depend on nature to eliminate the foreign pest. “By the time you see woodpecker damage in the tree, it’s probably too late – the tree’s doomed,” Scarr said. Before the EAB arrives in full force and decimates the region’s plentiful ash population, Streit advises woodlot owners to reevaluate their trees. Whereas in the past they would have let ash trees grow to their full height – some can reach up to 80 feet – before harvesting them, today the prevailing wisdom is to cut down ash trees for firewood or smaller sawlogs so as to realize some profit before the ash borer renders the wood worthless. Streit was careful to stress that the ministry is not advocating the clear-cutting of all ash in the region. Rather, he recommends woodlot owners get local advice before conducting any preemptive salvaging. However, if owners are debating between removing a dead or poor quality ash or cutting a nonash species, the answer is simple. Remove the ash and allow other trees to seed in its place, “and you’ll have a better chance when the ash borer does arrive,” Streit explained. He predicts red maple and bur oak trees will supplant ash as the new cash crop for sawlogs. Maple wood is already more valuable than green ash, though the growing period is longer for maple trees, meaning owners must wait for the payoff. Longtime woodlot owner Pud Johnson of Prescott is convinced of the need to take preventative action against the “devastating” insect. “In my own particular forest, I anticipate that ash will be eliminated, probably within 20 years,” he said. “And to meet that challenge, we have been harvesting ash at every opportunity during the last five years.” That means cutting down trees he might otherwise have grown for sawlogs or veneer production. But Johnson knows it will soon be impossible to salvage all of the dead ash available. EAB most commonly moves by artificial spread – infected firewood or nursery stock is unknowingly driven from one location to another. Artificial spread brought the insect to Sault Ste Marie, and Streit thinks that’s how it got to Mallorytown. WOODLOT see page 16




UPCOMING MEETINGS REGULAR COUNCIL Monday, March 14 th at 6:30 pm in the Council Cham bers, North Grenville Municipal Centre. COM M ITTEE OF THE W HOLE COUNCIL Monday, March 7 th at 6:30 pm in the Com m ittee Room , North Grenville M unicipal Centre. For agenda inform ation, please contact the Clerk’s Office or the Municipal web site. COM M ITTEE M EETINGS • Police Services Board - Thursday, March 10 th at 9:30 a.m . in the Municipal Centre • Heritage Advisory Com m ittee - Thursday, March 10 th at 3:00 p.m . in the Municipal Centre • Library Board - Thursday, March 10 th at 7:00 p.m . in the South Gower Library

SPORTS HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS Visit our website to download nom ination form s for the North Grenville Sports Hall of Fam e –

BAG TAG INCREASE Please be advised that the cost of bag tags for solid waste increases to $1.75 per tag effective March 7 th . You m ay continue to use the green tags until June 3 rd . Certain fees at the Transfer Station have also increased effective March 7 th . Further inform ation is available on our web site or by contacting the Public W orks Departm ent at 613-258-9569 Ext. 133.

2011 BURN PERMITS Courtesy Photo

This was all that was left standing of the historic church in the town that the team had hoped to visit before they got down to work. They would have been in the church during the earthquake, but rainy weather had slowed them down. the team has been asked to stay close to home. “We have offered our spare beds and help where we can, though the authorities are asking people to help those around them, but not to venture away from the immediate vicinity. Half of the city is still on the verge of toppling over so it would be a hindrance if we became victims ourselves,” said Stewart. Stewart pointed out that the after-

shocks are as high as 5.3. “I was outside the downtown hospital when that one happened,” he recalled. “Ever see a 15 story building flop around like jello? It makes you think and you step back a bit further back.” The group is safe for the moment, with access to water, even though they have to boil it. By the end of last week, the team had been moved to another town at the southern tip of New Zealand.

Residents are rem inded that in accordance with By-Law 3301, a Burn Perm it is required to conduct open burning on property located outside of the urban area. Burn Perm its for 2011 are available at the Municipal Office or at the Fire Hall at 259 County Rd. 44 for a fee of $15.00. Please contact the Fire Hall at 258-2438 for conditions prior to burning.

2011 DOG LICENSES Renewal notices have been sent to all currently registered dog owners. If you are not a currently registered dog owner, please contact By-Law Services at 613-258-9569 Ext 119 for further inform ation. The 2011 rate for Dog Licenses is a flat fee of $15 for each dog. For inform ation on Kennel Licenses, please contact By-Law Services.

The Municipality of North Grenville

285 County Rd. 44, Box 130 Kemptville, ON. K0G1J0 Tel. 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building Tel. 613-258-4424 Fax 613-258-1441 Fire Dept. Info 613-258-2438 Fax 613-258-1031 Police Administration Tel. 613-258-3441 Animal Control Tel. 613-862-9002


The earthquake last week in Christchurch, New Zealand, has taken nearly 150 lives, and hundreds are still missing. Former Kemptville resident Jesse Stewart was in Christchurch when the earthquake struck. In emails to his mother, Heather Stewart in Kemptville, he described what he saw as the town began rescue operations after the quake. Stewart is in New Zealand working in the agriculture industry. He had brought a team of people to Christchurch to work. His team had just arrived in Christchurch, 10km from the centre of the earthquake in a house located on a campsite. The house and campsite were not damaged, but as the group ventured into the town to see if they could help, they found a different situation. “As we walked into town, the damage escalated as the buildings got older (made of stone and brick). We came upon a car that was crushed with a dead person inside covered by a blanket,” Stewart said. Identification of the dead is difficult and because the earthquake happened during lunch hour, many people were out and are difficult to trace. Emergency crews from other cities are staying at their campground and

Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011

Kemptville resident caught up in New Zealand earthquake


The New Democrat Party of Leeds and Grenville has selected their candidate to run for a federal seat in the next federal election. Matthew Gabriel, a resident of Augusta Township and former resident of the Spencerville, was selected to take on the job of bringing the NDP message to voters in Leeds and Grenville. Gabriel is a 39-year-old single father of one. He is a technician with Bell Canada as well as the vice president and chief steward for Communication, Energy and Paperworkers Union (CEP) Local 31. He represents Bell employees in Brockville, Smiths Falls, Kingston and Cornwall.

Courtesy Photo

Matthew Gabriel has been selected as NDP federal candidate. Gabriel was a friend of the late NDP candidate Steve Armstrong and appreciated Armstrong’s effort to bring jobs back to his riding.

“I have been lobbying about foreign ownership,” explained Gabriel. “I feel that we are not respected, nor treated very well in Ot-

tawa.” Gabriel believes that a look at where the riding was and where it is now and where it needs to be will reveal to voters that not enough has been done to create jobs. “I want to get my message out there. It used to be that when you came out of high school there were factory jobs you could apply for,” he said. “That is no longer an option.” In a press release, he stated, “The citizens of Leeds and Grenville counties are looking for an MP who will listen to their concerns and represent them in Ottawa regardless of their political stripe and past. “I am looking forward to offering the voters of Leeds and Grenville that option and hearing more of their concerns.”


Leeds and Grenville have new NDP federal candidate


Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011


Setting an example for us all The Harper government’s current challenge of sidestepping the Oda affair is an especially difficult one to manage. The opposition parties are all excited about finally having something tangible to use to go after the government, despite their own lack of success in offering themselves to voters as any more noble or trustworthy than the government they are criticizing. International Cooperation Minister Oda and Prime Minister Harper are certainly in a mess of their own making. How they will resolve it will tell us a great deal about the kind of respect they have for Canadians in general. The lesson might be that bigger government breeds opportunities for bigger problems regardless of how honest or earnest politicians may be. North Grenville, at least not in recent memory, has not had to deal with issues as silly and as blatantly demoralizing as the Oda affair. Rural populations still have a tremendous amount of control over what happens where they live. When the local council wrestles with an issue, everyone knows about it. Quite often, in full public view, the North Grenville council has reversed one of their decisions simply because councillors felt they needed more debate. Former North Grenville councils have oper-

ated in a setting where voters could always come and watch how they worked and listen to their decision-making debates. Transparency and accountability are difficult to maintain in the big government arena, but they are necessary goals to strive for. With smaller government comes an expectation for decisions to be practical and effective. The scope of issues that face a federal government is naturally more complicated and diverse than those of a local government such as North Grenville’s. However, you cannot help but appreciate the ability and determination of local politicians to make good decisions in an honest way. Perhaps the leaders in big government should, from time to time, make an effort to remind themselves about where they came from and how they got where they are today. Misleading Parliament and changing the rules and realities of government to accommodate a political agenda would never be allowed anywhere else. Our leaders have to set an example for the rest of us. The rules are all there for everyone to see and respect. We follow them every time we interact with our neighbour or our employer. We should expect our leaders to do the same.


