KEMPTVILLE STORM Kemptville girls hockey has come a long way from its early beginnings.
Serving Kemptville, Merrickville, Winchester, Osgoode and surrounding area Volume 156 Issue No. 25
HISTORY MURALS Kemptville artist Don Munz helps high school students bring the past alive.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Bus service in crisis NGAT a victim of its own success J.P. ANTONACCI jp.antonacci@metroland.com
Musicians from Metcalfe Public School play it cool at the Jazz Café.
FUN AT FIRE GAMES The Kemptville Fire Department took home some major hardware in Athens last weekend.
For Kemptville resident Sue Provost, the sight of the white North Grenville Accessible Transportation (NGAT) bus coming up her driveway means one thing – independence. Provost is in a wheelchair and unable to drive or fit into conventional car seats. If her Community Living North Grenville (CLNG) support workers aren’t available to drive her, she is effectively housebound. That’s where NGAT comes in. Six times a week, Provost uses the bus service to go to the bank, library and hairdresser, to get her nails done, visit the CLNG resource centre, or get bloodwork done at the hospital. The service is flexible, catering to her timetable and conveniently dropping her door to door. It might not sound like much, but for someone who otherwise couldn’t do these everyday tasks, NGAT is a lifesaver. “Accessible transportation
Robb White Photo
HEALTHY CROWDS AT FIRST KEMPTVILLE RIBFEST George Wilkes prepares smokey pork side ribs at Ribfest 2011 at the Municipal Centre in Kemptville. The inaugural Ribfest, a weekend fundraiser for Big Brother Big Sisters, was a success, as large crowds came to play games and ride the midway, take in local bands and musical tribute acts, and of course, sample succulent ribs courtesy of six award-winning ribbers from Ontario and the United States. isn’t just about medical appointments – it’s really about quality of life. People who would be shutins can become fully involved in the community,” explains Rosemary Connelly, a member of the eight-person accessible trans-
portation committee and director of care at Bayfield Manor, a popular NGAT pickup point. Each month, NGAT provides some 200 rides to people like Provost. Since incorporating as a non-profit entity and launch-
ing full service in 1999, the bus has become a gateway to independence for many seniors and people with mobility issues. The service has almost grown too popular for its own good. NGAT see page 2
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Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
NGAT struggles with increasing costs 469770-25-11
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J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff
Penny Cousineau disembarks from the NGAT bus to visit the support centre at Community Living North Grenville last week. NGAT’s cheerful driver Jeff Arcand says the subsidized rides are a lifeline for people like Cousineau who have limited mobility. “They say they don’t know what they’d do without it,” he said. But a cash windfall from a at the point where we need fer was blunter in his asKemptville Truck Centre more,” Connelly said, add- sessment after gratefully golf tournament several ing that the board was re- accepting a $3,000 donation years ago is dwindling as luctant to ask for help while from the Kemptville Legion ridership is rising, leaving costs were being met and at a recent meeting. NGAT $1,800 in the red, the other worthy causes like the “I’m sure the town does equivalent of one month’s library and hospital were not realize how much we worth of fares. looking for dollars, but the need this money. We’re very “The community has been situation has now reached a close to being in serious extremely supportive, but breaking point. trouble,” he said. “The fact over and above that, we’re NGAT member Pat Scha- of the matter is we provide a great service. If you can support us, please do.” Local businesses love the ad space Schafer sells on the side of the buses, but the increasing ridership still outpaces the cash on hand. 21 Hilltop Cres Although NGAT is desperate for more funding, a deClassic 3 bedroom termined Connelly said the bus service is too crucial to brick bungalow; quiet stop. cul de sac, “If the need is there, we’re going to do it,” she said. nicely upgraded
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“We’re in a bit of a funding crisis right now,” Connelly said. Fares are heavily subsidized, and while the municipal government and United Way provide regular funding, NGAT is currently running a deficit because demand for rides is outpacing donations. NGAT currently operates two buses, one for local trips and another to transport patients to non-urgent medical appointments in Ottawa. Especially in the latter case, without fare subsidies, most riders couldn’t afford the trip. “The issue is that people with mobility impairment usually don’t have the financial means to pay the full pop,” Connelly said. “You’re looking at $300 for a (return) trip to Ottawa, while NGAT is $68.” Wubs Transportation provides dispatch service at a significant discount, and many businesses and service clubs regularly donate to keep the program going.
UPCOMING MEETINGS REGULAR COUNCIL Monday, June 27 th at 6:30 pm in the Council Cham bers, North Grenville Municipal Centre. For agenda inform ation, please contact the Clerk’s Office or the Municipal web site.
COM M ITTEE OF THE W HOLE COUNCIL Monday, July 4 th at 6:30 pm in the Com m ittee Room , North Grenville Municipal Centre.
2011 FINAL REALTY TAX BILLS All 2011 Final Realty T ax Bills for residential properties were m ailed out using Canada Post on Thursday, June 2 n d and Friday, June 3rd . The Installm ent Due Dates are June 30 th and Septem ber 30 th , 2011. Tax bills for com m ercial, industrial and m ulti-residential properties will be sent out at a later date. In the event of a postal strike, due dates still apply. If you have not received your bill, please contact the Municipal Office at 613-258-9569.
Please be advised that effective June 3 rd the green bag tags are no longer accepted for solid waste. Further inform ation is available on our web site or by contacting the Public W orks Departm ent at 613-258-9569 Ext. 133.
The latest of three outdoor murals painted by students from North Grenville District High School, with guidance from Kemptville artist Don Munz, can be found on the wall of Bodhi Tree Yoga in Old Town Kemptville. freehand drawing and old-fashioned taping techniques. Students would lay two long pieces of masking tape next to each other and paint the space in between, leaving a straight line once the tape was removed. “All of the murals were done by meticulously tap-
ing each line. It’s very labour intensive,” Munz said. “It did teach them how to tighten things up and make something of quality.” “You get spoiled on the computer now,” he laments. “You never have to get your fingers dirty. And
it’s too bad, because a lot of the eye to hand skill is just disappearing.” Thanks to Munz’s mentorship, that skill, and the history reflected in the murals, will be remembered for some time to come. See more of Don Munz’s artwork at donmunz.com.
Compassion in the service of care, Jamie MacDougall and the Order of Canada
Jamie MacDougall is the founder and Director of The Ottawa Hospital’s Institute for Rehabilitation Research and Development. He grew up in Overbrook, a brisk run from the General Campus. He went to high school at Lisgar, beside City Hall. His commitment to Ottawa is obvious. It is his commitment to Canada’s Deaf and persons with disability that led to his investiture in the Oder of Canada, on May 27. “You immediately think of all the people that made it possible, especially those with disabilities who inspired me. It is validation for thousands of people,” says MacDougall of the honour. Deafness and disability is personal for MacDougall. His parents, Peter and Gladys, were both deaf. His daughter, Paige, suffered a serious head injury at age 17, bringing his awareness of disabilities even closer to home. “People with disabilities have greater potential than we realize,” says MacDougall. “They have to overcome a lot of stereotypes…Just like everyone else, they aspire to realize their full potential.” Rusty Wendt, the head Carleton University’s Department of Psychology, understood this calling early on, convincing McDougall to take a summer job working with deaf parents seeking better means to communicate with their hearing children.
The Municipality of North Grenville is currently accepting applications for the following position: Chief Superintendent of W ater & W astewater Inform ation on this position is available on the m unicipal web site at www.northgrenville.ca/em ploym ent.cfm or contact Christa Stewart, Public W orks Clerk at 613-258-9569 Ext. 133 or cstewart@ northgrenville.on.ca. Closing Date is Friday, July 15 th , 2011 at 4:00 p.m .
