DELIVERED TO 5,000 HOMES Our Fayre Ladies . . . Kennington WI prepare for a busy day at the 1940s Summer Fayre. Story and pictures Page 4
Published by Kennington Community Forum
It’s a disgrace! Bockhanger Square is a mess. That’s the verdict of residents and shopkeepers. It has gone downhill rapidly since Ashford Borough Council decided developing the area was not affordable. Sunny Dhanda, who has been trading in Bockhanger Square for 20 years, said: “It is in absolute disrepair. Two years ago the council gave us some ideas of how the square could be improved and the locals chose one of the options —then they kicked us in the teeth. “We were told the situation would be reviewed regularly but we’ve not heard a word. Everybody here wants to see the area developed.” The open space around the shops, community centre and library is an eyesore. Grass and weeds are growing between the uneven paving slabs. The ones outside the shops have been pushed up by tree roots and one child has already taken a nasty tumble. A nearby wall is covered in graffiti. Resident Steve Salter said: “Traders say they report the state to the council and the refuse and cleaning company, and nothing gets done. It’s a disgrace and I’m angered that Bockhanger seems to have been forgotten.” Jenny Blunt, who lives nearby, said: “It’s getting more run down by the day.” There are also complaints about abusive language and aggressive behaviour by youngsters congregating in the shelter. Another resident said: “They throw stones against the community hall.” The idea to redevelop Bockhanger Square
came after Kennington Community Forum expressed concern that ABC had withdrawn funding from Bockhanger Community Centre. A group of local people and councillors was formed and by April 2013, had come up with four proposals. ABC organised a consultation to give locals a say on which scheme they liked best and more than 100 people attended. The preferred option was to allow a developer to build housing on the site in return for funding a new community centre and a new home for the shops. Cllr Aline Hicks, Ashford Borough Council’s portfolio holder for housing, said at the time: “The proposals are intended to breathe new
life into the area. We have high aspirations for Bockhanger Square.” But the plan became Sunny Dhanda: “They a victim of rising kicked us in the teeth.” building costs as it required a developer to make a profit from the sale of new homes to pay for the shops to be moved and a new community centre built. When the plan was shelved Cllr Graham Galpin, ABC cabinet member for Finance, said: “We will look at some options but nothing will happen for at least three years.”
1,000 OBJECT TO PLAN FOR YELLOW LINES A plan to ban all parking in Ulley Road has resulted in more than 1,000 objections from customers of The Kennington carvery. Ashford Borough Council’s proposal follows complaints from residents about difficulties driving along the narrow road, which already has speed humps. The owners of The Kennington want to help find a solution but believe double yellow lines would turn the road into a race track, hinder
parents dropping off children to school and damage their business which employs 28 people. Director Steve Goundry said: “The council only spoke to two residents and didn’t consult any businesses or the primary and infant schools. Its report said yellow lines were needed to alleviate problems with bus routes and pedestrian safety. But no buses use Ulley Road and there have not been any recorded accidents. It’s unbelievable they did
not speak to the head teachers as yellow lines would have a massive impact on both schools. I know the road is a nightmare, I use it every day. But we feel we are being punished.” He said ABC agreed to carry out a site visit, but chose a day when schools were on holiday. Mr Goundry said: “Since the consultation period ended a further 400 letters of objection have been signed. We all agree the problem CONTINUED ON PAGE 2