Mars Habitat

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Space habitat design KEREN JACOB

Contents PA RT I - R e s e a r ch PROBLEM AND THESIS STATEMENT..........6 GOALS + OBJECTIVES..................................8 SITE ANALYSIS..............................................10 DEMOGRAPHICS..........................................12 CASE STUDIES.............................................14 SPACIAL LAYOUT..........................................20 MATERIAL RESEARCH................................22 THESIS FOCUS.............................................26 CODE RESEARCH........................................30 BACKGROUND RESEARCH........................38

PA RT I I - D e s ig n SITE ANALYSIS | CONCEPT........................54 FLOOR PLANS..............................................58 EFFICIENT WATER USE..............................60 CLOSED LOOP MATERIALS....................... 62 RENDERINGS............................................... 64 RESEARCH CITATIONS...............................70

“The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search the chance of success is zero. ” - Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison in ‘Searching for Interstellar Communications’

Greicius, 2015. Courtesy of NASA.

PART i Spac e ha b i taT R e s e a r c h

“A t ra n s pa r e n t ET FE m em bra n e ke e p s th e 3 d p r i n t ed sh ells f r om s u b l i m ati n g in t o t h e M ar ti a n atm o s p h ere�


3D printed Mars ice house (Clouds Architecture Office and Space Exploration Architecture, 2015). The shell uses biophilia to allow light to filter in while blocking the suns radiation.

pr o ble m a nd t he s i s s tate ment Astronauts






than physiologically pampered (food, water, & air), the

difficulties/obstructions in adjusting to the harsh Martian

Martian habitats should replicate an earthly lifestyle as

environment. Environment is the most influential factor

much as possible. Biophilic design responds to our

in sustaining physical and mental health. Therefore, if

primitive need for the natural environment, therefore

NASA intends to explore alien, high-risk environments,

mitigating the unknown risks of extended living in a

we need to develop habitats that allow our astronauts

habitat. The final goal is to transform a sterile survival

to work and think at the standards expected of them

capsule to an anthropocentric habitat that resembles

over extended time periods.


The main limitation the clients place are the dimensions and total weight of the Martian surface module (cylinder with a height of 8.229m and circumference of 6.108m). Secondly, as with our blind transition to urban civilization, there will be unknown repercussions of living in an environment humans were not adapted to. Other restrictions are in part provided by the clients: Brett Montoya and Canaan Martin (Space Architects for NASA), as well as the environment. Design opportunities lie within adjusting the Mars habitat to meet physiological and mental wants and needs. This could include grouping functions to minimize space and weight or include biophilic design wherever possible. To avoid unknown risks, we need to be more


des ign g oa l s a nd o b j ec tives


“Lingering Frost - Mars’ north polar layered deposits comprise a thick stack of icy layers.” Greicius, 2015. Courtesty of NASA.

1. Create an environment that feels more like home

+ Use residential looking spaces, seating, and work surfaces

2. Create an environment that promotes mental health

+ Use more common materials (without fibers)

+ Provide a calm interior

+ Reduce waste

3. Create a space that feels private

+ Add personal space

+ Provide residential space

+ Provide bed

4. Create a space that feels more like earth

+ Incorporate biophilic design

+ Provide rooms that imitate designs common on Earth

5. Create a more open space

+ Provide spaces for organization

+ Add a public space for communal use


Valles Marineris


site a nalys i s

Medusae Fossae

miles long and 6 miles deep, much larger than the Grand Canyon (Lavars, 2016). It’s large size and form suggest that massive flood waters carved it out of the

Mars has three major locations that seem like suitable landing zones: Valles Marineris, Medusae Fossae Formation and the Gale Crater (Lavars, 2016). The Valles Marineris is 2.5 thousand

Martian surface (Astronomy, 2010). The site would be ideal for researchers. The Medusae Fossae Formation is a uniquely formed structure. It is roughly 621 m (1000 km) long and is located


Gale Crater

Lavars, 2016. Courtesty of NASA.

near the equator (Lavars, 2016). Since

aqueous history, specifically a freshwater

the surface looks like it can easily

(Lavars, 2016). This location may have the

erode, scientists guess that it may be a

strongest appeal in terms of knowing the

large deposite of ash or dust (Lavars,

land ahead of arriving and more potential

2016). This may be the easiest location

for researchers.

for rovers to collect building materials for future 3D printed Martian habitats (Lavars, 2016). Finally, the Gale Crater is a basin that is 96 mi (154 km) wide (Lavars, 2016). This is the site that the Curiosity rover landed in years ago and has found sulfatebearing layers of sediment suggesting an


R EQUIRE MENT S T O B E AN A STRONA U T 1. Bachelor’s Degree from accredited institution (engineering, biological sciences, physical science, or mathematics) (Toro, 2012). Better to have an advanced degree since it is highly competitive (Toro, 2012).

2. 1,000 hours of experience as a pilot-in-command in jet aircraft (Toro, 2012).