It’s just a game, except when it isn’t As kids develop awareness of the world outside the house and the school, they are looking to understand some of the things that go on. And you, in turn, are looking for life lessons you can pass on with the day’s headlines. This is almost always difficult. What are you going to tell the subteen in your house when she finds out that Miley Cyrus’s father told a magazine that the hit TV show Hannah Montana destroyed his marriage? How will you explain what her father means when he says “I’m scared for her.” You understand well enough. Fame and big money do strange things to people and not all of them react well. But the girl and her doting father live this enchanted life on TV and the worst problem is that they run out of Diet Coke or the dog barks. Marriages don’t break up on the Disney Channel and 18-year-olds don’t have birthday parties in bars. So good luck to you explaining that. “TV is just make believe,” you can say, which will be a good start. But do you really want to add that real life is not as nice as TV? For many people it’s nicer. Closer to home, and far more consequential, what kind of discussion can you have with the young hockey

CHARLES GORDON Funny Town fanatic in your house when he or she asks you why Mike Fisher and Chris Kelly won’t be playing for the Ottawa Senators any more? — Why did Mike want to leave Ottawa? the little guy asks. — Well, he didn’t really want to leave, you say. He wanted to stay. — Then why didn’t he stay? — Because the Senators didn’t want him to stay. — I thought the Senators liked Mike, says the young hockey fanatic. Didn’t the Senators like him? — Yes, they liked him, you say, but they … but they … And this is where you can only talk about salary caps and first round draft picks and conditional draft picks and Ottawa not making the playoffs and other teams needing Mike and Chris enough to

Serving North Grenville and area since 1855

113 Prescott St., P.O. Box 1402 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

give up something for them — a discussion of the realities of professional sports, in other words. The realities of professional sports can be as unpleasant as life in the Cyrus family and do you really want your young hockey fanatic to carry that knowledge around with her? Mind you, from quite an early age that young hockey fanatic has suspected that real life is not all it’s cracked up to be. She gets a preview of life’s unfairness when she is told that she has to go to sleep while still feels like practising her slapshot in the living room. Finding out that there can be no candy without first eating the vegetables only confirms the existence of a dark side. — People in Ottawa are sad to see Chris Kelly go, a little hockey player will say. — Yes, you answer, but … but that’s just the way it is. — Why? — Because the Senators want to win? — Why? — Because winning is better than losing. — But don’t you always say that having fun playing the game is more important than winning? Remember, you said that when I was crying after losing that

Telephone: 613-258-3451 Fax: 613-258-0617

Lori Sommerdyk, District Service Rep, Kemptville Advance 613-221-6246 • 1-877-298-8288 missed delivery • Regional Publisher Chris McWebb

Managing Editor Suzanne Landis

Sales Representative Drew Headrick

Reporter JP Antonacci

613-221-6201 Regional General Manager John Willems

613-258-3451 Director of Advertising Paul Burton

613-258-3451 Sales Representative Jennifer Hindorff

613-258-3451 Office Administrator Kathy Farrell

613-240-9942 Advertising Manager Terry Tyo

613-258-3451 Associate Editor Joe Morin

613-258-3451 Director of Community Relations Terrilynne Crozier





613-221-6202 Editor in Chief Deb Bodine


game. — Yes, I remember saying that. And I believed it. — Don’t the Senators believe that? There you are, stuck with the necessity of explaining why professional sport is not really like sport the way you’ve been teaching it. And you haven’t even come to the part about head shots and cheating and taking funny pills and all the things grown-ups do to win games even though winning isn’t supposed to be as important as having fun. After that you get to explain why they should keep cheering for the Senators anyway even though Mike and Chris are gone. This is just a business, you’ll say. Eventually they will understand, which is sad in a way.

Editorial Policy The Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at To submit a letter to the editor, please email suzanne.landis@ or fax to 613-258-0716 or mail to: 113 Prescott Street Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0.

DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES - DISPLAY ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Monday is 9 a.m. Call 613-258-3451 (local) or 1-877-298-8288. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its employees or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All photographs and advertisements created by The Advance staff are the property of The Advance and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Please call or stop by the Kemptville office for Canadian, foreign and US rates.

Member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association & the Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Also a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations

5 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011


Grandmothers help their counterparts

Every day, people in developing countries around the world die from treatable illnesses, simply because they are too poor to afford the medicines they need. We’ve heard a lot about Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government’s commitment to maternal and child health in developing countries. Access to medicines is crucial to helping sick mothers and children get and stay healthy. Bill C-393, which is currently being discussed in Parliament, is all about simplifying the process for getting affordable, life-saving drugs to people in developing countries. Bill C-393 is designed to make adjustments to Canada’s current Access to Medicines Regime (CAMR). It will make it easier for developing countries to access generic drugs from Canada. Passage of the Bill is now more than a distant hope. Our Members of Parliament now have a real chance to

make a big difference in our world and save lives by passing Bill C-393, if they so choose. Canadawide polls have shown that this is what Canadians want and expect from our elected representatives. We need to let our politicians know that we do care about this issue, and that we do want them to pass this legislation. We, Grandmothers to Grandmothers, urge the public to contact their MP and make their voices heard - Canadians want Bill C-393 passed and Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime (CAMR) reformed. Second reading of the Bill will take place on March 3, with final reading and vote scheduled to happen on March 9.

Charles Gordon right on the money

I just wanted to write and say that I really enjoyed Charles Gordon’s take on the media and storm reporting. As a former broadcaster, I know what it is like to have to deliver the weather information, attract an audience, and find a balance between the two. He is so on the Sara Paquette money with his account! I too have been guilty of “sounding Gorgeous Grannies and Friends, North Gower the alarm” for the storm of the and Grandmothers to Grandmothers, Canada century that wound up being a sunny day. (But on half of those occasions I’d let Environment Canada take some of the blame!) I am a college professor now, teaching new broadcasters how to make it into the business, and I actually had the discussion in class last week about this very In the first phase of our strategic planning exercise, several themes emerged and we are now exploring many options for strategic partnerships, system changes and other opportunities to ensure the very best care is delivered 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. We are committed to keeping our communities informed through the local media, on our website at and with more public forums. Together, we will plan for the future health care needs of our local communities – close to home. Thank you for your continuing support andpassion for Winchester District Memorial ospital.

topic! I’m going to bring my copy of The Advance into class next week and use it as part of our follow up discussion. I just wanted to pass along my props to you for a great article this week! We just moved to Kemptville in August and I’ve enjoyed getting the paper every week. Regards, Dan Mellon Professor - Radio Broadcasting Algonquin College

Community participates in WDMH survey

John Polak Chair, WDMH Board of Directors

Lace up your running shoes and take part in community race STAFF Need extra motivation to stick to your new year’s workout regimen? The Cross-Country and Track and Field teams at St. Michael Catholic High School challenge you to lace up your running shoes for a community road race in Kemptville on May 1, 2011. The Spring Stampede, a fundraiser for the two teams, will feature 10km and 5km races at 10 a.m., and a 2km Family Fun Run/Walk at 11:30. Runners will weave through the picturesque streets of Old Town Kemptville and take in the natural beauty of Currie Park and Kemptville

Creek. Regular joggers and outdoor enthusiasts of all ages are welcome to come enjoy the fresh air and support amateur athletics. Proceeds from the Stampede will help the teams purchase new training equipment and cover entrance fees and transportation to and from competitive events. Online registration is available until April 25 at Runners can also register at the race itself. Contact Trent Abbott at 258-7232 or to learn more.








Once again, the communities surrounding Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) have spoken loud and clear. And the WDMH Board of Directors is grateful. Thank you to those who attended our Community Forums, to the close to 4000 people who completed the survey and the many, many others who expressed your thoughts in letters, emails and phone calls. Your message was clear - local citizens want local health care close to home and they deserve nothing less. The Board of Directors agrees, and it appears the regional and provincial planners are listening as well. Our strategic planning process has provided an opportunity to review what is happening in health care throughout Ontario and to talk to our health partners throughout the region. Now, our job is to determine the best path for WDMH.


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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011


Cub and Scout races draw a crowd J.P. ANTONACCI

Vernon was the place to be last Saturday for anyone who loves cars. Cub Cars, that is. Over 100 enthusiastic Cubs and Scouts from throughout the region converged on the Vernon Rec Centre for the annual Cub Car/Scout Truck rally, sponsored by the Rideau Area branch of Scouts Canada. Weeks – or in the case of the Greely group, five months – before the rally, each Cub had been given a 2 ¾” x 7” block of wood and told to fashion a car that looked good and had the balance of speed and power needed to zoom down the wooden track. The results showcased the youngsters’ vivid imaginations. There were red cars and black cars, purple cars and blue cars. Cars covered in stickers, slogans, feathers and metal washers. A car that looked like a bathtub, and another shaped like a boot. One Scout truck was hauling logs, while a gleaming red rig had a Ferraristyle Cub Car in the trailer. One environmentally conscious young trucker had installed a green roof covered in solar panels, and mounted mini-windmills beside each window. “We have a Kleenex box floating around here somewhere,” laughed Drew Mason, a cub leader from Osgoode who was coordinating the day’s races. Each car and truck ran in ten heats, with the fastest 27 from each category squaring off in the finals, which took place on a tall, four-car track built by a local Venturer group. There were awards presented for the most creative designs, along with other prizes. For a different kind of challenge, the children launched their custom wheels in a bout of Cub Car

J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff

Vernon Scout Aaron Cumming displays the truck he built for the Cub Car/Scout Rally at the Vernon Rec Centre on Saturday.

Teens dance to promote mental health J.P. ANTONACCI

At least one in five youth under 19 experiences mental illness. But problems like depression are usually not talked about, especially among young people themselves. Shelly Henderson wants to change that. Henderson’s father and her best friend both struggle with depression, and the Grade 11 student at North Grenville High School was looking for a way to raise awareness about the commonly misunderstood issue. During a co-op work placement at the Kemptville Youth Centre (KYC), Henderson planned the Dance for Depression, which drew approximately 50 young people to the youth centre’s new Oxford St. location on Friday night. Henderson’s goal was to cre-

ate a comfortable, non-judgmental environment where teens could learn about mental illness while having a good time. So along with dance contests, prizes, and music spun by a local DJ, attendees heard a talk on mental health issues from Dave Gallson of the Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC). KYC volunteers and counselors from the Canadian Mental Health Association of Leeds Grenville were also on hand to offer oneon-one support. “People don’t really know what (depression) is. They think that if they try hard enough, it’ll go away,” Henderson said. “But it’s not that way. It takes a long time.” The dance was sponsored by the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario through its Dare to Dream program, which provides funding to projects that promote mental health aware-

ness. Proceeds will help MDSC improve the lives of those affected by mood disorders. If people’s misconceptions about depression were put to rest because of what they learned on Friday, then the dance was a success, said Andrew MacLean, KYC volunteer and sustainability coordinator. “One of the things common to most types of mental illness is that everyone is embarrassed by it, and they think that there’s something wrong with them. So we’re really hoping that, if nothing else, (the dance) gets rid of that stigma that you are sick in some way if you’re suffering from (depression),” he said. “In high school, youth think that breaking up with their girlfriend after (dating for) a day is a big thing. They don’t need that added stigma – they’ve got enough to deal with.”

