Kennington News December 2016

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Kennington News The newsletter of Kennington Community Forum

The winner of the cake competition, Lola Osbourne, with her Mum whose design was made into a cake.

Down the Drain Ten residents were treated to a guided tour of Bybrook Wastewater Treatment Works or sewage works as it is better known. Following concerns raised by local residents regarding odours from the plant and transport of sludge into the site, Southern Water’s managers showed how effluent from the network of sewers across Ashford is processed through sedimentation tanks, with the cleaned liquid waste discharging into the River Stour. Residual solid waste is processed through two large sealed bio-digesters which extract combustible gases and recycle them to provide power for the plant. The tour was told that some partially-treated “sludge cake” is brought in by road from outlying smaller waste treatment plants in the area, although this is now decreasing. The sludge is tipped into large hoppers in specially designed buildings, then fed into the bio-digesters. However, it wasn’t clear whether drivers were always

closing the building doors before tipping sludge which could be a cause of odour, and Southern Water promised to look in to this. The remaining “biosolids” are stored in a large open pen on site, and sold on to local farms for use as fertiliser. This was also thought to be a cause of odour affecting local properties when the fertiliser is loaded onto lorries. Southern Water promised to look at relocating portable odour-masking equipment to cover the fertiliser pen, to see if this would reduce the problem. Sarah Feasey, Southern Water’s Stakeholder Engagement Manager, said “I would strongly advise anyone affected by odour issues from the wastewater treatment plant to contact us as soon as they experience a problem by calling 0330 303 0368. This will assist us in investigating the potential cause.”

Groups wishing to organise a tour of the works can contact Sarah on 01634 824201.

December 2016

The staff and children at Downs View Infant School have been celebrating the School’s 40th Birthday by looking back over the past 40 years to when the school first opened. Mrs Collins, Deputy Headteacher, started her teaching career at Downs View 22 years ago and was able to tell the children and staff about many of the changes that have taken place. The school held a range of activities to celebrate the event including a cake competition. Ex-pupils who are now current parents of children at the school were invited in to talk to the children about their time at Downs View. The celebrations finished with a tea party for all staff, parents and children. Staff who had previously worked at the school and ex-pupils came back to help celebrate, including Mrs Caroline Macey, Mr Aaron Ingram and former teacher Mrs Osmotherley. Mrs Kent, Headteacher of the school, said how great it was to see children asking questions and how exciting it was to hear about the history of the school. It was good to see how the school had changed since it opened in 1976 whilst also hearing about some traditions at the school including book weeks, Christmas dinner, a large Christmas tree in the hall and Easter bonnet parades which have continued on over the years!

The World of Volunteering. Unpaid?? We focus our work on “What people are good at (and what they are not!)”; “What they like to do (and don’t)” to ensure we provide the best possible match for all those involved. Subsequently who are the people who can help potential volunteers reach their goal – often the stepping stone to a potential life-changing path.  Give your CV a boost – in a survey of some of the UK’s leading businesses 73% said they'd employ someone who's volunteered over someone who hasn't. Wow...three months in and what a rewarding environment! It is  Get back into work - It’s a great way to get a reference and fill too easy in today’s “auto-pilot” life to justify value-for-money by gaps in work experience. Try something different. ticking boxes (have a read of Ruby Wax's "Frazzled"). Back on the  Improve your confidence – Volunteers can learn and do things ground again and I am pushing to make a difference to that they might not normally get the chance to do. community and people through volunteering.  Improve your health- Research has found that volunteering Einstein once said “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish can do everything from helping you to sleep better to boosting by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is your immune system. Feel good! stupid.” A significant part of my role is finding people’s genius –  Meet new people, gain new experiences – you’ll probably meet particularly when they may have been told, too often, they can people from different cultures and backgrounds that you might offer little. not normally. Passionate people. From young people to the older generation, those with Some of this is covered on “Skills for Volunteers” courses at the educational needs, clients trying to re-start their lives from Volunteer Centre but generally the core support is there for all our JobCentrePlus, and many more, I am already witnessing the huge interactions with our community. benefits for those receiving support as well as those volunteering As an individual or an organisation do you often think you could their time. help and do more...but don’t? So what is volunteering? The official line is “An activity that We’re a charity aiming to support and grow stronger communities involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to across Ashford. What can you do to help? Would you benefit from benefit the environment or individuals or groups other than (or in being involved in your own community? Would your organisation addition to) close relatives”. Oh...there is so much more than grow its well-being by supporting others? that! I would start by challenging “unpaid”. It’s a wonderful world (I’ll take that one from Louis Armstrong)! With volunteering, the money is not good but the rewards are Come join it! huge!!

