PICTURE PERFECT WINDOWS Clear Cut celebrates 25 years in South Mountain
Serving Kemptville, Merrickville, Winchester, Osgoode and surrounding area
CAMPAIGN READY MPP Steve Clark has been acclaimed by the PC Party as their candidate in the Oct. 6, 2011, provincial election.
Volume 156 Issue No. 11
The old Kemptville Fire Hall is up for lease. Community groups feel the hall would be a perfect home for their meetings.
FARM SHOW Theatre Night in Merrickville is gearing up for their performance of Farm Show. The play is on March 31, April 1 and April 2.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Spencerville food bank meets growing need jp.antonacci@metroland.com
Celebration might seem an odd word to describe the opening of a food bank. But a food bank in a rural area like South Grenville means that those who previously went hungry can now get help. That’s what was celebrated at the ribbon cutting for the new Food For All food bank at Spencerville United Church last Tuesday. The food bank had been operating monthly out of the church basement since late last year. Thanks to a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, it will now open every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the church at 16 Centre St. The expanded hours will make a big difference for the Spencerville community, said Bonnie Gommert, executive di-
rector of Food For All. “We just felt that it wasn’t enough being here once a month. Not only was there a need, but we were missing the boat” because people were travelling to food banks in Cardinal and Prescott when the Spencerville location was closed, she said. Reverend Christina Davis of Spencerville United Church has seen poverty rising. “(Poverty) is not as obvious in rural communities. If you go to an urban centre, you’ll see people living on the street, and you will see more than one social agency. There will be campaigns, and Christmas drives, and all those kind of things, so poverty is kept a little higher in view,” Davis explained. “In the rural areas, the need is here, but because it’s not concentrated it’s not well observed. It’s
J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff
Two-year-old buddies Nolan (right) and Aaron (along with Aaron’s mother, Amber Curran) make friends with a llama inside the petting zoo at the College Royal last Saturday at the University of Guelph Kemptville Campus. The popular annual event featured a calf sale and celebrity milking contest. For more from the Royal, visit yourottawaregion. com. often a pride issue. Nobody wants to be seen by their neighbours as not being able to take care of themselves or their families.” “We fight that stigma every day,” agreed Shorey Bowen of Food For All. “(Food bank users) don’t want to be here – they have
to be here.” Patsy Gillis, a longtime Johnstown resident and Food For All director since the organization formed in 2002, says the recession led to a spike in food bank usage that still continues. “There are more people who are needy, be it for a
short time or a long time. But they’re coming in because there’s no work available,” Gillis said, noting that the need is particularly great in the winter, when there is less farm work to be had. NEW see page 2
2 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
New food bank
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Poorer residents can’t afford to travel to food banks in other communities, so Spencerville’s expanded hours will help remove transportation as an access barrier. The church also hosts a regular soup kitchen, where people can eat what might be the only hot meal they get that week. The Trillium Foundation provided $84,600 in seed money to get the food bank off the ground and train local volunteers. Only those who live in the area and can demonstrate legitimate need can use the food bank, either on a drop in basis or as a repeat client. The food bank does not distribute cash, and each hamper lasts approximately five days. Volunteers also teach clients to cook, stretching the food further. Neighbours still help neighbours in places like Spencerville, but rural culture has changed as bigger communities such as Kemptville become bedroom communities for urban dwellers, driving up land prices along the 416, Davis said. Food For All has seen positive results at food banks in Prescott and Cardinal–which saw an 18 per cent usage increase in 2009 over the previous year– and hopes for the same in Spencerville as awareness rises. Mayor Bill Sloan of Edwardsburgh-Cardinal welcomed the food bank to Spencerville. “It’s a muchneeded resource for the area, and it really helps the community,” he said before the ribbon cutting. Even though the food bank is housed in a Christian church, Davis stressed that people of all faiths are welcome. “There are no strings attached – this is a community service,” she said. The new food bank means that more hungry people can be fed. But the real celebration will take place when there is no longer any need for food banks. “We hope to eventually work ourselves out of business,” Shorey said. “Right on,” Gillis agreed. For more information or to donate, visit foodforallfoodbank.ca.
Donate for Japan On March 11, an 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit Japan leaving hundreds of people dead, and many more injured or missing. Canadians wishing to help support relief efforts underway are encouraged to contribute through: Canadian Red Cross 1800-418-1111 or texting the word ASIA to 30333 to make a one-time donation of $5 www.redcross. ca; UNICEF Canada, 1-800-5674483 or texting the word GIVE to 45678 www.unicef.ca; World Vision Canada 1-800-844-7993. www. worldvision.ca; Save the Children Fund 1-800-464-9154.www. savethechildren.ca; Care Canada 1-800-267-5232 www.carecanada. ca; Oxfam Canada 1-800-466-9326. www.oxfam.ca. Visit www.yourottawaregion.com for updates.
North Grenville Historical Society lends a helping hand Winter moves are never fun and less fun when there is no new home in sight. Sadly, the Merrickville and District Historical Society (MDHS) had to move their archives at the end of February, and divide them between three temporary locations. One of those locations is the North Grenville Historical Society. “They offered to take our most sensitive material because their facility is climate controlled,� said Nina Donald, president of MDHS, “without their support we might just be sitting on the sidewalk surrounded by boxes in the dead of winter.� The response was also fast, largely because the two societies share a few members in common, but the accommodation is hardly permanent. “The need was urgent and very real, and we felt we could shuffle things around in the short-term,� said David Shanahan, president of the North Grenville Historical Society. From the very start when MDHS found out they would have to move in early January they struck a committee to look for a new space, but the committee came up empty. “I went into every hole and cubby hole in Merrickville, and the only place we found that was decent was on the second floor at
The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville is accepting applications from interested residents for additional members to sit on its LandďŹ ll Liaison Committee. This Committee will be responsible for acting in an advisory capacity to the County Waste Management Committee. Although expertise in Municipal Waste Management is desirable, it is not a requirement for membership on the committee. Mileage expenses incurred for travel to meetings will be reimbursed.
REGULAR COUNCIL Monday, March 28 th at 6:30 pm in the Council Cham bers, North Grenville Municipal Centre. COM M ITTEE OF THE W HOLE COUNCIL Monday, March 21S T at 6:30 pm in the Com m ittee Room , North Grenville M unicipal Centre. For agenda inform ation, please contact the Clerk’s Office or the Municipal web site. COM M ITTEE M EETINGS • Police Services Board - Thursday, March 24 th at 1:30 p.m . in the Municipal Centre.
BAG TAG INCREASE Please be advised that the cost of bag tags for solid waste increased to $1.75 per tag effective March 7 th . You m ay continue to use the green tags until June 3 rd . Certain fees at the T ransfer Station have also increased effective March 7 th . Further inform ation is available on our web site or by contacting the Public W orks Departm ent at 613-258-9569 Ext. 133.
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CIVIC AWARDS PROGRAM The Municipality of North Grenville is looking to recognize outstanding persons and groups in our com m unity. Nom ination inform ation and packages are available on our web site or at the Municipal Office. Deadline for Nom inations is 4:00 pm on Friday, April 1 s t .
COMMUNITY GRANTS PROGRAM The Municipality of North Grenville is now accepting applications from non-profit & charitable organizations, as well as com m unity representation at the national or international level in am ateur sporting or culture. Application inform ation and packages are available on our web site or at the Municipal Office. Deadline for Nom inations is 12:00 noon on Friday, April 15 th .
2011 BURN PERMITS Residents are rem inded that in accordance with By-Law 3301, a Burn Perm it is required to conduct open burning on property located outside of the urban area. Burn Perm its for 2011 are available at the Municipal Office or at the Fire Hall at 259 County Rd. 44 for a fee of $15.00. Please contact the Fire Hall at 258-2438 for conditions prior to burning.
Renewal notices have been sent to all currently registered dog owners. If you are not a currently registered dog owner, please contact By-Law Services at 613-258-9569 Ext 119 for further inform ation. The 2011 rate for Dog Licenses is a flat fee of $15 for each dog. For inform ation on Kennel Licenses, please contact By-Law Services.
