Kemptville Advance

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CAST IRON HOBBY The Spencerville Cast Iron Seat Meet is April 2 at the Drummond Building

HISTORY MYSTERY Coral Lindsay brings the past into the present with a presentation at the Burritt’s Rapids Community Hall.



Serving Kemptville, Merrickville, Winchester, Osgoode and surrounding area Volume 156 Issue No. 13

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Decision postponed on fate of schoolhouse J.P. ANTONACCI


SPRING PLANTING The Master Gardeners give gardeners in the area a glimpse of how to have that beautiful home garden.


J. P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff

FACING OFF FOR CHARITY Lajla and Rob Harlow drop the puck at the ceremonial faceoff during the Adam Harlow IP Fun Day, a fundraiser held last Saturday at the North Grenville Municipal Centre arena. Ottawa Senators mascot Spartacat joined 270 pint-sized players from 15 teams from as far away as Brockville and Ottawa for a busy pancake breakfast and an enjoyable day on the ice. The Adam Harlow Fellowship Fund, named after Rob and Lajla’s son Adam, a 9-year-old goaltender with the Kemptville Panthers who died in March 2002, pays the league registration fees of children whose families could not otherwise afford for them to play hockey. To date, the foundation has raised close to $40,000 and helped 95 young hockey players live their dreams.

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POLITICS UP CLOSE Tyler Millson has returned from three weeks working as a Page at the Legislative Assembly at Queen’s Park, in Toronto.

The Acton’s Corners schoolhouse, reported to be all but sold to a private developer pending a zoning change, received an unexpected reprieve at the North Grenville council meeting Monday night. The municipality had reached an agreement to sell the former schoolhouse at 1631 County Rd. 43, one of several heritage buildings declared surplus last June. The buyer was to convert the distinctive turn of the century stone building into what Forbes Symon, North Grenville’s Director of Planning and Development, described at the last Committee of the Whole meeting as a “modest” single family dwelling. Passage of the rezoning bylaw, which would convert the land around the schoolhouse from rural-industrial to rural-special exemption, was a condition of purchase. But thanks to a last minute outcry from the heritage community and concerned citizens, which came to a head at an hour-long public meeting, council deferred the decision for two weeks until further investigation could be made into the potential costs involved with preparing the building for sale. Despite assurance from CAO Andy Brown that the buyer, not the municipality, would be responsible for carrying out an archeological assessment and solving any mould issues in the schoolhouse prior to further renovation, councillors Ken Finnerty and Terry Butler declared that they were not prepared to vote on the zoning bylaw. COUNCIL see page 2

2 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011


Council puts off sale after public meeting

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They wanted to learn more about the potential pitfalls of the sale. This decision was met with cheers by approximately 20 citizens, some of whom had addressed council and expressed their support for the Acton’s Corners site as a vital part of North Grenville’s cultural heritage. Several speakers, including David Shanahan, president of the North Grenville Historical Society, questioned whether it was worth sacrificing a unique heritage site that he believes would become a popular, and lucrative, tourism site. In an eloquent address to councillors, Shanahan pointed out that Oxford-on-Rideau was first mapped 220 years ago. “This is our year of heritage awareness, and we’re going to sell off the best thing we have. It just doesn’t make sense,” he said, as most of the crowd applauded warmly. Brown would not disclose the amount of the sale, but those who petitioned the council mentioned that the original asking price of the schoolhouse was $105,000. Linda Gerrard of Kemptville wondered why council would sell what she called “a valuable piece of living history” for what amounted to 1/80th of the annual budget. Councillors Barb Tobin and Tim

Sutton countered that a private buyer would be better able to maintain the heritage aspects of the schoolhouse than the municipality itself. “Private ownership does not mean destruction,” Sutton told spectators. The interior and exterior of the schoolhouse – including the adjacent outhouses – have official heritage designation, so any renovations must follow strict guidelines as set out in the Ontario Heritage Act. The prospective owner’s interior renovation plan is currently under review by the municipality’s Heritage Advisory Committee, which would recommend where to dig the well so as to minimize disruption of the heritage site. It was acknowledged by Senior Planner Phil Gerrard that any tunnel dug for the septic system would likely cut through the archeological site, complicating the renovation. The only voice to speak in support of the bylaw was former North Grenville Mayor Bill Gooch, who called it “very wishful thinking” that the Acton’s Corners site would ever become a viable tourist destination. “We have to protect privies – I think that’s absurd,” Gooch said. The schoolhouse, which closed in 1965, was most recently used as the headquarters of the North Grenville Historical Society, which was driven

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out by mould and other issues. Earlier in the week, Shanahan stated he was baffled by council’s “shortsighted” decision to sell what he calls “the perfect heritage site in North Grenville.” “It’s totally out of keeping with the official plan, (and) with all of the comments and commitments made to heritage by the candidates during the election,” said the frustrated historian. “It has no vision. Just politics again.” Shanahan believes that by selling the schoolhouse, the municipality is squandering an opportunity to promote heritage-based economic development. He had envisioned the “completely intact” schoolhouse becoming a tourist attraction, including an archeological dig to unearth artifacts from the even older, 1840s-era schoolhouse that stood on the site before the existing building went up in 1905. “Who knows what’s there, or what we could find?” he wondered. Government decisions to give up heritage properties are always bemoaned years later, Shanahan added, citing the now demolished Oxford Mills mill, which today would make a “brilliant” tourist draw. “I think in the long term (the schoolhouse) could make much more money for the municipality (as a tourist attraction) than they’re getting by selling it cheap as a residence,” Shanahan said. “We’re on the Rideau heritage corridor, for goodness sake.... The problem is, there hasn’t been a debate – not at all.” The purchaser had indicated that a well and septic tank will be installed on the property, along with heating and plumbing systems, and a kitchen. Interior partitions were to create bedrooms where students once sat in rows of desks. “That’s something, that going into this, was understood – that a well and a septic system, and a bathroom, would be the minimum amount of disruption that would have to happen on the property,” Symon explained. The original desks are still inside the schoolhouse, and the blackboards, built-in library cupboard, wall and ceiling paneling and hard wood flooring are in great shape. “To be honest, it seems a bit daft that they’re spending time wondering what to do with the desks, and the school bell, and the wood stove, and even the key and the locks on the door, which are unique. Well, where they are now is the perfect museum,” Shanahan said. Though the heritage community had pushed for the money derived from the sale of the surplus buildings to go into a heritage promotion fund, council confirmed that proceeds from the schoolhouse sale would help fund the new library in Kemptville. 453862-13-11


Continued from the front


Spring Seat Meet in Spencerville The collecting bug can bite anyone anytime. Spencerville resident Joe Lawrence was bitten over 30 years ago and has never regretted it. He never stops collecting bits of history. Coming from a rural community, Lawrence has naturally been attracted to the hundreds of antique farm implements and household items that at one time over the past century were an important part of everyday life in rural Ontario. Lawrence is involved in many different kinds of collecting. One of his favourite pastimes is tracking down cast iron implement seats when he is not at work at Dixie and Egan Ltd., a feed store in Spencerville. Lawrence is a member of the Cast Iron Seat Collectors Association. The group is spread throughout the world, having members not only in North America but also in Europe and in the United Kingdom. On Friday, April 8, the Canadian branch of the association will be celebrating its 25th anniversary with a Spring Seat Meet at the Drummond Building in Spencerville. “There are hand forged tools, old implement wrenches and cast iron seats, among other items at the meet,” said Lawrence. He said the idea of the gettogether is to trade information and antiques but also to have some fun.

J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff

Joe Lawrence shows off a few items he has collected. They will be on display at the Spring Seat Meet on April 8 at the Drummond Building on the Spencerville Fairgrounds. “I like different kinds of things,” he said adding that he had a great ice cream scoop collection along with an eye cup collection. Lawrence loves history, and during the Spencerville Fair he is involved with “The Barn of Learning.” The barn is filled with Lawrence’s and others’ collections of everything from egg beaters to potato mashers. According to Lawrence, there never really is an end to what you can find and collect. “I have been to all of the meets,’ said Lawrence, and he thinks the Spencerville one was the best. The last time the association came to Spen-


cerville was in 2000. “There were 600 people there,” said Lawrence. “I am hoping for 1,000 this year.” There was a time when farms employed a variety of farming equipment that over time was replaced by the modern day tractor. Just about every piece of machinery that a farmer had to operate had a seat of some kind to ride on. In this part of Ontario, the biggest manufacturers of cast iron seats was a Brockville company called the J.W. Mann Manufacturing Company. J. Walter Mann was born in 1842 in Port Dover, Ontario. He came to Brockville in 1877. He started up a company making seeders, and it was not long before his machinery was being sold throughout Canada and the rest of the world. He made cultivators, pulverizers, sowers and seed drills as well as seeders. The company stopped making the equipment in 1907. Lawrence explains that during the First World War, all available scrap metal was brought in and melted down to keep the war machinery going. Much of the old equipment, replaced by modern mechanisms and tractors, had been left to rust in farmers’ fields. The recycling of all of that metal left what remained very collectable. There is no admission to the April 9 Spring Seat Meet. It runs from 8 a.m to 2 p.m. with an auction at 2 p.m. For more information and to rent tables, please call Joe Lawrence at 613-658-3018. 452028

REGULAR COUNCIL Monday, April 11 th at 6:30 pm in the Council Cham bers, North Grenville Municipal Centre. COM M ITTEE OF THE W HOLE COUNCIL Monday, April 4th at 6:30 pm in the Com m ittee Room , North Grenville Municipal Centre. For agenda inform ation, please contact the Clerk’s Office or the Municipal web site.