3. Must pass NASA space physical (Toro, 2012).

The Astronaut Selection Office staff will sort through all applications that meet the basic requirements then select 9 to 15 canidates after a series of medical examinations and interviews (Lewis, 2014). Among these, psychological examinations that determine the personality traits of the canidate will determine if that canidate will proceed through the program (Lewis, 2014).


Bruce McCandless, NASA Astronaut, using a Manned Maneuvering Unit during his time on the Challenger. Courtesy of NASA.

A ST R ONA U T t r a i t s DESIRABLE PERSONALITY TRAITS (Lewis, 2014) + Motivated to achieve goals + Sensitive to people’s needs + Preferred challenging tasks + Similar traits to people that can work in risky and isolated environments + Easy going with good social skills + Resilient + Can avoid monotony and boredom

DESIRABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS (Toro, 2012) + Distant Visual Acuity + 140/90 Blood Pressure + Height between 62 and 75

UNDESIRABLE PERSONALITY TRAITS (Lewis, 2014) + Have existing psychiatric disorders + Have marital problems + Be arrogant + Be competitive + Be unable to be vulnerable with others +“existing psychiatric disorders will probably disqualify them. Marital problems can also make disqualification more likely”


Case Studies “ma r s ha” MARSHA (MARS HAbitat) is a 2nd prize

The second shell on the interior provides a



variation of lighting and privacy by acting as

Challenge, submitted by Al spaceFactory

the main hallway for the space (Erman, 2018).

(Erman, 2018). This project was particularily

The second shell allows room for a staircase

facinating for its double shell structure which

to follow the shell upwards and allows natural

has a low bulge and tapers as it rises (Al

light to filter down to the other levels (Erman,

SpaceFactory, 2018).

The architecture/

2018). MARSHA has four different levels

technology firm took into account the internal

with a central skylight cutting through. The

atmospheric pressure and structural stresses

top levels include spaces for social tasks,

that the habitat would have to be in (Erman,

entertainment, private cabins, and hygiene (Al


SpaceFactory, 2018). The bottom levels are




reserved for lab work, research, and cooking The







technology, ISRU or in-situ resource utilization (Erman, 2018). Using robotics, martian dirt and polylactic acid is processed and loaded


into a large 3D printer (Erman, 2018). The process is a closed loop system due to the use of renewable bioplastic and local resources like the soil (Erman, 2018). Additionally, the soil acts as an effective insulator and shield (Al SpaceFactory, 2018).

(Erman, 2018).

co ns id e r at io ns MARSHA considers volume, light, and natural resources found on Mars in its design. It takes a unique approach by utilizing space through a double structure, instead of using the standard NASA spacial orientation for the module. One can look further into form and how it may aid the function of another element, like light. This project encourages the look and feel of a living space than a The rings around the structure are the results of the construction


methods. The image accurately depicts the environmental conditions of sand storms (Erman, 2018).

The image to the below shows the 3D printed MARSHA habitat module on Mars (Erman, 2018).


“creates flexible, hybrid spaces which offer a variety of lighting conditions, privacy, noise le vels� (Erman, 2018)

“ Vi s u a l i nte r fac e of s pace ha bitat s”


An article written by Irene Lia Schlacht and

psychological stressors. Color and light play

Henrik Birke, describes the connection of

strongly into visual chaos and vision is most

interiors to the senses and psychological

useful sense in terms of understanding reality

health of astronauts. The article, Visual

(Schlacht, Birke, 2010). Moreover, a large

Interface of Space Habitats, references a

percentage of the brain is designated for vision.

survey in which they discovered that privacy, visual confusion, and lots of computer

An environment that seems chaotic can cause

hardware (more living space needed) are

“anxiety, headaches, lack of concentration,

The image shows a space module on the ISS. It is clear to see the importance of organization, color, and distinguishable planes/surfaces in order to maintain mental health (Nixon, 2018).

“The architecture is austere, so much so that former astronaut Chris Hadfield likened the module interiors to hospital corridors.” (Nixon, 2018)

“An effect of the limited dimensions of the modules is the lack of opportunity to focus on distant objects; the continuous demand for proximal sight and the consequent constant accommodation





generates myopia. This problem persists in any narrow dwelling, as in the Moon or Mars bases, where the radiation shield will limit the presence of window and the extra vehicular activity” (Schlacht, Birke, 2010)

co ns id e r at io ns inefficiency, bad moods, visual problems,

This article expands on the importance of

nervousness, and stress” (Schlacht, Birke,

designing for humans from a psychological

2010). The strategic use of sight, sound, and

standpoint. Knowing what contributes to health,

smell can increase a sense of territoriality,

is vital to designing long-term habitats. There

orientation, and a change in atmosphere

are already many factors that can reduce the

(Schlacht, Birke, 2010). Humans are highly

human mental state in a harsh environment

responsive to their environment and many

like Mars, so it is best to design the interior with

unexpected results may arise from this

minimal stresses.

animalistic trait. This is made clear in the quote below taken from the article.


