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KIDNAPPERS GUILTY Trio sentenced in April 2010 home invasion
Serving Kemptville, Merrickville, Winchester and surrounding area Volume 156 Issue No. 28
PROSPERITY NOW North Dundas looks ahead with new economic development officer.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
North Grenville names new fire chief Paul Hutt takes command August 1
Kemptville teen gains great work experience running her own snack stand thanks to a grant from Summer Company.
THE RIGHT NOTES South Branch musicians triumph at music festival thanks to engaging repertoire.
J.P. ANTONACCI jp.antonacci@metroland.com
Community outreach and educating the public about fire safety are top priorities for Paul Hutt, who will become North Grenville’s new fire chief on August 1, replacing interim chief Harold Workman. Hutt has been a rural sector chief with City of Ottawa Fire Service (OFS) for the past five years, where he managed four stations and 125 volunteers in areas including North Gower, Osgoode and Metcalfe. He beat out a field of approximately 30 candidates vying to fill the post held for more than two decades by former chief Tim Bond, who retired at the end of May. In an interview shortly after the announcement, Hutt said he is impressed by North Grenville’s committed core of volunteer firefighters. “I’m very much excited for it,” he said. “I love the interaction with the firefighters, be it 125 or 40. I think that’s one of the most exciting parts of my job. I love the camaraderie; I love the dedication that firefighters show. We’re all there for one goal, and that’s to help the community, and to help out during emergencies.” FIRE see page 2
Brian Wilson Photo
BIG SKY RANCH HOSTS ANIMALFEST IN KEMPTVILLE The seventh annual AnimalFest was a great time for children and parents to reconnect with their favourite friends. More than 500 visitors came to enjoy an afternoon of furry fun at the Walmart parking lot in Kemptville on Saturday, July 9. The annual event is hosted by Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary. Big Sky Ranch relies entirely on the funds, energy and efforts of volunteers and the general public. Over the years the ranch has rescued more than 1,600 animals, from dogs and cats to horses. They have been a registered charity since 2002 and their adoption program has enjoyed tremendous success. In this photo, these children give some extra special and appreciated attention to Rawley, one of the greyhounds up for adoption. Left to right are: Skye Boulet, Melissa McBean, Rawley and Linnea Boulet. Standing behind the children is Lynda Seed from Adopt-A-Greyhound.
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2 Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Fire Chief hired Value Pack
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Though he grew up and still lives between Greely and Osgoode, where he became a volunteer firefighter in 1993, Hutt said he has many friends and relatives who work in Kemptville and North Grenville. He looks forward to getting to know the community even better. “With any job you take, there are challenges, but what excites me is that the growth of North Grenville is amazing. It’s a beautiful community that’s attracting a lot of residents, and as such, from an emergency services perspective, you have to take that into consideration,” he said. The appointment was announced at last Monday’s Committee of the Whole meeting. “Council and management are very excited to welcome Mr. Hutt to be part of our municipality and our senior management team. We are confident he will lead the department to new heights as it serves our growing community,” said Mayor David Gordon. In an email informing city council and fire services staff of the appointment, Ottawa fire chief John deHooge called Hutt “an integral part of developing and integrating the rural operations of the OFS.” After Ottawa’s amalgamation in 2001, Hutt volunteered with OFS, eventually becoming captain. In 2006, after a short stint as a fire prevention officer, he was promoted to sector chief of District 9. Added to Hutt’s 18 years of firefighting experience are 11 years spent in municipal bylaw services as a bylaw enforcement officer with the City of Ottawa. “(That experience) exposed me early to the municipal world of passing regulations and policy, so in my role as a fire chief now, when it comes to policy writing and public consultation, I certainly have some expertise that I can help the community with,” he said. “I think one of the most important roles is to be a bridgebuilder and to develop and have a philosophy of getting along with everybody, with a team atmosphere,” Hutt said.
UPCOMING MEETINGS REGULAR COUNCIL Monday, August 8 th at 6:30 pm in the Council Cham bers, North Grenville Municipal Centre.
JOSEPH MORIN joe.morin@metroland.com
COM M ITTEE OF THE W HOLE COUNCIL Tuesday, August 2 n d at 6:30 pm in the Com m ittee Room , North Grenville Municipal Centre.
Please be advised that effective June 3 rd the green bag tags are no longer accepted for solid waste. Further inform ation is available on our web site or by contacting the Public W orks Departm ent at 613-258-9569 Ext. 133.
CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking applications from individuals interested in the following: • Fenceviewers (on an as-required basis) to investigate and review line fence disputes. Fenceviewers are com pensated for each investigation. Please subm it applications to the Adm inistration Office, 285 County Rd. 44 or cpom inville@ northgrenville.on.ca.
On June 13th , Council passed a by-law that requires dogs to be on a leash not exceeding 2 m etres in length when off the property of the owner. A retractable leash m ay be used, provided it is lim ited to a m axim um of 2 m etres in length when approaching or in the presence of another anim al or person. Exceptions are included in the by-law for dogs when used for hunting, showing or training. A copy of the by-law is available on the Municipal web site or at the Reception Desk.
Rob Hunter, left, is the new economic development officer in North Dundas. In this photo he is chatting with Bill Smirle, vice chair of the South Nation Conservation and Jackie Pemberton, president of the Dundas Federation of Agriculture.
Swim m ing Pool Enclosures in North Grenville are regulated by By-Law 32-98, as am ended. This includes all aboveground and in-ground pools. Copies of this by-law are available from the Building & Planning Office or the Municipal web site.
J. Morin Photo/Advance Staff
Rob Hunter chats with with provincial NDP candidate Elaine MacDonald. Duncan said. “The council and I are looking forward to working with Rob.” Owen Shortt, president of the North Dundas Chamber of Commerce, is happy with the new economic development officer position. “We complained that we needed development,” he said. “Needless to say we are thrilled. We have not been able to look at our weaknesses or
explored our strengths and our opportunities. With Rob here, that can happen.” There was praise for the township and the Chamber for hosting the event. Among the many people on hand that evening were several from Cornwall representing the United Counties of SD&G as well as groups representing tourism and agriculture.
Elaine MacDonald, the provincial NDP candidate, felt the event was a good one. “The prosperity of all depends on the prosperity of individual groups,” she commented. “We all need the mutual support.” Hunter was born and raised in Brockville, and married his wife Joyce who was raised in Lancaster. They have four children: Tabitha 22, Cindy 19, Amanda 13 and Kevin 11. Prior to his employment with the Township of North Dundas, Rob was employed as the Executive Director of the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA), which represented over 200 Business Improvement Areas & Downtowns across the province from Cornwall to Thunder Bay. He also served as the executive director of the Downtown Brockville BIA from 2003 to 2009. Working for OBIAA gave Hunter insight into current municipal trends, best practices and creative economic development projects from across the province. In 2004, Hunter received his Certified Municipal Manager (CMM) accreditation designation from the Ontario Municipal Management Institute. He is an avid sports lover, and is a carded Baseball Canada umpire as well as a certified Advanced Open Water scuba diver.
The Municipality of North Grenville
285 County Rd. 44, Box 130 Kemptville, ON. K0G1J0 www.northgrenville.ca general@northgrenville.on.ca Tel. 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building Tel. 613-258-4424 Fax 613-258-1441 Fire Dept. Info 613-258-2438 Fax 613-258-1031 fire@northgrenville.on.ca Police Administration Tel. 613-258-3441 Animal Control Tel. 613-862-9002
North Dundas has hired an economic development officer. His name is Rob Hunter. The position was created after voters during the last municipal election clearly expressed their concern over where the township was headed. Planning economic development is a team effort and a full-time team member makes all the difference, said North Dundas mayor Eric Duncan. The township and the North Dundas Chamber of Commerce came together on Wednesday evening, July 6, to host the first annual Wine and Cheese Networking Event at Winchelsea. The gathering was the perfect time and place to introduce Hunter as the township’s new economic development officer. “One of the reason I accepted the job was because there is so much opportunity here,” said Hunter after he was informally introduced to the hundred or so people at Winchelsea by councillor Allan Armstrong. Hunter explained he hopes to hit the ground running. Just a few days into his new job, he has already started to ask questions and listen to what business has to say. “The people here are very friendly,” said Hunter. He said the township is in a very good position with strong transportation ties. “There are the main rail lines as well as Hwy 416 and 401,” he explained. The population of North Dundas has increased over the past 25 years an annual average of 0.74 per cent. In 2011, the population stands at 11,683. New housing starts are expected to increase over the next ten years. A total of 33 new commercial businesses and additions to existing businesses have been built in North Dundas since 2001. The value of that growth has been put at around $8.8 million. Currently there is enough commercial land available to generate more growth in North Dundas. Low interests rates and a healthy economy all contribute to a bright future. “This is a very exciting time for the township,”
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
North Dundas plans economic road map
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Prosperity is no accident
Many rural municipalities across Ontario are looking at what they can do to create a sustainable healthy economic environment for themselves and their residents. Short of winning a lottery or having a crystal ball to gaze into the future, rural communities have to take a proactive stance when it comes to creating an economic blueprint they can follow. North Grenville has plans to create and staff an economic development position, which in the short term will be used to create a database of municipal assets. The plan is to reach out and pluck every crumb from the municipal table and use it to its best advantage. Nearby townships are doing the same. North Dundas has hired a full-time economic development officer who will plot a path through the economic challenges facing the rural township. Gone are the days when an economic plan for a community was a fly by the seat of your pants kind of thing, overseen by staff. These days there is too much at stake. The modern day municipality has to be all things, to everyone, at all times. Just like their big cousins at the provincial and federal levels of government, smaller lower tier
governments have to look out for themselves by having a sound and effective grip on their economic reality. Keeping a finger on the economic pulse is a full-time job. North Grenville has had, and continues to have, unprecedented growth during a time when the county’s economy is being challenged. North Dundas has a separate set of challenges. North Dundas is starting off with a clean slate as they kick off the first step in their economic strategy by welcoming Rob Hunter to the new economic development position. The township’s first annual networking event, held at Winchelsea on Wednesday evening, was the perfect place to introduce Hunter, who only a few days into the job was already listening to what business had to say about what comes next. The township partnered with the North Dundas Chamber of Commerce to bring local business interests together in the same room, including representatives from many business sectors in the area, such as agricultural and tourism. The township has a few goals in mind and this first meeting was one way to begin the careful development of the strategic plan they will ultimately follow.