BAG TAG INCREASE Please be advised that the cost of bag tags for solid waste increased to $1.75 per tag effective M arch 7 th . You m ay continue to use the green tags until June 3rd . Certain fees at the Transfer Station have also increased effective March 7 th . Further inform ation is available on our web site or by contacting the Public W orks Departm ent at 613-258-9569 Ext. 133.

REQUEST FOR TENDERS Tennis Court Asphalt Resurfacing The Departm ent of Parks, Recreation & Culture has issued a Request for Tenders for the resurfacing of the tennis court at Riverside Park. For a copy of the tender package, visit /tenders.cfm or contact Kevin Henry at khenry@ or 613-258-9569 Ext. 124. Proposals m ust be subm itted no later than 3:00 p.m . on Thursday, April 14 th , 2011.

PROCLAMATIONS The Council of the Municipality of North Grenville hereby proclaim s: - Parkinson’s Awareness Month - April, 2011 - Daffodil Month - April, 2011

COMMUNITY GRANTS PROGRAM The Municipality of North Grenville is now accepting applications from non-profit & charitable organizations, as well as com m unity representation at the national or international level in am ateur sporting or culture. Application inform ation and packages are available on our web site or at the Municipal Office. Deadline for Nom inations is 12:00 noon on Friday, April 15 th .

2011 BURN PERMITS Residents are rem inded that in accordance with By-Law 3301, a Burn Perm it is required to conduct open burning on property located outside of the urban area. Burn Perm its for 2011 are available at the Municipal Office or at the Fire Hall at 259 County Rd. 44 for a fee of $15.00. Please contact the Fire Hall at 258-2438 for conditions prior to burning.

The Municipality of North Grenville

285 County Rd. 44, Box 130 Kemptville, ON. K0G1J0 Tel. 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building Tel. 613-258-4424 Fax 613-258-1441 Fire Dept. Info 613-258-2438 Fax 613-258-1031 Police Administration Tel. 613-258-3441 Animal Control Tel. 613-862-9002



Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011



EARTH HOUR IN KEMPTVILLE The St. Michael High School Eco school team arranged the Earth Hour event at the school last week. Students turned out the lights for an hour. These are just a few members of the team. Back row left to right: Myrissa Belair-Thompson, Brittany Holtvulinger, teacher Kylie Howison, Breanna Faghali. Front row: Melissa Leach, Harleen Grewal.

ACN Independent Representative Keith Durant, 613-223-8609



J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff

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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011


Curtain opens on election drama A federal election has been thrust upon us. Many wonder why we are having one in the first place. There has been lots of talk from every party, loads of finger pointing, more than a bit of self-serving wailing, accusations flying left and right about mistakes made and errors waiting to be made, ill-fated plans aborted and no end to the comedy-drama we have all been sitting through. The show would not be so bad if there was a plot we could follow and dialogue we could hear. Was the Harper government pushed or did they jump? Did they stumble or are they the victims of circumstance? Either way, it is a script voters don’t appreciate. The Harper government, according to the Liberal Party, is more than willing to behave dishonourably in order to stay in power. The NDP claim the choice was Harper’s to make about whether or not to place opposition parties in the position to bring down the government. In the end, 156 opposition MPs, including all of the Liberals, New Democrats and the Bloc Québécois who were present for that special moment, put on a fine and breathtaking show of expressing their non-confidence leanings. The rational behind the opposition parties’ decision to take the government down is

confusing. Are the Liberals confident that their time has come? Does the NDP feel that their leader is the only one on the political stage that can carry a tune? Does the Conservative Party believe they are really controlling the way the story is playing out? Has anyone on the political stage noticed what their audience is doing? There is no cheering in the aisles or clapping from the back rows. If anything, the audience is looking away from the stage in embarrassment for the actors on it. What politicians will hear, if they stopped braying, is the sound of millions of Canadians, young and old, quietly going about their business – going to work, caring for their neighbours and their communities, and fundraising for all of those around the world who are less fortunate. In other words, they are living their lives in spite of the political upheaval in Ottawa. There is a reason why Harper was only able to raise a minority government in the last election, just as there is a reason why the Liberals and NDP were unable to break through with the support they needed. Canadians do not spend a great deal of time or energy on posturing. They look for leadership.


Politics boring? Not here Where Ottawans always stand out is when the pollster asks if they would like an election, if one hasn’t been called, or if they are interested in the election, if one has. This is like asking people at a hockey game if they are interested in the hockey game. People elsewhere might profess a lack of interest, but politics is Ottawa’s major sport. Hockey might sometimes be considered a rival, but certainly not this year. Why would you not want another game? While people in less enlightened parts of the country bemoan politicking, condemn partisanship and generally dismiss the political struggles as ritual, we who live in the shadow of the Peace Tower have quite a different view. Politics gives shape to our community, meaning to our lives. Politics affects our friendships. We all know people who work in politics — as politicians, as strategists, as volunteers, as political reports — and we know that they are real people too. Even the reporters. They go to the church or the pub, they belong to the book club, they have kids who play hockey, they mow their lawns and shovel their snow. So even if we don’t vote the way they do, we can suffer along with them, or take some

CHARLES GORDON Funny Town pleasure from their triumphs. To us, politics is not some exotic activity that other people do, like polo or wine-tasting. It is central to our life. And central to our jobs as well. We don’t have to work in the party backrooms for political events to shape our lives. The public service changes significantly after elections. The change is not so great as in the U.S., where more top jobs are filled in and after elections. But top jobs do change here and the occupants make their appointments and before you know it, you’ve got a new position, maybe a better one, maybe not. And your neighbour, who works for a company that supplies widgets to a government department, is all of a sudden selling less widgets or more, depending on the political decisions somebody

Serving North Grenville and area since 1855

113 Prescott St., P.O. Box 1402 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

made somewhere up the line. The neighbour on the other side, who works for an NGO, is delighted or depressed by something the new folks have done. Even if jobs don’t change, priorities do. More will be spent, or less. The environment is a priority, or not. Foreign aid goes up, or doesn’t. With every decision, somebody’s job description changes. You know that, and even if you haven’t experienced it yourself, you’ve heard the muttering from your relatives, or the people next door. The government doesn’t have to change for any of this to happen. Ministers change and new ministers have new ideas, or no ideas at all. Even if a government wins re-election, it learns things from the campaign. Uh-oh, the government discovers, the people want more of this and less of that. Better make it happen. In the attempt to make it happen, the woman around the corner suddenly becomes more important at work. Or the family suddenly has to sell the second car. All of this means that politics is a spectator sport all year ’round in our town. People have to keep an eye on what’s going on. Even the most routine exchange of

Telephone: 613-258-3451 Fax: 613-258-0617

Lori Sommerdyk, District Service Rep, Kemptville Advance 613-221-6246 • 1-877-298-8288 missed delivery •

Managing Editor Suzanne Landis

Sales Representative Drew Headrick

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613-240-9942 Advertising Manager Terry Tyo

613-258-3451 Associate Editor Joe Morin

613-258-3451 Director of Community Relations Terrilynne Crozier





Regional Publisher Chris McWebb

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rants in Question Period is going to affect someone. But it’s at election time that the game really heats up. The election is March Madness, the Stanley Cup playoffs, the World Series. (If the analogy holds, this would make make Budget Day the equivalent of the All-Star Game, except that people actually get hurt on Budget Day.) There is real excitement. People are biting their fingernails. Sometimes they would bite other people, if the law allowed it. We should never let anyone tell us that it’s not interesting. It is more than interesting. It is life or death, if life and death can be fun.

Editorial Policy The Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at To submit a letter to the editor, please email or fax to 613-258-0716 or mail to: 113 Prescott Street Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0.

DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES - DISPLAY ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Monday is 9 a.m. Call 613-258-3451 (local) or 1-877-298-8288. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its employees or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All photographs and advertisements created by The Advance staff are the property of The Advance and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Please call or stop by the Kemptville office for Canadian, foreign and US rates.

Member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association & the Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Also a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations



A politician was lambasted last year for saying that the isotope crisis was “sexy”. A junk-picker on a reality show labeled a rusty old European clock “sexy”. And if you watch television, listen to the radio and read magazines, you might notice something else that is suddenly sexy: Farming. In this usage, sexy means it’s a hot topic or commodity. People are talking about it. It’s getting attention. Perhaps it’s our new sense of global awareness that is prompting us to look upon one of the most basic of occupations, providing food from the land, with a new kind of fondness. We live in a land of abundance. We have the ability to produce enough wheat to feed the world. That is, if we don’t turn all of our farmland over to development. Farms are disappearing, as are farmers. Perhaps that rarity is making them sexier.