Curling. Which vehicles win the championship is not important, said Mason. “The idea is that you’re having fun. So if your car loses a race, it doesn’t matter, because (for the next race) they’re going to the biggest, coolest track,” explained the energetic leader. To prove Mason’s point, 13-year-old Aaron Cumming, a Scout from Vernon, said he couldn’t remember how he had placed during the three years he raced cars as a Cub. He could, however, remember how much fun he’d had, and said he felt the same excitement now that he was racing his first truck, a multicoloured rig he painted using a bingo dauber. Cumming pointed to coloured beads he’d attached to the top of the trailer section, “to make it look like it’s a rock climbing wall being moved.” The hall was filled with the whir of tiny wheels and the excited chatter of the racers and their families. Each heat sent three cars hurtling down the track, watched closely from the finish line by the official scorer and three anxious young owners. “Second is good enough!” smiled one boy after narrowly losing a photo finish. As the Cubs and Scouts entered the Rec Centre, leaders weighed their vehicles on electronic scales. Each truck could not exceed 900 grams, and the maximum weight per car was 142 grams. If a vehicle took a spill or needed some last minute adjustments, the youth could use glue guns and tools at a “pit stop” set up in the gym. Rallies have been held across Ontario for over 30 years, and thousands of Scouts and Cubs have learned about aerodynamics, design, and construction while making their personalized vehicles.

Action-packed March Break at Kemptville Youth Centre There will be action aplenty at the Kemptville Youth Centre this March Break, starting on March 4 with a superhero-themed movie marathon from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. at KYC’s new location, 5 Oxford St. W. Admission is $2, but arrive dressed as a favourite superhero or bring a superhero movie, and you’ll get in free. If you’re more of a gamer than a moviegoer, sign up for the ‘Call of Duty: Black Ops Tournament’ running 8 a.m. to midnight March 12 and 13. Pairs or groups of four can compete in up to four different tournaments, including search and destroy, double, domination and team death-match. Register in advance and pay $5 per tournament, or $10 at the door. This is a 14+ event. For more information, email black_ops_ Belt out a tune at KYC Idol on March 15, where contestants will vie for the title of best vocalist from noon to 7 p.m. in front of a three-judge panel. Finals start at 6 p.m., and audience voting will decide the winner. Looking for a fun challenge that will test your wits? Sign up for the KYC Amazing Race on March 16 from noon to 7 p.m. Teams of two will take part in various competitions around Kemptville, vying for the chance to win a secret grand prize. The week will culminate on Friday, March 18, with a truly frightening day of challenges. From noon to 7 p.m., contestants will be tested physically and mentally during KYC Fear Factor. Five dollars lets you participate in KYC Idol, KYC Amazing Race, and KYC Fear Factor. For more details, visit, email, or call (613)258-5212.



which involved some sort of crowd-interactive dance and a lot of showgirls and acrobats. I love the way everyone is so happy to be doing their jobs here they sing from morning to night, smile Ola at you when they pass you on the walk. It reminded me of Taiwan, the way the servers seemed to be so happy and without complaint. That and the poor sewer system that makes it against regulation to flush toilet paper. Both Taiwan and the Dominican need to invest in some quality plumbing. On Friday, we braved the cave, which is a discotheque called Imagine. It looks like a castle from the

road but that is just the entrance to an actual nightclub built into a cave. Men dressed as tribal warriors stand like statues on pedestals, guarding the door. Later those same warriors joined us and several hundred college kids on the various dance floors within the cave. Showgirls in jeweled bikinis danced on platforms between the stalactites. International club music changed to techno beats after a while and the thickening crowd made it difficult to breathe. I only lasted two hours, I’m ashamed to report. The Farmer and I had to take a taxi home, unable to last to the 4 a.m. shuttle back to the resort.

1',!# 451630-09-11

On Saturday, the Farmer had his dream trip out to the deep sea for some fishing. Unfortunately, within twenty minutes of boarding the boat, his Farmwife was hanging over the edge. There I remained for two hours. But I did see a whale, through teary eyes. That was cool. It is now our last night and I know it’s time to go home because my worry brain has returned. I forgot to tell the girls not to give the horse too much grain. And I hope I have given them enough time to clean up after any partying they did in our absence, and that the barn is still standing.

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The Farmer and I have finally nothing, we walked on the beach. had a honeymoon. We waited When our tummies grumbled, until the time was right, and we wandered over to one of the that took three years! We are in all-inclusive buffet restaurants between Christmas and lambing to snack on fish, veggies, rice season, so we’re safe. I left the and fresh fruit. girls in charge of the farm with By Thursday we were begina list of reminders: 1. Feed the ning to feel we needed a bit of barn cats more than they need. an adventure, so we signed up When they are full, another for a catamaran excursion to bunch will emerge from the raf- a national park, Saona Island. ters. The 90-minute ride included 2. Cody and Chelsea need free-flowing alcohol, but knowfresh water and food everyday. ing my tendency toward moRemember that Chelsea bites fe- tion sickness, I did not imbibe. I males and Cody eats everything didn’t feel like taking Caribbean that you don’t put out of his line dancing lessons on the rollreach, including butter. ing deck either. I just sat and en3. Check the cow and sheep joyed the breezes while the tour feeders every day; when they guides took photos and film that are empty, call the neighbour. He they tried to sell to us later. will refill them. Refill the water; On the island, you walk along they are big drinkers a white powder - especially the lacbeach strewn with tating mama cows. 4. conch shells, urchins Don’t forget my New and coral. Lunch is a Year’s lambs in the barbecue buffet of barn. Don’t overdo grilled tuna, chickthe sweetfeed in the en, potato salad and creep, though. They fruit. As on the rewill eat until they are sort beach, vendors paralyzed. of art, jewellery and 5. Sheila the housewoodcarvings keep cat will remind you trying to sell you she is in the basestuff, until you learn ment. You will hear The Accidental not to make eye conher singing when she tact with them at all. Farmwife hears your footsteps. It helps if you have a Diana Fisher She needs fresh water book handy to stick and food daily, and lots your nose in when of attention too. they come by. The 6. If you have friends over, no Farmer and I did buy a few pieces smoking in the house or barn! of the local Dominican Diamond We want them standing when (larimar - looks like turquoise), we return. Have fun, be safe. as well as a colourful painting of After arriving in Punta Cana, a market scene and a box of ciit took me a full day to stop wor- gars. But we did our shopping at rying about the animals and out-of-the-way places at the end children. The Farmer/Profes- of the beach and down the road sor got into relaxation mode far from the resort where the salesquicker than I did. By the first people are less pushy. Hopefully afternoon, he had already total- they realize they were being rely forgotten his school schedule. warded for that. He has to teach the day after we “You’re not going to change return, but he can’t remember the world,� the Farmer said. I what. That first night, we were had to remind him of this when welcomed into the resort by a later that day he gestured at yet bunch of Guelph and Ottawa U another speedboat driver who students who decided to intro- was cutting through the snorduce us to the local shot, known keling area with little regard for as Mama Juana. Basically its the swimmers he was scattering cherry liquor and rum with tree around him. bark floating in it. Scary. Tastes On our way back to the relike cough syrup and packs a sort from Saona, we stopped on punch. I have no idea how I got a sandbar in the middle of the to my room. ocean, where the Caribbean The Farmer says he slung me and Atlantic seas meet. There over his shoulder but I suspect we could walk around in two he is exaggerating. I do remem- feet of glass-clear water, lookber saying goodnight to the three ing for starfish. Our guide swam flamingoes (and one duck) who behind the boat and produced live in the fountain pond outside two big red ones. I suspect they our window before I went to bed. were plants, and I am not conOn Tuesday and Wednesday, we vinced they were alive, but they got into beach relaxation mode, were heavy and still had all their finishing the books we had start- teeth. In fact, they are covered ed on the plane ride and working in them, which makes them difon our tans. I think it’s a form ficult to hold. of meditation therapy. When Back at the resort, we went to our backs kinked up from doing see the nightly entertainment,

Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011

Happy honeymoon off the farm

8 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011

Chamber News...The Voice of Business & Information in North Grenville check the Chamber’s Website for the latest in Chamber News, New Members, Grand Openings, Chamber Events, etc.

MPP Steve Clark speaks at Chamber’s AGM Guest Speaker, Steve Clark, MPP for Leeds & Grenville, spoke to the Chamber membership at the Chamber’s 30th annual general meeting held on Thursday, February 24, 2010 at Broadway Bar &Grill. MPP Clark commended the Executive Director and the board of the North Grenville Chamber for being one of the most active Chambers in the area and that he saw the growth in North Grenville reflected in the growth in the Chamber Membership, as well. MPP Clark thanked the outgoing board members and congratulated the incoming 2011-12 Term Board and expressed that he would like to attend Board meetings at least twice a year to hear from and bring the board up-to-date on important Photos this page courtesy of Joe Morin, The Advance economic issues.

