Kemptville Advance

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REMINGTON COMES HOME The search for the missing Great Dane pays off as Remington is returned. Serving Kemptville, Merrickville, Winchester, Osgoode and surrounding area


2 Thursday, May 26, 2011

Volume 156 Issue No. 21

The Kemptville District Hospital Auxiliary has been putting on Hey Day since 1961.


J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff


Patrick Brauneisen loves his job. He has accomplished much since he graduated from high school in 2005.


Captain (N) Stephen King, OMM CD inspects the Sea Cadets during their annual review. The Cadets are thriving in the Kemptville area and have sent in a proposal to the North Grenville Council to lease the old fire hall in downtown Kemptville. For more information about the Cadets see story on page 9.

No walk in the park for Glengables J.P. ANTONACCI

GET READY TO CELEBRATE Prescott Street in Kemptville will be the place to be for the 2011 Dandelion Festival and the opening of the new North Grenville Public Library on Saturday May 28 at 10 a.m. Ribbon cutting at 2 p.m.


Monday’s Committee of the Whole meeting was much more crowded than usual, as about 50 residents of the Glengables Village subdivision off of County Road 43 came to voice their displeasure at council’s plan to sell five lots of green space on their subdivision for cash to fund work on tennis courts in Riverside Park in Kemptville. Selling green space to developers for “cash in lieu,” and putting the proceeds towards recreation projects elsewhere in North Grenville, is standard practice for the municipality.

But the residents are angry that the municipality would even think of selling the only park space for the 600 Glengables residents and their neighbours at the new Stone Haven development, whose green space has already been sold by council. They are also upset that after paying a premium to developers for homes near green space, they are going to lose their potential parkland without being properly informed or consulted by municipal staff. At issue, is a parcel of land between Tamarack Circle and Hickory Drive, surrounded by 150 homes. North Grenville’s planning committee recommended selling most of

the land to put up a four or five home cul-de-sac accessed by a common driveway, leaving only one of the lots for parkland. The residents say this isn’t what they signed up for. Each of the 61 residents who participated in an email survey about the green space opposed further development. “We are asking that the green space that was part of the original subdivision plan be developed as a place for children to play and adults to mingle. A community gathering space is essential for the social growth and development of our children and a beneficial asset to our community,” said Sean Teed, who spoke to council on behalf

of “a considerable number” of Glengables families, including grandparents, young parents and many young children who quietly sat through Monday’s meeting. Councillors pointed out that the sale of the green space was already budgeted for. “We can’t do for one subdivision what we can’t do for another,” said Coun. Barb Tobin, who wanted to hear from the residents who weren’t part of the email survey. Those in attendance lambasted the plan to leave two busy subdivisions with such a small park. RESIDENTS see page 5

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Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011


Remington back with family JOSEPH MORIN


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lost a pet and many just disappear never to be seen again. In the Kemptville area, there have been at least 15 large dogs who have disappeared over the past few months. There is the possibly that the missing Great Dane had been shot by a farmer but the large animal is too distinctive to be mistaken by a

farmer for a wolf or Coyote. Remington did not have any identification since he was not expected to have been able to leave the home. The lack of identification was something that bothered Erika. She said that if he had had identification of some kind he would


(Just o the parking lot)


J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff

Erika McNevin and Remington.

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Anyone who loves their canine companion can imagine how any family can gradually become discouraged about ever being reconnected with a lost pet, but Erika and Jim never gave up. Ericka says she had a strategy all worked out. It was very simple but required a great deal of work. “I put flyers everywhere. I had a lot of help,� she said. “Then I emailed his picture to every humane society and rescue organization I could find.� She also put Remington’s picture and her plea for help up on her face-book page. “There are a lot of really nice people out there who forwarded the information to their friends,� explained McNevin. Despite all of the flyers and uploading of information to the internet and different organizations, she was not having much luck. McNevin is the manager of the Pet Valu store in Kemptville. She hears from lots of people who have




Not every lost dog story has a happy ending. But this one does. Last week, on Thursday May 12, Erika McNevin from Oxford Mills, drove down to Bellville to be be reunited with her lost family dog named Remington. Remington had been missing from the family’s home since the end of February. How he managed to end up in Bellville is a story that will most likely never be told. Ericka along with husband Jim Devries and children Katya and Sierra have been desperatly looking for Remington for the past three months. A family in Bellville purchased a dog online from kijiji. A friend of the family had seen one of the posters for Remington and mentioned the possibility that their new dog may be Remington. The family

contacted McNevin. It turned out that the dog was indeed the lost Remington. “I was in shock,� remembers McNevin. “I really hadn’t expected to be able to find him after all this time,� she said. The family loves farm animals, like chickens and horses and cows. They have few around their home. Part of their extended family includes two toy poodles, Parker and Holly and their two-year old Great Dane Remington. Three months ago, Remington went missing. He was in the family’s home, the doors were closed but still, he was able to get out and disappear. “He normally stays in the house when we are not home,� said McNevin. “There could have been a door that did not completely close.� Despite Remington being in the house and a fenced in yard to contend with, he appeared to have vanished.



Get ready for Hey Day 2011 STAFF One of the sure signs that summer is about arrive is the annual Hey Day Yard Sale in Kemptville. The sale, in its 51st year, is held in the North Grenville Curling Club at 200 Reuben Crescent. The hours are Friday, June 10 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. The yard sale that has become a legend in this part of Ontario has been put together by the Kemptville District Hospital Auxiliary since 1961. Shopping for that perfect bargain can use up a great deal of energy. Taking a break from the gigantic yard sale is easy. All you have to do is go to the upstairs canteen where you will find fresh sandwiches, coffee and soft drinks and of course, slices of delicious home made pies. One of the many special features of Hey Day is the 50-50 raffle. The winner of the raffle can

St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Presco Street, Kemptville

Saturday, May 28th 2011

expect to take home more than $3,000. The winner of the raffle, as well as the winners of other prizes will be announced at 1 p.m. June 11. The proceeds from Hey Day go towards purchasing new equipment for the hospital. It helps to keep patient care at KDH up to date. Over the years the Auxiliary has raised more than $830,000 for the Kemptville District hospital. Residents can help by dropping off items for the sale. Hey Day welcomes gently used items, drop-offs will be accepted at the curling club on Thursday, June 9 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

REGULAR COUNCIL Monday, June 13 th at 6:30 pm in the Council Cham bers, North Grenville Municipal Centre. COM M ITTEE OF THE W HOLE COUNCIL Monday, June 6 th at 6:30 pm .

DANDELION FESTIVAL ROAD CLOSURES Please note the following road closures in Downtown Kem ptville for the Dandelion Festival this weekend: • Clothier St. from Rideau St. to Prescott St. will be CLOSED from Friday, May 27 th at 5:00 pm through to Sunday, May 29 th at 11:00 pm • Prescott St. from Clothier St. to Asa St. and Clothier St. from Prescott St. to Sanders St. will be CLOSED on Saturday, May 28 th from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm and on Sunday, May 29 th from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

GARAGE SALES Garage Sales in North Grenville are regulated by By-Law 1003. No licence or fee is required, but there are regulations which you m ust follow. Before having a garage sale, please obtain a copy of this by-law from the Adm inistration Office or the Municipal web site.

ASH CA R W . . - 1 p.m 9:00 a.m

2011 BURN PERMITS Residents are rem inded that in accordance with By-Law 3301, a Burn Perm it is required to conduct open burning on property located outside of the urban area. Burn Perm its for 2011 are available at the Municipal Office or at the Fire Hall at 259 County Rd. 44 for a fee of $15.00. Please contact the Fire Hall at 258-2438 for conditions prior to burning.

BAKE & PLANT SALE 10:30 a.m.

The Municipality of North Grenville

285 County Rd. 44, Box 130 Kemptville, ON. K0G1J0 Tel. 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building Tel. 613-258-4424 Fax 613-258-1441 Fire Dept. Info 613-258-2438 Fax 613-258-1031 Police Administration Tel. 613-258-3441 Animal Control Tel. 613-862-9002

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Courtesy Photo

Lots to chose from at the 2011 Hey Day.

tires and car batteries; microwaves, computers, monitors and printers; television and console stereos; sports helmets, suitcases, strollers, playpens, car seats, highchairs, cribs; encyclopedias, textbooks, and technical manuals.

Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011

Organizers ask that all items be dropped off clean and in good working condition. The following is a list of items that are not accepted: Box springs, mattresses and sofa beds; refrigerators or freezers and propane tanks;

Two ice rinks, a theatre, several meetings rooms and more.