The Municipality of North Grenville
285 County Rd. 44, Box 130 Kemptville, ON. K0G1J0 www.northgrenville.ca general@northgrenville.on.ca Tel. 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building Tel. 613-258-4424 Fax 613-258-1441 Fire Dept. Info 613-258-2438 Fax 613-258-1031 fire@northgrenville.on.ca Police Administration Tel. 613-258-3441 Animal Control Tel. 613-862-9002
Members of the public interested in sitting on the LandďŹ ll Liaison Committee: • Should have an interest in Waste Management in Leeds & Grenville, particularly management of the County-owned, potential landďŹ ll site, ED-19, located in Edwardsburgh-Cardinal, and • Must be a resident of a municipality within the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville (broad geographic representation of participating members is desirable and will be one of the selection criteria), and • Should not be an elected or appointed ofďŹ cial of any of the member municipalities of the UCLG
All 2011 Interim Realty Tax Bills have now been m ailed. If you have not received your bill, please contact the Adm inistration Office. The Installm ent Due Date is March 31 s t , 2011.
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Special to the Advance
the corner of St. Lawrence and Main, but the room was only big enough for storage and would leave us no room to work on the material that still needs digitizing,� said Wayne Poapst, the liaison officer for MDHS. Up until now, the MDHS archives had been stored in a large basement room at the Old Town Hall, which was, until recently, owned by the Merrickville Heritage Foundation. The new owners are unable to accommodate the society’s need. “The foundation has been very good to us, letting us rent the space at such a reasonable rate,� added Donald. That space was not only large enough to store the archival material, but also all the computers and equipment used to catalogue and digitize items . It was also big enough to allow people to go about the work of restoration and a good place to hold executive meetings. MDHS did approach the village for help in locating a new home for the archives but nothing came of that avenue either. In the meantime, the society’s computers, worktables and equipment are stored in dry barns and in the blockhouse until a new home can be found. “For storage it doesn’t have to be a pretty spot, just a secure and appropriate space,� said John Cowan, the former president of MDHS.
Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
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United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, Attn: Director of Works, Planning Services & Asset Management 25 Central Avenue, Brockville, ON K6V 4N6
Please send a letter expressing your interest in this committee and indicating ability to meet the criteria by March 31, 2011 to:
Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
Making a list and checking it twice With the news of an official election date nailed down for a provincial election, comes an opportunity to make a wish-list for voters and politicians alike. October 6 is a long way to go, and a great deal can take place before then. Consider, that a federal election could happen anytime and that would certainly exhaust everyone as well as make any kind of provincial election a big turnoff. Getting ready for any election could be difficult without proper preparation. How about a simple suggestion. Make some notes now and stick them on your refrigerator. Top issues will have to be food prices, fuel costs and hydro bills. A side order of infrastructure money would be something to ask for, even though according to all levels of government, the coffers are empty for that kind of thing. In North Grenville, and of course at the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville there is still the unanswered question of where to find the $32 million needed to upgrade County Road 43 in Kemptville from the bridge, west of the Highway 416 interchange, all the way to Somerville Road. Wouldn’t a nice promise of a financial care package be a wonderful election
promise fulfilled. As the cost of living goes up in rural Ontario so will the concerns and complaints about how we are all treated by government. Imagine the kinds of expectations all of the provincial candidates from this part of the world will have placed on them. Everyone is expecting the province to bring jobs, money and prosperity to Leeds and Grenville. The reality may be that we will all have to rely on ourselves to keep the engine of prosperity ticking over. There are lots of good ideas out there that could help stoke the economic furnace. One great idea, that North Grenville is already pursuing, is developing its trail system. The trails would not just be for North Grenville residents but would be a great draw for tourists. Tourism, next to agriculture, may be the industry that defines North Grenville in the long run. Regardless of what kind of promises any candidate makes in the provincial election, it will be the residents in North Grenville and in the rest of Leeds and Grenville who will make the difference. Start that refrigerator list now.
Double double trouble in the name game That was a shocking story about the overcrowded Vancouver hospital that had to use the in-house Tim Hortons as part of its emergency room. Everyone is running around wondering what to do about this. The obvious solution, spending more public money on hospitals, has not seemed to occur to anyone. This is an age in which no government is allowed to spend more money on anything. In that vein, you are invited to view a proposal to sell naming rights on public buildings in Ottawa. Under the proposal, buildings — or parts of buildings or rooms in buildings, or perhaps doors in buildings — would be named after generous corporate donors. This idea is viewed by its supporters as money for nothing. If Ottawa City Hall became, for example, Toyota City Hall, that would raise some revenue for the city and the city wouldn’t have to do anything politically ugly like use taxes to raise money. As for the fact that people may not like the idea of Ottawa City Hall being called Toyota City Hall — some might not even like it being called Disney City Hall — there are two answers. One came from an Ottawa councillor: “There was a time when the tax base could support everything that folks were
CHARLES GORDON Funny Town looking for,” Mark Taylor said, quoted by the CBC. “That day has come and gone, and now we have to make sure we’re capitalizing on every other opportunity.” That’s one way of looking at it. Another way is to say that what has really come and gone is the courage of politicians to keep services at a high level and ask taxpayers to pay for them. Anyway, that’s one answer. The other answer is that people, even if they are horrified at first by a public wading pool named after an insecticide, will get used to it. And, unfortunately, that’s correct. Remember when ScotiaBank Place was the Palladium? Remember when it became the Corel Centre? How upset were you, really? And you probably wouldn’t be upset if tomorrow it became the Ex-Lax Centre either, especially if the
Serving North Grenville and area since 1855
113 Prescott St., P.O. Box 1402 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
parking congestion were eased. A cynic might say that there are dozens of ugly structures in this town that might benefit by being named after, say, Count Chocula or Hummer or Air Wick. But in general, it isn’t a good idea to rename everything in sight just to pull in some corporate bucks. Some of the best names on local structures have nothing to do with corporations. What could be a better name than Frank Clair Stadium? (Don’t you dare change it, by the way.) And who would quarrel with naming buildings, parts of buildings, parks and open spaces after Walter Baker or Ben Franklin or Charlotte Whitton or Andrew Haydon or Marion Dewar? Mercifully there is no indication that they will be changed. Those names say something about the history of the city. A corporate name, unless it is a local one, says nothing. Here are some names of North American sports facilities: American Airline Arena, Rexall Place, Arco Arena, Bank One Ballpark, Cinergy Field, HP Pavilion, Office Depot Centre. Not a one has any identification with the city in which it is located and only a total sports nerd would be able to link the city with the name.
Telephone: 613-258-3451 Fax: 613-258-0617
Lori Sommerdyk, District Service Rep, Kemptville Advance 613-221-6246 • 1-877-298-8288 missed delivery • Lori.sommerdyk@metroland.com
Sales Representative Drew Headrick
Reporter JP Antonacci
613-221-6201 Regional General Manager John Willems
613-258-3451 Director of Advertising Paul Burton
613-258-3451 Sales Representative Jennifer Hindorff
613-258-3451 Office Administrator Kathy Farrell
613-240-9942 Advertising Manager Terry Tyo
613-258-3451 Associate Editor Joe Morin
613-258-3451 Director of Community Relations Terrilynne Crozier
terrilynne crozier@metroland.com
Regional Publisher Chris McWebb
613-221-6202 Editor in Chief Deb Bodine deb.bodine@metroland.com
Managing Editor Suzanne Landis
Does Edmonton immediately spring to mind when you hear Rexall Place? That’s not what we want for Ottawa. But — eureka! — maybe it would work in Vancouver. You take the hospital Tim Hortons, remove the doughnuts, put the hospital equipment in permanently and, voila, here is a new emergency room. Then, you rename it the Tim Hortons Emergency Room and charge Tim Hortons a few hundred thousand for the privilege. That seems to make sense. The only question is where people would go for their coffee. Perhaps a new doughnut shop down the street. What about naming it after a public building?