The deprivation vacation “Deprivation is not my idea of my vacation,” a neighbour said flatly when I asked if she’d like to join us for a camping weekend in Gatineau Park. I was sympathetic. After all, sleeping on the hard ground, often in the cold, kids wetting their sleeping bags after one too many marshmallows, black flies swarming around, in and under hair, having to run through the woods to get to an outhouse that smells like a pig barn. What’s to love? And after a week of running around gathering dry food for the occasion, not-quite meeting deadlines, and purchasing oversized bathing suits (ugh), I wasn’t sure I wanted to go either. Not to mention the fact that my husband, who’s normally pretty well behaved, had been drowning our broken dining tent in French-Catholic blasphemy all week long. “Maybe we shouldn’t go,” I ventured, as my spouse said something about Holy Communion, which I deemed to be out of place in the conversation. “Maybe it’s too much work. Maybe we should just stay here and go for a picnic one day.” But he insisted. I could see in his eyes the look that said, ‘if we don’t go, you’ll spend the whole weekend on your com-
puter and you’ll be utterly miserable by the end and you’ll blame everyone else for your misery.’ True. Because, for me, well, there’s just something about camping. “It’s the only time I can truly relax,” said a friend of ours one weekend around the campfire. He’s a renovations contractor who built his own house ten years ago. Like the gardener’s garden, his house is never truly finished, and he spends all his spare time throughout the winter putting trim on windows and caulking the sink. I totally get it. At home, regardless of whether you “work” there or not, and there’s always something to be done. But when you’re camping, well, there’s the ability to just relax and shut out the
Serving North Grenville and area since 1855
113 Prescott St., P.O. Box 1402 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
world. No housework, no phone calls, no emails, no clocks. We wake up with the birds and take the day at the pace that works. We eat when we’re hungry and nap when we’re sleepy. In between, we swim and hike and read and play ball. Sounds glorious, doesn’t it? I know what you’re thinking: But what if it rains? What if one of the kids drink wonky lake water and has diarrhoea? What if a tick bites me and I get Lyme disease? I can assure you that the latter two have never happened. And rain? Well, sometimes it rains. Last Labour Day weekend, for example, we decided to tempt fate and the weather man and head out for four nights to Lac Philippe. Friends that were meant to join us dared not brave the stormy forecast. But annual tradition – the fact that my husband and I had first met there nine years earlier on Labour Day Weekend- dictated that we go, regardless of the weather. The first two days, in fact, we had glorious sunshine and an empty beach to ourselves. We walked through the lovely artisan
Telephone: 613-258-3451 Fax: 613-258-0617
Lori Sommerdyk, District Service Rep, Kemptville Advance 613-221-6246 • For distribution inquires and redelivery 1-877-298-8288 • Lori.sommerdyk@metroland.com Regional Publisher Chris McWebb chris.mcwebb@metroland.com
Managing Editor Patricia Lonergan Sales Rep. Drew Headrick
Reporter JP Antonacci
Classified and Digital Manager, Joshua Max
613-258-3451 613-258-3451 613-258-3451 613-221-6201 Regional General Manager John Willems Director of Advertising Paul Burton Sales Rep. Jennifer Hindorff Office Administrator Kathy Farrell paul.burton@metroland.com
jennifer.hindorff@metroland.com Kathy.farrell@metroland.com
613-221-6202 Editor in Chief Deb Bodine
613-240-9942 Advertising Manager Terry Tyo
613-258-3451 News Editor Joe Morin
613-258-3451 613-221-6204 Distribution Operations Manager, Janet Lucas, Projects / Composing Manager Mark Saunders
Editorial Policy The Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at www. yourottawaregion.com. To submit a letter to the editor, please email suzanne.landis@metroland.com or fax to 613-258-0716 or mail to: 113 Prescott Street Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0.
DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES - DISPLAY ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Monday is 9 a.m. Call 613-258-3451 (local) or 1-877-298-8288. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its employees or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All photographs and advertisements created by The Advance staff are the property of The Advance and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Please call or stop by the Kemptville office for Canadian, foreign and US rates.
613-221-6249 Director of Distribution, Elliot Tremblay
town of Wakefield, took in some live music by local folk singer Lindsay Ferguson at the market, and stopped by the tiny library to pick up a stack of used magazines in the foyer. The second two days, it pretty much downpoured. Not to have our spirits dampened, we decided to make the most of it. While my beloved husband and children hooked worms onto fishing rods, I kicked back in my zero gravity chair in the dining tent and read archival copies of Harrowsmith Country Life Magazine. It’s one of the only times I can remember that I hadn’t a care in the world. And you know what? They were two of the happiest days of my life.
Member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association & the Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Also a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations
Great is the sun, and wide he goes Through empty heaven with repose; And in the blue and glowing days More thick than rain he showers his rays. Robert Louis Stevenson We have had three absolutely perfect summer days in a row. Twenty-seven degrees under a cloudless sky, with a cool breeze blowing. Country folk just have to open all their windows and let it blow on through. No need for air conditioning. These are good days if you are on holiday, and even better if you need to do some work outside. Many farmers are getting the last of their hay in now. No one minds working a long day outside in this weather. As I pull weeds and flick potato bugs in my garden, I notice that the breeze keeps the bugs at bay while the sun warms my shoulders. The horse spends most of her summer days in the cool of the barn. If I go into the barn to do something she will often follow me out, thinking I might let her into the stable. Of course she prefers it there, because there aren’t many flies and hay and water are also available for the lazy girl. But I don’t look forward to mucking out stalls in this heat so I try to keep her outside for the most part. Misty will be inside less than a minute before she starts complaining that Donkey is not with her. She will whinny loudly at him until he appears outside the stable door, pushing it with his nose to get in. If I’m weeding the garden, he ignores her, choosing instead to stand at the fence where I throw the fresh green weeds. The Farmer spends his days mending fences and farming equipment, taking advantage of the more temperate weather to get some of the heavier work done.
The Accidental Farmwife Diana Fisher The Carol Durie Memorial Golf Tournament was a huge success last Friday. Carol’s former students, both from school and the equestrian field, came to celebrate her memory by raising money for a good cause. At the end of the day, $60,000 had been raised for the Mammography Unit at the Kemptville District Hospital. Harry Pratt came through on his vow to have his hair dyed pink if he raised $2,000 in pledges. Following the day of golf, he celebrated by having his head shaved. The other bald heads in the group were the organizers of the event: Pat Poirier, Dean Tataryn, Mark Hyndman, Pete Johnston and Carol’s son, Todd Durie. They were more than happy to have their heads shaved, as they have been sporting mullets for the past few weeks, in memory of their favourite teacher of the 1980s. The speeches were very moving; at times there were more teary eyes than dry ones in the room. The biggest applause went to Carol’s grandson, who raised $500 with a lemonade stand. Harry Pratt spoke about the men who first banded together to raise money to build Kemptville District Hospital, in the late 1950s. Norm Goldberg (father
of Bob Perry) worked alongside Jackson Flay to raise a quarter million dollars in ten days! The grandchildren of these KDH founders, Jim Perry and Jackie (Flay) Dillabaugh, were on hand to celebrate Carol Durie’s memory and to raise money for a worthy cause on Friday. The event was titled “The 1st Annual” Carol Durie Memorial Golf Tournament but organizers have not yet decided whether they will hold the event next year. It’s kind of like having a baby. You put so much work into it; people shouldn’t ask you about the next one for at least 6 months. In any case, the day is one that will be remembered by all in attendance for quite some time. Here’s to you, Carol. Your memory lives on in the hearts and minds of your students, family and friends.
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Summer golf and giving hearts
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J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff
Royal LePage Gale Real Estate broker Harry Pratt’s reward for raising $2,500 for the Carol Durie Memorial Golf Tournament was getting his hair dyed florescent pink by hairdresser Gertie Flay of The Hair Gallery. The sold-out tournament, held at eQuinelle Golf Club last Friday, drew 152 golfers and 260 people for dinner. Proceeds went to the mammography machine at Kemptville District Hospital in honour of Durie, a teacher and track coach who died of breast cancer last August.
Rotary revs up for Rideau Rally North Grenville hospice care takes Grab a map, your reading glasses and someone willing to act as a navigator and head off to the 3rd Annual Rotary Rideau Rally Amazing Race and Scavenger Hunt on Sunday, July 17. The rally offers a full day of fun and the proceeds go to the Kemptville Youth Centre. There is mystery and friendly competition all capped off with a barbecue at Riverside Park after the rally. The car rally begins at the North Grenville Municipal Centre with a staggered start from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. It takes the average participants around three hours to finish the route and collect all the loot. The rally has thrilled even the most nervous of adventurers. All you need is a car, a sense of adventure, no aversion to getting lost and a desire to have fun. Speed is not a factor, but solving riddles is. At the start of the race, drivers and their navigators receive a package containing a number of cryptic and hilarious clues. Reading the clues carefully and deciphering the instructions makes for an interesting
and scenic drive all over the countryside. There are no points given to finishing first. You can navigate as slow or fast as you want, within the law. During the rally, drivers and their navigators will answer questions found along the route. Some of the questions are easy, some are tricky and devious. You may be asked to find things, count certain items, find a particular farm, or even a tree. Extra points are awarded for raising more than the $50 entry fee. This year, the top three winners will be recognized at the barbecue and awarded gold, silver, and bronze medals. A special prize chosen with a draw is two tickets to the Cirque du Soleil Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour. The winner will enjoy the Labatt’s Suite with food and refreshments. The winners will also have their team name on the trophy on display at Box Office. You have to have a minimum of two people on a team. Pledge sheets are available at several locations in Kemptville, including M5 Digital, B&H Grocer and the Advance.