S i e rr a N e va da Co r po r at io n’s “S pace Sys t e ms” The Sierra Nevada Corporation is working on

and air flow” (SNC, 2018). There are at least

multiple projects related to space systems,

180 sensors that record this data and send

one of which includes increasing plant

the information back to the NASA’s Kennedy

productivity and environmental control on

Space Center (KSC) in a short period of time

space habitats. They are working on high

(SNC, 2018).





based products, optimizing growth, and year-

The APH is self contained and automated,

round growth (SNC, 2018).

similar to the hydroponic garden on the MARSHA project. This seems to be the most

SNC’s biophilic research improves LED

viable option for effective plant growth. The

lighting systems by increasing efficiency

research done by APH may allow for more

and decreasing energy waste (SNC, 2018).

creative solutions in the habitat module, in

Lighting has a strong impact on greenhouse

terms of using the space-grown plants to form

design and growth of plants, thus the SNC

usable products.

is experimenting with red, blue, green and various white LED’s on the Advanced Plant Habitat, (currently on the ISS) (SNC, 2018).


“The APH closely controls and regulates parameters such as temperature, humidity, light levels, photoperiods, moisture provided to specimens, CO2 levels, ethylene levels

The image to the right shows one of SNC’s Advanced Plant Habitat and their experimentation with LED lighting (SNC, 2018).

“unique ca pa b i l i t i e s s t e m from 20 ye a r s of r e s e a r c h in enviro nm e nta l cont r ol a nd life-s u p p or t sys t e m s for NA SA” (SNC, 2018)


nasa’s spacial organization of modules











Module Diagrams - Courtesy of NASA (Nixon, 2016)

materials research foa m s APPLICATIONS:




Expansion and compression



Recycled / repurposed



(Green Cell Foam, 2018)

(BiOHÂŽ polyols, 2018)

+ Non-GMO cornstarch

+ Soy-based

+ 70% less energy used

+ Smaller environmental footprint than

+ 80% less greenhouse gases than

petroleum based products

petroleum based foams


+ Backyard compostable

Current Applications:

+ Biodegradable

furniture, mattresses, pillows, carpet cushion,

+ Water soluble

automotive seats

+ U.S. grown + Renewable resource

so l i d su rfac e s APPLICATIONS:

Counter tops

Work stations

Lab testing surfaces


Chemical resistance

Thermal insulating



PEEK - Polyether ether ketone


(PEEK, 2018)

(Covestro AG Communications, 2018)

+ Thermoplastic

+ Made from up to 100% renewable raw materials

+ 100% recyclable

+ Biodegradable

+ Not Biodegradable

+ Recyclable

+ Light weight

+ High impact strength

+ Chemically inert

+ Moderate to high thermal resistance

+ Relatively inexpensive.

+ Chemical coatings

+ Heat resistant

+ Food-compatible + Good colourability + Scratch resistance + Flame-retardant + Transparent or translucent


materials research cont. so ft fa b r i c s APPLICATIONS:







Recycled / repurposed



(McKnight, 2015)

(Tusief, 2015)

+ Self-Cleaning Apparel

+ Antimicrobial (compared to cotton)

+ Water repelling

+ Wicks away moisture from the body

+ Odor killing

+ Regulates temperature better than


- Bacteria produces odor

+ Coating on the surface of the fabric helps


repel liquid + Irregular surface

- Bonding microscopic nano


fl o o r i n g / wa l l CONSIDERATIONS:


I.S.S. : Zero gravity

Mars: 38% of Earth’s

Moon: 16% of Earth’s



Sterility Resiliency



(Aircraft Interior..., 2018)

(Becky, 2015).

A non-textile flooring used in commercial airlines

A brand of linoleum known for its sustainable

that is designed to be lightweight and durable

properties and advantages towards health and

+ Lightweight


+ Anti-slip resistant

+ Allergy and Asthma Friendly Certified

+ Sustainable

+ SMART Certified for sustainability

+ Durable

+ Easy to clean

+ Less waste in production

+ Durable

+ Flammability resistant

+ 96% Natural

+ Ultraviolet resistant

+ Bactericidal properties of linseed oil

+ Adhesive backing

+ Lightweight + Biodegradable


thesis focus

Our perception may not have to alter by much, since some characteristics of Mars are comparable to Earth. The Viking rover on Mars reported the soil as inorganic, like the Atacama Desert in Chile (Navarro-Gonzalez, 2003). Atacama also has dust storms like Mars, the


exception being the extent of the storms (NavarroGonzalez, 2003). To summarize, Atacama is inadequate for sustaining life, as one of the driest places on Earth (Navarro-Gonzalez, 2003). Humans can live more permanently on Mars, despite possible exposure to radiation, drastic temperature changes and planetary storms (Astronomy, 2017). Martian soil contains a unique property that makes this possible. Oxygen (and carbon dioxide at the poles) is stored within the soil and can be