On June 13th , Council passed a by-law that requires dogs to be on a leash not exceeding 2 m etres in length when off the property of the owner. A retractable leash m ay be used, provided it is lim ited to a m axim um of 2 m etres in length when approaching or in the presence of another anim al or person. Exceptions are included in the by-law for dogs when used for hunting, showing or training. A copy of the by-law is available on the Municipal web site or at the Reception Desk.
The Municipality of North Grenville
285 County Rd. 44, Box 130 Kemptville, ON. K0G1J0 www.northgrenville.ca general@northgrenville.on.ca Tel. 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building Tel. 613-258-4424 Fax 613-258-1441 Fire Dept. Info 613-258-2438 Fax 613-258-1031 fire@northgrenville.on.ca Police Administration Tel. 613-258-3441 Animal Control Tel. 613-862-9002
J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff
MacDougall left Carleton for McGill, getting his Masters and PhD in Clinical Psychology, studying the psychological impact of sensory deprivation and the link between deafness and literacy. Moving to Newfoundland’s Memorial University, he studied the impact of resettlement on cognitive development in children. From there, he went on to Rochester New York’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Then, back to McGill, where he spent 40 years teaching in the area of deafness and disability, and lead the Mackay Centre for Deaf and Disabled Children. His research is rooted in the everyday challenges faced by the Deaf and persons with disability. “Whether its children or adults,” says MacDougall, “I’ve been touched by the courage of extraordinary people.” Those people, in turn, have enabled valuable research. “The strength of clinically driven research is that it is both practical and sophisticated because of the problems it allows us to explore”. During one particularly complex case with a deaf Inuk in Nunavut who was said to have no language, MacDougall discovered the Inuit had their own sign language – Inuit Sign Language. His ability to extend clinical work beyond the hospital into the real world sets MacDougall apart. Working with advocacy groups such as the Canadian Hearing Society and the Canadian Association of the Deaf, he fought to ensure people with disabilities enjoy the full protection of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. His example brings The Ottawa Hospital a step closer to its vision of providing each patient with the world class care, exceptional service and compassion we would want for our loved ones. Nicolas Ruszkowski is VP Communications and Outreach at The Ottawa Hospital. Each week, he will share behind-the-scenes insight from the hospital. E-mail him at nruszkowski@toh.on.ca 473742
Don Munz moved to Kemptville from his native California nine years ago, and was immediately taken by the region’s rural heritage. The veteran artist says his perspective as a relative newcomer drove his interest in preserving Kemptville’s rich history as a mill and river town. Those efforts took the form of a partnership with art students at North Grenville District High School (NGDHS). Under Munz’s tutelage over the past three years, students have collaborated on three large scale outdoor murals of river scenes inspired by sketches Munz made of photos he found in the National Archives in Ottawa. The turn of the century steamships remind passersby in Old Town Kemptville of the area’s significant nautical tradition. The third of these murals was unveiled during the Dandelion Festival in late May. A scene of steamships ferrying passengers across a local waterway circa 1905 now greets those walking by the southern wall of Bodhi Tree Yoga on Prescott Street, joining sister murals decorating the walls outside the branch restaurant and Old Town Interiors. Munz sees the murals as part of the rebranding of Old Town as a heritage zone. “That’s what I was trying to do,” he said. “Because, see, these are all river towns. Merrickville, Kemptville, Manotick, and you could go on and on. They’re all on the river because the big Rideau was the freeway of its time. So I wanted to bring back a little of the significance of that. Even though South Branch to some is no more than a creek, at one time it was a very viable transportation route.” Barb Tobin teaches art at NGDHS. She has witnessed class after class learn from Munz’s experience and enthusiasm. “It’s great for the students, it’s great for the arts,” Tobin said of the unique partnership. The new mural is made of four aluminum panels with a plastic core, each measuring four feet by eight feet and screwed into a pressure-treated wooden frame. Over two semesters, Grade 11 and 12 students used outdoor sign paint to create the riverside scene. The finished product received two coats of UV protection to keep the vibrant colours bright in the sunshine. Munz, a former art and design instructor, hopes the students gained an appreciation for minding small details while seeing the big picture. During his weekly visits, he encouraged them to put down their laptops and try
Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
New mural recalls Kemptville’s history
Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
Be a donor Imagine having the potential to save eight lives and enhance 75 more. It’s all possible by registering online as an organ and tissue donor. More than 1,500 Ontarians are on the list waiting for an organ transplant. Every three days, someone in this province dies while waiting for a life-saving transplant. Thousands more are waiting for a tissue transplant that could help enhance their lives. You can change that. All you have to do is take a few minutes out of your day to register as an organ and tissue donor online. Signed donor cards are no longer an acceptable option; the card may not be available when the information is needed and your wishes will go unknown. The online registry stores your information in a Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care database and shares your decision to donate with the Trillium Gift of Life Network, Ontario’s organ and tissue donation agency. When you register, you ensure your decision to donate will be carried out in the event of your death – donation is only an option after all life-saving efforts have failed.
Granted, death is a morbid subject – especially when it comes unexpectedly. But your organs and tissue won’t do any good for anyone when they’re six feet under. Corneas could help a woman see the world around her. A skin graft could help a burn victim heal. A new pair of lungs could give a child with cystic fibrosis the breath to carry on. A new heart could give a father the chance to watch his son grow up. Anyone can donate regardless of pre-existing medical conditions and lifestyle. You can also choose what to give. The doctors assess the organs and tissue and make the decision from there as to what’s viable. The only requirement is that you are 16 years of age or older. Don’t leave the burden of choice up to your loved ones. Register online at www.beadonor.ca, visit a ServiceOntario centre or download and mail in the Gift of Life consent form to become an organ and tissue donor. Save a life. Save eight lives.
Yet another good reason to head for the lake Next week the fighting will start — the people who want to go off to the cottage for Canada Day against the people who want to stay in town and see Will and Kate. There are other subgroups, the people who want to stay in town to see the jazz festival and the people who want to stay in town for the fireworks, but that’s quite a different matter. You might think this upcoming battle is a battle of the sexes — the women wanting to see the royal couple and the men wanting to go fix the dock — but that’s old-fashioned stereotyped thinking. It’s more complicated than that. Back in April there were an awful lot of people, both male and female, who got up at five in the morning to watch the royal wedding on TV. Around that time, I remarked casually to a group of like-minded people that it was crazy and perhaps even un-Canadian of the CBC to send Peter Mansbridge over to London cover the wedding just three days before a Canadian federal election. Turns out that many people were less like-minded than I thought. There was much leaping to the defence of the CBC and defending of the historical impor-
CHARLES GORDON Funny Town tance of the royal wedding. This, of course, doesn’t mean I was wrong. Anyway, the whole argument will now start up again. Some people will say that the way to go about being a good Canadian on Canada Day is to go to a lake and do something with a canoe or a tree. In doing so we are honouring our ancestors and our heritage. Others will argue that the Crown is part of what makes Canada special and that we should salute it in person whenever the opportunity arises. Not all of these people are old codgers. Now, it’s true that the motorcade isn’t going to stop for them, nor will they be able to get close enough to salute, but it’s the thought that counts. It should also be noted that there is a
Serving North Grenville and area since 1855
113 Prescott St., P.O. Box 1402 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
rapidly growing number of Canadians whose heritage includes neither lakes and canoes nor royal couples from England. If you’re in that group, you might be very confused by it all, and should maybe just hang out at the jazz festival, where neither God Save the Queen nor O Canada is likely to be played. Mind you, you might hear the CF-18s and the 21 guns. One of the reasons the monarchy has survived so long in this country is that people tend to be rather good-natured about it. It helps that most of our royal visitors in recent times have been rather pleasant and it is difficult even for a committed republican to direct the necessary amount of outrage against them. Will and Kate, too, seem quite nice. If you want to work up a case against a royal visit it is necessary to search for some other reason. The only one that springs to mind is that having a princess in our midst might encourage more of our Canadian little girls to want to be princesses. Feminists and other sensible people have been worrying about the princess phenomenon for some time now — parents dressing their daughters up in frilly pink costumes, sometimes even with
Telephone: 613-258-3451 Fax: 613-258-0617
Lori Sommerdyk, District Service Rep, Kemptville Advance 613-221-6246 • For distribution inquires and re-delivery 1-877-298-8288 • Lori.sommerdyk@metroland.com Sales Rep. Drew Headrick
Reporter JP Antonacci
613-258-3451 613-221-6201 Regional General Manager John Willems Director of Advertising Paul Burton
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613-221-6202 Editor in Chief Deb Bodine
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613-258-3451 Associate Editor Joe Morin
613-258-3451 Circulation Supervisor, Janet Lucas,
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Managing Editor Suzanne Landis suzanne.landis@metroland.com
Classified and Digital Manager, Joshua Max josh.max@metroland.com
little crowns and tiaras. It is the result of a marketing ploy some people blame on the Disney empire. Whoever is at fault, it isn’t doing much to persuade our daughters to become doctors, engineers, soldiers, hockey players or any of the things they can be that don’t involve marrying princes. It’s unlikely that Kate, when she gets to Ottawa, will be wearing a crown or anything frilly and pink, but you can never be too careful, which is why heading for the lake isn’t such a bad idea. Everybody knows you can’t be a princess and climb a tree at the same time.