Editorial Policy The Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at www.yourottawaregion.com. To submit a letter to the editor, please email suzanne.landis@metroland.com or fax to 613-258-0716 or mail to: 113 Prescott Street Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0.
DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES - DISPLAY ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Monday is 9 a.m. Call 613-258-3451 (local) or 1-877-298-8288. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its employees or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All photographs and advertisements created by The Advance staff are the property of The Advance and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Please call or stop by the Kemptville office for Canadian, foreign and US rates.
Member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association & the Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Also a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations
5 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
Limited time offer!
Hockey Night in Kemptville
88 †
I didn’t raise any hockey players. My girls enjoy watching the game live with a bunch of friends, but none of them learned to play. My nephew, on the other hand, was probably handed a hockey stick and fitted for skates as soon as he could walk. My sister invited us to attend one of Riley’s hockey games the other night. I felt a little out of place, and noticed one or two people (high school classmates) looking at me as if they were wondering what the heck I was doing there. They probably thought I was there to take photos for the newspaper. The Farmer and I had thought ahead, bringing our fake-fur blanket to sit on in the stands. I remember going to hockey games with my Dad as a kid, freezing my bum to the seat. No real need for blankets here though – the stands in our new municipal centre arena are positively cozy, with heaters directed at the spectators. As Riley’s team skated onto the ice, I couldn’t believe how big he was. I see him a few times a month when he joins us for Sunday dinner – and I buy him clothes – so I know he’s getting bigger but, really, this is ridiculous. I won’t go on and on or he will kill me. Just as he started doing his lunge stretches I swear I felt a presence settle in beside me. Dad was watching his grandson, and his favourite sport. I was told not to yell, “Go,
The Accidental Farmwife Diana Fisher
Panthers” because both teams on the ice had the same name. Riley is in Atom C3 so we tried to cheer “Let’s go C3, let’s go” but it didn’t have much of a ring to it. I read somewhere that girls make really good hockey players – particularly goalies. I’m sure Hayley Wickenheiser (or is that Wickenhauser?) would concur. Aly Thibert and Mickayla Petersen are confident and quick on their skates and the puck rarely gets past them. I felt a little foolish yelling out loud at the players at first, but once you get caught up in the game, it’s pretty hard to keep your mouth shut. By the end of it I was hoarse. But probably not as bad as the woman in front of me, who kept letting out this screaming squawk every time the play got exciting. She made me jump every time she did it. I had to catch myself from giggling and pointing at some of the players – their parents
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In memory of I give you this one thought to keep,
“Friendly competition killing coyotes” According to Alan Mills, it is nobody’s else’s business whether he and his customers want to have a little friendly competition killing coyotes. And anyone who disagrees with his opinion must certainly have a personal vendetta against him. I do not think that the media, nor the public, is that easily manipulated. I have been an unwilling witness to the behaviour these illegal contests are encouraging and supporting. I have seen infractions of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, yet neither the police nor the MNR are willing to deal with this issue. It is against the law to pursue or harass animals from vehicles, yet I have witnessed this happening from skidoos, four wheelers and trucks. It is against the law to trespass, yet it is happening. I have seen a coyote being chased by
dogs, with the hunter following in his truck, with no regard for public safety when the animals crossed a public roadway. Yet these unting enthusiasts are the first to say to pet owners who have lost their animals to hunters, oh well, your dog shouldn’t be at large. Talk about hypocrisy. It is the sense of entitlement that bother’s me the most. Other’s rights are not considered. I used to enjoy walking the fields with my dog, but times have changed. I am now very aware that the most dangerous predator out there has two legs and a gun.
Linda Craig Metcalfe, Ontario
Bradley James Ebbers
I am with you still, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning’s hush, I am the swift, uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not think of me as gone, I am with you still, in each new dawn.
March 29, 1989 March 18, 2009 Original photograp a h - James Jordaan Ph Phot otoograph phyy
From our family to yours.... May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared, comfort you now and in the days ahead
Special to the Advance
were probably sitting beside us – but at age 9 and 10 the kids are various shapes and sizes. Some of them have a bit of growing to do in order to fill out their hockey jersey. But that doesn’t stop them from contributing to the play. They just have to move those legs a little faster. I am not familiar with the rules of the game, nor can I follow it closely on the ice, so I won’t be giving a play-by-play of the action. Suffice it to say, we were all on the edge of our seats, from the puck drop through to the game-ending buzzer. Spurred on by the cheers of his proud parents in the crowd (I don’t know whether the players can hear their names from the ice but I’m sure that energy travels), Ryan Hess glided up and scored the winning goal in the last few minutes. Don’t ask me to remember the score. Like I said, I’m no sports commentator. Just a new fan of a game that reminds me so much of my Dad. I could hear him yelling his low, gravelly encouragement to the players, and one in particular: “Atta boy, Riley!” Congratulations, all of you, and enjoy your March Break. I’ll be in the stands for the play offs!
MPP Steve Clark acclaimed as Conservative candidate JOSEPH MORIN joe.morin@metroland.com
Steve Clark is ready and able to take on
all comers in the upcoming Oct. 6 provincial election. Last week, Clark was acclaimed as the Progressive Conservative candidate in
Leeds-Grenville. Nepean Carleton MPP Lisa MacLeod declared Clark’s nomination at the Quality Hotel Royal Brock in Brockville. After the announcement, Clark discussed one of the issues he feels makes a change in the provincial government so important to Ontario residents. “I hear from families every day that they just need a break from the endless taxes and fees they’ve been hit with by the McGuinty government,” he said. “That’s the mes-
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Greg Pietersma, Chair
sage I’ve been making sure the McGuinty government is hearing loud and clear at Queen’s Park.” Clark said he was thrilled to have earned the confidence of the PC party members in Leeds and Grenville. “I’m looking forward to the campaign and an opportunity to be part of a Tim Hudak government that’s going to restore Ontario’s place as the engine of Canada’s economy.”
New acts at Dandelion Festival
David K Thomas, Director
Brent Kelaher needs buskers. The new coordinator of the Dandelion Festival is on a mission to find as many talented local street performers as he can to roam Prescott and Clothier during the popular spring festival, now in its 12th year. “We’ve always wanted to get street performers and buskers involved, but we haven’t put too much energy into it (in the past), so I’m really concentrating on that this year,” Kelaher said. More street performers are just one of the additions planned for this year’s festival, which will run May 27 to 29 and feature performances by local musicians and dancers, exhibits by local artisans, and historical walks and skits. All told, more than 115 artists will take part in the free festival, which functions thanks to the efforts of about 175 volunteers. The Friday night youth night will return, as will the farmer’s market. There will also be plenty in store
for the festival’s youngest participants. “We’re going to have an expanded and more active kids zone,” Kelaher said. “There’s going to be something going on Saturday and Sunday all day long.” The kids zone will have activities for every taste and age group, including a Juice Jam, puppet shows by Rag ‘n’ Bones and Cheeky Monkeys, a music show by children’s artist Jared McMillan, a reptile rainforest, balloon-making, and radical science workshops. The festival coincides with the grand opening of the library in Kemptville that Saturday, so some of the kids zone activities will take place inside the new library. With just over two months until showtime, planning for the festival has begun in earnest thanks to an announcement of $13,500 in funding from the federal Department of Canadian Heritage, which is dedicated to promoting local arts and culture. In recent years the Dandelion Festival has faced tough competition for fewer heritage dollars from
many new festivals across Ontario, which means the amount of the federal grant has declined over the past three years. The festival is actively seeking additional funding sources, but the grant still represents one third of the total budget. “It definitely helps,” Kelaher said. “It gets us up and rolling.” Kelaher, a former coowner of the branch restaurant, coordinated the festival’s main stage entertainment for four years prior to volunteering to run the show. He promises a few surprises in this year’s lineup. “Every year we try to grow the festival one more step and kick it up a notch,” he said. Two local bluegrass acts and one “big, big group” will take to the main stage for a mini-bluegrass festival Sunday morning In the meantime, he needs to find local buskers who will “bring more energy to the streets.” Interested street performers can contact the festival at dandelionfestival@gmail.com
Free Methodist. North Grenville Community Church (2659 Concession).
