The KPL News: September 2020

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n Chapter President’s Message ................... 1 n First of All, We Vote .................................. 3 n At tribute to Bro. Cecil G. Christian, Jr. ..... 4





n Alphas: Community Service ...................... 6




n Celebrations and High Achievements ........ 5


AP • Edited by Bro. Kerry G. Johnson • email:

Welcome to the new KPL Chapter News

Executive board ready to work together for new fraternal year

Greetings to my Brothers of AΦA, Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter! I hope that you and your families enjoyed a restful summer vacation. I am well aware that our nation continues to deal with serious issues that include the global coronavirus pandemic, nationwide unemployment, and the upcoming Presidential election.

Due to social distancing concerns the Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter Executive Board was installed over a virtual online chapter meeting. Congratulations to the new and reelected Brothers to their leadership roles.

I’m honored to once again have the pleasure of serving as the Associate Editor to The Sphinx, our beloved fraternity’s national publication. If you would like to write or submit content/photos to the renamed Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter News “ or the nation magazine, please reach out to me using my contact information shown below.

Bruce E. Nelson

J. Craig Bailey

Brandon Barrett

Anthony Johnson, Jr.


Vice President

Recording Secretary

Corresponding Secretary

Rodney G. Hawkins

Elliott D. Harvey

Rickey Harvey, Jr.

Mark Cummings




Vaughn Bradley, Jr.

Stacey Taylor, Sr.

Gerard Charlot

Kerry G. Johnson

Director of Educational


Dean of Membership

Associate Editor


to The Sphinx

I look forward to providing our Brotherhood and the Central Maryland region with informative articles and images that brand, marketing and promote AΦA throughout Howard County. Fraternally, Bro. Kerry G. Johnson Associate Editor to The Sphinx Editor, ΚΦΛ News e:

Financial Secretary

President’s Message


elcome back to the start of the 2020-21 fraternal year! I am pleased with the progress we have made in such a short period-of-time. Although we are still facing a serious health crisis that continues to affect our professional, educational and social endeavors, our ΚΦΛ Chapter is still bonded together by our Brotherhood. Over the summer, there has been amazing work conducted by the Brothers. We have also had numerous conversations with Brothers who are looking to make Kappa Phi Lambda their home chapter. The work ahead still has challenges. However, if we truly work together, we can uplift the youth that continue to march onward and upward in the communities we serve. Bro. Bruce E. Nelson President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter e:


Calvin R. Austin

Kenneth Jennings

Dennis G. Kemp, Sr.


Chapter Elder

Chairman, Alpha Foundation of Howard County, Inc.

A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C . • Κ Φ Λ N E W S • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0


A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C . •


If you need an absentee ballot If you need to register If you need lookup your on-site polling location


A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C . • Κ Φ Λ N E W S • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0




Well, Bro. Christian saw me spending all this time with his wife and decided he couldn’t let Marian get ahead of him. Eventually, Marian’s computer became “their” computer. Soon afterward, he would not hesitate to call me for his many “technology” questions.

Well, I tried ... and this is what you get. Please understand, Bro. Christian and I joyfully laughed at just about everything, and we were both from Birmingham, Alabama, so forgive me, if I digress. Nevertheless, I will try to provide some history, nostalgia and my heartfelt conclusions.

Needless to say, this interaction developed into a close-knit relationship. I enjoyed the time I spent with them. Also when Marian passed away, I remember leaving the monthly fraternity meeting after a thank you card was read and comforted Bro. Christian in the hallway. We embraced and cried. Thinking of her still brings tears to my eyes.

was asked to author an article detailing my relationship with our late Bro. Cecil G. Christian, Jr. I thought this task would be a “pieceof-cake” to write. However, once I started, I realized it was more difficult than I thought because I knew a lot about him and wanted to paint the best picture of him with the dignity he deserved.

