Internship report (Arkitek Ari Methi)

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In the first week, I was given an opportunity to participate in an entrance staircase design proposal for Bangsar Shopping Centre (BSC). The current state of the entrance is rather uninspiring and several issues of water leakage, insufficient lighting and damaged treads had to be solved. The proposed design consist of aluminum plates and structures with perforations for lighting. I was tasked with designing perforation patterns. The patterns had to be relevant to the existing pattern used in BSC and articulating the pattern design to catch attention and lead shoppers into the shopping centre.

Reference image & SketchUp model I had to visit the site to take pictures of the existing pattern as reference. The pattern is drawn in AutoCAD then imported to SketchUp. Several types of patterns were explored and the final pattern chosen is a large pattern which runs continuously across the risers.

I was tasked to prepare for the presentation renderings as well. There are three key perspectives to render via SketchUp Vray which are then photomontaged onto the existing site photos via Photoshop. The main entrance of BSC which is part of the design proposal had to be rendered also.

Before & After of BSC West Entrance staircase proposal (Day)

Before & After of BSC West Entrance staircase proposal (Night)

Before & After of BSC Main Entrance proposal (Day)

Before & After of BSC Main Entrance proposal (Night)

After the presentation, the client requested a more drastic option compared to the two proposals. Therefore, the canopy for the staircase is to be redesigned. The new canopy would house art installations within its structure, command attention from the main road to indicate its presence, to have a feeling of grandeur as shoppers enter or exit the mall, to light up the otherwise dark street in front of it. Since the art installation is to be visible from far away, it is decided it will span the height of the mall and be veiled with curtain glass wall. To prevent the structure from trapping heat, the glass panels are arranged such a way that it allows air flow and prevent rain water from entering.

Design process for staircase canopy Through designing this canopy with Ar. Ari Methi, I have learned a lot on primary, secondary and tertiary structures; the relationship between the proportions of each structure. The design direction of the canopy was to create the feeling of weightlessness. The c-section beams create a shadow line which increases the sense of depth and the layering of the columns reduces the heaviness of the form. The combination of these two elements create a form whereby the rings of c-section beams appear to hover alongside the layered columns.

After the design has been finalized, the rendering had to be done in which the structure is shown in context and lights up the street. The art installation visible from a distance and the lighting effect of the structure. The new main entrance design had to be rendered as well but due to time constraints only two perspectives were done.

Before & After of BSC West Entrance second proposal (Day)

Before & After of BSC West Entrance second proposal (Night)

BSC Main Entrance second proposal (Night) After the second presentation, the focus shifted towards the main entrance design where some refinements were needed. The groove lines of the roof canopy are to be continued downwards the column, the size of the column to be increased to make it more robust, continuing the patterns on the column, redesigning the primary structure to be more aesthetically pleasing and designing the lines of the aluminium panels.

Before & After of refinements done to the design

Top to bottom: Loft, First floor & Ground floor plan The next project I had chance to work on is a terrace house renovation in Taman Desa Makmur. The house is for a family of 5 with 3 floors (Ground floor, First floor and Loft). The CAD drawing is done based on a sketch by Ar. Ari Methi which I then developed from there. The preliminary design of the ground floor had a typical living room to dining/kitchen arrangement with a guest room. Five columns of light penetrate the slabs of the upper floors to direct light into the dining space. The wet kitchen area is open while allowing light and air to penetrate from above through the metal mesh. Creeper plants then can grow up towards and the mesh creating a pleasant space.

The preliminary designs of the floor plans were shown to the client to get a better idea of the client’s needs and ideas. The client wanted more storage as they currently have 18ft of storage and it is still not enough for them. For the kitchen, more table surface area is needed to prepare food since they like to prepare food together. One major change to the floor plan was the client wants the kitchen to be in front and the living area at the back. The five pillars of light was to be replaced with an internal courtyard. One unique request of the client was to have hidden doors incorporated into the design. (Left to Right: Ground & First floor plan)

Two options for the loft: one featuring a larger TV area, another featuring an outdoor barbeque space.

Conclusion Throughout my internship I was only exposed to the schematic design stage and although was not able to learn about permit application, contract documentation, tender and construction. I was able to have a glimpse of what each is about through meetings and learning from the staff at the workplace. The internship provided me an idea of the job scope of the architectural field as well as interior design field since this firm does interior designs also. Besides that, Ar. Ari Methi was a good mentor who constantly identified my weaknesses and provided me with valuable advice about architecture and life as well. I have learned that I have insufficient knowledge when it comes to construction details and dimensions of typical structural elements. In terms of design, I gained great knowledge as I observe the design process of Ar. Ari Methi; one of them is the ratio of the structures should be proportionate, designing with people in mind, how small details can make a big impact to the aesthetics and many more. Overall, it was a very useful experience for my future endeavors as a person who will be working in the architectural world.



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