Brinkworth & Dauntsey Outlook Dec/Jan

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DECEMBER JANUARY 22/23 CAROLS AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE 9th December 6.30pm Brinkworth Church Brinkworth & D a unt s e y OUTLOO K Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:33 Page 1


Christingle 4th Dec 4.00pm

Carols around the Christmas tree 9th Dec 6.30pm Great Big Nativity 24th Dec 4pm


Every MondayPilates with Diane Cass 09:00 Brinkworth Village Hall

Malmesbury Dance School 13:00 Brinkworth Village Hall

Every Tuesday

Dancearobics with Jane Pitcher 18:00 Brinkworth Village Hall

Every WednesdayYoga with Diane Cass 09:00 Brinkworth Village Hall

Brinkworth Bramble Patchers Quilting Sewing 14:00-16:30 Brinkworth Village Hall

Brinkworth Beavers 17:00-18:00 Brinkworth Village Hall

Brinkworth Cubs 18:15-19:30 Brinkworth Village Hall

Every Third WednesdayNorth Wilts Flower Club 19:00 Crudwell Village Hall

Every Thursday (Term time only)

Brinkworth Busy Bees Playgroup 09:30-11:00 Brinkworth Village Hall

First ThursdayGarden Club 7pm Brinkworth Village Hall

Second Thursday (each month)

Brinkworth Lunch Club 12:30pm Brinkworth Village Hall

Every FridayCrown Singers 10:45 The Three Crowns

SundayEvery 2nd & 4th Sunday Freedom Methodist Church Service 10:30 Brinkworth Village Hall

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Hello, how are you all?

Unbelievably, only a couple of days before writing this I was sitting on Bournemouth beach and swimming in the sea in the middle of November!! Not only is that a rst, but I was actually ordering Christmas presents under a blue sky in 18c degrees heat, very weird! How ever, this morning back in Brinkworth with what must be the coldest start to the day so far this year; even a touch of frost and the temperature gauge at 3c degrees, my thoughts were -now that’s more like it!

Despite the unseasonal weather there are nevertheless the usual festive activities to organise and enjoy. With carols around the Christmas tree at the Brinkworth church, (not sure if you will need your sleigh or sun cream!) followed later in the month with a Christingle service and Great Big Nativity.

is edition of Outlook is our usual two months Dec/Jan copy, but by way of a rem inder the Outlook magazine will now con tinue throughout 2023 as a bi-monthly issues. Please keep sending in your reports and articles of events and activities in the area along with any photos of thing’s that might be of interest to our readers.

Wishing you all the very best for Christ mas and the New Year


Follow us on facebook!

Search for ‘bdoutlookmaga zine’ and click ‘Follow ’ to keep up to date with vil lage news and events.

We now have more than 650 followers. Please share our page with your friends the more people who k now about our page the better! Let ’s encourage neighbouring villages to visit us and our events

I f you have comments or questions, this page has been set up to work along side the magazine as a shared information point for all in Brink wor th, Dauntsey and beyond.

Kevin bdoutlookmagazine
3 Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:33 Page 3


Attended Activities:


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4th Dec11th Dec18th Dec

Psalm 72:1-7 Isaiah 11:1-10 Romans 15:4-13 Matthew 3:1-12

Psalm 146:4-10 Isaiah 35:1-10 James 5:7-10 Matthew 11:2-11

24th Dec25th Dec

Psalm 89:2, 19-27 2 Samuel 7:1-16 Acts 13:16-26 Luke 1:67-79

Psalm 98 Isaiah 52:7-10 Hebrews 1:1-12 John 1:1-14

Psalm 80:1-8 Isaiah 7:10-16 Romans 1:1-7 Matthew 1:18-end 4
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Attended Activities 2023:


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Readings 2023

1st Jan8th Jan15th Jan

Psalm 8 Numbers 6:22-end Galatians 4:4-7 Luke 2:15-21

Psalm 72:1-15 Isaiah 60:1-6 Ephesians 3:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12

22nd Jan29th Jan

Psalm 27:1-11 Isaiah 9:1-4 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Matthew 4:12-23

Psalm 24:7-end Malachi 3:1-5 Hebrews 2:14-end Luke 2:22-40

Psalm 40:1-12 Isaiah 49:1-7 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 John 1:29-42 5
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We are very pleased to report that over £2000 was raised for the Rise Trust from the event.

