2013 annual report

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Kerby Centre Annual Report 2013 Celebrating Partnership

Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Kerby Centre Board of Directors

Hank Heerema President

Philip Dack 1st Vice President

Larry Allen 2nd Vice President

Jerry Thompson Treasurer

Dick Hehr Secretary

Maureen Wills Past President

Our Mission To assist older people to live as well as possible for as long as possible as residents in the community. Our Vision A happy, healthy senior population.

Cecile Montpellier, Director


Marion Narum, Director

Robert Perrin, Director

Madeleine King, Director

Zane Novak, Director

Roy Goodall, Director

Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Message From The President Thank you for being part of another successful year for Kerby Centre. We continue to grow as an organization and we are developing new partnerships and relationships that will help us best serve older adults. With our major renovation projects behind us (LRT construction), we were able to focus on smaller scale projects at the Centre such as improvements to the living areas in the Kerby Rotary Shelter and new flooring in our Information area. We also received funds for a set of 300 new plates and water goblets for use at our events. Our Strategic Plan for 2013 to 2015 will guide Kerby Centre as we rise to meet the challenges of a growing and rapidly changing 55+ demographic. The work we are doing now will ensure Kerby Centre is ready for all older adults as people age. The early planning stages of the relocation project were a priority in 2013 with a focus on the programs and services we will offer in a potential new location. Our board, staff and stakeholders have an on-going conversations about how we can best serve Calgarians today and for generations to come. By offering new and varied services, events and activities, we brought many people to Kerby Centre for the first time. We look forward to our new friends making Kerby Centre a resource and support for themselves and their families. Hank Heerema President, Kerby Centre Board of Directors

Allan Cole (left), Ivan Freeborn (centre), Hank Heerema (right), missing from photo Bob Spinney

Kerby Centre received $2,000 from Imperial Oil - Volunteer Involvement Program on behalf of Hank Heerema and Allan Cole; $2,000 from Shell Canada – Community Service Fund on behalf of Ivan Freeborn and Bob Spinney; and $1,000 from Chevron Canada ResourcesEmployee Involvement Program on behalf of Hank Heerema. Thanks to this commitment, Kerby Centre was able to purchase 300 new dinner plates and 300 water goblets for our events.


Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report

Message From The CEO It is always a pleasure to summarize the amazing accomplishments of Kerby Centre! In 2013, Kerby Centre had less construction and less disruption! We were able to settle into our “new normal” with the huge increase in foot traffic as a result of the LRT outside our front door. Changes in security and ensuring a safe and clean environment became a focus. And, this year Calgary had the biggest natural disaster ever in Canada – the flood. We were so happy to escape the vengeance of the water, and that allowed us to support older adults and other agencies that were affected by the flood. For months we assisted in find housing, resources and comforts. This was a busy year focusing on the goal of relocating Kerby Centre to a new site. Many behind-the-scenes activities occurred and we are excited as the work is really starting to turn into the reality of a new home. This new Kerby will be an exciting, purpose-built structure that will welcome, entertain, educate and nurture older adults for years to come. Partnerships are our theme this year. I could not be more proud of the work the whole team has dedicated towards building partnerships, nurturing themes that will enhance the lives of older adults and basking in the positive outcomes. Together with our partners we build strong older adults living in strong communities. I send my heartfelt thanks to the staff team, board and volunteers who have worked tirelessly this past year. They all give more than job descriptions expect, offer more compassion and go the extra mile day after day. You are all congratulated on behalf of those we support so well. As we look to 2014, all I ask is for more: more caring, more dedication, more crying with people, more laughing hysterically, more partnerships, more of everything! I am blessed to be in your company! Luanne Whitmarsh Kerby Centre CEO


Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Administration Two part-time receptionists and a manager provide administrative support to the organization. Highlights of the year include: • Started and updated the complaint/ compliment binder • Purged and sorted personnel files • Assisted at special events including Stampede Breakfast and Hoedown • Improved tracking of room rentals • 13,632 clients assisted