Of course, farming was always sexy, the ones that count. if we were paying attention. Yes, it inFarmers are strong. Farmwork is physvolves a lot of dirt, sweat and ical, and it involves being outmanure, but it also involves a doors a lot. As a result, Farmcertain sensuality that is lost ers tend to be fairly healthy, once we move away from the they sleep well at night and live land. long, fulfilling lives. Farmers are romantic. All of our diet-conscious They rarely miss a sunrise or advice these days is telling us sunset. They depend on the to slow down and think about weather for the success of what we are putting into our their crops, so they pray for mouths. What will it do for our rain to quench the garden’s bodies? Provide calcium, iron, thirst, or they pray that the vitamins? Where did it come sun will hold out long enough from and how did it get to the The Accidental store or market? Farming is for them to bring the hay in. Farmers are sensitive. the original link in the chain Farmwife They watch their animals of our healthy lives. Diana Fisher closely, watching for signs of We should care about poor health, injury, impendit. We shouldn’t let our ing birth. They learn to comchildren grow up to municate in simple, unspoken ways. The think their hamburgers and milk few words that they choose to speak are are magically created out of thin

air in the grocery store. We’ve all seen the billboards and bumper stickers: if you’ve eaten today, thank a Farmer. Well, where did you think it came from?? The next time you see a Farmer, take note of the callused hands that are strong enough to pull wires into fences, but gentle enough to birth baby animals. Notice the wrinkles around his eyes from squinting at the sun, the laugh lines around his mouth. Farmers have got to have a sense of humour. Sometimes it’s the only thing that keeps them going, I’m sure. And if that ain’t sexy, well, I don’t know what is.


association’s charitable endeavours, from cancer and cystic fibrosis to Camp Buckoo for burn victims, are a special credit to Tim and his leadership. With his retirement, it is

time for North Grenville Council and the Mayor to provide permanent recognition of Chief Bond and his family by directly naming our new fire station in his honour!

Enjoy retirement, Tim. You have earned it. Gilles Brisebois CEO L.A.Group of Companies



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I reacted to the news of Fire Chief Bond’s retirement with a combination of regret and the most sincere admiration for a job well done. As chief of our fire department Tim has been an innovator, peacemaker, leader and community champion of many social causes. Tim’s efforts to have rural water storage tanks and the establishment of a “water tanker” shuttle service have resulted in huge insurance savings and enhanced fire protection for the majority of rural residents as we qualify for “hydrant protected rates.” Leading a highly skilled department of volunteers can be equated to herding cats through water, yet Tim accomplished this task over the years in an outstanding manner. The Kemptville/ North Grenville fire department’s training program and results achieved are the envy of many of our neighbours; the proof of Tim’s training success is in the fact that so many of our volunteers have been hired by the City of Ottawa. Working with his colleagues and the Fire Department Association, Tim has participated in and organized many events over the years. These events resulted in fundraising to buy special fire equipment, which would have had to be provided through taxation if not for the dedication of the department. The

Thanks, Chief Bond

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John Willems, Regional General Manager, is pleased to announce the appointment of Josh Max to the posi on of Classified and Digital Sales Manager for Metroland Media. In his role, Josh will oversee the classified adver sing opera ons for Metroland’s 15 community newspapers throughout O awa and the Valley. Josh will also manage Metroland’s local efforts behind its suite of digital assets including:, Youro awaregion. com,,, Go arent. ca, and Josh joined Metroland from Staples where he held a senior management posi on.

Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011

Farming is sexy in every sense of the word.


Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011


Who killed Roger Stevens? Unsolved mystery clouds Burritt’s Rapids’ past J.P. ANTONACCI

lice would likely have called Roger Stevens’ death “suspicious.” The one-time British frontier spy and If it had happened 150 years later, po- father-in-law of Burritt’s Rapids founder Stephen Burritt died in 1844 on a canoe trip with his Cornwall & Area Housing while cousin, William Merrick, in what Corporation was then known as Marlborough Township. As Merrick told it, Stevens – a Société de logement de military officer and experienced Cornwall et de la région outdoorsman – stood up in his canoe to shoot at some ducks. 1916, rue Pitt Street, # 11, Cornwall, Ontario K6J 5H3 The recoil from the musket blast Tel: 613-938-7717 – 1-800-267-2435 knocked him overboard, and he Fax/Télécopieur: 613-938-6280 drowned. E-mail/courriel: Stevens’ daughter, Martha Burritt, didn’t believe Merrick’s story for a minute, historian CorTender No PT2011-001-Roof al Lindsay told the New Horizon Replacement-10 Dundas St., Club at the Burritt’s Rapids ComIroquois, ON munity Centre last Wednesday. Lindsay, delivering a dramatic Tenders will be received for the above until Thursday, reading in character as Martha April 14, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. by the Cornwall and Burritt, assured her listeners Area Housing Corporation at 1916 Pitt Street, Unit that “My father wasn’t stupid 11, Cornwall, Ontario, K6J 5H3, c/o the Manager, enough to stand up in a canoe Capital Works & Maintenance, Ron Van Duyvendyk and fire a musket.” from whom details and specifications may be “Martha” was too polite to out obtained or telephone (613-938-7717), quoting the and out say it, but the implication was clear: Roger Stevens tender number as above. The Owner is not obliged might have met an unnatural to accept any tender because it is the lowest tender end at the hand of his old friend. submitted. 458222 This suspicion was

J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff

In character as Martha Burritt, historian Coral Lindsay (centre) is joined by members of the New Horizon Club for her dramatic lecture on the history of Burritt’s Rapids. ened by the fact that, only a few hours after the “accident,” Merrick sent a letter to Governor Haldimand informing him of Stevens’ death and demanding Stephen Burritt’s mill and the surrounding land be transferred to Merrick on account of a

debt Stevens supposedly owed him. Before the dazed Burritts could collect their wits, Merrick owned the land, which he called Merrick’s Mills, better known today as Merrickville. HISTORY see next page



Community Living in Kemptville is hosting a comedy night and auction on Saturday, April 2, at the W.B. George Centre on the Kemptville Campus. The show is called Inspiring Possibilities and features award-winning comedian and sleight of hand magician David Merry. The night out is a fundraiser for Community Living. Proceeds support the organization’s continued efforts to offer services that inspire possibilities for those living with an intellectual disability while participating in their com-

munity. The performance is sponsored by the Pratt Team: Royal LePage, Gale Real Estate. Also sponsoring the event are: Warren & Jansen, Westerra Homes, Solution One Financial, O’Farrell Financial, Kemptville Home Building Centre and Freedom 55 Financial Marian McCaffrey. Tickets are $50 each or $350 a table. They are available at Scotia bank or by calling Community Living at 613 258-7177. Cocktails are at 7 p.m. and the performance begins at 8 p.m. Community Living in North Grenville supports those with an intellectual

Courtesy Photo

Magician David Merry will entertain at Inspiring Possibilities, a fundraiser for Community Living

History talk enlivens the past From page 6 “I’ve no time for William Merrick,” said “Martha,” as the audience chuckled. Lindsay, a member of the Rideau Township Historical Society, gives historical talks to school groups and other interested organizations, using her evident flair for the dramatic to bring characters like Martha Burritt to life. Last October, the retired teacher from Kars published the second edition of her book Kars on the Rideau, updating the original 1972 version. “Since I was I child, I’ve been interested in history, and it’s become a passion,” she said, wearing a red plaid shawl and cap, with a decorative brooch called a cameo adorning her blouse. Several audience members also got into character by wearing flowery bonnets and period dresses. Martha Burritt was the first woman of European ancestry to settle in the Rideau area, arriving with other United Empire Loyalist refugees after harrowing years imprisoned by the “rebels” during the Revolutionary War. The audience chuckled as Lindsay told them of Roger Stevens’ final act of sabotage against his American captors. Before fleeing, Stevens and his compatriots stole the millstones from the nearby mill and floated them away on large rafts, rendering the mill unusable.