St. James Anglican. Clothier St. W. Sunday service, 8am and 10am. Sunday School at 10am service. Reverend Canon Peggy Hudson. Kemptville Pentecostal Church. 1964 County Road 43 - Kemptville. Sunday services: 10:00am and 6:30pm. Sunday School during service. Reverend Steven Kohls. Free Methodist. North Grenville Community Church (2659 Concession). 10:30 a.m Sunday Service 613-258-4815. Senior Pastor Reverend Daniel C. Massey. www.ngccfm.ca.
Kemptville Christian Reformed Church. (2455 County Rd. 18/ Clothier St. W) 10:00 a.m and 6:30 p.m Sunday Services. Children’s Worship during morning service, Sunday School following a.m serThe Anglican Parish of Oxford. vice. Reverend Benjamin Ponsen. “A BIG Country Welcome” • St. Andrew’s - Garretton • St. Peter’s - St. Andrew’s United Church, 256 North Augusta • St. Anne’s - Oxford South Gower Drive - Heckston. Station. The Reverand Matthew 11:00 am Service. Reverend Blair Kydd, 613-345-2022. Paterson.
Southgate Community Church 1303 French Settlement Rd. , Kemptville. 10:00am St. John’s United Church, 400 Southgatechurch.com Prescott Street 10:00 AM Sunday Ben Last – Lead Pastor Service with a nursery and Church school. Rev. Lynda Harrison officiPresbyterian. Kemptville & ating. Offices open Tues 8:30 am Mountain Pastoral Charge. - 4 pm, and Wed - Fri 8:30 am - 12 Rev. Samer Kandalaft. St. Paul’s pm. Phone 613-258-3259 or e-mail Kemptville - 10:45am. Sunday stjohnsk@magma.ca. Calendar of Service - Church School - Nursery. events available at www.kemptvilKnox Mountain Service - 9:15am. leunitedchurch.org Building is fully accessible.
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A new partnership between Beth Donovan Hospice (BDH), the Champlain Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) and Kemptville District Hospital (KDH) will bring additional professional hospice care to area residents, BDH executive director Dawn Rodger announced last week. “This (partnership) will include realizing the dream of a residential hospice to provide quality end-of-life care for patients facing a terminal illness,” Rodger said. To help direct resources and discover what improvements to hospice and palliative care are needed and desired in the region, the aforementioned groups have distributed the SONG (South Ottawa-North Grenville) Hospice Palliative Care Survey to existing palliative care providers, primary care staff, hospitals, and clients and caregivers, including volunteers from each organization. “The partners want to ensure that the end product matches the needs and desires of their clientele,” Rodger explained. The survey was launched June
28 and will close on July 31. The survey data will be used to develop the scale and scope of the new programs and services, keeping in mind diverse cultural needs and differences in urban and rural living. Rodger is excited that three organizations involved in the delivery of hospice and palliative care services can come together in a “dynamic partnership” for their mutual benefit thanks to the multidisciplinary SONG Hospice Palliative Care initiative. “All three organizations are vibrant and successful, however, working together will become even more effective through the streamlining of access, reduction in service duplication, and the sharing of knowledge bases and skill sets,” she said. “The true benefactors though will be the residents of the area who will be able to access hospice and palliative care services effectively and efficiently while maintaining their dignity and respect.” Those interested in completing the survey are encouraged to visit the Beth Donovan Hospice (www.bethdonovanhospice.ca) and KDH (www.kdh.on.ca) websites.
HARMONY COMMUNITY CHURCH, 12010 Ormond Road, Winchester. Sunday Service 9:15am Adult Bible Class10:30am Morning Worship 613-774-5170 Rev. D.B. North, Pastor.
Call today for more information and advertising rates.
Roman Catholic. Holy Cross Church (505 Clothier St. W). Mass Times: Sat: 5pm, Sun: 9 & 11 am. Children’s Liturgy during 11am Mass. Father Andrew Shim.
Bishop's Oxford Pastoral Charge. Service at 10:30 am, 1st. & 3rd Sundays at St. Andrew’s United Church Bishop’s Mills, 2nd & 4th Sundays at Oxford Mills United Church.
next step with new partnership
Steve Curtis & Bettin’ The Farm 6:00-9:00pm, Friday Evening Saturday & Sunday Grounds Open 9:00am
Steam Engines in Operation Vintage Machinery, Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles Boats and Motors, Craft Fair Festive Gardens under Special Occasion Permit Special Events – Sat July 16th Shriners Breakfast 7-10:30am Vintage Tractor Pull - 12:00 pm start Music by Dennis Whitteker & Country Comrades in afternoon Special Events – Sun July 17th Shriners Breakfast 7:00-10:30 I81 Horse Draw - 11:00 am start TO SYRACUSE Music by Cnty Rd 5 in afternoon NEWYORK On Site Camping available
Contacts: Exhibition Co-Chairmen Bob Croxall 924-9680, Peter Vanderlinden 613-498-7606 www.athenslions.org/steamfair Admission: Adults $10.00 good for the weekend, Children 12 & under free.
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
STAFF More than a summer fundraising event, Jazz in the Garden brings great music and an elegant afternoon to North Grenville. Bring a lawn chair and sun hat and enjoy the captivating music of Dr. Lloyd’s “New Orleans Express” Jazz Band in the lovely, spacious Norgaard gardens at 2384 Clothier St. W. in Kemptville on July 23 from 2 to 5 p.m. Light snacks and cold beverages will be served while you enjoy the music, dance, stroll well-manicured lawns and view the artistically designed flower gardens. Parking is available at Holy Cross Church at 505 Clothier St. W. or at First Christian Reformed Church at 2455 Clothier St. W. A shuttle service will be provided from both locations. All-inclusive tickets are $30 or $50 for two and are available at Scotiabank, 300 Colonnade Dr. Proceeds benefit the Room to Read Campaign, and for each ticket purchased Scotiabank will donate a matching sum. Tickets are selling quickly, so pick yours up soon and bring family and friends to this delightful afternoon of smooth music. For more information, please contact Linda at 613-258-4711 or Bill at 613-258-4608 or by email at lcarriveau@ngpl.ca. New Orleans Express was the name of a band that Dr. Ron Lloyd co-founded in Chester, England, in 1975. He had previously been a member of Liverpool University Jazz Band, The Dave Lind Jazzmen and The Gut Bucket Steam Orchestra.
Courtesy Photo
The New Orleans Express Jazz Band plays the final Jazz in the Garden on July 23. He left the Steam Orchestra to go to the Antarctic as medical and research officer. While down under he attempted to learn the trumpet but was persuaded by his colleagues to quit. He returned to Chester as a general practitioner. In 1977 Lloyd left for Canada as a member of the Armed Forces at Petawawa. In 1980 he set up practice in Pembroke as a family physician. He really missed his jazz and whenever he could he would sit in with other bands such as The Climax Jazz Band, The Hot Five Jazzmakers and the Kid Bastien’s Happy Pals in Toronto, the Peter Turner and Derek Robertson Jazz Bands in Ottawa. He also sat in on
banjo at Preservation Hall in New Orleans. In the Upper Ottawa Valley he maintained his musical interests by playing and singing with the Pembroke Community Choir, the Deep River Symphony, the Pembroke Symphony (as a founding member), the Legion Swing Band (also a founding member), and the Pembroke Musical Society both as a performer and a pit musician. Lloyd occasionally played at blue grass festivals, jamming with such great musicians as Doc Watson. In the Ottawa Valley area he also began to jam with jazz greats Larry Brum, Mickey Hammond, Gerry Helke, ‘Wild” Bill Stevens, Hugh Hart, Fred
Leadston, Peter Turner, General Paul Manson, Chuck Pierce, Bruce Kerr, and others. They began to make their jam sessions an annual get-together. Lloyd’s first exposure to jazz was at age 16. He was captivated by the sound of skiffle music as personified by Lonnie Donnegan, and played guitar in a high school skiffle group. When Donnegan came to his town to perform, the young Lloyd stood in front of the stage all night long to get his fill. Lonnie Donnegan was the banjo player in the Chris Barber Jazz Band and skiffle sessions punctuated the sets of jazz. Lloyd was entranced, had his first epiphany and became a huge fan of New Orleans jazz. He was lucky enough to be able to hear Ken Colyer at the Liverpool Cavern Club. Colyer worked and played alongside jazz musicians in New Orleans and imported the driving polyphonic style to Britain. While playing with the Dave Lind Jazzmen, Lloyd was exposed to the music of Jelly Roll Morton and was impressed by its sophistication and complexity. He also began to really appreciate the early works of Louis Armstrong. Bix Beiderbecke was another hero, and ragtime piano and the Scott Joplin craze left its mark. One of the most fun-filled gigs he ever did was to play banjo in a Spike Jones-style band in Pembroke. All of these influences can be heard in the music of New Orleans Express, and their style is still developing thanks to the input of other members of the band.
