Gowrie News March 17, 2017

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Gowrie News


March 15, 2017


VOL. 127 NO. 10

Gowrie and the surrounding towns report hail, deluge of rain and even tornadoes By Shari Everhart Severe storms lashed this area on Monday, March 6. Temperatures reached a high in the lower 70's with much of the day seeing windy conditions that are usually associated with the month. By late afternoon, dark clouds rolled in bringing thunder, lightning, hail, a deluge of rain and even tornadoes. Gowrie and the surrounding area reported pea- to quarter-sized hail, heavy enough to cover the ground making grassy areas and roadways taking on a much more winter-like look of being snow covered. There were also reports of larger ping pong ball sized hail in several local communities.The fast-moving storm spawned at least two reported tornadoes in southern Webster County. Luckily, there were no injuries. The twisters were part of the same cell. Both tornadoes, both brief in nature, were rated an EF0 with estimated wind speeds of 70 miles per hour. The National Weather Service said the first tornado was at 6:20 p.m. and located about a mile south of Harcourt. It was on the ground for about two miles. Scott Forbes, Webster County emergency management coordinator, reported damage occurred south of 350th Street between Oak Avenue and Nelson Avenue. "We had a debris path that went northeast and it crossed the road on Oak Avenue between 350th Street and 360th Street and continued into the field northeast, but did not go across Paragon Avenue," Forbes said. Approximately four power lines were taken out along 350th Street. A hog confinement building west of Dayton at 3459 Oak Avenue was destroyed by a tornado.Debris from the building was all over the field near the facility and

a downed power pole blocked 350th Street. Patrol cars were dispatched to 350th Street and Nelson Avenue and 350th Street and Oak Avenue, blocking off the road there. March storms continue on page 5...

Farnhamville's former restaurant undergoes a makeover Volunteers and contractors generously assisting......

Hail storm... Hail pounded most of webster and area counties last week.

By Shari Everhart Anyone driving on Garfield Avenue, Farnhamville’s main thoroughfare, has no doubt noticed there’s been a hive of activity these past several months at the yellow building on the west side of the street that formerly housed Tony’s Steak House and Restaurant. The interior of the building is undergoing a makeover. Tony and Pam McFarland were the last owners operating a business at the site and in the spring of 2017, they closed down and liquidated most of the equipment in the building. January 2016, Farnhamville Betterment, Inc., not to be confused with the Farnhamville Betterment Farnhamville restaurant continued on page 3...

Room to grow in Gowrie; grants available for new construction with plenty of perks Free membership to golf course, swimming pool and much more... By Shari Everhart There’s plenty of room to grow in Gowrie. Empty lots are sitting about town waiting for someone to bring their family, build a home and make the community their own. Kevin Black sees this capable of happening with potential becoming a reality on the corner of Webster Street and Riddle Street in Gowrie. The three empty lots are waiting there, platted and ready for builders to construct the town’s next new housing. Affordable lots at less than $10,000 per lot are ready for building to begin. Additionally, two to three lots for housing are available

on Walnut Street and there’s the possibility of expanding the Wiley Addition in the east part of the town. Grants are available throughout the town of Gowrie to encourage growth. The city is currently offering grants of up to $40,000 for new construction, with help from the Gowrie Development Commission and through the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance. Black, who is the president and chief executive officer of Heartland Bank and who also serves on the Gowrie Development Commission, says, “We want to bring families in. We want to bring taxpayers in, we want to fill the schools with kids.” Mayor Gayle Redman stated, “There hasn’t been a lot of new housing construction in Gowrie in the last several years. We’re always on the lookout to attract new people to town.” Gowrie has offered tax abatement programs for new home construction for some time according to Black. At present, new builders can choose instead to get funds at the beginning, instead of tax relief over 10 years. Gowrie New Construction grant continued on page 9...

This is the newly renovated bar area at the Former Tony's Steak House in Farnhamville.

The Gowire Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting its annual Pancake Brunch on Sunday, March 19 from 10:30 a.m. till 1:00 p.m.. The brunch will include Pancake, eggs, sausage, jucie, coffee and hashbrowns. All proceeds will go towards finishing the new fire station and Thrivent will be matching funds. Come out and help them so they can help you!

Visit www.daytongowrienews.com for your local news...

6 Gowrie man has brain aneurysm; benefit Sunday, March 19 March 15, 2017

The Confirmation Class of Farnhamville First United Church will host a Spaghetti Dinner to benefit the family of Jesse Sweeney of Gowrie. Jesse, is the 39 year old father of three, Kaylaage 21, Teagen-age 12, and Brayton-age 15. Jesse is the son of Joann Nelson and Michael Sweeney. Jesse recently suffered a brain aneurysm which led to extensive surgery and subsequent strokes. He is currently on life support. The benefit will be held March 19 at the Farnhamville Landus Coop Community Room, from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. The meal includes pasta, your choice of Marinara or Alfredo sauce, bread/butter, juice, coffee and tea, and cookies. Donors may dine-in or carry-out. Free-will donations will be given to the family for medical expenses. Everyone is invited to attend or to make a donation at Heartland Bank under the “Jesse Sweeney Donation Account.” One hundred percent of the money donated to the dinner and to the bank account will go to the family.