Adult Day Program Adult Day Program provides 15 clients daily with holistic services. This program is funded by Alberta Health Services (AHS) and the clients are referred to our program through Home Care. While clients spend the day with us, this provides a much needed break for their caregivers and allows opportunity for the clients to be involved in community. Coming to the Adult Day Program gives the client an opportunity for socialization with fellow clients who also attend the program. Clients are involved in a variety of activities such as baking, crafts, dance, sitdown exercises to name just a few things. There are also guests who come to the program to entertain the clients, such as Mike the Whistler, Eau Claire YMCA Day Care Kids, The Discovery Day Care kids and The Chinese Cultural Group. The clients also enjoyed the Rundle College students returning this year and spending a few days prior to Christmas. The clients especially enjoyed the Christmas play that the children wrote and presented. This was a hit and all enjoyed the shared treats after the performance. The clients also took part in the Hoedown, Stampede Breakfast and the Remembrance Day service, as well as celebrating the various events that occur at the Kerby Centre throughout the year.

Clients decorating the ADP Christmas Tree We have a client who does not speak English, which has been a challenge for both the client and our staff. While decorating our Christmas tree she broke out in song, singing a song in Romanian about the Christmas tree. This was such a treat for us all that she was feeling comfortable enough with the group to sing for us – what a gift that she gave of herself.


Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Centre of Excellence This year the Centre of Excellence completed “Falling through the Cracks,” a research project with the University of Calgary focused on subsidized housing for low income pre-seniors who suffer from health issues and are often victims of abuse. These individuals are in desperate need of housing and at risk of homelessness. The project attracted many volunteers including students and individuals previously involved with Kerby Centre and Kerby Rotary Shelter. The Centre of Excellence presented at the Alberta Gerontology Association meeting about the research on subsidized housing for low income pre-seniors in June of 2013. A final report on the research project was completed and will be distributed to community stakeholders. The Speakers Series was also very successful with good turnouts for interesting topics including Global Warming, Doing Business in China, and the 25th anniversary of the Calgary Olympics. The speakers were excellent and responses from participants were positive.

“I liked the people because they are interested in learning and want to keep learning and expanding one’s mind. I am pleased with the Peer Learning Program overall, we enjoyed many interesting topics and I enjoy the social aspect.” - Peer Learning Member

Education and Recreation In 2013, 176 courses/workshops were offered including 34 new courses/workshops with a total attendance of 2,027 registrants. 798 individuals took courses over the year, showing an increase of 7% over 2012. 27 instructors were employed over the course of the year, 8 of who had not instructed at the Kerby Centre previously, and these new instructors helped to introduce new courses such as Qigong, Laughter Yoga and The Performing Voice. Course registration was computerized to minimize errors and improve organization.

Kerby Centre has regular art classes “The Kerby Centre is a wonderful discovery for me. After a busy career with no time to schedule classes of personal interest, within only a year of membership I have taken 5 classes in Bridge and French. Now I have new activities and friends.” - Education & Recreation client


Drop-in activities grew with the addition of Options 45 as well as the return of a Bridge drop-in group. The Movie Festival has continued to grow with an attendance of 192 in 2013, an average of 16 attendees per month, which was an increase of 34% over the previous year. Drive Sharp funding was continued through our partnerships with the Alberta Centre for Injury Control and Research and the University of Calgary. This computer based program is aimed at improving the cognitive awareness of individuals while driving and had 28 participants in 2013.

Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Elder Abuse Resource Line The Elder Abuse Response Team (EART) is a collaboration between Kerby Centre, Calgary Family Services and Calgary Police Service. Kerby Centre plays a vital role on the EART as we provide the coordination of the overall program and we are very often the first point of contact for individuals who want to report cases or suspected cases of elder abuse. The Elder Abuse Resource Line is an important mechanism for individuals who wish to speak to someone about elder abuse. 1n 2013, 163 calls that came in to the phone line were referred to the EART for further investigation. Calgary Family Services provides social workers and nurses to provide client-centered care to older adults who are victims of elder abuse. Calgary Police Service provides police officers dedicated to investigating the criminal element.