Chamber Thanks the Outgoing & Welcomes in the New

Pictured L-R: Outgoing Board Chair Dan Theus, Old Town Interiors receives a ‘gift Gavel set’ from Executive Director & CEO Wendy Chapman to thank Dan for his Service over four Terms on the Board.

Pictured L-R: Chamber Executive Director & CEO Wendy Chapman thanks outgoing Board Director Maureen Nolte, Coldwell Banker Coburn Realty for her two Terms of Service.

Pictured L-R: The ‘Passing of the Gavel’ to Incoming Board Chair Mark Thornton, Bell Aliant by outgoing Board Chair Dan Theus, Old Town Interiors. (Dan remains as Past Chair)

Thank You to The Advance - a Major Chamber Member Partner of the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce


MPP Clark, along with Mayor Gordon and MP Gord Brown invite you to attend the Chamber’s Special 3M’s of Government Luncheon to be held on Friday, March 25, 2011 at Purvis Hall, Kemptville Campus from 11am - 2pm. Cost to attend for Members is $40. (Future Member rate is $55.) This is an opportunity to hear from and mix and mingle with you Political Leaders at all levels of Government. They want to hear from business and Members. This is Your chance to share thoughts and ideas ’up front an personal’.




Confronted by images of birds and wildlife covered with oil in the Gulf of Mexico after the BP oil spill last April, sisters Taylor and Peyton Horning went looking for a way to help. The solution came to them off the top of their heads. They learned of an organization called Matter of Trust that was stuffing nylons with hair to make highly absorbent sausageshaped “hair booms” to soak up the oil before it reached the shoreline. So last summer, the animalloving elementary school students dug out their wagon and began gathering all the hair and animal fur they could find. Their plan was to collect 500 pounds, but with help from 26 hair salons and pet groomers in their hometown of Merrickville

and surrounding communities, they reached that amount in less than two months. “(The businesses) thought it was a really, really great idea, because we were taking hair, that’s just an object that’s going to go in the landfill, and using it for a good cause,” Peyton said. With word of “Taylor and Peyton’s Share Your Hair Project” spreading, Taylor, then 11, and Peyton, then 9, decided to double their goal and amass a whopping 1,000 pounds of hair. The Horning’s two-car garage soon filled with garbage bags, before PODS Moving and Storage donated a collection bin in Ottawa. A barbershop set up at the girls’ elementary school, Holy Cross in Kemptville, netted still more straight, wavy and curly donations. One pound of hair absorbs roughly one litre of oil in under one minute, and each hair boom

Courtesy Photo

Peyton (left) and Taylor Horning of Merrickville collected 1,000 pounds of hair and fur to help with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill cleanup. can be reused 100 times. With 1,000 pounds of hair, Matter of Trust can remove nearly 100,000 litres of oil from the water. Last December, Peyton and

Taylor were thrilled and “super surprised” to receive Presidential Environmental Youth Awards signed by President Barack Obama.

Proud parents Alexandra Prefasi-Horning and Dave Horning weren’t surprised that Peyton, now 10, and Taylor, now 12 and attending St. Michael Catholic High School in Kemptville, wanted to get involved, as they had previously raised money for a new playground in Merrickville. “They’re definitely kids that like to be involved and make change happen,” said PrefasiHorning. Peyton said her favourite part of the experience was “getting kids involved and showing the world that kids can make a difference.” The energetic, communityminded sisters see more charitable work in their future. “There’s lots of projects we want to get involved in,” said Taylor. “But for now, our mom wants us to take a break.”

Young author pens book about sister’s rare disorder J.P. ANTONACCI

Tommy and Melanie Glatzmayer have two pet rats and one syndrome. The syndrome is Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS), an autism-like disorder 10-year-old Melanie has had since birth. The rats, Ninja and Cinderella, are the co-stars of a book Tommy, 8, wrote to raise awareness of his older sister’s condition. In the book, Tommy and Melanie crash a car and confront the neighbourhood bully, aided by their furry friends. As a 6-year-old senior kindergarten student, Tommy co-wrote Melanie & Tommy Have Two Pet Rats and One Syndrome with his mother, Nathalie Wendling, to educate children who were teasing Melanie at school. Wendling penned an educational section about CdLS for parents. The pair came to Kemptville Public School to help kick off its annual reada-

thon fundraiser. It was Tommy and Melanie’s fifth school visit since last November, with more planned. The book has become a runaway hit, with 3,000 copies sold and a publishing deal potentially in the works. “It’s crazy,” said Wendling of her family’s newfound fame. “I wanted to do one event a month, but it seems like we’re up to one a week now.” Melanie and Tommy have reached celebrity status at their school – St. Leonard’s in Manotick – and beyond, but things weren’t always so rosy. During several heartrending years before Melanie was diagnosed, she had difficulty breathing and swallowing. Wendling and her husband John Glatzmayer were run ragged caring for their daughter, who suffered from seizures, vision and hearing problems, and bowel and feeding difficulties. Melanie has had 12 operations in her young life, and now wears hearing aids

and thick glasses. Thanks to the disorder, she is much smaller than her peers. At Kemptville PS, students compared their shoe sizes with Melanie, who had the same size feet as a four-year-old girl. Tommy is his sister’s biggest fan and most dedicated teacher. He patiently repeats new words to help her increase her vocabulary, and spends hours playing with her. “He just loves her so much,” Wendling said, adding that one day, Tommy mentioned to his mother how “lucky” it was that Melanie had CdLS. “Why?” Wendling asked her son. “Because we never fight,” he replied. After Tommy read the story to a gym full of 400 interested students and answered questions about CdLS and his relationship with his sister, Wendling showed a video starring the rats. The children howled as the furry movie stars ate popcorn, whacked each other with balloons, and played foosball.

“It’s so nice to hear so many people laugh,” beamed Wendling. “How did you get the rats to do those tricks?” marveled Kemptville PS vice principal Mike Vincent. “With a lot of apple jelly,” Tommy grinned. Vincent asked Tommy for his favourite part of being an author. “That everyone stopped making fun of Melanie,” Tommy replied. Along with raising awareness of CdLS, Tommy’s book has led to unexpected results. At one book signing in Toronto, a young boy shyly told Tommy that he had a sister with Down syndrome. “They just smiled and nodded at each other,” Wendling recalled, marveling at their mutual understanding. “He’s not just helping Melanie – Melanie can feel that we’re helping everyone.” For more information about CdLS or the book, visit

Always Visit our Website at for the latest! are Great Education & Networking Events Looking for Value for your Membership? Register Today!

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www.northgrenvillechamber. com

MARCH 2011 BAH - Sponsored by Salamanders Wed. March 9, 2011 - 6-8pm

SPECIAL 3M’s of Government Luncheon Friday, March 25, 2011 Up Close and Personal with Gord Brown, MP, Steve Clark MPP & Mayor Gordon 11am - 2pm Purvis Hall Members $40. (Future Members $55)

5 Clothier Street East T (613) 258-4838 Kemptville 72-Hour Cancellation Notice Required

Sponsor March BC Event Ian Hunter of TD Merchant Services Wed. March 30, 2011

in Partnership with the 1000 Islands Region Workforce Development Board

APRIL 2011

BAH - Wed. April 13, 2011 6-8PM

Main BAH Event Sponsor - FFC @The Branch Restaurant

Complimentary Fingerfood/Venue Sponsor

Social Media ‘How it can Grow Your Business’ Guest Presenters: Jay McLaren & Matt LeMay 7am - 9am @Broadway Bar & Grill Cost: $25.00

Director of Corporate Services Mun. of NG & Kevin Spencer, Leeds & Grenville County

OPEN TO ALL @Chamber rates Register On-Line

7-9am - *Member Cost: $25.00 @Broadway Bar & Grill

Exact Cash or Cheque in advance or at the Door

F (613) 258-3801

Breakfast Connection Wed. April 27, 2011

Accessibility & Customer Service Guest Presenter: Cahl Pominville Accessibility Coordinator

(*Future Member $40.)


Register for Chamber Events on-line:


Chamber “Connections”

Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011

Merrickville sisters commended for environmental work


Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011


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Eliminating the need to transport images, and having easier access to medical files, a new system is now in place at Winchester District Memorial Hospital. NOODIN (Northern and Eastern Ontario Diagnostic Imaging Network) DI-r is a repository of medical images and diagnostic reports like ultrasounds, CT scans, nuclear medicine scans and MRIs. Almonte General Hospital, Arnprior and District Memorial Hospital and the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group are also connected, with the WDMH as the hub. The shared imaging archive allows doctors in one hospital to access images and reports acquired at another hospital throughout Northern and Eastern Ontario. “This is an exciting day for WDMH,” said Sean O’Brien, chief technology officer, on Feb. 2 during an unveiling of the new technology. “WDMH patients often travel between hospitals to see specific physicians involved in their care. By providing elec-

tronic access to test results, the DI-r eliminates the need to transport images between doctors on CDs or films. The DIr allows specialists in Ottawa to review images electronically if a physician in one of the community hospitals requires a consultation.” Dr. Chuck Su, chief of emergency at WDNM, concurred: “The DI-r enables me to view a patient’s imaging history when they come into our emergency department, which helps me understand what is going on with my patients medically. It will allow me to share images with specialists in other hospitals before making a decision to treat a patient locally or transfer them to another hospital.” NEODIN is one of four diagnostic imaging repositories (DI-r) being implemented in Ontario in partnership with eHealth Ontario and Canada Health Infoway. Upon completion in 2011, NEODIN will benefit almost two million Ontarians across 840,000 square kilometres, from the Manitoba border to Hawkesbury – an area larger than most provinces – at more than 60 diagnostic imaging departments.