Southgate Community Church 1303 French Settlement Rd. , Kemptville. 9:00am & 10:40am. Southgatechurch.com Ben Last – Lead Pastor The Anglican Parish of Oxford. “A BIG Country Welcome” • St. Andrew’s Garretton • St. Peter’s - North Augusta • St. Anne’s - Oxford Station. The Reverand
Matthew Kydd, 613-345-2022. South Gower Baptist Church. 447 South Gower Drive - 258-9570. Service: Sunday evening 7:30pm. Roman Catholic. Holy Cross Church (505 Clothier St. W). Mass Times: Sat: 5pm, Sun: 9 & 11 am. Children’s Liturgy during 11am Mass. Father Andrew Shim. Presbyterian. Kemptville & Mountain Pastoral Charge. Rev. Samer Kandalaft. St. Paul’s Kemptville - 10:45am. Sunday
Service - Church School - Nursery. Knox Mountain Service - 9:15am.
am - 12 pm. Phone 613-258-3259 or e-mail stjohnsk@magma.ca. Calendar of events available at www.kemptvilleunitedchurch.org Building is fully accessible.
St. Andrew’s United Church, 256 South Gower Drive - Heckston. 11:00 am Service. Reverend Blair Paterson & Reverend Victoria Fillier.
Kemptville Christian Reformed Church. (2455 County Rd. 18/Clothier St. W) 10:00 a.m and 6:30 p.m Sunday Services. Children’s Worship during morning service, Sunday School following a.m service. Reverend Benjamin Ponsen.
St. John’s United Church, 400 Prescott Street 10:00 AM Sunday Service with a nursery and Church school. Rev. Lynda Harrison officiating. Offices open Tues 8:30 am - 4 pm, and Wed - Fri 8:30
Bethesda Chapel at the Baptist Church, 477 South Gower Drive, Kemptville. Sunday service 9am. Worship Leader: Debbie Gallagher. Teaching Elder: Bob Jones. 774-5170. Bishop's Oxford Pastoral Charge. Service at 10:00 am, 1st. & 3rd Sundays at St. Andrew’s United Church Bishop’s Mills, 2nd & 4th Sundays at Oxford Mills United Church. Minister: Reverend Paul F. Vavasour
This Community listing is brought to you by the Advance and these community minded sponsors. If you would like to sponsor this listing, call Drew or Jennifer.
Kemptville Pentecostal Church. 1964 County Road 43 - Kemptville. Sunday services: 10:00am and 6:30pm. Sunday School during service. Reverend Steven Kohls.
10:30 a.m Sunday Service 613-258-4815. Senior Pastor Reverend Daniel C. Massey. www.ngccfm.ca.
A Proud Community Sponsor since 1963
Theatre Just Kiddin fe group in Metcalfor searches young actors.
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Volume 156
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301 Rideau Street, Kemptville, ON
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St. James Anglican. Clothier St. W. Sunday service, 8am and 10am. Sunday School at 10am service. Reverend Canon Peggy Hudson.
Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
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Volume 156
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Chamber News...The Voice of Business & Information in North Grenville check the Chamber’s Website for the latest in Chamber News, New Members, Grand Openings, Chamber Events, etc. www.northgrenvillechamber.com
Salamanders packed for March Business After Hours
Thank you to Chamber Member ‘Salamanders’ for being the Chamber’s March BAH Sponsor on Wed. March 9, 2011. The Weather held off to allow over 30 Members attend the monthly Networking Event. Pictured in left Photo: Chamber Board vice Chair Laurie Brown, Bare Beauty Hair & Body Spa, Council/ Chamber Liaison Councillor Barb Tobin, one of Salamander’s owners Roger Nopper and Chamber Board Chair Mark Thornton, Bell Aliant. Salamanders is enjoying their 18 months in business in North Grenville and offer a varied and well received Menu. Salamanders also offers an extensive catering service for small and large group events. Salamanders is located at 28 Clothier Street, East with their patio on the South Branch of the Rideau River. Call 613-258-2630 for more info. Congratulations to Salamanders who won first place in the People’s choice for best soup, People’s choice for best presentation, 2nd place for Judge’s choice for best soup and 2nd place for Judge’s choice for most creative at the recently 3rd annual Soupfest held Winchester.
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce and its network call on federal parliamentarians to follow through on their promise to reduce business taxes
Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
The Canadian Chamber recently released a report entitled Business Tax Relief is Crucial to Canada’s Economic Success. In its report, the Canadian Chamber outlines that Canada has made steady progress in improving its business tax competitiveness over the last decade and that those actions have not gone unnoticed. The report demonstrates that increasing taxes on Canadian families and businesses is the wrong way to eliminate deficits. In a highly integrated global economy, the tax base is constantly on the move. Skilled workers, businesses, jobs and capital move easily across national borders, seeking the best economic opportunities. They are drawn to low-cost, low-tax environments. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce will be working with its membership and Canadian business all across the country over the coming weeks to continue to sensitize the federal politicians of the importance of this issue for Canada’s economic prosperity. Q: Why is the Chamber intruding into a partisan political debate? A: The Chamber is politically neutral. We support policies, not political parties. Chamber policy and AGM resolutions have advocated reductions to small and large business taxes for about nine years, and through the administrations of Mr. Chrétien, Mr. Martin and Mr. Harper. The recent political debate arises from a suggestion that Canada reverse legislated policies we consider central to business competitiveness and we cannot abandon the debate as it becomes more political. Q: From where did you get the amounts of savings that will be realized by businesses, per province and territory, as a result of maintaining the government’s plan to reduce corporate taxes from 18% in 2010 to 15% when the plan will be completed in 2012? A: We obtained these figures from the government of Canada’s department of Finance. The North Grenville Chamber of Commerce supports the advocacy of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the Ontario Chamber and urges all governments to continue with their plan to reduce the cost of doing business; ensuring a strong business economy locally, provincially and nationally.
Thank You to The Advance - a Major Chamber Member Partner of the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce
J.P. ANTONACCI jp.antonacci@metroland.com
Donovan Arnaud thinks Kemptville’s former fire hall would make a perfect meeting place for community groups. Arnaud, president of the local Navy League of Canada corps, heads a group of community leaders interested in jointly leasing the fire hall from the mu-
nicipality and transforming the historic building on Reuben Street into a hub for service groups, sports leagues, and community organizations that would share the space year-round. “The real investment that we’re making here is about enhancing this community. It’s all about community,” he said. “When you look at all of
the activities we participate in collectively–be it sports, citizenship, entertainment, arts–we directly and indirectly impact thousands of people in this community on an everyday basis.” Last month, the municipality announced that it would accept proposals to lease the former fire hall, as opposed to selling it outright.
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Starting at
doing is looking for a place to continue doing so for the long-term.” Arnaud is excited at the thought of the fire hall, which he calls “the jewel in the crown,” becoming a high traffic focal point in the old town, alongside the swimming pool and sports fields.
Starting at
tween the two groups. Two additional service clubs and a major summer sports organization have also expressed serious interest, Arnaud added. The strength of the bid, in his view, is local ownership. “We are a caring bunch of people who make a great contribution to this community, and all we’re
Starting at
Half a dozen groups currently rotating from one meeting place to the next are “keenly interested” in making the fire hall their new permanent, part time home, Arnaud said. The Sea Cadets are in, and the Kemptville Legion is interested in expanding its operation next door, creating convenient mentorship opportunities be-
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Always Visit our Website at www.northgrenvillechamber.com for the latest! APRIL 2011
Don’t Miss the SPECIAL 3M’s of Government Luncheon Friday, March 25, 2011
Your Membership in the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce
Is an Investment in your Community! Be “SEEN” as part of the Business Community…
www.northgrenvillechamber. com
BAH - Wed. April 13, 2011 6-8PM
Main BAH Event Sponsor
Ferguson Forest Centre
Special Guests: Gord Brown, MP, Steve Clark MPP & Mayor Gordon 11am - 2pm Purvis Hall Members $40. (Future Members $55)
@*The Branch Restaurant *Complimentary Fingerfood/Venue Sponsor
March BC Event Sponsor
Breakfast Connection
Ian Hunter of TD Merchant Services Wed. March 30, 2011 in Partnership with the 1000 Islands Region Workforce Development Board Social Media ‘How it can Grow Your Business’ Guest Presenters: Jay McLaren & Matt LeMay 7am - 9am @Broadway Bar & Grill Cost: $25.00 OPEN TO ALL @Chamber rates
5 Clothier Street East T (613) 258-4838 Kemptville 72-Hour Cancellation Notice Required
Wed. April 27, 2011
Accessibility & Customer Service
Salute to Excellence Awards Gala Sat. May 7, 2011 - W. B. George Centre Celebrating the Chamber’s 30th Anniversary
See Website & Chamber News for Details!