Lee Robinson has recently taken on a new role as Volunteer Services Coordinator at Ashford Volunteer Centre. Here are some of his thoughts after the first few weeks.

Ashford Volunteer Centre provides a range of services, training opportunities and a friendly volunteer service, helping those who wish to volunteer to find opportunities, and supporting local organisations who wish to find volunteers. Contact them on 01233 665535.

Ringing the bells at St Mary’s St Mary’s church is in need of a new Bell Tower Captain as the present Captain will relinquish the role at Christmas this year. Normally a new Tower Captain would be proposed to the Parochial Church Council from the existing ringers, but with only five regular Sunday ringers at the moment none of the current team feels able to take on the full task. The Tower Captain is responsible for co-ordinating all bell-ringing at St Mary’s. This includes ringing the service bell each Sunday at 9:45am before the service, and preparing the bells for a postservice ring; organising ringing for weddings, funerals and special services; and liaising with visiting ringers and the Vicar and Churchwarden. Practices have been combined with Great Chart and get attendance of between 3 and 12 ringers. The Tower Captain is also the Steeple Keeper, responsible for bell maintenance. This is a monthly check of the bells, stays, ropes, and pulleys. The present Captain will remain available to assist and train volunteers. If you are interested in finding out more about bell ringing at St Mary’s, please contact the Church Office on 01233 664820

The Tower and Bells

The tower at St Mary’s is believed to have been built about 1400 and by 1552 had five bells in the “stepyll”. 3 of these 5 bells (the 1, 3 and 4) are recorded as being cast by William Oldfield about 1540 and the 4 (now rung as the 5) continues to ring to this day after more than 450 years. In 1602 the 2 and tenor were recast by Robert Mot, founder of the Whitechapel Bell Foundry, which is still in operation today. The original 3 was recast by Chapman & Mears in 1784 and the 1 was recast in 1804 by Thomas Mears.

Kennington News



Bybrook WI have been on a recent visit to Hole Park Gardens to enjoy the Autumn colours of the trees, and sample the delicious refreshments on offer in the café. Some of our members also went on a Federation visit to Windsor Castle and saw an exhibition of the outfits the Queen has worn during her Reign, and noted that like most of us the sizes got larger as time went on! Members are now looking forward to December with a visit to Polhill Garden Centre and our Annual Christmas Party. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 13th December at St Mary's Community Centre Rylands Road at 7.30pm. Visitors are very welcome. Denise Browne

Help Conservation at Conningbrook Lakes The Friday Volunteer Group at Conningbrook Lakes Country Park has been hard at work recently. Working on the reedbed area around the Ecolake, armed with hand tools, the group sawed and chopped their way through willow, alder and aspen trees and scrub, clearing a way for the sunlight to pour in and for wetland flora such as reeds and sedges to expand. This will in turn attract more wetland fauna to the reserve such as reed warblers, water rail and dragonflies. A large fire is used to get rid of the majority of the brush, and logs are piled as habitat for invertebrates and amphibians. Nestled behind the Julie Rose Stadium, Conningbrook Lakes Country Park lies along a stretch of the Great Stour. Comprising three lakes, it is a fantastic wildlife refuge on Kennington’s doorstep. 20ha of the site is managed as a nature reserve by Kent Wildlife Trust, with the help from our fantastic team of volunteers. The volunteer team based at Conningbrook meets every Friday 10am-3pm, in the Julie Rose car park. All are welcome, just bring stout footwear, weather-appropriate clothing, work wear and a lunch. Email for more information.

The End of The Summer Fayre? Kennington’s Summer Fayre is one of the best community events in Ashford. Usually held on the last Saturday in June, the Fayre raises thousands of pounds for local charities and not-for-profit organisations (over £10,000 in 2016) – and is a great deal of fun too! But will there be a Summer Fayre in 2017? With the retirement from the committee of its former Chair Jill Britcher, the future of this event is in doubt unless they can find willing volunteers to take the lead. Chris Twydell, a long-standing member of the committee, said “Most of the participants on the committee are already involved in their own organisations, and while, collectively and individually, they are able to take on some roles, we need a couple of people, to take on the co-ordinating role and to undertake some fairly beefy tasks. For example, contacting schools and groups and arranging arena displays, contacting companies for prizes and arranging the draw, marking out the field, putting up banners, completing risk assessment, licencing and other forms with ABC. There is no reason why each of these tasks could not be undertaken by different people, sharing the load, but we do need a focal point to make sure everything needed for a safe and successful day has been dealt with. Anyone offering to take on these roles would be well supported by the other organisations who take part”.

