Brinkworth & Dauntsey OUTLOOK
Brinkworth Show - 4th September Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:12 Page 1
Second Thursday (each month)
Every WednesdayYoga with Diane Cass 09:00 Brinkworth Village Hall
Every MondayPilates with Diane Cass 09:00 Brinkworth Village Hall
Brinkworth Cubs 18:15-19:30 Brinkworth Village Hall
Dancearobics with Jane Pitcher 18:00 Brinkworth Village Hall
First ThursdayGarden Club 7pm Brinkworth Village Hall
Every Tuesday
Every Thursday (Term time only)
Brinkworth Bramble Patchers Quilting Sewing 14:00-16:30 Brinkworth Village Hall Brinkworth Beavers 17:00-18:00 Brinkworth Village Hall
Brinkworth Show - 4th September Ride + Strides - 10th September
SundayEvery 4th Sunday Freedom Methodist Church Service 10:30 Brinkworth Village Hall
Malmesbury Dance School 13:00 Brinkworth Village Hall
Swindon Gilbert & Sullivan 17th September GROUPS & CLUBS
Every Third WednesdayNorth Wilts Flower Club 19:00 Crudwell Village Hall
Brinkworth Lunch Club 12:30pm Brinkworth Village Hall
!"#$%&'(')#*+%#$%!"#$#%&'%"%'*,%-'*%.+%/01%#*%2304%.5'-6%.378%91%#$%'5$3% ()(*&+,&'%$-(.)!#"/8%:;3*<1%=34(+1%13%6++/%'1%5+'$1%3*+%35,%-3/2%=34%1"+%.0$#*+$$% ',>+41$%1"30("?@8% OpinionsDISCLAIMERimplied or expressed within the editor ial of this magazine are not necessar ily those of the Editor nor can the Editor be responsible for any er rors of fact pr inted in the Outlook Adver tising is accepted in good faith and does not imply the Editor ’s endorsement of either products or ser vices Cut off date for copy is 12th of each month. For all enquir ies, please contact: bdoutlookmagazine@gmail com Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:12 Page 2
Every FridayCrown Singers 10:45 The Three Crowns
Brinkworth Busy Bees Playgroup 09:30-11:00 Brinkworth Village Hall
Follow us on facebook!
As we face the winter many of us will be con cerned with utility price rises, so let’s look out for each other, particularly the vulner able and elderly within the community.
Time hurries on And the leaves that are green turn to brown And they wither with the wind And they crumble in your hand Hello, hello, hello, hello Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye, good-bye That's all there is And the leaves that are green turn to brown
3 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:12 Page 3
Here I am, writing a little note for September issue, summer is almost over and what a summer its been! The words of Paul Simon come to mind…
However, for most of this summer they were brown already, with some of the highest re corded temperatures and the lack of rain, but today as I look out of the window on a more typical British summers day, the temperature is struggling to reach 20c and a drizzle in the air and with it comes the reappearing of ‘greeness’. It’s wonderful to see life and growth restored, a reminder of the value of water, something we often take for granted but for many in the world a scarce resource. Jesus spoke of how he provides for our spiri tual thirst, “but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst... a spring of water welling up to eternal life”.
comments or ques tions, this page has been set up to work alongside the maga zine as a shared information point for all in Brinkwor th, Dauntsey and beyond.
However, before all that it’s a trip down to the Brinkworth Show, exciting, look forward to see you there.
Search for ‘bdoutlookmagazine’ and click ‘Follow ’ to keep up to date with village news and Wevents.enow
have more than 650 followers. Please share our page with your friends the more people who know about our page the better! Let ’s encourage neighbouring villages to visit us and our Ievents.fyouhave
PS - me enjoying a water fight during the recent youth camp at Flaxlands…!
Attended Activities:
Activities:Virtual/On-Line !"#$ %&'()*+,-. 9am Monday –Saturday Virtual MorningDailyPrayer
Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:12 Page 4
The Order Of Service can also be found on the group’s Morning Prayer page as well.
These are streamed live on the ‘Malmesbury Abbey and NWMA Online’ Facebook group where you can follow the online video and texts.