Spencer Warehime

Congratulations to Spencer Warehime for being selected as Jaguar of the week. Spencer was selected for the following reasons. He does an excellent job working on projects, he brings a great attitude to the room and he makes sure details are thoroughly thought through. Jaguar of Week recognition is made by a different staff member on a rotating basis each week at Southeast Valley High School.


PV Elementary staff members wore Read Across America shirts to celebrate reading and the students’ reading accomplishment! Photo’s by PV Elementary.

PV Elementary observes Read Across America Week Celebrate students’ reading accomplishments...

Prairie Valley Elementary observed Read Across America Week during the week of Feb. 27th to March 2nd. Students and staff participated in many reading activities throughout several days. Some of the activities were: voting for their favorite Dr. Seuss book on a large display (Green Eggs and Ham was the big favorite!), logging their reading minutes, dressing up for fun themes each day, reading to others, etc. Fourth graders read to every preschool through 2nd grade classroom. 4th grade teachers read to 3rd grade classrooms. The students kept track of their reading minutes and reached their goal of 100,000 minutes of reading! We would like to recognize all of our wonderful parents for their support and for helping our students reach this goal by reading at home! To end the week, students had the option to wear pajamas to school as one of their themed dress days. A celebration assembly was held and students had an ice cream treat. PV Elementary staff members wore Read Across America shirts to celebrate reading and the students’ reading accomplishment!

The Cat in the Hat and Thing 1 & Thing 2 are welcoming students into the assembly on March 2nd at the PV Elemenatry.

Another fourth grader is reading to younger PV elementary students.

PV fourth graders are pictured reading to younger students during Read Accross America Week.

PV Kindergarten Round-Up for the upcoming 2017-18 school-year Planned for Friday, April 7... Prairie Valley Elementary will be holding its annual Kindergarten/TK Round-Up for the upcoming 2017-18 school-year at Prairie Valley Elementary, north of Farnhamville on Friday, April 7, 2017. To enroll in 2017-18 Kindergarten or TK, a child must be 5 years old by Sept. 15th, 2017. Please call: (515) 467-5700 or email: petersons@prairievalley.k12.ia.us to register for the Kindergarten/TK Round-Up meeting and receive an information packet and forms. A specific session will be assigned to everyone that registers and more information will be provided. R ound-Up sessions are for the kindergarten children and their parents. The children will get to meet the teachers, visit the classrooms, have some fun, and meet other future kindergartners! The parents will learn about specific kindergarten information and will be able ask questions, etc. To make the event efficient, each round-up session

is only approximately 90 minutes in length so parents can attend this important event in their children’s lives. If families live outside of the Prairie Valley School District / Southeast Valley Schools area, there is still time to “Open Enroll” for kindergarten for the upcoming 2017-18 school year. The Kindergarten Open Enrollment deadline is Sept 1st of the current schoolyear and does not have the same deadline as other school grades. Call (515) 467- 5700 for more information. Both of Southeast Valley’s elementary schools are holding their Kindergarten Round-Up on Friday, April 7th, 2017.

March 15, 2017


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Voting Category winners from left to right are Ben Wanat, Drew Dorsey, Laila Christophersen, Caden Milham and Oscar Hansen.

Cub Scout Pack 42 held annual Pinewood Derby at United Methodist Church, Gowrie

By Trish Wanat Cub Scout Pack 42 held it’s annual Pinewood Derby the afternoon of February 19th at the Gowrie United Methodist Church. Before the 2pm race, Scouts watched an internet safety video and had access to a digital scale to make any final adjustments to their cars prior to check-in. Scouting families enjoyed popcorn and lem& Thing 2 areonade while watching scouts compete for three trophies arch 2nd at thefor overall pack Pinewood Derby winners. Bear Scout Teagan Saxton won first place; Tiger Scout Zeke Abbas came in second; and Bear Scout Ryan Stewart took third. This year’s derby also had individual den races, a siblings race, a fuel economy award for the slowest car and voting categories for car design. Tiger Den race winners were Zeke Abbas, Conner Rentz and Ben Wanat. Bear Den race winners were Teagan Saxton, Ryan Stewart and Laila Christophersen. Webelos Den winners were Creighton Urban, Kaden Wellman and Oscar Hansen. Scout sibling winners were Weslyn Urban, Ma-

lia Urban and Andrew Wanat. Scouts voted on five categories of car design with the following results: Most Unique - Drew Dorsey, Coolest Design - Oscar Hansen, Best Paint Job - Laila Christophersen, Most Colorful - Ben Wanat, and Most Realistic - Caden Milham. Den race, siblings race and voting category winners all receive bubble gum medals. Owen Pudenz’s car won the Fuel Economy Award and he received a flat tire cake.

to younger PV

Overall winners from left to right are Ryan Stewart, Teagan Saxton and Zeke Abbas.

The Fuel Economy Winner during the Annual Pinewood Derby was Owen Pudenz.


A packed house in GUMC supporting the scouts at the Pack 42 Pinewood Derby. Photo’s by Trish Wanat.