PASTORAL CARER in the Woodbridge Group

A request for anyone in their areas of Brinkworth and Grittenham to look out for their neigh bours and let me know if they would like a visit, chat or something else that I will try to follow up and get other help if needed.

Brinkworth - Rosemary Tuck 01793 850999 6
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Vicar’s Article

“I’m sorry that you have to share your birthday with Jesus” is a line from one of this year’s TV Christmas adverts, as if that’s a big problem. ousands of people named Carol, Noel or Holly, along with Dido and Justin Trudeau have this every year.

I know what they mean, in terms of perhaps the birthday getting a bit lost, or the presents being combined (what’s wrong with a single bigger present?) but 1 in 365 of us has to deal with that and will have become accustomed to it. I’m sure that families manage to make the di erenti ation—our friends mark it with an additional half-birthday for their Dec 28th daughter when the weather is much more conducive to a decent celebration.

I know that Jesus doesn’t mind having to share his birthday with you— it’s such a fundamental point in the year when the exact thing we are marking is one of the most signi cant dates in human history, when God entered this world as a human to experience life through our eyes. Jesus wants to share his birthday with you and he wants to share in EVERY day of your life, he wants you to welcome him into your life and for you to live life alongside him.

Why not make that decision this Christmas?

Wishing you happiness and joy this Christmas and throughout the coming year, Steve.

Rev Steve Wilkinson Rector, the Woodbridge Group of Churches

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Brinkworth 8
year again different windows around the village will display each date in the run up to Christmas. See if you can spot them in the run up to Christmas. A running order will be on the church noticeboard. Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:33 Page 8
Advent Calendar 2022 This

Christmas Eve 24th December in Church

Great Big Nativity 4pm

A chance to focus on the real meaning of Christmas. Come dressed up warmly ready to take part (adults as well as children) in the retelling of the birth of Jesus. We will need Mary and Joseph, shepherds, sheep, an inn keeper, angels, ki he more the merrier! you can just watch and wonder.

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As we approach the end of our nancial year may I take this opportunity to remind those of you who have yet to pay their subs to do so. If you have forgotten the amount (or can't remember if you have paid) please contact your local distributor or send an email to me (dave@bdout If it is just for 2022 then the gure is £10 which you can pay on-line, drop it through my letterbox or give it to your local distributor, details are at the bottom of this piece.

For those of you who haven't paid for a while, please let your local dis tributor or me ( know that you wish to continue to receive the magazine as we will be taking the opportunity of the maga zine going bi-monthly in 2023 to review our distribution lists.

For online payments: - Outlook Magazine, 30-98-41, 68443668

By Hand: e Old Reading Rooms, School Hill, Brinkworth (directly opposite the School playground).

In both cases, please use your unique reference (on the brown envelope) or your name+post code.

anks Dave

Advertising Rates 2023

A8 (eighth page) per copy £5 or a year £27

A7 (quarter page)per copy £8 or a year £43

A6 (half page) per copy £14 or a year £75

A5 (full page) per copy £25 or a year £135

Please submit your advert either as a PDF or hi-res image file as A5 or your required size. 21/11/2022 10:33 Page 11


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Carrots are very easy to grow, but very hard to grow perfectly, especially in lovely Brinkworth clay soils.

Carrots prefer a ne, loose, well-drained, sandy soil, with not too much in the way of fertiliser. Both stones (and lumps of clay!) and too much fertiliser will cause forking. ey may still be OK to eat, and on the upside, you may have an entry for the “most unusual looking vegetable” category at the village show.

Clay soils also lead to problems with the carrot rotting in the ground in Autumn, if you overwater or it is a wet summer (a er last year’s drought I’m guessing a summer of del uge is due).

So, for carrots destined for the kitchen, I suggest a raised bed with a sandy, welldrained soil. Compost from last year’s tomatoes, etc is ideal, especially with a bit of sand mixed in.

I sew seeds mid to late spring (April to June) with some successional sewing. e ear lier you sew, the more sporadic the germination is. I tend to sew 2-3 seeds a hand’s width apart. You also need to make sure the soil does not get too dry during germina tion.