3rd - 10th Mrs G Humm 2nd - 9th Mrs F Fry
August November
7th - 14th Mrs D Wakeley
Brinkworth Church Flower Rota 2022
July October
Table 1
Sept18th Sept
17th - 24th Mrs E Cowley 18th - 23rd Mrs M Greener 31st 30th
21st - 28th Mrs M Flood 20th - 27th Advent
4th - 11th
A request for anyone in their areas of Brinkworth and Grittenham to look out for their neigh bours and let me know if they would like a visit, chat or something else that I will try to follow up and get other help if needed.
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1 Timothy 2:1-7 Luke 15:1-10
25th Sept
1 Timothy 6:6-19 Luke 16:19-31
4th - 11th Advent 18th - 25th Mrs G Russell 18th - 25th Advent
6th - 13th Mrs V Bailey
September December
Psalm Deuteronomy1 30:15-20 Philemon 1-21 Luke 14:25-33
PASTORAL CARER in the Woodbridge Group
Brinkworth - Rosemary Tuck 01793 850999
Psalm 113 Amos 8:4-7
Psalm 51: 1-11 Exodus 32:7-14
Psalm 146 Amos 6:1a, 4-7
1 Timothy 2:1-7 Luke 16:1-13
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A Message from Steve...
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Braydon Methodist Chapel
11th September – Mr. Adrian German
25th September – Mr. Adrian German – Harvest Festival
2nd October – Mrs. Gayle Bryon
After a busy August with youth camps, holidy clubs and park events we return from September with our regular services. Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to over the summer holidays.
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18th September – Rev Shirlyn Toppin with Holy Communion
4th September – Rev Shirlyn Toppin
Sundy Evening Services at 6 pm
An evening of Sullivan’s
Proudly Present
G:\45GB_Backup\DATA\Page Plus Files\Dauntsey-Church-1.jpg
well-loved musicAt
Dauntsey On Saturday 17th September 2022 Reception at 6.30pm Avoid disappointment: book early for an evening toremember! 8 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 8
In aid of Ukraine & the Church Organ Appeal
St James the Great Church,
Gilbertian wit and
When the Club was originally Chartered most of the members were in their 40s but as with all organisations the members get older and unfortunately we were not able to attract new younger members in sufficient numbers to continue. Times, family priorities and work pressures have changed and the absence of a single geographical focus did not help. However we have had a good run and achieved a lot of good over the past 55 years through our enthusiasm, teamwork and capabilities – and lots of fun and fellowship. Doug Hughes (Club Secretary) and Peter Wyman (Past President)
This provided a safe environment for people to enjoy a superb pyrotechnic display at an affordable cost (far cheaper and more spectacular than buying the usual family box of fireworks!) - and visited one year by a certain Mrs Diana Wales and her two sons from nearby Highgrove. One of the main fundraising events organised by the Club was the annual “fun run” in Badminton Park. This started in 1984 and was originally conceived as a team event - hence its original name “Horseless Team Event”( abbreviated to HTE) where teams ran over a 5 mile or 9 mile course which included some of the obstacles used in the Badminton Horse Trials. Over the years it raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for good causes including the local charity “Hope for Tomorrow”. It also provided useful activity for the Malmesbury and Tetbury ATCs to demonstrate their communications skills in providing radio cover throughout the park. Among the celebrities who opened the event was the Olympic Gold Medal runner Sally Gunnell. For many years the event regularly attracted over a thousand entrants, but over time with the increased popularity of half marathons and park runs it became harder to attract large numbers of entrants and, hence, raise large amounts of money for charity. In recent years the HTE was opened to a separate category of “canni-cross” runners where runners harness themselves to one or more dogs to help pull them round the course which proved increasingly popular and attracted entrants from as far away as Kent.
It is with great sadness that we report that the local Rotary Club of the South Cotswolds closed with effect from 30th June 2022. The Club was chartered in June 1967 and had as its first President Charles Nicholls, the popular manager of Lloyds Bank in Tetbury, who continued to be an active member of the Club until his death in December 2020 aged 96.