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Courtesy Photo

The WDMH Implementation team consists of Monday Chamburuka, Sean O’Brien, Denis Arseneau, Leo Arhanic, Shirley Rose, Brad Genereaux and Rosey Jewell.

Sustainable North Grenville cooks up fresh food ideas

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Sustainable North Grenville discussed issues of ethical food production at a movie night last month. A spirited group of three dozen environmental enthusiasts met at the branch restaurant in Kemptville on Feb. 16 to screen Food Inc. The acclaimed documentary provided a revealing look into the world of industrial food processing. The film portrays mass production in a less than flattering light, highlighting the environmental, economic, and social costs of the consumer demand for cheap food that is constantly available, no matter the season. Local food expert Bruce Enloe kicked off the discussion by contrasting two valid yet opposite approaches to producing quality food: some farmers want to keep their production small and wholesome, while others seek to tap into the big grocery chains in order to supply healthier food to more people. The free-range chat also touched on the

consequences of depending on cheap oil to sustain mass production at affordable prices, and the loss of local industries such as cheesemaking. Overall, the consensus was that supporting local food producers was essential to lessen the environmental footprint of eating, and that each purchase of a local, organic, healthy food option was akin to a vote for humane, ethical, and responsible food production. The film and discussion opened many participants’ eyes to what really goes into making and delivering the food they find on the supermarket shelves. But they could snack guilt-free on the organic, locally grown popcorn and fruit provided by the branch. The group also held a “kitchen table talk” last Sunday with farm journalist Thomas Pawlick, author of The End of Food and A War in the Country. For more information on Sustainable North Grenville, and how to participate in the fourth annual Sustainability Fair on April 17, visit


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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011

Buy together and we all win!



The Kemptville 73’s wind their 2010-2011 season down Special to the Advance

With the last playoff spot still in contention

in the CCHL, the Kemptville 73’s had their last two home games of the regular season this past weekend. The 73’s

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opened the weekend on Friday night, Feb. 18, when the Cumberland Grads visited North Grenville. The game was opened with a ceremonial puck drop by Eric Norenberg, owner of Kemptville Building Centre and Kemptville Home Furnishing. Mr. Norenberg is a major sponsor of the 73’s. The Grads had only a very slim shot at the number eight playoff position before this weekend’s games. The first period was very fast paced with lots of end to end action but no scoring. In the second period, Kemptville was able to capitalize on a Grads penalty by scoring a power play goal. The goal was scored by Blaine Byron, an affiliated player called up for this game. It was assisted by Josh Pitt and Brandon Lesway. The period again featured speed and action but only the one goal was scored. The third period had Cumberland tie the game at the 6:12 mark. Kemptville goalie Kyle Lamothe was great, stopping chance after chance in the period. With 3:10 left, the Grads pulled out in front 2-1. With the goalie pulled for the extra attacker, the 73’s were unable to score and Cumberland took home the victory. Before the opening face off of the game on Fam-

ily Day, several presentations were made. As it was the last home game of the 2010-11 regular season, the graduating players and their families were acknowledged. The players are Brock Plouffe from Shawville, Jake Clark from Carp, Travis Armstrong from Smiths Falls, Nick Duhn from Carp and Alex Brenton from Kanata. These players have all enjoyed successful careers in the CCHL and the 73‘s organization wishes them the best in their future endeavors. With the Pembroke Lumber Kings, the defending league champions, in town, anything could happen and it did. The hockey game began with unbelievable intensity. Both teams had great scoring chances in the first period, only to be stymied by brilliant goaltending from both goalies. After an entertaining period, witnessed by the largest crowd of the season, more of the same was expected in the second period. Pembroke scored first at 5:45 to take a 1-0 lead. On a strange call from the official, a Kemptville player was given a five minute major and a game misconduct for tripping. The player who was tripped and supposedly injured returned to play the third period. It is at the referee’s discre-

tion to call a major penalty based on an injury. The Kings scored twice during the power play. They added one more before the end of the frame to take a 4-0 lead to the room at the end of two. In the third, Pembroke scored three more times before the 73’s were able to break the shutout. Brock Plouffe notched his seventeenth of the season from Keegan Rowe and Jake Clark. Pembroke left town with a 7-1 victory. At this point, the 73’s had five road games remaining and they could still make the playoffs with wins and some help from the other teams. On Wednesday, Feb. 23, the 73’s traveled to the Jim Durrell Complex to take on the Ottawa Junior Senators in a must win situation. Just 1:32 seconds into the game, Josh Pitt opened the scoring for Kemptville. Assisting on Pitt’s tenth of the season were Nevins and Lesway. Ottawa was able to tie the game at 1 before the end of the period. There was no scoring in the second period. Pitt notched his second of the game from Brenton and Brake almost halfway through the third. That goal stood up as the winner and kept Kemptville’s playoff hopes alive. 73’s goalie, Kyle Lamothe stopped 31 of 32 shots. Travis Armstrong

and Nick Duhn were named first and second stars respectively. Friday, Feb. 25, saw the team travel to Smiths Falls to take on the Bears in a game they had to win. By the halfway mark of the second period, the Bears were holding a 3-0 lead. But, before the end of the frame, Alex Brenton scored his thirty-first of the season, from Plouffe and Clark. In the third, Smiths Falls got one more to take a 4-1 lead. Less than a minute later, Brett Jackson got it back with his fourth of the year from Cameron and Upshall. The 73’s came hard at the Bears goalie but were unable to beat him again. The Smiths Falls goaltender, Mackenzie Sawyer, stopped 40 of the 42 shots he faced during the game. The Bears won the game 4-2 and ended Kemptville’s quest for a playoff spot. On Feb. 27, Kemptville traveled to Navan to face the Cumberland Grads. Both goaltenders played well, facing a total of 83 shots between them. Cumberland held on to win the game 3-2. Scoring for Kemptville were Nick Duhn from Byron and Brenton and Pat Cameron from Jackson and Hutton. The final game will be in Gloucester on Mar. 4 to close out the season against the Rangers.


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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011






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13 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011



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EBI joins forces with Gencor


d as head tors’ jobs slashe Eight administramoves to Guelph office LJ MATHESON


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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011






Kemptville Fire Department

JOSEPH MORIN The Kemptville Skating Club is enjoying a busy and competitive 2011 season. Recent skating competitions have taken club members to Morrisburg and Athens. In January, the club was at a competition at the Arnprior StarSkate. On Feb. 4 many skaters at the club competed at the Eastern Ontario StarSkate Invitational Competition (EOSIC) in Oshawa. “The club would like to celebrate the many successes of our skaters. They have exhibited some great figure skating. Everyone brought their best skate and we can be very proud of all our young skaters, whether they are competing, testing, or attaining their personal goals,” said Kemptville Skating Club president Ann Miller. Despite the number of recent competitions, the skating club has taken part in, practice is underway for the next competition in Perth on Feb. 26. Skaters from all age groups will be taking part in the competition. Closer to home, the club is getting ready to put on their 2011 ice show, “Opening Night on Broadway,” on March 5. The doors open at 3 p.m. and the show gets underway at 3:30 p.m. “This year’s show will feature our own home grown talent, Janelle Vandemheen, as our special soloist,” said Miller. Janelle is a 2008 All Ontario Champion, and has travelled to Nationals in Calgary. She is back on the road again, with her second place finish in

Amazing deals on the coolest events, restaurants, fashion finds, activities & adventures

The Kemptville Fire Department is conduc ng a spring recruitment program and will accept applica ons un l March 15th, 2011. Anyone interested in applying for a volunteer firefighter posi on can check out the eligibility criteria detailed in the Career Guide which can be picked up at the fire hall or printed from cfm. Any ques ons can be addressed to or call the fire hall at 613-258-2438. Courtesy Photo

The Kemptville Skating Club has started off a busy and rewarding 2011 season. Oshawa, at the Eastern Ontario Starskate Invitational Competition. Janelle will next travel to Port Credit to compete in the All Ontario Starskate Competition in March. “The Club wishes her the best of luck on that journey,” said Miller.

The audience on March 5 is in for a treat as they enjoy Janelle and the entire club perform some favourite Broadway pieces. “Come out and support local skaters as they share their talent with you,” said Miller. Admission is $5; children 2 years and under are free.



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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011

Kemptville Skating Club kicks off 2011 season

l win! er and we al Buy togeth


Woodlot conference highlights forestry concerns From page 2 The Canadian Food Inspection Agency strongly discourages anyone from moving firewood, and has set up regulated areas outside of which ash materials cannot be transported, further restricting the market for ash products. LeedsGrenville will likely soon be designated a regulated area, Streit said. The province is getting better at detecting and defending against EAB, though the two techniques now in use – an expen-

sive injectable insecticide named TreeAzin that protects a tree for two years, and a sticky trap used to catch the bugs – are typically used to save a few prized trees on city streets, parks, schoolyards or golf courses. There does not yet exist a proven defensive strategy for woodlots. Johnson is buying a sticky trap for the summer, but he is realistic about future losses. Like most owners, he does not rely on his woodlot for primary income, but

with ash comprising 20 per cent of the stems in his lot, he will take a hit once the EAB arrives. “These are well-developed trees that have a very high potential for sawlogs, but we have to salvage them as firewood,” he said. “I think it’s very sad that this is happening, but there are no other options at this time.” In future, the EAB may be slowed by colder northern temperatures and natural predators in the old growth forest, but

Scarr said the ministry is considering bringing in a predator bug from China to target the pest. It’s a high stakes problem, since private woodlots account for 90 per cent of the forested area in Eastern Ontario. Scarr hopes for an eventual “equilibrium” such that the EAB kills trees at the same rate they are re-grown. In the meantime, expect to soon see fewer ash trees in the forests of LeedsGrenville.