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Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011


The changing face of Old Town Kemptville After a decade of fundraising, political debate and angst, the North Grenville Public Library is just about ready to open. Construction workers are erecting new light standards outside the front of the library, now named the Norenberg Building. Water Street has been closed off for the past year and work crews are beginning to pave the street in preparation of opening day on May 28. The Norenberg Building looks as if it has always been there. It is hard to remember the municipal parking lot, or the lackluster location on Prescott Street that now has purpose and a sense of direction. All in all, even those who were critical of the idea of a new library will be pleased when they walk into the spacious, modern and comfortable space that is their new library. Just like the idea of amalgamation, library supporters from outside of Kemptville may be concerned about how a centralized library will affect them. Ultimately, they will become comfortable with notion. The arrival of the library is a big moment

for North Grenville and Kemptville. The library, in many ways, is similar to the completion of the North Grenville Municipal Centre. All of a sudden, hockey players from Ottawa were finding the same creature comforts in the ice pads in Kemptville as they are used to in the big city. The same can be said of people who are moving to Kemptville from Ottawa. They find their familiar Walmart and Canadian Tire store as well as new schools, renovated churches and with any luck renovated tennis courts. Add to that a brand new pubic library and you have quite a recipe for a healthy growing community. The Kemptville District Hospital is making its own new plans to blossom once again as North Grenville grows. Residents in Kemptville will remember all of the growth that took place in their town in just a few short years. In time, the changes they have lived through will become part of history. After May 28, families will be able to read about it at their public library.


Why you don’t throw your column into the ring My former Ottawa Citizen colleague Randall Denley has decided to abandon his newspaper column at least temporarily and run for the Conservatives in the next Ontario election. His opponent, the Liberal incumbent Bob Chiarelli, will be all but drooling as he sees a chance at revenge for the nasty things Denley has written about him over the years, beginning when Chiarelli was mayor of Ottawa. That’s one of the differences between columning and politics. In politics, your opponents can get revenge. In journalism, your opponents can issue a denial, or write a letter to the editor, both of which are less than satisfying. There are other differences, which help to explain why most columnists choose to remain columnists rather than enter politics: — A columnist does not have to smile all the time, or ever. — A columnist does not have to attend ribbon-cuttings and banquets in honour of causes he has never heard of. — A columnist finishes the day’s column and goes home. A politician goes on to the next event. — A columnist rarely turns on the TV to find someone denouncing him on the news.

CHARLES GORDON Funny Town — When a columnist is not interested in the burning issue of the day, he writes about something else, such as cats. When a politician is not interested in the burning issue of the day, he has to be interested in the burning issue of the day anyway. — A columnist does not have to pose wearing silly hats. — A politician’s enemies scour his previous speeches for embarrassing utterances or signs of flip-flop. A columnist’s previous utterances are safely wrapping fish. — Unless he chooses to write about them, nobody knows anything about a columnist’s family, hobbies or religious views. For a politician, all those things are on public display. — On a good newspaper, a columnist can publicly disagree with the policies

Serving North Grenville and area since 1855

113 Prescott St., P.O. Box 1402 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

of his bosses. Try that in any party caucus. — A columnist is allowed to have a sense of humour. Politicians who make jokes are immediatley denounced by representatives of interest groups who are offended. There are, to be sure, some similarities in the two occupations. A columnist can dust off an old column on a slow day, and a politician can trot out an old speech. A politician can invent and demolish straw men. So can a columnist. Both politician and columnist develop the art of feigned outrage. Denley said an honourable thing in announcing his candidacy: “As a newspaper columnist you can say: ‘Other people should do this, other people should do that.’ You can’t really do anything yourself. If you’re going to make a difference, you have to get involved in the process.” Some columnists would disagree, saying that they are contributing to the process by influencing public opinion. But it is true that it takes far more courage to become actively involved than it does to stand on the sidelines making pungent comments. Other columnists have made the decision Denley has made. It worked for

Telephone: 613-258-3451 Fax: 613-258-0617

Lori Sommerdyk, District Service Rep, Kemptville Advance 613-221-6246 • For distribution inquires and redelivery 1-877-298-8288 • Regional Publisher Chris McWebb

Managing Editor Suzanne Landis

Sales Rep. Drew Headrick

Reporter JP Antonacci

613-258-3451 613-258-3451 613-258-3451 613-221-6201 Regional General Manager John Willems Director of Advertising Paul Burton Sales Rep. Jennifer Hindorff Office Administrator Kathy Farrell

613-221-6202 Editor in Chief Deb Bodine


Classified and Digital Manager, Joshua Max

some of them. Christy Clark once wrote a weekly column in Vancouver and is now premier of British Columbia. On the other hand, Michael Valpy, a Toronto Globe and Mail political writer, ran unsuccessfully for the NDP in 2000 and returned to the paper where he does not write about politics. Then there is Garth Turner, a business columnist for the Toronto Sun who sat for many years as a Conservative member of Parliament but was tossed from the caucus in 2006 for being too independent, a trait columnists have. Then he moved to the Liberals and was defeated.

Editorial Policy The Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at www. To submit a letter to the editor, please email or fax to 613-258-0716 or mail to: 113 Prescott Street Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0.

DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES - DISPLAY ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Monday is 9 a.m. Call 613-258-3451 (local) or 1-877-298-8288. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its employees or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All photographs and advertisements created by The Advance staff are the property of The Advance and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Please call or stop by the Kemptville office for Canadian, foreign and US rates.

613-221-6249 Director of Distribution, Elliot Tremblay

613-240-9942 Advertising Manager Terry Tyo

613-258-3451 Associate Editor Joe Morin

613-258-3451 613-221-6204 Distribution Operations Manager, Janet Lucas, Projects / Composing Manager Mark Saunders





Member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association & the Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Also a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations


Healthy Farm Life

CONTINUED from the front “To sell that land off and give us a little patch in the corner to enhance tennis courts we’re not going to go to is just absurd,” said one resident, who was close to tears. “We’re looking for what is going to work for the subdivision, so if we have to change the plan a bit, we can do that,” replied Coun. Tim Sutton. Several residents wondered who would refund the premium they paid to developers to live next to green space, and others spoke of the enjoyment that get from having deer and wild turkeys stroll by their properties, and watching porcupines sleep in the trees. Ten-year-old Robbie Leach told council the children in the subdivision needed “a bigger place” to play and meet new friends. “We want fresh air and we want to play together, to be a big community,” he said to applause. Along with the loss of the green space, residents were upset that they were shut out of the decision-making process. “There’s been no communication to the whole community, not the way it should be. I think so

far it’s a complete disaster,” said one man. At a public meeting on the issue in April, planning director Forbes Symon had promised to survey the residents by the end of April, but he admitted those efforts had stalled. Symon committed to have the survey ready by the end of May, with responses back in June. Residents pointed out that many of the houses are not yet on the tax roll, which is what the municipality uses to send out the surveys. They offered to canvas the subdivision and collect a complete list for the municipality, an offer Symon accepted. Teed said a park would fit North Grenville’s “green and growing” plan, and quoted Mayor David Gordon as expressing support for green space so that North Grenville does not become another Barrhaven. Teed pledged a willingness to work with the municipality to come up with a solution, but made the residents’ position quite clear. “We have every expectation that work on our park will be completed this summer” with no corresponding increase in taxes, he said.

Now that I am working from my home office, I can take my coffee break in front of the TV once in a while. Last week I caught some advice on how to fool your body into thinking you are 20 years younger. Now, I wouldn’t want to be 23 again for anything. But I do like to learn about healthy living. So I took notes. And planned to try the tips out on my unsuspecting husband. Apparently we are supposed to do 4 daily things to slow down the aging process. Number 1: Cleanse your skin. That’s a no-brainer for me. I’ve been doing that for years, because I love the feeling of freshly-washed, toned and moisturized skin. However, if you go anywhere near the Farmer with a lotion or potion, he runs screaming. I think we’re going to have to skip this one for him. I will try to spray some sunscreen on him before he heads out for a day of fishing. Number 2: Get 8 hours of sleep per night. This should be a pretty easy one for us. We are usually in bed by 10 and up by 630 or so. On weekends, that whole thing moves back a couple of hours, but we are still

The Accidental Farmwife Diana Fisher pretty good about sleep time. The problem is we don’t always get quality sleep, because the Farmer occasionally gets restless leg syndrome. He jiggles and shakes in his sleep, making it a rough night for both of us. Someone once told me an old wives’ tale that this old wife might eventually try: slip a bar of soap under the blanket at the foot of the bed to get him to stop wiggling. Will Lever 2000 do? Number 3: Exercise a total of 300 minutes per week, minimum. Or 5 hours. That’s an hour a day if we allow two days

off a week. Not gonna happen. I’m wondering if I got the number wrong. We’re too exhausted after our farm chores to do any exercise. I do yoga in the morning, but that’s just to get the kinks out. We recently received pedometers, so we can count how many steps we take around the farm all day, but neither one of us can get through an hour without accidentally resetting the darn thing. Here’s hoping our hay pitching and manure forking is enough to get us into shape. Number 4: Eat more of these three things: eggplant, sweet potatoes, and blueberries. I didn’t hear the disclaimer, where you aren’t supposed to serve all three of these in one meal. I made Greek moussaka (sort of an eggplant lasagna), sweet potato home fries and blueberries for dessert. No, they don’t exactly go together. I’m not a very intuitive cook, but you won’t starve in my house. The Farmer was wondering why there was no meat involved in his meal. After dinner, he looked at the dog and said, “the next time you see her going for the television, hide the remote.”

Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011

Residents want park



Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011


“Set no limits� - Community Living focuses on abilities J.P. ANTONACCI

If a student with an intellectual disability is lucky enough to land in a good special education program – one that offers hands-on teachers, understanding peers, and most importantly, lots to do – high school can be a wonderful time. Patrick Brauneisen had such an experience at St.

Michael Catholic High School in Kemptville. With help from his caring teachers, Patrick, who was diagnosed at birth with Mosaic Down Syndrome, got involved in his school community and worked every year at Giant Tiger as a co-op student. Once he was trained and got used to the store, managers felt comfortable leaving the polite hard worker on his own, confident than

any task he was assigned would be completed. Patrick persevered at work and school and fit in well with his classmates, who gave him a standing ovation when he was awarded the Gabriel Kuling Ability Memorial Bursary at his graduation ceremony in 2005. His mother Fran was thrilled with what her son had accomplished. But she was also wor-

nĂĄ -Ă“nÂ? Ă“ÂŞĂťne 2ÂŞeAĂžz Heritage Kitchens is pleased to offer a very competitive in-house nӑåAÂ…n ‘å[ÂŽnÂĽĂ— ‘× šnAĂ—ne ĂĄÂŞ ÂŞ||nĂ“ A ĂťnĂ“Ăž [ÂŞÂ Âťnå‘å‘Ýn ‘¼Â?ÂŽÂŞĂŹĂ—n

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Courtesy Photo

Patrick Brauneisen at work with Dermid O’Farrell at O’Farrell Financial Services.


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ried. She knew of cases where people like Patrick saw their quality of life plummet after leaving high school. Without structure and social interaction, these youth passed the time watching TV or just staying at home, no

longer developing their skills. ran wanted her son to live as fully integrated and active a life as possible after graduation. That’s why when Patrick, now 25, was still in school, she began volunteering with Community Living

North Grenville. She and her husband were given the following advice: “Set no limits, and let Patrick show you what he is capable of doing.� So they did. And it turns out Patrick can do a lot. His co-op experience at Giant Tiger taught him to work hard and learn new tasks. A second co-op stint at Mac’s Milk in Kemptville turned into a paying job he still holds today. At Mac’s, Patrick learned to label items with a price gun. When price tags were phased out, he began stocking shelves and refilling the cooler, tasks he now regularly carries out without supervision. Rosan Maharaj, owner of Mac’s Milk, calls Patrick a “terrific� worker, meticulous and thorough. “When he arrives at work he will say hello to everyone and then he will go right to work,� Maharaj said. COMMUNITY see page 7

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“When Patrick cleans a shelf, he moves everything off it to clean it, then he puts it back exactly how he found it.” Not content to hold down one job, Patrick accepted an offer from Dermid O’Farrell to start working at O’Farrell Financial Services four years ago. With help from Nancy Fischer, CLNG’s Youth in Transitions Coordinator, Patrick learned to shred paper, collect garbage and recycling, and perform

other office tasks. He carries out his work quietly, effectively and without supervision, and his employer couldn’t be more pleased. “Patrick is an integral part of O’Farrell Financial Services,” O’Farrell said. “It is our pleasure to have Patrick as part of our team.” At the recent CLNG pancake breakfast, what Fran proudly called “Patrick’s fan club” from O’Farrell’s wouldn’t let him leave before they all said hello. The same thing happens when he goes

back to visit St. Michael and teacher after teacher comes by to see how he’s doing. Fischer remembers Patrick as “a bundle of energy” when he was in kindergarten at Holy Cross. On select days, the CLNG veteran goes to work with Patrick, helping him get accustomed his various jobs and his volunteer position at the Kemptville hospital. “We make a good team,” Fischer said, smiling at Patrick, who grinned back. “Supporting Patrick to achieve his personal goals and dreams

in partnership with his community is a very satisfying part of the work we do here,” she added. Fran, who got so involved with CLNG that she now serves as president, is “super pleased” with the group’s role in her son’s life. “He’s got a focus for every day of the week, which is wonderful. It helps to set routines,” said the grateful mother. “Community Living has been a big part of helping Patrick find meaningful and appropriate things (to do). I mean, I’d be lost

without this place.” When not at work, volunteering, or at the bowling alley working on his already impressive average – “I play well,” he says modestly – Patrick enjoys horseback riding – “It’s good to be outside,” he says – swimming and art. He also collects cans from local businesses to help out the environment and his community. Patrick is thrilled with his busy life. “I enjoy it,” he said. High school might now be a memory, but thanks to CLNG, Patrick is as busy,

and happy, as ever. For more information on people with intellectual disabilities and how Community Liv-

ing North Grenville supports people like Patrick, visit communitylivingnorthgrenville. ca or call 613-258-7177.


CONTINUED from page 6


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Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011

Community partnerships come through

8 Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011

Chamber News...The Voice of Business & Information in North Grenville check the Chamber’s Website for the latest in Chamber News, New Members, Grand Openings, Chamber Events, etc.

Chamber’s 1st Annual Wine & Food Show - June 25 BRONZE LEVEL SPONSORS

The Chamber is holding a 1st Annual Wine & Food Show on Sat. June 25 in the Arena at the Municipal Centre from 3pm - 10pm. This event is gearing up to be a culinary showcase with wine, beers, and food tastings and many businesses whose products and services will lend well to you learning more or enjoying a culinary experience. This is an Opportunity for any business to apply their product or service in a Wine & Food related focus. There are 4 levels of Sponsorship Available: Title Sponsor, Gold, Silver and Bronze as well as regular Booth rates, too. There is no admission in 2011 to this 1st annual event, however, attendees will have to purchase ‘tasting’ tickets that will be sold in blocks of $5.00. We look forward to a large attendance for this 1st annual event and look forward to building the event over the many years to come. Contact the Chamber to become a Sponsor or a Booth participant, today! 613-258-4838 Or Email:

Congratulations to Chamber Members on their Grand Openings Congratulations to new Member Performance Horse and Rider on their recent grand Opening. They are located in Unit 1A, 2826 County Road #43 at the Creekside Centre Congratulations to Frank Hoffman, owner of the brand New Canadian Tire now located in the Kemptville Colonnade Shopping Centre off Ryan’s Well Drive.

Congratulations to the 2011 Nominees & Recipients of the Salute to Excellence Awards Congratulations to the 2011 Nominees and Recipients of the recent Salute to Excellence Awards gala. Congratulations Recipients: 2011 New Business Louise & Company; Mel Johnston Established Business Laurier Optical; Hal Anthony Citizen of the Year Robert Noseworthy; Russ Mosher Volunteer of the Year Ruth Thompson and Employer of the Year Tallman Truck Centre. Congratulations to the Nominees: 2011 New Business Back In Motion; Mel Johnston Established Business RB Heating & Air Conditioning, Hal Anthony Citizen Dermid O’Farrell & Brent Kelaher, Russ Mosher Volunteer Maureen Nolte & Anna Van Adrichem-Rochon; Employer McGahey Law. Coop Students: NGDHS Lynn Cryderman. St. Mike’s Bradley Leach. 1st Lifetime Achievement Award Ted Warren. You all continue to demonstrate why North Grenville is the best place to ‘live, work, shop and play!’

NOTE: “DANDELION FESTIVAL ROAD CLOSURES”: Please note the following road closures in Downtown Kemptville for the Dandelion Festival this weekend: Clothier St. from Rideau St. to Prescott St. will be CLOSED from Friday, May 27th at 5:00pm through to Sunday, May 29th at 11:00pm Dandelion Grand Prix (300 Cyclists) is happening in Oxford Mills area County Roads #18 & 20 area on Sat. May 28. For details on road areas affected & about the event contact Ryan Phelps at The Chamber Office will be Open on Sat. May 28 to Visitors! Thank You to The Advance - a Major Chamber Member Partner of the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce


Dandelion Festival 3-day Event in Old Town Friday Night - May 27 & Sat./Sun May 28, 29




Kemptville Community Concert Band directed by Christine Lockie. The reviewing ceremony took place next as Captain King looked over the cadets , pausing to chat with them as he moved up and down their ranks. The Review included a beak for the audience of family and friends who were able to have a look at static displays set up by the cadets. Captain King said he was very impressed with work that was being done by the Cadets. Cdr. Donovan Arnaud CD Ret’d is the

The Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Corps held their 12th Annual Review on May 14. The review and awards ceremony took place at St. Michael Catholic High School. The reviewing officer was Captain (N) Stephen E. King, OMM, CD. The Saturday afternoon event got underway with the Cadet Corps marching into the school gymnasium to the crisp music of the

president of the Kemptville Navy League. He has been watching the process of the cadet corps in Kemptville. “I was pleased as punch,” he said after watching the review. “I am very pleased with the amount of effort that went into planning the event.” While the cadets have been busy getting ready for heir annual review, Donovan has also been busy trying to secure a home for the corps. The cadets currently are working out of the Ferguson Forest Centre. Arnaud along with several

community leaders has approached the North Grenville council with a request to jointly lease the old fire hall adjacent to Riverside Park. The fire station is just meters away from Legion hall. and the opportunities for partnerships between the two organizations are many. The fire hall was once a militia barracks, so housing the Sea Cadets would return the building to its original intent. The North Grenville Council is currently looking at a competing proposals including one from Habitat for Humanity.