Regards, Peter Wyman Rotary Club of the South Cotswolds
The Club has also through the wider Rotary movement engaged in International Activities. Old tools were collected for the “Tools for Self Reliance” project in Africa, computers were procured to be sent to South Africa and the Sight Savers initiative was strongly supported with millions of eye patches supplied. More locally, the club made significant contributions to the Brighter Futures project to provide radiotherapy facilities at the Great Western Hospital and to the Life Education Centre (LEC) mobile classroom that visits many of the primary schools in Malmesbury and the surrounding villages.
Closure of the local Rotary Club
The Club was based on the two towns of Malmesbury and Tetbury, historically great local rivals! Initially the club met weekly with one week in Tetbury and the other week in Malmesbury. Over the years it has met in a number of locations including the Kings Arms in Malmesbury, the Horse Guards at Brokenborough, the Mayfield at Crudwell and finally at the Old Royal Ship at Luckington.
Throughout its 55 year history the Club has carried out numerous activities raising hundreds of thousands of pounds for both local and national charities. In addition to its fund raising events, community service projects were carried out. A key one for Malmesbury was the annual Santa Sleigh –that toured streets in Malmesbury and in a number of the surrounding villages. The most notable for Tetbury was the annual “Fireworks Spectacular” last held in November 2019.
Any questions please contact me by reply Email.
Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 9
bdoutlookmagazine@gmail.com10 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 10
Monday 19th September 2022
PRICE PER PERSON: £25.00 (Includes tea/coffee and a slice of homemade cake)
accordingly. Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 11
Memorial Hall Station Road Royal Wootton Bassett SN4 8EN
due for any reason it
Tel: 01985 217658 (no ticket sales)
ENQUIRIES TO: Daphne Atkinson
Email: will will will not is will sent
![]( 11 WILTSHIRE FEDERATION OF WIs Charity Number: 1197142 EVENTS COMMITTEE Please book __________ places @ £25.00 EVENT: Tim Wonnacott PLEASE USE REFERENCE: Your WI Name TIM Try Booking: Book online at: Cheque enclosed for: Payable to Wiltshire Federation of WIs Send to WI House, 17 Couch Lane, Devizes SN10 1EB BACS payment of: Sent date: Account Name: Wiltshire Federation of WIs Sort Code: 30 96 26 Account No: 79519268 When paying via BACs an email MUST be sent to confirming the booking. Contact:WI: ____________________________________________ (must be attending) Tel: Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________ (please print clearly) Tick for Map: Please contact WI House if you use a wheelchair or have any mobility issues to check if we can accommodate you. Please write names of those attending on the reverse of this form. This information is for WI House use only and will be destroyed after the event.
be banked upon receipt. Email confirmation
sent tickets
be used. If a refund
Tim Wonnacott is an English chartered auctioneer, chartered surveyor, antiques expert, narrator, and a television presenter. He was previously a director of Sotheby's, one of the world's oldest auction houses.
Have you visited your local library recently? Did you know it's free to join?
• Free activities, such as rhyme times and reading groups
• Bookable digital support appointments to help you learn more about using your smartphone, tablet, laptop or the library computers
Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 12
• A mobile library service with regular stops in areas without a nearby library
• A wide range of books for children and young people
• A Home Library Service taking books to people in their homes who are unable to visit the library themselves
• Seating throughout for you to enjoy a book or read the newspaper
If you’re new to libraries or haven’t used them for a while, here’s a reminder of what Wiltshire Libraries offer:
• Large print books for people who need a bigger font
• The latest bestselling fiction by your favourite authors
A message from Wiltshire Libraries
• Information books to support hobbies, days out, job seeking and study
• Free eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines via the Libby app
• Free access to Ancestry and British Newspaper Archive on the library computers
• Study spaces
• Free Wi-Fi, computer and scanner access, plus printing for a small charge
• Free access to TheoryTestPro to practise driving theory and hazard perception tests
• Library staff who can provide basic help and support when using the library computers or your own device 13
Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 13
Don’t forget, if you’re not already a member, you can join online or by visiting the library and, if you’ve already signed up online, don’t forget to come in and collect your new library card.