Meridiani Planum. (Greicius, 2015). Courtesy of NASA.

rapidly released when exposed to water vapor (Davis,

through immersions in nature. In a study written by Bjørn

2017). If Mars was heated at the north and south poles,

Grinde and Grete Grindal Patil, they theorize that the

frozen carbon dioxide can be released to heat the planet

psychological stress release may be due to “affective

and thicken the atmosphere (Davis, 2017). This releases

responses to visual stimuli deemed aesthetic�. In addition

water and terraforming can begin, thus creating a climate

to the beauty and abstract concepts that art possesses,

more like Earth (Davis, 2017). Until that happens, the

nature provides stimulation through taste and scent;

habitat module must be designed for possible expansion

it consolidates into a stimuli package that is more than

and long-term living.

the sum of its parts. The release given by the wildness and biodiversity of nature is and has been irreplaceable

Permanence is a constant design problem, in terms

since the beginning of human life. The thesis is designed

of materials and objects that wear with use. These will

around how best to implement these biophilic elements

have to be carefully selected. However, permanence on

into the space habitat modules.

a psychological note is harder to design for. Historically, depression and stress level have been kept in check


written works by Dr. Raymond Wheeler, Gail E

etc (Wheeler, 2017). IBMP’s work involved plant growth

Bingham, T. Shane Topham and John M. Mulholland

conveyors and efficient volume-based systems (Wheeler,

provide information on experimentation with hydroponic


gardens and the challenges that arise with plant growth

growth to be achieved and the incorporation of lighting

in an anti-gravity or low gravity atmosphere. Dr. Raymond

design through LED’s (Wheeler, 2017). Wheeler also

Wheeler’s article is a collection of many experiements

describes LADA, a plant chamber designed by the IBMP

conducted worldwide. He begins with research on

(Wheeler, 2017). This plant growth system is described

algae in the 1950’s and expands on why the research

in more detail in the paper, “LADA: The ISS Plant

shifted to more plant based studies, mostly using wheat

Substrate Microgravity Testbed” by Gail E Bingham, T.

(Wheeler, 2017). His article leads to a variety of new

Shane Topham and John M. Mulholland. Together these

sources, such as the Institute for Biomedical Problems

studies form a comprehension of the systems needed to

(IBMP), Closed (or Controlled) Ecological Life Support

successfully grow plants in zero gravity.

Systems or CELSS Program, the Russian BIOS studies,

Aside from readings, interviews and experiential research


This helps to identify the best form for plant

0.6 inch wide hole drilled by the Curiosity Rover. (Greicius, 2015.) Courtesy of NASA.


was conducted with a former astronaut, Ken Reightler, a

materials which provided insight on the solutions and

green engineering professor, Dr. Sean McGinnis, and a

challenges one might face with 3D printing on Mars.

DREAMS lab tour at Virginia Tech. The three viewpoints

Overall, the research collected spans a large range of

differ in their attempts to find solutions to space habitats.

topics, all of which relate to the importance of nature and

Ken Reightler gave a new perspective on the emotional

design in terms of sustainability, energy, psychology and

and cultural priorities of crew members while working


together in a small space for long durations. Dr. Sean McGinnis added to this perspective from a sustainability and materials angle. He explained the importance of closed systems, long-term lifecycles, and re-use of synthetics and organic materials. Certain synthetics can be reused if grinded into a powder and 3D printed. The DREAMS lab experiments with 3D printing various


code requirements All of the Codes requirements below were taken from the anthropometry and biomechanics data sheets provided by NASA. General Interior Decor Design Considerations


{A} The following are general considerations for the design of the interior decor: a. Simplicity - Interior design (decor) should be simple, i.e., too many colors, complicated visual patterns, large areas of extremely saturated colors or too many fabric variations may result in visual or sensual oversaturation. Such treatment becomes an annoyance to most observers, especially over long periods of exposure. b. Variety - Extreme simplicity can be carried too far. Drab, singular color or completely neutral (e.g.,

all gray) color schemes and smooth, untextured surfaces are monotonous and lead to boredom and eventual irritation with the bland quality of the visual environment. The best interior design schemes are a balance of variety and simplicity. c. Personalization - The ability of a crewmember to personalize certain portions of her or his environment is often a morale booster. This option should be limited to an individual’s personal quarters. A simple feature could be a simple bulletin board on which the crewmember could display personal photos or other memorabilia. d. Maintenance of Decor - Use of a wide variety of colors, textures, materials, and accessories can exaggerate housekeeping, repair, and replacement problems. Decorative Technique Design Considerations {A} Decorative techniques to be considered are as follows: a. Colored Surfaces - A variety of color schemes may be developed using wall coverings, paint, or treated metal surfaces. The following are considerations to be observed when using color: 1. Color variety - The use of different schemes for different compartments within the habitat is an effective way to achieve variety. Within each compartment, the general use of a small variety of color (no more than 4 to 5) is preferred over a single color. Variety can also be obtained by using slightly different tints and shades of the basic surfaces, another for equipment racks, and another for control panels. 2. Reflectance - Color affects the amount of light reflected from a surface. Diffused reflectance is desirable, especially at workstations. High reflectance can cause annoying glare. (Refer to Paragraph 8.13, Lighting, for surface reflectance requirements and considerations.) 3. Color by light source - Providing surface color by light sources for the purpose of interior aesthetics should be avoided. 4. Effects on color by common lamps - The two matrices in Figure give a general description of the effects that common fluorescent, mercury, and filament luminaries have on colored surfaces. Both the lighting level and the color of the light affect the appearance of colored surfaces. Filament lamps and warm fluorescent lamps, which are deficient in blue, emphasize the redness of a surface color and thus accent warm hues. 5. Preferred colors - Figure provides an aid for the selection of preferred colors for