Spring & Fall Home Shows U. of G. Kemptville Campus Spring Home & Leisure Show
Guest Presenter: Cahl Pominville
Fri. April 29 6-9pm & Sat. April 30 9-3pm
Accessibility Coordinator
NG Chamber Fall HOME SHOW & Forest Fair of Eastern Ontario
Director of Corporate Services Mun. of NG & Kevin Spencer, Leeds & Grenville County
7-9am - *Member Cost: $25.00 @Broadway Bar & Grill
F (613) 258-3801
(*Future Member $40.)
W. B. George Centre
Saturday, Oct. 1 Municipal Centre/Ferguson Forest Centre Email: info@northgrenvillechamber.com
Register for Chamber Events on-line: www.northgrenvillechamber.com
Mon - Thurs 9-5:30 pm Friday 9-7 pm Saturday 9-5 All Over the Ottawa Valley!
Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
Community coalition eyes fire hall
New vision for fire hall From previous page Groups could hold meetings in the clubhouse, use the former rifle range for storage, and turn the large open space into a dance floor, party room, or drill field. The farmers market could also set up inside during inclement weather, he added. With many groups using the hall on a weekly basis, there would nearly always be people inside keeping an eye on the
building. The official request for proposals (RFP) was issued this week by the municipality, and groups have two weeks to submit their bids. A group from Habitat for Humanity had previously expressed interest in turning the fire hall into a building supply store. The lessee would be expected to pay all taxes, along with insurance, utilities, maintenance and repairs. The fire hall was once a militia barracks, so housing the Sea Cadets would return the building to its original intent.
Established in Kemptville two years ago and currently based in the Ferguson Forestry Centre, the cadets encourage good citizenship and teamwork in youth aged 12 to 18. “While we’ve been very grateful for our quarters in the forestry centre, it was never intended to be a full-time home, because (it is) an active production area,” Arnaud said. Land-based naval offices are called stone frigates, “so (the fire hall) will become our stone frigate,” he explained,
NEW COURSE: Back Health for Better Living & Sport Evening semi-private course at Kemptville Physiotherapy Centre
One of the toughest parts of landing a job is actually getting to talk with a prospective employer. The upcoming Trade Roots job fair on March 22 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the North Grenville Municipal Centre offers jobseekers some precious face time with more than 55 employers in a wide variety of industries. Best of all, admission is free. The fair is geared to students looking for part time or summer work, unemployed adults, those contemplating a career change, or parents looking to return to the workforce. The fair is part of Trade Roots’
Start Date: Monday, March 28 @ 6:30pm. Location: Kemptville Physiotherapy Clinic (Creekside Centre on Highway #43)
continued effort to promote skilled trades as a viable career path for workers of all ages, said coordinator Marilyn McFadden. Attendees can find out how to enter an apprenticeship in carpentry, electrical and plumbing, and explore other skilled trades such as hair styling and cooking. Forestry and trucking companies, heavy equipment operators, Hydro Ottawa, the Canadian Forces, the RCMP and OPP will also have booths. “The exhibitors are here to help you. They’re actively recruiting, and you would never be able to find so many people under one roof in this area,” McFadden said. For a full list of exhibitors, see traderoots.ca.
When you have back pain or injury, it affects everything you do from daily life to your favourite hobby or sport. Avoid injury. Good posture, proper muscle activation, core fitness and correct movement patterns all contribute to a healthier spine so that you can do what you enjoy, longer and better. This course is split into two series. Series 1 (Stability) is structured to reinforce stability and endurance for your spine, giving you a base for better movement. Series 2 (Mobility) is designed to help you transfer power through a stable spine for better movement- whether for daily tasks, or sport. SPACE IS LIMITED to 6 people per course. Each series includes: - 6 weekly semi-private training sessions - access to the training area between sessions - take-home exercises you can use to accelerate your progress
smiling. The community coalition would take collective responsibility for the financial and structural upkeep of the hall. “We’re not going to going to debt. We must not go into debt. We’re taxpayers, so we’ll pay our own way,” Arnaud stressed. “We’re going to take ownership of that place, and along with ownership comes responsibility and pride. I want people to enjoy that facility for what it can become, fully restored.”
Job fair promotes skilled trades
Get a Better Back for Everything You Do
Contact: Kemptville Physiotherapy (613) 258-7661
LIQUIDATION SALE Wednesday, March 23, 2011 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Thursday, March 24, 2011 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday, March 25, 2011 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
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Plus many more items to numerous to mention Terms: Cash; Interac; Mastercard; Visa
UPCOMING EVENTS March 19 – 9:00 a.m. Public Vehicle/Equipment Auction April 6, 7 & 8 – 9:00 a.m. – Liquidation Sale April 16 – 9:00 a.m. – Public Vehicle/Equipment Auction April 20, 21 – 9:00 a.m. – Liquidation Sale April 23 – 9:00 a.m. – Furniture Auction
CARRIE SMITH, BScPT, CAFCI, Cert Sport Physio Team Physiotherapist Women’s National Hockey Team (1996-98) Team Physiotherapist Men’s National Rugby Team Team Physiotherapist Women’s CIS National 7’s Rugby Team Physiotherapist for the 1998 and 2010 Winter Olympic Games Medical Team Early assessment and treatment of acute injuries reduces healing time and gets you back into the game faster.
Kemptville Physiotherapy Centre Creekside Centre Tel: (613)
LAURA MUELLER laura.mueller@metroland.com
A last-minute move to keep snowmobilers off the Osgoode Pathway didn’t get any traction at city hall on March 10. Innes Ward Coun. Rainer Bloess tried to revive Coun. Diane Deans’ attempt to allow only non-motorized recreation on a section of the path that runs through Osgoode Village. Deans, who represents neighbouring Gloucester-Southgate Ward, tried to get councillors to approve a similar request at a joint transportation and agriculture and rural affairs committee meeting a week before, but councillors rejected the idea. “I believe our facilities should be dedicated for use of active recreation only,
we shouldn’t be creating those conflicts,” Deans said, referring to potential clashes or danger created by having skiers and pedestrians on the same path as snowmobiles. Capital Ward Coun. David Chernushenko agreed, saying, “The unintended consequence is that (allowing snowmobiles) actually drives away the kinds of users that we’re looking for – active recreation.” The 21-kilometre pathway runs south from Leitrim to Buckles Street in Osgoode. The small section of the path that runs through Osgoode Village from Main Street to Buckles Street backs onto about 60 homes, whose residents were angry about the possibility of hearing snowmobiles between the 6 a.m. to midnight cur-
few. “The curfew is more generous than the city’s noise bylaw is for any other thing, so that doesn’t seem reasonable,” said Karen Wallace-Graner, one of the Osgoode residents living along the path who has spearheaded the fight against allowing snowmobiles.