Here at Malmesbury Library we host a variety of events and community groups throughout the week. Rhyme times for babies and toddlers take place on Tuesdays and Fridays, and our reading group meets on the third Wednesday of the month. Tuesday’s Public Living Room is an opportunity to pop in and share a cup of tea and a chat, and on the third Saturday of the month menders from Repair Café Malmesbury are here to fix your household items. Fruitful Malmesbury’s community fruit and veg planters are located at the front of the library and in the courtyard for everyone to enjoy. Please ask at the library for more information.
All libraries in Wiltshire are now open, and Malmesbury has returned to its pre-pandemic opening hours. The Solus Library app is available to help you search for, renew, and reserve books from across the county. Children’s titles can be reserved for free and adult stock for a small charge.
For more information please visit our website at
The Summer Reading Challenge for 4-11 year-olds takes place in libraries from 16 July – 10 September, the theme this year is Gadgeteers. Drop in any time after from 16th to collect your pack.
Keep in touch by following Wiltshire Libraries on Twitter or Malmesbury Library on Facebook. You can also subscribe to the Wiltshire Libraries YouTube channel.
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A total of £355 in donations was given and has been sent to the Disasters emergency committee for Ukraine appeal.
To everyone who helped to set up the fete & put everything a way again We are delighted to have new people coming forward to help & organise the fete ,with a special mention to Kirsty Peters .With apologizes for anyone not mentioned .To my knowledge just over £2000 was raised
The Wiltshire Historic Churches Ride & Stride as in last issue
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who helped to make Brinkworth Fete a well attended & a good community event ,as well as raising funds for Brinkworth Church
Thank you!
To Brinkworth Earl Danby Lower School,teachers, pupils and Julia Waygood & friend for the wonderful display of Maypole dancing
Calling all Walkers & Cyclists
Thank you all for your generous donations
For everyone who helped in any way, for donations to the stalls & raffle includ ing Brinkworth Dairy Newmans Enterprises
For all who manned the stalls, sold Raffle Tickets & especially the very busy BBQ chefs
Sponsorship forms & instructions can be down loaded on www.wiltshireh There are also some forms in church Enjoy the day exploring your local churches & countryside while raising money half goes to Wiltshire Historic churches trust & half to Brinkworth Church.
If you were unable to come to the concert – you can still donate! FionaFleet.
I would like to thank everyone who supported the concert on July 16th in Brinkworth Village Hall in aid of Ukraine.
To our GrahamsponsorsSmithuk , North Wilts Explorers & Sprayrite
To Brinkworth Sport and Heritage Society
With thanks from Brinkworth Church PCC
We have two clubs in your area: Swindon Central Community Centre, Emlyn Square, Swindon, SN1 5BP which runs this month on September 13th & 27th from 2pm until 4pm
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And Royal Wootton Bassett Memorial Hall, Station Road, Royal Wootton Bassett, SN4 8EN on September 8th & 22nd from 2pm until 4pm
6'4$,7,4*8%,%$-4,$),%8/.,)$9&4$-(($-38(8:,% O0'(H'70%'$-"'+0)'&0'/0.(5"@'+","-'/(+4'P'70%'#$+'40'","-7)?(+;'&"$)"4J'N0%'A(55 ."';%(4"4'$&')0'A?$)'(&'&$H"'H0-' 70% '>"'"+4')?"'&"&&(0+'A()?'$+'"$&7'H0-/'0H'B$('Q?('4"&(;+"4')0'&"+4'70%'?0/"'-"5$C"4'$+4'?01"H%557'5002(+;' H0-A$-4')0')?"'+"C)'&"&&(0+
Want to keep active and make new Thenfriends?why
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not come along to a local FITNESS & FRIENDSHIP CLUB near you.