different crew areas. Selected colors should be matched with those in Reference 290. 6. Location and orientation coding - In some cases the use of color may be useful in helping the crewmember to more quickly identify the room type or their orientation in the rooms. Lighter colors may be used as a cue to indicate designed for a local vertical. (Refer to Paragraph 8.5, Location Coding, for additional information.) b. Texture - Variety on wall or other surfaces can be obtained through use of textured wall coverings. Texture adds another dimension of variety to the decor. The following are considerations to be observed when using texture: 1. Aesthetics - Some fine, regular patterning of coverings is acceptable. Gross irregular patterns are generally not pleasing and should be avoided. 2. Noise control - Rough textures reduce noise levels better than smooth textures. (Refer to Paragraph 5.4, Acoustics, for additional information on the control of noise.) 3. Glare reduction - Rough textures diffusely scatter incident light and may be useful in glare reduction. 4. Location coding - Changes in texture may be used to delineate a subdivision of the interior space. This can be used to increase perceived privacy and territorially. 5. Cleaning - Smooth and plain surfaces are easy to clean; however, a small amount of dirt can make them appear unattractive. c. Decorative Accessories - Decorative accessories should be considered as long as they are consistent with functional requirements and environmental constraints. Decorative accessories include curtains, simulated woodgrain work surfaces, and simulated leather or fabric covers for


certain furnishings. d. Flexibility - Ease of changing decor should be considered. Decor might be changed during long missions, as crews are replaced during normal rotation, or when the space module needs to be refurbished. Plans for such change or rehabilitation should be included in the initial design so that changes can be accomplished with minimum effort, time, cost, and interference with ongoing operations. As an example, techniques for quick removal and replacement of wall and ceiling structural coverings should be considered to vary color schemes as well as replace worn or damaged coverings.



e. Lighting - Variation in lighting quantity, direction, brightness, and predominant wavelength may be utilized to influence perceived spaciousness and create visual variety. Materials Design Considerations {A} Durability, non-flammability, and safety are all considerations for the selection of materials for interior decor. The materials should not impart chemical, mechanical (abrasive surfaces, sharp corners, edges, etc.), or any other hazard to the crew. Observer Light/Dark Adaptation Design Considerations {A} Task/lighting conditions should be planned and executed to preclude or minimize the need for a crewmember to suddenly shift from a very bright to very dark environment, or vice-versa. Psychological Factors Design Considerations {A} Although power constraints limit the ability to provide high levels throughout the space module, higher ambient light levels do have a distinctly beneficial effect on morale. Reasonably high level ambient illumination should be considered for such activities as food preparation and eating, recreation, and personal hygiene. (Refer to Paragraph 8.12.2, Interior Design and Decor Design Considerations, for additional information on the psychological effects of lighting.)


8.13.3 Lighting Design Requirements {A} Illumination Level Design Requirements {A} General Interior Illumination Levels Design Requirements {A} The general illumination of a space module shall be a minimum of 108 lux (10 foot-candles) of


white light. (Refer to Paragraph, Workstation Illumination Design Requirements, for specific workstation task lighting requirements.) (Refer to Paragraph, EVA Workstation Lighting Design Requirements, for EVA lighting requirements.) Illumination For Specific Tasks Design Requirements {A} The lighting level shall be measured on the primary work surfaces. Measurement shall be taken at 80% of maximum lumen output. Specific IVA task lighting requirements are defined in Figure also defines illumination levels for workstations. EVA lighting requirements are in Paragraph, EVA Workstation Lighting Design Requirements.


