Update on mv. Theresa Arctic

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Update on mv. Theresa Arctic On 20th June 2017 at around 1945hrs mv. Theresa Arctic grounded off kilifi port entrance channel ( position latitude 03: 39.5 S longitude 039 53.0 E). The cause of grounding was Generator failure to start main engine. Generators have so far been repaired and the engine by yesterday was back to normal. The vessel agents contacted KPA on 21/06/17 and finalized salvage arrangements at 11:15hrs . KPA immediately dispatched two tug Boats to go and assist in refloating the vessel. Harbour Master and senior pilots boarded the ship at 1525hrs, conducted assessment and commenced pulling the vessel but the low Tide slowed down the progress. Two other attempts were done on 22 and 23rd using all our four tugs on 23rd but we could not succeed as the vessel was heavily grounded. On 24th we contacted Smit Salvage of Netherlands who are world reknown salvage experts to partner with us and a local firm Alpha logistics. The Smit salvage experts arrived yesterday and boarded the ship with our team to conduct further assessment. As of now we have our tug Simba III secured on the ship to assist. We plan to lighten the ship by reducing the cargo on board on a smaller ship arriving from Beira tomorrow 1500 hrs. Logistics of how to lighten the ship have been finalized. We are monitoring the ship continuously with our team on Tug Simba III. There is no risk of Pollution as the ship is double hull.

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