Once established, other than weeding and thinning, the only other thing to be aware of is carrot root y. ese are minuscule critters that cause black marks and holes in the carrot and can render them inedible. ere are two main defences - netting and carrot y resistant varieties (e.g. Flyaway F1). I’m not a fan of the taste of Flyaway F1, so I go for the netting option. e netting needs to be very ne - strong garden eece will work, although purpose-made carrot y netting (e.g. Enviromesh) is stronger. You need to make sure there are no gaps – carrot root ies are very persistent. Apparently, carrot root ies stay close to the ground so you only need to surround your carrots with a “wall” of netting a couple of feet high. I’m not so sure, the ones in my garden seem more adventur ous, so I now fully net car rots.

Picture – My carrot palace – fully en closed in eece to combat carrot y 12
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You need to be careful when thinning carrots, the smell of freshly uprooted carrots will lure in all the carrot root ies, so be gentle and try and keep as much of the netting in place as possible.

Carrots come in many shapes, colours and sizes. e commons shapes are long and pointed, short and pointy (Chantenay style), stump rooted, round, and everything in between! Despite being most commonly orange in colour, purple, white, yellow and pink varieties exist. Purple is thought to be the original colour, with orange and white varieties becoming available in the 16th century.

I grow a variety called “Sweet Candle”, which is the carrot of choice for the “stump-rooted” category for vegetable shows. As well as being ideal for veg etable shows, it has a good avour (very, erm…..carroty!), and not much core even when grown quite large. It will easily grow to about 30cms in length.

For vegetable shows you will need to put in a lot of e ort. e carrot categories attract a lot of entries, o en of a very high standard. For the national shows, perfect matching carrots with no aws or pests are required. To grow these requires constructing a sand bed, making cores in the sand and lling with nely sieved compost. Perhaps the topic for another article at a later date.

Happy growing Robin ( - an archive of my BD outlook articles and local show photos) 13
Picture – for the national shows expect lots of entries and perfection!
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Picture – Pipped to the post by another Robin at this year’s Brinkworth Show!

Braydon Methodist Chapel Sunday Evening Services at 6 pm

4th December – Rev Shirlyn Toppin with Holy Communion

11th December – Mrs. Shelia Knowles

18th December – No Service as the Carol Service will be held on Saturday 17th December in the Church at 6pm with Rev Shirlyn Toppin 25th December – United Service at Purton Methodist Church at 10.30 am


1st January – Worship Leaders

8th January – Rev Shirlyn Toppin – Covenant Service 15th January – Mr. Adrian German 22nd January – Mr. Robin Phoenix-Stone 29th January – Rev Shirlyn Toppin

Sunday 18th December - 5pm Start Church of God, The Piggery Flaxlands, RWB. SN4 8DY Tel: 01793 840647 Carols Christmas Message Mince pies Mulled wine
Carols by Candlelight
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As it is Christmas I felt a somewhat lighter article might be in order rather than my usual ramblings, so a self analysis of part of my early life may hope fully provide some light entertainment.

Many of us have been in that state of mind when we ponder “if only I'd known 'that' forty/ y years ago my life would have been so di erent and/or better”, a theory debateable in itself.

I have o en thought about the missed opportunities of not listening to those more mature than I and on looking back my teenage years at Malmesbury Grammar School spring to mind, my judgement at the time being somewhat clouded by the fact that all my “mates” went to Bremilham and I wanted to be with them – and before you ask, no I don't know how I managed to pass the eleven plus either!

It was my rst term (a far cry from the comfort of Dauntsey Earl Danby's school, where the only real monster was an occassional visit from the dreaded “school dentist”) and my initiation into the eccentricities of our English teacher, Mr. Webb, a seemingly giant of a man and very impossing gure, who appeared very stern in the extreme. I soon discovered that at Grammar School pupils were pupils and teachers were “godlike”.

Mr. Webb's methods were fairly simple but extremely e ective and can be highlighted in the following recollection, anyone having di erent memories so be it, it was sixty years ago!.

In his class you raised your hand (seated and in silence), the obligatory way to gain attention and when he was ready he would say “stand up boy and state your name, one sheep is very like all other sheep and I should not be ex pected to remember all of them”. Having spluttered out your surname, Chris tian names not being used for “boys” in the 1950's/60's, he would then say “now boy I need you to give very serious thought about the words you are

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about to utter, for should I nd them unimportant, irrelevant or worse, un worthy, I shall feel obliged to administer a sharp, swi clip around your ear”. At which point only the very brave or foolhardy would remain standing and most, if not all, would immediately sit back down and attempt to make them selves as inconspicuous as possible.