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For the past 35 years, the first weekend in June has become a welcome sign of summer as Manotick and Ottawa area visitors flock to historic Mill Street andDickinson Square to take part in the celebration of Moss Kent Dickinson’sbirthday, the founder of the Village of Manotick. The weekend is overflowingwith activities in Ottawa’s historic waterfront town.


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Always Visit our Website at for the latest! June 8 BAH & June 29 BC Contact the Chamber For Details - Watch for Details! on How you may Participate in Your Membership in the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce

Is an Investment in your Community!

Be “SEEN” as part of the Business Community…


www.northgrenvillechamber. com

June 25, 2011 - 1st Annual NG Chamber of Commerce Wine & Food Show

Sat. June 25 3pm - 10pm Municipal Centre - Arena Contact the Chamber to participate Think Wine & Food and refocus your Product! BRONZE LEVEL SPONSORS Harwood Estate Vineyards & Catered Affairs

“NG Chamber 20th Annual Golf Tournament” Friday, Sept. 9, 2011 eQuinelle Golf Course Catered Affairs *Dinner Sponsor (portion

FALL HOME SHOW NG Chamber Fall *HOME SHOW & **Forest Fair of Eastern Ontario Saturday, Oct. 1 *Municipal Centre **Ferguson Forest Centre

5 Clothier Street East T (613) 258-4838 F (613) 258-3801 Kemptville 72-Hour Cancellation Notice Required for all Events Register for

& Support Chamber Events

Sponsors to date for 2012 Salute to Excellence Awards Gala Title Sponsor: BELL Shared Sponsors: Laurier Optical Westerra Homes & Developments Solution One Financial Quality Entertainment Contact the Chamber to become a Gala Sponsor, too!



Mon - Thurs 9-5:30 pm Friday 9-7 pm Saturday 9-5 All Over the Ottawa Valley!





Chamber Events on-line:

Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011

Royal Canadian Cadets Corps host annual review


Residential tax rate falls nearly four per cent J.P. ANTONACCI

Take heart, taxpayers. The portion of North Grenville’s 2011 residential tax rate set by the municipality will be 4.7 per cent lower than the 2010 rate. Overall, the combined municipal/county/education residential tax rate will drop by 3.96 per cent. The tax rate is used to

calculate the amount of property tax owed by homeowners and businesses. Since most properties in North Grenville are increasing in value, some taxpayers will still see a higher property tax bill, though the reduction in the tax rate means the increase won’t be as high. Treasurer Sheila Kehoe announced the new rates at last Monday’s Commit-

tee of the Whole meeting. The owner of a home valued at $100,000 and assessed at the same value this year would save just under $50 on their 2011 tax bill. They would pay $1,135.60 in property taxes, as opposed to $1,182.48 paid on the same property in 2010. The combined commercial tax rate was lowered by 3.9 per cent, while the

industrial (manufacturing) rate fell 8.41 per cent. The average 2011 property assessment increase in North Grenville was 6.2 per cent. North Grenville could have raised the tax rate to profit from the rising assessments and generate additional income, but council wanted to limit the tax hike for residents, Ke-

hoe said. While the cost of running the municipality has gone up and North Grenville needs to raise nearly $8 million in tax revenue – called the “tax levy� – to balance the 2011 budget, new properties and increases in value to existing properties will generate revenue to compensate for lowering the tax rate.

“We are fortunate to have growth which mitigates some of the increasing costs of providing the same level of service to our municipality,� Kehoe said. Residential tax bills will be mailed in early June, and commercial and industrial bills will follow in September.


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K. Sheldrick Photo

Grade 4 and 8 students from Metcalfe Public School put on a fine performance of Sleeping Beauty in early May. This is a photo of the entire cast.

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Mike Dezoete Designer


Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011



11 Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011

By Howaida Sorour

Anticipating great opening day deals, customers lined up at the door in the pouring rain at 7 a.m. to start shopping. Inside the new Canadian Tire (CT) store, Mayor David Gordon and Frank Hoffman, associate dealer of the local CT, kept their speeches brief before cutting the ribbon and throwing open the doors on May 19. “This is my favourite store – with all the little gadgets and sales,” said early shopper and Kemptville resident, Suzanne Burris. The new store, located on Ryan’s Well Drive, sported towers of balloons marking the start of the ‘race-track layout’, a feature of CT’s new smart store concept. Though the old store was familiar and navigable to its loyal customers, the new store promises to deliver a better shopping experience. “In our previous model, for example, hardware was separate from nuts and bolts, but now they’re all together – the natural traffic flow was taken into account with the new design, which we’ve been introducing over the past two years,” said Peter Kilty, CT senior vice president. Other new features include a customer pick-up area, easy-to-read navigational signage as well as customer help buttons and more customer assistance desks. There are also information kiosks with direct access to, price look-up stations and “how to” guides scattered

around the store. “We have something here to be very proud of,” Frank Hoffman, CT associate dealer told invited guests before cutting the ribbon. “The new store reflects our commitment to deliver top-notch customer service,” he continued after thanking his staff for their commitment to meeting the opening deadline and keeping the old store open. Perhaps the most interesting feature at the new CT location is the 5,000 square feet of Mark’s men’s and women’s clothing at the south end of the store. “I think it’s awesome,” said Heather Pitt of Kemptville from inside the Mark’s store. “We’ve needed something like this for a long time.” Perhaps it was because the opening of the new store also coincided with the 50th anniversary of the local Canadian Tire, but the celebration went on for four days starting on May 19 to the 22! Events included in-store and online contests to win $1000 shopping sprees, $1000 gift cards, and play the Canadian Tire Money Machine. The grand finale was the Kemtpville Ball Hockey Tournament held at the old store location with Ottawa Senators’ Matt Carkner dropping the first ball on Sunday morning. “Opening this store, sure shows the town is growing,” said Lou Jaroly of Oxford Mills, who took time off work to check out the new store. ADVERTORIAL


A better shopping experience opens up

Seize the opportunity to change the world for the better—support cancer research at The Ottawa Hospital. Every hero has a date with destiny: yours is September 10, 2011. See you at the starting line.





Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011



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Bands ready to rock at Dandelion Festival and Hardryde will get toes a-tapping. Dancing is encouraged. The second stage, one block south on Prescott, will feature a more laid-back program, with acoustic acts and belly dancers among the scheduled entertainment. Buskers and street performers will keep the show going around town. Johns was proud to confirm that like in years past, all performances are free. “We’re not interested (in charging admission) unless we absolutely have to,” he said.

The Kemptville Wildcats Minor All Star Team will host a one-day Dandelion Festival Showcase on May 28 for all minor teams from Upper Canada Little League on the baseball diamonds at Riverside Park. Games will run all day from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Contact Calvin Medynski at with any questions.


Hot local music acts will be sprouting like weeds at this year’s Dandelion Festival. On the main stage at Clothier and Prescott St., a lively mix of bands and solo artists will provide a rocking soundtrack to the weekend-long party set to take over Old Town Kemptville from May 27 to 29. Community interest in the festival has grown over the past three years, says music co-ordinator Ken Johns. “The initial idea was to promote local talent. We’ve been able to raise the bar in terms of the talent level, and keep it local. That’s a win-win for the community,” he said. Friday night is a youth night, featuring a percussion battle between brothers Stevie and Eric Marrotti – “Two of the best young drummers I’ve ever seen,” Johns said – at 8 p.m., bookended by a folk set from Christopher Graham at 7 p.m. and young rockers The Sharks to close out the show. Johns hopes the young people will take part in the rest of the festival as well. He said there were no problems at last year’s

lar demand, oldies band Eddie and the Stingrays will close off the day with a 9 p.m. show. After all that rocking, Sunday offers the chance to say a little prayer at a non-denominational open-air church service scheduled for 12:30 p.m. on the main stage. A Haitian choir and Christian band Papa Grace will lead the congregation in song. “The church service opens up the festival to a whole different genre and makes it more inclusive. After all, it is Sunday,” Johns smiled. After church, bluegrass bands Bi-Town Grass


event. “The kids sort of police themselves – it’s been really good,” he said. “I think the kids appreciate that we’re trying to do something for them.” As Saturday visitors browse downtown shops, sample local food, and explore the new library, several folk groups will be performing on the main stage, including Lisa Pouchinsky, an up-and-comer who has performed at the Ottawa Bluesfest. Fire and Neon is another band not to miss, said Johns, who himself will drum with rock group Roxzilla and blues favourites Roosterman. Back by popu-


Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011





IN THE 464757

Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011

Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011

Hedge Cedars In Stock

April 18 till May 14 Monday to Thursday 8:30am till 4:30pm, Friday 8:30am till 5pm, Saturday 9am till 4pm. May 15 till June 18 Monday to Thursday closed, Friday 8:30 to 5pm, Saturday 9am till 4pm. June 19 till September 9 closed.