Elder Abuse Resource Line phone calls in 2013

Food Services “The food was great and the staff couldn’t do enough for us. Looking forward to many more events at Kerby.” - Venue Renter

2013 was a successful year in Food Services. The Food Service Department flourished throughout the year preparing over 28,000 nutritious, high quality, and affordable meals. Significant milestones in 2013 included a recordbreaking turnout of 1,200 people for the Annual Stampede Breakfast, over 7,000 people served through Kerby’s catering service, and the successful catering contribution to new events such as Pub Night, Senior’s Week BBQ, and Murder Mystery. The Night to Ignite dinner series also continued in 2013 as 150 people enjoyed the fine dining experience and entertainment at the Ice Festival, Floral Festival, and Big Band Dinner Dance. A change in leadership in Food Services marked the end of 2013. Kerby Centre said goodbye to Chef Garrett Palmer but could not be more excited at the opportunity to welcome Chef Wayne Chung to the Kerby Centre family.


Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Facilities Facilities projects in Kerby Centre in 2013 concentrated on upgrading aging building systems, fixtures, and furnishings. Significant projects included increasing available lockers (60 used lockers donated from Glencoe Club), furniture replacement in multiple departments (courtesy of Cenovus Energy), flooring replacement in high traffic areas, new Kerby addition deficiency and warranty work (including old entrance door reconfiguration), and the entire replacement of both Kerby Centre boilers (to be completed in spring 2014). Special acknowledgment to Alberta Infrastructure and Edon Management is deserved, as their guidance and wisdom in the past two years has made many tremendous projects manageable, with the best interest of Kerby Centre always at the forefront of discussions. The Kerby Centre FIT Room continued its popularity into 2013. FIT Room usage increased 24.6% with over 3,000 ‘workouts’ occurring in the room throughout the year. Personal training sessions (included in FIT Room membership) continued in 2013, with 209 free sessions conducted (a 21.5% increase from 2012) to teach people how to safely and efficiently use the available equipment.

Grocery Delivery 2013 was a year of change and growth in the Seniors Grocery Delivery Program. There were the additions of new management and staff joining the department, bringing many years of experience in customer service with them. A total of 200 frail, isolated seniors were shopped for in 2013 with a total of 1,377 deliveries completed. There were also 73 home visits made to assess clients for entry into the program. Our wonderful volunteers spent 4,520.5 hours shopping, delivering groceries and visiting the clients. As always this program could not exist without our team of 41 volunteers!


Cathy Keough-Rocheleau (left) and Barbara Marshall (right) from Amica presenting Kerby Centre CEO Luanne Whitmarsh with gift baskets for our Grocery Delivery clients. We continue to partner with Seniors Secret Service, Calgary Co-op, Amica, and the Calgary Food Bank who ensured our clients received the best prices for their groceries, birthday presents and the amazing Christmas gifts. Over 200 gift deliveries were made in December, ensuring that our clients, who are so often isolated, celebrated the season!

Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Fund Development 2013 saw the introduction of two new fundraising events (Scotiabank Charity Challenge and Kerby Centre High Tee Golf Tournament) which took us out of the building into the community to engage with others, forge new relationships and promote Kerby Centre to the broader community. Both events were greatly enjoyed by all who participated. Kerby Centre continues to rely on fundraisers such as these along with the many special events which are held throughout the year to assist in supporting our ongoing operations, programs and services. In combination with special events, donations are an integral part of Kerby Centre revenue. In 2013: • 1498 individuals donated $113,999 • 25 corporations donated $154,112 • 13 groups donated $8,500 • 10 foundation gifts were received totalling $56,801 • $14,742 was donated through in kind gifts • 3 individual estate/legacy gifts totalling $422,011 Thanks to this generosity and support a total of $770,168 in donations was realized. Government funding and grants for 2013 totalled $1,994,161. Thank you for the continued support which allows Kerby Centre to assist older adults. “We are a group of 15 ladies who meet weekly in the community of Highwood. Twice a year we work on projects to raise money, enabling us to donate to our favorite charities. We are happy to be able to send you this gift knowing that the good work you are doing will in turn help many others.” - Highwood Senior Ladies

Kerby Centre High Tee Charity Golf Tournament Played at the picturesque Inglewood Golf and Curling Club, the High Tee Charity Golf Tournament was a full day of golf, socializing, fine dining and prizes. Inglewood is a beautiful golf course set right on the Bow River. The players, staff and volunteers had perfect weather for the tournament. The tournament raised funds for Kerby Centre programs and services through sponsorship, silent auctions, and player registration. It was a successful first year for such an ambitious event and it will return in June of 2014.


Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Information Resources 2013 was a year of greatly increased need for the services of the Information Resources Department. The floods significantly increased the number of calls from older adults looking for housing. Kerby Centre is a partner in SORCe, The Safe Communities Opportunity and Resource Centre, located across the street from City Hall. Staff from Information Resources have regular hours at that location to assist SORCe clients. The Information Resources Department assisted 30,000+ people in this past year, and operates with four primary service groups: • Information – An information and referral hub for resources services and tools available to older adults to assist them in remaining as independent in the community as long as possible. • Housing - An information and referral hub for housing related resources and services, designed to assist older adults in finding the most appropriate housing. • Personal Decision Making – An assistance program designed to assist any one over the age of 18 in preparing personal directives and guardianship applications • Membership – Management of Kerby Centre membership related matters

“We were clarified on a number of important seniors’ issues and allowed time to make our own decisions.” “I received the info and assistance which I needed and will apply to my situation. I really appreciated the kind and helpful advice.”


- Client Feedback

Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Kerby News Kerby News continues to inform and entertain seniors with monthly issues concerning the history of Kerby Centre, poverty and homelessness amongst seniors, living alone and staying active. Kerby News promotes community news as well as Kerby Centre events and activities. The production department was responsible for an updated look for the newspaper including a redesigned cover. Advertising sales revenue was up from 2012. A print run of 30,000 newspapers was distributed throughout southern Alberta including mailing out directly to the homes of Kerby Centre’s members. Distribution continued to community outlets, doctors’ offices and retail store racks to reach an estimated readership of 60,000.

Kerby News volunteers mail 3,000 copies of the paper every month. “It’s the cornerstone of the community I live in.” - Kerby News Reader

Kerby Rotary Shelter 2013 proved to be an incredible year full of changes and extraordinary challenges for the Shelter. The Kerby Rotary Shelter opened its doors to 72 clients (up from 56 clients in 2013) with clients fleeing a domestic violence/elder abuse situation or coming from a situation of homelessness.

From left: Deb Runnalls, Kerby Centre Senior Manager for Wellness & Support Services; Maggie McTurk, Community Investment at Canadian Natural Resources Ltd; Luanne Whitmarsh, Kerby Centre CEO; Tariq Darr, Kerby Rotary Shelter Manager Throughout 2013, the Kerby Rotary Shelter struggled to find funding for its 6 beds designated for homeless clients. After going through the media with stories from brave clients, Canadian Natural Resources generously stepped forward and provided funding that is keeping the beds operational for the winter, providing shelter, safety and security to many older adults in need.

While the Kerby Rotary Shelter was not directly affected by flooding, the events prompted staff to revise evacuation procedures and create new disaster relief plan. The year ended on an amazing note as staff, volunteers and donors alike came together to provide a Christmas for all of the Shelter clients that included many gifts and a sumptuous Christmas meal which prompted many residents to state that “It was the best Christmas” they had ever experienced.


Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Volunteers Kerby Centre’s volunteer base continued to grow in 2013. Throughout the year 435 volunteers gave their time and 253 opportunities were provided for “one-time” volunteers. In total, 56,698 hours were contributed by volunteers, assisting with the delivery of all programs and services. Several new volunteer opportunities were developed to provide additional meaningful ways of engaging volunteers. New positions and projects for volunteers included visual design, research projects, baking, personal training, and additional roles in the Wellness, Information and Adult Day Program departments. A satisfaction survey completed in early 2013 showed high levels of satisfaction among Kerby Centre’s volunteers. Efforts to recognize and show appreciation for our volunteers last year included a Hollywood-themed Volunteer Appreciation event in April, a Holiday Mix and Mingle event in December and a featured volunteer each month in the Volunteer Spotlight in the Kerby News.