I am still not sure to this day if Mr. Webb was a brilliantly clever tutor or if his teachings were more luck than judgement. What I do know is that some time later my own interpretation was this – rstly you have to learn that you are no more important than anyone else, whatever your role/position in life may be and no matter what your ego might tell you. Secondly, always think carefully before you speak making sure you have all the facts and being aware of all the implications and e ects your words may have on others and equally important, yourself! 17 !"#$%&'&%(&% )#*+,% -./012'.34%5/66#78%4#66% !"#$%&'(%)"*'%+,%-".%&%(.*'/%&'(%&%#*'0$%1*$%% 23+.,(&4%56 73 %8$0$#9$.%:1#%7*;%<=>?1#% @$%A"+;(%;*/$%7"%"--$.%,#&;;%7&9;$%7"1% ,$;;$.,%7"%9$%*'%73$%3&;;%(+.*'B%73$%0&-C% "1$'*'B%7*#$,%D%1;$&,$%0"'7&07%!;&*.$%"'% ?5EEE%65?5:<%% Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:33 Page 17

Any questions about classes or Tai Chi please use details below and email or call me.

A Gentle Relaxing Tai Chi and Stretch session suitable for all abilities.

Come to Brinkworth Village Hall on Tuesday 13th December from 6:30pm and enjoy a moment of calm as an antidote to the Christmas storm.

The class is free, However, if you can spare it, please bring some cash to make a donation to the Trussell trust a UK food bank charity.

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*The Trussell Trust - UK Food Bank Charity * V)*0)#?+1'3+"--+"+0%"-/01+0"HH1+N0&)*/5"*+"#4+W%= X%"&0 Any questions about classes or Tai Chi please use details above and email or call me. 18
Brinkworthvillage hall
10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm
Limited spaces available to book please contact Brinkworth Gemma Russell
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C h ristmas w reath making w o rkshop
Sat 3rd December
From your garden to your door please join us in some festive fun! Grab your secateurs and see what lovely greenery you can find to make your wreath extra special this Christmas! You will be provided with all the floristry sundries needed. You just need to bring secateurs and as much variety of evergreen foliage all of your foliage provided for you at a ticket price of £40
ICSF 07741286310 19 Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:33 Page 19


Emily Davison (27) was born with a congenital condition that means she has se vere sight loss. A er having a breakdown at an eye clinic appointment and voicing all of her concerns, the liason o cer suggested she apply for a guide dog. Her rst dog, Unity, came into her life just as Emily was due to start university. Emily says “I became a di erent person and all the dark thoughts I had about my future just washed away, Unity was intuitive, caring and incredibly intelligent and my university years were some of the happiest of my life”.

Unity was on hand when Emily got her rst job, both appeared on television sev eral times working on disability campaigns, raised money for Guide Dogs and Emily credits Unity with giving her the con dence to start her blog 'Fashion eyesta'.

Unity retired in 2021 and the last thing Emily said to her was “you brought me to life, thank you for everything, I'll never forget you”. Emily now has her second dog, Rosie who has a charming tendency to o er her paw in greeting and like Unity before her, loves being Emily's guide dog. Rosie has also been trained to go on escalo tors giving Emily even more freedom going around Lon don. Emily's blog is (or on instagram – fashioneyesta2012).

Re ecting on 2022, Yvonne and I feel, despite the ongoing problems of the Country, not to mention the World, we have still managed to achieve a vast amount by raising awareness and funds for our Charity, Guide Dogs UK.

On the nancial side of course we could achieve very little without the absolutely wonderful support of many people, especially Lesley with her two beautiful dogs, Abbey and Zelda, our group chair – Janet with Acorn and Ulani, Joyce with her

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wonderful dog, Bronze, Pat and Malcolm for spending hours on our Tombola stand at lots of local events and several other members of our local group.

Equally important are those friends and supporters who continue to help us with lots of lovely generous donations, in particular Pam and Les from Crudwell, Jen from Minety, Jan from Somerford, Clare from Sherston, Ray and Sue from Mal mesbury/Lyneham and many more who Yvonne has managed to engage with on and o the “internet”.