Ticket reimbursement policy in the works From the front However, the volume of invitations far exceeds the available resources, said North Grenville CAO Andy Brown. This policy would cap the funds available for tickets while ensuring “openness and accountability” in the process, he added. The $500 allotment could only be used to buy tickets for councillors themselves, not their spouses, partners or guests. The dollar amount could be adjusted in future budgets. While noting that council is generally in favour of supporting charitable endeavors, Coun. Barb Tobin appreciated the fact that the new policy would put a limit on taxpayer dollars being spent on complimentary tickets.

“(This policy) certainly does not prevent councillors from attending (events) on their own,” Tobin added. Brown hopes the new policy will help organizations understand why it is not financially possible for councillors to attend every event to which they are invited. In response to Deputy Mayor Ken Finnerty’s comment that the mayor should be allotted a higher amount because he is in high demand as an honoured guest, ToD. Faulkner Photo bin expressed her hope that more groups would show “deference” to the office and invite the mayor “with no expectation of (his) paying for a ticket.” An Osprey nest was erected on the Merrickville fairgrounds close to the water in late The policy will be put to a vote at a fu- December. Eventually an Osprey will discover the nest and hopefully move in. The nest is ture council meeting. courtesy of Hydro One.




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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011




The Adam Harlow Fellowship Fund fundraising “Senators Raffle” draw winners were selected at the Kemptville 73’s Family Day game on Monday, Feb. 21. The winners were selected by 73’s players Pat Cameron, Jesse Ferras, Keinan Brown and the legendary Johnny Guy (absent) and Bob Harlow. Adam Harlow died tragically on March 24, 2002 at the tender age of ten. He began playing hockey in 1999 for the Kemptville Panthers and the game became his greatest passion in life. As a tribute, the “Adam Harlow Fellowship Fund” was created to help give Kemptville District children who would not otherwise be able to play hockey, the opportunity to learn and continue to enjoy the sport by financing their hockey registration fees. This years winners are: 1st prize - Kevin Scharf of Kemptville, 2nd prize – Sam Dickson of North Gower, 3rd prize – Geoff Lamache of Stittsville and 4th prize – Kayla MacGregor of Winchester. For more information on the fund please visit

Bass, WINGS take flight in awareness fight By Rob Brodie Cody Bass is still young enough to relate to the difficulties teenagers face in today’s world. But he’s also reached the age that has him believing he can make a difference. And wanting to be a leader in a cause that touches more people with each passing day. With the memory of Daron Richardson in mind, the Binghamton Senators forward has launched WINGS — an acronym that stands for When I Need Guidance and Support. It is intended to raise more awareness about the issue of teenage suicide, which claimed the life of the 14-year-old daughter of Ottawa Senators assistant coach Luke Richardson last November. “I don’t think people really realize how hard it is to be in high school these days and to be a teenage kid,” said Bass. “I’m only 24 — I was a teenager six years ago and now I’m a young adult. I have two younger sisters who are teenagers and they’ve kind of had a hard time in high school as well. I just want to get the message out there that you should never feel alone and never feel you have to take your own life by suicide. “There should always be

somebody there to help out, no matter what. So that’s kind of the message we’re trying to get across. Make sure every teen has somebody there (with a shoulder) to cry on or to just listen.” Bass feels a closer connection to the Richardson tragedy than most. When he was called up to Ottawa for the first time, the Richardsons opened their home to him and he came to see their family as his own. It was simply their way. “They made it feel like home to me,” said Bass. “Living there, I got to know Daron pretty well. I got to know Morgan (her older sister). I got to know the whole family. They made me feel right at home and treated me really well. Luke is just a special man. He’s one of the greater guys I’ve ever met. “The whole family is just unbelievable. I can’t thank them enough. It’s just a tragic thing to see what happened with Daron, so anything you can do to give back in honour of the Richardson name is awesome.” Bass and B-Sens teammate drove to Ottawa to attend the celebration of life for Daron, which drew 5,600 people to Scotiabank Place — “one of the saddest things I’ve ever had to sit through in my life,” he later told theahl.

com. By the time he returned to Binghamton, Bass knew he had to do something in memory of Daron. With the help of B-Sens staffers Kate Krenzer and Christa Reese, along with Jennifer O’Brien, the owner of the Magic Paintbrush Project in the Binghamton area, WINGS soon took flight. A silent auction was held just before Christmas, which raised more than $4,600 for the Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health and the Mental Health Association of the Southern Tier in Binghamton. Another event, an outdoor skate held last Monday in Binghamton, raised another $800 for WINGS. The B-Sens’ wives and girlfriends got on board with a candy cane fundraiser before Christmas. Fans in other American Hockey League cities have come to Bass, wanting to donate to the cause. So have game officials. The movement continues to grow and it has been a lifechanging one for Bass. “I’ve met some amazing people that have had amazing stories,” he said. “The support from around the league, from random fans donating money and referees who have donated money, and just people jumping on board who wanted to help … those people are special people and I can’t thank them enough.”

New York Rangers Friday, March 4, 7:30 p.m., TSN

Henrik Lundqvist

Photo by Andy Marlin/ NHLI via Getty Images

The Rangers find themselves in a heated battle to maintain their grip on an Eastern Conference playoff berth. Martin Gaborik, the most dynamic element of a Blueshirts attack that is otherwise rather blue collar in nature, is sidelined with a concussion, so it’ll be up to by the likes of Brandon Dubinsky, Artem Ansimov and newcomers Derek Stepan and Brian Boyle to carry more of the load. It’s a mix of young and old on the New York blue line, which features Dan Girardi, Marc Staal and Michael del Zotto. Perhaps the biggest key for the Rangers is the play of workhorse Henrik Lundqvist, one of the NHL’s elite goaltenders.

He knows there are more stories out there, more people who need a helping hand. “The reality is, stuff like this does happen. You just don’t hear about it,” said Bass. “Everybody has their own story. You walk by somebody on the street and you don’t know what their story is until one day, you stop and talk to them. I have all these random people and for them to share their stories with me … These people have lost kids and family members, and it’s just a tragedy. “I don’t wish that upon anybody, especially young children that have their whole lives ahead of them. It’s a tough life out there and you just hope for the best for everybody. If you have kids, you definitely want to see them grow up and live their lives.” To learn more about the program or to make a donation, visit www.codybasswings. com or codybassWINGS.

Senators on TV March 4: vs. N.Y. Rangers, 7:30 p.m. (TSN) March 8: at New Jersey, 7 p.m. (Sportsnet East) March 10: at Florida, 7:30 p.m. (Sportsnet East) March 11: at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m. (Sportsnet Sens) March 13: at Buffalo, 5 p.m. (Sportsnet East

Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011



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WEDDINGS, BAPTISMS & Funerals, location of your choice. Also available Small weddings, my home, weekdays. The Rev. Alan Gallichan. 613726-0400.


Eleanor Grace Carmichael

RACINE (nee Simser)



Beloved wife of Ken Racine. Loving daughter of Jane Simser and the late Donald. Dear sister of Junior (Ona), Zina, and Betty Merkley (Howard). Cherished Aunt of Nicholas, Roxanne, Drew, April, Billy, Jessica and Christopher.

Peacefully at Kemptville District Hospital on Thursday, February 24, 2011, Kerri Gould (nee Wiltshire) of Oxford Mills, age 51. Loving wife of Mark Gould. Adored mother of Brandy Gould (Yvon Labbe). Dear daughter of Lilli Williams of Oxford Mills and the late Edward Wiltshire and daughter-in-law of Olive Gould. Cherished grandmother of Maddix and Marsaya Labbe. Dear sister of Garry (Bev), Gregory (Debbie) and Steven (Karen) Williams and their families. Sadly missed by loving friend Peggy Atkinson. Visitation will be held at Grant Brown Funeral Home Rolston Chapel, Kemptville on Saturday, March 5th from 12 noon to 2pm. Funeral service will follow in the Chapel at 2pm. Those who wish may make memorial donations to the Beth Donovan Hospice or the Canadian Cancer Society.


Penny rested at the Byers Funeral Home, 2990 Church Street, South Mountain, (613-989-3836) from 10:30 a.m. until time of service in the Chapel on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 1 p.m. Interment Reid’s Mills Cemetery. By family request donations may be made to the Lung Association. CL23679


For condolences and on-line guest book please visit:

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Peacefully at home on Saturday February 26, 2011. Penny Racine age 49 of Mountain.

It’s been four years now, Since God saw her getting tired, When a cure was not to be, He wrapped his arms around her, Whispering, “Come with me”. So comforting to know where she is now, And left us the greatest gift – LOVE.