A volunteer team from ATCO Gas gets ready for the Expo opening. “The volunteer organizers were so organized and friendly and awesome. Loved meeting new Atco co-workers and old friends here.” - Volunteer from ATCO Gas

Wellness Over the past year Diana James Wellness Clinic has seen many changes, including staff changes. Diana James Wellness Clinic now has a clinic manager who completes new client intakes, provides foot care along with her administrative duties. Staff includes a full time receptionist and three qualified foot care and health care aides who have been working dilgently providing foot care to 481 clients in 2013.


“I don’t know enough complimentary words to express how wonderful this Diana James Wellness Clinic is.” - Wellness Client

We saw a total of 2,616 sets of feet in 2013, completed 517 blood pressure checks, and administered blood sugar monitoring services to 110 clients. The Wellness Clinic completed 21 nutritional screens, but due to Alberta Health Services changes nutritional screening is no longer available. We have now increased our product line in our display case for sale, including stainless steel foot files, hand cream and many other foot care and health supplies. The Diana James Wellness Clinic would not run as smoothly as we do without our dedicated volunteers.

Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report

Special Events Kerby Centre continued to expand and diversify our special events in 2013. A mixture of daytime and evening events drew a broader range of older adults to the centre. The most-attended events included our annual Stampede Breakfest, Membership Lunch and Volunteer Appreciation. Also very popular were Sgt Wilson’s Army Show, Malanka and Diwali. Alderman John Mar and Mayor Naheed Nenshi welcome guests to the annual Kerby Centre Stampede Breakfast.

Kerby Expo

Venue Rentals

The Kerby Expo 2013 held on September 5 & 6 welcomed over 1,600 visitors. This two day event proved to be a wonderful resource targeting the needs of adults 55+. Stimulating lectures held through out the day covered the following topics: Personal Directives, Super D program, Learn4Life, Functional Anatomy, Housing options, Writing our Legacy, Nutrition, and Alberta Seniors Benefits.

Kerby Centre was proud to accommodate many new and existing room rentals throughout 2013. New external renters such as the Green Fools Theatre Company, Prostate Cancer Canada Network Calgary, and the Filipino Community Christian Church brought many new and exciting, diverse demographics of patrons to the building throughout the year.

A new addition to the Expo was presentations by a variety of Calgary’s exciting clubs. A big thank you to Model Train Men, Oldtimers Curling Club, Lawn Bowling Club, M’n’M Outdoor Club, Skrastins Outdoor Club, FLC Bike Club, Calgary Callers & Cuers, Kerby Travel and Mount Pleasant Tennis Club.

Partnerships with organizations such as Calgary Social Dance Club, Ismaili Social Committee, the Calgary Blues Music Association, Calgary Community Bridge League, Summit Big Band, Royal Astronomical Society, Prospect Human Services, CN Pensioners, and the Philatelic Society, to name a few, continue to strongly create a welcoming atmosphere inside the Kerby Centre facility for many people of the greater Calgary community.


Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Kerby Assembly Comparative Statement of Financial Position As of December 31 2013 2012 ASSETS CURRENT Cash $ 542,494 $ 375,132 Short-term investments 2,386,041 2,493,024 Accounts receivable 87,194 207,810 Inventory 7,863 7,166 Prepaid expenses 47,504 41,282 3,071,096 3,124,414 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 1,380,904 1,449,779 REMAINDER TRUST 213,027 204,343 $_____ 4,665,027 $ 4,778,536 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT Accounts payable $ 183,149 $ 163,168 Deferred revenue 621,408 866,011 804,557 1,029,179 NET ASSETS Unrestricted fund 1,176,442 992,747 Restricted fund 1,303,124 1,306,831 Invested in property and equipment 1,380,904 1,449,779 3,860,470 3,749,357 $ 4,665,027 $ 4,778,536 Kerby Assembly Comparative Statement of Operations for the years ended December 31 2013 2012 REVENUE Government grants $ 1,968,178 $ 1,698,698 Services 1,544,105 1,661,577 Donations 770,168 271,301 Investment revenue 167,654 108,725 _______4,450,105 3,740,301 EXPENSES Salaries and wages 2,896,085 2,748,592 Services 757,965 690,959 Administration 596,365 586,598 Amortization 88,577 101,517 ______ 4,338,992 4,127,666 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES $ 111,113 $ (387,365)


The above statements are an exerpt from the audited financial statements and do not include additional statements or notes to the financial statements which are an integral part of the overall audited financial statements.