Kennington C.E. Academy welcomes new Head Staff and children at Kennington C.E. Academy were delighted to welcome their new Headteacher, Katie Wratten, at the start of the school term. Mrs Wratten, who lives in Kennington, was previously head of St Martin's School, Dover. Mrs Wratten told Kennington News that parents made an important contribution to children’s achievements at school, and she wanted to develop the relationship between school and parents for everyone’s benefit. She added “The most important outcome for all of us is each child’s wellbeing – we all want them to feel happy and proud. I know how vital working in partnership with parents really is, in order for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience. I strongly believe achievement and enjoyment go hand-in-hand to ensure each child’s excellent progress in life”.

Can you help save Kennington Summer Fayre? Please contact There have been fairs in Kennington for over 200 years. This advert is from the Kentish Gazette, 2 July 1793. But where in Kennington was the fair held?

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New Hayesbank surgery’s extension is now up and running. The new extension gives an additional 10 clinical rooms and 2 new patient waiting areas. The extension also includes a theatre suite that will be used to accommodate additional minor operations for New Hayesbank patients. New Hayesbank surgery now provides a weekend cataract service for local NHS patients. This is running on Saturdays and Sundays. Further new services will be launched in the near future.

New Hayesbank Surgery Cemetery Lane Kennington Ashford Kent, TN24 9JZ Tel: 01233 624642

Take Part In County-wide Survey On Health And Social Care The NHS, social care and public health in Kent and Medway are working together to plan how to transform health and social care services to meet the changing needs of local people, and the challenges they are facing. They need your help. There is a survey which runs until 23 December 2016 and will provide information about local people’s views for the Kent and Medway Health and Social Care Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP). The STP’s focus is on how services need to change over the next five years to achieve the right care for people for decades to come and to provide:  better health and wellbeing  better standards of care  better use of staff and funds. The STP will help the NHS, social care and public health in Kent and Medway deliver the Five Year Forward View, which sets out the national vision for health and social care. This plan will take time to develop and will cover local GP and community care, as well as hospital and social care. Please join the Ashford health network to make sure you are kept up to date with developments: In the New Year there will be more chances to say what you want from services, To take part in the survey visit: and how services could work better locally. in Kent and Medway

Kennington News


Community action for Little Burton Jo Hill Voluntary Officer Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership It has been an exciting year for Little Burton green space, with much fun and activities. The Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership (KSCP) held a community picnic event for National Meadows Day in July, including a bug hunt and snail races. It also allowed KSCP and the Forum to liaise with the community about plans for the area.

National Meadows Day Picnic in July In August, local volunteers worked hard with KSCP to clear a meadow of the invasive plant species ragwort. The meadow was then cut and cleared to help it grow and establish. Another invasive species, Himalayan Balsam, is being eradicated on a larger scale. KSCP, with funding from the Environment Agency, have started a 3 year program clearing the banks of the Great Stour River through Little Burton. Local residents have already said what a brilliant difference it has made.

Morning with Home-Start in September Forming new links. . . KSCP and Home-Start’s Ashford & District’s ‘Chill with Dad’ group, got together in September for a fun few hours exploring nature and learning about its hidden treasures. Insects were discovered with other mini marvels. The kids then got creative and made their own works of art. The future . . . the lake is in desperate need of attention. KSCP is applying for funding to do a survey and make improvements for wildlife and clearer and safer views for the public. We plan to continue working with local groups, as this site is an excellent educational resource for outdoor learning. The support of the community is important to the future of this fantastic green space. For any ideas and suggestions that you would like to see as part of the project please contact Home-Start Ashford & Districts T: 01233 647209 e:


ABC Proposes Changes to Borough Ward Boundaries

Square Issues from Cllr Andrew Buchanan, Bybrook Ward 01233 627696 I have had a couple of busy months trying to address issues in Bybrook. From the correspondence I receive and by talking to residents there are two main concerns within the ward, both in Bockhanger Square, namely an increase in Anti Social Behaviour and the need to regenerate the area. In a way the two problems are linked. Regarding Anti Social Behaviour steps have been taken. I have met with Alison Oates of the Community Safety Unit at Ashford and together we walked around the area and discussed what steps can be taken to resolve the problems. Additionally I had contacted the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott, who kindly came to Bockhanger Square and met with myself and PCSO Nikki Potter to discuss the problems and what can be done to improve the situation. This is an ongoing problem and I will be following it up to try to ensure the problems are kept to a minimum. The other main area of concern is the rather tired look and feel of