Eleanor passed away peacefully at Kemptville District Hospital on Sunday, January 16, 2011 at the age of 90. Eleanor was born on July 18, 1920 at home on Beach Road in Oxford Mills. She was the daughter of Theodore and Margaret (Berry) Beach. She attended Irish Town Public School and Kemptville High School. She married William Harry Carmichael on September 9, 1939 and moved next door to the Carmichael farm where they resided and raised five sons. Eleanor had a great love of the land and was an avid gardener. The main focus was her strawberry garden and she was still picking berries well into her 80’s. Her attention to detail was amazing whether she was cooking or sewing and she also loved to quilt with her many friends. Her Kemptville St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church Family were very important to her. She was always lending a hand with the many church events. For many years, Eleanor was chairperson to the Women’s Missionary Society. Eleanor was a kind and loving person who was as beautiful on the inside as the outside. Her main priorities in life were her family and her friends. She loved family gatherings and she left quite a legacy as the family grew to12 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. She was the beloved wife of the late Harry Carmichael and loving mother of Bill (Valerie) of Toronto, Robert (Betty) of Spencerville, John (Mabyn) of Okotoks, Alberta, David (Annie) of Kemptville and Stephen (Susan) of Fort Nelson, B.C.; and the cherished grandmother of Catherine, Craig, Shawn, Matthew, Andrea, Chris, Ryan, Darryl, Susan, Shelby and Jackson. She is also survived by 11 great grandchildren. Eleanor is the dear sister of Lorne (Doris) Beach of Oxford Mills and sister-in-law of Lilah Beach. She was predeceased by her brother Theodore Beach and her grandson Paul Carmichael. A celebration of Eleanor’s life was held at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Kemptville on Friday, January 21, 2011 with Reverend Samar Kandalaft officiating. The eulogy was provided by Bill and Shawn Carmichael. The pallbearers were grandson’s Craig, Shawn, Chris, Ryan and Matt Carmichael and great grandson Austin Carmichael. Spring interment will be held at Oxford Mills Cemetery. For condolences and on-line guest book please visit:







Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011



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NEEDED NOW-AZ DRIVERS & OWNER OPS-. We seek professional safety-minded drivers to join a leading int’l carrier with financial stability; competitive pay and benefits; great lanes; quality freight; on dry vans only. Brand new trucks available. Lease program Available. Call Celadon Canada, Kitchener. 1-800-3320518 www.celado

All Regions of Florida from 2- to 8-bdrm homes. Condos, Villas, Pool Homes - we have them all! On your next Florida Vacation do not be satisfied with a hotel room when you can rent your own private Vacation home! U S IIT US IIS T V S T V OW A AT N NOW

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OTTAWA’S Largest Lawn and Property Maintenance Company pays $120-$360 DAILY for outdoor Spring/Summer work. Hiring honest, competitive, and energetic individuals to fill our various 2011 positions. Apply online @ www.Spring PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000 Weekly Mailing Brochures from home. 100% Legit! Income is guaranteed! No experience required. Enroll Today!


Freelance reporter/ photographers

Number of Positions: Several Department: Editorial Department Location: Ottawa Do you have a flair for writing? Do you have a passion for news and features and capturing the essence of every story? Are you detail-oriented, with superior written and verbal communication skills? Metroland Media is seeking reporter/photographers for occasional freelance assignments in downtown and South Ottawa, Barrhaven, Nepean, Kanata, Stittsville, Kemptville, Perth, Renfrew, Smiths Falls, Carleton Place, Arnprior, West Carleton and surrounding areas. Interested candidates should submit their resume along with writing samples and clippings by March 18, 2011 to: Suzanne Landis Managing Editor Email:





POWER LINE TECHNICIAN / MAINTAINER Renfrew Hydro Inc. maintains and distributes electrical power to approx. 4,200 residential and commercial customers within the Town of Renfrew. We are currently seeking a certified power line maintainer to assist our crew in their day to day operations. Under the direction of the Crew leader, the power line maintainer will be responsible for all duties related to overhead and underground distribution circuits, 44kV and below. Qualified applicants who meet the following criteria will be considered: • Grade 12 minimum • Journeyman Powerline Technician Certification licensed to work in Ontario. • Valid Class “D” Drivers License with a Class “Z” Air Brake Endorsement. • Competent in the construction, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of the electrical distribution both overhead and underground. • Ability to read and interpret distribution system construction drawings and supporting documents. • Knowledge of E&USA Safety Rules, Occupational Health & Safety Act, ESA Ontario Reg.22/04, Utility Protection Code, WHMIS, CPR, First Aid and all other applicable legislation. • Must be physically able to perform the essential duties in all weather conditions. • Must have strong written and oral communication skills and be able to establish and maintain an effective working relationship with internal/external customers and electrical industry partners. The successful applicant must have the ability to perform the essential duties of the position including regular standby duties and responding to emergency call-outs. The successful applicant is expected to reside within 15 minute normal travel time of the Town of Renfrew. In addition to a competitive salary, we also offer a comprehensive benefit package as per our Collective Agreement. Qualified applicants are invited to apply, in confidence, by submitting a resume, stating education, work experiences and references to: Renfrew Hydro Inc. 29 Bridge St. Renfrew, Ontario K7V 3R3 Email: Attention: President Applications will be accepted until Friday March 18, 2011. We thank all applicants for their interest; however only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted. CL23622

Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011

FREE YOURSELF FROM DEBT, MONEY FOR ANY PURPOSE! DEBT CONSOLIDATION. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd mortgages, credit lines and loans up to 90% LTV. Self employed, mortgage or tax arrears. DON’T PAY FOR 1YR PROGRAM! #10171 ONTARIO-WIDE FINANCIAL CORP. CALL 1888-307-7799.






ADULT CARRIERS NEEDED Looking for adult newspaper carriers to deliver local community newspapers. Door to door delivery once a week. Must have vehicle.

JOB POSTING Job Title: Newspaper Layout Technician – permanent part-time Number of Positions: 2 Department: Editorial Department Location: Ottawa

Areas of delivery are - Ottawa East, - Ottawa Central - Ottawa South - Ottawa West - Vanier - Orleans areas

Metroland Media – Ottawa Region is seeking a qualified layout technician to paginate pages and flow editorial content. The successful candidate will work with an award-winning team to produce work of a consistently superior quality.

Please contact by email only. Looking for people to start as soon as possible.



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The successful candidate will be a graduate of a graphic design program and/or have two years layout experience. The position requires an enthusiastic, creative self-starter who enjoys working with others to produce work that meets and exceeds quality and deadline standards.

Go to: or call: 1.877.298.8288


Interested applicants should forward resumes by 5 p.m. Friday March 31, 2011 to: Patricia Lonergan- Managing Editor Email:


Amazing deals on the coolest events, restaurants, fashion finds, activities & adventures

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The job requires: • Superior layout skills; • Ability to produce superior work under deadline pressures; • Ability to take direction from supervising editors and to work independently; • Good communication and grammar skills; • Proficiency in pagination programs, including InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator; • A good understanding of the principles of community journalism.

No phone calls please.

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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011




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21 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011

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AZ, DZ or BZ DRIVERS Terrific career opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects using non-destructive testing. No Exp. Needed!! Plus Extensive paid travel, meal allowance, 4 weeks vacation and benefits pkg. Skills Needed Ability to travel 3 mos. at a time, Valid D.L. & High School Diploma or GED. Apply online at under careers, Click here to apply, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE.

SURFACE DIAMOND DRILLERS & HELPERS needed. Cabo Drilling Had Jobs Right Now. You must be experienced & common core certified. NO EXCEPTIONS! Great Pay & Bonus. Email:

SAWMILLS - Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Build anything from furniture to homes. IN STOCK ready to ship. From $4190.00. 1-800-661-7747 Ext:400OT.

AS SEEN ON TV - 1st, 2nd, Home Equity Loans, Bad Credit, SelfEmployed, Bankrupt, Foreclosure, Power of Sale and need to ReFinance?? Let us fight for you because we understand - Life Happens!! CALL Toll-Free 1-877-7334424 or www.callmortgage The Refinancing Specialists ( LIC#10408).

ONTARIO WATERWAY CRUISES PRESENTS: 5 day Canal Cruises on the Kawartha Voyageur river boat. Experience the scenic lakes, rivers and locks of our magnificent heritage canals. For info on our mid March cruise shows across Ontario or a free brochure, just call Toll-Free 1-800561-5767 or check out our website at

$$$ 1st & 2nd & Construction Mortgages, Lines of Credit... 95-100% Financing. BELOW BANK RATES! Poor credit & bankruptcies OK. No income verification plans. Servicing Eastern & Northern Ontario. Call Jim Potter, Homeguard Funding Ltd. TollFree 1-866-403-6639, email: jim,, LIC #10409.


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#1 HIGH SPEED INTERNET $24.95 / Month. Absolutely no ports are blocked. Unlimited Downloading. Up to 5Mps Download and 800Kbps Upload. ORDER TODAY AT or CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-866-281-3538. A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don't Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464. CAN'T GET UP YOUR STAIRS? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift. Call 1-866981-6590.

A BELOW BANK RATE, 1st and 2nd Mortgages from 2.25% VRM, 3.89% 5 YR. Fixed, 95% - 100% o.a.c. Financing, 1st TIME HOME BUYERS, Debt Consolidation, Self-employed, All Credit Types considered. CALL 1800-225-1777, www.homeguard, EST. 1983. LIC #10409.

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TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FUTURE. Invest 10 hrs/wk and build a serious business. You guide and train - no sales, no inventory, no risk. Great income!

PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVERS RTL-WESTCAN GROUP OF COMPANIES - RTL-Westcan has openings for SEASONAL AND ROTATIONAL professional truck drivers to join our teams in various Western Canada locations. PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVERS: Minimum 2 years' AZ experience; B-train experience/Extended trailer length experience; Liquid/dry bulk product experience is an asset; Clean driving/criminal record; Pre-employment medical/substance testing. We offer: $1,400 WEEKLY GUARANTEE, Travel to/from employment location, Good Operations Bonus, Returning Bonus and more! Candidates for all positions APPLY ONLINE AT: under the Join our Team section. Alternatively, e-mail or phone Toll-Free 1-888-WBT-HIRE for further details. Committed to the Principles of Employment Equity.


