EASTER GIFT Renovated Holy Cross Church thrills parishioners. Serving Kemptville, Merrickville, Winchester, Osgoode and surrounding area Volume 156 Issue No. 16
NEW SNC CHAIR Lawrence Levere has been acclaimed as the new South Nation Conservation board chair. He is the first Grenville resident to hold the position in 22 years.
RIDEAU HILL Rideau Hill Camp has become a tradition for area families. Children and adults never have a dull moment at the popular camp.
EASTER BUNNY The Metcalfe and North Grenville communities both enjoyed an Easter Bunny afternoon on Saturday, April 16.
11 Thursday, April 21, 2011
North Grenville library has a new name JOSEPH MORIN
The North Grenville Public Library officially has a name. Once completed, the new library building will be called The Norenberg Building. The official announcement of the naming of the building came on Thursday, April 14 as members of the Room to Read Campaign, library staff and members of the Norenberg family gathered at the building site. The Kemptville family has created a successful eastern Ontario business in Kemptville with their Kemptville Building Centre Ltd. and Kemptville Home Furniture store. The Norenberg Building is almost complete. Inside the new building the walls and floors, doors and fixtures are in place. The inside construction is coming to an end and the inside furnishings are starting to arrive. The last item on the Room to Read to do list will be the May 28 grand opening during the Dandelion Festival. The Norenberg family has been quietly supporting the Room to Read campaign whenever they
could. “It’s only fitting that the Norenberg name be on our new library because they have been strong supporters of this project from the very beginning,” explained library board chair Lynne Baxter in a statement about the announcement. She pointed out that the naming rights represent one of the biggest single donations to the fundraising campaign. At the announcement, the group of library supporters stood in the middle of the large and airy main room of the Norenberg building. Ardent library supporter Harry Pratt looked around at the line of large windows running along the street side of the building, the expansive ceilings and artfully crafted shapes of the walls and said, “I call this the jewel of Prescott Street.” Speaking for Bill McElrea, the chair of the Room to Read Campaign, Pratt thanked the Norenberg family for their generosity and support. Pratt, no stranger to helping the North Grenville community, explained that in any fundraising drive there is a defining moment. He used a baseball
J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff
Members of the Norenberg family present a donation of $150,000 to the honourary chair of the Room to Read Campaign, George Fisher. Left to right are: Christa, Julie and Eric Norenberg, George Fisher and Margret Norenberg. analogy. He said to the Norenberg family, “Your family put the ball out of the park. You were the
ones who hit the home would go to the library,” run.” said Christa Norenberg. “When our children were growing up they NORENBERG see page 2
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
Norenberg family donates to community 457385-16-11
NORENBERG from the front
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Closed Good Friday and Easter Sunday IN EFFECT FROM
In 1998, Kemptville Home Furniture was created and became partner to the thriving Kemptville Building Supplies operation and North Grenville and area residents now had the perfect combination of building supply services and lifestyle ideas, all at one location. The Room to Read Campaign was launched in 2008. The fundraiser’s mandate was to raise the remaining $750,000 needed to complete the construction of the library. Individuals and corporations were given the opportunity to name various parts of the building, including the children’s area, the Fireplace Lounge and the Program Room.
promises.” The North Grenville community grew as Norenberg Construction Ltd. did. The company built NCL custom homes, developed subdivisions, and constructed commercial buildings in Kemptville as well as in the surrounding country side. In 1975, Karl and Christa established the Kemptville Building Centre Ltd. a family owned and operated business. Karl was in charge of the day to operations of the business and Christa looked after its administration concerns. Their children, Eric and Margret, grew up with the successful business and eventually they were involved with it. Eric took on a managerial role at a young age.
The main floor of the Norenberg Building, which will open on May 28.
“The way the library is built now, it should become a community place where people can meet,” Eric Norenberg explained. “Our family has been part of this community for over 45 years and the Kemptville Building Centre has been a fixture here since 1975. Investing in the library is a tangible way of thanking people for their years of support.” In a press release Margret Norenberg said, “We are honoured to have our family name on this magnificent new building. And, like everyone else in North Grenville, we can’t wait for it to open its doors.” Karl and Christa Norenberg arrived from Germany in the mid-1960s. Their story goes back to when they were in kindergarten together in Germany. Karl started out in the Eastern Townships in Quebec as a farmer. He and Christa came to Kemptville when Karl was offered a position with Eastern Breeders Inc. Karl Norenberg’s interest in building and his education in that field prompted him to start up Norenberg Construction Ltd. in 1971. “He was always interested in building,” remembers Christa. “We built our own house. Then people started to ask him to build one for them.” Eventually the building became a full-time job. Christa said, “He always like to help people and he always kept his
Patrick McGahey Broker of Record
Grenville Guardian
APRIL 22 - APRIL 28, 2011
Eighty acre Hobby farm. Spacious 3 + 1 bedroom home with 2 Family rooms plus a Sunroom. In-Ground pool - Horsebarn 36’ x 56’ - Riding Trails - Hardwood bush. Frontage on 2 roads MLS # 788754 - $690,000
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19 Reuben Cres., Kemptville 258-0124 456272-16-11
The North Grenville Civic Awards ceremony is just around the corner. The ceremony will be taking place on April 26, 2011, at the regular council meeting at the North Grenville Municipal Centre. The ceremony will feature light refreshments in the main lobby of the centre between 5:30 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. The council meeting will take place at the normal time of 6:30 p.m. and the awards ceremony will be at 6:35 p.m. The Exemplary Work in the Community Award will be presented to Marguerite (Maggie) Boyer with the presentation made by Coun. Tim Sutton. The Exemplary Work in the Community Award (group) will be given to the Room to Read Fundraising Committee, Bill McElrea chairperson, presented by Coun. Barb Tobin. The Youth Award (youth) will be presented to Jennifer Lowe and be presented by Coun. Barb Tobin. The Youth Award (group) will be given to the Kemptville Rotary Club, Jennifer Franssen, club president. The award will be presented by Deputy Mayor Ken Finnerty.
YUK YUK’s comes to Chesterville
The Municipality of North Grenville is accepting resum es from interested candidates for the three Sum m er Intern Positions within the Planning and Developm ent Departm ent.
Lawrence Levere, newly elected chair of e SNC board of directors, is flanked by the new vice-chair Bill Smirle, top left ad past chair Ken Hill, top right.
Your resum e and references m ust be subm itted no later than 4:00 p.m ., Friday April 29 th , 2011. For m ore inform ation please contact Heather Render, Deputy Clerk at 613-2589659 Ext. 109 or by e-m ail at hrender@northgrenville.on.ca. W e thank all applicants for their interest; however, only candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. P ersonal information is collected under the authority of the M unicipal A ct, 2001 and in accordance with the M unicipal F reedom of Inform ation and P rotection to P rivacy A ct and will be used for candidate selection only. M unicipal Freedom of Inform ation and P rotection to P rivacy A ct and will be used for candidate selection only.
REGULAR COUNCIL Tuesday, April 26 th at 6:30 pm in the Council Cham bers, North Grenville Municipal Centre. For agenda inform ation, please contact the Clerk’s Office or the Municipal web site. COM M ITTEE OF THE W HOLE COUNCIL Monday, May 2n d at 6:30 pm in the Com m ittee Room , North Grenville Municipal Centre.
Friday, April 22n d and M onday, April 25 th Municipal Offices & Public Libraries CLOSED Landfill Hours- Friday, April 22 nd CLOSED Saturday, April 23 rd Open 9 - 4 Monday, April 25 th CLOSED
There will be NO Pickup on Good Friday, April 22 nd . Good Friday pick-up will be changed to Saturday, April 23 rd . There will be NO Pickup on Easter Monday, April 25 th . Pick-ups scheduled for the week will be delayed by one day.
2011 BURN PERMITS Residents are rem inded that in accordance with By-Law 3301, a Burn Perm it is required to conduct open burning on property located outside of the urban area. Burn Perm its for 2011 are available at the Municipal Office or at the Fire Hall at 259 County Rd. 44 for a fee of $15.00. Please contact the Fire Hall at 258-2438 for conditions prior to burning.
The Municipality of North Grenville
285 County Rd. 44, Box 130 Kemptville, ON. K0G1J0 www.northgrenville.ca general@northgrenville.on.ca Tel. 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building Tel. 613-258-4424 Fax 613-258-1441 Fire Dept. Info 613-258-2438 Fax 613-258-1031 fire@northgrenville.on.ca Police Administration Tel. 613-258-3441 Animal Control Tel. 613-862-9002
Two ice rinks, a theatre, several meetings rooms and more.