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Come enjoy some wonderful Jazz in the Garden
Ready For Picking
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Summer Program lets teen be her own boss J.P. ANTONACCI jp.antonacci@metroland.com
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Who can resist an ice cream on a hot summer’s day? That’s what 16-year-old Seanna McIntosh of Kemptville figured when she applied for a startup grant through Summer Company, a provincial government program that provides young entrepreneurs with seed money to launch a summer business. Program coordinators saw McIntosh’s logic, and gave her $1,500 to open Mac’s Snacks, a snack stand she set up in Riverside Park. Business has been steady since she unveiled her stand during the Canada Day festivities. Families leaving the swimming pool and people passing on their bikes stop under the inviting red and white umbrella for an ice cream, freezies, and bottled water. As if the promise of a refreshing snack wasn’t inviting enough, McIntosh’s low prices seal the deal, the personable St. Michael student explained. At only $2 for a Haagen-Dazs bar – which are usually closer to $4.50 – one pleasantly surprised customer even told McIntosh she should up her prices. That’s not likely to happen. “I do make prices number one – I want people to be satisfied and not feel like they’ve been gauged,” she said. McIntosh quit her part-time job at Jonsson’s Independent Grocer to raise money for university and learn some business skills while she was at it. Though she cheerfully admits her 35hour work week keeps her out of the swimming pool and away from her friends more than she’d like, McIntosh said the chance to be her own boss and provide a high level of customer service is “definitely worth it.” At Jonsson’s, she worked mostly in the back and didn’t have a full view of how the business operated. “Now, I know exactly what’s going on” and can respond to customers’ needs directly, she said. And her friends drop by to keep her company, she added with a smile.
J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff
Seanna McIntosh (right) serves an ice cream bar to customer Renelle Joubert at Riverside Park. McIntosh is running her own snack stand thanks to a grant from Summer Company. Running the snack stand means more than selling ice cream. With help from Summer Program courses, McIntosh sets her budget, handles the accounting, and constantly revamps her menu based on consumer demand. “This is my own mini-business course,” she said. She scours flyers for the best deals, and found a benefactor in Jim Beveridge of B&H Your Community Grocer, who lent her the umbrella and orders extra product to sell to McIntosh at a discount. “His only request is when I get older and start my own business, I pass on the favour to someone just getting started,” she said. She also expressed her gratitude to Kevin from Classic Graphics for printing the signs for her snack cart at a discount. Seanna’s father Graham, who doubles as Mac’s Snacks delivery man, is proud that his daughter is making a go
of her own business. “It’s the new economy – more of us are self-employed than ever,” he said. People like Kemptville handyman Dazz Isaacs, 25, who put his Summer Program grant toward marketing his general contracting business, Dazz’s Service & Repair (dazzsr.com). Isaacs has been in business for a few months and is working steadily thanks to word of month referrals. Isaacs appreciates the networking opportunities Summer Program provides. “It’s a well put-together program to help students break out into the real world and learn on their own,” he said. “It gives them that experience firsthand, because if they don’t work, they don’t get paid.” “A lot of people don’t know actually about (Summer Program), which is disappointing, since it’s something a lot of kids should get into,” McIntosh agreed.
Hostas with the mostas in Merrickville STAFF
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The ladies of Merrickville United Church have arranged the perfect horticultural event for a lazy summer afternoon. On Saturday, July 16, the ladies invite you to join them for a cultural and horticultural tour that will revive body and spirit. The visit starts in Grant’s Garden, a delightful place brimming with over 100 different hosta specimens of varying sizes, colours and textures, along with an assortment of annuals and perennials. This garden is a musical one, as the miniature, small, medium and
large hostas have names like Chantilly Lace, Moonlight Sonata, Blue Danube, Singing in the Rain, Calypso and the scandalously suggestive Patricia the Stripper. The garden boasts many impressive hostas selected by the American Hosta Growers Association as hosta of the year. Winning flowers include the 1997 Patriot, 1999 Paul’s Glory, 2000 Sagae, 2001 June, 2004 Earth Angel, and 2011 Praying Hands. Accessorizing the garden are decorative accents from local Merrickville businesses. Live piano music will complement the musically named hostas as local
artists create original works of art on site. When you’ve had your fill of flora, pour yourself a nice cup of English tea and take in a hat display presented by local artist and businesswoman Angie Wrona. You are invited to wear your own hat as well, which if the weather holds will double as an effective sunscreen. Please call ahead to reserve your ticket, which can be picked up at the church, along with directions to the garden. Call Gail at 613-269-4955, Peggy at 613-290-0028 or Grant at 613-269-3451 for tickets.
A mineral named magnetite could be the long-term answer to treating North Grenville’s wastewater. With continued growth expected in North Grenville’s future, the municipality is looking for an alternative technology to increase capacity and efficiency at the wastewater treatment plant, adjacent to the Ferguson Forest Centre (FFC) in Kemptville. When magnetite, an iron oxide, is added to a water treatment system, it magnetically attracts large waste particles. The resultant clumps fall out of the water stream, increasing the flow rate and thus the amount of water that can be cleaned per day. Council recently approved an application to the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) for $125,000 to help fund a Biomag Technology Pilot Program to test the magnetite-based system over two months next spring. If approved, council would be responsible for an additional $125,000. Though not currently licensed in Canada, Biomag is used in the Boston area and has the potential to make a big difference in North Grenville, said public works Karen Dunlop. “We can process more water, quicker, and still meet the effluent criteria at the other end of the Rideau River,” she said. The plant currently uses about
half its 4,510 cubic metre daily capacity to treat wastewater from residences and businesses. No storage facility exists to hold excess water, which means on a rainy day – or after several consecutive days of rain – water takes longer to wind its way through the plant, and the potential exists for a backup. The hope is that the magnetite would keep the system moving even during peak periods, and enable the overall capacity to increase thanks to improved efficiency. This would eliminate the need to use the ten acres of FFC land currently set aside for ponds to hold excess water. The other bonus to the Biomag system is that magnetite also binds to phosphorous, which means there will be less of the mineral in the cleaned water that ends up back in the Rideau River. The province has been pushing for lower phosphorus levels in the river, and a future volume increase at the plant would mean acceptable phosphorous levels in the cleaned water would be cut in half. “You have to have very clean water that enters that stream because you don’t want the oxygen depletion and the algae bloom being created,” Dunlop explained. It is very expensive to remove phosphorous mechanically. That’s why Dunlop has her fingers crossed that this chemical process would do
the trick at a fraction of the cost. “If we can find a process that takes phosphorous out of the stream that’s cost effective and reasonable, it’ll be a benefit to us,” she said. If MOE deems the test a success and approves Biomag for use in Ontario, the municipality would need to find $11 million to retrofit the plant with a mixing tank and make additional structural modifications. Though costly, a mechanical expansion to install a second intake stream, dig the equalization ponds and develop a phosphorus trading system with local farmers would cost even more, between $32 and $37 million according to the municipality’s environmental assessment. Dunlop thinks the Biomag system could make a lasting difference. “With our current development proposals, it would be at least 2018 before we would have to consider anything else,” she said. “So this will get us seven to ten years” before the system reaches capacity at the current growth rate, assuming other water-saving efforts continue. “I like it. I think that it could be a pretty good silver bullet,” she added. “It would really be nice if we could remove those equalization ponds completely, and maybe we need a small holding tank for storm flows, rather than 24,000 cubic metres worth of open pond.”
As a bonus, the magnetite itself is magnetically recovered and reused, improving efficiency even further. Continuing to remove sump pumps and repairing or replacing leaky sewers will further reduce the amount of groundwater entering the system. “That’s the low-hanging fruit here – tighten up the sewers so (the water) doesn’t even reach the plant,” Dunlop said. Those tactics, along with water conservation efforts in homes and offices, have already borne fruit. “Even though we’re expanding and adding people, we’re actually dropping the amount (of water) that we’re treating at the plant, which is fabulous, because it opens up development capacity,” she said. The municipality’s application has been submitted to the ministry, along with “fabulous” letters of support from MOE, Environment Canada, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority and MPP Steve Clark, Dunlop said. Results are expected in the fall.
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J.P. ANTONACCI jp.antonacci@metroland.com
During a fire, every second counts. But some roads between North Grenville and Edwardsburgh-Cardinal are so narrow that if fire trucks miss a turnoff or are given the wrong location by a passing motorist, they must speed past the accident site and drive 17 km into the other county before they reach a wide enough turnaround. Long detours during calls between Shanly Road and Oxford Station Road cost firefighters precious minutes that would be better spent fighting fires and extricating accident victims, interim Fire Chief Harold Workman told council at a recent meeting.
Workman is in talks with his counterpart in Edwardsburgh-Cardinal, Fire Chief Jim Grant, to devise a system whereby North Grenville tankers would respond to southbound calls between Oxford Station and Shanly, and Edwardsburgh-Cardinal trucks would respond to northbound calls along the same stretch of road. This system would halve the time it takes for emergency crews to reach the scene of a fire or traffic accident. “We would be overlapping our territory, but we would have better coverage in terms of getting to the scene quickly,” Workman said. “For a safety factor it would be beneficial for both municipalities.” The change was expected to come into effect quickly once the two departments’ dispatches coordinated.
Cooperation shortens fire response time
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Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Proposed water treatment plan could ease future strain on system
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Wellington Road shortcut no speedway, council hears Gordon suggested that a speeding ticket blitz by the OPP would likely make the point loud and clear.