The 21-kilometre pathway runs south from Leitrim to Buckles Street in Osgoode. “Residents still have to deal with the public nuisance. No one’s going to be out here at 2 a.m. enforcing that no snowmobile’s on there. No one’s going to be enforcing the speed limit, or that they have a snowmobile younger than 1996,” she said, refer-
encing some of the snowmobiling conditions outlined in the approved policy. But those residents will have to put up with the nuisance, as city council voted 17-6 to allow snowmobiles on the path. The city received about 3,000 comments in total regarding the policy. There were also two petitions: one opposing motorized vehicles on the pathways (mainly in Osgoode) that garnered 690 signatures, and a petition with 1,574 signatures supporting the use of snowmobiles on the paths. Snowmobiles have been allowed on the Osgoode path for the past two years as part of a pilot project. The pathway is part of the 187 km of trails the Osgoode-Carleton Snowmobile Club maintains in the area, which are used by its 700 members and open to residents.
North Grenville Dental Centre Experience, trust, and modern conveniences await you at the North Grenville Dental Centre. Call them today for all your dental needs.
Congratulations Liane – Soupfest Winner People’s Choice Best Soup Liane Tucker grew up in Kemptville and trained as a chef operating a successful catering company for 8 years before opening Salamanders Restaurant.
Shahrooz Yazdani, D.D.S. Shahram Yazdani, D.D.S. Family Dentistry
The mother of two is an avid horse rider who loves to cook and with winning for Best Presentation and the People’s Choice award at Soupfest 2011 is one more acknowledgement from the community that Liane and Salamanders Restaurant are appreciated.
Salamanders Restaurant opened in September 2009 on Clothier Street at the Wellstein Building overlooking the South Branch of the Rideau River, a picturesque setting to enjoy a meal or drink on the patio (weather permitting). With a varied menu, including kids choices, Salamanders has become a welcome addition to the business community in North Grenville.
Congratulations Liane from all of us at Salamanders.
115 Sanders St. Unit A, Kemptville
Loc ted Downstairs att 28 Clothier St. East, Kemptville Located
Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
Snowmobilers allowed on Osgoode Pathway
The Farm Show
Fire destroys family home J.P. ANTONACCI jp.antonacci@metroland.com
A massive fire gutted a home on Garrison Drive in Settler’s Grant last Wednesday. A video shot by a passerby shows flames and thick black smoke billowing from the roof of the large two-storey house owned by the Dickinson family. “There’s nothing there,” said a tired Kemptville Fire Chief Tim Bond the morning after his department spent the night fighting the blaze. More than 30 firefighters and 13 fire trucks were dispatched to the scene, including tankers from Kemptville, Merrickville, Edwardsburgh-Cardinal and Ottawa, and an aerial ladder from Prescott. There were no injuries to the firefighters, and no members of the family needed to be rescued from the house, which was empty when the fire started. The Dickinsons stayed with friends in Kemptville after the
fire. On Thursday, Lori Dickinson said that she and her husband, Geoff, have been overwhelmed with support from friends and well-wishers. “All our friends have been just totally wonderful. They’ve been really good. The whole community has, actually,” she said gratefully. “We’ve had so many emails and phone calls and offers to help.” The Dickinsons have four children, and Lori’s parents also live with them. Several people have offered their homes to the family during March Break, Dickinson added. “We definitely have something set up for at least a week, so in the short term, we’re good,” she said. The home and its contents were insured, but the greatest loss was the family’s puppy, Zoe, who perished in the fire. Bond imagines an investigation will soon be launched to determine the cause of the fire.
Courtesy Photo
Gerard Phillips picks up an imaginary bale of hay in one of his four comedic roles.
STAFF Theatre Night in Merrickville’s spring production is a uniquely Canadian play about a rural community. While most theatre relies on a tradition of well-structured plots, with carefully developed characters, this play is different.
The Farm Show is a patchwork of stories that weave a poignant and often hilarious narrative of farm life in Southern Ontario. Created by Theatre Passe Muraille (TPM) and Paul Thompson this play is what’s called a collective creation. For the Farm Show, a group of actors travelled to Clinton, Ontario where they lived with, talked to and worked with the farmers in the community. Out of that experience, they created a show that is an accurate reflection of a rural community and the characters in it. “It’s a delightful collection of skits, portraying farm life in Ontario,” said Al Billiald, who plays a number of roles in this production. While the play is seductive to actors and directors it’s also very difficult to stage. “This is a challenging play, probably the most difficult play we’ve done in a number of years,” said veteran actor Alyson Ried. Originally created in 1972, it has been
modernized to reflect the issues and concerns of this rural region. “We’ve set it in 2010 and highlighted the current issues in our own region,” said director Timothy Molloy. Like the lives of the people it is based on, this play runs through a gamut of situations and emotions. “The scenes take you up and down dramatically. One scene will be uplifting and the next might be really sad,” said Jeanie Bujold, the assistant stage manager. TNIM’s production promises to be a crowd pleaser. It includes a cast of 14 experienced actors, who not only act their parts without a set, a costume and few props, but have to sing and dance as well. Farm Show will be performed on March 31, April 1 and April 2 at 8 p.m. at the Merrickville Community Centre. Tickets are $12 each and can be purchased at Mrs. McGarrigle’s and Brewed Awakenings in Merrickville or by calling Kym at 613-269-3424.
Congratulations to Karen Desjardins of Braeside who won Metroland’s “Ski Spectacular Giveaway Contest,” which included ski equipment for four from Kunstadt Sports and ski passes to Calabogie Peaks (value $4,350). Thanks to all our readers who entered the contest, and to our sponsors Kunstadt Sports and Calabogie Peaks. Eric Kunstadt (Kunstadt Sports), Gisele Godin (Metroland Media), Cameron Desjardins, Karen Desjardins, Todd Desjardins (contest winners).
Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
BRIAN WILSON pecial to The Advance
This year’s CCHL playoffs opened on March 8 with Series B in Brockville with the Nepean Raiders providing the opposition. The Braves scored twice in the first period and added two more at the beginning of the third to win game one 4-0. Justin Gilbert earned the shutout for Brockville. The Raiders were unable to get on track and went back to Nepean for game two hoping for a better outcome. On March 9 at the Sportsplex, the Raiders came out flying and scored three times in the first period and then added three more, chasing the Braves starting goalie. They added one more in the second and two more in the third. Brockville was only able to beat Nepean goalie Daniel Altshuller twice. Altshuller, who faced 43 shots, led Team Ontario to the cham-
pionship at the World Under 17 Hockey Challenge last January. The Raiders tied the series at one game each with the 8-2 victory. Back at the Brockville Memorial Centre for game three on March 11, Nepean held a 2-1 lead at the end of the second period. The game plan fell apart for the Raiders as the Braves scored six times in the third while the Raiders only managed two. Brockville won the game by a score of 7-4. Craig Cowie had three points for Nepean while Matt Chartrain had three for the Braves. Game four moved back to Nepean. The Raiders jumped out to a 3-0 lead but the Braves got two back before the Raiders scored again to maintain a two goal cushion. Brockville scored one more in the second. The third period was scoreless and Nepean hung on for the 4-3 victory. Game five moves back to Brockville on March 15 with the series tied at two. eries A opened on March 9 in Pem-
broke. The four time defending league champion Lumber Kings are taking on the Smiths Falls Bears. The Bears edged into the last playoff spot, beating out the Ottawa Junior Senators by one point in the standings. Pembroke scored six times in the first period and added two more in the third. The Bears beat the Kings goalie three times, once in each period. Pembroke took game one with an 8-3 win. Game two was in Smiths Falls on March 11. Pembroke continued their dominating play by scoring four in the first, three in the second and three more in the third. The Bears could only get one by Kings goalie Francis Dupuis. In the 10-1 victory, the Lumber Kings had seven players with multiple points. They returned home to Pembroke for game three on March 13. The game turned out to be more of the same for the overmatched Bears. The Lumber Kings scored one in the first, three in the second and one more in the
third. Pembroke goalie, Jamie Phillips, earned the shutout. Game four moves back to Smiths Falls on March 15 with Pembroke leading the series three games to none. Series C got underway on March 10 in Cornwall when the Kanata Stallions came to town. The Colts and the Stallions exchanged goals in each of the first two periods. In the third, Cornwall tallied three times to take a 5-2 victory in game one. Kanata goalie Scott Shackell faced 43 shots in the loss. Game two was played on March 11 in Kanata. The Stallions scored once in each period while the Colts finally broke the shutout bid in the last minute of the game. Kanata claimed the win by a score of 3-1 Again, Kanata goalie Shackell was brilliant as he stopped 61 of the 62 shots he faced. PLAYOFF see page 15