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Lawrence Levere has been acclaimed as the new chair of the South Nation Conservation board of directors. Levere along with Bill Smirle, was acclaimed at the March 24 meeting as vice - chair of the SNC board. The annual general meeting was held at the SNC headquarters in Finch. Levere is replacing Ken Hill from the United Counties of Prescott Russell who will be moving into the past chair position for the next two years. Levere, who has served on the board for the past four years as a director for the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville was thrilled at his acclimation. Levere will be the first Grenville resident in the past 22 years to hold the position. In a press release, Levere said that the SNC must never become, “an organization of disc jockeys.” He complemented the work that SNC had achieved such as its filed work, its connections to schools and municipalities and its ability to attract all important grants. In the last year, SNC has been able to acquire $4 million. Floyd Dingwall had held the past chair position. Dingwall will be retiring form the board after 17 years however he will remain active in the various SNC committees. He represents Stormont Dundas and Glengarry. Both Hill and Dingwall took a moment to speak of their gratifying association with board. Hill said that the SNC was the best conservation authority in Ontario. Dingwall pointed out the effectiveness of the original vision from the founders of SNC
65 years ago. Bill Smirle, as the vice-chair, explained the need for SNC to remember the “4Cs” of the organization as they move forward. They are collaboration, cooperation, communication and coordination.
The positions will have duties related to Land Use Planning, Econom ic Developm ent and Heritage. Dem onstrated skills in the areas of research, data collection, survey design, report writing and GIS are required for these positions. Candidates are to be enrolled in a post-secondary education program in the fields of geography, econom ic development, com m unity planning or public adm inistration. Experience working in a team/office environm ent will be required. In addition, candidates will be expected to have a valid driver’s licence and be prepared to work flexible hours.
Yuk Yuk’s will be in Chesterville this Friday, April 22 at 8 p.m.. They will be performing at the Chesterville Legion. The plan is to laugh for 90 minutes then have fun dancing to a DJ. Tickets are $18.00 in Advance or $20.00 at the door. If you just want to go to the dance, the tickets are only $5.00 and the dance begins around 10 p.m.. For tickets, call 613-448-3454. Tickets are also available at Mike Deans in Chesterville and Winchester or MacEwens in Chesterville and Finch.
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
New board chair at SNC
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
Giving crosses political borders Setting aside the 2011 federal election for a moment, and all of the drama it entails, consider a different kind of choice you can make anytime you want. In May we all get to go out and vote. Then we wait four years, maybe, to do it all over again. However, there is a way you can exercise your civic duty right now without having to listen to a leaders debate first. From hospital renovations to new public libraries and local food banks, all of us can make a very real difference each and every day. In the past, we have seen the late George Drummond build the Drummond building at the Spencerville Fairgrounds. That gift continues to give to the community and has become a great meeting place and agricultural stage for the area. In South Mountain, The House of Lazarus partners with Jonsson’s Your Independent Grocer to work on the Extra Helping Spring National Food Drive. As summer approaches, food bank reserves begin to run low. In 2010, customers across Canada who took a moment or two to choose to donate non-perishable food and funds at the checkout counter raised more than $1 million. Along the way they also donated 1.6 million pounds of food
for food banks across the country. This year the groups supporting the food drive are raising the ante to $1.2 million and 1.2 million pounds of food. In the case of the food drive in North Grenville and the surrounding area, one hundred per cent of the food donated and 70 per cent of the funds collected at the Jonsson’s Independent Grocers location will go directly to the House of Lazarus food bank. The remaining 30 percent will go to support provincial food bank programs. That is only one of many examples of community partnerships organizations make and people choose to support. At the same time, there are endless private businesses donating cash and their time for their particular public cause, such as the Beth Donovan Hospice in Kemptville or the Salvation Army and Kemptville District Hospital. The Norenberg family in Kemptville donated $150,000 to the new North Grenville Public Library simply because they believe in sharing their good fortune with the rest of the community. All of these acts of kindness and philanthropy are what make communities strong regardless of their political stripe.
What goes around, crashes around By the morning after the leaders’ televised election debate, 380,888 people had watched a You Tube video of a driverless tractor in a Walmart parking lot in suburban Toronto. Apparently 670 people liked it and 28 people disliked it. For those who haven’t seen the video, what happens is that a tractor without a driver somehow begins driving in wide circles around the parking lot. It keeps returning to the side of the Walmart building, occasionally scraping it, then heads out into the parking lot again on another sweep and bashes into cars, pushing some ahead of it. It jumps the curb and crushes a tree. The only sound to be heard is the roar of the tractor and the voices of some of the people gathered to watch from a safe distance. “Oh, man, I feel sorry for those cars,” someone says. The tractor makes several sweeps. In the middle of one, a police car arrives, then another. They drive around a bit, as if they don’t know what to do. Only the tractor knows what to do. Finally, it slams into a light pole, stops and somebody climbs up, reaches in and turns off the ignition.
CHARLES GORDON Funny Town There is no applause from the spectators, but someone can be heard saying to the video camera owner: “Put ’em on You Tube you got good money for that.” Somehow there are lessons in here for us and for our political leaders, who were too busy debating to watch. For example, the video lasts six minutes and 11 seconds, which is very long in our short-attention-span world. Yet people watched it all the way through, which is more than can be said for the average political speech or even political commercial. Because You Tube world has strange practices of its own, several people even posted their own videotaped reviews of the event. Could such an event be restaged for political gain — a driverless bus with Liberal colours, for example, knocking over everything in sight in a parking lot,
Serving North Grenville and area since 1855
113 Prescott St., P.O. Box 1402 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
perhaps somewhere in the West? Everybody would certainly watch and some would post reviews about it. Mind you, the bus would be condemned as “reckless,” but that might not matter. Experts say the hit count is everything. As long as thousands of people click on it, everything is fine. This is a dominant philosophy in our digital age: it doesn’t matter what I do as long as people watch it. So far that hasn’t come to politics — aside from Stockwell Day driving the jetski — but it will. As McLuhan told us, the medium is the message and nowhere is this more evident than on the Internet. Not to say anyone actually did it in this case, but you can stage an event, turn your camera on it and everybody watches, if the event is outlandish enough. This was not possible in the old days. You might be able to stage the event, but someone else had to hold the camera, then you had to get the film developed, then rent a hall for people to come see it and there might be something else on that night. This is why there were fewer driverless tractors driving around parking lots in the old days. Also fewer piano-playing
Telephone: 613-258-3451 Fax: 613-258-0617
Lori Sommerdyk, District Service Rep, Kemptville Advance 613-221-6246 • 1-877-298-8288 missed delivery • Lori.sommerdyk@metroland.com Regional Publisher Chris McWebb
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terrilynne crozier@metroland.com
613-221-6202 Editor in Chief Deb Bodine deb.bodine@metroland.com
cats. But technology improved and so did our ability to exploit it to get noticed. By the 1970s, baseball fans learned to wave at the TV cameras. A decade later, they could set their VCRs to record the game so that they could come home and watch themselves waving at cameras. And when digital phones arrived, they could call their friends and tell them to turn on their TV sets to watch them wave. And now, technology is so advanced that it can all be done over the phone! What would McLuhan say to that? He would probably say that the real point is something else entirely, but for sure he’d click.
Editorial Policy The Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at www.yourottawaregion.com. To submit a letter to the editor, please email suzanne.landis@metroland.com or fax to 613-258-0716 or mail to: 113 Prescott Street
DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES - DISPLAY ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Monday is 9 a.m. Call 613-258-3451 (local) or 1-877-298-8288. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its employees or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All photographs and advertisements created by The Advance staff are the property of The Advance and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Please call or stop by the Kemptville office for Canadian, foreign and US rates.