New sewers for Clothier Stop in the name of the bylaw One of the consequences of merging Kemptville, South Gower and the communities of Oxford 13 years ago was that the municipality didn’t have a complete list of the number and location of all the stop signs in North Grenville. So while it remained illegal to drive through any stop sign, “a massive list” of signs – some put up in new developments, others installed more than 40 years ago – weren’t technically backed by a bylaw to legitimize enforcement, Dunlop said. A summer student undertook the painstaking process of identifying and crosschecking every stop sign in the municipality with the list of which signs were in the books as official. Now, a bylaw recommended by Committee of the Whole last week will officially ensure that every stop
OMAFRA (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) will fund $1.15 million of a $1.7 million project to replace 1950s-era sewer and water lines under Clothier Street in Kemptville. The project, scheduled for summer 2012 pending approval in council’s 2012 budget, would start at Pinehill Road and progress east toward Bridge Street. Replacing the concrete sewers with PVC, a durable plastic commonly used in construction, will reduce the amount of groundwater seeping into the leaky sewers, thus reducing the volume entering the wastewater treatment plant. Don’t sweat the debt…yet North Grenville’s higher than average debt level is nothing to worry about, mu-
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nicipal auditor Howard Allan of Allan & Partners Inc. told council while presenting the 2010 audited financial statements. The municipality’s total debt is approximately $17 million, which works out to roughly $5,800 per residential household. The debt represents 25 per cent of the municipality’s capital assets, and is largely tied up in the municipal centre, including future payments that were deferred under the construction agreement, said treasurer Sheila Kehoe. Allan said the high debt level is explained by the significant infrastructure investment North Grenville has made in recent years, as compared to other municipalities that carry less debt. As those projects – including the new library – wrap up and are paid off, the debt level will fall accordingly, he predicts. Continued growth and increased revenue from taxation and development charges will replenish the municipality’s reserves and bring the debt per household back to the provincial average of $1,500.
Wellington Road, a gravel road connecting Bridge Street to Rideau River Road, might be a popular shortcut for motorists looking to avoid the traffic and streetlights on County Road 43, but that doesn’t mean drivers can speed down what is still a residential road within the town of Kemptville. Doug Burrows, who lives on Wellington, told council that the high volume of speeding traffic makes it hard for pedestrians or cyclists to avoid the ditch if cars are travelling in opposing lanes. Public works director Karen Dunlop said that because Wellington is classified as a collector road, the municipality can’t restrict access to local traffic, and since it isn’t in a school zone, the speed isn’t likely to be reduced to 40 km/h. However, the municipality will consider putting up a 50 km/h speed sign as a reminder to motorists to slow down. Mayor
sign in North Grenville will be illegal to roll through.
J.P. ANTONACCI jp.antonacci@metroland.com
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STAFF Three Ottawa-area men pleaded guilty last week to carrying out an armed double kidnapping in Kemptville in April 2010. After a joint submission by Crown and defense counsels, the three accused were sentenced in Brockville Superior Court by Justice Michael Quigley on June 30. Christopher Kyle Alexander Pagé of Russell was 24 years old when he orchestrated the kidnapping of his former girlfriend, Mireille St-Denis of Kemptville, then 18, and her older brother Nicholas St-Denis. Pagé, charged with kidnapping using a restricted firearm and forcible confinement, received a ten-year sentence and was given credit for 14 and a half months spent in pre-trail custody, meaning he will spend eight years, nine and half months in the penitentiary. Whitley Cabrini Clauzel of Ottawa, 48 at the time of the crime, and Roger Rich-
ard Levesque of Nepean, then 19, were hired by Page as “muscle” to help him carry out the kidnapping, court heard. The two accomplices pleaded guilty to the same charges, as well as using a firearm when prohibited and committing a crime while wearing a facemask. Levesque was also found in breach of probation. According to an agreed statement of facts read to the court by Crown prosecutor Alan Findlay, weeks after Mireille StDenis broke off the relationship and her mother, Viviane St-Denis, asked Pagé to move out of the family’s home, Pagé returned to carry out the kidnapping. Pagé lured Nicholas St-Denis to the outskirts of Ottawa under the pretense of discussing a drug deal. Instead, St-Denis was tied up and thrown in the trunk of his father’s car, while Pagé took the keys to the St-Denis home and drove around until he could be sure only Mireille and Viviane were in the house. Pagé and his accomplices entered the home, tied up Viviane St-Denis at gun-
point, and duct-taped her to the towel bar in the bathroom, court heard. They then duct-taped Nicholas St-Denis to the same towel bar, besides his mother. Carrying an imitation handgun, Pagé went to the basement and woke up Mireille, handcuffed her and told her his accomplices would kill her mother and brother if she did “anything stupid,” Findlay read. After the kidnappers stuffed Mireille St-Denis in the trunk and left, Viviane wriggled free and called 911. OPP officers tracked Pagé’s cellphone via GPS and located the vehicle in Russell within 90 minutes of the incident. After freeing Mireille, who was found kicking and screaming in the trunk, and arresting Pagé, police captured his accomplices on Frontier Road after a brief foot chase. The incident still haunts the victims, court heard, as Findlay read victim impact statements from Viviane and Mireille St-Denis.
“I often wake up during the night with flashbacks of a person holding a gun to my head,” Viviane’s statement read “No one will ever know, or better yet understand, what my family and I have lived through,” Mireille wrote. “I know this will stay with me until the day I die.” For their role as Pagé’s helpers, Clauzel received a nine-year sentence, and Levesque was given six years. Both were given credit for 14 and a half months of pre-trail custody. The three accused received a lifetime weapons ban and must submit DNA samples to the court. They are also prohibited from contacting the victims or their family. “The outrageous nature of Mr. Pagé’s plan was outdone only by the stupidity with which its execution was carried out,” the judge commented. “He took advantage of a family who had treated him with kindness and compassion and left immeasurable emotional scars.”
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Thursday, June
16, 2011
Issue No. 24
Keep dogs leashed, municipality says J.P. ANTONACC
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Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Kidnapper gets ten years for Kemptville home invasion
12 Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
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Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
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Sunday 12.00 p.m. ............. Arts in Motion 12.30 p.m. . Notre Dame de Grass 1.30 p.m. ......................Kim Dunn 2.30 p.m. ...................... Mill Street 3.30 p.m. ................ Kellylee Evans 4.30 p.m. ...........Hannah Georgas
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15 Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
hearing is important to me. Due to my reduced vision, “ My I need all the hearing I can get. When I recently moved to Kanata I needed someone who could help with my overall hearing care. I was told to go to Capital Audiology because of their reputation for good service. I was lucky to find them. After trying a few sets of hearing aids, an FM system and some amplified phones we settled on solutions that really worked for me. Thank you to Eric and Lori for spending all that time and going beyond my expectations.
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Merrickville Car Show- “Cruise and Shop” The Merrickville Car Show”Cruise and Shop”, picked the perfect day for their event. The combination of car show, entertainment and great food made for a successful day for participants and visitors. Sunday afternoon, downtown Merrickville was packed with vintage antique and not so antique cars. The area beside the Rideau canal was ideal for enjoying the sunshine and the history of North America’s hardest working machine.
Brian Wilson Photos
There was lots for everyone to see and do at the car show. Music, live entertainment, great cars and great shopping kept visitors to the “Cruise and Shop” event in Merrickville this past weekend busy. In this photo, Erica Csikany and Andrew Lutes check out a replica of Mater the Tow Truck from the movie Cars.
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Friday 12.00 pm ....................... Youth Showcase 4.00 p.m. ...................... The Heartbroken 5.00 p.m. .............................. Royal Wood 6.00 p.m. ....................................Eric Bibb 7.00 p.m. ............................ Dan Mangan 8.00 p.m. ........................................H’Sao Saturday 11.00 a.m. ...................................... PAMT 12.00 p.m. .............................Al Simmons 1.00 p.m. ............................. Wade Foster 2.00 p.m. ................................David Celia 3.00 p.m. ............................... Jenn Grant 4.00 p.m. .............................NQ Arbuckle 5.00 p.m. .................................Jaffa Road 6.00 p.m. .........................Adonis Puentes 7.30 p.m. ........................... Jimmy Rankin Sunday 12.00 p.m. .........................Arts in Motion 12.30 p.m. .............Notre Dame de Grass 1.30 p.m. ................................. Kim Dunn 2.30 p.m. ..................................Mill Street 3.30 p.m. ............................Kellylee Evans 4.30 p.m. ...................... Hannah Georgas
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Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Plus workshops, children’s events, Sunday brunch, evening concerts, patio and market
AnimalFest in Kemptville STAFF The weather was perfect and the location was ideal as more than 500 people paid a visit to the 7th Annual AnimalFest. This summer, Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary set themselves up in the parking lot of the new Walmart store in Kemptville. The Saturday, July 9 event featured pony rides and educational displays for parents and children. The Shake-a-Paw Dog agility show and the OPP K9 unit showed audiences what they could do. Also on hand was the Hwy. 43 Car Club, along with live music and a variety of vendors. Kemptville’s M&M Meat Shops organized a charity barbecue for the event. A registered Canadian charity since 2002 devoted to giving abused, unwanted and adoptable animals a second chance of a lifetime, Big Sky Ranch has provided more than 1,600 animals with a happy and healthy outcome through its rehabilitation and extremely successful adoption program. Big Sky Ranch relies entirely on the generosity of the public, without receiving any govern-
There was lots of fun to be had by everyone at the Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary AnimalFest on Saturday. This year’s AnimalFest was held in the parking lot of the new Walmart store located in the Colonnade development on County Road 43. The weather made for a perfect day to spend some time enjoying the company of your favourite animal. There was no admission charge. In the photo on the left, Taylor Harrison feeds one of the llamas at the petting zoo. In the bottom photo, 5-year-old Max Rogaia takes a pony for a ride. For information about Big Sky Ranch, call founder Andy Parent at 258-7118 or visit www. bigskyranch.ca.
ment grants or funding, or charging membership. Every dollar raised goes directly to the cost of rehabilitating and caring for the animals, aside from a minimal amount required for administration. Over the years, more than 30 young offenders from Ottawa, Brockville and Kemptville have been directed to Big Sky Ranch by the courts and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) to perform their community service. The intellectually-disabled members of Community Living centres in Ottawa and Kemptville learn responsibility, self-motivation and effective communication by working with the animals on a weekly basis. Pets belonging to women forced to seek shelter at Sarah’s House for abused women are provided unlimited free boarding at Big Sky Ranch, where they are cared for until their owners are resettled in a safe environment. Children at Risk, an Ottawabased group for families of children diagnosed within the autism spectrum disorders, visit the sanctuary several times a year to help children develop their behavioral, communications and social skills.
