February 2015 eNewsletter

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Phone: 800-­‐316-­‐7017 E-­‐mail: cksalesinfo@bloomer.net or ke>ner@bloomer.net _________________________________________________________ Dear Important Dealer,

I am excited to be sending you our first monthly E-­‐newsle>er. You may find it looks somewhat familiar, and that’s because you probably received a printed version back more years than I would like to admit. Well it’s Nme again to keep you updated and informed on the companies we proudly represent.

You will find new and exciNng products along with fun facts and events for the following month, which in this case will be March. InformaNon in this newsle>er will correlate with the up and coming events allowing you plenty of Nme to stock items if you wish.


We hope you find the format we are using to be helpful in finding the right products at the right Nme. Our mission is to make ________________________________ it as easy as possible to find those just right products. Always grateful, Cindy Ke>ner Owner of CK Sales & Associates, LLC





Featuring unique, kid-­‐friendly window and face paints with patented No-­‐mess, No-­‐spill, No-­‐waste spring-­‐ loaded applicator Np. _________________________ Assorted varieNes. www.cra[ydab.com SPRING is in the air!!!


$4.00 _________________________________________________________

13927 60th Street - Bloomer, Wisconsin 54724

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