Property & Development Magazine examples

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INSIDE: INDUSTRY FOCUS: 2012 LONDON OLYMPICS Building an olympic legacy GAZELEY Forward thinkers on developing modern warehouse and logistics space MONTAGU EVANS Stability and growth LAMBERT SMITH HAMPTON Proximity to property SOVEREIGN HOUSING ASSOCIATION A cleaner and greener look at one of the UKs largest housing associations




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2 PROPERTY AND DEVELOPMENT Sustainability: breeam RIGHT: 3 Assembly Square located within Cardiff Waterside BELOW: The First Design-Stage BREEAM Outstanding – Gazeley’s G Park Blue Planet

DELIVERING SUSTAINABILITY FOR BUILDINGS BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) is the leading and most widely used environmental assessment method for buildings. It sets the standard for best practice in sustainable design and has become the de facto measure used to describe a building’s environmental performance.




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3 PROPERTY AND DEVELOPMENT Sustainability: breeam

idely recognised as the leading tool to


and over half a million more building units are

measure a building’s environmental

registered for assessment. Since the launch of the

standing, BREEAM is under continual

original scheme, which mainly focussed on office

development – including the launch this year of new

buildings, versions have been developed that are

versions for health and further education buildings,

specially adapted for assessing a wide range of

together with a new schemes for existing buildings

building types.

and communities.

There are schemes for schools, retail premises,

In 1990, a small group of BRE research scientists

industrial buildings, courts, prisons as well as offices,

and industry partners developed and launched a tool

and newly developed schemes for healthcare and

for assessing the environmental performance of

further education buildings in 2009. In addition, the

buildings. They called it the ‘Building Research

BREEAM Bespoke scheme can assess buildings that



fall outside the standard BREEAM categories, such as

Method’ – which luckily was quickly shortened to the

leisure complexes, laboratories, and hotels. There is

acronym, BREEAM, pronounced ‘bream’.

also now a scheme that assesses the sustainability of



Not even the most optimistic amongst them could have predicted that BREEAM would become the

development proposals at the planning stage – BREEAM Communities.

longest standing and most widely used environmental assessment method in the world. Now a byword for


sustainability in buildings, BREEAM sets the standard

BREEAM assessments award credits in nine cate-

for best practice in sustainable development.

gories: management, health and wellbeing, energy,

In the UK around 100,000 buildings, ranging

transport, water, materials, waste, land use and ecol-

from individual homes to major retail developments

ogy, and pollution. An environmental weighting is

have now been certified under the BREEAM scheme,

applied to each of these credit scores to reflect their




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4 PROPERTY AND DEVELOPMENT Sustainability: breeam

relative importance. They are added together to give

• Property agents, who use it to promote the environ-

an overall score that signifies a BREEAM rating of

mental credentials and benefits of buildings to

‘Pass’ if over 25%, ‘Good’ if over 40%, ‘Very Good’ if over 55%, ‘Excellent’ if over 70% and the highest rating of ‘Outstanding’ if over 85%. The assessment report outlines the development’s performance against each of the criteria and gives its overall score and rating. The client is presented with a certificate that confirms the building’s BREEAM rating. A key aspect of BREEAM is the impartiality of its

potential purchasers and tenants. • Design teams, who use it as a tool to improve the performance of their buildings, and their own experience and knowledge of environmental aspects of sustainability. • Managers who use it to measure the performance of buildings and develop action plans, monitor and report performance at both the local and level.

operation and assessment methods. Assessments are carried out by organisations that are licensed and

MAIN PICTURE: Unibail-Rodamco’s Docks 76 in Rouen TOP INSET: The new £27 million Asda store in Bootle, Merseyside


trained by BRE Global, but are otherwise independent

With the rate of renewal of our building stock, currently

of the BRE Group. Assessors are covered under a

estimated to be around 1-2% each year, it will take us

UKAS accredited competent persons scheme.

in the region of 100 years or more to replace our all

Another key factor in BREEAM’s success has been

our current buildings with new stock that is more envi-

the participation – from the development of the first ver-

ronmentally friendly – and therefore the challenge of

sion through the evolution of all subsequent variations

improving the sustainability of existing stock is enormous.