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Brian Wilson Photos
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Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
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Photo Courtesy of Heather Swan-Liberty Shots
The 13th Annual Bronze Hunter Show, was held June 25th at Lone Wolf Farm. The farm is owned and operated by Marilyn and Dave McFadden, and is located along the beautiful Rideau Canal in Burritt’s Rapids. The show was a huge success this year, with approximately 65 competitors. In this photo, Marilyn McFadden of Lone Wolf Farm, is with Kelsey Thibert of Kemptville and Sir Kostalot(aka Kasey). Kelsey was the champion of the $1000 Hunter Classic and her Mother Jenny Thibert and Tuxedo Junction placed 9th. Jenny and her daughters train with Deb Williams at Turnout Stables.
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Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Help a turtle cross the road STAFF For the sixth season in a row, South Nation Conservation is inviting watershed residents to become involved in its ongoing rare turtle protection and enhancement program. Residents can help by helping turtles cross the road safely and reporting turtle sightings. But be wary! One of the species involved in the program is the Snapping turtle, which can deliver a sharp bite with its powerful beak to hands and fingers which come too close. If necessary, in escorting one to safer surroundings, always pick up a Snapping turtle by the rear of its shell. Never pick up any turtle by its tail as it will more than likely result in injury to the turtle. Other species-at-risk are the Spotted Turtle, Stinkpot or Musk Turtle, Blanding’s Turtle, and the Northern Map Turtle. The Painted turtle isn’t endangered and isn’t part of the program. Aimed at monitoring turtle locations, providing and protecting nesting sites, enhancing habitat, and redirecting turtles away from road surfaces and through culverts, the project relies on yearly funding of $25,000 from the province and about $60,000 from the federal government. Provincial funding has been secured for the 2011-12 Rare Turtle study to date. If complete funding is not available, SNC hopes to continue with the program; however it may need to be scaled
back accordingly. Karen Paquette, SNC Species-At-Risk technician, notes that a high rate of road kills of mature turtles trying to reach preferred nesting sites, along with an assortment of predators going after eggs and hatchlings, means the chance of eggs surviving and then living to reach sexual maturity (anywhere from 10 to 25 human years) is less than one per cent. Abundant turtles, she added, are seen as a good indicator of a healthy and ecologically stable watershed. Residents with nests on their properties can try to protect them with chicken wire covers. It’s very important to remember to remove the covering after 3 to 4 weeks to allow hatchlings the ability to exit the nest. One of the program features are turtle crossing signs, with 40 already installed in the watershed and 30 more soon to be added. New to the program this year are two illustrated outdoor tables being designed for conservation areas at High Falls in Casselman and Cass Bridge south of Winchester which describe the characteristics of the turtles in question. Paquette encouraged members of the public to report to SNC whenever a turtle is encountered, be it alive or dead, providing location, behavior (nesting, road-kill, on road, swimming etc.) and other species. Photos are extremely helpful in confirming identification.
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J.P. Antonacci Photo/Advance Staff
GIVING ON THE MENU AT OPP CHARITY BARBECUES Every Thursday throughout the summer, OPP officers take a break from grilling suspects and turn their attention to beef patties. The barbecue held at the Kemptville detachment last week raised $884 for North Grenville Accessible Transportation (NGAT), with help from sponsor Royal LePage Gale Real Estate. Dozens of people snacked on hamburgers and hot dogs while admiring the NGAT bus parked nearby. “We’re very grateful that the OPP have seen fit to support us,” said NGAT chair Don Gilchrist while flipping burgers. “We’ve got to keep this bus on the road.” The barbeques, now in their 11th year, have raised more than $50,000 for local charities, said Cst. Cathy Lindsey, pictured here with Emily Sloan and Ashley Grant, two OPP summer students from Prescott. The barbecues continue throughout July and August, every Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Future beneficiaries include Kemptville Youth Centre, Salvation Army, Kemptville District Hospital, and D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education).
Staff South Branch Elementary School band members have had a good year. In March they took part in the 2011 Brockville Lions Club Music Festival. More than 70 Grade 7 and 8 band members made the trip to Brockville, where they performed two pieces, “Conflict” by Larry Clark and “Whirlwind” by Australian composer Jodie Blackshaw. “Whirlwind” is a unique piece in that it begins with several band members using Australian whirlies, instruments that when spun create a high-pitched ringing sound. The piece, written expressly for musical students, featured soundscapes, whirlies and included solos as well as two and four part rounds. “Our performance received the highest standard for Level 1 Bands (Gold Level) and we were awarded the Lions Shield for Best in Class at the Stars of the Festival evening,” said band director Heather Lance. The school band impressed many people at the festival. Adjudicator Bob Krueger called the group a “most impressive young
band” and suggested that the band compete at the provincial level for bands with the Ontario Music Festival Association. The band was one of seven provincial finalists. The competition involves bands making a recording and sending it in to be judged by the provincial association. The South Branch Elementary School Band submitted their performance from the Brockville music festival. “In early May we recorded the same two pieces we performed in Brockville and submitted our CD for adjudication in early June,” explained Lance. Up against stiff competition from around the province, the school band did very well. “This is quite an accomplishment for Kemptville,” said Lance. “The first place band was from the national capital region while all other entries were from the Toronto region and Southern Ontario.” Lance was pleased with the band’s efforts and dedication. “I am very proud of their musical accomplishments,” she said.
These four band members who represented South Branch received the Lions Shield for “Best in Class” - Grade 7/8 - Concert Band - Level I. These students are from left to right: Arielle Noonan, Aaron de Ville, Kelly Snider and Kyra Fisher. Below is the entire South Branch Elementary School Band.
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Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
South Branch Elementary School Band enjoys year.
Kemptville Legion announces special meeting The Royal Canadian Legion Kemptville Branch will hold a special general meeting on Wednesday, August 3 at 7:30 p.m. to present a motion to donate funds in sup-
port of an activity that will benefit the youth of the community. For more information, contact the Legion at 613-258-
5734, or visit the office at 100 Reuben Cres. in Kemptville. All members are invited to attend.
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
23 Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
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Peacefully at home on Monday, July 4, 2011, Dorothy Vermette (nee McGarry) of Kemptville, age 88. Beloved wife of the late Roland Vermette and dear friend of the late Eugene McDonald. Dear mother of Yvonne Knight of California, Raymond (Brenda) of P.E.I., Lorraine Lange (Bill) of Albany, N.Y. and Janice Winter (Ben) of Kemptville. Cherished grandmother of Raymond Jr., Dawn, Robin, Joey, Jessica, Jill, Danielle, Amanda, Kris, Andrea, Scott and Leanne and great grandmother of 12. Predeceased by her granddaughter Michelle Herrera. Visitation will be held at Grant Brown Funeral Home Rolston Chapel, Kemptville on Saturday, July 16th from 1 to 2pm. Funeral Service will follow in the chapel at 2pm. Interment Kemptville Union Cemetery.Those who wish may make memorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Society. For condolences and online guest book please visit: www. grantbrownfuneralhome.com
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2 BEDROOM APARTMENT - recently renovated, 3rd floor. 4 Water Street (Kemptivlle) $800.00 includes heat and water, hydro extra. Available immediately. Call 613-2828177
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COMPLETELY RENOVATED, new kitchen, new bathroom, new floors..new/new/new. 1 bedroom apartment downtown Kemptville. (10 Water Street) $975.00/month utilities included. Available immediately 613-282-8177
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NEWLY RENOVATED 2 bedroom upstairs apt downtown Arnprior. Washer/dryer in unit, RESORTS secure building with in& CAMPS tercom, parking spot, heat and hydro extra, Paradise. $750 month, first/last Waterfront Lucrative Lodge, 11 613-302-1669 spotless cottages, boats, motors, docks, Pristine lake. Fishing. TWO BEDROOM Call Gerry Hudson, apartment available 613-449-1668, Sales August 1 Edgetown Representative, Rideau Apartments, Kemptville. Town & Country ReReferences required. ality Ltd. Brokerage, 613-273-5000. Phone 613-264-8439
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TED WARREN has retired
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3 bedroom townhouse, 1.5 baths, 2 appliances, unďŹ nished basement, one parking spot. BACHELOR APART$1007 per month MENT in Kemptville. plus utilities.