Bro. Christian was born on October 23, 1932 in Birmingham. He was the only child of Cecil G. Christian, Sr. and Richard Evelyn Carr. (Note: Rest assured I hazed him about his mother being named Richard which happens to be my middle name.) He attended Birmingham public schools and graduated from Parker High School in 1941. He enrolled at Howard University in 1950. While Bro. Christian was at Howard he met Marian Seay. They became sweethearts as he pledged Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and she for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in 1951. Bro. Christian graduated in 1953 with a degree in psychology, a commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. The two were married on June 7, 1953. The couple was married for 48 years before Marian’s death in 2001. Bro. Christian had an outstanding military career. Inspired by the Tuskegee Airmen he became an aviator. He flew fixed-wing airplanes as well as helicopters. He was incredibly proud of his military service and received several awards and decorations. He retired from the Army as a Lt. Col. after 20 years of service. Bro. Christian and Marian had three children, Gregory, Gary and Cecily. All of them had military service. I met Bro. Christian in 1987 when my wife Betty and I move to Maryland from Long Island, NY. I joined Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter at the insistence of the late Bro. Cliff Heron who sort of didn’t give me an option of going elsewhere. I was able to observe that Bro. Christian was one of the many hardworking Brothers in the chapter. No matter which committee meeting you attended, he was usually there. When Marian found out I worked for a computer company, Digital Equipment Corp., she let it be known that she wanted to purchase a computer and I was drafted for that job, with no pay, of helping her with this endeavor. I was in-and-out of the house quite often assisting her.

Highlights of Bro. Christian’s fraternity life and professional career: • Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter President • MLK Breakfast Chairman (5 times) • Founding Chairman of the Alpha Foundation of Howard County and served as the Foundation’s Chair for at least 10 years, and was a member of the Foundation until his death, • Chapter’s Alpha Brother of the year (twice) • Eastern Region’s Alpha Man of Merit • Mentor, a part-time bailiff for the Howard County District Court for more than 15 years, • 10 years on the Howard County Personnel Board (three as Chair) • and many more positions of service I was extremely fortunate to be able to work (fraternity) and travel with Bro. Christian. We have traveled to Cornell University, New Orleans, Detroit, Cleveland, Mobile (AL), Atlanta, and our hometown of Birmingham. Most of these visits were to attend Alpha activities, but some of were side trips to visit my family while traveling to or from fraternity events. I happily I knew Bro. Christian for 33 years. In those years, Bro. Christian truly demonstrated “The True Spirit of Fraternity” 24-hour; 7 daysa-week. He was a “Brother’s Brother” He made you want to do “good”. If you did “good” he would tell you and heaven forbid you did something that you shouldn’t, You certainly would hear back from him. He quietly helped so many people. He was very generous with his time and gifts. He put up with my sense of humor and opinions as I put up with his colorful commentary. Respectful, integrity, honest, faithful, firm, fair, competent, intelligent, loyalty, problem-solving ability, consistent, punctual, disciplined and very high standards are words/phrases you can use to describe Bro. Christian.

A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C . •




The Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter honor Bro. Cecil G. Christian, Jr. He entered Omega Chapter on February 7, 2020.

Bro. Christian loved photography. Of the pictures around my house of the two or three non-Calvin Austin photos framed in my house is a photo he took of me with my mother and sisters. I often glance at the image, I remember he met most of the loves of my life and I have a photo with some of them. I know I am rambling, but I want anyone that reads this tribute, know that this was a special Brother. He was involved in all aspects of Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter from the day he joined the chapter until he the day he passed away. He was my fraternity Brother, and most of all a great friend. I will miss his phone calls to check up on me or my calling him to check in on him His home was informally known as the “Alpha Frat House” because the Brothers were always meeting there for official chapter business or gathering for social events.

Brothers, I know I am preaching to the choir, and another Brother probably could have written a more descriptive narrative about Bro. Christian. But as I used to tease him about being a “FRAUD” because every Brother in the chapter probably felt that they were his favorite Brother, and they were. However, no one else in the chapter knew him as long as I did and was from Birmingham. As we go through the rest of our lives, let’s all recognize we were made better with our relationship Bro. Christian. While we recite our beloved fraternity’s prayer, please occasionally think of him and other Omega Chapter Brothers, because my friend, embodied the words of that prayer. He was a true “Servant of All” and I miss him.