Editorial Policy The Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at www. yourottawaregion.com. To submit a letter to the editor, please email suzanne.landis@metroland.com or fax to 613-258-0716 or mail to: 113 Prescott Street Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0.
DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES - DISPLAY ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Monday is 9 a.m. Call 613-258-3451 (local) or 1-877-298-8288. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its employees or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All photographs and advertisements created by The Advance staff are the property of The Advance and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Please call or stop by the Kemptville office for Canadian, foreign and US rates.
613-221-6249 Director of Distribution, Elliot Tremblay elliot.tremblay@metroland.com
613-221-6204 Projects and Composing Manager Mark Saunders mark.saunders@metroland.com
Member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association & the Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Also a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations
Canada Day fun in North Grenville STAFF Those wondering how to celebrate Canada’s 144th birthday in style need look no further than North Grenville, where a full raft of activities will keep patriotic partiers busy from morning till night. Start the holiday bright and early with a scrumptious hot breakfast at the Kemptville Legion on Reuben Street from 8 to 10 a.m. Adult tickets are $5, and kids 12 and under get in for just $3. After you fuel up, head to Maplewood Park in Oxford Mills. Remove your caps for the singing of O Canada and the flagraising at 12 noon, and then rock the afternoon away with live music provided by Jones Street (John & Terry Brewer), Dave Scully, the Maplewood Ceilidh Band, and bluegrass favourites Grenville Grass. The kids can get their faces painted and try their hand at traditional games, while scarfing down some free cake for a sugar boost. For more substantial fare, the Lions Club concession stand will dish out hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks. A Farmers’ Market and critter display featuring spiders, snakes and lizards rounds out the fun in Oxford Mills. The action then moves back to Kemptville for the Rotary Club’s annual Canada Day parade, a perennial favourite that draws bigger and bigger crowds each year. The theme of this year’s parade is “Reaching Out to Humanity.” More than 40 groups and a diverse collection of honourees, prize-winning
floats, bands and dignitaries will again depart from the B&H parking lot at 4 p.m. and make their way along Clothier and Prescott Streets to finish at South Branch School on Concession Road. Again this year there will be a barbeque and evening entertainment on the University of Guelph Kemptville Campus groundse, along with a magic show, face painting, balloon art, juggling, fire eating, busking, and games on stage. For the first time in a long time, the Kemptville Rotary Duck Race will be held at 1 p.m. at Rotary Park and Prescott Street. The brave canards will tumble over the bridge into the creek and float their way to Curry Park. Adopt your duck for $5 apiece at M5 Digital, in Creekside Mall, Oxford Mills General Store, and Royal LePage Gale Real Estate at their new location in the Colonnade Mall. Duck race winners will be announced at the opening ceremony at 5 p.m. at the Main Stage beside Purvis Hall. The parade route will be packed with floats, but there is still room for a few more. If you would like to enter a float, call Anna Van Adrichem-Rochon at 2582706 or email aprochon@cogeco.ca. There is also table space available for groups, crafters, local businesses, and service clubs, at no charge. Call 613-2588336 x 61234 to reserve your table. Volunteers are needed to make the day a success. An hour or so of your time will make a big difference. Please call 613-2588336 x 61234 to get involved.
In October 2009, Rhea Ferguson’s father, Bill, was
diagnosed with esophageal gastric cancer at age 59. After successfully undergoing treatment at The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre, the family received some devastating news – the cancer was back, and this time, it was inoperable. Ferguson also knows more about the need for cancer research than the average person. She recently completed her Master’s degree in cancer epidemiology at McGill University, has worked with cancer researcher Dr. John Bell at The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) and is currently working as a database manager for the Hospital’s ovarian cancer bank. “Cancer research has always been a big passion for me,” said the 26-year-old Ottawa native. “There’s a history of cancer in my family. I lost all my grandparents to it.”
Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
Ferguson, who is riding as a member of the Cancer Trailblazers, the OHRI Cancer Centre team, said she reached her fundraising goal of $1,500 in just two weeks. “People are so generous,” she said. “Everyone knows someone who is affected by the disease. “It would be amazing to have another treatment option that is… not so hard on the body,” she said. “The research needs to continue.” With her father’s health rapidly declining, she said she will be thinking about him when she does the ride on Sept. 10. “I’m hoping to be able to tell him about it,” she said. To support Rhea Ferguson’s ride, or to join her mother, Sheila Ferguson, as a volunteer, visit www.ridetherideau.ca
Looking for a way to make a difference, she learned about Ride the Rideau, a 100 km cycling fundraiser from Ottawa to Merrickville to support cancer research at The Ottawa Hospital, and immediately signed up. “It’s raising money for where I work, and it’s going to where my dad was treated,” she said. “It was a perfect fit.” Ferguson’s mother, Sheila, also got on board as a Ride the Rideau volunteer.
Ride the Rideau participant Rhea Ferguson with her parents, Sheila and Bill.
“My mom and I are involved because my dad is dying of cancer,” she said. “We want to do something for him. It’s a personal cause for both of us.”
This space donated by Metroland Media
take action, heroes! VOLUNTEER TODAY AT RIDETHERIDEAU.CA You don’t have to get on a bike to make a difference. We’re looking for enthusiastic on-foot folks with the same passion as our cyclists. The success of Ride the Rideau will be directly related to volunteers like you. Seize the opportunity to change the world for the better—support cancer research at The Ottawa Hospital. Every hero has a date with destiny: yours is September 10, 2011. Our riders need your support. Are you in?