NOTES: Data was taken 1979 and 1980 at NASA-JSC by Dr. William Thornton and John Jackson. The study was made using 192 males (mean age 33) 22 females (mean age 30) astronaut candidates


background research i n t ervi e w w i th r e ti re d a s t r o na ut, k e n R e ig ht l e r (Reightler, 2018) “Received a bachelor of science degree in aerospace engineering from United States Naval Academy in 1973, and master of science degrees, in 1984, in aeronautical engineering from the United States Naval Postgraduate School and in systems management from University of Southern California.” - (Biographical Data...,2008)



If you could change anything about the shuttle

interior, what would it be?

a. Scheduled time for the crew to clean up

b. Wires need to be wiped, dusted, and organized.

c. Cable runs could be hook or clip mechanisms.

d. “Hand rails” could be incorporated into the

organization to help with moving through the space.

e. Ceiling and floors should be defined more clearly.

f. Lights could be clearly located in one are to define it as

the ceiling and more open space below could be defined as the floor.

g. Add toe holds

h. Handrail cross section is an oval. This is difficult on the

metatarsal because of the way your foot archs.

i. Ergonomic design improvement with a stronger focus

on feet not hands.

j. Lighting should be based on circadian rhythm.

+ 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets per day

k. Adjacencies for food modules


logged over 5,000 hours flying time in over 60 different types of aircraft (Biographical Data...,2008)

Russian Community Area was designed more as a living space. The space has images/ objects that are reminders of cosmonauts, patron saints and religious figures. This makes it a good place to relax, listen to music, socialize, and have coffee or tea.

The US side is more utilitarian. One area is selected as the main priority. The Russian half of the modules are more comfortable due to carpeting. This adds a earthly/ homey feel, as well as aiding with acoustics, however it is harder to maintain and clean. It must be replaced every five years. Introducing textiles provides more comfort, which is why the sleeping quarters is one of the most comfortable spaces.


What were the most comfortable spaces on board? Most


a. The most uncomfortable spaces are when you’re trying to

squeeze into a small space to work. Sometimes one must

working involves getting in behind the shelves - around the inside

of the exterior wall.

Outside = pressurized canisters

Inside = rectangular hallway.

b. Toilet Urine and air must be separated. This means using an air separator system which is very bulky and sometimes needs to be stabilized by mixing it with a chromic acid to prevent


biological breakdown of the urine. Chromic acid is hazardous and can permanently stain your skin. Occasionally the acid is hard to access and goggles and mask are necessary, but because of the strong odor, a respirator would help 3.

What things or experiences from earth would you bring up to space if you could? a. First granddaughter

+ Brought photos and was sent more photos.

“Missed long runs in the forest, sunlight, trees, and jumping over roots� (Baselt, 2017) Courtesy of Redwood National Parks.

+ Important to stay connected over email and video


b. Feeling of jogging outside


Can you share a little about your experience with the cultural

overlap on board the ISS?

a. US color schemes were grey and neutrals (1995)

To the Japanese, grey symbolizes death and it is never worn or

used in decor.


b. In order for everyone to fly, they must learn to speak Russian.

+ Very difficult task

c. Japan and Russia still have a distrust for each other.

+ Russians are not as committed to learn English

+ Americans and Russians get along a little better.

d. Cultural disagreement while onboard the station

+ Russians are like americans - “big, loud, and proud”

+ Friends are like brothers to the Russians. Lots of sharing.

+ Japanese are more closed off and they don’t express

friendships the same way.

It is best to find people who get along when choosing crews. Always ask the question “am i


willing to live in a can with this person for the next 6 months?” Some astronauts never fly because compatibility, humility, teamwork and fair play.


How did you and other astronauts cope with stress?

The stress is very real since you’re living at work.

The day to day includes:

a. Wake up on monday morning at 6am

b. Leave crew quarters and use bathroom

c. Make two bags of coffee and bring them back to crew

quarters (starts every day by 2 cups of coffee)

d. Read message traffic - updates to the plan for the day.

e. Breakfast / dress

f. 7:45 conference call to call control centers on the planet

- Houston, Moscow, Canada, Japan, Munich

g. 8 am everything starts

h. Work weeks flew by

i. Lunch on the run

j. Try to eat dinner at the same time (occassionally late)

k. Friday end of the day conference - dinner and movie night

(English and Russian)

l. Exercise is good for stress relief

m. Window breaks

n. Have a hobby

+ Low light photography


It’s good to stay connected to the ground (Baselt, 2017) Courtesy of Redwood National Parks.


Were the crew quarters an adequate size, or would you have

preferred more room/amenities?

a. Yes. There’s no need for much space. It would be wasted

b. Maybe room for storage

+ Used bag to store personal items and clothes


What was your favorite part about the ISS? Why?

a. Just living up there. Never got tired of it

+ frustrated, got behind, made mistakes (which hurt)

+ helped build it and then got to live on it which was a dream

come true.

+ Some people did not adapt well to being up there.

- a lot of waiting - tolerance for the ground

- Biggest frustration - living in zero gravity is difficult

since must lock down everything set down.

- Losing tools is a huge problem

- Everything you do is harder except flying around like



8. What is it like to be in space? Can you describe it in 3 words? Living the dream

D r e a ms l a b int e rv ie w (DREAMS Lab, 2018) 1.