to the governance of BREEAM today – of a full range

There are already well established schemes for

of construction industry representatives and other stake-

assessing the environmental performance of buildings

holders. They have ensured that it has remained rele-

at the design and construction stages – with he various

vant and valuable to a wide range of users including:

BREEAM schemes described above being the most

• Clients, planners, developers and funders, who use

robust and long-lived of these. A new version of

BREEAM to specify the sustainability performance of

BREEAM – BREEAM In-Use – is now available so that

their buildings in a way that is quick, comprehensive

all those involved in occupying, procuring or managing

and visible in the marketplace.

existing buildings can evaluate – and improve – the




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5 PROPERTY AND DEVELOPMENT Sustainability: breeam

performance of their property assets and the quality of

countries being assessed under BREEAM. ICSC are

their management regimes.

using BREEAM to drive the sustainability of retail devel-

BREEAM In-Use is a methodology that has been

opments throughout Europe, creating a benchmark for

developed with ease of access in mind. It has been

their environmental performance to ensure ongoing

designed for building occupiers and managers who

improvements. Ermine Amies, Managing Director at

might not necessarily have the specialist or detailed

ICSC Europe said: “Whilst there has been much talk

knowledge of energy, water or waste issues and in this

about the ‘greening’ of buildings, over the last three

sense has been produced with the mass market in mind

years enlightened ICSC members have been taking

and with the intention of making a difference to build-

practical steps to make sustainable development a reality.

ings of all shapes and sizes, in all parts of the country.

We are delighted that a growing number of our members are now reporting successful adoption of the


BREEAM standard for their new developments.” Unibail-

BREEAM is increasingly applied outside the UK with

Rodamco are one ICSC member who are applying

schemes tailored to particular local conditions. The

BREEAM. Both the Agrivin and Docks buildings, part of

International Council of Shopping Centres (ICSC) now

the Docks 76 complex in Rouen, France recently

has over 20 of its members’ shopping centres in thirteen

achieved BREEAM Good for shell and core at the design stage. Particular features of the design which


helped achieve this rating included the re-use of an existing building on the site, thereby avoiding the environ-

• the building itself (giving it an asset rating)

mental impact of demolition and reconstruction, and a

• the operation of the building (building management rating)

20% reduction of electricity consumption through the

• the way the building occupiers manage their activities (organisational rating).

use of natural ventilation.

The system is flexible enough for it to be applied to an individual building or a col-

Tel: +44 (0)1923 664462

lection of buildings, or to an entire property portfolio or sub-parts of it.

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Regeneration: City Legacy

Regeneration: City Legacy

REGENERATING GLASGOW Property and Development Magazine takes a look at City Legacy Consortium who have been recommended as preferred bidder to build the Athletes Village for the 2014 Commonwealth Games in the East End of Glasgow lasgow City Council has announced


The proposals for the Games phase of this

that the City Legacy Consortium has been recommended as preferred bid-

Martin Kiely, managing director of W H

for six key venues there, including the Delhi

further 100 for mid market rent. City Legacy’s

reduced energy bills and a minimum 60% car-

project have been prepared in discussion with



proposals will ensure there is a real and lasting

bon emission reduction.

the Organising Committee of the 2014

International Airport. Their experiences with

legacy for the area of new housing for local

The homes will be priced at an affordable

“We are very pleased to support this impor-

der to build the Athletes Village for the 2014

Commonwealth Games. The project will employ

the Delhi Games will be hugely advantageous

people and complementary retail uses. In addi-

level, within the price ranges achievable for

tant and exciting regeneration project. We are a

Commonwealth Games at Dalmarnock in the

620 people and will include the development of

towards the design and feel of a successful

tion to a small-scale supermarket, there is

first time buyers in the area.

long established family business and are commit-

East End of Glasgow. City Legacy is delighted

700 riverside homes and related accommoda-

Games Village for Glasgow.

scope for a variety of smaller scale retail out-

to have been identified as preferred bidders,

tion for the Games Village. Work is planned to

beating off the other bids for this prestigious

begin next year and will be completed six

project. The Consortium stated:

months before the Games start in 2014.




Calum Murray, managing director of CCG Homes commented:

lets for services such as chemist, laundry, hair-

John Gallacher MBE, managing director of Cruden Estates Ltd said:

dresser and health centre. The unique design

“Glasgow has led the way in urban regen-

“As a business with its roots in the East End

of the accommodation presents flexibility and

eration and this is another great example of this.