Turf reduction in the landscape Article provided by PBM Environmental Gardens and treed areas are an environmentally responsible alternative to turf areas for a variety of reasons. These areas add interest to your property, save money and resource use and carefully planned and implemented will require less time and energy to maintain. Notice I didn’t say less work! There will also be less investment and a significant reduction in your “Carbon Footprint”. It is an understatement to say that this is a well used term these days. We do need to pay attention to it though. If reducing it saves us money and resources and helps to preserve the planet for our grandchildren, it deserves a good look. What we are looking at here is a movement back to a simpler more practical time. Let’s leave acres of turf management to the golf

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courses. Plant trees in the outer areas of a large lot. Put mulch or slow growing ground covers under them. Establish shrubs and perennials preferably with vegetables inter-planted in areas visible from the house or patio area. Plant a vegetable garden. Of course some turf is necessary for septic beds and family activities. Beyond that it should be an accent to garden features. Speaking of vegetable gardens… how about an “Edible Landscape”? With each generation we get further away from the culture of vegetable gardening. Even if you didn’t grow up in a vegetable gardening family it is worthwhile to develop that skill. The reason more of us don’t grow vegetables and fruit is because they are so cheap in the stores. But are they? At what expense do those products come to stores? From California, Mexico, South America and even the Mediterranean, products line the grocery store shelves. We’re spoiled and have come to expect this produce year round. If we look at the environmental issues that surround this culture the costs of these products are enormous. If we aren’t paying who is? This is a larger discussion than we have room for here. We’ll leave that to Dr. Suzuki. It’s enough to say that if you want to make a difference join the movement to garden some of your own produce. At the very least buy local, do some canning and preserving and try to live by the “100 Mile Rule”. For those unfamiliar with this it simply means look at the product label and only buy if it is produced less than 100 miles from home. Even a move to con-

suming produce from Ontario is a step in the right direction. This doesn’t mean packaged, it means produced. If you decide to undertake some vegetable gardening you should start slowly. A small garden plot that you can experiment with and keep up with is the place to start. Do some reading to see what works. The library and the internet are good resources. Get your children involved so we can pass the joy of gardening on to future generations. Consider planting vegetables among your ornamentals if you like. We are asked by increasing numbers of clients to prepare garden beds for them or interplant. If you get your garden to a size that allows tilling between the rows weeding actually gets less daunting. Trading our big lawn cutting machines in for a smaller less fuel burning tiller or even better,

a hoe, makes a lot of sense. Vegetable and fruit gardening will be a bit more work but not likely more time than you currently spend on a lawn mower. I hear you… Guys…! “A hoe doesn’t have a cup holder or a seat” and “Doing the grass is the quietest 4 hours I have all week under those ear muffs”. The upside is that you won’t have to travel down the road several nights a week and pay for a gym membership. Time spent in the garden is quality family time and it doesn’t cost much. Most importantly you know where and how your food was produced. In the past four or five years we have had an increase in clients wanting help to set up for vegetable gardening. We are currently polling people to see if there is interest in a produce / gardening group/co-op whereby produce could be traded and/or sold. HAPPY GARDENING…!

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Trees and Shrubs FOR SALE

Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011




Strategies for reducing the amount of water use in your garden Article provided by PBM Environmental

• Interlock Paving Stone • Steps & Retaining Walls • Ponds, Waterfalls & Streams • Design & Construction

begin to utilize the runoff from your property is to shorten your downspouts. Once the grades away from the house are correct and the water is directed out 68 feet you can grade to direct the runoff into your gardens. A little more active approach is to incorporate rain barrels at the downspouts. Here you have to make sure that the overflow is properly directed away in the event of heavy rains. Also make


One of the easiest ways to improve the quality of your plants and vegetables is to reduce watering, directly from the well or municipal supply. The amount of water that is shed from some properties is enough to supply the most avid gardener for most of the growing season. A small amount of plumbing

engineering in your landscape can result in a more vigorous garden and a lot less tap water use. Air temperature water eliminates the shock to plants that well or municipal water brings. You can even run municipal water into your water collection system to top it up before watering plants. This has the double benefit of raising the temperature and gassing off some of the additives. The simplest way that you can

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sure the base for your barrels to sit on is sufficiently robust. With a little more engineering, though it is still quite simple, you can drip irrigate your plants from your barrels. Just put a fitting on the bottom and attach the hoses. Barrels will usually fill quite quickly in an average rain. Assess the area of your roof that is drained by a given spout and you may be able to put multiple barrels in sequence to collect as much water as possible. Let gravity do the work so you don’t have to incorporate pumps into your system if you want to keep it simple. A little more complicated though still easily rigged is using larger tanks near the gardens above or below grade. You can see where this is going. I’m sure people are recalling cisterns that parents or grandparents had in farm houses etc. Water was scarce back then for different reasons, usually shallow wells.

23,000 sq. ft. of Greenhouses 9,000 sq. ft. of Perennials

The collected water was used for many things around the house. The thought that rainwater collection is unsightly isn’t necessarily the case. Properly planned and creatively incorporated it will add an attractive element to your landscape. We have used collection sources to power landscape water features and even used, usually, dry stream beds to distribute water to gardens. Be creative and have some fun with it. As mentioned, a large component of “Environmental Responsibility” lies in getting back to basics and simpler times. Environmentally responsible architects, builders and other proponents of “Sustainable Development” are already putting cisterns back into home engineering systems to flush toilets and water landscape and vegetable gardens. Surprising but true…one “Eco” home that I toured not too long ago even listed driveway washing, on a poster, as a use for the collected water. My hope is that not too many of us here in the country wash our driveways. We thought that was what brooms and rain were for. HAPPY GARDENING…!

75 Varieties of Geraniums 50 varieties of Tomatoes 25 varieties of Potatoes from Heritage to Gourmet Large Selection of Vegetable Plants with many Heritage varieties available Moss Baskets, WindowBoxes, Planters Ready to Go Fruit Trees, Shadetrees,and Ornamentals

0% Financing Available on selected Cub Cadet Models

Outdoor Living On Your Terms 467054-19-11

See dealer for details

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301 Signature Series This three-burner model is rated #1 by a leading consumer magazine!* It offers the convenience of our EasyFire ignition system, LED controls and powerful performance with up to 55,500 BTUs and 673 sq. in. of total cooking area.

"Home of the Big Green Egg" Kemptville Hearth & Patio Concepts • Fireplaces • Wood/Pellet Stoves 417 Rideau Street • 613-258-6555 •


Unique Hard to Find Perennials - Small Pots to Field Grown Specimens 467055-19-11

Kemptville Pentecostal Church. 1964 County Road 43 - Kemptville. Sunday services: 10:00am and 6:30pm. Sunday School during service. Reverend Steven Kohls.

Southgate Community Church 1303 French Settlement Rd. , Kemptville. 9:00am & 10:40am. Ben Last – Lead Pastor Roman Catholic. Holy Cross Church (505 Clothier St. W). Mass Times: Sat: 5pm, Sun: 9 & 11 am. Children’s Liturgy during 11am Mass. Father Andrew Shim.

The Anglican Parish of Oxford. “A BIG Country Welcome” • St. Andrew’s Garretton • St. Peter’s - North Augusta • St. Anne’s - Oxford Station. The Reverand Matthew Kydd, 613-345-2022. Presbyterian. Kemptville & Mountain Pastoral Charge. Rev. Samer Kandalaft. St. Paul’s Kemptville - 10:45am. Sunday Service - Church School - Nursery. Knox Mountain Service - 9:15am.

St. Andrew’s United Church, 256 South Gower Drive - Heckston. 11:00 am Service. Reverend Blair Paterson & Reverend Victoria Fillier. Building is fully accessible.

St. John’s United Church, 400 Prescott Street 10:00 AM Sunday Service with a nursery and Church school. Rev. Lynda Harrison officiating. Offices open Tues 8:30 am - 4 pm, and Wed - Fri 8:30 am - 12 pm. Phone 613-258-3259 or e-mail Calendar of events available at www.kemptvilleunit-

United Church. Minister: Reverend Paul F. Vavasour

Kemptville Christian Reformed Church. (2455 County Rd. 18/Clothier St. W) 10:00 a.m and 6:30 p.m Sunday Services. Children’s Worship during morning service, Sunday School following a.m service. Reverend Benjamin Ponsen.