Kerby Centre 2013 Annual Report Donations and Funding Corporate Atco EPIC ATCO Pipelines Bethany Black Pearl Resources Inc Canadian Automobile Association (CAA)- Alberta Motor Association (AMA) Calgary Co-operative Association Ltd Calgary Herald CANA Construction Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Canyon Meadows Retirement Living Cenovus Energy Inc. Chevron Canada Resources Community Natural Foods Ltd Connacher Oil & Gas Devon Energy (employees) Diversicare Retirement Living DukeEvans Inc First Energy Capital Corp. Freehold Royalties Ltd Lombard North Group Marshall Tittemore Architects Mountain View Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home PAD!S (Poison & Drug Information Service) Pattison Outdoor S2 Architecture Santonia Energy Inc Shell Canada Ltd Silver Cross TELUS (Team TELUS Cares) The Calgary Co-operative Memorial Society The Calgary Herald Christmas Fund The CRN Group The Manor Village Life Centres United Way - Donor Choice Westmount Place (Montgomery Ross & Associates)

Groups Alberta Association for Multicultural Education Alumni Crafts Army Navy and Airforce Veterans Associated Canadian Travellers C.U.P.E. #40 Canadian Progress Club Elevate Fort Calgary Chapter IODE German Ladies Choir of Calgary Highwood Senior Ladies Hungarian Veterans Association Knox United Church Pinebrook Golf & Country Club Royal Canadian Legion No. 1 Branch Social Dance Club Calgary Foundations Aqueduct Foundation Calgary Real Estate Board Charitable Foundation Cenovus Employee Foundation Encana Cares Foundation Imperial Oil Foundation Maunders McNeil Foundation Inc. Nickle Family Foundation The Belmont Foundation The Calgary Foundation Government Alberta Centre For Injury Control & Research Alberta Culture - Community Initiatives Program Alberta Culture & Community Services- CFEP Alberta Culture and Community Spirit Alberta Health (Formerly Alberta Seniors and

Community Supports) Alberta Health Services Citizenship and Immigration Canada Family and Community Support Services Office of the Public Guardian In-Kind Donors Cathy Hume (Pharmacare) Crystal Creek Homes Gary Nissen Good Earth Coffeehouse & Bakery Gord Schneider Mark DeJong (Investors Group) Michael Grainger (Investors Group) Mike Dodds Rob Wilkinson Walmart Woodside Golf Course Major Donors Alois Bucher Ann Marry Kurucz Claudia Emes Gary Nissen Hank Heerema Joan Telford Luanne Whitmarsh Kerby Centre would also like to thank the many groups, corporations, sponsors and individuals who support our special events through donations of gifts, monetary items and time commitment.


Larry Patterson’s photo of snowshoers on the Black Prince Cirque Trail in Kananaskis Country won the IM/ Age 2013 photo competition at the Kerby Expo. Mr. Patterson’s photo emphasizes the competition’s theme of celebrating active aging.

2013 Milestones 2997 176,021 56,698 3,523 2,027 28,074 3,373 889.5 1498 2,616 1,600 30,000 50,000 30,000

Kerby Centre 1133 7 Ave SW Calgary, AB T2P 1B2 (403) 265-0661

Members Client Contacts Volunteer Hours Client days in the Adult Day Program Course registrations in Education & Recreation Meals served in the Kerby Centre dining room Workouts in the FIT Room Hours spent with Grocery Delivery Clients by our volunteers Individual donations to Kerby Centre Pairs of feet cared for in the Diana James Wellness Clinic Visitors to the Kerby Expo Copies of Kerby News distributed monthly Copies of the Housing Directory distributed Copies of the Seniors Directory of Services distributed

www.kerbycentre.com Facebook: Kerby Centre for the 55+ Twitter: @kerbycentre Linkedin: Kerby Centre

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