Kennington News

Bockhanger Community Centre and surrounding area. I called a meeting with relevant Ashford Borough Council Officers and the ABC Cabinet Portfolio holder Neil Shorter to discuss the options available to us. A few years ago there was a consultation process which regrettable stalled, as a financially viable option which retained the community centre facility could not be found There are some new options which need properly exploring and I will update you when I know a bit more. However, whilst I do not wish to throw good (tax payers) money after bad, I have spoken to your KCC Councillor Jim Wedgbury and Bockhanger Councillor Luke Powell (Bockhanger Square is confusingly in Bybrook Ward) and we are all looking to put some of our Member Grant funds into a facelift for the area, especially if a permanent regeneration solution cannot be achieved in the near future.


Ashford Borough Council have submitted a proposal to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England to re-draw boundaries for many of the borough’s electoral wards. The overall plan is to ensure that each councillor represents roughly the same number of people, and to have the right number of councillors to represent the current population. ABC’s proposal increases the number of councillors by 4 to 47 from May 2019, each representing about 2125 residents. Changes proposed in the Forum’s area include  abolition of Little Burton Farm ward, to be replaced by a new ward covering Little Burton and Conningbrook.  Part of Little Burton Farm ward between Canterbury Road and Faversham Road transfers to Bybrook ward, while part of Bybrook transfers to Bockhanger  creation of a new ward called Trinity to represent the Goat Lees area. The Commission is currently reviewing submissions from all consultees across the borough, and expects to publish a draft report for consultation during December. Changes to ward boundaries are likely to affect the warding arrangement for the new Kennington Community Council, the first elections for which will take place in May 2019. More details on the Commissions review for Ashford are at: -east/kent/ashford

Strong Response to Local Plan Consultation Consultation on the proposal in ABC’s draft ‘Local Plan to 2030’ to build 700 houses on farmland behind the Conningbrook Hotel has generated 1482 comments from residents and statutory bodies. Most residents opposed this development, but a number of statutory bodies also raised objections. Southern Water objected (comment ALP/2348) as this site could be affected by odour from the sewage works; Kent County Council (ALP/2559) said the site may be in conflict with the recently adopted Minerals and Waste Policy; Natural England (ALP/2369) stated that the draft plan “does not give a clear rationale why the importance of the development outweighs the weight that should be given to Best and Most Versatile [land]”; and Highways England (ALP/2687) objected because “This site is likely to adversely impact both the Strategic Road Network in terms of congestion and safety”. The Forum welcomes proposals to extend the Green Corridor in Bybrook and in Little Burton, but are concerned that although the draft plan support local community facilities, regrettably it does not make any reference to Bockhanger Community Centre which is in urgent need of a clear plan. ABC’s website says that “Following a full analysis of the representations and sites received, a decision will be made as to whether any changes are required to be made on the draft plan. If changes to the Local Plan are proposed (including any changes to site allocations), ABC will re-consult with stakeholders and the public for a 6 week period. This is likely to be in Spring 2017”.

from Cllr Philip Sims, Kennington Ward 01233 627603

Kennington Ward The response to the consultation on the development of the area we have come to call Large Burton Estate received the most expressions of opposition of all the sites in the current version of the Local Development Plan. The next stage in what is a lengthy process is for the results of the consultation to be incorporated into a revised document which will go before a Government Inspector, probably in mid 2017. This is rather a long time to wait, but this is due in some part to the result of recent Inquiries by Planning Inspectors, which have thrown doubt on the target number of houses to be planned for in the LDP. The draft plan published for consultation stated the Borough was expected to put forward land for a new homes target of about 13,500. However this number has been brought into doubt and a significantly larger quota has been suggested. I won't bother attempting to describe the detail of what, why,

where, when, etc. but you can find background material on my webpage at Obviously this possible variation in the housing target requires more sites for development than we have been consulted on thus far. Hence in part the slowing down of the whole process, as more land may now be required to be included in the Local Development Plan. On a more upbeat note the Councils RecyleApp App, has been updated and now includes a REPORT IT function where you can send images and locations of such problems as fly posting, dog fouling, graffiti, street litter, and fly tipping. It works on Smart Phones and Tablets. Also the Council has launched a Fraud Reporting App, with which a wide range of suspected Frauds can be reported.