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Lenten suppers Wednesday, March 15 at 5:15 p.m. . . Wednesday, March 15 Wednesday Night Lenten Supper will begin at 5:15 p.m. Confirmation Class meets at the Fireside Room at 6 p.m. Lenten Worship will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 16 Choir Rehearsal will begin at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 18 Men’s Group will begin in the Fireside Room at 9 a.m. Sunday, March 19 Worship; and Food Pantrywill begin at 9:15 a.m. Fellowship Coffee; Blood Pres-

sure Check will begin at 10:15 a.m. Sunday School will begin at 10:30 a.m. Adult forum will begin at 11 a.m. in the Fireside Room. C.A.T.S. will begin at 6 p.m. Monday, March 20 Bible Study with Don Doolittle will begin at 7 p.m. in the Fireside Room. Wednesday, March 22 Wednesday Night Lenten Supper will begin at 5:15 p.m. Confirmation will begin in the Fireside Room at 6 p.m. Lenten Worship will begin at 7:00 p.m.


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March 15, 2017

The Jesse Owens exhibit was done by Rhett Grandfield, Sam Sytsma, Hunter Sorenson, and Carson Lambert.

Internet Cafe students front row left to right are Ally Anderson and Abbie Burger; back row left to right are Chaynn Hicks, Kiersten Fisher, and Marlie Johnson.

Abbas brings home trophy from District Pinewood Derby Represents Pack 42...

By Trish Wanat On February 26th Cub Scouts from Calhoun, Humboldt, Kossuth, Pocahontas, Sac and Webster counties gathered at the Crossroads Mall in Fort Dodge to compete in the Twin Lakes District Pinewood Derby. Local scouts, Zeke Abbas, Drew Dorsey, Martin Viles, Ben Wanat and Tyler Wanat, represented Pack 42. Zeke Abbas won a trophy for 3rd place in the Tiger Cub division.


This was one of many exhibites on display during the Local National History Day event at the SV Middle School. Photo’s by Mrs. Wills

SV Middle School students celebrated National History Day

The local National History Day (NHD) event took place on February 21 at the Southeast Valley Middle School. NHD is a program in which students pick a topic based on a theme and do in-depth research to learn about their topic.The theme for this year is “Taking a Stand in History.” Students chose to work alone on this project or be part of a group of up to four classmates. The 8th grade class has been working on NHD since October researching countless hours to become experts on their topic. Their final projects which included documentaries, websites and exhibits were on display on the 21st. In addition to completing the class project, students had the opportunity to take their projects to competition. Those students were interviewed by panels of judges after school on the 21st. They will revise their projects and compete against other students in NW Iowa for a chance to go to the state competition to be held in Storm Lake on March 30th. The following projects will be representing SVMS at the district competition in Storm Lake: Exhibits - “Let the Race Begin” - Rhett Grandfield, Sam Sytsma, Hunter Sorenson, and Carson Lambert; “Race against Hitler” - Lilly Williamson, Chloe Hicks, and Cassy Pemberton; “Mahatma Gandhi and Civil Disobedience” - Jonah Siebert; “Robert E. Lee” - Kaylb Crouse; “Oskar Schindler” - Braden Johnson, Lane Jones-Popp, and Logan Stapp. Website - “John Brown” - Kiersten Fisher, Chyann Hicks, and Marlie Johnson.

Publisher Grindberg makes stop at Gowrie Library, March 18

Zeke Abbas is all smiles as he holds his winning trophy from the Twin Lakes District Pinewood Derby, Tiger Cub division. Photo by Trish Wanat.

On Saturday, March 18, 10:00 a.m., David Grindberg will visit Gowrie Public Library where he will offer up a short program on The Fun of Creating a Children’s Book. He will also be available to sign both The Other Night I Had a Dream and his novel, Rapture of the Deep. Grindberg, pastor and teacher, has published a new children’s book. The Other Night I Had a Dream: Crushing Violets is a beautifully illustrated story of selfless love. This book is perfect for teaching children about self-giving. Born and raised in Sioux City, Iowa, Grindberg holds degrees from Augustana College and Luther Seminary. Dave and his wife, Jill, live in Fort Dodge, where Dave is senior pastor of Saint Olaf Lutheran Church and adjunct religion instructor at Iowa Central Community College. They are the parents of four children and grandparents of four grandchildren. Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” Mark Twain

Zion Lutheran Church Lenten Soup Supper Wednesday, March 15. . . Wednesday, March 15 Bingo at the GCC will begin at 3 p.m. Youth Bells will begin at 5:45 p.m. Lenten Soup Supper will begin at 6 p.m. followed by worship at 7 p.m. Vesper Ringers and Zion WEBS will begin at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 16 Project Day will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, March 18 Worship will begin at 5 p.m. Sunday, March 19 Choir Rehearsal will begin at 9:15 a.m. Sunday School will begin at 9:30 a.m. Worship will begin at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March. 21 A GCC taped service will begin at 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 22 Lenten Soup Supper will begin at 6 p.m. followed by worship at 7 p.m. at United Methodist Church in Gowrie.

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