Malcolm said:

ted to providing an outstanding service for the Commonwealth Games and beyond.” Paul Stallan, European design director of RMJM said:

“This innovative project will not only showcase

Glasgow based international architectural

of Glasgow, CCG are absolutely delighted

allows for relatively simple post Games retrofit

Cruden has been involved in many projects in

“RMJM have designed a beautiful and

the new face of the East End of Glasgow to a

company RMJM has already been awarded a

to be associated with the City Legacy consor-

for the Legacy housing phase.

the East End, so we understand how to regener-

inspired urban village for the east end of

world-wide audience during the Commonwealth

key contract at the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth

tium and the inspiring vision which it has

During the Games these homes will accom-

ate this effectively for the Games and for the res-

Glasgow, a village that will accommodate vis-

Games, it will also transform Dalmarnock to

Games to be the expert planning consultants

conceived. The challenge for the team now

modate up to 8,000 athletes and officials

idents afterwards. With the riverside, this is a

iting athletes in the first instance but most

become a much sought-after riverside residential

is to deliver this vision – to match and

from around the globe. Alison Shepphard,

unique development opportunity and our design

importantly post the 2014 Games will provide

area. The regeneration of the East End is a long


hopefully exceed the City and Scotland’s


maximises this for the athletes and residents.”

a wonderful environment for a new family

• Developers and contractors, CCG, Cruden,

expectations. ”

Commonwealth medallist who reviewed City

term objective of Glasgow City Council. The Commonwealth Games and City Legacy’s proposals will act as a catalyst to create an excellent new neighbourhood with well placed community facilities, attractive open spaces accessible to existing and new residents of the East End.” The City Legacy consortium has been formed by several companies who have a

Mactaggart & Mickel, and W H Malcolm

City Legacy will employ 620 people directly





Legacy’s bid said:

Ed Monaghan, managing director of Mactaggart & Mickel said:

focused community to grow and regenerate.” Andy Outram, partner of Davis Langdon said:

• Bid management, project management and

as a result of the Games phase, including 84 new

“I can see even at this stage that City

“City Legacy’s constituent companies have an

cost management, Davis Langdon LLP

apprenticeships. City Legacy will also construct a

Legacy’s designs are going to provide a

unparalleled local track record for job creation

120 bed care home as part of the project.

‘Home from Home’ for athletes and officials. I

and investment in the city. Mactaggart & Mickel


The planned mix of homes incorporates a

think that their Games Village design will pro-

has been involved in many of the city’s signifi-

Management services to City Legacy. The proj-

• Engineers, WSP Group Plc

diverse range of sizes and types of properties

vide a quality of experience better than any

cant events, from building the Milk Bar at the

ect has forged strong bonds and working rela-

• Community benefit and town planning

that will be important in creating a balanced

other previous Games I have attended.”

Garden Festival to the award winning home at

tionships between the consortium members

• Masterplanners and design Champions, RMJM

“I am delighted that Davis Langdon has able





After the Games, City Legacy will construct

Homes for the Future in 1999. We are pleased

and the respective teams at GCC and the

advice, Turley Associates

community and will aid sales of the homes.

and job creation in Glasgow. Members of the

• Legal advisors, Burness LLP

There are three core house types with permu-

a further 765 additional homes. The riverside

to be involved in making another lasting mark in

organising Committee for the Commonwealth

consortium bring a range of skills and have

• Utilities infrastructure and sustainability,

tations which will result in around 21 types in

site will include an urban beach, as well as

Glasgow’s regeneration. The site will be a great

Games. These good foundations will lead to

total to suit the needs of every buyer.

carefully located and supervised play spaces.

legacy for Glasgow, both at the time of the

achieving a successful Athletes Village and ulti-

300 of these homes will be for sale, with

The homes will be low rise, with many energy

Games by putting Glasgow on the map and

mately one of the most significant housing-

300 being provided for social housing and a

efficient features resulting in significantly

afterwards as a fantastic place to live and work.”

based regeneration schemes in the UK.”

strong track record of residential development

worked closely with Glasgow City Council in a participative dialogue process since October last year.

Scottish and Southern Energy • Property development advice, JLL

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