Photo: Abbott Construction

Photo: Kentish Express

The official opening of the new sports pavilion at the Ridge by the Mayor on 8th October was a memorable day for Kennington with the vision of replacing the original wooden building built some 60 years ago finally being achieved. Cllr George Koowaree cut the ribbon for the new facility which has been designed to meet Sport England specifications and boasts six team and two referee changing rooms, a clubroom and a kitchen. The previous building had become delapidated and an eyesore, and was no longer fit for use. The nearby tennis courts have also been resurfaced. The council’s facility development manager, Ben Moyle, said: “We hope the community fully make use of the new facilities and we are confident it will be very popular. Not only does it provide a central sports and leisure hub, but it can also host a range of community activities and sports events.” Abbott Construction delivered the project under a Design and Build Contract with ABC. The project was funded through grants from the Premier League and Football Association Facilities Fund, Sport England, and Ashford Borough Council, together with initial fundraising co-ordinated through the Forum.


The pavilion is being managed by Serco Leisure. Booking enquiries to Victoria Crosbie-Cowley, Sports and Community Development Manager

Sailing School celebrates one year at Conningbrook Lakes

by Helen Hofmann, RCPYC Sailing School In October, the Sailing School of the Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club celebrated its first anniversary of offering sailing to local residents on Conningbrook Lakes. This year, there has been tremendous interest shown by children, youths and adults who have taken sailing courses and training, with families often sailing together. In May, over 60 children and adults participated in a sailing taster day called “Push the Boat Out”, many going on to take beginners’ courses in the following weeks. The first Royal Yachting Association inspection was passed successfully in July. Safety boat courses have been started and will be offered before the sailing season begins again in March/April 2017 when more beginners’ sailing courses will be offered for all ages. Please email if you would be interested in attending a course, or send a message via the facebook page “Conningbrook Lakes Sailing” or email:

Kennington News

Kennington FC makes fantastic start by Jon Lancaster, Chairman KFC After narrowly missing out on the Kent County League Premier Division title last season Kennington FC has made a fantastic start to this season. Despite losing our opening game we have now gone unbeaten in our last 11 games and hopes are high of title success. With the majority of last year’s team signing up again, and the addition of a few players, confidence is high. John Ovard (ex-Ashford United) has also come in as manager Dan Scorer’s assistant, adding some much needed experience to the squad. Our Reserves are currently playing in the Ashford and District League, and after a few troubled seasons, seem to be getting back on track. Manager Brad Russell has welcomed back some old faces, and the team currently resides at the top of Division One and are unbeaten. Our Sunday side managed by Keith Rice has also enjoyed a decent start, as they look for promotion to the Premier Division. They also remain unbeaten in their first 5 league games, and hopefully their experience will see them achieving deserved success at the end of the season. Off the field has seen some changes. Chairman Graham Oxley has stood down after several seasons , so I have taken over the running of the club, along with our Secretary Kevin Hayden. We have had some ground issues to contend with, but are glad to say they are behind us, and we are excited about returning to The Julie Rose Stadium for the rest of the season. We continue to have close links with our Junior Club, who run sides from U/6 to U/18, and this bodes well for the continuing success of the football club. For all the latest news please refer to, or our twitter page @kenningtonfc.


Andrew Wickham (Ashford Rural East) 01233 840902 Jim Wedgbury (Ashford Central) 01233 503272 BOROUGH COUNCILLORS: Kennington: Phil Sims 01233 627603 Bockhanger: Luke Powell 01233 713384 Bybrook: Andrew Buchanan 01233 627696 m Little Burton: Marion Martin 01233 628811 Boughton Aluph: Winston Michael 01233 636644 NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE : Call 101 to be put through to the neighbourhood officer best placed to deal with your call PARKING PROBLEMS: 01233 330641 KENT HIGHWAYS: 03000 418181 NEW HAYESBANK SURGERY: 01233 624642 LATE NIGHT CHEMIST: Sainsbury’s, Simone Weil Avenue 01233 662819 MEDICAL HELP BUT NOT AN EMERGENCY: 111 (available 24/7) A&E OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY: William Harvey Hospital 01233 633331 ST MARY’S CHURCH: 01233 664820 STAGECOACH BUSES: 08456 002299

ABOUT THE FORUM Kennington Community Forum takes an active role in looking after the interests of people and the environment in our area. The Forum is run by volunteers, and new members are always welcome. We hold six public meetings a year, and publish Kennington News in March, June, September and December. For more details contact: Chris Morley 01233 611196 Sandra Dunn 01233 634165 NEXT PUBLIC MEETING Tuesday 31 January 2017 St Mary’s Community Centre Rylands Road at 7:30pm

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