While guiding British agents through the United States and picking up intelligence about the rebels, Stevens carried bundles of fur from village to village to maintain his cover as a fur trader. He was eventually arrested and flogged on suspicion of spying. “He wasn’t really a fur trader, you know,” Lindsay winked. After catching young Stephen Burritt’s eye while loitering near the parade ground one day – “Picking wildflowers,” Lindsay said slyly – the two married and moved to Augusta Township, while Stevens pushed forth into Rideau County, “wherever in the world that was.” During a voyage north, Stephen Burritt’s raft went aground at what is today Burritt’s Rapids, and the young family built a log cabin and settled there in 1793, the year their son Edmund became the first European child born along the Rideau. Lindsay’s talk illuminated the hardships faced by Martha Burritt as young wife and mother in the unforgiving Canadian wilderness, while her father and husband fought for the Loyalists. During the War of 1812, Stephen helped build Fort Wellington at Prescott, and Martha worked the farm and raised her family. Lindsay described the “relief and joy” she and the other women would have

felt when their husbands could finally cease fighting the Americans and return home. One audience member who drove in from Ottawa to see the presentation had a personal connection to the story. Mary Surtees is the granddaughter of Alfred and Ruth Burritt, on her mother’s side. “I’ve got lots of stories,” Surtees said of her illustrious family, whose descendants include Elishu Burritt, the “learned blacksmith” featured in the Longfellow poem “The Village Blacksmith.” Surtees learned something new about her famous ancestors. “It was a wonderful talk,” she said. After the presentation, someone asked Lindsay where Burritt’s original log cabin from 1793 had been built. “If you find out, please tell me!” the historian replied. One woman remembered an older man standing on the bridge and waving his walking stick toward “a flat piece of ground, near where the falls are,” claiming that the log cabin had been built there on the floodplain. But she couldn’t be sure. “What really happened to Roger Stevens?” another audience member wanted to know. “You mean, did William Merrick do him in?” Lindsay replied, laughing. “The jury’s still out on that one.”

disability. Their mandate begins with a belief that people with intellectual disabilities have the same rights as anyone else. Community Living believes that with some help, these same people can enjoy and exercise these rights. The shared vision of Community Living is that all persons live in a state of dignity. The show is bound to be a hit with everyone. David Merry has a long list of awards attached to his career, which began with a lead role in Bartholomew and the Oobleck in Grade 4 at Bedford Park School in Toronto. By the time he was thirteen, Merry had discov-

ered the thrill of magic. He performed his first magic show at a friend’s birthday on April Fools Day in 1976. His fate as an entertainer was sealed after he started to take drama classes while in high school at Lawrence Park Collegiate. After high school, he took part in Second City workshops. It was just a matter of time before he was confident enough to try his hand at stand-up comedy on amateur night at the local comedy club. He never looked back, and since then has performed more than 7,000 shows across all of North America, and on over 70 television shows.

SHOP LOCALLY 2011 School Volunteer of the Year Nomination Form The Upper Canada District School Board is proud to salute its many school volunteers who contribute their time to enrich the educational experience of our students. We invite nominations from the public to recognize dedicated school volunteers and will publicly recognize four School Volunteers of the Year from across the Board at our May 17th Board of Trustees Celebrations meeting. Please print: I nominate:

from: Full name

School Name


(Please provide a brief description of your nominee’s volunteer activity)

Please check the top 3 attributes which you feel your nominee possesses. (Choose only three attributes from this list that best describe your nominee) Committed





Positive Role Model

Displays a passion for working with and interacting with children Your Name: __________________________________ Telephone: ______________________ Send/fax/e-mail your nomination form to the appropriate UCDSB office before April 15, 2011 Office Cornwall Brockville

Address 122 Second Street West, Cornwall, ON K6J 1G5 225 Central Avenue West, Brockville, ON K6V 5X1





An electronic version of this form is available at

David K Thomas Director



Greg Pietersma Chair

Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011

Community Living hosts Inspiring Possibilities

8 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011

Chamber News...The Voice of Business & Information in North Grenville check the Chamber’s Website for the latest in Chamber News, New Members, Grand Openings, Chamber Events, etc.

2011 Salute to Excellence Awards Gala taking shape The 2011 Salute to Excellence awards Gala is taking shape with many Sponsors coming on board and the Chamber is getting ready to request Nominations in the following Categories:

30th Anniversary Tickets at Scotiabank, to attend the event. $80 per person or $625 per table (all pricing is plus hst) The Chamber introduced a Coop Student Award back in 2003 with huge success.

2011 New Business of the Year 1-5 years Won by The Bodhi Tree in 2010 Sponsored this year by Shared Sponsors: The Coop Teacher of each of North Grenville District The Bodhi Tree, McGahey Law and M5 Digital Products High and St. Michael Catholic High Schools choose a Ltd. Coop Student in their 11th year to be awarded the following year at the Gala. The criteria is Entrepreneurial Spirit 2011 Mel Johnston Established Business of the Year 6 and excellent work ethic, determination and drive. years or over. Won by Royal Lepage Gale Real Estate in 2010 Sponsored this year by Shared Sponsors: Westerra Homes The 2011 recipients are Lynn Cryderman of North GrenDevelopment, RBC Royal Bank and Bill Osborne Chev- ville District High School and Bradley Leach of St. Michael Catholic High School. rolet-Buick-GMC

ment to the North Grenville Chamber; its objectives and to this special annual event. We are also very pleased to recognize our Major Partner The Advance as a Platinum Level Sponsor for 2011. Quality Entertainment is sponsoring the Lighting of the event this year and one of our newest members and local business; Styvesphotos, will be our official photographer in 2011; also offering professional portrait sittings at the evening’s affair for you to choose to purchase on-line on website after the event.

Welcome our Newest Members. Join the Chamber Network, today! Far Horizons Inc. (formerly Alqonquin Travel) Kemptville 613-258-0000

Walmart Inc. Kemptville Colonnade 613-258-6295

Excelwith Marketing Inc. Kemptville 1-888-258-5423

Wubs Transit & Precision Diesel Winchester 613-774-6618/6619

Dutch Green Prescott (serving the North Grenville area) 613-258-2991

Sheppard & Associates Ltd. Kemptville 613-258-4949

G. K. Finnie & Son Insurance Heckston 613-989-1973

Upper Canada Leger Centre for Education and Training Cornwall T.F. 877-875-3437

Kemptville Quilters Guild Kemptville 613-258-6659

Marlin Travel's (inside Walmart) Kemptville Colonnade 613-258-4870 New McDonalds location inside Walmart 613-258-6539 (Kemptville Mall#) New Tim Hortons location at Kemptville Colonnade

Kemptville Denture Clinic Kemptville ON 613-258-3600 Garden by Design Oxford Mills 613-258-0492

Performance Horse & Rider Kemptville ON K0G 1J0 613-258-5995

Colonnade Development Inc. Ottawa 613-225-8118

613-258-0411 (Kemptville Mall#)

Thank You to The Advance - a Major Chamber Member Partner of the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce


We are pleased to continue to shine the Spotlight on the Kemptville Youth Centre by supporting their Silent Auction, as they did last year… which was a resounding success; raising much needed dollars to continue the completion of their new home; providing all the valuable proHal Anthony Citizen of the Year This year’s award sponsors are Kemptville Truck Centre grams and safe haven for Youth in North Grenville to parWon by Harry Pratt in 2010 for the NGDHS Coop Student and Solution One Financial ticipate in. Be sure to contact Stacey Tenbult, Executive for the ST. Michael Catholic High School Coop Student. Director of the Kemptville Youth Centre at 613-258-5212 Contact the Chamber to be a Shared or Full to donate a Silent Action Item and come ready to bid at Sponsor of this Award We look forwarded to them receiving their awards on Sat. the event. Russ Mosher Volunteer of the Year May 7, 2011 at the W. B. George Centre at the 2011 Watch for the Nomination Forms coming out next week. Won by Bill & Petra McElrea in 2010 Salute to Excellence Awards Gala; the most prestigious You may pick up nomination forms from the 3 Major - 1st Shared Sponsor the Ferguson Forest Centre. Con- event of the year! Banks, the Municipal Centre Administration desk and the tact the Chamber to be a Shared Sponsors of this award. Chamber of Commerce. Any nominee must agree to be Other Sponsors for this event include Event or Product nominated and we look forward to celebrating all nomi2011 Employer of the Year nees at the 2011 Salute to Excellence Awards Gala event. Sponsors. We are thrilled to note that BELL is our Title Won by Scotabank in 2010 will be Sponsored by Contact the Chamber at 613-258-4838 or email at Event Sponsor for 2011. This demonstrates their commitScotiabank in 2011. You may also purchase the Special for more inquiries.




heads.” MPP Steve Clark, representing Leeds and Grenville, was happy to have a student from Kemptville as Page. “Tyler is a remarkable young man,” Clark said. “I think he enjoyed the legislative assembly experience and it was nice for me to have another Leeds-Grenville resident in the Chamber. He is a bright, polite ad engaging youth who exemplifies the qualities of a future leader.” Tyler found the experience very informative and revealing. He saw firsthand what elected officials have to deal with, and how they work. “On television, you can’t hear all of the people talking,” he said. “I heard MPPs discussing issues and what should be done about them. Some wanted change and others wanted things to stay the same.”

Courtesy Photo

Tyler Millson poses with his family while working as a Page at Queen’s Park. Left to right are: Bart Millson, Kane, Maureen Heritage-Millson, Quinn, Tyler and MPP Steve Clark.

