MARCH 2013
A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C .
Bro. Kerry G. Johnson, Associate Editor to The Sphinx - e-mail:
used at conventions to demonstrate the different organizations that are present. I know that Kappa Phi Lambda will help to fill the sanctuary to indicate we are serious about our Dear Kappa Phi Lambda Brothers, school system continuing to be ranked number one in the On March 14, there will be a Call To Action Forum spon- country. Many organizations are participating and we want a sored by the African American Community Roundtable strong representation of Alpha men. Numbers do matter and of Howard County held at St. John Baptist Church. The the roundtable committee would like to see standing room roundtable is composed of different organizations in How- only. I am asking Brothers to confirm that they will attend. ard County. I am Kappa Phi Lambda’s representative on the Please email me to let me know if you’re planning to attend the important event. For more details, go to Page 2. group. I’m asking all brothers of KPL to attend this forum to demonstrate our support for improving academic achievement in the Howard County School System and to learn about: strategies for eliminating achievement gaps, state reforms, and college and career readiness for every student. Signs will be posted in the sanctuary in the same manner that is
Fraternally, Bro. Norris T. Jennings President Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Day At The
RACES See Page 3 for details >>
River Hill Alpha Achievers recruit new members Bro. Harry Evans, III (second from left, in back) and Bro. Dave Campbell (far right) attended an informal meeting held at River Hill High School for young men that are interested in participating in KPL’s Alpha Achievers program. The Alpha Achievers is an education program for African-American males in grades 9-12. There are Alpha Achiever programs in every Howard County high school. The program has been at River Hill since 2011.
A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C . • T H E K P L S P H I N X • M A R C H 2 0 1 3
A Call to Action: Delivering the Promise of Preparation Sponsored by
The African American Community Roundtable
Come learn about the state of academic achievement in Howard County schools, strategies for eliminating achievement gaps, state reforms and college and career readiness for every student. Thursday, March 14, 2013 - 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. St. John Baptist Church • 9055 Tamar Drive Columbia, MD 21045 Featured Guest Speakers
Lillian M. Lowery, Ed.D
Maryland State Superintendent of Schools
Renee A. Foose, Ed.D
Howard County Public School System Superintendent
Jon Fullerton, Ph.D
Executive Director of the Center for Education Policy Research
For more information contact
(410) 992-6977
_____________________ Child care will be provided for ages Pre K through Grade 5.
Hypertension program for screening adolescents and children
he Alpha Foundation Hypertension Screening Program screened 260 children between the ages of 3 and 19 years from March 2011 through September 2012. The children were predominately African American and screening sessions occurred on weekends at a local barbershop or at church picnics and community health fairs. Measurements of blood pressure (BP), height and weight were taken and parents were asked to provide information on the child’s diet, intake of sugar-sweetened beverages, amount of physical activity and family history of hypertension. Body mass index (BMI), percentiles for height, weight and BP were calculated based on the child’s age and sex and recorded for the parents. Parents whose children were noted to have BP readings in the pre-hypertensive or hypertensive ranges as well as obese and overweight children were advised to follow-up with the child’s healthcare provider or to the local Howard County Health Department if there was no provider identified. General recommendations given to the parents were to limit sugar-sweetened beverages and to encourage physical playtime activity while limiting sedentary activities like computer games. Parents whose children had elevated BP readings were also advised to limit the child’s intake of salty snacks and processed foods. Feedback from the community on the screening program was positive. One 7 year-old male was noted to have had elevated BP readings during a screening at the barbershop. Similarly elevated readings had been reported during visits to his pediatrician. At a return visit to the barbershop the child was rechecked and his BP was within the normal range. The child’s mother reported that in the interim she had followed the general recommendations given during the first screening and had decreased the amount of processed meats she served. She had begun making homemade pancakes instead of giving him the prepared version. Parents often expressed surprise when told that hypertension can start during childhood and were appreciative of the service the Alpha Foundation provided to the community.
At the March 9 KPL meeting, dinner will be prepared by Kloby’s Smokehouse. • Smoked chicken • Beef brisket • Green beans • Corn bread • Cole slaw • Rolls • Beverages (tea and juice)
A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C . • T H E K P L S P H I N X • M A R C H 2 0 1 3
Save the date! The Alpha Foundation of Howard County, Inc. present its
7th Annual Golf Classic Monday, June 3, 2013 The Timbers at Troy Golf Course Elkridge, MD 21075
www.alphafoundationofhowardcount y. org/
For more info, contact: Bro. Derrick Leak E-mail: Bro. David H. Barrett (third from right); immediate past chairman of the board of the Howard County Poetry and Literature Society (HoCoPoLitSo) at a brunch with other board members in honor of Irish novelist, Column McCaan, (third from left). McCaan read from and discussed two of his novels before an audience of over 400 people at Howard Community College on March 1, 2013. HoCoPoLitSo is one of the community organizations Kappa Phi Lambda supports financially.
Print out and provide this invitation to your guest.
This is a family friendly event; both women & children are welcome!
A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C . • T H E K P L S P H I N X • M A R C H 2 0 1 3 Brothers, This is a quick reminder to bring your money from the St. Mary’s Raffle ticket sales. If you need more tickets, the committee have more tickets at the meeting on March 9. Please let me know if you have any questions. This same flyer is available for download from the KPL Yahoo Group. Fraternally, Bro Jason F. Tate St. Mary Raffle Chairperson
A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C . • T H E K P L S P H I N X • M A R C H 2 0 1 3
A L P H A P H I A L P H A F R AT E R N I T Y, I N C . • T H E K P L S P H I N X • M A R C H 2 0 1 3
ort p p su in n io ss re p x e c ti is of art se u o h e e . ff y o a c D l a ss n e io n it re d a ra w -t A n S ID A no /A ls HIV ir G d n a n e m o W apter h l a C n e o a ti n a m lu of N A ) D (M ia b m co-sponsored by Sponsored by TthheetaCoSluoro d n a . c In , ty ri of Delta Sigmae HCC Office of Student Life th
Monday, March 11, 2013, 5:30-7:30pm
Howard Community College Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Hall 10901 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia MD 21044 For more information and to participate in the Open Mic portion of the program, please contact PO Box 2395, Columbia MD 21045, Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter: @cacdst1971 #RedAlert #HIV #AIDS
“Funding for this activity was made possible in part by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office on Women’s Health. The views expressed in written materials or publications, and by speakers and moderators at HHS co-sponsored activities, do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.”