Port 07th April, 2017 Today’s Shipping Position
Ship Name
Types Of Cargo
Date of Arrival
Expected Date of Departure
Ocean Glory Freedom Line Seas 3 Theresa Arctic Alicia Eternity SW Azov Sea UACC Muhharaq Andalucía Aurelia K Tansy TeaTralny Bridge Hassanat Marium ESBJERG Morning Menand Glovis Comet Chief Kota Gabung EMSC Martina Express Argentina STI Lauren Magic Star Koombana Bay
Bagged Wheat Bulk Wheat Bulk Fertilizer (DAP) Bulk Veg. Oil Steel Products Bagged Wheat Bulk Oil Palm Oil Bulk Steam Coal Bulk Clinker Clinker, Wagon & General Mogas/Gas Oil General General General Cars Cars Containers Containers Containers Containers Gas Oil Fuel Oil Mineral Sand
31/03 01/04 27/03 07/03 07/04 01/04 31/03 07/04 04/04 09/04 05/04 04/04 05/04 05/04 05/04 08/04 09/04 08/04 06/04 06/04 06/04 01/04 03/04 07/04
10/04 09/04 08/04 08/04 12/04 09/04 08/04 12/04 09/04 15/09 13/04 10/04 08/04 07/04 12/04 09/04 10/04 10/04 10/04 08/04 08/04 10/04 07/04 08/04
3 5
7 8
10 SOT 11 12
16 17 18 21 KOT MBK LTB
Expected Vessels for week 03rd April to 09th April2017 – Daily Shipping Update
Ship Name
Types Of Cargo
Expected Date of Arrival
Chief Alicia The Loving Ever Develop Nicoline Mearsk Morning Menand Glovis Comet
Containers Steel Products Bulk Wheat Containers Containers Cars Cars
The Port Position is a Corporate Affairs Department E- Document
08/04 08/04 08/04 09/04 09/04 09/0 4 09/04