It is also important to remember all those businesses supporting us by having counter top collection boxes on their premises – we currently have about eighty in Malmesbury, Chippenham, Corsham, Royal Wootton Bassett and surrounding Villages. Special mention to the Coop, Gloucester road, Barley Mow Dental, and Primary Care Centre all in Malmesbury, Tesco in Emery Gate Chippenham and Sainsbury in Royal Wootton Bassett who all have Life sized collecting “dogs” on site.

A special mention to Tracey and family at Dauntsey Farm Shop, who to date have raised over £5,000 and named a beautiful puppy – Oreo and are currently on the way to raising even more to name another life-changing little bundle of joy.

Also special thanks to the Volunteer Inn in Great Somerford who together with their regulars have raised several hundred pounds in the past couple of years and the Restaurant at the Grange Garden Centre, Wroughton who do likewise.

At the end of the day, even with the e orts of all the above and more, we could achieve very little without the wonderful support of the general public who (hopefully) have as much fun as we do on our Tombolas and stalls throughout the year.

Our nal photo for 2022 shows Misha, a six month old beautiful labrador being “puppy raised” locally. She was part of a litter of ten puppies, eight of which were dogs so she only had one sister. It is hoped that Misha will become part of the breeding program and raise more life changing puppies.

ank you one and all for your continued interest and support of our Charity, stay safe and well, have a wonderful festive period and we sincerely hope that 2023 will start to see some improvement on events here and abroad.

Love from Yvonne and Steve 21 Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:33 Page 21
22 Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:33 Page 22 SN4 0AD PLEASE JOIN US YOU WILL BE VERY WELCOME Tel. 07548 371982 or 07720 722659 for further information affiliated to the Free Methodist Church UK 23 Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:33 Page 23

North Wilts Villages Flower Club

In October we were fortunate to have Pam Lewis as our demonstrator for the evening. Having been to the Club on many occasions before, she did not disappoint with her latest title Autumn Opulence.

NAFAS has recognised Pam’s contribution to ower arranging by be stowing Associate of Honour 50th Anniversary to her. A well-deserved accolade. We are also especially pleased to have arranged a visit to her home in 2023 for a pre-Christmas outing demonstration/garden and with food. Something to look forward to.

Wednesday 7 December 2022 at 7.30pm is Christmas Night Out. It’s been brought forward as the third Wednesday of the month was felt to be too close to Christmas Day. A charge of £10 to members and the club will contribute to the evening at Pettifers Hotel.

NWVFC meet at the Crudwell Village Hall on the third Wednesday of the month, 7 pm for 7.30pm start unless there is an outing arranged. Fee for the evening to non-members is £7.50 includes refreshments and then the arrangements are ra ed. e 2023 programme is nalised so it is easy to put the dates in your new dairy. ere is ample car parking facil ities at the hall where a warm welcome awaits.

2023 Programmme

18th January e Language of Flowers Caroline Cooper

15th February Nature’s Winter Palette Coral Gardner

15th March Talk/Demonstration Fairford Flower Collective

19th April Imposed workshop

12th May Visit to NAFAS National Show, Gloucester Cathedral*

21st June Celebration Flowers (Workshop) Anna Steven

19th July From my Potting Shed Elizabeth Gordon

16th August Visit to Special Plant Nursery, Cold Ashton

20th September (AGM) Growing Cut Flowers and Foliage Sally Oates

18th October Club competition and workshop

15th November Christmas (Open Meeting) * Elizabeth Graham

6th December Christmas Celebration visit to Pam Lewis’, Devizes*

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Our monthly lunches are held on the second Thursday of each month in Brinkworth Village Hall at 12.30 for 1.00pm 2 course lunch and coffee £5.00

Hello Members,

Our lunch-dates for the rest of 2022 are: 10th November and 8th December for the Christmas lunch party. Then back on 12th January in the New Year.

We serve a choice of main course – perhaps roast ham or chicken, shepherds pie or fish pie together will at least three vegetables freshly cooked that morning in the Village Hall. And two home-made puddings, a fruit sponge. tart or trifle with custard or ice-cream. Allergies catered for.

If you would like to join us (maybe with a friend) please telephone me. We would like to welcome new members from Brinkworth and Dauntsey so do get in touch with us.

We can arrange transport.