At The Brinkworth Show On SUNDAY 4th SEPTEMBER, 2022 Rosettes to 5th Place Entry Fee £1 per class per dog (pay in the ring) 12.00pm 1. Most Appealing Eyes 2. Best paw shaker 3. Shiniest Coat 4. Best large dog 5. Cheekiest Looking 2.45pm 6. Waggiest Tail 7. Friendliest 8. Scruffiest Looking 9. Best Small dog 10. Judges’ Favourite Please keep your dogs on a lead at all times. Please clean up after your dog at all times. Sponsored by: Little Paws Animal Boarding & Day Care bdoutlookmagazine@gmail.com16 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 16
Sunday 4th September 2022 11am – 5pm Brinkworth Recreation Field the show is taking shape !"#$%"#&'(#)''*+&,#-'%.#/#01$))2')3"%0# ######4+))$,"%0#1'#2")5# ######05'&0'%0#6#$34"%70"%0## For more information: """#$%&'())*#&)+,-./0*").1232)" """#(./0*").124)"'.52)"#&)+ New this year: Chloe’s Mobile Farm BirdsofPreyDogShow Produce & ChippenhamShowHandicraftMorris PunchClownBert&Judy 17 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 17
Platinum Jubilee celebrations
On the day, the bar tent was erected by some enthusiastic members and the dressing of the main tent began in ear nest. The bouncy castle ar rived on time and the all-important safety wind check was completed. The tables were arranged in long tiers in a “street party” fashion, with red, white and blue bunting adorning the outside of the marquee and well-spaced bal loons inside. Hanging from the two main supports in ballooned letters were the words “Platinum Jubilee”. Mary Greener and her group of highly motivated members adorned the tables with the obligatory Union Jack plates, flags and cutlery. The stage was set out and bales of hay arranged in a semi-circle for the children’s entertainment. At the stroke of mid-day, the bar was declared open for business. People ar rived with their own supplies and before long, there was a healthy number of crowns lined up on the table for the competition.
The event was formally opened at one o’clock with a few words of wel come from Richard Crapper, followed by Mike Graham leading us in a rousing rendition of the national Anthem, supported by the “Crown
This year Her Majesty the Queen became the first British Monarch to have served for 70 years, having acceded to the throne on 6 February 1952. The Brinkworth Heritage and Sports Society chose to celebrate the occasion with a picnic on the recreation ground and created an en tertaining timetable of events. Thanks to a generous donation from Ri chard Crapper, a suitable marquee was secured.
bdoutlookmagazine@gmail.com18 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 18
Singers”, who went on to entertain us with two excellent songs, as the traditional Ploughman’s lunch was served, accompanied by a variety of Rosemary Tuck’s pickles. Razzamatazz kicked off their first entertain ment session consisting of quick-fire jokes and even quicker tricks and the children were engaged and entertained, while the parents looked on. At the end of the first session, ice creams were handed out and we had a parade of homemade crowns, with Alex Broadhurst declared the overall
break, Razzamatazz car ried on the entertainment with some Harry Potter themed activities and tricks. Their finale comprised of an amazing appearance of some fluffy friends, which were a huge hit with the crowd. A quick shift of the hay bales and we were all set up for a puppet show and a well-aimed water pistol ensured fun and games. Jubi lee mugs were distributed to all who registered by Mary Evans. The raffle had been gathering pace throughout the afternoon with some great prizes of souvenir gin, biscuits and vouchers from various sponsors. As the activities in the marquee came to an end, people moved outside to enjoy the tug of war competition, which started with enthusiastic children, followed by a well contested ladies’ challenge and finished with cheers from the watching crowd and grunts and groans from the men. The spirit of the day was captured with a group photograph. We’re for tunate to live in a thriving village community that comes together to cel ebrate and have fun. We certainly did Her Majesty proud and drank the bar dry!
Afterwinner.ashort 19 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 19
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There is now an app available to make it easier to report refusals and also helps Guide Dogs because one of the challenges they face is being able to demonstrate to politi cians and businesses the scale of access refusals. The app can be downloaded for free to all phones by searching the Guide Dogs app in the app store. The Open Doors campaign will work with businesses to encourage them to make sure they have open doors for guide dog owners.Guide
22 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 22
Research carried out in 2019 found that 42% of assistance dog owners had ex perienced an access refusal in the previous twelve months, and one in five had experi enced an access refusal at least once a month! These incidents are illegal and can prevent assistance dog owners from going out and about with confidence.