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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
CCHL playoffs underway
Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
NEW BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Your Home Team is part of DLC Alliance Lic. 12063 Independently Owned and Operated
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Buying a home is one of the most important and exciting investments most people will make during their lifetime, so it only makes sense to obtain the best information, advice, rates and products available. Your Home Team is a team of mortgage experts in the Eastern Ontario region who focus on simplifying the home buying process and assisting their clients in finding the best solutions for debt consolidations or mortgage renewals. Affiliated with Dominion Lending Centres, a well-established, national brokerage, Your Home Team works with more than 90 lending institutions, including banks, credit unions and trust companies to find and negotiate the ideal mortgage at the best rate for each client. “The best mortgage is so much more than just a great rate. Working with a professional who understands your financial goals, dreams and risk tolerance in order to customize a mortgage plan that suits you perfectly is key to a good experience. By examining different strategies, we’re able to help our clients pay off their mortgages quicker,” says agent Denise Barr, who has 20 years of experience in the financial industry. “A mortgage is the largest debt that most people will ever have. Having assisted hundreds of people throughout my career, I’ve learned that everyone’s situation is unique and that is why we offer smart, customized solutions for our clients” added her husband and business partner, Craig Barr, who also managed for years in the banking and financial industry. Your Home Team’s mortgage experts are familiar with a vast array of mortgage products, ranging from first-time homebuyer programs and financing for the self-employed to financing for those with credit challenges. With interest rates at historic lows, now is an ideal time to review your mortgage. “The majority of Canadians will automatically renew their mortgage with their current lender without shopping around. However, if your mortgage is up for renewal there is no fee to switch to a different lending institution so there is no reason not to get a second opinion,” advised Kemptville based agent Ted Rigby. Ted is the newest member of Your Home Team mortgage specialists and is excited about the opportunity to offer local residents the opportunity to save money with the best mortgage rates, without having to travel somewhere like Ottawa to get access to the mortgage broker market. To learn how Your Home Team can help you get the best interest rate on your next home purchase or use your existing home equity to save money with a mortgage renewal or debt consolidation, call Denise, Craig or Ted today at 613 283-2283.
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15 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
So far, the Stallions have contained the CCHL’s top scoring line of Jacob Laliberte, Tyson and Tyler Spink to just 5 points in two games. The trio combined for 318 points over the regular season. March 13 had game three back in Cornwall at the Ed Lumley Arena. Kanata hoped to have the same style of play going for this one. Unfortunately, Stallions goalie Scott Shackell left the game after playing only 57 seconds.
Back up goalie Travis Wilkins didn’t have the same luck. After keeping the high-scoring Colts at bay for two games, they got their scoring touch back. Cornwall scored twice in the first, three in the second and twice more in the third. Kanata could only manage one to break the shutout bid by Colts goalie Pete Karvouniaris. Laliberte, Spink and Spink combined for 5 goals and 9 assists to hand Kanata a 7-1 defeat. Game four returns to Kanata on Mar.15 with the Colts holding a
2-1 lead in the series. In other news, former Smiths Falls Bear Mark Borowieki has signed a two year entry level contract with the Ottawa Senators. Borowieki has been attending Clarkson University for the past three years and was team captain there. He is the first Ottawa native picked by the Senators in the NHL entry draft. Remember, there is still exciting Junior A hockey close enough for you to catch!
Continued from page 13
Playoff hockey thrills local fans
Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
Art and industry come together in South Mountain JOSEPH MORIN joe.morin@metroland.com
Twenty-five years have passed since Steve and Anne Caza made the decision to raise their family in South Mountain and grow their business, Clear Cut Installations. Back in 1986, the business got off the ground. Caza had been going to school at Ottawa University. He was majoring in the visual arts and came away with a Bachelor of Arts degree with a focus on the visual arts. Anne was busy studying at the University of Guelph Kemptville Campus, formally the Kemptville College. He had been working, helping out his brother during the summer with construction. He lived in Orleans. What was, at the time, a way to make a few dollars for school became am opportunity to start up a successful company in South Mountain. “I decided to install windows for a living and it turned into this,” Caza said from his office adjacent to his spacious showroom at 10616 Main St. in South Mountain. Buying the building that was to become the showroom was one of the wisest business decisions he could have
J. Morin Photos/Advance Staff
Steve Caza, owner of Clear Cut Installations in South Mountain, offers bathroom and kitchen renovations as well as window installations. made, he remembers. He also has an office in Brockville and now another one in Ottawa. From those early days, Clear Cut Installations has grown. A quarter of a century later, with a growing family of five, three girls and two boys, and a flourishing business to enjoy, the pair have made the best of their
Steve Caza enjoys sharing his creative talents.
decision to live and work in the country. They have both become involved in their community. Anne is very involved with her church in South Mountain and can be found serving as a judge at many area country fairs. Steve is a busy member of the Knights of Columbus and has, like so many other fathers, volunteered to coach children’s sports. He never left his artistic and creative abilities behind, continuing to paint and sculpt. He is able to use those same talents when designing a kitchen or bathroom. Examples of his artistic talent can be found on his website at www.stevevcazaart. com. Clear Cut Installations has grown from a small local company with a small staff to one that employees 26 people and offers much more than great window products. Clear Cut now offers roofing, kitchen and bathroom renovations as a standard offshoot of their original plan to help homeowners protect and enjoy their home. The window industry has traveled a long way in 25 years, and Steve Caza has been part of that innovating journey. Caza is currently a director with the Siding and Window Dealers Association of Canada (SAWDAC). As a director, he has the opportunity to come up with ways for consumers to get a better deal and with a better product. He also is part of the drive to police his own industry. The result is dealer credibility that guarantees success. “We want to promote the positive things in the industry,” explains Caza. He points out that the federal building code is be-
ing changed and the provincial one will likely follow. SAWDAC keeps on top of issues that will affect how products are installed and maintained. The association has even been able to influence the wording in contracts between homeowners and dealers, ensuring the best in business practices and customer relations. The window industry has changed over the years. Caza says that window design has made some important advances. “Windows have better spacers between the window and the glass,” he said, referring to the silicone material that is now used as spacers between the two panes of glass in the window. The modern day window is more efficient and a better buy, Caza added. These days, Clear Cut Installations is more diversified than ever. The South Mountain company does roofing, offering such innovations as metal shingles with a lifetime guarantee. The company also offers their customers bathroom renovations and kitchen makeovers. One area Caza has taken to heart is customer service and training. All of his technicians are certified and part of the Window Wise program, and all of the windows are Energy Star windows. Twenty-five years is a long
Steve Caza never stopped being creative. This photo shows his sculpture of former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. time, but Clear Cut Installations shows no signs of slowing down. Steve and Anne Caza are happy with the decision they made 25 years ago. They both love the life they have in South Mountain and enjoy how Clear Cut Installations has been able to offer a meaningful product and great service to their community. Their office number is 613-9892367.
Clear Cut Installations now has offices in Ottawa, Brockville and South Mountain. The business has grown over the past 25 years.
17 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
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FULL-TIME SEASONAL LANDSCAPE LABOURERS required for upcoming season. Must have transportation to village of Richmond. Please call 613-8384066 or email résumé to: harmonygardens@ sympatico.ca.
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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
LocalWork.ca is operated by Metroland Media Group Ltd. and is suppor ted by over 100 newspapers and websites across Ontario. You could call us recruitment experts!