Are there any recyclable materials that we can use for 3D printing

(plastics, fabrics, metals)?

a. Plastics are recommended since it has been experimented

with the most and certain plastics can be recycled.

b. The process requires a lot of energy and is difficult since each

plastic must be broken down to a powder. The melting point of

plastics are low and as it is being grinded down the plastic can

heat up and melt.

c. Recyclable plastics include

+ PET + HDPE + PVC + LDPE + PP + PS 2.

What is the ranges for materials that can be printed with?

a. Almost anything can be 3D printed as long as its made into

a powder. 3.

Can soil be used to 3D print? What is the process of printing

concrete or ceramics?

a. Yes, it is possible to print with concrete and ceramics, but it

is relatively difficult since the mixture has to be the right ratio

otherwise, the print will slump and collapse in on itself.

3D Printed Fabric (Vanian, 2016)


i n te rv i e w w i th V i rg i nia t e ch’s g r e e n e ng ine e r ing pr o f e s s o r , d r . S e a n mcg innis (Energy Use...,2018) 1.

We are interested in compression testing the foams to figure

out which applications the foams can be used in. Have you had

experience in material testing and if so, how do you suggest going about doing


a. In this case, speed of recovery for foams may not matter.

Think about tests that would suit the situation better. Start with

simple tests and then move into working with robotics to get more

accurate measurements.

b. Also consider other factors like flammability - adhesives that

hold some denser foams together may be flammable.


What is a sustainable way to reuse plastic waste products? Can

the process be simplified to be done in space?

a. Try and reuse the plastics with minimal processing. The first

step would be to remanufacture and the second would be to



b. Thermoplastics are efficient since they require low energy to

melt and reuse them.

c. Consider using bioplastics - poly lactic acid, exoskeleton of

insects, soil

d. Make sure to select materials that are either all synthetic

or organic. A product becomes unusable if materials mix.

+ A fabric mixed with epoxy has small fibers

that are difficult to separate which wastes more energy.


Do you have any suggestions for how we may be able to reuse

energy in space? Our idea was to use the exercising machines to generate energy.

a. Figure out the power output by humans and estimate how

much energy can be generated.

b. Try to make every process a closed cycle to save energy,

time, and money.

+ Using nutrients from sweat to aid

the growth of plants. 4.

Can you give us examples of environmentally friendly cleaning


a. All natural cleaning products are best, such as citrus and vinegar

based products.

b. Possible to dry clean - closed loop process

c. Other methods to clean like UV light kills bacteria.


(...bioplastics packaging with Capa™, 2017)

d r . R aymond M. W h e e l e r ’s a r t icl e “Ag r icult ur e f o r S pace ” (Wheeler, 2017) Dr. Wheeler compiles agricultural research from

Researchers hoped to find a solution to grow fresh

around the world that proves beneficial for space

foods in zero gravity as well as reduce the high CO2

systems. He begins with historical studies in the 1950’s

levels (large concern) (Wheeler, 2017). The Institute

about the introduction of algae in space (Wheeler,

for Biomedical Problems (IBMP) in Moscow also

2017). Algae had interesting qualities that made it

researched the methods in which the plants could be

a good start in research like high productivity and

grown most efficiently based on volume (Wheeler,

easy cultivation (Wheeler, 2017). It could be grown

2017). It seems the best method incorporates spiral

in chemostats which means total light absorption

shaped systems that allow for more seedlings and

(Wheeler, 2017). However, algae proved to be less

LED’s. LED’s are flexible and can be tested with

efficient than other plants once new practices like

multiple arrangements (Wheeler, 2017).

hydroponic cultivation and CO2 enrichment produced

Vertical arrangements have been quite difficult

better results (Wheeler, 2017). Algae also gave off an

to achieve (Wheeler, 2017). One of the earliest

unexpected volatile which deteriorated other plants

techniques was created by the Biomass Production

that shared the closed system (Wheeler, 2017).

Chamber (Wheeler, 2017). This method involved

Later research, included studies of wheat, carrot,

hydroponic plants grown with four shelves stacked

cabbage, potato, tomato, radish, etc (Wheeler, 2017).

in a 7.5 m tall chamber (Wheeler, 2017). The best results were obtained by the smaller chambers tested (Wheeler, 2017). This may be due to few factors such as edge effects from side-lighting,


more attention given to individual plants, or volatile compounds.

(Wheeler, 2017)

co ns id e r at io ns This article provides multiple pathways for research. Lighting, spacial arrangements, and plant selection are key to biophilic design. It should be easier to grow plants on mars since gravity is one of the main factors that stunts growth on the ISS. However, lighting can be an issue due to the additional heat produced. It may be best to allow for natural light to aid plant growth instead of LED’s and best to attempt horizontal layouts for the hydroponic garden.

This article also raises the question about the use of fiber optics which could be a unique way to distribute/transfer natural light and possibly impact heat production.


“Plant researchers Neil Yorio and Lisa Ruffe prepare to harvest a crop of Waldann’s Green Lettuce from KSC’s Biomass Production Chamber (BPC). KSC researchers have grown several different crops in the BPC to determine which plants will better produce food, water and oxygen on long-duration space missions” (Wheeler, 2017).