Member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association & the Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Also a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations
to find their mother’s teat. They will only survive if we manage to get some of their mother’s colostrum into them. I’m no good at milking sheep. I tried, and the ewe was very patient, but I only got a few drops. We had to wait for the Farmer to come home at
Special to the Advance
I headed out to the barn the other morning with lambs on my mind. The ewes are right on schedule for the season, and they’ve been patiently waiting in the barn for a couple of weeks now. First I checked under and around the feeders in the yard. I don’t want anyone getting away with dropping a lamb and abandoning it. It’s happened before. Then I checked all corners in the barn, where the ewes who are still outside (awaiting haircuts) would most likely wander in to give birth. That isn’t the plan, of course (but farm animals laugh at human plans). The most pregnant-looking ewes have already been shorn and are inside, where it is dry and warm. When I entered the lambing area, I noticed something odd. A ewe was lying on her side, and all her pen-mates were as far from her as possible, in the corner. I climbed in to see what I could do. Normally I would call the Farmer in at this point but he had already headed in to work for his last day of exams. I was on my own. The ewe appeared to be very old. She had a very bony back and she was wearing the metal ear tag belonging to the first set of sheep the Farmer had bought about eleven years ago. She had probably provided over a dozen lambs over the years. I tucked a flannel rag under her cheek to make her more comfortable. Her eyes looked sad. Her breathing was shallow. I decided to roll her onto a blanket and pull her out of the pen so that she wouldn’t get trampled by the other sheep on their way to the feeder. Sometimes all we can do is make them comfortable in their last hours. I wasn’t even sure if she was pregnant. It’s sometimes difficult to tell, particularly with the old girls. I wondered if she was dying of old age or if she had just toppled over and exhausted herself, as the
lunch. I mixed up a bottle of milk replacer and fed my new lambs. They weren’t very good suckers – so I filled a syringe dropper with milk and filled their bellies that way. That afternoon the Farmer did the best he could to
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pregnant ewes seem to be fond of doing. I rolled her up onto her elbows and there she sat, happily munching on a bowl of sweet feed. But still she couldn’t get up on her own. I scratched my head and decided to let the Farmer solve the mystery. Just then I heard the unmistakable sound of a newborn lamb. “Baaaaaaaa”, obviously, but it sounded like he was saying, “Hel-lo! I’m over here! Come see me!” And then another little wee voice joined him, in harmony. Twins. I climbed into the pen and greeted the one little lamb with a mottled black face, compliments of our new Suffolk ram, Steve. I found the second lamb tucked under the feeder. This one was tinier than our house kitten, Sheila. Finally, I noticed a third lamb, in between his siblings in size. He had his head in the corner and he didn’t appear to be strong enough to stand. We had triplets. I found the mother right away. She was old, but very attentive. She knickered in response to their bleating and nibbled on their woolly coats to dry them. All three had been well looked after. Often when multiples are born, one or more will be temporarily deprived of oxygen, leaving them a bit stupid upon entry into this world. These poor creatures are regularly found rooting around in corners and under feeders, in a feeble attempt
St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Kemptville Free Will Offering • Refreshments
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help the lamb. But it died anyway. I peeled my smelly barn clothes off and scrubbed the itchy lanolin off my forearms. And vowed not to get too attached to the new babies this year.
Easter Sunday Pancake Breakfast April 24 St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church Kemptville
Breakfast 9:00am – 10:00am Easter Church Service 10:45am – 11:45am
Come Celebrate Easter with us.
Free Will Donation Wear Your Easter Bonnet
All proceeds will be going to the Kemptville Youth Centre 200 Sanders St. at the B&H Mall, Kemptville
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
Life and death on the farm: lambing season begins.
Rideau Hill reopening stirs memories of summers past jp.antonacci@metroland.com
Thousands of North Grenville residents, from tiny tots to silver-haired grandparents, have a special place in their heart for Rideau Hill Camp. Even just hearing the name brings to mind happy memories of roasting marsh-
mallows around the campfire, paddling a canoe to the inviting shores of Baxter’s Beach, or dressing in funny costumes for a talent show skit. Rideau Hill Camp opened 63 years ago. During its lifetime, many new interests have been sparked by campers trying activities like archery, beach volleyball and even square dancing. The walls of the homey
"If you want a government with a strong record of sound fiscal management, a great plan for family issues including jobs, education and health supports, vote for Marjory Loveys." “I will work full time to help improve the economic prospects of Leeds Grenville, and I will work with civility, listening to ALL points of view, all the time. Please support me in the election, and most of all, please get out and vote�
✓MAJORY LOVEYS Here We Grow Again.
camp, and the fact that campers build their self confidence by staying away from home, often for the first time. While the programming is Christian in inspiration, Rideau Hill welcomes people of all faiths and backgrounds. The camp also hosts special “family camps,â€? where parents, children and even grandparents stay together in cabins and get to know other families by participating in activities together. The program has grown tremendously in its first three years, Farrell said. “It’s wonderful to have the families. That’s why this year we went to an extra family camp (session),â€? she said. This summer, Rideau Hill introduces a new director, Philip Craig, a University of Ottawa student from Kincardine, ON, who last year ran a special needs camp. Unlike most previous directors, Craig hasn’t risen through the ranks at Rideau Hill, and Farrell said the council is excited to have a new perspective on the scene. The annual cleanup and open house on April 23 signals the opening of the camp, which is rented out to schools and other groups until the campers arrive in early July. Everyone is invited to come get the camp ready for summer, including students looking to complete volunteer hours. The kickoff is always a special time, Farrell said. “On the cleanup day, we’ve had 80-year-olds coming back to help, and they rake the lawn or they do whatever they can. There’s such a strong connection,â€? she said. Farrell didn’t hesitate when asked what keeps her coming back to Rideau Hill after all these years. “The family atmosphere. When you go through the gates, and you’re in for the week of camp, the whole camp is a family. You literally block out the outside world. It’s just a wonderful feeling. And sure, you have the bickering that goes on in a family too,â€? she laughed. “But at the end of the session, everybody is sad to leave.â€? The proof that the Rideau Hill experience makes an impression DON’T LET ACHES AND PAINS SLOW YOU DOWN on the campers is most clearly seen in times of need. “We’ve had quite a bit of need here lately, as all non-profits do,â€? Farrell explained. “We’re trying to reinvent things as we go along here, THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE to keep it fresh. And people will all of a sudden come out of the wood• Headaches, migraines work when you start doing things like that.â€? Farrell mentioned that and whiplash a last minute “major giftâ€? saved the day last season. She thanked the • Carpal Tunnel and camp’s many donors for their cruRepe ve Strain Injuries cial support. “If people hear there’s a need at Rideau Hill Camp, they • Scoliosis and SI dysfunc on come back, because it’s like they’re • Acute and Chronic back pain being drawn back to their family,â€? she said. Financial challenges not• Everyday Aches and Pains withstanding, Farrell can’t wait for • Stress reduc on and Relaxa on a new season of fun and adventure to begin. “We’re on a very small budget and we’re all volunteers, but we try to keep it going for the kids,â€? she said. Call, email or visit our website for more informa on. Thousands of kids of all ages are glad they do. Camp registration is now open. www.backinmo on-tm.com Learn more at rideauhillcamp.com, back.in.mo on@live.com or contact rideauhillcamp@gmail. com or (613) 826-2046. 28 Clothier St. E, downtown Kemptville (above Salamanders restaurant)
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wood cabins have been privy to millions of whispered secrets shared between new friends long after lights out. Most campers who spend any time in the serene setting – just 20 minutes outside of Kemptville along River Road, and yet a world away – leave smiling, but also a little sad that one of the best parts of their summer has come to an end. Many campers return year after year, until school, work or other pursuits keep them away. Some latch on as counselors, glad to keep the magic alive and give back to the place that nurtured them as kids. A select few make a bigger commitment and end up running the place. Count Sheila Farrell in that last group. Farrell’s mother was a camper during Rideau Hill’s first summer in 1948, and Sheila and her sister spent many years exploring the 18 acres of forest along the Rideau River, followed in turn by their daughters. Farrell’s great niece has since become the fourth generation of her family to camp at Rideau Hill. Once her camping days were through, Farrell worked as a cook for two summers, and then joined the volunteer executive council ten years ago. “Couldn’t leave the place,� she laughed. “It kind of gets in your blood.� Rideau Hill Camp is accredited by the Ontario Camps Association and the United Church of Canada, which holds the land in trust. Four hundred campers aged 6 to 16 pass through the gates each summer, under the guidance of 15 to 20 local high school and postsecondary students hired on as counselors. Campers from Ottawa/Carleton, Kemptville, Winchester and points in between come for the summer sessions, which include leadership, sports and artsthemed weeks. Kids and parents alike comment on the fast friendships formed at the
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
If you want to spend time with your family, walk a few kilometers and help a good cause all at the same time, then get ready for the Hike for Hospice 2011 event on May 1. The event kicks off at 1 p.m. rain or shine. Across Canada, various Hospices are having hikes under the umbrella of the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association. The Beth Donovan Hospice in North Grenville is hosting their own hike with all of the proceeds going back to the North Grenville community. “The hike will be a nice time to get outside with your kids,” said Marlene Quinton, the special, event coordinator for Beth Donovan Hospice. The hike takes place at the Ferguson Forest Centre. The cost is $20 per person. Children under 10 are free as long as they are with a participating adult. The registration fee includes an event T-shirt, a barbecue, kid’s zone, entertainment and on-line donation and fundraising capabilities. There is also a great prize for the top fundraisers. Along with the registration fee, participants are encouraged to fill out a pledge sheet. They can walk as a team member or as an individual or family. The family friendly event includes a choice of three distances to walk at the picturesque forest centre. Participants can chose from a 1, 3 and 5kilometer distance. Quinton explained that the hike is an opportunity for those who have been touched by Hospice to walk in memory of a loved one or in honour of a loved one. “This will be our first year and we will build on it for next year,”
said Quinton. Westerra Homes in Kemptville along with the Mount Zion Masonic Lodge 28, the Bayshore Home Health and the GlaxoSmithKline Foundation are sponsors for the event. “We are pleased to be the principal sponsor for the upcoming Beth Donovan Hospice “Hike for Hospice” on May 1. We are expecting over 200 local supporters to join us on that day,” said Robert Noseworthy of Westerra Homes, adding, “And 100 per cent of the money raised here, stays in our community. So not only are we helping to raise money for our local Beth Donovan Hospice, we are raising awareness of the wonderful work that has been and is being accomplished by our local end-of-life care volunteers and staff. I hope that everyone can join us on May 1, so please log-in to “Events” on the Beth Donovan Hospice site and print off your pledge form. Thank you in advance for supporting Hike for Hospice”. In 2010, Beth Donovan Hospice volunteers provided extraordinary care to over 80 local families in their time of critical need. “The care, compassion and support provided by these volunteers far exceeds what we could do,” explained Noseworthy. The funds from the Hike for Hospice D. Headrick Photo will be used to create more Hospice programs in North Grenville. Apart from the The Kemptville Salvation Army held their volunteer appreciation dinner on Friday, April Hospice fundraising aspect, Quinton said 15. In this photo, Bob and Jane Collings share a fun moment at the dinner. Bob is a reguthat the day should be a lot of fun and a lar volunteer who gives the Salvation Army some of his time every Wednesday. healthy, simple way for people to get out and get some exercise. For more information about the Hike Sale of Land for Tax Arrears By Public Tender for Hospice and the Beth Donovan Hospice, please call 613-258-9611 or email MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 questions to marlene.quinton@bethdonovanhospice.ca. You can also check out THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE www.bethdonovanhospice.ca.