Happiness is a new nest column feeder. If you take an especially long time getting the bag open, the turkeys gather around your boots, looking up at you and warbling helpful advice. I want to meet the person who invented the feedbag string system and I want to kick them in the shins. On thirty-degree days I am often found in a damp, smelly chicken coop, fussing with the strings that are supposed to easily release with a tug on the knot on the opposite side and opposite end of the feed bag label. The bags are doublestitched all the way down the seam so you can’t just take an exacto knife or pair of scissors to it. Anyway, it can be trying. The turkeys also appreciate a clean, dry bed of hay, but they don’t go through it as quickly because they drink and eat at about one-tenth the speed of the chickens. They hardly eat or drink at all, actually, in comparison to the feathered beasts in the next pen. The only real complaint I have
The Accidental Farmwife about the turkeys is that they like to sneak into the new chick pens to snuggle down under the heat lamp. I come in the mornings to find the new chicks struggling to crawl out from under the bigger turkeys. So I took the turkeys out of the new chick pen and stretched chicken wire (aptly named) over the top of the pen. The next day I found the turkeys had been sitting on the wire, looking down and pooping on the little chicks below. So the Farmer moved the new chicks to their own pen in the lambing area. Now they are having a blast,
running around and hiding in the corners of their vast space. The Farmer used to keep his birds outside. He built them shelter from the elements and provided water in a long, low trough. I think the birds would enjoy being outside. My cats don’t seem to be intrigued by them at all and the sheep certainly wouldn’t bother them. The horse and donkey might be interested in the noise the birds make but if we fence off the area they should be safe. The Farmer says he has to clip the wings of the birds so that they don’t try to fly away. And then we have to make sure they have everything they need, and that the area has been bird-proofed. When I first visited the farm in 2006, the birds loved to sit on the cedar rail fence. This was fine until the birds got to such a weight (turkeys in particular) that they would fall off the fence and break their necks. So we have to watch for hazards
like that. But, as always, I think that a freerange animal is much happier and healthier than one that is kept in a room in the barn. And a Farmwife is much happier and healthier if she can get the darned feedbag open, which is now much easier since the Farmer pointed out that you open them from the zipline on the bottom.
Library use skyrockets Notes from North Grenville council J.P. ANTONACCI jp.antonacci@metroland.com
If you build it, they will come, hoped the Room to Read Campaign. And after the grand opening of the North Grenville Public Library in Old Town Kemptville, they’ve been proven right. In just its first two weeks, the library has issued 798 library cards to first-time users. That’s on top of the many users who came in to renew expired cards. The library system usually circulates 4,000 items in an average June, but this year 2,700 items have already come off the shelves at mid-month. Library cards are free for all residents, and the library has many summer programs for readers of all ages. Pay bills, mail strike or no June 30 is still the due date for residential tax bills and water
bills, despite the postal service disruption. Payments can be delivered in person to the Municipal Centre. Think pink or trash will stink The grace period for phasing out North Grenville’s green garbage bag tags has ended, meaning all residents must now use the pink bag tags, which cost $1.75 each. Any leftover green tags can be exchanged for new pink tags at the Municipal Centre, with residents paying the 25cent difference. Dandelion green thumb
Coun. Terry Butler reported that the Dandelion Festival achieved a 70 per cent waste diversion rate, saving many pounds of trash from the landfill. This excellent result was
NOTICE OF PASSING ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville passed By-Law 41-11 on the 13 th day of June, 2011, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, RSO, 1990, as am ended. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency m ay appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-Law by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of North Grenville not later than the 13th day of July, 2011, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-Law and the reasons in support of the objection. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies m ay appeal a Zoning By-Law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal m ay not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal m ay be filed in the nam e of an individual who is a m em ber of the association or the group on its behalf. A notice of appeal shall be accom panied by a cheque of $125.00 payable to the Minister of Finance, to address the Ontario Municipal Board appeal fee. AND no person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law passed, the person or public body m ade oral subm issions at a public m eeting or written subm issions to the council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Municipal Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-Law is as follows: Purpose:
The purpose of By-Law 41-11 is to am end the zoning on Part Lot 10, Concession 8 form Rural (RU) to Rural - special exception (RU84).
The effect of By-Law 41-11 is to reduce the m inim um required lot frontage from 60 m etres to 18.3 m etres.
thanks to the efforts of the Waste Reduction Committee, Sustainable North Grenville, and the many volunteers who stood by waste bins and cheerfully explained how to divide litter into recyclables, biodegradables, and organic waste. Fire safety for the hearing impaired Some 25,000 people in Leeds and Grenville have a hearing impairment, posing a particular challenge to fire prevention efforts. “If you can’t hear the alarm, you can’t get out,” noted Interim Fire Chief Harold Workman. The county is looking into developing an alarm system that will alert those with hearing problems in times of danger. Keep track of all the action in the municipality this summer by following @North_Grenville on Twitter.
Part Lot 10, Concession 8 Form er Township of Oxford-on-Rideau Municipality of North Grenville DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE THIS 23 rd DAY OF JUNE, 2011. Philip Gerrard, Senior Planner Municipality of North Grenville PO Box 130, 285 County Rd. 44 Kem ptville, Ontario K0G 1J0
If you want to make a bunch of chickens happy, spread new hay on the floor of their chicken coop. Don’t just run in there and dump a load of hay in front of them, however, or some of them will have heart attacks and keel over. Speak in an even tone as you slowly enter the room, pitchfork of hay in hand. Then softly and gently spread the hay around the floor, taking care to cover the particularly wet spots around the water feeder. Chickens hate getting wet. But they can ruin a layer of hay in about a day with their manure so you will likely have to come back again tomorrow with another load. The chickens’ propensity for heart attacks is just one reason why I prefer turkeys. Chickens also peck your feet and hands when you are trying to fill up their feeders. Turkeys just stand beside you as you fiddle with the strings on the feed bag and struggle to lift and pour the 40kg of feed into the metal
Visit us Online at yourottawaregion.com
Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
Alumni from throughout the 75-year history of North Grenville District High School (NGDHS) will have one last chance to walk the halls and reminisce about their high school days at the grand reunion celebration planned for Saturday September 17, 2011. “This will be an opportunity for the alumni and citizens of North Grenville to say goodbye to a dear old friend,” said Dan Maxwell of the NGDHS Reunion
Committee in a presentation at last Monday’s North Grenville council meeting. In September 2012, the new high school building on Concession Road will welcome its first class of students. Visitors can tour the present school, located on Prescott Street in Kemptville, from 2 to 4 p.m., and return that evening for a reception from 6 to 11 p.m. Maxwell said the committee is using social media such as Facebook to connect with as many alumni as they can find – and there are plenty out there. Former students are encouraged to join the Face-
book group “NGDHS 75th Anniversary Reunion” and join in the class activities. Registration forms to attend the reunion are available from local merchants and can be dropped off at the school office. The committee expects online registration to soon launch at www.ngdhs75. ca. Registration deadline is August 30. Tickets are $30 per person or $50 per couple, and include admission to the tour and reception. Former NGDHS teacher Graeme Roy is looking forward to the chance to see former students and colleagues and “say
goodbye to the old girl.” The committee welcomes any photos from the school’s history for a slide show during the reception. Photos can be submitted through the website or emailed to photos@ngdhs75.ca. For more than 15 years, the reunion committee has awarded bursaries of $1,000 to graduating students, and Maxwell said any profit realized from the reunion would go toward the bursary fund. The group is also looking into providing a legacy gift for the new school. The school was founded in 1936.
Canada Day in Osgoode
NOTICE OF PASSING ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville passed By-Law 39-11 on the 13 th day of June, 2011, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, RSO, 1990, as am ended.