“ L A DA : TH E I S S P LA NT S UBS T R AT E MICR O G R AV IT Y T E S T BE D” Gail E Bingham, T. Shan e T o p h a m a n d J o h n M. Mu l h o l l a n d’s pa p e r LADA is a long-term plant growth system designed

LADA was also designed to be cheaper and quicker to

to be hung on a cabin wall (Bingham, Topham...,

make due to its use of commercial dimensions (Bingham,

2002). It is made up of a control module, vegetation

Topham..., 2002).

modules, and a water tank (Bingham, Topham..., 2002). The two vegetation modules are designed with a 9 cm depth to allow for complete root growth (Bingham, Topham..., 2002). The vegetation modules can be further broken down into a root module, leaf chamber, and light module (Bingham, Topham..., 2002). The root module is setup with switches that control water pumps, sensors and lights (Bingham, Topham..., 2002). LADA was inspired by a similar earlier model named the “Svet-GEMS system” (Bingham, Topham..., 2002). It is similar to Svet in terms of light and root zone control, however, it differs in its use of volume, power, and root system focus (Bingham, Topham..., 2002). In terms of gas compostition, temperature control, and humidity,


LADA is fully reliant on the cabin controls (Bingham, Topham..., 2002). It works by transferring cabin air to the plants and ventilating that air through the light banks (Bingham, Topham..., 2002). The modules are designed to provide easy access to the plants through a sliding door (Bingham, Topham..., 2002). The door is transparent to view the plants from a distance, allowing for a “psychological boost” for the crew members (Bingham, Topham..., 2002).

co ns id e r at io ns This paper provides a sense of how light, air filtration, and data collection work in unison. It also explains what kind of data is collected and though which technology. Designing for biophilia will be easier if there is a comprehension of the current system design as well as, the problems that arose with the research conducted.


“salad greens aimed at future efforts to supplement the flight diet� (Bingham, Topham..., 2002)

PART ii Spac e ha b i tat D e s i gn



S it e a na lys is Martian flood waters carved out this surface making the Valles Marineris much larger than the grand canyon and a great spot for reseach and growth.

Winter | Fall

Summer | Spring


CAM plants (or cacti) have evolved in a variety of extreme climates. However, each has developed in a radial or axial manner.



PR O C E SS O r b i t a n d A xi s

CO NCE PT Cyc le

A da ptat io n 57

The orientation of the red planet impacts its climate. Mars has an eccentric orbit making the days longer than Earth’s and the seasons vary in duration.

The length of time that the sun warms the surface of the planet causes large temperature fluctuations. Similar to a drought dominated region | desert on earth.

CAM plants (many cacti) developed an adaptation to extreme temperature changes on Earth. These plants “breathe” at night to conserve water during the day. + efficient energy use + reduces water waste + improves respiration + improves food production

Fl o o r pla ns

Lab General Storage Hydroponic Garden Stackable Chairs


Lab and Foldable Workspace Ladder Pump and Water Filter Expanded Metal Floor Storage for Lab Equipment

f it ne s s General Storage Exercise Equipment



VR Space


s l e e ping q ua r t e r s Toilet Shower Kitchen Dining Room | Stools | Storage Water Filter and Waste Storage Flexible Open Space Sleeping Quarters | Personal Storage Floor Storage for Treadmill

A xo n s Ladder transfers people from one floor to the next, while core filters water (see next spread).

Scoby toolkit lifts up for access, or can be removed and carried to needed location.

S torage Axon of all the storage in the space habitat.


F i r st f loor

Water Pipes UV Light Filters

Water is slowly transferred using sloped pipes. On its way down hydroponic plants remove nitrogen and


phosphorus from water to purify waste water. That water then travels through the floor and up the “core�. The core is made up of a mechanical pump that is activated as users walk up and down the ladder. Energy that is already expended will be used more efficiently.

+ efficient energy use + reduces water waste + improves respiration + provides food



C l o se d l oop Mate ri a l s SCOBY Kombucha based material formed from a symbiotic relationship of yeast and bacteria. + good under compression + holds impressions well + lightweight + biodegradable (can be fertilizer) + easy to cut and grow

MYCELIUM Straw based materials or waste fibers are introduced to mushroom fungi. The fungi grows outward acting as a glue to hold the fibers together. + lightweight + no toxic gases + biodegradable (can be fertilizer) + easy to form and grow + good compression strength


+ absorbs radioactivity

Pl um b i ng ORBITAL SYSTEMS Recirculating Shower System

+ Saves water (90%) + Saves energy (80%) + Can send data about savings

932 mm

KOLHER Closed-Loop Advanced Sanitation System (CLASS)

660 mm

It is still in the research phase, but successful so far. It was originally designed for better sanitation and tested Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, India.

440 mm


Image from Orbital Systems: The First Digital Recirculating Shower System

75 mm 812 mm









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