My wife loves Marian, Cecily and Cecil. We shared many joys. He supported our events sponsored by Tuskegee University, Betty’s sorors of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and The Links.

Bro. Cecil G. Christian, Jr. with his wife, Marian

A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C . •




THE PARLIAMENTARIAN’S PERSPECTIVE By Bro. Calvin R. Austin (Gamma Phi (ΓΦ) Chapter, Tuskegee University, 1965)

As your Parliamentarian, I plan to provide monthly tips to help you understand meeting actions under Robert’s Rule of Order. This month we will discuss the steps to making a motion. It should be noted that “So Moved” is not a valid process under Robert’s Rules of Order. These steps are include within ΚΦΛ Chapter’s Standard Operating Procedures. A motion is a formal proposal by a member during a meeting that the assembly take certain action. The basic form of the motion is the Main Motion. A Main Motion is brought before an assembly.

■ Motion is moved While no motion is pending, a Brother “rises” and seeks recognition. Once a Brother is recognized he has the exclusive right to be heard at that time. The member makes the motion, (example) “I move that the chapter donate $500 to the Boy Scouts.”

■ Motion is seconded Someone without needing to be recognized, verbally “seconds” the motion. The seconder is not claiming to agree with the motion. The seconder is stating that the motion should be discussed and voted by the assembly. States (example): “I second the motion OR seconded!”

■ Motion is stated: The chair states the motion.

"It is moved and seconded that the chapter donate $500 to the Boy Scouts." As the chair recognizes the maker of the motion, he states, "Are you ready for the question?" The motion no longer belongs to the mover; it now belongs to the assembly.

■ Motion is debated All remarks by the members are made to the chair, never to or about another member. Debate can be closed only by a 2/3 vote by the assembly. A motion is considered by the assembly.

■ Motion is presented, the chair states:

"The motion is that the chapter donate $500 to the Boy Scouts." • All in favor of the motion indicate by saying, “Aye” • All opposed to the motion indicate by saying, “No” * The wording of the motion when the question is presented is the way it goes into effect * A voice vote is the regular method when a majority vote is required for adoption * A rising vote is the normal method when a 2/3 vote is required for adoption * A 'show of hands' is intended for small assemblies or after an inconclusive voice vote

■ The vote is announced, the chair makes

either of the following 4 statements • The “AYES” have it • The “NOES” have it" • The motion is ADOPTED • The motion is LOST

A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C . •




CELEBRATIONS AND HIGH ACHIEVEMENTS The Hampton University Office of Alumni Affairs has announced the newest members of its “Forty Under 40 Alumni Recognition Society”. The 2020 class of honorees hails from 26 states and represents a diverse group of professionals who have continued to blaze new trails in their respective fields. Included on the list: Bro. Brandon Tilghman Class of 2005

Bro. Lawrence Jones and Keys to Functional Organizations Congratulations to Bro. Dr. Lawrence Jones II, Ph.D. for his new co-authorship: Organizational Metaphors: Faith as Key to Functional Organizations”. Bro. Jones created an original academic metaphor for organizational leadership dysfunction. An excerpt: “A Pygmalion Mirage” is when the organizational culture, often influenced by the leader, becomes overly confident with their perception of a situation without gaining the full details of the environment and circumstances. The illusion of success as the result of a mismatch between the organization’s design strategy and the environmental conditions for the approach to users can be very detrimental for an organization that has blurred vision (May 2020).


Preparing for the new school year

On August 13, Bro. Anthone Bond, Bro. Charles Franklin and Bro. Kala Kanyama (not pictured) assisted the Pupil Personnel Department of the Howard County Public School System with the distribution of gift bags filled with school and living supplies for students.

Bro. Bond

Bro. Franklin

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