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville passed By-Law 40-11 on the 13 th day of June, 2011, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, RSO, 1990, as am ended.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency m ay appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-Law by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of North Grenville not later than the 13th day of July, 2011, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-Law and the reasons in support of the objection. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies m ay appeal a Zoning By-Law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal m ay not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal m ay be filed in the nam e of an individual who is a m em ber of the association or the group on its behalf. A notice of appeal shall be accom panied by a cheque of $125.00 payable to the Minister of Finance, to address the Ontario Municipal Board appeal fee.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency m ay appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-Law by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of North Grenville not later than the 13th day of July, 2011, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-Law and the reasons in support of the objection. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies m ay appeal a Zoning By-Law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal m ay not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal m ay be filed in the nam e of an individual who is a m em ber of the association or the group on its behalf. A notice of appeal shall be accom panied by a cheque of $125.00 payable to the Minister of Finance, to address the Ontario Municipal Board appeal fee.
AND no person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law passed, the person or public body m ade oral subm issions at a public m eeting or written subm issions to the council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Municipal Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
AND no person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law passed, the person or public body m ade oral subm issions at a public m eeting or written subm issions to the council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Municipal Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-Law is as follows:
An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-Law is as follows:
The purpose of By-Law 39-11 is to am end the zoning on 669 South Gower Drive from Rural (RU) to Rural - special exception (RU-11)
The purpose of By-Law 40-11 is to am end the zoning on 103 Clothier Street East from Com m ercial General (C1) to Com m ercial General - special exception (C1-8).
The effect of By-Law 39-11 is to perm it a range of com m ercial and residential uses on 669 South Gower Drive.
The effect of By-Law 40-11 is to perm it relief from the apartm ent play space area requirem ent.
669 South Gower Drive Part of Lot 6, Concession 6 Form er Township of South Gower, Municipality of North Grenville
103 Clothier Street East Part of Lots 31 and 32, North Side of Clothier Street East Plan 11, Geographic Town of Kem ptville. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE THIS 23 rd DAY OF JUNE, 2011.
Philip Gerrard, Senior Planner Municipality of North Grenville PO Box 130, 285 County Rd. 44 Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0
Philip Gerrard, Senior Planner Municipality of North Grenville PO Box 130, 285 County Rd. 44 Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0
Osgoode will be abuzz with activities for all ages on July 1. See the schedule below for all the excitement: Noon-2 p.m. Agility Dog Show at Diamond B (closest to Philip Street) Noon-4 p.m. Children’s Activities including: Magician, Face painting, Balloon twisting, Mad scientist at Diamond B and parking lot. The “go green” Scavenger Hunt replaces the car rally. Start the hunt at the Community Centre. Big Sky Ranch petting zoo in front of the Community Centre. Bouncy castle (and other bouncy games) next to Diamond B. 12-4 p.m. Strawberry Festival, Ovens Berry Farm, at the Community Centre 2-3 p.m. Wife Carrying Contest at Diamond B 3-4 p.m. Blindfold Husband Race at Diamond B 3-5 p.m. BBQ organized by Osgoode Seniors outside the Community Centre 4:45 p.m. Bike Decorating Contest at St. Paul’s Church 4-6:30 p.m. Pie sale by the ladies of St. James’ Church in the Community Centre 5 p.m. Parade led by the Sam Scott Memorial Pipe Band begins at Nixon and Osgoode Main St 6 p.m. Stage show with Samuel Scott Memorial Pipe Band, The Cow Guys, The Gallaghers, Sir John A MacDonald, Scottish Dancing, The Alimah Dancers (belly dancing extraordinaire) Sir John A. MacDonald will be attending in person at approximately 8:30 p.m. In his honour, all spectators are encouraged (but not required) to wear period costume. 10 p.m. Fireworks display at Diamond B For your comfort, bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket and bug spray for the stage show and fireworks.
Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
High school 75th reunion to draw alumni to “hallowed halls”
Chamber News...The Voice of Business & Information in North Grenville check the Chamber’s Website for the latest in Chamber News, New Members, Grand Openings, Chamber Events, etc. www.northgrenvillechamber.com
Congratulations to New Chamber Member and New Business to North Grenville Healthy Pets Boutique on Grand Opening
Pictured L-R: Owner Ralph Schuh, Chamber Director John P. Wilson, FFC; Owner Debra Blimkie Schuh, Councillor Tim Sutton, Kelly Fields Bain, Store Manager, MP Steve Clark, Mayor Dave Gordon, Councillor Terry Butler and Council/Chamber Liaison Councillor Barb Tobin all joined in the celebration of Healthy Pets Boutique on Sat. June 11, 2011. Wife and Husband team, Debra and Ralph, have lovingly restored their location; bringing it back to it’s original charm and are the owners of the building, too. Their new Kemptville location is located at 115 Prescott Street and is a delight to Pets and Pet owners, alike! Many customers were on hand for the opening and enjoyed the many special draws and prizes offered to celebrate the event. Check out more images of the shop and be sure to visit yourself… you will be delighted with the many unique and healthy products to share with your pet, too! Healthy Pets Boutique also has a location in Brockville, Ontario.
Chamber Member Butler’s Victorian Pantry Makes changes to grow their Business
Josie and Terry Butler have moved their Tea Room to the front of their building to increase the area for visitors and customers to enjoy their products and services. There will be some minor renos taking place to give the Tea room a more street-front prominence. Be sure to drop into Butler’s Victorian Pantry to enjoy Josie’s homemade fare and the many ‘tea’ selections that the Tea Room has to offer.
Time to Think about what Sponsorship Level you will participate in for the Chamber’s 20th Annual Golf tournament planned for Friday, September 9, 2011 to be held at eQuinelle Golf Club this year. Contact the Chamber for all the details. Also, Time to book your Booth for the Fall Chamber HOME SHOW in partnership with the Forest Fair of Eastern Ontario. This is the Chamber’s 6th Annual Event that grows bigger in attendance each year. The Chamber is looking for Business After Hours Sponsors for September, October and November. This is a great opportunity to Showcase Your Business as the featured business/ organization of the evening as well as to network with fellow and future members of the Chamber. The Chamber also encourages members to volunteer for the Chamber at least once annually. This is a great help to the Chamber and helps Members have a better understanding of the role the Chamber plays in our Community, too! Contact the Executive Director to learn how.
Customers enjoying a visit and tea in the new front area of the building, with access from the street level.
Thank You to The Advance - a Major Chamber Member Partner of the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce
Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
The second annual Kemptville Father’s Day Show and Shine Car Show enjoyed perfect weather on the weekend. The Sunday, June 19 show at Riverside Park featured everything the car enthusiast might want to see, including a burnout competition (pictured). The afternoon was courtesy of the Highway 43 Car Club and the proceeds from the afternoon went to the Kemptville Salvation Army food bank. There were more than 350 classic cars and trucks from all over the region. The winner of the burnout was Jeremy Bell from Almonte.
Your Membership in the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce
Is an Investment in your Community!
Be “SEEN” as part of the Business Community…
www.northgrenvillechamber. com
*Everyone is Talking about it! Thurs. June 29 BC Sponsored by: Trojan Acres Studio Topic: *Cloud Computing Presenter: Cirrus Computing *Location - TBA *Based on #’s attending
Chamber Member Cost: $25.00 Future Member $40.00
RSVP/Register Today!
FALL HOME SHOW NG Chamber Fall *HOME SHOW & **Forest Fair of Eastern Ontario Saturday, Oct. 1 *Municipal Centre **Ferguson Forest Centre
“NG Chamber 20th Annual Golf Tournament”
Friday, Sept. 9, 2011 eQuinelle Golf Course Catered Affairs *Dinner Sponsor (portion WGP Chartered Accountants 2011 Putting Contest Sponsors. To become a Sponsor -Contact the Chamber, now!
September BAH - Wed. Sept. 14 Contact the Chamber to be the Sponsor September BC - Wed. Sept. 28 Watch for details on this event
5 Clothier Street East T (613) 258-4838 F (613) 258-3801 Kemptville 72-Hour Cancellation Notice Required for all Events Register for
Chamber Events
Always Visit our Website at www.northgrenvillechamber.com for the latest!