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March BC Event

Sponsor: Ian Hunter of TD Merchant Services

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Wed. March 30, 2011

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7am - 9am @Broadway Bar & Grill Cost: $25.00 OPEN TO ALL @Chamber rates

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Spring & Fall Home Shows

6PM start

Fri. April 29 6-9pm & Sat. April 30 9-3pm

Sat. May 7 - W. B. George Centre

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U. of G. Kemptville Campus Spring Home & Leisure Show

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Kemptville student Tyler Millson is back from a few weeks at Queen’s Park in Toronto. The Grade 8 student at Kemptville Public School was part of the Page program. He enjoyed a great experience away from his normal life as a young man living in Kemptville while getting a firsthand look at what provincial political leaders do every day. Tyler’s journey began back in November 2010, when he applied for a spot as a Page at Queen’s Park. “I had to write a 750 word essay on why they should chose me,” he said. Being picked for the experience was not all that easy. Tyler had to have a Grade A average and be willing to continue with his schoolwork in between working at Queen’s Park. He also had to be able to memorize the names and faces as well as the seating plan for 107 Members of Parliament (MPPs). Tyler admits that he was initially nervous about being able to cram all of those faces and names into his memory. But after a few weeks spending two hours a day studying the list of names, he was ready. “At first I was nervous,” he said, “but once you get used to the long days, it was fun.” Once selected to be a Page, he went down to Toronto to learn all of the rules and regulations about what a Page was supposed to do. His main job was making sure that MPPs had water to drink and to be on hand to carry messages from one to another. The experience of listening and watching as the provincial government did its job was interesting to Tyler. “What caught my attention was listening to them talk about schools and how to change them. All I could do was listen,” he said. Being a Page means you are able to see politicians working up close. “I never knew they had to focus on so many different things,” he said. “Some (MPPs) had scripts they would follow, and others would talk off the top of their

Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011

Local youth gets taste of politics at Queen’s Park


Getting started in the garden MARY ANN VAN BERLO KELLY NOEL Master Gardeners

You look at your yard and see room for improvement! That’s when you decide that this year your garden is going to be better

than ever. Or maybe this is the year that you try your hand at gardening for the first time. Either way, there are some starting points to consider. SITE ASSESSMENT Start by taking a look at your

lot. Are there any low spots which drain slowly after a heavy rainfall? If this happens, either correct the problem or work with it. Correct it by adding soil to build up low spots, or excavating a drainage ditch to direct the water away from your property (but do check with the Municipality

before doing any work that affects neighbouring properties). Work with it by planning a pond or bog garden for a natural low spot or plant trees and plants there that like wet conditions. Another consideration is the lot’s orientation. How much sun does each area get per day?


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And finally, what is the soil type? A simple test is to take a handful of soil and squeeze it; does the soil form a ball that holds its shape? If it doesn’t, the soil is probably sandy. If the ball holds together even when you poke it, the soil is mainly clay. If it falls apart when poked, the soil is loamy (somewhere between sand & clay). This information will tell you what soil preparation will be needed. If your home is located on an outcropping of the Canadian Shield, digging a new garden bed could be a challenge, but you might consider raised beds. WHAT DO YOU WANT? Make a wish list of the features you want to include in your garden. Are you looking for the perfect garden oasis? Do you want to grow vegetables and/or a flower garden? Will you entertain in your yard? Do you need play space for children? Is there a style of garden design that appeals to you? Once you know what you want, you can make a plan. PLAN FIRST


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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011


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Sketch a bird’s eye view of your property, keeping it more or less in scale. Draw the house on it and mark the doors and windows that have a view. Sketch in the driveway and other permanent features such as sheds, hydro pads and existing mature trees. Draw in a north-south arrow. Make some photocopies. Next sketch in permanent “hardscape� features from your wish-list: patios, decks, play structure/areas, a pond, fountains, etc. When you do this, consider traffic flow – it should be natural and unimpeded. Paths can take you directly from point A to B or they can be meandering and more about the journey than the destination. The walkway to the front door should be direct, but a path through the backyard might be curved and casual to encourage a slow stroll through the gardens. Add garden beds on your sketch. Instead of small beds and separate features that dot the yard, try to pull different elements together with the plantings. Consider placing a bed beside the patio or around a bird bath. Plan for the mature size of the plants – they do grow! So remember, no full size trees close to the house! Will you grow any food plants? An herb or vegetable garden needs full sun. Easy accessibility from the kitchen is a bonus that will make it convenient and easy to use, but full sun is a must. Continued next page


11 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011

How does your garden grow?

Master Gardeners share secrets on on how to start a successful garden Continued from previous page

ganic matter requires no chemical fertilizers. PLANTING

Submitted Photo

Before and after garden transformation showing raised bed to accommodate uneven terrain and slope. A stone pathway now leads the homeowner from one end of the property to the other. START SMALL

DIGGING THE BED plant sales as fundraisers.

If your wish list is long and beyond your budget, break the plan up into manageable bits and complete one area per year. If you have a plan that has repetitive use of features such as plant material or a building material, then the garden will look unified when finished even if it is done over several years.

BEFORE YOU DIG Contact Ontario One Call for a site “locate” (http://on1call. com/index.php/homeowners/). Knowing where utilities are buried is essential before the shovel goes in the ground for any excavation.

SOIL PREPARATION This is a very important step in preparing your new garden. This is your one chance to amend the soil by adding humus which improves both clay and sandy soils. Humus is decomposed organic matter such as compost or manure. Work it into the soil before planting. Soil that is rich in or-

BUDGET There are other ways to make gardening easier on the budget. Start plants from seed. Many annuals and vegetables can be started indoors in April. Some can be sewn directly outdoors. Ask your neighbours if they have plants that need dividing. Gardeners are very generous with extra plants. Do be cautious – if they have lots of one plant to give away, that might mean the plant is invasive. Check for a local garden club or horticultural society. They often hold

Use a garden hose to lay out the edges of beds. Step back take a look. Consider maintenance – will it be easy to mow around the bed? Remove the sod using a sod lifter. Make sure you remove any tap roots from weeds that might have been in the lawn.

Do you suffer from

With all that planning, research and prep work finally done – now you get to play in the dirt! Follow your plan, but don’t be too rigid. The best way to get a feel for how it will look is to set the plants out on the prepared bed in their pots. Once you’re happy with the overall look, start planting. Make sure the potted plants are well watered before you plant them. Don’t plant things deeper than they were growing in the pot. Once everything is planted, water well and continue to do so regularly until they are established. MAINTENANCE Apply a 5cm layer of mulch – this will keep weeds down and conserve water. During the season, weed the beds as needed. Deadheading (removing spent flowers) will keep the plants looking tidy, prevent self-seeding and extend the bloom season, especially in annuals. These basic steps will help you start or improve your garden. However the most important step in gardening is to sit back and enjoy the results!


Plants can have many roles in the landscape. They can be decorative or functional.A hedge or tree might be a wind-break or block an unpleasant view. A specimen plant such as a flowering tree or shrub can be used as a focal point. And don’t just think of ground level plants. Make the yard more appealing by creating layers of interest. Trees and shrubs should be inter-planted with perennials to add height and texture. Plants have different growing requirements. Pick plants that suit the soil type and sun exposure your lot provides. Doing all of this research at the planning stage will save money and give you a better chance of success. Some tips to think about when making your plant list: • Include a range of heights, with taller ones in the back of a border or the middle of an island bed, graduating down to the lowest at the edges. • Have something in bloom at all times. Shrubs and perennials only bloom for a short period of time, so include a variety of plants to cover the season. • Choose some plants for their attractive foliage which provides season long beauty in contrast to a few brief weeks of bloom. • Attract birds and pollinators, by having a constant supply of food sources (plants in bloom) and shelter in the form of dense trees or shrubs. • Plants look best in groups. Plant several together and it is best to work in odd numbers – 3 or 5 of a kind look better than 2 or 4. • Avoid planting in rows (except in a vegetable garden). Clumps of tulips look better and have more impact than a row of them standing at command.



Researchers from Queen’s University are conducting a pain treatment study in people with nerve injury or disease (such as diabetic foot pain or post-shingles pain).

Master Gardeners are a not-for-profit group of volunteers whose mandate is to provide unbiased horticultural advice and expertise to encourage good gardening practices for people with gardening needs and interests.

Subjects attend 4 visits to Kingston over 18 weeks & must have no serious heart or kidney disease. Study drugs provided free of charge.


Any questions about the study please contact: Phone help-line: 613-236-0034 (staffed Wed. & Thurs., 1-3 p.m.) email help-desk: website: LANARK COUNTY MASTER GARDENERS

email: website:

Sarah Walker, RN, MSc Kingston General Hospital Queen’s University 613-549-6666 x 2146 456652-13-11


Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011


13 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011


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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011



Peewee Storm wins on the road

There has been little rest this season for the Kemptville Peewee Girls Storm. Their season got underway with what started out as a winning weekend in late January. The team headed to St. Albans in Vermont. They were able to win a round robin series of three games against local teams. In the semifinals, they managed to get past the St. Albans squad to earn a spot in the finals against a team from Manchester, New Hampshire. The game was a good one as the Storm gave as good as they got, but ended up on the losing end of a 1-0 game. The lessons learned during the actionpacked weekend will help the team move on in the upcoming league playoff games and tournaments. On March 18-20 the girls traveled to Vaughan, north of Toronto. For this tournament, the team took on players from Lindsay to North York. They beat the Lindsay Lynx on Friday afternoon at York University’s Can-Lan arena. Later that night, the Storm went up against the North York Storm at the Bayview arena. After a slow first period, the Kemp-

Courtesy Photo

Goalie Kyra Valcour. First row L to R: Asst coach Steve Lisle, Lila Elliott, Lindsay Cummins, Amanda Switzer, Hailee Coleman, Tiana Lisle, Jessi Zandbelt, Anna Fawcett, Trainer Tina Fawcett. Back row: Mgr Laura McEwen, Ally Kingsbury, Grace Petschenig, Coach Duke Elliott, Kara Bartholomew, Emily Bellefontaine, Ashley McEwen, Asst Coach Andre Kingsbury, Tyannah Lee, Annie Underhill.

tville Storm rallied in the third period for a comefrom-behind victory. That Saturday afternoon the Pee Wee Storm was again in force as the round robin portion of the tournament began. Teams from North York and Lindsay squared off against the Kemptville team. Two wins by the Kemptville squad insured they would be able to take a shot at the North York Storm for the “A” final held that Sunday. The final match was won by the Kemptville Storm, who came home with “A” championship banner. A highlight of the tournament was the Storm’s performance. They outscored their opponents 45 goals, versus one goal against, as goaltender Kyra Valcour allowed only two goals between the Vermont and Vaughn tournaments. The Storm girls next road trip is again planned for Toronto from April 8-10. The Kemptville team has earned a position through play downs, edging out the local Brockville Angels and Russell Warriors to represent the District “A” Pee Wee girls.