Egg-cellent way to help community
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time, Monday, May 16, 2011 at Box 130, 285 County Road 44, Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0 The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m. Description of Lands:
JOSEPH MORIN joe.morin@metroland.com
The 2011 Paper Egg Campaign is underway. Every spring, Easter Seals Ontario hosts their Paper Egg Campaign at local merchants in North Grenville. Diane Bartlett is a member of the Easter Seals volunteer district council and the person in charge of getting the 2011 Paper Easter Egg campaign off the ground. The project began on March 31 and runs until April 24. The idea behind the paper eggs is simple and easy to take part in. When visiting your favourite store in Kemptville, you can buy a paper egg for $2. “So far the response has been good,” said Bartlett. She pointed out that as long as businesses remember to mention the paper egg campaign to their customers at the cash, she expects to have good results. There is an incentive for local merchants to enter into some friendly competition in selling the eggs. There are two baskets filled with goodies up for grabs for the
most eggs sold in a store that has one to three registers, and stores with four and more cashiers. The baskets are courtesy of Soy Candles, Kemptville Fabrics, H.A. Kidd and Easter Seals. At the provincial level the top cashier in Ontario who has sold the most paper eggs will receive $500. The top ten provincial cashiers will each receive $100. Over the past 11 years the campaign has raised more than $4 million across Ontario. Funds raised during the Paper Egg Campaign go towards funding of essential communication and mobility equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, braces and communication devices, Easter Seals camps, and funding of recreational choices such as day camps, swimming and art classes. Money raised in your community helps kids in your community. Kemptville merchants taking part in the campaign include B&H Your Community Grocer, Bank of Nova Scotia, The Bargain Shop, Canadian Tire, Giant Tiger, Jonsson’s Your Independent Grocer, Kemptville Fabrics, TSC Kemptville, Moose Mart and Walmart.
Minimum Tender Amount
Roll No. 07.19.716.020.05800.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,791.70 Being Part of Lots 9 and 10, Concession 5 as 1stly, 2ndly & 3rdly described in PR153391 Geographic Township of Oxford - PIN 68112-0395 (LT) Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: Judy Carroll, Deputy Treasurer The Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44, P.O. Box 130 Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0 613-258-9569 x 105
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
Hike for Hospice
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
J.P. Antonacci Photos/Advance Staff
NORTH GRENVILLE GETS SUSTAINABLE The Municipal Centre was packed on Sunday afternoon for the North Grenville Sustainability Fair, co-chaired by Chris Turnbull and Clare Weissflog of Sustainable North Grenville. Beyond just an “eco fair,” Sunday’s exhibitors promoted sustainable living through food, transportation, home energy, waste reduction, and more. Pictured here are some of the many exhibitors. Clockwise from top left: Grace McKibbon and her mother Jennifer shop for bread from Denise Busby of the Old Town Kemptville Farmer’s Market. Stephanie Meakin, science advisor with the Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada Office, spoke about the effect of climate change on the Innu population alongside her parkaclad daughter, Alex Kerr, and Annie Courtemanche. Samantha Rivet, a volunteer with the Waste Reduction Committee, shows residents a map of the 97 kilometre commute North Grenville’s trash takes to the landfill site in Moose Creek. Eco-celebrities Taylor (left) and Peyton Horning of Merrickville brought samples of the hair booms used to clean up the BP oil spill.
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Local Builders Available The fair had displays and activities for visitors of all ages, including games, murals, facepainting, and music for the kids.
9 Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
Courtesy Photo
New Horizon Jug Band – a rhythm band formed and directed by Janet Glaves on banjo – stirred up the full house at the Burritt’s Rapids Community Hall last week. The New Horizon Club held their 11th annual variety show on Wednesday, April 13. The show featured music, comedy, singing and great entertainment for everyone. The master of ceremonies for the afternoon performance was Jim Knubley.
STAFF Did your garbage not get picked up last week, even though you put a new tag on the handle of the container, as you always do? That might be the problem. Because of numerous complaints from residents about inconsistent waste collection, the municipality of North Grenville has started strictly enforcing the bag tag rules, which state that homeowners who use garbage containers must place the bag tag on the topmost bag inside the container, not on the container itself. Many residents don’t read the fine print and stick the tag on the outside of the container, or wrap it around the handle. It had been common practice for collectors contracted to pick up garbage in North Grenville to overlook this mistake and empty the trash anyway. In that situation, collectors are supposed to remove the tags attached to the containers so they cannot be reused, but this does not always happen. Two weeks ago, the municipality received an unknown number of complaints from residents angry that their neighbours were abusing the system by putting half a tag around the lid, or attaching the tag such that the collector had diffi-
culty removing it. These residents were therefore double dipping by making each tag pay for two or more weeks of garbage pickup. In response to these complaints, the municipality advised collectors to follow the letter of the law and only empty those containers in which the top bag was tagged. However, residents weren’t made aware of the change in advance of garbage day, and were confronted with a full garbage container at the end of their driveway when they got home. According to the municipality’s front desk staff, the uncollected containers prompted a new round of complaints from between 50 and 100 confused residents. The collectors attached an explanatory note to each uncollected can, but several residents who for years have dutifully put a new tag on their container each week were upset that the municipality didn’t give them any warning about its stricter enforcement of the bag tag fine print, since they now have to store their uncollected garbage for an extra week. Despite this rough reception, the municipality hopes the issue has been clarified, and that in future all containers will have the tag on the topmost bag, not the container itself. Municipal staff could not be reached for further comment.
Garbage confusion stinks: residents
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Email: info@northgrenvillechamber.com
Register for Chamber Events on-line: www.northgrenvillechamber.com
Always Visit our Website at www.northgrenvillechamber.com for the latest!