With best wishes, Val Bailey 01672 512363

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Thank you

We thank everyone who contributed to our Harvest Festival in Brinkworth Church . For all the dona tions of Fresh produce which was Auctoned with proceeds being sent to Tear Fund & e Farm Com munity network. Also a very big thank you for all the tins & dried food which have been Donated to Mal mesbury’s Food Bank We especially thank Brink worth Earl Danby School who brought so many of the Donations received ,including a Hamper of fruit & vegetables grown by one pupil e auction followed our Harvest Messy Church where cra s were eagerly made & harvest hymns enjoyed .


When Christmas comes, there’s lots to do Feeding cows and milking too. No time and I’ve forgot the wife again Bought no present – what a pain!

She’d love some frilly things to wear But where to get them? I despair She knows how to online shop But I avoid it like the chop.

Christmas day – the shops are shut I haven’t really bought a lot. I’m going to give it all a miss Give my wife a sloppy kiss And say the words she loves to hear “I love you dear” – like every year!

Nowadays farm diversi cation is all the thing, but you need to take care!


e farmer patted his wife’s blond head “Cariad, with these milk prices, we’re short of bread. Diversify – now there’s all the money e tourists will ock for your home-made honey, And home-bread with vegetables too You’re always looking for something to do. If you keep orphan lambs, there’ll be meat from the farm. It’s extra work? It’ll do you no harm.”

Two years on a diversion was made Which cut the farm from the tourist trade. “Never mind, Cariad, you tried very hard And it was hard for me to keep a clean tidy yard. We’ll go into horses and keep cobs on the side ere’s a demand for those for yuppies to ride.” His wife groaned loudly – she couldn’t ride is husband of hers was a pain in the side. But she lost the battle (he tossed the coin) And learning to ride gave her pains in the groin.

Five years on and they’d ten Welsh cobs ey were out on the hillside, ten far o blobs. “We’re quids in we catch them, they’re worth a bomb” Said the breathless Welsh husband without much aplomb.


“I’ve cracked it now, it’s going to be snails ere’s a new market opening for farming in Wales. If it goes well, you can have a new frock

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Outlook on Food

Membrillo (Spanish Quince Jelly)

December is the last month that Quince is in season and this jelly is perfect for a Christmas cheese board.

To make approximately 500g

1kg quince, peeled, cored and cubed 750g granulated sugar Juice of 1 lemon 1 mug water

Place all the ingredients in a large saucepan and heat on a medium heat for 1 to 1.5 hours. Stir occasionally.

Once the quince is cooked, it will turn a pinkish-red colour. Blend together until smooth.

Transfer the puree into a dish or mould. Allow the Membrillo to cool, and transfer to the fridge. Leave to set, preferably overnight.

Turn the Membrillo out onto a plate and thinly slice to serve.

Will keep for up to three months in the fridge or can be frozen.

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Clouded with snow

The cold winds blow, And shrill on leafless bough The robin with its burning breast Alone sings now.

The rayless sun, Day's journey done, Sheds its last ebbing light

On fields in leagues of beauty spread Unearthly white.

Thick draws the dark, And spark by spark, The frost-fires kindle, and soon Over that sea of frozen foam Floats the white moon. 33
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35 Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:34 Page 34 @bellabyruth 07787 298 079

Fully qualified & experienced mobile beautician with permanent studio facilities at my home in the heart of the village, near The Three Crowns.

nails: Gelish® manicure | Gelish® feet | manicure brows: tint | wax lashes: extensions | infills waxing: face | legs | underarm | bikini | lip Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:34 Page 35
Brinkworth Farm We deliver locally: Free Range Eggs Hay & Straw Chicken Feed Please visit our website: Or call Kate on 07881 822342 Wood Lane, Brinkworth SN15 5EF 0800 622866 | 01672 841517 Email us on: Family Business Est. Since 1987 OIL TANK NEED REPLACING? Specialist Oil Tank Replacement • Complete Tanks Dauntsey Vale Link Scheme CIC Incorporated in England & Wales Registered No.: 6552693 DVLS Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:34 Page 36
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Inner Strength Pottery Pottery Classes and Workshops, Brinkworth Come and give it a try... Learn a variety of pottery techniques including Coiling, Wheel Throwing and Slab Building. Create all sorts of functional ware and decorative pieces. Book online or email Rouselands Farm, Sundays Hill, Brinkworth Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 5AT / 01666 510315 / 07734 996078 / FOLLOW US Rouselands Farm Wiltshire Fresh Lamb Boxes Small, friendly campsite in large grass field. See the animals, enjoy the stars. Tent pitches, Glamping and Shepherds Hut available. BEEF
ROUSELANDS FARM CAMPSITE AND FARM PRODUCE Our beautiful 10kg selection boxes of Traditional British Beef breeds are a mix of prime and slow roast joints, steak, mince and diced beef. All slowly reared on grass on our Farm Assured family farm. maturing, grass reared lamb is lean and tasty. Available in whole and half lamb packs, also sausages and burgers occasionally available. ‘PERFECTLY LOCATED IN THE IDYLLIC WILTSHIRE COUNTRYSIDE.’ Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:34 Page 46