Contact the Chamber For Details on How you may Participate in & Support Chamber Events Congratulations to The Academy of Expressive Dance on their 20th Year in Business!
Email: info@northgrenvillechamber.com on-line: www.northgrenvillechamber.com
Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
Jazz cafe at Metcalfe Public
JOSEPH MORIN joe.morin@metroland.com
If music is food for the soul then students at Metcalfe Public School are enjoying a feast. Osgoode residents have been enjoying the music of the Osgoode Township High School Jazz Band for years. This past May, the newly created Metcalfe Public School jazz band and the students and parents were able to join with the high school jazz band for a great musical performance. Metcalfe Public School has had, for years, a strong and enthusiastic music department.
This year, the school introduced jazz to its musical students with the creation of the Metcalfe Public School jazz band. Music teacher Carol Ann Stewart has hosted, along with the Osgoode Township High School jazz band, a special evening of jazz over the years at the Trinity Bible Church. The event is called the Jazz Cafe. This year, the organizers of the annual evening of jazz decided to hold it at the Metcalfe Public School gymnasium. Volunteers transformed the gymnasium into the Jazz Cafe. The big day was May 27. What made the evening so special was the performance of the newly formed
*Cabinetry excluded *Special orders require payment in full prior to order being placed
Metcalfe Public School jazz band. “It was awesome,� Stewart said. “I knew it was a success when I needed to call for more coffee,� she joked. The new jazz band is made up of Grade 7 and 8 students. Cathy Graham, a parent and member of the Band Boosters for the Osgoode Township High School Band, said, “They played an excellent performance, showcasing a talented group of young musicians who have only been playing their instruments for a short time.� Graham estimates there were around 175 people at the jazz cafe. Getting young children to take an interest in music in general and jazz in particular is not always easy. “I have to be encouraging all the time,� Graham said. “As time goes on the younger children will want to be in the jazz band.� She added that the parents see what their children are able to do and they are very supportive. The high school jazz band has been around for years. Directed by Craig
Sheridan, the band is made up of talented students from Grades 9 to 12. “We are always trying to get more involved with the elementary schools,� said Sheridan. The band director pointed out that he will be losing several Grade 12 students this year from the band as they graduate. Fortunately, some of them have brothers and sisters who will be moving up from Metcalfe Public. In a sense, the public school will help focus the talent and direction of students with musical abilities. When they go into Grade 9, the idea of continuing their music will not be so foreign to them. Meanwhile Graham has already started to make plans for the public school’s next big performance. She is thinking about a Christmas concert called “A Regal Celebration.� The concert would take students in a different direction as they dive into Christmas music.
See 1000 Islands Mall Showroom for Best Selection
,?7,9; (+=0*, Â&#x2039; 8<(30;@ 796+<*;:
Theresa Peddell
St. James Anglican. Clothier St. W. Sunday service, 8am and 10am. Sunday School at 10am service. Reverend Canon Peggy Hudson.
Retail Sales Manager
Kemptville Pentecostal Church. 1964 County Road 43 - Kemptville. Sunday services: 10:00am and 6:30pm. Sunday School during service. Reverend Steven Kohls.
Free Methodist. North Grenville Community Church (2659 Concession). 10:30 a.m Sunday Service 613-258-4815. Senior Pastor Reverend Daniel C. Massey. www.ngccfm.ca.
Roman Catholic. Holy Cross Church (505 Clothier St. W). Mass Times: Sat: 5pm, Sun: 9 & 11 am. Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Liturgy during 11am Mass. Father Andrew Shim.
Kemptville Christian Reformed Church. (2455 County Rd. 18/ Clothier St. W) 10:00 a.m and 6:30 p.m Sunday Services. Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Worship during morning service, Sunday School following a.m serThe Anglican Parish of Oxford. vice. Reverend Benjamin Ponsen. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A BIG Country Welcomeâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;˘ St. Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s - Garretton â&#x20AC;˘ St. Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s - St. Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s United Church, 256 North Augusta â&#x20AC;˘ St. Anneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s - Oxford South Gower Drive - Heckston. Station. The Reverand Matthew 11:00 am Service. Reverend Blair Kydd, 613-345-2022. Paterson.
Bishop's Oxford Pastoral Charge. Service at 10:00 am, 1st. & 3rd Sundays at St. Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s United Church Bishopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mills, 2nd & 4th Sundays at Oxford Mills United Southgate Community Church Church. Minister: Reverend Paul F. 1303 French Settlement Rd. , Vavasour Kemptville. 9:00am & 10:40am. Southgatechurch.com St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s United Church, 400 Ben Last â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lead Pastor Prescott Street 10:00 AM Sunday Service with a nursery and Church Presbyterian. Kemptville & school. Rev. Lynda Harrison officiMountain Pastoral Charge. ating. Offices open Tues 8:30 am Rev. Samer Kandalaft. St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s - 4 pm, and Wed - Fri 8:30 am - 12 Kemptville - 10:45am. Sunday pm. Phone 613-258-3259 or e-mail Service - Church School - Nursery. stjohnsk@magma.ca. Calendar of Knox Mountain Service - 9:15am. events available at www.kemptvilleunitedchurch.org Building is fully accessible.
Nancy Sherwood Mobile Mortgage Specialist When Nancy moved to the area 27 years ago, she never imagined the growth that is currently happening, with a new shopping mall and the relocation of Kemptvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Scotiabank branch to a new building that offers complete banking services for everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ďŹ nancial needs. As an employee of this branch for 13 years, she is now able to bring the ofďŹ ce to her clients at their convenience. With so many ďŹ nancial options available to homeowners, Nancy knows that choice helps keep clients long and short term goals on track. And with the Scotia Total Equity Plan, customers can manage their mortgage, line of credit, personal loans and visa products all in one simple package. Nancy will use your long and short term goals to create a borrowing strategy that will be customized to your borrowing needs now and in the future. Whether you are looking to switch your current mortgage to Scotiabank, purchase your dream home, renovate or looking for a secured line of credit at an attractive low rate, the right plan for you is just a phone call away. Scotiabank has been in Kemptville since 1895 and is one of the areas best corporate sponsor. Nancy is proud to work for a Canadian-owned business that aims to have a presence in communities, whether small or international. With â&#x20AC;&#x153;Freedom and Flexibilityâ&#x20AC;? as her favorite saying, give Nancy a call to see what options are waiting for you. After all, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re richer than you think.
HARMONY COMMUNITY CHURCH, 12010 Ormond Road, Winchester. Sunday Service 9:15am Adult Bible Class10:30am Morning Worship 613-774-5170 Rev. D.B. North, Pastor.
What We Need In Life For someone to be content, joyful and at peace in this life, I believe that they need the following: faith and trust in God, to give love and be needed, meaningful work, and something to look forward to. One could argue that this is only the tip of the iceberg, and that there are many other things that should be included if we are to be content with our lives, such as good health, money, etc. There are relatively few people in life with perfect health or a lot of money, but true happiness is indeed a blessing from God. Our awareness and gratitude for all the good things that have been given to us should bring joy and happiness to our hearts, and we should always give thanks to our Heavenly Father for how much He loves us. We can be confident that God wants His people to be full of joy and to have peace in their lives. The Bible tells us that He will protect those who love Him, and they will be truly happy.
Nancy Sherwood Scotiabank Mortgage Development Manager Kemptville, Brockville and Surrounding area Cell: (613)868-1290 Fax: (613)248-4953 nancy.sherwood@scotiabank.com
May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the holy Spirit you may abound in hope. R.S.V.