TAX CORNER New legislation introduced with the 2009 federal budget may help make it easier for you. A non-refundable tax credit is now available to first time purchasers who purchase their home with a closing date after January 27, 2009 (regardless of when the offer was made). A $5,000 credit amount, which translates to a $750 reduction in federal tax, can be claimed on the tax return in the year the deal closes. This may not seem like a large amount but it may help towards paying the many closing costs, which often catch first time buyers by surprise. The federal government has also proposed that, effective for withdrawals made after January 27, 2009 the maximum amount that can be withdrawn from an RRSP to buy or build a home, without having to pay tax on the withdrawal will be increased from $20,000 to $25,000. The withdrawal amount must be repaid to the RRSP on a fixed schedule over the next 15 Tax Returns for 2010 and Previous Years – Do Them Now! Relief Requested. Reasonable Rates. years. Terry 613-794-4230



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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011



Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011



Look who’s making a difference Businesses and community come together in Kemptville

J. P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff

KBC SUPPORTS YOUTH CENTRE J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff

Eric Norenberg (right), president of Kemptville Building Centre, presented Kemptville Youth Centre (KYC) president Lisa Davis (centre) with a $5,000 store credit on March 9. KYC will use the credit to buy materials to complete one or more items on their construction “wish list.” Davis was grateful to the building centre for what she called “one of our bigger donations,” and thanked KYC booster Claire Larabie (left) for her support.

J.P Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff

PUB SCRAMBLES UP DONATIONS FOR YOUTH CENTRE Ottawa restaurateur Dave Smith (far left) dropped by the Kemptville Pub on March 13 to cook brunch and raise funds for the Kemptville Youth Centre. KYC executive director Stacey Tenbult (left) and president Lisa Davis thanked Smith and Kemptville Pub general manager Paul Castonguay (far right) for helping the centre raise just under $1,000 to help defray building expenses.

J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff

OLD TYME FIDDLERS PLAY FOR HOSPITAL The Rideau and District Old Tyme Fiddling Club hosts dances in North Gower every month. Their latest dance featured a fundraiser for the Kemptville District Hospital. The club raised $1,278 for the hospital. Left to right are: Grace Banning Treasurer of the club, Mellissa Graham Executive Director of the Kemptville District hospital Foundation and Cathy Woolsey Secretary of the Club.

J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff

CHESTERVILLE TD BANK DONATES TO WDMH The TD Bank Group donated $25,000 to the Winchester District Memorial Hospital. The funds will go to the hospital’s Close to Home campaign. TD’s donation is directed towards meeting the special training needs of the clinical staff. Left to right are: Bob Goodman Chesterville TD Canada Trust manager, Emily Manolakos district vice-president for Ottawa east and Seaway east TD Canada Trust, Kim Campbell nurse, Lynn Hall vice-president of clinical services and chief nursing officer/ professional practice leader and Cathy Jowsey regional manager of community relations for TD Canada Trust.



In the first series of the CCHL semifinals, the Pembroke Lumber Kings will battle the Gloucester Rangers. Pembroke defeated Smiths Falls in four straight games while Gloucester came from behind to defeat Carleton Place in six games. The series opened in Pembroke on March 22 at the Pembroke Memorial Arena. With just under a thousand fans on hand, the Lumber Kings defeated the Rangers 5-2. The Kings jumped out to a 3-0 lead by the first intermission. The Rangers got one back in the second but

could not catch up. Scoring for Pembroke was Brandon Gagne with a pair and Jonathan Milley, Tyler Tosunian and Maurice Alvarez with singles. Answering for Gloucester were Jordan Fequet and Nathan Pancel. Game two returned to the Earl Armstrong Arena on March 24. This time, the teams were deadlocked at three at the end of the second. Unfortunately for Gloucester, Pembroke was able to shut down their offence in the third, holding them to just four shots on goal while the Lumber Kings scored three times to take the 6-3 victory. The goal scorers were Stefan Salituro and Mitchell Gallant with two each while

Matthew Peca and Will Seeber added the other two for the Lumber Kings. Gloucester marksmen were Nathan Pancel, Jordan Fequet and Devin Cobbold. With Gloucester hoping to get on track, game three was in Pembroke on March 27. The Lumber Kings came out flying on home ice, scoring three times in the first period before the Rangers got one of their own. All this action took place before the game was ten minutes old. In the second, Pembroke added two more to take a 5-1 lead into the second intermission. They limited Gloucester to just eight shots on goal in two periods. In the third, it looked as if

Spring is in the air

the Rangers were going to make a game of it as they scored twice in the first six minutes of the period. But there was no more scoring until the last minute of play, when Pembroke added one more to win the game by a score of 63. Scoring for Gloucester were Matt Miller, Michael McMurtry and Nathan Pancel. The Pembroke snipers were led by Matthew Zay with two, Tyler Tosunian, Kyle Just, Ted Pletsch and Matthew Peca. Game four goes back to Gloucester on Monday, Mar.28 with the Lumber Kings up 3-0 in the series. The other semi-final series features the Cornwall Colts tak-

ing on the Brockville Braves in the first Hwy. 401 series in a long time. Cornwall eliminated Kanata in the controversial series in five games, while it took Brockville the whole seven games to get rid of the pesky Nepean team. The series opened at the Ed Lumley Arena in Cornwall on Thursday, Mar. 24. The Braves took a 2-0 lead into the first intermission on goals by Maxime Dumond and David Roy. In the second period, Dumond added his second of the game while the Colts got two back when Kevin Cole and Tylor Spink scored. HOCKEY see page 27


BRIAN WILSON Special to the Advance

That time of the year is here again. It’s time to get winter out of your vehicle and put some spring back in. With great spring deals now is the time to get it looked after.

Here are our deals for the month of April -Full hand wash chamois dry

-Rims tires wheel wells cleaned and dressed -Door jam gunk removal and wipe down -Full interior vacuum( no carpet or apoulstry untouched) -Full dash/door wipe down -Blow out cracks/ air vents -Clean cup holders/middle console -Streak free glass cleaning

All deals available until May 1st.


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Or add these too the package for a deal -Full interior carpet and floor mats shampooing -Full interior Vinyl/leather conditioning -Includes, Dash/doors/middle console/cup holders and

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Remove all overspray, air fallout and contaminants out of and off of your vehicles paint with the claying of your vehicle. Includes -full exterior claying of vehicle -Followed by a Machine applied paste wax. $399.95 - 50% off SAVE $200.00



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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011

CCHL semifinals underway

Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011



The ship’s in the water, The sun’s rising high... Let’s get together, Before summer sails by!

Chance to win a 9-da y Caribbean Cruise!

All aboard! Join us on the SS Stonehaven Wednesday, April 20th • 2 pm to 4 pm Join us for CHEO fundraiser cruise themed afternoon!

All proceeds go to CHEO Foundation

Ask us about our spring promotion!* Call for a tour 70 Stonehaven Drive, Kanata 613.271.9016 *Some conditions apply | Valid until April 30th 2011

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19 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011

Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011



Thursday April 14 - Sunday, April 17, 2011 not sure of your colours? Pay now and pick up later!* *some conditions apply see store for details

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21 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011

Clean Your Ducts Today... ... Breathe Healthy Tomorrow!

The air you breathe in your home can have a profound effect on the overall enjoyment of your home, as well as your overall health. Indoor air quality problems or indoor mould growth issues can have long-lasting effect on your health. Most residential clients contact us due to odour complaints, allergic reactions, respiratory issues, sinus infections or previous water damage and/or mould issues in the home. A large number of clients also just want to know if the air they are breathing is safe.

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Thursday, Februa

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Volume 156

EBI joins forces with Gencor

ne author Christi ts Children’s cts with studen Stilwell connerd Public School, in at the Wolfo Merrickville. 5


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KINCH William Edsel April 25, 1927 - March 12, 2011

Peacefully at Rosebridge Manor on Saturday March 12, 2011. William Edsel Kinch, age 83 years.


McCLINTOCK, ROBERT. In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, who passed away April 2, 1988. Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts and memories that will never part. Our love for you lives on forever. Hilda, Jeanette, Breanne, Derek, Paula, Cole and Kallie

Dear father of Darlene Perkins of Oxford Mills. Predeceased by Parents Richard N Kinch and the former Mary May Cassell. Six brothers, Wallace, Laird, Lloyd, Arthur, Earl, Orville and one sister Rheta. Survived by brother Cecil of Jasper; Sister in laws Vera of Lombardy, Isabell of Smiths Falls, Willa of Jasper, and Irene of Newbliss. He will be sadly missed by many nieces and nephews. As per Edsel’s request, there will be no visitation or funeral service. A graveside service will take place in the spring at Maple Vale Cemetery.

