Kerby News September 2019

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Kerby News Publ i s hed by Kerby Cent re

“The most read publication for the 55+ in Calgary and Southern Alberta”


September Vol um e 35 #9

Intergenerational events inspire everyone

Young visitors learn origami from a skilled Kerby Centre member. (Photo credit Kari Stone)

Inside Support Audrey’s Amendment ......................................... page 9 Finding Mary Livingstone ............................................... page 12

Monday September 2, Labour Day

Entire nations are on the move again .................... pages 18-19 Project Inspire linking generations ............................... page 26

Kerby Centre

1133 - 7th Ave. S.W. Calgary AB T2P 1B2 403-265-0661 PO # 0040064604

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OPEN HOUSE Every Tuesday from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm RSVP

Guided Tour with refreshments - RSVP - September 12 at 3:30 pm

905 Prominence Way SW Calgary, Alberta

10715 Rocky Ridge Blvd N.W. Calgary, Alberta


Phone (403) 930-4848

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