Legion Branch 212 Kemptville Youth Winners in Zone Competitions
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Results have finally come in to Legion Branch 212 Kemptville regarding winners in the Remembrance Day Poster, Essay and Poem Contest as well as the Public Speaking Competition. The following are the Kemptville winners and how they placed in the Poster, Essay, and Poem Contest:
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Shauna Kluke - St. Michael Catholic High School - 1st – Poem
Sydney Couture – Holy Cross Catholic Elementary - 3rd place – Essay Drew Normand - Holy Cross Catholic Elementary -3rd place Black/White Poster Junior 4-6 William Van Vliet - Holy Cross Catholic Elementary - 2nd place – Black/ White Poster
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Intermediate 7-9
Ethan Holihan - Holy Cross Catholic Elementary - 3rd place – Poem
Devan Ramsden - Holy Cross Catholic Elementary - 3rd place – Colour Poster
Primary 1-3
Derek Phillion – St. Michael Catholic High School - 1st – Essay Teghan Sargeant - South Branch Public School –1st Colour Poster Emma St. Dennis-Reus – NGDH - 2nd - Black/White Poster Senior 10 - 12
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
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Elizabeth MacGillivray - St. Michael Catholic High School - 3rd – Poem Kayla Lynn Hurlbert – NGDH - 1st – Colour Poster Renelle Jaubert - 3rd – NGDH - Black/ White Poster Unfortunately there were no Branch 212 Kemptville winners in the District Competition. In the Zone Public Speaking Competition held in Kemptville on March 6 Ayve Lystiuk, Oxford on Rideau Public School, took second in the Primary 1-3 category, William Van Vliet, Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School, first in the Junior 4 –6 category, and Brianna Workman, St. Michael Catholic High School, first in the Intermediate 7 - 9 category. Again, unfortunately, the two first place winners did not place in the District competition. The students will receive their prizes from Branch 212 and Zone G3 at the Awards Night on Thursday, May 12 at the Kemptville Legion.
Jamaica who had never before overseen a project of this scope, landed in Kemptville six years ago and took it upon himself to transform Holy Cross. While exploring his new church, Shim noticed some oddities that parishioners had gotten used to, for better or for worse, over the decades. Statuary and other “stuff” cluttered the side altars, and paintings and stained glass windows were obscured by brightly painted walls and stripes painted on the arches – nicknamed “caterpillars” by bemused parishioners – that busied the space and took the focus away from the tabernacle, where the communion wafers are kept. The tabernacle itself had been moved off to the side, hiding the area that is in fact most important
in a Catholic church. Inspired by their pastor’s fresh perspective on how their church could be changed for the better, parishioners instigated the “Come, Let’s Build” campaign, which to date has raised some $1.6 million for a five-phase project, of which renovating the interior of the church was the phase that made the biggest impact on the parish. Not all parishioners saw the need for the renovation and some complained about the expense, but logic won out over emotion, and most came around. “The noise from the silent majority was deafening,” said Allen MacEachern, past chair of the pastoral council. The pastor said clarity was his guiding design principle.
“Really, the environment needs to be set to give praise and worship to God. And so the art and the design of (the church) needed to lead people into that environment,” he said. “In the overall design, we said we wanted this to be elegant and simple. And I think that’s what we achieved.” The altar was moved forward to bring the congregation closer to the mass, but also to allow those sitting in the 120 new temporary seats under the east archway a clear view. Shim’s background as a chemical engineer helped him monitor the details and keep sight of the big picture. MAJOR see page 20
Saturday April 30th 9:00am – 3:00pm Come See the New MYT Tractors, the new Cub Cadet and Branson Tractors
Plus many accessories now in stock and ready for Spring.
NEW FOR 2011
J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff
J.P. ANTONACCI jp.antonacci@metroland.com
In the Christian calendar, Easter is a time of rebirth and new life. At Holy Cross Catholic Church in Kemptville, that sentiment has a special meaning this year. On Friday night, some 600 worshippers crammed into the 122year-old Romanesque church on Clothier Street for their first time since the church closed for renovations four months ago. Archbishop Brendan O’Brien of Kingston was due to arrive at 7 p.m. for the dedication of the church and rebuilt altar. But many people got to their pews over an hour early and sat spellbound, gawking at the many changes, including a glittering red ceiling above the reconfigured altar and revamped confessional. A new paint job replaced the previous blue pastel with a warm yet muted gold, which brought out
the original paintings, stained windows, and medallion icons. The assembly gathered under the protective gaze of Jesus, Mother Mary, and other statues that gleamed brightly after a thorough cleaning and restoration Father Andrew Shim, pastor at Holy Cross, watched the faces of the parishioners as he bustled about the church, fine-tuning the new lighting and sound system before the mass. While many parishioners had agreed that changes were needed to the interior of their church, which had been hastily redone in response to church-wide reforms instigated by the Vatican in the 1960s, and untouched since, the church lacked a leader who could craft a vision that would not only repair the church structurally, but enhance its core function as a place of worship. Shim, a soft-spoken priest from
Father Andrew Shim, pastor of Holy Cross Catholic Church in Kemptville, takes in the newly renovated church, which was reopened by Archbishop Brendan O’Brien last Friday.
B&B SMALL ENGINES Ph: 613-258-8913
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Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
A happy Easter for Holy Cross
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
SHOP LOCALLY Come & Meet Your Green Party Candidate
Mary Slade
at the Branch 13 Clothier Street E., Kemptville On Thursday, april 28, 2011 from 7 - 9 p.m. Everyone is Welcome!
Spring is in the air
J.P. Antonacci Photos/Advance Staff
Above left: Olivia, 2, from Oxford Mills searches for an Easter egg at the Kemptville Area Family Resource Centre Easter Party in Kemptville, while Erika, 3, (above right) meets the furry guy himself at the Easter Bunny Breakfast at the Metcalfe Community Centre. Below, the pirate Deadeye entertains (left to right) Tiana Lee, Georgia and Emma.
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Welcome to our Spring Home and Garden Feature with their work. Many of our advertisers have been in business for over 10 years and take pride in what they do, so please think of them first when it comes time to ready your home for all that summer has to offer. Watch for more profiles next week in this same feature.
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13 Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
Advance Since 1855
Advance Since 1855
DIY tool checklist
Paint, Wallpaper, & Window Fashions 613-258-7770 2673 Highway 43, Kemptville, Ont., Corner Stone Mall
www.canadianpaintwallpaper.com Contest runs from January 1, 2011 to April30,2 011. No purchase necessary. Correct answer required to skill testing question. See complete Entry, Prize, eligibility and Contest details in the Official Rules at any participating Hunter Douglas dealer in Canada or at www.hunterdouglas.ca/promotions/extraordinary.**Prize comprises $20,000CDN Carlson Marketing Ltd. travel certificate.*
A do-it-yourselfer is only as good as his or her willingness to learn. Having the right tools in your toolbox or hanging over your work bench can make repairs and installations go much more smoothly. Review this checklist and aspire to have these tools in your home-repair arsenal.
Category: Measuring and Leveling
Category: Assembly, Dismantling, Attaching
Category: Power Tools
Claw hammer Ball peen hammer Nails, in a variety of sizes Pry bar Flat-head screwdriver Phillips-head screwdriver Screws, in a varieties of sizes and finishes Open-end wrench Box or socket wrench Allen key Strap wrench Channel lock pliers Long-nosed pliers End-cutting nippers Contact cement Epoxy Wood glue Vice C-clamp
Level Tape measure Carpenter’s Square Chalk line Wood or plastic ruler Plumb bob Circular saw Router Mitre saw Reciprocating saw Bench saw Disk sander Orbital sander Shop vacuum Nail gun Shop filter
Category: Hand Tools, etc.
Chisel Handsaw Nails, in a variety of sizes Flashlight Block sander Variety of planes Steel wool Paint brushes Paint rollers Putty knife Spackle tool
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
Custom stonework enhances your landscape Article submitted with thanks by PBM Environmental.
The PBM Environmental crew are ready to design and build your spectacular outdoor living space. nance costs, tools and equipment for cottage or camping are huge considerations in the reduction of your carbon footprint. As for the landscape project, stone requires less maintenance resources and it will not likely require replacement as will wood. If you choose natural stone over manufactured for all or part of your project there are even less production resources used. Lastly, if you create your “Happy Place” at home it will not just be your destination on available weekends. It will be an outdoor living space you can relax in every day of your life. Enjoy…!