HARMONY COMMUNITY CHURCH, 12010 Ormond Road, Winchester. Sunday Service 9:15am Adult Bible Class10:30am Morning Worship 613774-5170 Rev. D.B. North, Pastor.

Bishop's Oxford Pastoral Charge. Service at 10:00 am, 1st. & 3rd Sundays at St. Andrew’s United Church Bishop’s Mills, 2nd & 4th Sundays at Oxford Mills

This Community listing is brought to you by the Advance and these community minded sponsors. If you would like to sponsor this listing, call Drew or Jennifer.



Free Methodist. North Grenville Community Church (2659 Concession).

10:30 a.m Sunday Service 613-258-4815. Senior Pastor Reverend Daniel C. Massey.

A Proud Community Sponsor since 1963


Theatre Just Kiddin fe group in Metcalfor searches young actors.


EA OF BLUE tore rt Supers

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the Advance

301 Rideau Street, Kemptville, ON


they Special to Nov. 1, but moved by The young packed and full speed. They were and running at Youth Centre (KYC) up ng at are still not call the Kemptvillekitchen operati a adults, who are eager to get Street. rs on Oxford their own, nity membe to location ul to the commu their new still hoping thankf d, but we’re t, KYC execu“We’re very stepped forwar Stacey Tenbul , an essenthat have II,” said s a kitchen to several II include get into Phase d r. Phase centre and central Photo forwar directo tive LJ Matheson to move proof the youth Sisters The rush creates optial part s and Big in the lunch energy ms. ts ion about to mainta sandwiches and Big Brother with clean of it progra difficult ing in the The Kemptville residen and discuss cold been ity until are has ing are compet portun “It ille. and they cancell on to take. been serving 9 Victor Kop Feb. 27 in Kemptv the agency which directi of our core ethers. gram. We’ve been contemplating an, 10, and through Kids on it is one d get-tog Tanner Workm le’s Bowl for Brother match their weeken fruit. We’ve is complete, but s Grenvil Brother/Little g on during 75 lunche of Leeds the kitchen said Tenbult. onth Big been workin serves about are a nine-m car they have programs,” prepares and also the hub of Cookhow a toy The centre showing kitchen was every week learn The m that prograthe every week. 20 to 40 youth that’s so meals – like, wow… it.” healthy kitchen is night – where it. I was, up about big and cook ed. Though the l, doors, around psyched his to budget drywal really cancell with s was d arily cool. I SON still flooring, of the centre’ is tempor was matche April. Tanner , there’s level LJ MATHE last Tanner inside, h most critical trim for the lower framing Victor Kop for a match throug and ted all the bility,” brother ed Leeds lighting laurie.matheson “We’ve comple allow for accessi was hard had been process Big Sisters of says it a new home. wider doors to Brothers he was eight. Workman idea of having ble with the Big brothTanner and framed t. the fully accessi Pam, told and Grenville sincethe list for a big g to to grasp mother, said Tenbul hopes to become for him the buildin Workman. was on when his “Tanner ble washyears,” said The centre street, a lift inside big brother nt,” the er for almost two the biland an accessi page 10 was pregna ramps off to the two levels hear about accessi him. ERS see think she laugh. heard g to a “I didn’t give access BIG BROTH still waitin g but still haven’tr. my head said with room. “We’re 10-year-oldreally hard to wrap for fundin board membe nts ts any’ e applied KYC






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17 Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011

St. James Anglican. Clothier St. W. Sunday service, 8am and 10am. Sunday School at 10am service. Reverend Canon Peggy Hudson.



Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011



Look who’s making a difference Businesses and community come together in Kemptville

J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff

PAINTING FOR YOUTH Over 15 staff members from the Royal Bank RBC branches in Kemptville and North Gower rolled up their sleeves to help paint the Kemptville Youth Centre on April 30 as part of the bank’s Spirit of Giving Day. RBC also donated $1,000 to the youth centre, on top of the $20,000 RBC After School Grant for 2010/2011. Since 2006, RBC Kemptville has given a total of $146,500 to the youth centre through the After School Grant.

Courtesy Photo


KDH DONATION Neill Earl of First Stop Tool Rentals generously donated $800 to the Kemptville District Hospital Foundation. The donation is a percentage of the cost of the tools rented from his business during the hospital’s redevelopment. The cheque is presented to Dermid O’Farrell, KDH Foundation Board Chair and Melissa Graham, KDH Foundation Executive Director.

Peter Sadler, of Box Office Entertainment received a plaque to acknowledge his generous contribution to the Rotary Rideau Rally from Jennifer Franssen, president of the Rotary Club of Kemptville. Mr. Sadler was one of the major donors last year to the Rotary Rideau Rally event. As a result of his generous contribution and the donations of other partners and the local participates in the rally, the club was able to help the Kemptville Youth Centre purchase the building at their new location in Kemptville.

Courtesy Photo

KDH AUXILIARY RECOGNIZES OLDEST VOLUNTEER At 103, Katy Pominville may be the oldest active hospital volunteer in Ontario. She certainly holds the record in North Grenville. For at least the past 30 years, Katy has knitted socks, mittens and scarves all year long, and has donated a huge bag of them each year to the Kemptville District Hospital Auxiliary gift shop and to the local Salvation Army. On April 27, at a special Volunteer Appreciation Tea, the KDH Auxiliary awarded Katy a special Certificate of Appreciation and a Local Life Member pin in recognition of her longstanding contributions. Several family members attended the tea with her. And as they proudly remarked, “She’s still knitting!” Front row, left to right are: granddaughter Payton Cory, Katy Pominville. Back row, left to right: Jennifer Cory, Penny Brown and Lynn Pominville. Last month, ten long-serving members of the Kemptville District Hospital Auxiliary received certificates signed by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, congratulating them on having been awarded Provincial Life Membership by the Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario (HAAO). PLM status confers special recognition on members who have given outstanding service to hospital auxiliaries in Ontario. These awards were announced last November. Two recipients – Catherine Brunton and Eleanor O’Neill – were given their pins and certificates on April 20 in Morrisburg at a regional conference of hospital auxiliary members. Six more -- Lucy Lloyd, Fran Parfitt, Margaret Rupert, Mary Seguin, Bertha Tenbult, and Wanda Tenson – received theirs at a Volunteer Appreciation Tea hosted by the Kemptville District Hospital on April 26. The two final recipients, Kelly Pinhey and Evelyn Dangerfield, will have private presentations of their awards.

Courtesy Photo

J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff

FOOD DRIVE FOR HOUSE OF LAZARUS The staff of Keller Williams Solid Rock Reality Inc. in North Grenville were busy on Thursday, May 12 loading up a truck of donated food. This group was at Jonssons Your Independent Grocer where customers have been donating food all month to Lazarus House in South Mountain. Front row, left to right are: Chris Drozda, Mallory Ralph, and Diana Saunders. Back row left to right: Lisa Deschambault, Leanne Trimble and Michele Rowe. Absent is Geraldine Taylor.

RBC TURNS BOOKS INTO CASH FOR SALVATION ARMY RBC North Gower continues to operate their book sale for the benefit of those in need. The simple idea of recycling used books contributed by people in the community, has generated a turnover of hundreds of books resulting in over $2,400 in funds raised since last fall. Simon Downey, Director of Community Services from the Salvation Army was grateful to accept a donation of $400. “We love to hear about the creative initiatives our donors are taking and appreciate having the area communities involved in what we do.” In this photo are: Vicki Graham, Branch Manager of RBC North Gower and Simon Downey, Director of Community Services from the Salvation Army.

19 Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011


Call Email



Who passed May 24, 1983



BIG, BEAUTIFUL AZ LAND, $99/month, $0 down, $0 interest. Golf course, national parks. One hour from Tucson International Airport. Guaranteed financing! NO CREDIT CHECK! Pre-recorded message, HUNTING 1-800-631-8164, code 4040. www.sunsites HUNTER SAFETY CA- NADIAN FIREARMS COURSE at Almonte, June 10, 11, 12. Wenda Cochran, 613256-2409.

MASSEY FERGUSON seed drill 33, 15 disc. Good working condiaway tion. Asking $1,200. Call 613-432-9510.