Online Condolences available at

Heads Up for Healthier Brains Challenge Your Brain Improve your lifelong brain health & help reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s disease by giving your brain a daily workout – such as solving word puzzles or doing tasks with your opposite hand. Make the connection for a healthier brain. Visit or call your local Alzheimer Society


Arrangements entrusted to Lannin Funeral Home, Smiths Falls 613-283-7225.

WILSON, June In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, who passed away suddenly in the hospital 3 years ago, March 29, 2008. To us you were so special. We miss you more each day. The saddest day of our life was the day you went away. If tears could build a stairway, and memories were a lane, we would walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. Never to be forgotten, Barry, Dennis, Valerie and family


*HOT TUB (SPA) covers - best price, best quality. All shapes and colours. Call 1-866585-0056. www.the SCOOTER SPECIAL 25% Off Select Models Buy/sell Stair lifts, Porch lifts, Scooters, Bath lifts, Hospital beds, etc. Call SILVER CROSS, 613-2313549. WHITE CEDAR LUMBER. Decking, fencing, all dimensions, rough or dressed. Timbers and V-joints also available. Call Tom at McCann’s Forest Products, 613-628-6199 or 613-633-3911.

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HUNTER SAFETY Canadian Firearms Course. Courses and exams held throughout the year. Free course if you organize a group; exams available. Wenda Cochran, 613-2562409.


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DRYWALL INSTALLER, TAPING & REPAIRS. Framing, electrical, full custom basement renovations. Installation & stippled ceiling repairs. 25 years’ experience. Workmanship guaranteed. Chris, 613-8395571 or 613-7247376. Part-time cleaner. National Facility Services Company is seeking a part-time cleaner for 4 hours/day at $14/hour within the Renfrew area. Most duties are light: garbage removal, dusting, vacuuming, etc. Previous experience an asset. Please fax résume to 613-247-1882. CERTIFIED MASON 10 years’ experience, chimney repair and restoration, cultured stone, parging, repointing. Brick, block and stone. Small/big job specialist. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 613-250-0290.



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WEDDINGS, BAPTISMS and funerals, location of your choice. Also available: small weddings, my home, weekdays. The Rev. Alan Gallichan, 613726-0400.





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Saturday, April 9, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Winchester Arena Community Centre, 577 Main St., Winchester. Organized by the Dundas County Cattlemen’s Association. Speakers include: OnTrace, Barry Walker, Director of Trace ability services. Ontario Cattlemen Association with an update on Ontario Agricultural Sustainability Coalition and further development of club calf sales. Boeringer-Ingelheim discussing Johne’s disease. Beef Improvement Ontario with an update on all programs offered. $25 registration fee payable to the Dundas County Cattlemen’s Association. General inquiries: Rose Stewart, 613-448-3454.

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PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1,000 weekly mailing brochures from home. 100% legit! Income is guaranteed! No experience required. Enrol today! www.national-work . com OTTAWA’S largest lawn and property maintenance company pays $120-$360 DAILY for outdoor spring/ summer work. Hiring honest, competitive and energetic individuals to fill our various 2011 positions. Apply online @ www.SpringMasters



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Part-Time Activity Assistant Dundas Manor is a 98 bed long-term care facility in Winchester, ON. We are now accepting resumes for a temporary part-time Activity Assistant. This position is required to implement a wide variety of Recreation/Activity programs and services for our residents. Successful applicants must have a diploma or degree in Recreation, Leisure Studies, Gerontology or Therapeutic Recreation. Qualified applicants may submit current resume by fax, mail or electronically by April 7th, 2011 to:

Presently looking for qualified candidates in the following positions to fill day shift, evening shift.

Mrs. Jennifer Hill, Activity Director 533 Clarence Street P.O Box 970 Winchester, ON K0C 2K0 Fax: 613-774-4015

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Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.


Dundas Manor strives to create a home that Nurtures, Respects and Values our residents.

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Hockey action continues At the end of the second, the game was tied at two, with each team scoring once per period. The Braves were unable to beat Colts goalie Pete Karvouniaris in the third, while their goalie was beaten three times. Scoring for Cornwall were Drew Henry, Michael Borkowski and Kevin Cole with singles and Jacob Laliberte with a pair. Scoring for Brockville were Maxime Dumond and Mike Skakum. With the 5-2 victory, Cornwall returned home with a 2-0 lead in the best of seven series. The Colts carried on right where they left off in game three, scoring the only goal of the first

period. Drew Henry, with his second goal in as many games, was the Cornwall scorer. But the Braves roared back in the second, with Mark Belvedere scoring the hat trick and Kenny Matheson adding a fourth. The second intermission had Brockville leading 4-1. In the third, the Colts got one more to make it a little closer but that was all for this night as the Braves took the 4-2 victory in front of 1,459 fans. Courtesy Photo The series moves back to Brockville March 29, with Corn- The South Branch Elementary School Tigers won the gold at the Seaway Intermediate Hockey Tournament in Morrisburg on March 23. wall holding a 2-1 series lead.



Just 1:34 into the third, this year’s leading scorer in the CCHL, Jacob Laliberte, tied the game at three. And it stayed that way through the third to force overtime. The Colts fans among the 1,607 present went home happy when Cornwall’s Michael Borkowski scored the winner at 4:13 of the overtime period. With a game one victory under their belts, the Colts traveled down the 401 to the Brockville Memorial Centre for game two the next night. With 1,087 fans on hand, the Brockville faithful were cheering on their Braves.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Thursday, April 7, 2011 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 8, 2011 9:00 to 5:00 p.m.

NEW DAY - Saturday, April 9, 2011 9:00 to 2:00 p.m. Rideau Auctions Inc., 2250 County Road 31, Winchester, ON SUPER DISCOUNTS UP TO 50% OFF 1000’s of Pieces of Ladies/Men’s & Jewellry: Watches Children’s Clothes: Jeans; sweaters; dresses; pants; skirts; Furniture: Projector screen; sectional sofa; 3 piece leather sofa bras; jackets; boxers; swimsuits; shoes; slippers; lounge pants; shirts; pj’s; robes; winter boots; rain boots; t-shirts; winter clothes; yoga pants; ball caps Electronics: Teac Table Radio; battery chargers; digital cameras; game cartridges; camcorder; printers Housewares: Bread makers; turkey fryer; Expresso maker; Juiceman blender; kettles; pressure cooker; pots; pans; bowls; buffet servers; dishes; mugs Linen: Sheet sets; comforters; dishcloths; towels Toys: Dream Kitchen; Barbie dolls; Star Wars; Legos; Fisher Price; Hot Wheels; bats; footballs; soccer nets Musical Instruments: Flutes; trumpets; clarinets; acoustic guitar; guitar and amplifier; keyboards; electronic drum kit Games: Clue; Monopoly; Trivial Pursuit; foosball table

Kemptville Fire Department Annual Chicken BBQ Kemptville Volunteer Firefighters Association Ladies Auxiliary 37th Annual Chicken BBQ

Saturday April 9th, 2011 Dine In At Our New Fire Hall Dinners can be picked up at the Fire Hall from 4:30pm - 6:30pm.

Tickets $10.00 • Home Delivery Possible Andrea Briggs 613-258-3461, Harold Workman 613-258-3356 (8 am - 5 pm), Fire Hall 613-258-2438 *Tickets can be purchased at Howard Wilson Motors


Available from any Firefighter or call

sets; vanities; 7 piece dining room set; sofa tables; coffee tables; 5 piece dinette set; utility sinks; tv stands; 7 piece patio set; bookcase; queen size bed set; shower enclosure; electric fireplace; lamps; clocks; mattress and box springs Beauty Supplies: Perfume; Fructis; scented soap; Olive oil body wash; Neolia body lotion; gift baskets; Listerine; Neutrogena supplies School Supplies: Crayons; eraser kits; pens; classroom kits; chipboard kits; large assortment of books; book bags Misc. Items: Bicycles; bicycle trailer; ceiling fans; electronic scales; solar lights; ribbon; 9 piece dog starter kit; dog beds; luggage; hockey bags; Bionaire heaters; boat anchors; flashlights; misc. boat supplies; BBQ accessories; lawn folding chairs; area rugs; gun safe; large quantity of dollar store items; Easter supplies

SAFETY COVERALLS – 1 piece, fire resistant, reflective strips We have approximately 40 pieces of discontinued or scratch/dent appliances. All units carry a 1 year warranty Frigs; stoves; microwave; convection oven; washers; dryers; deep freezers; water coolers; wine chiller GO GREEN – BRING YOUR OWN BAGS Plus many more items to numerous to mention Terms: Cash; Interac; Mastercard; Visa RIDEAU AUCTIONS INC. UPCOMING AUCTIONS: April 16 – 9:00 a.m. Public Vehicle/Equipment Auction, April 16 – 10:30 a.m. Unreserved Farm Auction, April 20, 21 & 22 – 9:00 a.m. – Liquidation Sale, April 23 – 9:00 a.m. – Furniture Auction


The Anglican Parish of Oxford. “A BIG Country Welcome” • St. Andrew’s Garretton • St. Peter’s - North Augusta • St. Anne’s - Oxford Station. The Reverand

South Gower Baptist Church. 447 South Gower Drive - 258-9570. Service: Sunday evening 7:30pm. Roman Catholic. Holy Cross Church (505 Clothier St. W). Mass Times: Sat: 5pm, Sun: 9 & 11 am. Children’s Liturgy during 11am Mass. Father Andrew Shim. Presbyterian. Kemptville & Mountain Pastoral Charge. Rev. Samer Kandalaft. St. Paul’s Kemptville - 10:45am. Sunday

Service - Church School - Nursery. Knox Mountain Service - 9:15am.

am - 12 pm. Phone 613-258-3259 or e-mail Calendar of events available at Building is fully accessible.