Among other crucial factors are subsoil characteristics, drainage and site conditions. Sub standard installation may not be evident for a number of years but will definitely be a factor in the life of the project. The specifications included here are an example of general, minimum base and back fill requirements. Each site should be examined for conditions which require particular treatment. From an environmental prospective the most obvious advantage to creating your utopia at home is energy use reduction. Less gas and no doubling of mainte-
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Natural and/or Manufactured Stone has become a focal component of nearly all landscape designs and installation projects in recent years. People are moving toward the creation of tranquil garden environments around their homes. This trend seems to have at least partially replaced our desire to acquire a piece of cottage country. The reasons vary. For some it has to do with the cost and having another property to maintain, others don’t like the ritual trip on Friday and Sunday evening. For most it comes down to simplifying an already complicated life. The desire is to have an inviting patio and garden space to relax and entertain in at home. Down time is becoming more and more valuable to us. The choice of manufactured or natural stone for steps, walkways, walls, porches or patios has naturally gotten more affordable with its rise in popularity. The cost differential between wood and stone is no longer. To prepare an entertaining area with a stone patio is very often in fact cheaper than a wood deck. Rising wood costs, and questions around the use of pressure treated wood are the main factors. Consideration also needs to be given to the additional costs that are incurred with maintenance expenses over the life of a wood project. Maintenance costs for stone are virtually nonexistent over what will likely be a longer service life. If there ever is a failure with a stone patio, walkway or wall after twenty-five years plus the material will likely still be viable to use for repair. The variety of size, shape, colour and texture in both natural and manufactured stone are more diverse than they have ever been. There are products available for virtually anyone’s taste or site needs. There are products out there to either match or compliment any style of house or effectively blend into existing landscapes. Even natural stone for the landscape is being mechanically cut for various applications. One example is square cut flagstone for patios and walkways. It is engineered to fit close together for a more formal look than the random flag we are all used to seeing. Ontario is rich with natural stone sources and also with manufacturers of interlocking stone. Choices are endless. The quality of base work, installation and attention to detail, as with a house or any other construction project, is paramount in assuring the longevity of stone work. Product applications, specifications and the intended use of the area must be considered.
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15 Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
Advance Since 1855
Advance Since 1855
Have the ultimate back yard with Hickory Dickory Decks Hickory Dickory Decks has satisfied tens of thousands of customers with a quality, custom built deck. Our team of licensed carpenters and craftspeople take great pride in each project, and strive to create the ultimate backyard paradise for each valued customer. We continue to work hard to maintain our reputation as the best quality and service oriented company in the deck business. We are the leader in low-maintenance decking, we have many different products available to suit your exact needs!
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Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
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Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
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Top tips to make a home green and sustainable (MS) – A well-planned, high performance home costs less to operate – and as importantly, high performance is the promise of premium resale value. Sustainable components include energy-efficient heating, lighting, cooling and water systems, as well as the reduction of natural resources like wood. Clip this checklist as a preliminary guide for both you and your builder: Location: Build for lifestyle convenience where you can walk, cycle, or take public transit. Position: Consider north-south positioning to maximize use of the sun’s energy and heat. Generate: Install solar panels and generator to offset public energy supply. Add a solar water heater. Walls: Build with concrete. An award-winning wall system, advanced by Nudura, builds with pre-assembled forms, each one stacked, reinforced, and then
filled with concrete. Once locked together (like Lego) the system creates a solid, monolithic concrete wall. This method (www. nudura.com) has shown to deliver energy savings of up to 70 percent and delivers a building envelope up to three times more sound resistant, four times more fire resistant, and nine times stronger. Materials: Premium green
choices should include low- and zero-VOC (volatile organic compound) paints and sealants, plus high-performance windows, roofing and flooring. Landscaping: Design your gardens for low use of water and pesticides. Plan with drought-resistant native plants, perennial groundcovers, plus flowers and shady canopy trees.
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Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
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Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
Advance Since 1855
Community From page 11
Major church renovations completed just in time for Easter season
With their church under construction, parishioners went to mass at Holy Cross school next door, which MacEachern called a “very good and healthy” experience. “People had to set up and take down (chairs and equipment), so it was a great opportunity to meet people. Everybody pitched in,” he said. Parishioners got the occasional glimpse of the refurbished church in pictures pub-
lished in the bulletin, and anticipation was high for the big reveal. When Bonnie Fortin first saw the renovated church from underneath one of the arched doorways, she burst into tears. She stood fixed on the spot, slowly taking in every detail of her new spiritual home. It took her a few minutes to even step foot in the building. “I was just very anxious. Excited, really. I’ve been on the ‘Come, Let’s Build’ campaign right from the very beginning, so I could hardly wait until they started doing the church,” Fortin said after the mass. “We had a Lenten mission last week, and Fr. Courtney talked about joy. And he said the easy way to remember it is the J for Jesus, O for others, and Y for yourself – that Jesus comes first. When I walked into the church, I can honestly say I experienced true joy. I just felt like
the whole parish community participated in putting Jesus first.” Fortin joined her husband, Todd, and son, Zack, in the choir on Friday. The whole family was blown away by the experience. “(The renovation) was the right thing to do, as the church had been let go for a long time,” said Todd. “Something needed to be done, and Father took it upon himself to do it now, because if he didn’t do it, it would be left for the next guy. So he said, I’ll take this on, and we’ll make it work. And he got people together in the parish who shared the vision and had the passion.” Two former pastors from Holy Cross, brothers Lloyd and Don Cummings, joined Shim, Archbishop O’Brien, and a train of other priests processing down the main aisle past the former caterpillar arches, now a gleaming white. “You can be very proud of what you’ve accomplished,” the delighted archbishop told the congregation. “We pray this building
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will serve the community as a focus of faith for years to come.” O’Brien dedicated the altar by installing a stone slab containing the relics of Saints Urban and Valerian, and spreading holy oil across the polished wooden surface. He later walked up and down the aisles, blessing the church and parishioners with incense. The lights inched brighter and brighter throughout the night, until after the altar was dedicated and the choir burst into the hymn “Christ Be Our Light.” Then all the lights were turned up, and the parishioners saw the full beauty of their restored church. After the service, Dermid O’Farrell, who co-chaired the fundraising committee with his wife, Donna Lee, thanked the parishioners who gave of their “time, treasures and talents.” The thrilled congregation gave their pastor a standing ovation. Shim, in turn, complimented the craftsmen and artists in attendance. He singled out the work of main designer Andrea Belliveau of Ecclesiastical Refinishing Corp. “The lesson I learned from all this is that the contractors and I aren’t in control. God is in control,” Shim told the crowd. “And we give thanks to him for this beautiful structure, and all those who come to pray here.” Chorister Pat Maloney was born across the street from Holy Cross 81 years ago, and has spent much of his life in its pews. He called the church’s new look “magnificent,” and noted the connection between the donors who supported this latest project and the sacrifice of the original 100 families who spearheaded the church’s construction and are remembered by the many Celtic symbols on the walls. “Every time I come to this building, I’m in awe. Mostly about how our ancestors did it, and how they accomplished what they set out to do,” Maloney said, adding that Friday’s unveiling was one of the greatest events he had witnessed in the church. “I’m glad I lived long enough to see it.” 454342-12-11
Free Methodist. North Grenville Community Church (2659 Concession).
Southgate Community Church 1303 French Settlement Rd. , Kemptville. 9:00am & 10:40am. Southgatechurch.com Ben Last – Lead Pastor The Anglican Parish of Oxford. “A BIG Country Welcome” • St. Andrew’s Garretton • St. Peter’s - North Augusta • St. Anne’s - Oxford Station. The Reverand
Matthew Kydd, 613-345-2022. South Gower Baptist Church. 447 South Gower Drive - 258-9570. Service: Sunday evening 7:30pm. Roman Catholic. Holy Cross Church (505 Clothier St. W). Mass Times: Sat: 5pm, Sun: 9 & 11 am. Children’s Liturgy during 11am Mass. Father Andrew Shim. Presbyterian. Kemptville & Mountain Pastoral Charge. Rev. Samer Kandalaft. St. Paul’s Kemptville - 10:45am. Sunday
Service - Church School - Nursery. Knox Mountain Service - 9:15am.
am - 12 pm. Phone 613-258-3259 or e-mail stjohnsk@magma.ca. Calendar of events available at www.kemptvilleunitedchurch.org Building is fully accessible.
St. Andrew’s United Church, 256 South Gower Drive - Heckston. 11:00 am Service. Reverend Blair Paterson & Reverend Victoria Fillier.
Kemptville Christian Reformed Church. (2455 County Rd. 18/Clothier St. W) 10:00 a.m and 6:30 p.m Sunday Services. Children’s Worship during morning service, Sunday School following a.m service. Reverend Benjamin Ponsen.
St. John’s United Church, 400 Prescott Street 10:00 AM Sunday Service with a nursery and Church school. Rev. Lynda Harrison officiating. Offices open Tues 8:30 am - 4 pm, and Wed - Fri 8:30
HARMONY COMMUNITY CHURCH, 12010 Ormond Road, Winchester. Sunday Service 9:15am Adult Bible Class10:30am Morning Worship 613774-5170 Rev. D.B. North, Pastor. Bishop's Oxford Pastoral Charge. Service at 10:00 am, 1st. & 3rd Sundays at St. Andrew’s United Church Bishop’s Mills, 2nd & 4th Sundays at Oxford Mills United Church. Minister: Reverend Paul F. Vavasour
This Community listing is brought to you by the Advance and these community minded sponsors. If you would like to sponsor this listing, call Drew or Jennifer.