Always remembered by daughter Marilyn FOR SALE

*HOT TUB (SPA) covers - best price, best quality. All shapes and colours. Call 1-866652-6837. www.the DOUBLE BED, LIKE NEW, $200. Dresser, 9 drawers, $50. TV, 60inch HD, $700. Baja 4wheeler, 90cc, $250. Game finder, $50. 613821-3236. For sale: Hey, new moms of the bride-tobe this year! Navy mother-of-the-bride Joseph Ribkoff 3-piece dress. Excellent condition - worn ONCE! Sequined, size 16. Model was 5’3”, floor length. Purchase price $500, sacrifice $200 o.b.o. Call evenings, 1613-826-0641. HOT TUB (spa) covers. Best price, best quality. All shapes and colours available. Call 1-866-652-6837. www. I HAVE 3 NKOTBSB tickets for the Ottawa show on August 4, 2011 for sale, $150 each. They are floor tickets, Section G, Row 3. Please contact 613816-7294 or 613-7206401. WHITE CEDAR LUMBER. Decking, fencing, all dimensions, rough or dressed. Timbers and V-joints also available. Call Tom at McCann’s Forest Products, 613-628-6199 or 613-633-3911.

HUNTER SAFETY Canadian Firearms Course. Courses and exams held throughout the year. Free course if you organize a group; exams available. Wenda Cochran, 613-2562409.


DOG SITTING. Experienced retired breeder providing lots of TLC. My home. Smaller dogs only. References available. $17-$20 daily. Marg, 613721-1530.

LOST & FOUND KEYS FOUND at boat launch, end of Lake Avenue, Carleton Place, Sunday, May 1. Keys can be picked up at the Canadian Gazette office at 53 Bridge St. 613-2571303.


KANATA Available Immediately


WANTED: BOARDER. Hobby farm, 5 minutes east of Kemptville. All privileges. Non-smoker with pleasant personality. $425 per month. Phone 613-989-1449.


MIXED HARDWOOD 8’ lengths, excellent quality, by the tandem load. We also purchase standing timber and hard or soft pulp wood; land and lot clearing, tree trimming, and outdoor furnace wood available. Call 613432-2286.

Private, modern, fully equipped cottage for rent on Leggatt Lake, 40 minutes west of Perth. $625 weekly. Call 613335-2658 for details. GARAGE & STORAGE SPACE

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WORLD-CLASS DRUMMER (of Five Man Electrical Band) is now accepting students. Private lessons, limited enrolment, free consultation. Call Steve, 613831-5029. www.steve

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SEND A LOAD to the dump, cheap. Clean up clutter, garage-sale leftovers or leaf and yard waste. 613-2564613.





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LMR is excited to be adding DRYLAND TRAINING to their programming this summer for sports enthusiasts ages 10 to 16. Sports require multiple fitness skills, and whatever your sport may be: hockey, softball, swim or soccer, often fundamental athletic skills are missing from the overall training program such as balance, core strength, quickness, agility and power. Country Boot-Camps....Clean-Dirty-Fun for all ages! We like to call these workouts “clean dirty fun” because each and every workout appeals to our sense of play and adventure. Rain or shine, you will love how your fitness level increases and you’ll also love the deep sense of accomplishment. Registration date is Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 10677 Loughlin Ridge Road, Mountain.

Any questions please call Leanne at 613-989-1169 or visit the website at



PLANNING A TRIP TO FLORIDA? Search from 100s of Florida’s top vacation rentals. All Regions of Florida from 2- to 8-bdrm homes. Condos, Villas, Pool Homes - we have them all!

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APARTMENT FOR RENT, SOUTH MOUNTAIN: upstairs apartment, 2-3 bedrooms. Non-smokers, no pets. $800 per month plus utilities. References required, first and last months’ rent required. Please call 613-9893347 to schedule an appointment. Available June 1, 2011.

ONE BEDROOM 3 bedroom APARTMENT TO townhouse, 1.5 SUBLET. 1425 Rosenbaths, 2 appliances, thal Ave., Ottawa. unfinished basement, Close to Carleton U, Algonquin and Experione parking spot. mental Farm. $789 $1007 per month all inclusive plus plus utilities. one parking spot. Available June 1. 613-831-3445 Must qualify through Asset 613-257-8629 Timbercreek Management criteria, first and last required. Current lease ends Aug. 31, may sign new APARTMENTS lease after that time. FOR RENT Contact dumais messina@hotmail. 2485 Cty. Rd. 43, com for inquiries. Kemptville. 3 bedroom. Living room, dining QUIET room, eat-in kitchen. 2 SPACIOUS, apartbathrooms. Stairs. Front two-bedroom ment, excellent for reand back yards, deck. Snow plowing, grass tired people. Stove and cutting, heat, hydro, fridge. No smoking, bag tags, fridge, stove, no pets. 512 Clothier washer and dryer all in- St., Kemptville, Ont. 613-258-3010. cluded. Perfect for sen- Call iors. $1,350/month. Available June 30. Available July 11.


LOOKING FOR LAND TO BUY preferably Admaston/Renfrew area. Call 613-570-1389.

3 BEDROOM, large dining room, updated kitchen, Jacuzzi, laundry, back deck, carport, all appliances and hydro included. $1,350 per month. Available July 1. 613258-3709.



The best place to start planning your Florida Get-Away!







Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011


**PLEASE BE ADVISED** There are NO refunds on classified advertising; however, we are happy to offer a credit for future classified ads, valid for 1 year, under certain circumstances. **RECEIPTS FOR CLASSIFIED WORD ADS MUST BE REQUESTED AT THE TIME OF AD BOOKING**


TRUE advice! TRUE clarity! TRUE PSYCHICS! 1-877-4784410 (18+), 3.10/minute, 1-900-528-6256.





Is once again offering swimming lessons during the months of July and August. Lifesaving Society program consists of 8 classes per swimming level. Swim dates and times are flexible. Registration date is Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 10677 Loughlin Ridge Road, Mountain. Any questions please call Hillary or Morgan at 613-989-1169 or visit the website at

Is running a 9-week Aquatic program in a private, solar-heated, salt-water pool beginning at the end of June. From the Comfy Couch to the 5KM Country Run! LMR’s Beginner Running Program will help you get off the couch and onto the roads.

Any questions please call Leanne at 613-989-1169 or visit the website at


OSGOODE LEGION Bingo, Main Hall, 3284 Sunstrum St., Osgoode. Every Thursday evening, 6:30 p.m. sharp.

Registration date is Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 10677 Loughlin Ridge Road, Mountain.

NEEDED NOW: AZ DRIVERS & OWNER OPS. We seek professional, safety-minded drivers to join a leading international carrier with financial stability, competitive pay and benefits, great lanes, quality freight, on dry vans only. Brand new trucks available. Lease program available. Call Celadon Canada, Kitchener, 1-800-332-0518. www.

STITTSVILLE LEGION HALL, Main Street, every Wednesday, 6:45 p.m.

**WORD AD COPY TAKEN BY PHONE IS NOT GUARANTEED FOR ACCURACY. For guaranteed wording, please fax your word ad or email it to us.

Summer is just around the corner and during this time of the year, all programs are offered outdoors as LMR Country Fitness Inc. believes NATURE is the powerful contributor to personal health and fitness. LMR welcomed over 200 many new and familiar smiles in the summer of 2010 and WE HAD A BLAST!

Here is a peek at LMR COUNTRY FITNESS inc. summer schedule for 2011:







Saturday May 28th, 9am – 5pm



Lori Sommerdyk 613-221-6246


Aquafit 9:00 am

Pilates on Deck 9:00 am

Aquafit 9:00 am

Pilates on Deck 9:00 am

Aquafit 9:00 am Lifesaving Society Swim Lessons 9:00 am1:00 pm

Lifesaving Society Swim Lessons 10:00 am-6:00 pm

Lifesaving Society Swim Lessons 10:00 am-6:00 pm

Lifesaving Society Swim Lessons 10:00 am-6:00 pm

Lifesaving Society Swim Lessons 10:00 am-6:00 pm

Sports Conditioning 5:30 pm

Sports Conditioning 5:30 pm

Sports Conditioning 5:30 pm

Sports Conditioning 5:30 pm

Aquafit 6:30

AquaJog 6:30

Aquafit 6:30 Learn to Run 7:30-8:30 pm

Boot Camps 7:30 pm

Boot Camps 7:30 pm

Since 2006, LMR Country Fitness as brought the rural community a place for “FIT” “Whoever said there is NOTHING to do in the Country?” 10677 Loughlin Ridge Rd. Mountain On. Contact Leanne Rousselle at 989-1169 for more information or visit our website for a detailed description of all programs offered Website: E-mail:



Routes available in your area.


Learn to Run 8:00-9:00 am


A LCO H O L I C S ANONYMOUS: Do you want to stop drinking? There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; the only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. Phone 613-258-3881 or 613826-1980.



Lifesaving Society Swim Lessons 8:00 am12:00 pm




-*NEW THIS SUMMER*DRYLAND TRAINING for YOUNG SPORTS ENTHUSIASTS ages 10 to 17 Working on the secondary components of fitness through dry land training can make A BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR GAME!

Registration for all programs is BUY IT.