Primary School

Visits welcome

We currently have spaces across all year groups, so if you are looking for a caring, nurturing, high achieving school for your child, then come along and see for yourself. Wrap around care is available, and we offer lots of extra-curricular activities & after school clubs.

Lower School, Dauntsey, SN15 4HU (Years R, 1 & 2) Upper School, Brinkworth, SN15 5AX (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6) Please call us on 01666 510406 to find out more or to arrange a visit.

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T: 01666 510 520 • Heating System Design & Repair • Oil & Gas Installation, Servicing & Repair • Aga Servicing • Oil Tank Replacement • Unvented Systems C WHITE BUILDING SERVICES Contact us on 07909 918433 01666 511136 Building Property maintenance Home Improvements and refurbishments Member of the:Membership No: A118492 Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:34 Page 48 Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:34 Page 49

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Julia’s House is seeking a team of “elves with wheels” to help with the local charity’s big Christ mas tree collection in January.

e Wiltshire children’s hospice will be collecting and recycling real Christmas trees from homes across the county in the New Year. And the charity needs lots of vans and helping hands to make the tree-mendous mission possible.

Claudia Hickin, Julia’s House Fundraiser, said, “Last year we collected around 650 Christmas trees and raised an incredible £9,250 in total across both Wiltshire and Dorset to support our care for seriously ill children and their families. is January we hope to collect even more, and we’d love to hear from any local businesses and individuals with vans who might be able to help us and help their local community at the same time.”

She added, “We’re essentially seeking a team of elves with wheels, who are happy to be helpers and volunteer a few hours of their time for us a er the Christmas season.”

e charity is looking for vans of all sizes to help for a minimum of three hours in Wiltshire across their three collection days, between Sunday 8th and Tuesday 10th January. Volunteers are also needed to li and load Christmas trees onto the vans.

Once collected from local homes, the trees will be taken to Old Potato Yard in Devizes and re cycled as chippings for use on local farms and community spaces.

is year’s Julia’s House Christmas tree collection in Wiltshire will take place in Devizes, Pewsey, Marlborough and other surrounding locations, with bookings opening on the charity’s website from Monday 12th December.

All funds raised from the Christmas tree collection will help the Wiltshire children’s hospice pro vide its lifeline of care for the most seriously ill children and their families in the local commu nity.

e promotion of this year’s Julia’s House Christmas tree collection is kindly sponsored by Rubi con People Partnership. Established in 1982 with a recruitment approach of a consultancy rather than an agency, Rubicon provides permanent recruitment and temporary sta ng solutions local to Dorset, Wiltshire and the surrounding areas.

If you would like to donate a van or volunteer your time, please get in touch with the Julia’s House team at or call 01380 562525.

Get in touch: Laura Shack – Communications O cer -Email: Tel: 07850 928133

Caz Warnes – Communications Manager - Email: Tel: 07968 888404

21/11/2022 10:34 Page 51
Your local Oil, Gas and LPG Boiler Installation Specialists We are proud to employ a fantastic team of Gas Safe and OFTEC qualified engineers who are committed to providing a great service. Boiler Servicing and Repairs Boiler and Oil tank replacements Hot water cylinders and radiator Free no obligation quotes Up to 12 years warranty 0% Finance Tel: 01249 309309 2 The Old Diary Charlton Park Estate, Malmesbury, Wiltshire. SN16 9DG Dec2022_Jan23.qxp_Outllook2019 21/11/2022 10:34 Page 52

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