Kemptville Pentecostal Church. 1964 County Road 43 - Kemptville. Sunday services: 10:00am and 6:30pm. Sunday School during service. Reverend Steven Kohls.
10:30 a.m Sunday Service 613-258-4815. Senior Pastor Reverend Daniel C. Massey. www.ngccfm.ca.
A Proud Community Sponsor since 1963
301 Rideau Street, Kemptville, ON
Theatre Just Kiddin fe group in Metcalfor searches young actors.
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tore rt Supers ew Walma Kemptville in its doors store 28. The day, Jan. to 200 emmploy close 2 s.
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Volume 156
the Advance
they Special to Nov. 1, but moved by The young packed and full speed. They were and running at Youth Centre (KYC) up ng at are still not call the Kemptvillekitchen operati a adults, who are eager to get Street. rs on Oxford their own, nity membe to location ul to the commu their new still hoping thankf d, but we’re t, KYC execu“We’re very stepped forwar Stacey Tenbul , an essenthat have II,” said s a kitchen to several Phase into include II get r. Phase and central Photo forward tive directo the youth centre LJ Matheson to move proof Sisters The rush creates optial part s and Big in the lunch and energy ms. ts about clean mainta ion to Big Brother ches with of it progra difficult ing in the The Kemptville residen and discuss cold sandwi ing until are are compet portunity “It has beenbeen serving ille. and they cancell on to take. 9 Victor Kop Feb. 27 in Kemptv core the agency which directi ethers. gram. We’ve been contemplating an, 10, and one of our through is Kids on it d get-tog Tanner Workm le’s Bowl for Brother match their weeken fruit. We’ve is complete, but s Grenvil Brother/Little g on during 75 lunche of Leeds the kitchen said Tenbult. onth Big been workin serves about are a nine-m car they have programs,” prepares and also the hub of Cooka toy was learn how The centre showing The kitchen every week program that every week. 20 to 40 youth that’s so the meals – like, wow… it.” healthy kitchen is night – where was, I about the cook it. d up and l, doors, around ed. Though his big to budget really psyche arily cancell still flooring, drywal centre’s cool. I was was matched with Tanner SON is tempor , there’s level of the g inside, LJ MATHE last April. Tanner h most critical trim for the lower framin Victor Kop for a match throug @metroland.com and ted all the bility,” brother ed Leeds lighting laurie.matheson “We’ve comple allow for accessi was hard had been process Big Sisters of says it a new home. wider doors to Brothers he was eight. Workman idea of having ble with the Big brothTanner and framed t. the fully accessi Pam, told and Grenville sincethe list for a big g to to grasp mother, said Tenbul hopes to become for him the buildin Workman. was on when his “Tanner ble washyears,” said The centre street, a lift inside big brother nt,” the er for almost two the and an accessiaccessibilpage 10 was pregna ramps off to the two levels him. ERS see think she laugh. heard to hear about a “I didn’t give access BIG BROTH still waiting g but still haven’tr. my head said with room. “We’re 10-year-oldreally hard to wrap for fundin board membe nts ts any’ e applied KYC
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St. James Anglican. Clothier St. W. Sunday service, 8am and 10am. Sunday School at 10am service. Reverend Canon Peggy Hudson.
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
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21 Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
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Membership Fees
St. Michael’s team wins Timbits Provincial Championship
2011 Season
JOSEPH MORIN joe.morin@metroland.com
St. Michael High School students take on the curling world and win. Ryan Thompson Brown, • Male/female $845 • Senior (55yr+) $810 Eric Shantz, Noah McEvoy • Couple $1385 • Senior Couple $1290 • Intermediate (16-19) $280 • Family (2 adults & 2 youths) and Ashley Fullerton, the Grade 8 team from St. Mior student max. 25yrs $1535 chael’s Catholic High School • Junior (15 & under) $175 in Kemptville won the TimPayment plan available. All prices include HST. bits Provincial Championship B Division held in Nationview offers an 18 hole Minden, Ontario March 31, par 72 public golf course, April 1-3, 2011. driving range and licensed t They tied their first game clubhouse. inutes southGreen we fee’s, in a competition that feamemberships, tournaments tured 64 talented teams from and rentals available. across Ontario. Mondays Two After their first game, for One All Day they went on to win six more consecutive games. Tuesdaysst- Seniors Day of Kemptville They were able to out-score Wednesday - Ladies Day their rivals by an average South of Hwy 43 on Hyndman Rd., South Mountain, of four points. In their final game, the seventh one they Just off South Gower Dr. 15 minutes played, they ended up with south west of Kemptville a 6 to 3 victory. The St. Michael team won 462946
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
For Tee Times call 613-989-5633
over the J. Douglas Hodgson Elementary School team. “It was right down to the last rock,” said the team’s coach Hélèna Thompson. “Of special note was the kindness, compassion and respect the team exhibited for all the other students on the other teams. So much so, that all the teams they played against wanted to have their pictures taken with our team even though they had lost and long distance friendships have been established.” When they were staying in Minden, the team was at a hotel that had a basketball court. “They had fun with some of the other teams who were staying at the hotel.” Thompson said that one of the key values of the team was the idea of working together as a team. When an individual player had a poor shot or was discouraged Thompson would emphasize the importance of succeeding as a team not as an
individual member of the team. “The emphasis was on team building and they knew that they could win as a team,” said Thompson. For these team members this was their one and only opportunity to take part in the Timbits championship. They all go to school at St.
Michael High School, they are all good curlers in their own right and attending the same school helped them bond as a team. Coach Thompson said the team had been good at practicing as much as they could before the championship. All that work paid off.
Pembroke Lumber Kings win 2011 CCHL Championship
BRIAN WILSON Special to the Advance
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 North Grenville District High School 304 Prescott Street Kemptville, ON 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. (For North Grenville and South Grenville Families of Schools) In this exciting video presentation you will discover: The value of Full-Time Learning in Kindergarten How we support the success of all learners through Trailblazers and other Pathways, Mentoring Programs, and Credit Recovery Our High Performance Schools How Strategic Planning improves student achievement How our staff members go the extra mile to care for our students How our Principals and Teachers are guiding student learning to improve results
Come Meet Your Trustee and Help Us Celebrate the Quality of Public Education! For more information, call 1-800-267-7131 or visit www.ucdsb.on.ca
Greg Pietersma Chair
Courtesy Photo
St. Michael’s Team, from left to right are: Ryan Thompson Brown - Skip, Eric Shantz - Vice, Noah McEvoy - Second, Ashley Fullerton – Lead, Hélèna Thompson – Coach. The Man in the middle is presenting the team with their championship plaque.
David K. Thomas Director
With Pembroke leading the series 2-1, game four was held in Cornwall on Monday, Apr. 11. With 2,094 fans on hand at the Ed Lumley Arena, the teams exchanged first period goals. Jacob Laliberte, with assists from Youssef Kabbaj and Tyson Spink, drew first blood for the Colts. Replying for the Kings was Brandon Gagne from Tyler Tosunian and Ben Reinhardt. The second period had each team score twice. Kabbaj put Cornwall ahead 2-1. Cody Sarmiento set up the goal. It didn’t take long for Pembroke to respond. Less than two minutes later, Matthew Peca notched a power play marker. Peca scored his second of the night just three minutes after that to put the Kings ahead 3-2. Assisting on Peca’s goals were Milley, Tosunian, Just and Farrell. Before the period ended, the Colts managed to tie it up on a goal from Tylor Spink with assists to Laliberte and Lavictoire. \The Colts won the third period by scoring three unanswered goals. Kevin Cole got the first one and Mitch Zion got the other two. Cornwall went on to tie the series at two by a margin of 6-3. Game five had the action revert back to Pembroke on Wednesday, Apr. 13. 2111 fans witnessed the Kings holding a 20 lead after one and a 3-2 lead after two. Four minutes into the third, Cornwall tied the game at three. But Pembroke came storming back and
scored twice to take command with a 5-3 lead. Special teams would be the focus of this game. The Colts penalty killing was not up to par as the Kings scored four times on nine chances with the power play in this game. Jacob Laliberte, Sean Blunden and Tyson Spink scored for Cornwall. For Pembroke, Jonathan Milley had two and Mitchell Gallant, Tyler Tosunian and Kyle Just notched singles. With Pembroke one win away from their fifth consecutive Bogart Cup, the place to be on Thursday, Apr. 14 was in Cornwall. The atmosphere was electric with over 2400 fans in attendance. A large number of Pembroke supporters made the trip, hoping to see their team victorious. The Colts scored the only goal of the first frame when Tylor Spink beat Kings goalie, Francis Dupuis. In the second, Pembroke scored twice before the period was ten minutes old with markers from Matthew Peca and Kyle Just. The celebration was short lived as Tyson Spink got the equalizer for Cornwall 28 seconds later. With less than a minute and half left in the period, Chris King gave Pembroke a 3-2 lead to take to the room at the second intermission. The Colts season came down to how they played in the third period. Pembroke added to their lead when Ted Pletsch scored a short handed goal to make it 4-2. Matthew Peca extended it to 5-2 before the halfway point of the period. KINGS see page 28
23 Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
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The family of the late Randy Moore wishes to express our thanks to all who gave so generously, the many acts of kindness, words of comfort, messages of sympathy, food and flowers and attendance at the service and the Lions Hall. Special thanks to Bill and Bob Wilson, Pastor Thurland Brown, Jason Moore and Steve Moffat of the Marlborough Pub, Dr Kim and the staff of the ICU General Campus. Your support through this difficult time will always be remembered. Cyndie, Brad and the Moore Family
Thank You
WEDDINGS, BAPTISMS and funerals, location of your choice. Also available: small weddings, my home, weekdays. The Rev. Alan Gallichan, 613726-0400.
