Lions Roar March 2015

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March 2015

HERE'S A “GEM” OF A SPRING FUNDRAISER Monday, March 23 at 6:00pm, the Tri-County Lions Club invites everyone to Connie's Kitchen for our Jewelry Show by Park Lane, a long-time leader in direct sales jewelry! Finger foods will be provided. Founded in Chicago in 1955, Jewels by Park Lane defines 'The American Dream'. Park Lane proudly offers exceptional quality jewelry that is backed by an unconditional guarantee. In search of the perfect gift? Jewelry is always appreciated and appropriate. Fashionforward, unique, and exquisitely handcrafted, many Park Lane creations are inspired by world-renowned designers. The Lions Club will receive 50% of the proceeds from jewelry selected from the pictured brochure, and will pay the shipping (the brochure is available for download and printing from the Club's website here: Purchases may also be made from the company's extensive catalog, but with 15% of the proceeds to the club, and shipping paid by the customer. The Lions Club will also have updated brochures on hand about the Tri-County Club's many community projects and fundraisers. [Note: According to the Tennessee Department of Revenue, “The exemption of the organization cannot be used to buy goods or services free of tax which the organization will sell.” ]

FILL THE EASTER BASKETS FOR OUR SEYMOUR SENIORS On Saturday, April 4, Tri-County Lions will meet at Connie's Kitchen to prepare and then deliver about 75 Easter Baskets for residents of the low income senior living complex behind the library. The seniors there really have been appreciative of our efforts in the past. This is the same community where we delivered the food prior to Christmas. (And where Lion Connie and her staff delivered food following our Chili Dinner.)This is our annual Lions Family & Friends Month project. Thanks to Lion Connie Emmons who has been gathering the supplies. Mark your calendars now and meet at 3:00pm. You'll be glad you did!

HIGHWAY CLEANUP SCHEDULED Lions will meet Saturday morning, April 11, 8:00am at the Lodge on the corner of Chilhowee School Road and Boyds Creek Highway, to pick up the litter that has accumulated along Chilhowee School Road. Later in April (April 11) is Earth Day. Weather permitting and with a good turnout of Lions, the task will be completed in a reasonable time frame. We recommend wearing reflective vests or otherwise highly visible clothing, and the use of gloves and “grabbers�--watch out for your personal safety while performing this valuable service to the community. LIONS VOLUNTEER BLIND INDUSTRIES SEEKING BOARD MEMBER It is the time of year when new board members are selected to lead Lions Volunteer Blind Industries. Board President Lion Don Raines has asked for a member from Tri-County Lions to serve if interested. The details were sent in an earlier email to club members. If interested, please contact him in the near future, as the Board of Governors meeting where the election is held is coming up April. This is a great opportunity to serve the East Tennessee visually impaired community beyond the club level. His email is

SIGHT CONSERVATION UPDATES: Each month the Smoky Mountains Lions Charities Mobile Vision Lab provides eye exams and glasses (usually at the Fountain City Lions Club clubhouse) from 8:00am to 11:00am. If clients have transportation to the site, this is a great way to support this project as well as save the club a few bucks, making our sight funds go further. PDG Jim McFarland heads up this effort. In 2015, we've provided eye exams and glasses to two persons (and exam to another not requiring glasses). Also, another application is in process.

SUMMER READING PROGRAM Each Spring, Tri-County Lions give funds to support the Summer Reading Program of the Seymour Branch Library, through Friends of the Seymour Branch Library (FOSL). The program provides resources and events to keep children interested in reading when they are out of school for the summer. Several members of the club serve on FOSL. Our past support of the high school football team and other groups and sports in the community all help engage with young people and keep us young (at least in heart) and keep us connected to young people. CHILI DINNER AND SILENT AUCTION RESULTS ARE IN! Thanks to everyone that participated in making the February 23 event such a great success this year! Total net proceeds (dinner and auction combined) totalled nearly $1200! Special thanks to Lion Connie Emmons for all her hard work and support, as well as the use of the kitchen and dining room! The many nice auction items really boosted the proceeds. The weather gave us a “window of opportunity� that allowed folks to remedy their cabin fever and get out for a while between the ice and snow storms. Customer comments were overwhelmingly positive about the quality and the quantity of the food they enjoyed.

LIONS & FAMILIES GO TOGETHER LIKE A PICNIC & BASEBALL GAME The Annual Club Picnic and Baseball outing to Smokies Ballpark is scheduled for June 8, versus Birmingham. Reservation is confirmed and down payment paid. Plan now to attend, and invite family and friends to join the fun. We'll be dining at Calhouns at the Yard this year, and attendees will get free hats in addition to the all-you-caneat buffet. The picnic venue provides a good view of the game. MD-12 (STATE) LIONS CONVENTION IN CLARKSVILLE MAY 8-10 Riverview Inn is the location for the 97 th Annual Tennessee Lions State Convention in Clarksville. Lions Clubs International President Joe Preston is the guest, and also scheduled to attend is Tennessee's own 2 nd Vice President Bob Corlew. The latest issue of the District newsletter has a registration form. Eyeglass Recycling Work Day April 11 Lion Harry Ennis, Eyeglass Recycling Chair, has announced that the next work day for Lions of District 12-N is April 11 in Roanoke, VA at the Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center, 501 Elm Ave. NW, Roanoke, VA. Lions work sorting, measuring, and pack-ing from about 8:30am to around 2:30pm (lunch provided). For more information, Lion Harry can be contacted at (423)239-768. NOMINATING COMMITTEE FORMED

At the March 9 meeting, Club President Ray Valentine, Vice-President Keith McCord, and Lion Connie Emmons were named to the nominating committee. The officer nominations for 2015-2016 will be presented to the club soon for election. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FEBRUARY 2015 Administrative Account Balance: $557.57 Project Account Balance: $2,844.70 Savings Account Balance: $1,867.50

District Convention Guest Speaker PIP Jim Ervin

DISTRICT OFFICERS ELECTED AT FEBRUARY JOHNSON CITY CONCLAVE Lion Fletcher Stevens was elected District Governor; Lion Paulette Bailey, wife of PDG Chuck, was elected 1st Vice District Governor, and Adam Bowling (Kingsport) was elected 2 nd Vice District Governor. ETSU Lion Ashley Griggs provided entertainment, along with the Barbershop Quartet Mellow Fellows. Past International President Jim Ervin from Georgia was the guest speaker. Despite inclemenet weather, the turnout was good. DG-Elect Fletcher Stevens

DG Ed Gibbons PIP Austin Jennings

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