Romans 15:13
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Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
11 Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
2011 FIREFIGHTING CHAMPIONS Yard Salers Announcing REAL Deal Summer Saturdays!!
Friday, June 24 – Make a Deal Friday July 1 – Closed for Canada Day July 2 – Summer Saturdays start for the summer, The REAL Deal will open 8:30 a.m. Saturdays Each Summer Saturday we’ll feature extra in-store yard sale specials as well as our monthly sales July sales: Gardening & patio – 30% off Windows & doors – 40% off • Venetian blinds – 2/$3 Vases – Buy 1, Get 1 Free The REAL Deal Reuse Store 85 William St. West, Smiths Falls (Opposite the Railway Museum) Thurs., Fri., 10 – 4, Sat. 8:30 – 4 www.REALaction.ca 613-283-7999 A project of the charity
The Kemptville Fire Department won the Eastern Ontario Firefighters’ Association (EOFA) competition at their annual convention on June 18 in Athens. The department won the Iroquois Firefighters Memorial Cup for the most points, and brought home five first place finishes, two seconds and three top spots for their band, the KFD Pipe and Drum band, and for being the best department on parade. Next summer marks the 100th anniversary of the EOFA, and the convention will be held in Kemptville on June 23 at the North Grenville Municipal Centre. In the above photo front row, left to right, are: Hal Thompson, Scott Carson, Bill Kinnear, Richard Aldham, Andrea Briggs, Kerry Harris, and Kelly Seeley. Back row, left to right, are: Kevin Graham, Howard Wilson, Brad Jackson, Dan Gordon, Zen Stefani, Bill Finlay, Jared Lamer, Tim Bond, Charlie Bond and Chief Harold Workman.
Rideau Environmental Action League A REAL Change for the Better
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Firefighters Bill Finley and Hal Thompson hang onto the hose during the water competition.
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Auto Check (For Your Safety)
Carter Seeley gets into the mood with his fire truck during the convention in Athens.
Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
Arnprior Shopping Centre 375 Daniel St. S, Arnprior • 613-623-4202
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14 Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
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The Kemptville Storm continues to grow
10:00 am Sharp viewing from 8:00 am on day of sale
Girls hockey in North Grenville has never been better. The Kemptville Storm is getting stronger each season. Last season the league offered twelve teams for girls ages six to 21 playing in the Ottawa District Women’s Hockey Association. The coming hockey season promises to be busier than ever for the Storm. Last season there were 163 Storm players registered with Ottawa District Minor Hockey League. Check website for updated photos. Come early. There was a time when girls who Canteen available on site, bring a chair wanted to play hockey in the KemptCash, Cheque with ID ville area had to look outside of where they lived to find a girls team. Auctioneers: Brian & Blake Corbin 613-623-3137 ext 104 or 613-623-6033 That all changed in 1994. Website for listing & gallery website: corbinauctioneering.ca Sarah Bennett, a former Storm playEmail: corbinauctions@gmail.com er and now finishing off her Masters Owner or Auctioneer Not Responsible in case of Theft or Accident
Contents of wood working shop Wood an Metal working equipment includes: Brand new boiler viessmann, Router tables, Drill presses, Craftex jointer, Walker/Turner band saw, 14” Makita circular saw, Yates shaper, Miller arc welder, Fairbanks metal lathe, Northfield uni point saw, jGorton milling machine, Belt sander, Ingersoll Rand compressor, Ridge table saw with foot brake Wood: Assorted cherry wood, Reclaimed barn boards and beams, 6” crown moldings, Hand hewn beams Miscellaneous: Broad axe, Square nails, assorted hand tools both new and vintage, Bar clamps, Molder head, Lumber carts Many more items, only partial listing at printing
degree in public history in Ottawa, has never forgotten how she became a Storm alumni. She remembers when there was no formal girls hockey league in Kemptville. “This will be the 18th season for the Kemptville Storm; however the history of girls hockey in Kemptville reaches back to the 1970’s when local girls created their own informal mixed age pick-up league,” said Bennett. By the 1980’s and 1990’s the informal league had disappeared. But interest in the idea of a girls league was still high in Kempville, and girls were joining boys teams. There were a few players who were not all that happy to have to play their favourite sport on a boys team. Robin Sheedy and Melissa Bennett, Sarah’s older sister, were two eleven-
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year-old hockey players who wanted a girls team. Robin remembers, “The boys were not always welcoming.” In 1994 Robin had already decided that Kemptville needed a girls league. “It was too far to drive into Nepean each week,” she said. Robin had started her hockey journey as a ringette player. She then switched to hockey and played for the Kemptville Royal Bank boys team and the Nepean girls team in the 1993-1994 season. Sarah explained how the league came into being. “Robin convinced Melissa, who at the time was playing with her brother on the Kemptville Jarvis team, that they needed to start a girls team.” The girls managed to get their parents involved, and the girls then organized the team. GIRLS see page 17
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Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
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Girls hockey keeps growing in North Grenville The first coach for the new team was Debbie Wilson who had been coaching girls hockey in the 1970’s. “It was a lot of fun working with girls at that age,” she remembers. These days Wilson is still involved with girls hockey. She runs the Kemptville Ladies Hockey league. “We still have some of the girls who played on that first Storm team in the ladies league,” she said. Wilson said the plan from the beginning of the Storm was to expand it year after year. Registration was handled by Len Sheedy and the financial end of things was looked after by Brian Lamour. That first team was a challenge. “A few girls had played before,” said Wilson, “but there were a few who could hardly stand up.” Coach Wilson remembers their first game. “In our first game we lost 20 nothing,” she said. “At the end of the season we won the Pee Wee house league championship.”
She has fond memories of those early days. “I still have, after all these years, the sweatshirt the girls gave me with the team picture and all of their signatures.” Rosemary Bennett, a hockey mom, served for three years as a convener on the Ottawa Board. “We are a hockey family,” she said. “We had seven girls in June that year,” she remembers. “We got sponsors and had jerseys. By Christmas we had 15 girls. I think these girls deserve a lot of respect.” The Kemptville District Minor Hockey Association (KDMHA) has focused on growing girls hockey over the years – as part of a successful Trillium grant application of $18,600 in 2003, $12k of this amount was directed to the Storm program for purchasing jerseys, goalie equipment, and holding events such as the “Storm Surge” to attract girls to hockey. “Storm league is a real source of pride for the KDMHA,” said president
Bart Millson. “While many other neighbouring associations have tried to build a similar girls program, nothing parallels the success of the Storm for a mostly rural hockey association as KDMHA.”
Continued from page 16 Len Sheedy and the two girls came up with the name and the colours of the teams sweaters. “The Anaheim Ducks were popular back then,” remembers Sheedy. “So we went with purple and gold.” Next, a logo had to be designed. “We sat around and designed the logo. It was a puck shooting snowflakes. It is well entrenched these days,” he said. “I am very happy about it.” An Atom team was created, featuring two lines of players and one reluctant goalie. Melissa had previously played forward with her brother but, she remembers, “No one wanted to play net and I was one of the few who could skate, so I ended up as goalie.” Melissa borrowed goalie equipment for the season. That first year the inaugural team did well, winning the B division of the playoffs against teams from Ottawa, Kanata, Aylmer, Nepean, Gloucester and Brockville.
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Schuck, Garth James It is with great sadness that the family of Garth James Schuck announce his tragic and unexpected passing on Sunday, May 22, 2010 at the age of 24 years. Garth will always be lovingly remembered by parents Elsie and Gary, his sister Tara, brother Ryan (Becky and nephew Cohen), daughter Emmi, and grandparents Ernie and Helen Schuck. Garth was born November 27, 1986. He attended grew up in Kemptville and spent his last years in Edmonton, Alberta. A memorial service celebrating Garth’s life will be held June 26th at 3:00 p.m. at the North Grenville Community Church in Kemptville.