A sincere thank you to everyone who surprised us at the Royal Canadian Legion in Kemptville on April 9th. The occasion was the celebration of our 35th wedding anniversary (April 3, 1976). It was amazing to see so many of our family and friends; to reminisce about those who are no longer with us and to rejoice in all that has happened in our lives together. A special thank you to our children Matthew and Krynn, Sarah and Bryce, and Evan and to all who lent a helping hand (you were all very good at keeping it secret). Thomas and Lynn Humphreys (on to the next milestone)
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Cyndie Summers
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Heartfelt thanks go out to my friends and neighbours who were so supportive after the sudden death of my beloved Randy. Thanks for the phone calls, hugs, food, flowers, and attendance at the service and the Lion’s Hall. Special thanks to David and Jane Acres, Penny Massey, Joe and Linda Barkley, Greg and Loretta Van Dellan, Jennifer Liborion and Barb Vermilyea. Your kindness will never be forgotten.
HORSE, TACK, EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT sale, Galetta Livestock, half-hour west Kanata, 10 minutes east Arnprior. Saturday, April 23. Tack 10 a.m., equipment noon, horses 2 p.m. Consign early. Gail, 613-622-1295.
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Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
LAWN CARE ASSOCIATE needed in Edwards. Must have G licence and clean driver’s abstract. Great pay for right candidate. Call Patrick, 613-247-1828.
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LOCAL CLEANING company seeks mature part-time employees. Must be bondable, reliable, with transportation, and have references. Competitive wages. Debbie, 613-9891449.
Full-time, year-round position on cash crop/beef feedlot farm. Duties: able to work with electronic controllers for spraying, planting, excavator, bulldozer work. Working with others and independently during year. Mechanical aptitude and AZ licence would be an asset. Will train suitable candidate with strong work ethic. Send résumé to Arden S c h n e c ke n b u rg e r, 5007 Smiths Rd., Morrisburg. 613-543-2312.
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
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Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011 451012
Sports this year are the Summerside Western Capitals. The round robin section of the tournament opened on Apr. 20, with Pembroke facing Longueuil. On Apr. 21, they are up against Summerside and on Apr. 22, Terrebonne. The top three advance to playoff format. The semi-final will be on Apr. 23 and the final will be Apr.
24. The winner of this tournament earns a berth in the RBC Cup, which determines the national Tier one junior hockey supremacy. This year’s RBC Cup will be held in Camrose, Alberta starting on Apr. 30. Last year’s winner of the Fred Page Cup were the Brockville Braves. Good luck to the Kings!
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the Maritime Junior A Hockey League and the host team. This year’s Cup will be hosted by the Terrebonne Cobras of the Quebec league. The Quebec league champions, the winners of the NAPA Cup this year are the Collège Français de Longueuil. The Maritime league champions, winners of the Kent Cup
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them to 5-4 but that was as close as they would come. The Pembroke Lumber Kings held on to win the 2011 Bogart Cup. The victory earns Pembroke a berth in the 2011 Fred Page Cup. This tournament features the winner of the Central Canada Hockey League, the Quebec Junior “AAA” Hockey League,
w w w. k t c t r u c k . c a * Broker
But Cornwall never gave up. They got one back at the 11:11 mark to get within two when Kyle Baun scored his seventh of the playoffs. The Colts pulled their goalie in favour of an extra attacker with just over a minute and half left in the game. Youssef Kabbaj scored to pull
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Thursday, March
10, 2011
Issue No. 10
nce Staff J. Morin Photo/Adva
The received show. of their well in locations at the beginning and has performed for a serenade than 1,000 songs Patrice Painchaud mastered more by band leadersister. The group has singled out and their Fisher was e’s Norma umentist brothersand Paris. Kemptvill up of multi-instrVegas, New York band is made Nassau, Las diners such as Houston, space, offeringthey arand soothing evening as a special er. elegant promise of of Winchest I have more the for the gala. events by Hugh Fawcett earned best led rived to have “The auction one of the is expected All proceeds “This was ” commented Graham. The evening for the foundation. and purchas- ever attended, JOSEPH MORIN really well.” has enthan $45,000 the maintenance com The eveHospital evening went metroland. go towards joe.morin@ t for the hospital. nce by entire Kemptville District of the North Spring The ding support Hospital’s ing of equipmen off by a performa the long-stan ty. le District capped s’ expecns in the theatre. said joyed ning was the KDH The Kemptvil5 exceeded organizer communi d Productio O’Farrell r will be r Grenville Painchau fundraise Gala on March along with n chair Dermid ent on Septembe the fundTheir next take Foundatio event committee, attended Golf Tournam tations. Gala will as well as Graham, gala’s 170 people ty sponsors made the CorporateNext year’s Spring More than according to Melissa District that the communi 2011. le s, 31, 2012. all of the the 14, to the dinner, the Kemptvil raiser, which place on March director of will become an annual those who cameJulie Norenberg turned an into executive n, l centre ey at the North event a success. municipa ne dining of Hospital Foundatio courtesy t lobby of the night of fi event. The l Centre wasexciting live front ll. Municipa an Grenville and included 10 A. J. Catering
Elegant evenin
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Kemptville Advance - APRIL 21, 2011
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Saturday, May 28 Saturday, April 30
LESNAR vs dos SANTOS June 11th
Community Calendar
April 21, 28
Armchair Travelers lecture series continues at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. Talks on Bali (April 21) and Liberia (April 28). Tickets $5. Proceeds support Spencerville library.
April 22
Walk of the Cross at 8:30 a.m. for all ages. Join the walk from St. Ann Church then walk to the United Church and Holy Trinity Church. Returning to St. Ann around 9:30 a.m.
April 22
Kemptville and Area Walking Group meets at 9 a.m. at the North Grenville Community Centre. Contact Eva at 258-4487.
April 23
North Gower
Easter Market by North Gower Farmers’ Market. Homemade foods and baked goods. Local artisan creations. Breakfast and lunch served. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. RA 2300 Community Way North Gower. ngfarmersmarket.com or 613-489-9794.
April 23
Open house and cleanup day at Rideau Hill Camp, 3560 County Rd. 19, Rideau River Road 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Groups and families welcome. Students can gain volunteer hours. More information at www.rideauhillcamp. com or call 613-826-2046 and leave a message.
April 27
Burritt’s Rapids
New Horizon Club members meet at 12 p.m. at the indoor mini golf facility near Smiths Falls for lunch and 18 rounds of golf. Sign up with Jean at 253-6439.
April 27
Baby Talk. Ontario Early Years Centre. 1:30-3:30 p.m. Breastfeeding support available.
May 1
Hike for Hospice benefitting Beth Donovan Hospice. Registration opens at 12 p.m. Hike starts at 1 p.m. Rain or shine. $20 registration. To register and get pledge sheets, visit the Hospice at 6 Asa St., call 258-9611, or visit bethdonovanhospice.ca.
May 14
Garage Sale supporting Royal LePage Shelter Foundation. Sale at Royal LePage office at 2705 County Rd. 43. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Proceeds to Naomi’s Family Resource Centre in Winchester. 613-258-1990 for more information.
May 14
North Gower
Carsonby United Church presents a musical evening featuring the Ottawa Police Chorus and Salvation Army Brass Band, 7:30 p.m. at the Alfred Taylor Centre. Tickets in advance or at the door: $15 adults, $8 for children under 12. Call Isabelle at 489-3276.
Located Downstairs at 28 Clothier St. East, Kemptville CLOSED MONDAYS
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Want to submit an event to appear on this calendar? Let us know within 3 weeks of the event by emailing joe.morin@metroland.com
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