Number of Positions: Several Department: Editorial Department Location: Ottawa Do you have a flair for writing? Do you have a passion for news and features and capturing the essence of every story? Are you detail-oriented, with superior written and verbal communication skills? Metroland Media is seeking reporter/photographers for occasional freelance assignments in downtown and South Ottawa, Barrhaven, Nepean, Kanata, Stittsville, Kemptville, Perth, Renfrew, Smiths Falls, Carleton Place, Arnprior, West Carleton and surrounding areas. Interested candidates should submit their resume along with writing samples and clippings by April 15, 2011 to: Suzanne Landis Managing Editor Email: suzanne.landis@metroland.com
Can We Talk? Are you a self starter who likes to meet people? Do you love everything about living in Smiths Falls? If this sounds like you then we’d like to talk to you. Smiths Falls This Week has an immediate opening for an advertising consultant working out of our Smiths Falls office.
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No phone calls, please. We thank all applicants, but only selected candidates will be contacted.
This position offers excellent earning potential and the opportunity for advancement with one of the most dynamic media companies in Canada. Interested candidates can email a resume with cover letter by March 18, 2011 to Paul Burton at: paul.burton@metroland.com
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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
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Contact: Ottawa@wagjag.com
Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
Buy together and we all win!
613-774-6854 12054 Main St., W. Winchester, ON K0C 2K0 Fax: 613-774-6855
613-258-5222 P.O. Box 1359, 216 Van Buren St. Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Fax: 613-258-9984 • Windows and Doors, Kitchen and Bath Renovations • Soffit, Fascia and Siding • Windshield Repairs and Replacements, Thermopane Replacements. • Kargo Max Trailers and accessories, Hidden Hitch Retailer
Formerly WEB SITE 445494-04-11
Community Calendar WHERE
March 17
Roast beef dinner with homemade desserts at the Odd Fellows Hall, 119 Clothier St. E. from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.. For additional information please call 613 258-2258.
March 18
The Kemptville and Area Walking Group meets at 9 a.m. at the North Grenville Municipal Centre. Call Eva at 613-258-4487.
March 19
Spencerville Skating Club presents “Spencerville Takes a Vacation.” 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Spencerville Arena. Guest skater Paige Burnie. Adults $5, Seniors/Students $3.
March 19
Children’s CD release at Kemptville Campus, WB George Centre, at 10 a.m. Puttin’ on Janamas by Kingston-area musician Jared McMillan. Free admission, all ages welcome.
March 21
KDH Auxiliary meeting in the hospital boardroom at 7 p.m.
March 22
Trade Roots skilled trades job fair at the North Grenville Municipal Centre. 9 a.m.-3p.m. Admission is free. Over 50 exhibitors, listed on traderoots.ca.
March 23
Burritts Rapids
New Horizon Club, Community Centre, 2 p.m. “The Founding of Burritts Rapids by Steven Burritts,” as told by Martha, his wife. 283-6439.
March 26
“In Jubilation of Music” concert featuring the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers and Junior Jubilees. 7 to 9:30 p.m. Trinity United Church, 6656 Rideau Valley Dr. S. in Kars. Adult: $15, Child: $10, Family of 4: $35. Only 150 tickets available. Call Erik at 613-489-2107.
March 26
Used Book Sale. 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Spencerville Library.
Simply Good Food with Good Service Located Downstairs at 28 Clothier St. East, Kemptville CLOSED MONDAYS
613-258-2630 www.salamanders.ws
Something for everyone! Catering Available
Lecture on “Shadow Soldiers of the American Revolution” by historian Mark Jodoin. 7:30 p.m. St. Marguerite Bourgeoys School, Read St., Merrickville. Presented by the Merrickville and District Historical Society. Call 613-269-4289 for details.
March 31
Theatre Night in Merrickville presents “The Farm Show.” Merrickville Community Centre. March 31, April 1-2 at 8 p.m. and April 3 at 2 p.m. For tickets call 613-269-3424.
March 31
Bishop’s Mills
“Ovarian Cancer: Knowledge is Power.” Information meeting at the United Church Hall at 7:15 p.m. Free admission and refreshments. Contact Joyce at 258-3131.
March 31
PSAC planning meeting in the Municipal Centre. 7-8 p.m. Free admission, limited space. Contact Samantha Rivet at 613-258-4877 or samantha.rivet@rbc.com.
Want to submit an event to appear on this calendar? Let us know within 3 weeks of the event by emailing joe.morin@metroland.com
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March 29
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Spring Arrivals are Here! For the best selection in the area call... 613-258-9955
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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
Our spring collection is arriving daily, come in and see whats new!
Kemptville Mall Highway 43 West, Kemptville
613-258-5966 Now Open in Barrhaven
Open Mon to Sat 8am to 9pm Sunday 8am to 8pm
23 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
If you are thinking of buying a new car this month...
and come to Bill Osborne Chevrolet, Buick, GMC in Kemptville. ed a Bill Osborne has issu
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Looking for a Great Used Car? Our Optimum Used Cars are priced right and ready to go.
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Come in to Bill Osborne Chevrolet, Buick GMC in Kemptville before March 31st and we’ll make it worth the drive with special pricing incentives, excellent selection, and great service even AFTER you have purchased your vehicle.
Kemptville Advance - MARCH 17, 2011
STREET KIA 171 Lombard St., Smiths Falls
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2005 BMW 325i
131,000 km, auot, 6 cyl., leather with sunroof, heated seats, CD, Bluetooth. Must drive this one! $
2008 VW City Golf
Blue/charcoal, 5 spd, excellent condition, CD, heated seats, PW, PL, 44,778 km. $
2008 Toyota Yaris
2008 Dodge Avenger
64,886 km, blue/gray int., auto, PW, PL, 5-dr hatchback, rare find! $
Black, 78,000 km, auto, safety & e-tested, 4-dr, loaded! $
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2007 Ford Freestyle SEL AWD
2.0L, auto, air, 79,300km, power windows & locks, tilt, cruise, like new! $
79,000 km, red, auto, leather, tinted windows, heated seats, loaded. $
2009 Kia Sorento LX
2009 Kia Rio LX
2005 Toyota RAV4
61,633 km, auto, 5-dr, leather, 7 pass, CD &MP3, cruise, tilt, sunroof. Loaded! $
89,000 km, auto, PW, PL, tilt, CD changer, remote start $
2009 Kia Magentis LX
2008 Kia Sorento
2008 Chev Avalanche LS
Blue, 35,866 km, 4WD, 5.3L, auto, power group, wheel package, loaded, like new. $
2007 GMC Sierra Z71 4-Dr
Grey, 4x4, power windows, locks, cruise, tilt, bed liner, keyless entry. $
Black, only 7810 km, certified, V6, 4WD, full power, low kms. $
Blue, 52,067 km, 1.6L, certified pre-owned vehicle, auto, PW, heated seats, Bluetooth. $
Blue, 31,600 km, automatic, 2.4L, 4 cyl., front wheel drive, fully loaded, safetied & e-tested. $
Black, certified pre-owned vehicle, 4x4, tilt, security features. $
2008 Ford Escape XLT 4WD
2005 Pontiac Vibe
2007 Ford Explorer XLT
2007 Ford F150 Supercab 4x4
2007 Jeep Compass Limited
Beige, V6, 86,006 km, 3.0L, roof racks, air, cruise, tilt, chrome wheels,tinted windows. $
5-spd, safety checked, cruise, tilt, air, roof racks. $
Red, 77,212 km, 4WD, auto., air, power options, traction control, remote keyless entry. $
Black, 59,472 km, air, tow package, cruise, air, power windows, power locks. $
30,500 kms, two-tone leather, power windows, locks, traction control, remote keyless entry. $
*Prices DO NOT include admin fee of $299.00 or any other applicable taxes. Certified pre-owned Kia comes with our 5-star warranty for a minimum of 1 year-on top of any remaining factory warranty. Financing as low as 2.9% on all CPOV vehicles. All new car payments INCLUDE all fees and taxes. See dealer for details.
Rob Street General Manager
Paul Kennedy Sales Manager
Andrew Thomas Sales & Leasing
Jack Traynor Sales & Leasing
Justin Kinch Sales & Leasing
Max Hitchcock Finance Manager
Mike Kingston Sales & Leasing