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6,6 +, 6 01 76 "6 ",+ 6 6,6 , 0 6 + 6 6 "60 6,++6 + 1 + 6 2 2 " 0 6, 6 + 6 0 + 6, 6 6 6 6 +, 06 076* 6 6 , +2 ! =2 , , , 6. 6 +, 0 6 0 , 6 6 ,&, +,1+ 6 + 6, 6***9' + 0 9 066 D@@6 +1 " 6 76 " 6@<<6 0 + 2 2 # 2 * . 2 # . 96 6 % 6 "00, 76 6 + 0 6 6 6 D 6>-@22 , 6 ,6 (9 96 ;=>B7<<<7<<<9<<6 + 0 6 " 6 6 6 " 6 6 & 6 +, 6 01 6 * 6 + 6 ,6 6 , 6 + 1+ 6 +, 06 06 * 6 22 0 , 6 6 6 , 6 6 . 6 0 6 " 6 6 +, 0 6 76 , +2 +*2 % =2 * 6 6 6 , 6 , 6 6 + 0 6 & 6 , 96 6 "6 "+ 6 , , , 6. 6 +, 0 6 0 , 6 6 '6 ***9' + 0 9 06 6 6 /, 6 +, 0 6 , + 6 , 96 6$ 6 9 96 /6@@BB6 ,0 " 6 , 6 6 +, 0, 6 6" 6,6 "01 6 6 , 6 +" 6 6 6 6 D 6A.@6 6 6, 6 6 6, 6 6 ,0, 6 " 6, 6 ,++61 6 0 6 2 2 #2 2# 2 ' #2 2 2 #2 2$ 2 1 6 6 +, 0 6 0 , 966$ 6 +, 6 " +6* ++6 6 6 " 6 6 2
Jamie and Anne-Marie Bridger proudly announce that their daughter Michèle Moira Anne Bridger was awarded high honours when receiving an Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree in Environmental Studies, with a minor in Law, at a June 10, 2011 ceremony at Carleton University in Ottawa. Congratulations Michèle!
Celebrate a life just begun!
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Mini backhoe with operator. Can enter small places to remove stumps, dig holes, trenches, move dirt and gravel. Email:eco clutter@live.ca.
WORLD-CLASS DRUMMER (of Five Man Electrical Band) is now accepting students. Private lessons, limited enrolment, free consultation. Call Steve, 613831-5029. www.steve SEND A LOAD to the dump, cheap. Clean up hollingworth.ca clutter, garage-sale leftovers or leaf and yard waste. 613-256COURSES 4613.
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**WORD AD COPY TAKEN BY PHONE IS NOT GUARANTEED FOR ACCURACY. For guaranteed wording, please fax your word ad or email it to us.
HUGE 2-DAY AUCTION!!! HWY. 401 & HWY. 2, WOODSTOCK. July 22, 10 a.m.: construction equipment, excavators, dozers, loaders, trucks, attachments and more. JULY 23, 10 a.m.: boats, trailers, RVs, PWCs, ATVS, utility trailers and more! www.aeroauctions.ca. CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME. 705-715-3812. Barrie, Ont.
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Symbolizing a long heritage of excellence and commitment, ST MARYS/CBM, one of Canada’s leading ready-mix manufacturers, is dedicated to the safety and health of employees, neighbours, local communities, and customers. Praised for our commitment to environmental protection, we listen to and invite employees to contribute to continuous improvement processes and diligently stand behind initiatives that support our position as an employer of choice. Due to our commitment to growth, we require…
Position Available: Multimedia Sales Specialist Summary The Multimedia Sales Specialist works as a key member of the Advertising team by participating and driving specific online sales and initiatives, as well as supporting customers, relative to an online product they have purchased. Their goals are to manage, maximize and grow customer satisfaction levels, while focusing on fulfilling the needs of advertisers, through alignment with Metroland Media services.
Position Title: Regional Human Resources Manager- 12 month contract (Maternity Leave) Department: Human Resources Location: Metroland – Ottawa Area: (Arnprior, Carleton Place, Kemptville, Nepean, Perth, Renfrew, & Smiths Falls) Metroland Media currently has an opening for a Regional Human Resources Manager supporting the Ottawa region. Reporting to the Director, Human Resources, the incumbent will be responsible for providing expert Human Resources consultation to the Region ensuring all Human Resources needs are successfully met. Consulting with the regional businesses, the primary responsibility of this role is to provide guidance and consulting to ensure that business practices are promoted and supported by HR practices.
Ready-Mix Truck Operators
Employee Engagement - further develop a learning culture through effective succession planning, objective setting, performance development, talent review & development planning as well as one-on-one coaching
Employee Relations – Coach Managers & employees through effective listening, counseling, being supportive & making appropriate recommendations in accordance with company policies, government legislation & the requirements of the business unit.
Labour relations – provide guidance and support to the management team on collective agreement interpretation & administration. Lead the grievance & arbitration process & assist in collective bargaining. Maintain a strong labour relations climate.
Ensure legal compliance is met with respect to all relevant employment and contractual legislation.
Facilitate learning & development by organizing and/or conducting training sessions and workshops.
Promote excellence within the HR function with respect to performance management, compensation planning, benefits administration, health & safety and WSIB, STD/LTD claims management.
Manage the recruitment & selection and on-boarding process to ensure the recruitment of top talent in a timely, cost-effect manner.
To join our progressive and employee-focused organization, please apply with copy of a driver’s abstract, CVOR, and resume, to: e-mail: cbmrecruitment@live.com with ‘RTMO’ as the subject
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Job Posting Job Title: Permanent Full-Time District Service Representative Department: Circulation Department Location: Ottawa Job Summary: This is a challenging role that requires an enthusiastic and energetic individual who is a self starter with strong communication, organizational, computer and problem solving skills. Experience is not necessary as on-the-job training will be provided for the right candidate.
Participate in Corporate HR Initiatives and projects as assigned.
Position Accountabilities: • A flair for dealing with customers in a patient and understanding manner • Excellent verbal & written communication skills • Detail oriented and highly organized • Ability to handle multiple demands and prioritize tasks • Address timely concerns in a timely and professional manner. • Proficient in Microsoft Office applications including Windows, Word, Excel and PowerPoint • Valid driver’s license and ability to provide his /her transportation • Previous customer experience an asset • Bilingualism in English and French an asset
Skills & Experience: •
University degree or equivalent education in Human Resources
CHRP designation or working towards
Minimum 3-5 years management experience
Previous labour relations experience
Proven leadership and strategic thinking
Demonstrated track record of innovation and continuous
Strong communication skills both written and verbal
Strong Interpersonal skills
Strong project and time management skills;
Managerial courage & political savvy
Results-oriented with the ability to think and learn on the fly.
Interested candidates should forward their resumes on or before July 29th, 2011 to Nancy Gour:
ngour@metroland.com Job Category: Human Resources
Can’t find a spot for that New Purchase? Reduce the clutter! Sell it in the Classifieds
Competencies, Competencies: Action oriented, Drive for Results, Composure, Customer Focus, Creativity, Learning on the Fly, Time Management • Excellent attention to detail • Ability to build and develop effective relationships within the team and with carriers • Strong communication skills • Exceptional customer service skills • Solid organizational skills and time management skills with the ability to multi-task • Ability to work in a fast-paced, dead-line oriented environment
Safety conscious, your ability to meet on-the-job physical demands, communicate effectively, and understand customer needs is essential. To be eligible, you must have a Class DZ driver’s licence and a minimum of three years of related driving experience. You will be required to successfully complete a road test and written HTA tests.
Key Responsibilities: • Promote the business strategy & vision by acting as a business partner to assist in the implementation of key initiatives •
Responsibilities Responsibilities for this role are heavily focused on sales activities for Metroland Digital properties, with the embedded understanding of customer relationship management and service.
• Perth
1. Outbound sales acquisition activity to local businesses promoting digital products. 2. Plan and prioritize personal sales activities and customer/prospect contact towards achieving agreed business aims, including costs and sales - especially managing personal time and productivity. 3. Plan and manage personal business portfolio according to an agreed market development strategy. 4. Manage product/service mix, pricing and margins according to agreed aims. 5. Maintain and develop existing and new customers through appropriate propositions and ethical sales methods. 6. Use customer and prospect contact activities tools and systems, and update accordingly. 7. Plan/carry out/support local marketing activities to agreed budgets and timescales, and integrate personal sales efforts with other organized marketing activities, e.g., product launches, promotions, advertising, exhibitions and telemarketing. 8. Respond to and follow up sales enquiries using appropriate methods. 9. Monitor and report on market and competitor activities and provide relevant reports and information. 10. Communicate, liaise, and negotiate internally and externally using appropriate methods to facilitate the development of profitable business and sustainable relationships. 11. Attend and present at external customer meetings and internal meetings with other company functions necessary to perform duties and aid business development. 12. Attend training and develop relevant knowledge, techniques and skills. 13. Adhere to health and safety policy, and other requirements relating to care of equipment.
Requirements Qualified candidates should possess: • Proven track record of achieving and exceeding measurable goals • Outbound B2B calling experience • Experience in managing a portfolio of clients • The ability to function in a deadline driven environment • Demonstrated superior customer relationship skills • Good communication skills, both verbal and written • The ability to work efficiently independently or as a part of a team • Excellent organizational skills, along with a high level of attention to detail and the ability to multi-task • Working and functional knowledge of the MS Windows and Office suites, as well as functional and navigational knowledge of the Internet
Interested candidates are requested to forward their resume and cover letter by July 11, 2011 to: josh.max@metroland.com. Please reference “Multimedia Sales Specialist” in the Subject Line. We would like to thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those being considered for an interview will be contacted.
What we can offer: • We offer competitive compensation package including mileage allowance • Comprehensive benefits package • We offer rewarding opportunities for development and advancement Interested and qualified candidates should forward their resume and cover letter no later than August 2, 2011 to the attention of Janet Lucas at janet.lucas@metroland.com / Fax: 613-224-2265. No phone calls please and only those selected for an interview will be contacted. CL24279
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Superintendant Couples Superintendent Couples As a couple, you will both be responsible for leasing, administration, customer service, cleaning, minor repairs, and maintenance of the interior and exterior of a residential property in Ottawa. Related experience and good communication and computer abilities are a must. A competitive salary and benefits package including on-site accommodation await you!! Please send your resumes (one from each partner) to: careers@minto.com fax (613) 788-2758
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
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No phone calls, please. We thank all applicants, but only selected candidates will be contacted.