YOU ARE TOO YOUNG to give up on love. MISTY RIVER INTRODUCTIONS will find you someone to spend the rest of your life with. Call today & make the change that will result in you finding a life partner. No computer necessary. CALL (613) 257-3531,

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MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or damaged vehicles. AUTO PARTS FOR ALL CARS AND TRUCKS - Best price guaranteed! Save up to 70%! FREE delivery in Ontario. Order online at or by phone Toll-Free 1-877-999-1580. BUSINESS OPPS.

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FREE COUPONS! Attractions Ontario offers savings on Ontario's best attractions! Call 1-800-ONTARIO to receive your Passport filled with coupons or download them at www.attractions OTTAWA SPRING RV SHOW - March 4-6, 2011. Lansdowne Park, 1015 Bank Street, Ottawa. 15 dealers, a dozen campgrounds, new products, retail store, show-only specials. Discount admission at OttawaRV Call Toll-Free 1-877-8179500. FINANCIAL SERVICES $$$ HOME OWNER LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE - Decrease payments up to 75%! 1st, 2nd & 3rd Mortgages & Credit lines. Bad credit, tax or mortgage arrears OK. Ontario-Wide Financial Corp. (LIC# 10171), TollFree 1-888-307-7799, DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM. Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce/eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call: 1-877220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member. $500$ LOAN, NO CREDIT REFUSED. Fast, Easy and Secure. 1877-776-1660. HELP WANTED HIRING Local Sales Representatives. No Experience Necessary. Apply today & start tomorrow! Universal Commercial Lighting. Please apply by emailing

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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011


South Gower Industrial Park, Kemptville

MOT an Certified • We sell and install all brands of tires. d inspect annual safety (Our competitive pricing includes installation) ion pro vider • We offer a complete air conditioning repair service. • Automotive general repairs for your car, truck or RV. • Front & Rear brakes and Anti-lock braking system repair. • Suspension and steering repair as well as wheel alignments. • Exhaust repair including custom pipe bending and fabrication. • State of the art computerized engine diagnostics and tune up's. • Internal engine repair and rebuilding.


Community Calendar WHERE


March 4


World Day of Prayer at 2 p.m. at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Reflect on the many gifts that God has given

March 5


TLC Soupfest, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Winchester Arena (upstairs hall). Tickets sold at door. Adult $10, Senior $8, Child $5. ‘Free will offering’ dessert table. Call Lynn at 613-989-3042/613-8691191.

March 5

North Gower

Barn dance and silent auction with Don Tuttle. Door prizes, “country fixins”, cash bar and live music. Supporting the North Gower Cooperative Nursery School. Call 613-866-3340 for more information.

March 5


National Valley ATV Club’s March annual fun run. 8:30 a.m. registration at the Winchester Service Station, County Rd. 28 (St. Lawrence Street). Call 613-989-5580.

March 5


Kemptville District Hospital Foundation will host the Spring Gala in support of KDH Equipment Fund at the North Grenville Municipal Centre from 6 p.m. starting with cocktails, followed by a dinner at 7 p.m. Theatre performance by Painchaud, live and silent auctions. Tickets are $150. Contact 613-258-6133 ext. 157 for details.

March 5


Juice Jam, the popular monthly children’s music show, will be held in Purvis Hall at the Kemptville Campus at 11 a.m.. Singing, dancing, felt board displays, cookies and juice - and it’s all free! To register, call the North Grenville Public Library at 613-258-4711.

March 5


Bowl for a Cancer Cure. Kemptville Bowling Alley. Proceeds support the Weekend Walk to End Women’s Cancers. $120/team of six or $20/person. Prizes, raffles, 50/50 Draw. Shifts from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Finals at 9 p.m. Contact Mary Ann at 613-658-2367, Joan at 613-925-4146 or Ashley at 613-215-0277 to register.

March 6


Meet and greet with Liberal MP Marjory Loveys. 2 to 4 p.m. Moonlight Family Dining Restaurant at 21 Clothier St. E. Call Marjory at 1-888-364-2280.

March 6


Ninth Annual Literary Follies, sponsored by Friends of the Library. 1:30 p.m. in Leslie Hall. Free admission. Program includes readings and book sale by Victor Suthren, Ed Bebee, R.J. Harlick. Entertainment by the Ottawa Valley Male Choir and a musical variety show by students from St. Mike’s and NGDHS. Refreshments.

We Beautify Your Entire Home! • Windows & Doors • Kitchens & Bathrooms • Flooring • Sunrooms • Basement Renos • Roofing & Siding 364200


Want to submit an event to appear on this calendar? Let us know within 3 weeks of the event by emailing

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23 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011

March Meltdown 2007 Allure CX

2010 Silverado Reg Cab 4x4

2010 Buick Lucerne CXL

WOW! 27651 kms

8ft Box, Only 7387 kms

Leather, sunroof only 33 799 kms

$16,556 + Tax or $165 Bi-weekly all in

$27,556 + tax or $224 bi-weekly all in

$30 556 + tax or $248 bi-weekly all in

2006 GMC Envoy Xl

2006 Malibu Maxx SS

2010 Impala LT

7 Passenger, Leather only 75 269 kms

0nly 40,125 kms

$18,556 + tax or $197 bi-weekly all in

$14,556 + tax or $155 bi-weekly all in

2 to choose from 35 659 kms

Stock # U1333

Stock # U1284A

Stock # U1331

Stock # U1330

$19,556 + tax or $160.00 bi-weekly all in

Stock # U1287

For payment details, please see dealer.

Seniors Days Every Tuesday and Thursday with 10% off all parts and labour!

SERVICE SPECIALS We Carry Tires for all makes and models - call or email for pricing information.

We are


during the week and weekends!

So book online at or call us at 613-258-3403

Prices in effect until March 31st, 2011



104 Elvira St. East Kemptville, Ontario

Now open 7-6 Monday to Thursday and 8-3 on Saturday, ( 7-5 on Friday)

STREET KIA New & Used Vehicles


171 Lombard St., Smiths Falls

$500 discount toward the purchase of a new or used vehicle at displayed retail price.



Coupon must be presented before discussing pricing and cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount, program or promotion. Some vehicles may not apply. See us for details. Redeemable ONLY Street KIA, 171 Lombard St., Smiths Falls



“Fastest growing and friendliest Import Dealer in the District” WE OFFER THE FINEST SELECTION OF NEW AND PRE-OWNED VEHICLES ON OUR






new fuel-friendly kias 2011 RIO*

2011 FORTE*

2011 SOUL*

2011 RONDO*

2011 SEDONA*



7.1/5.8 L/100km

8.0/5.6 L/100km

7.7/6.3 L/100km

10.6/7.5 L/100km

11.5/8.0 L/100km

9.5/6.3 L/100km

9.7/6.9 L/100km

*0% for up to 84 months O.A.C. on Select New Kias

used gas saver specials 2009 Chrysler PT Cruiser

2010 Kia Rio 7.1/5.8 L/100 km 4 cyl., remote entry.

9.8/7.5 L/100 km Security features, PL.



2007 Kia Spectra 2007 Chev Cobalt 8.6/6.2 L/100 km Power group, tilt.

9.8/7.1 L/100 km Tilt, cruise.



2009 Kia Magentis

9.4/6.2 L/100 km Traction control, 4 cyl.


2007 Pontiac G5

9.4/6.3 L/100 km Alloy wheels, blue tooth.


2009 Kia Magentis

9.4/6.2 L/100 km Tilt, A/C.

2009 Pontiac G5 8.0/5.4 L/100 km Tilt, A/C.



2008 Chev Cobalt

2008 Kia Spectra

9.8/7.1 L/100 km P steering, cruise.

8.6/6.2 L/100 km Tilt, security features.


Fuel ratings are estimates found in fuel consumption guide: Natural Resources Canada


2005 Pontiac Vibe 2002 Pontiac Sunfire 2001 VW New Beetle 1999 Honda Accord 7.8/5.9 L/100 km Tilt, roof racks.


9.8/6.8 L/100 km Power locks, A/C.

9.5/7.0 L/100 km Tow package, cruise.

9.3/7.1 L/100 km A/C, leather.




*Prices DO NOT include admin fee of $299.00 or any other applicable taxes. Certified pre-owned Kia comes with our 5-star warranty for a minimum of 1 year-on top of any remaining factory warranty. Financing as low as 3.9% on all CPOV vehicles. All new car payments INCLUDE all fees and taxes. See dealer for details.


Tire Specials!! Most Makes and Sizes – Hancook, Toyo, Goodyear, Michelin just to name a few! SAVE SAVE SAVE!!! Call for your special price!!

Filter Replacement: For your vehicle protection. SAVE on gas and INCREASE your fuel mileage!! • Fuel Filter • Engine Air Filter • Cabin Air Filter • Fuel Tank Filter

Dress up and Protect your Kia With Genuine Kia Accessories!! 13% OFF • Hood Deflector • Chrome Mesh Grill • Roof Rack Cross Bars • Vent Visors • Floor Mats • Trailer Hitch & Harness • Running Boards • Push Bars • Rear Spoiler These are just a few of the main items that are available. Please call for a price.


Transmission Service Special 10% OFF (most vehicles)

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FREE Brake Inspection • Brake Service 10% OFF BEST PRICED OIL CHANGE IN TOWN!!! $34.95 Includes 15-point inspection and FREE fluid top ups!!

Fuel Filter Service from $69.95

Includes inspect and replace fuel filter and necessary gaskets

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Rob Street General Manager

Paul Kennedy Sales Manager

Andrew Thomas Sales & Leasing

Jack Traynor Sales & Leasing

Justin Kinch Sales & Leasing

Max Hitchcock Finance Manager

Mike Kingston Sales & Leasing

Brian Harrison

Bruce Schwartz


Caleb Robson

Keith Echlin


Kemptville Advance - MARCH 03, 2011


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