Saturday, May 28. Rain date June 4. #790 Patterson’s Corners Road and O’Neill Road, 8 a.m.4 p.m. Antique crocks, milk cans, lanterns, women’s golf clubs. Many other items.

carriers wanted



CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE. No-risk program. STOP mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% money-back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Saturday, May 28 from 8-2. 293 Dumbrille St., Kemptville. Multi-family yard sale. Furniture, golf clubs, kids’ toys, kids’ clothes, play structure. Too much to list.




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Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011



OTTAWA’S largest lawn and property maintenance company pays $120-$360 DAILY for outdoor spring/ summer work. Hiring honest, competitive and energetic individuals to fill our various 2011 positions. Apply online @ www.Spring PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1,000 weekly mailing brochures from home. 100% legit! Income is guaranteed! No experience required. Enrol today! www.national-work . com Star Fleet Trucking HIRING! DRIVERS, FARMERS, RANCHERS and RETIREES needed with 1-ton pickup trucks to deliver new travel trailers fifth wheels from US manufacturers to dealers throughout Canada. Free IRP plate for your truck and low insurance rates! Prefer commercial licence or 3 years’ towing experience. Top pay! Call Craig, 1-877-8904523. www.starfleet TYPING/DATA WORK AT HOME, immediate placement, no prior experience required. Multiple companies are now hiring. Work when you like, earn extra cash. www.Home Wanted to begin immediately: a reliable and experienced cook. Must be a team player, be anxious to learn new things and enjoy working in a vibrant, busy atmosphere. Good remuneration for the right candidate. Call 613-269-2976 or email résumé to gads



Valley Bus Lines Ltd. Carrying the future, safely

Position Available: Multimedia Sales Specialist Summary The Multimedia Sales Specialist works as a key member of the Advertising team by participating and driving specific online sales and initiatives, as well as supporting customers, relative to an online product they have purchased. Their goals are to manage, maximize and grow customer satisfaction levels, while focusing on fulfilling the needs of advertisers, through alignment with Metroland Media services. Responsibilities Responsibilities for this role are heavily focused on sales activities for Metroland Digital properties, with the embedded understanding of customer relationship management and service. 1. Outbound sales acquisition activity to local businesses promoting digital products. 2. Plan and prioritize personal sales activities and customer/prospect contact towards achieving agreed business aims, including costs and sales - especially managing personal time and productivity. 3. Plan and manage personal business portfolio according to an agreed market development strategy. 4. Manage product/service mix, pricing and margins according to agreed aims. 5. Maintain and develop existing and new customers through appropriate propositions and ethical sales methods. 6. Use customer and prospect contact activities tools and systems, and update accordingly. 7. Plan/carry out/support local marketing activities to agreed budgets and timescales, and integrate personal sales efforts with other organized marketing activities, e.g., product launches, promotions, advertising, exhibitions and telemarketing. 8. Respond to and follow up sales enquiries using appropriate methods. 9. Monitor and report on market and competitor activities and provide relevant reports and information. 10. Communicate, liaise, and negotiate internally and externally using appropriate methods to facilitate the development of profitable business and sustainable relationships. 11. Attend and present at external customer meetings and internal meetings with other company functions necessary to perform duties and aid business development. 12. Attend training and develop relevant knowledge, techniques and skills. 13. Adhere to health and safety policy, and other requirements relating to care of equipment.


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Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011


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2007 Kia Rondo

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2008 Kia Rondo



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Stk. # U1882.

Air, cruise, power group, power steering, antilock brakes, tilt steering, CD player, 32,926 km.

Air, cruise, full power group, alloy wheels, stability control, heated bucket seats, security features, keyless entry, CD player, steering wheel audio, roof racks, fog lamps. Stk. # 11N132A



Air cruise, power group, alloy wheels, tinted windows, heated seats, tilt steering, sun/moon roof, fog lamps, 85,867 kms.



Air, cruise, power group, power steering, antilock brakes, bucket seats, tilt steering, CD player, 32,926 kms.



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Air, cruise, power group, alloy wheels, tinted windows, bucket seats, security features, keyless entry, 37,251 kms. Stk. # U1915.

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Air, cruise, full power group, tilt steering, security features, bucket seats, keyless entry, CD player, OnStar, tinted windows. Stk. # 11P075AA

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3.9 ltr, 6 cyl Only one owner!! 7 pass., 4 captains chairs, Air, cruise, power group, privacy glass, tilt steering, local trade! Stk. # 11N167A

Air, cruise, power group, traction control, tire pressure monitor, stability control, security features, rear air, roof racks. Stk. # P1020.





V6, Air, cruise, power group, anti lock brakes, stability control, alloy wheels, tinted windows, bucket seats, tilt steering, roof racks. Stk. # T556


2005 Kia Sedona LX Air, cruise, power group, anti lock brakes, tinted windows, bucket seats, captain’s chairs, tilt steering, security features Stk. # 11N055A





2007 GMC Sierra Ext Cab 2007 Ford F150 XLT SuperCrew 4X4 4X4

Air cruise, power group, anti lock brakes, alloy wheels, chrome wheels, tinted windows, bucket seats, security features, towing package, running boards, bed liner. Stk. # U1927

Air, cruise, power steering, anti lock brakes, tilt steering, fog lamps, CD player, towing package, bed liner. Stk. # U1961.


$22,495 $21,995



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$28,900 $28,495 $27,900

2007 Chevrolet Avalanche LT 4X4

Air, cruise, auto climate control, full power group, traction control, anti lock brakes, tire pressure monitor, alloy wheels, tinted windows, auto headlights, bucket seats. Stk. # U2009

$25,995 $25,495

2007 Chevrolet Silverado LT CrewCab Z71 4X4

Air, cruise, auto climate control, full power group, traction control, anti lock brakes, tire pressure monitor, tinted windows, auto headlights, bucket seats, tilt steering. Stk. # P1027.

$26,995 $26,495 $25,995

*Prices DO NOT include admin fee of $299.00 or any other applicable taxes. Certified pre-owned Kia comes with our 5-star warranty for a minimum of 1 year-on top of any remaining factory warranty. Financing as low as 2.9% on all CPOV vehicles. All new car payments INCLUDE all fees and taxes. See dealer for details.

Approximately 30 minutes from Kemptville to Kia Motors, 171 Lombard St., Smiths Falls

Rob Street General Manager

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Jack Traynor Sales & Leasing

Justin Kinch Sales & Leasing

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Mike Kingston Sales & Leasing



Kemptville Advance - MAY 26, 2011




Community Calendar WHAT

May 27


5th Annual Sarah’s Hope Benefit Concert and Coffee House at North Grenville DHS. Local musicians. Kenyan cuisine. Proceeds to Moving Mountains Trust. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. $8/person, $20/family. Tickets available at the door.

May 28


Chicken Bar-B-Q at Christian Reformed Church, 2455 County Rd. 18. $12 a plate; sit in or takeout. For tickets, phone Albert @ 258-7470.

May 28

North Gower

North Gower Farmers’ Market opening. 2397 Roger Stevens Dr. 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sat. until Thanksgiving. Homemade foods and baked goods, produce, meat, eggs and artisan creations. Breakfast and lunch available. 489-9794 or

May 28-29


The 2nd annual All Things Fibre show and sale at the Spencerville Mill. From bunka to basketry, you’ll find all manner of beautiful things created from plant or animal fibre. Demonstrations of lace making, bunka, hand quilting and more. Admission is free. Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sun. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wheelchair accessible.

May 29


Delicious ham and scallop potato dinner with homemade desserts at the Odd Fellows Hall, 119 Clothier St. E. 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. 258-2258.

May 29

Bishop’s Mills

Anniversary Service at St. Andrew’s United Church at 11 a.m. Preacher: Rev. Paul F. Vavasour. Music by The Moffatt Sisters and Barry Munroe. Potluck lunch.

May 29

Oxford Mills

Oxford Mills Auto and Motorcycle Show with music by Tom Wilson and Border Bluegrass. 19th annual fundraiser for the Anglican Parish of Oxford and local charities. Noon to 3 p.m. at Maplewood Park. Country bbq, pies and refreshments. $4 admission.

May 29


Seniors in North Grenville are invited to a special tea on the occasion of the official opening of the North Grenville Public Library from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Norenberg Building. If you need transportation, call 258-7563.

May 30


Kemptville Lawn Bowling Club annual meeting and potluck lunch in the Club House at 101 Reuben Cres. Meeting at 11:30, lunch at noon. Members old and new are welcome.

May 30, June 1, 3


Kemptville and Area Walking Group meets at the Municipal Centre at 9 a.m.

May 31


Merrickville and District Historical Society presents “Snowdon’s Corners,” a presentation by Wayne Poapst at 7:30 p.m. at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys School. 269-4289 for more details.

June 1

Oxford Mills

Looking for ladies to play Recreational Slo-Pitch on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. beginning June 1. If interested in joining our league, call Shirley at 258-2750.

June 1


Baby Talk at Ontario Early Years Centre. 1:30-3:30 p.m. Breastfeeding support available.

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