Are you bright? Are you hard-working? Do you feel you have potential? Perhaps you haven’t found the right company to “click” with or the right opportunity to really show what you can do. We may have a career for you as a member of our multimedia sales team. Some of the things you’ll enjoy about working as part of the sales team at Metroland: • Being part of Metroland’s adventure in the online and offline world • Working in a fast paced innovative working environment • Advising clients on cutting edge technologies and industry trends • Becoming an expert in the Web, publishing, and delivery • Self-directed earnings potential In this position, you will be called upon to: • Identify and discuss advertising needs with prospective customers • Understand and promote METROLAND MEDIA products and services relevant to each new potential client acquisition • Design proposals for customers based on needs assessment • Maintain positive and effective customer relationships
LocalWork.ca is more than just a job board. We’re the premier source for local job opportunities in Ontario’s hear tland. We don’t just provide job listings, we put you in control of
Requirements: • A can-do attitude with a drive for success • Good Internet skills - SEO/SEM knowledge is an asset • The desire to earn the income you want based on sales results • Excellent communication skills • Media experience is an asset, but not required. Metroland Media attributes its success and winning culture to its dedicated employees. We are committed to offering you a best-in-class total rewards package, ongoing growth and development opportunities, plus a dynamic and innovative working environment. Forward your resume in confidence to Nancy Gour (ngour@metroland. com) by July 30, 2011. We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
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Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Th e
Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
Courtesy Photo
KEMPTVILLE MARTIAL ARTISTS EARN BLACK BELTS Douvris Martial Arts centres held their annual black belt grading on May 28 and 29 at the Nepean Sportsplex in Ottawa. Members of the Kemptville centre who earned their belts this year are: back row, left to right, Sensei Ray Richards, instructor; Chenoa Cassidy-Matthews, Sandan (3rd degree black); Sensei Earl Horvath, owner/instructor; Megan Wheatley, Barbara Ravenelli, Anabela Greer, Brandan Hudson and Marietta Ruhland received their Nidan (2nd degree black belt). Front row, left to right, Meaghan O’Hara, Shodan (1st degree black); Max van der Linde, Samuel Maynard and Nathan Derick received their Shodan-Ho (Junior black belts).
August 27 and 28, 2011 www.arnpriorwhitepinefestival.ca
www.arnpriorwhitepinefestival.ca For info email
No festival like this is attainable without great Sponsors and supporters. Listed are just a few of ours. O’Brien Theatre, Arnprior BIA, Giant Tiger. Reid Bros, Lorne’s Electric, Logs End. Please check our web site and you will see our great support and sponsor groups. Also following the web site will keep you up to date on what’s happening, when & where!
A Lob ball tournament will be held all day @ the MacLean Ball Diamonds 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Vendors set up 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. O’Brien Theatre film festival film Movies from the 20’s to present $2.00 chg. 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 OPP Golden Helmets: Precision riding, John St. N 11:00 a.m. – 11:50 Junk Yard Symphony, John St. N. 12:00 a.m. – Midnight: Beer garden, sponsored by Arnprior Optimist. $5.00 cover charge. 12:00 a.m. –1:30 p.m. Karaoke, by All 4 One Entertainment. Giant Tiger Stage. 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Jake Differ will present music for children entertainment. Jake was nominated for a Juno award and has a Canadian Children’s Award. Giant Tiger Stage 4:00 p.m. – 4:50 p.m. Missed them the first time? Junk Yard Symphony, John Street North 8:00 p.m. – Midnight: Country Music Show & Dance featuring The Countrymen who are celebrating 50th Anniversary of the band. They will have 4 special guests with them. Make sure you bring your lawn chairs and dancing shoes. On stage at Giant Tiger parking lot. Once again the Giant Tiger Train will be touring downtown all day Saturday. All the rides you want. Donations appreciated, for this and all other events.
Sunday, August 28 (Robert Simpson Park) 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Arnprior Lions Club Pancake Breakfast @ The Masonic Lodge on James St. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 pm Classis Car & ½ Ton Truck Show. Up to and including 1969. There will be awards, Dash plaques, etc Registration fee $5:00 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. O’Brien Theatre Film Festival continues up-town $2:00 entry fee. 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Arnprior River of Life Christian Fellowship Band will be playing on the Gazebo & yes “ELVIS” will be In The Park!!!! 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. as per Sat Jake Differ will be on the Gazebo. 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 pm Arnprior Line Dancer’s will be dancing up a storm on the Gazebo. 2:15 p.m. - ??? The Funk Blues Band, “To Be Determined” will be on the Gazebo. A can’t miss for all you Blue’s Fans. Again Lawn chairs should be brought along. DRAGON BOATS will be racing on the Ottawa River at various times. These are the same style, that are at the big races each year in Ottawa. As well as per Sat there will be numerous food vendors on site. There will be numerous food vendors for both days at the festival. Should be able to satisfy everyone’s taste buds.
The following is a partial listing of events planned for Friday, August 26 There will be a fishing derby starting Friday evening & continues this year’s Arnprior White Pine Festival. until Saturday evening, sponsored by Ottawa Valley Muskie Club. Changes may be made in regards to events (Ottawa River & Madawaska River) such as times & locations. Saturday, August 27 (Downtown) Please check our web site for all events and updates. 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 Breakfast @ Arnprior Legion
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Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011
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Family Hoedown Each Package Includes:
• 4 tickets to the Saturday August 13th’s events
(Performing are Rascal Flatts, Sara Evans, Easton Corbin, Justin Moore and the Keats)
• Chateau Laurier accommodations for four • $80 in Hoedown Chow Down Dollars • Lugg Travel bag and accessories
WagJag.com Capital Hoedown Contest Entry
CONTEST RULES: Go to www.WagJag.com/Ottawa and take note of the main WagJag of the day’s details.
Name: ________________________________
Then go to www.yourottawaregion.com > click on the top right banner to enter.
Email Address: _________________________
Enter the ‘You Save’ amount from the main WagJag of the day.
Date of WagJag: ________________________
Contest closes August 4th, 2011 at 11:59 pm.
OR – cut and fill out the ballot and mail it to us.
To enter and for complete contest rules and regulations go to www.yourottawaregion.com
Deadline to enter is August 4th 2011.
Mail to: 4–80 Colonnade Rd, Nepean, ON, K2E 7L2 All fields are required to enter the contest and are used solely to contact the winners.
No purchase necessary. Contest open to Ontario residents 18 years of age or older, except for employees, their immediate families and anyone living with any employee of the Sponsors or its corporate aff iliates, advertising or promotional agencies. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. Two (2) grand prizes will be awarded. Approximate retail value of the grand prize is $886. Entrants must correctly answer, unaided, a mathematical skill-testing question to be declared a winner.
Address: ______________________________
WagJag “You Save” Amount: ______________
Community Calendar WHEN
July 14, 21, 28
OPP Charity BBQ from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Kemptville Detachment. Grab lunch and support Kemptville District Hospital (July 14) and the Kemptville Youth Centre (July 21).
July 15, 18, 20, 22
Kemptville and Area Walking Group meets at 9 a.m. at the Municipal Centre. 258-4487.
July 16
Hat and Hosta Tea at Merrickville United Church. Garden tour featuring over 100 varieties of hostas, accompanied by live music and local artists. English Cream Tea served pre and post-tour, and hats will be on display. Please wear a hat to add to the atmosphere! Call Gail (269-4955), Peggy (290-0028) or Grant (2693451) to reserve.
July 16
Kemptville Horticultural Society’s ‘Bud to Bloom’ Garden Tour fundraiser. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bring a good pair of walking shoes and stroll through beautiful town gardens and larger countryside gardenscapes. Complimentary tea from 1 to 3 p.m. Tickets $15 in advance, $20 on tour day. Tickets now available from Arline (258-4645) or Paul (258-0808), or at Brewed Awakenings (2868 CR 43). Proceeds to Society programs and student bursaries at Kemptville Campus. Rain or shine, all are welcome!
July 17
Pig Roast at 2:30 p.m. at Kemptville Snowmobile Clubhouse. Live entertainment all afternoon. Bring your own lawn chair. Call 258-3648 to reserve tickets.
July 17
West Osgoode Olde Tyme Music & Dance Club 30 Years Celebration. 2 to 8 p.m. at Osgoode Community Centre. $10. Music by Sagebrush Country, King’s Creek and guests. BBQ from 4:30 to 6:30 with proceeds to Osgoode Care Centre. For tickets call Burnice at 224-9888 or Barb at 258-7679.
July 20
Baby Talk at Ontario Early Years Centre. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Breastfeeding support available.
July 22
Kemptville Legion Steak BBQ. $15. Tickets call 258-9065 or 258-5734 after 6 p.m. Everyone welcome to stay for euchre, cribbage, darts, pool or shuffleboard after the BBQ.
July 23
Jazz in the Garden with the New Orleans Express Jazz Band. 2 to 5 p.m. at 2384 Clothier St. W. in support of the new North Grenville Public Library. Tickets $30; 2 for $50. At Scotiabank, 300 Colonnade Dr. Call 2585614 or 258-4608 for details.
July 30
Simply Good Food with Good Service
2011 Reader’s Choice Winner
Best Overall Restaurant Live Music Every Thursday • 6-9pm Located Downstairs at 28 Clothier St. East, Kemptville CLOSED MONDAYS
First annual MS fishing fundraiser (MS BASSIN) for anglers, families, friends and neighbours. W.A. Taylor Park on River Road. Anglers to be in the water at 6 a.m. for the fishing tournament. Weigh-in of fish, and a charity bbq, start at 3 p.m. Folk Art Fish fundraising sale. Contact Matt for details and registration at 8263083.
Want to submit an event to appear on this calendar? Let us know within 3 weeks of the event by emailing joe.morin@metroland.com
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Kemptville Advance - JULY 14, 2011