St. Andrew’s United Church, 256 South Gower Drive - Heckston. 11:00 am Service. Reverend Blair Paterson & Reverend Victoria Fillier.

Kemptville Christian Reformed Church. (2455 County Rd. 18/Clothier St. W) 10:00 a.m and 6:30 p.m Sunday Services. Children’s Worship during morning service, Sunday School following a.m service. Reverend Benjamin Ponsen.

St. John’s United Church, 400 Prescott Street 10:00 AM Sunday Service with a nursery and Church school. Rev. Lynda Harrison officiating. Offices open Tues 8:30 am - 4 pm, and Wed - Fri 8:30

HARMONY COMMUNITY CHURCH, 12010 Ormond Road, Winchester. Sunday Service 9:15am Adult Bible Class10:30am Morning Worship 613774-5170 Rev. D.B. North, Pastor. Bishop's Oxford Pastoral Charge. Service at 10:00 am, 1st. & 3rd Sundays at St. Andrew’s United Church Bishop’s Mills, 2nd & 4th Sundays at Oxford Mills United Church. Minister: Reverend Paul F. Vavasour

This Community listing is brought to you by the Advance and these community minded sponsors. If you would like to sponsor this listing, call Drew or Jennifer.


Free Methodist. North Grenville Community Church (2659 Concession).

Southgate Community Church 1303 French Settlement Rd. , Kemptville. 9:00am & 10:40am. Ben Last – Lead Pastor

Matthew Kydd, 613-345-2022.

A Proud Community Sponsor since 1963

NO MYSTERY Theatre Just Kiddin fe group in Metcalfor searches young actors.

15 ding area e and surroun ster, Osgood ville, Winche ville, Merrick www.yourottaw Serving Kempt 5 Issue No.

EA OF BLUE tore rt Supers

ew Walma Kemptville in its doors store 28. The day, Jan. to 200 emmploy close 2 s.

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Volume 156

xt Kitchen ne project for re youth cent HOWAIDA


the Advance

301 Rideau Street, Kemptville, ON


they Special to Nov. 1, but moved by The young packed and full speed. They were and running at Youth Centre (KYC) up ng at are still not call the Kemptvillekitchen operati a adults, who are eager to get Street. rs on Oxford their own, nity membe to location ul to the commu their new still hoping thankf d, but we’re t, KYC execu“We’re very stepped forwar Stacey Tenbul , an essenthat have II,” said s a kitchen to several II include get into Phase d r. Phase centre and central Photo forwar directo tive LJ Matheson to move proof the youth Sisters The rush creates optial part s and Big in the lunch energy ms. ts ion about to mainta sandwiches and Big Brother with clean of it progra difficult ing in the The Kemptville residen and discuss cold been ity until are are compet portun “It has ille. and they cancelling core on to take. been serving 9 Victor Kop Feb. 27 in Kemptv the agency which directi of our ethers. gram. We’ve been contemplating an, 10, and through Kids on it is one d get-tog Tanner Workm le’s Bowl for Brother match their weeken fruit. We’ve is complete, but s Grenvil Brother/Little g on during 75 lunche of Leeds the kitchen said Tenbult. onth Big been workin serves about are a nine-m car they have programs,” prepares and also the hub of Cooka toy was learn how The centre showing kitchen week The m every that prograthe every week. 20 to 40 youth that’s so meals – is like, wow… it.” night – where cook healthy the kitchen it. I was, up about big and around psyched ed. Though drywall, doors, his to budget really cancell s arily cool. I was was matched with Tanner SON still flooring, of the centre’ is tempor , there’s level LJ MATHE last April. Tanner inside, h most critical trim for the lower framing Victor Kop for a match throug and ted all the bility,” brother ed Leeds lighting laurie.matheson “We’ve comple allow for accessi was hard had been process Big Sisters of says it a new home. wider doors to Brothers he was eight. Workman idea of having ble with the Big brothTanner and framed t. the fully accessi Pam, told and Grenville sincethe list for a big g to to grasp mother, said Tenbul hopes to become for him the buildin Workman. was on when his “Tanner ble washyears,” said The centre street, a lift inside big brother nt,” the er for almost two the biland an accessi page 10 was pregna ramps off to the two levels hear about accessi him. ERS see think she laugh. heard to a “I didn’t give access BIG BROTH still waiting g but still haven’tr. my head said with room. “We’re 10-year-oldreally hard to wrap for fundin board membe nts ts any’ e applied KYC


nd helping ha Offering a



Kemptville Pentecostal Church. 1964 County Road 43 - Kemptville. Sunday services: 10:00am and 6:30pm. Sunday School during service. Reverend Steven Kohls.

10:30 a.m Sunday Service 613-258-4815. Senior Pastor Reverend Daniel C. Massey.


St. James Anglican. Clothier St. W. Sunday service, 8am and 10am. Sunday School at 10am service. Reverend Canon Peggy Hudson.


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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011

From page 17


28 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011



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29 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011

ITS BACK Hey Kemptville Advance Readers! Do you have a favourite Restaurant? What’s your favourite Fitness Centre? Where do you like to shop? Here’s your chance to give your favourite local business the spotlight!


The deadline to vote is April 26th 2011.

Vote in our 2011 Readers’ Choice contest to help us recognize favourite local businesses in your area.

Visit and click on the Readers’ Choice button at the top of the page.

Just fill in your choice for your favourite businesses.


Vote now at and be eligible automatically for one of S U N O B three $100 gift certificates to a fine local area restaurant.


McGahey Insurance

Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011



14 Reuben Cres. Kemptville


Ph. 613-258-3544 Fax: 613-258-1700

Community Calendar WHAT

March 31, April 1-3


Theatre Night in Merrickville presents “The Farm Show.” Merrickville Community Centre. March 31, April 1-2 at 8 p.m. and April 3 at 2 p.m. For tickets call 613-269-3424.

March 31

Bishops Mills

“Think Ovarian.” Ovarian cancer information night at St. Andrew’s United Church Hall. 7:15 p.m. DVD and testimonials Free. Contact Joyce at 258-3131.

April 2


Laugh out loud and enjoy sleight of hand magic while supporting Community Living in North Grenville. Inspiring Possibilities at the W.B. George Centre Kemptville Campus. Tickets $50 or table of eight $350. For tickets, visit Scotiabank or call 613-258-7177.

April 2


Rideau Grenville Ducks Unlimited Committee Dinner and Auction in support of wetland conservation. North Grenville Municipal Centre. Call Kerry at 613-258-7515.

April 2

Oxford Mills

Tea and Pie Sale. United Church Hall. 1:30 p.m.

April 2


Beach Party. Drummond Building, 8 p.m. Music by 80s tribute band DaisyTrain. Spencerville Fair fundraiser. Tickets $20 at the door. 658-2411 for ticket sale locations.

April 3


125th anniversary services. St. Andrews United Church. 11 a.m. Guest speaker Rev. Bill Bresnahan from Gananoque.

April 3


“The Gospel Hour,” a musical evening at Heckston United Church. 7:30 p.m.

April 4,6,8


Kemptville and Area Walking Group. Meet at 9 a.m. North Grenville Municipal Centre.

April 5


Anniversary Supper at Heckston United Church. Four sittings: 4, 5, 6, and 7 p.m. Advance tickets only. For more information call 613 658 2810.

April 6


Baby Talk. Ontario Early Years Centre. 1:30-3:30 p.m. Breastfeeding support available.

April 7


Friends of Library presents Armchair Travellers. Slide show and narration from Alaska Cruise and Yukon. Council Chambers, Town Hall. 7 p.m. $5.

April 15-16


Kars Public School community used book sale. Proceeds benefit school and “Help Lesotho.” Donations of good quality used children’s and adult books and movies can be delivered until April 11 to Kars Public School, 6680 Dorack Dr., from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.


North Grenville Concert Choir. “Spirit.” Show tunes and pop hits. April 16 at 7:30 p.m. and April 17 at 2:30 p.m. North Grenville Municipal Theatre. $15. Tickets call 258-9978.

April 16-17

Want to submit an event to appear on this calendar? Let us know within 3 weeks of the event by emailing

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31 Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011

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Kemptville Advance - MARCH 31, 2011



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