Happy 75th birthday to an Angel Angel Addis nee: Angeltvedt born June 22, 1936 in Provost Alberta was raised on a large farm with her four siblings and parents from Norway. She travelled the world extensively with family and while in the air force as a recreation specialist, this slim, blue eyed blond had a hand in modeling in France. She married Kenneth John Addis (deceased) in 1959 in Germany and raised three children, Ken Jr., Deena and Sean and has two grandchildren, Zack and Kristin. Angel has been heavily involved with sports, politics, volunteering with the horticultural club, flower competitions and crafts and for years grew over 40 different vegetables in her garden in which she donated many baskets to the community for fundraising. She believes truly in giving back. We as her grandchildren and children thank her for her support, encouragement and wisdom—but most of all we thank her for her love, faith and hope. A very happy 75th birthday to our angel Your Family CL24872-24-11
No Flowers please. Those who so desire may make memorial donations in Garth’s memory to the Benevolent Fund of the North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Road, Kemptville, K0G1J0. CL25011
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LIFESAVING SOCIETY SWIM LESSONS LMR Countryfitness Is once again offering swimming lessons during the months of July and August. Lifesaving Society program consists of 8 classes per swimming level, dates and times are flexible.
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North Grenville Accessible Transportation Driver. Occasional, part time, working with elderly and disabled. Class G licence. Call 613-2239765 or email: ngat@wubs.ca. PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1,000 weekly mailing brochures from home. 100% legit! Income is guaranteed! No experience required. Enrol today! www.national-workers.com Star Fleet Trucking HIRING! DRIVERS, FARMERS, RANCHERS and RETIREES needed with 1-ton pickup trucks to deliver new travel trailers fifth wheels from US manufacturers to dealers throughout Canada. Free IRP plate for your truck and low insurance rates! Prefer commercial licence or 3 years’ towing experience. Top pay! Call Craig, 1-877-8904523. www.starfleet trucking.com
Position Available: Multimedia Sales Specialist Summary The Multimedia Sales Specialist works as a key member of the Advertising team by participating and driving specific online sales and initiatives, as well as supporting customers, relative to an online product they have purchased. Their goals are to manage, maximize and grow customer satisfaction levels, while focusing on fulfilling the needs of advertisers, through alignment with Metroland Media services. Responsibilities Responsibilities for this role are heavily focused on sales activities for Metroland Digital properties, with the embedded understanding of customer relationship management and service. 1. Outbound sales acquisition activity to local businesses promoting digital products. 2. Plan and prioritize personal sales activities and customer/prospect contact towards achieving agreed business aims, including costs and sales - especially managing personal time and productivity. 3. Plan and manage personal business portfolio according to an agreed market development strategy. 4. Manage product/service mix, pricing and margins according to agreed aims. 5. Maintain and develop existing and new customers through appropriate propositions and ethical sales methods. 6. Use customer and prospect contact activities tools and systems, and update accordingly. 7. Plan/carry out/support local marketing activities to agreed budgets and timescales, and integrate personal sales efforts with other organized marketing activities, e.g., product launches, promotions, advertising, exhibitions and telemarketing. 8. Respond to and follow up sales enquiries using appropriate methods. 9. Monitor and report on market and competitor activities and provide relevant reports and information. 10. Communicate, liaise, and negotiate internally and externally using appropriate methods to facilitate the development of profitable business and sustainable relationships. 11. Attend and present at external customer meetings and internal meetings with other company functions necessary to perform duties and aid business development. 12. Attend training and develop relevant knowledge, techniques and skills. 13. Adhere to health and safety policy, and other requirements relating to care of equipment.
Requirements Qualified candidates should possess: • Proven track record of achieving and exceeding measurable goals • Outbound B2B calling experience • Experience in managing a portfolio of clients • The ability to function in a deadline driven environment • Demonstrated superior customer relationship skills • Good communication skills, both verbal and written • The ability to work efficiently independently or as a part of a team • Excellent organizational skills, along with a high level of attention to detail and the ability to multi-task • Working and functional knowledge of the MS Windows and Office suites, as well as functional and navigational knowledge of the Internet
BACHELOR APARTMENT in Kemptville (Prescott Street), approximately 200 sq. ft. Laundry facilities available. $500/month including heat and hydro. NO PETS. Private entrance with balcony. 613-826-3455.
Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
Interested candidates are requested to forward their resume and cover letter by June 27, 2011 to: josh.max@metroland.com. Please reference “Multimedia Sales Specialist” in the Subject Line. We would like to thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those being considered for an interview will be contacted.
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Kemptville Advance - JUNE 23, 2011
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Community Calendar WHERE WHAT
June 23
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 589 Osgoode hosts a free Seniors Bingo. 1 p.m. start. Strawberries and beverages to follow.
June 24
Oxford Mills
Matt’s Musical Coffeehouse 2011. A fundraiser for NET Ministries. Maplewood Hall, 7 p.m. Enjoy refreshments and music from local artists. Free will donation. For more info, call Matt at 258-3044 or netcanada.ca.
June 25
Spencerville Mill Golf Tournament. Singles, pairs or foursomes welcome for the Mill’s main fundraiser. Tee off at 12:30 p.m. Steak dinner and silent auction at 6 p.m. Golf and dinner $75; Dinner only $30. Register at Purcell Insurance in Spencerville, by phone at 342-1745, or at lylehenderson@cogeco.ca.
June 26
East Oxford
Memorial Service at St. Matthew’s Cemetery. 2 p.m. Please bring own lawn chairs. In case of rain, service moves to Patterson Corners, Kemptville Snowmobile Club. Anniversary Service at St. Andrew’s United Church with speaker Dr. Garth Mundle. Lunch to follow.
June 26
Kemptville District Little League Fun Day at Riverside Park. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. All kids invited. Circus Delight entertainment, BBQ, games and 50/50 draw. Entry fee is by donation. Exhibition game at 1 p.m. Call Claire at 258-6470 or askmeone@sympatico.ca.
June 26
Kemptville Kinsmen Farmers’ Market in Riverside Park. 2 to 4 p.m. 40+ vendors. 774-5051 or kemptvillefarmersmarket.ca
June 27,29 & July 1
Kemptville and Area Walking Group meets at 9 a.m. at the Municipal Centre. 258-4487.
June 29
Baby Talk at Ontario Early Years Centre. 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Breastfeeding support available.
June 30
Strawberry Social at St. Andrew’s United Church. Full course meal. Adults: $12.50, children up to 12: $6, tots: free. Takeouts call Helen at 989-2800 before June 26.
July 1
Kemptville Legion Canada Day Breakfast. 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. 100 Reuben St. Adults: $5; children under 12: $3. Tickets at the door. All welcome!
July 1
Oxford Mills
Canada Day Celebration in Maplewood Park by the Oxford Mills Community Association. Flag raising at noon, then live music, Farmers’ Market, critter display and demo, cake, games and face painting until 3 p.m. Call 258-2426 or info@maplewoodhall.ca
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11th Annual Merrickville Car Show. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Merrickville Agricultural Fairgrounds and throughout town. Mick Armitage Band from 10 to 3. Free for the public; $5 per car show entrant. Visit merrickvillecarshow.com or call 269-3863.
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Want to submit an event to appear on this calendar? Let us know within 3 weeks of the event by emailing joe.morin@metroland.com 11 Somerville Road P.O. Box 880, Kemptville, ON www.wgpcas.ca
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June 26
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