Dogs now run virtual 'access with confidence' workshops hosted by Ac cess, Information and Empowerment Officers. The sessions equip guide dog owners with the knowledge and skills to confidently challenge shops, restaurants, taxis and other busi ness/service providers who refuse access or treat them less favourably due to having a guide dog or sight loss. The informal workshops are held every two months and last about two hours. For more information or to book a place contact 0800 7811444.
Guide dogs have also created a new online community called viewpoint made up entirely of people with sight loss, which is open to service users, volunteers or indeed anyone with a vision impairment. Viewpoint was created to better understand the opinions of people with sight loss and help improve what the Charity may offer. Members regularly take part in research activities including surveys, polls, discussions and focus groups. For more details visit
Our first ever foray into the Sherston Boules Festival proved somewhat chal lenging due to the start of the mini “heatwave”, however had we been there a day or two later it would probably have proved unbearable. Sadly the excess temperature made it unsuitable for our dogs and indeed it would have been criminal to have had them on the stall. Apologies to anyone hoping to see them but as always the wellbeing of our dogs is of paramount importance and hopefully we will be able to have them join us for the Brinkworth Show on Sunday 4th September. Despite the weather, due to tremendous
Please contact if you would like to find out more. We need you please!
Guide Dogs are still looking to recruit more volunteer Puppy Raisers to bring up life-changing guide dogs for the future, a wonderful way to help change people's lives for the better. Towards the end of July 2022 there were forty puppies eagerly waiting to be matched up with a puppy raiser, so if you feel you could help us, find out more by visiting The photo shows Terry from Stockport who says “It's the best thing I've done for years”.
Editorial Team required for Outlook Magazine
support from family, friends, local group members and the general public the Sherston Boules Festival realised a magnificent £407.15p, so thanks yet again to one and all.
A new two-year partnership between the Swiss Re Foundation and Guide Dogs will support families in hospitals when their child is first diagnosed with sight loss. Families will re ceive both practical and emotional support from Guide Dogs newly funded Family Outreach Of ficers, who will help families understand their child's diagnosis, be compassionate and provide vital information. It is expected that over the two year period more than two thousand families will be given help and support. It is always worth repeating that the Guide Dogs Charity does so much more than just providing guide dogs.
All the Yvonnebestand Steve
Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 23
On Sunday 24th July, Tracey and family from Dauntsey Farm Shop organised a Car Boot Sale and the following Saturday an artisan market to raise money for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance and Guide Dogs local group. Both of these were “trial” events and may be repeated if found to be welcomed and supported by the general public – more on this in a later issue.
Tash is a qualified INWA British Nordic Walking Instructor and is looking forward to teaching you Nordic Walking and exploring the local area with you.
Contact Tash Wilkinson at or check out for further information
Nordic Walking is a fun and beneficial enhanced walking technique that uses specifically designed poles to work your upper body as well as your legs.
Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 24
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Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 25
Recreation Field Car Park
It has been noted that a lot of cars are using the recreation ground car park for general parking. This is not a public car park and should only be used by people using the rec reation ground. Thank you for your understanding.
In England, the 2021 Environment Act included a new requirement for developments to result in a 10% net gain for biodiversity, and for all local auth orities to produce biodiversity targets and strategies. Sadly very few local auth orities know how to achieve this.
Simon Barnes is a bird and wildlife writer who received a message from the Little Ouse Headquarters Project asking if he could say a few words at their 20th birthday celebrations.
In the Summer/Autumn edition of the RSPB Magazine there is an in credible photo taken offshore in the Atlantic Ocean which shows no less than seven Gannets all trying to catch the same fish! Overfishing is now considered to be the most serious threat to the survival of our oceans.
26 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 26
Many people, like me, are of the opinion that most of our problems are being brought about, or at least influenced by, overpopulation of our Planet. Those in charge seem more intent on lining their own pockets, slagging each other off, pandering to the woke brigade, putting a plaster on major wounds or “solving” a problem by creating three new ones. Having been advised to eat more fish we obviously do as the average person now eats twice as much fish as they did fifty years ago, coupled with the fact that in the same period the popu lation has doubled, resulting in overfishing increasing to such an extent that there is considerably less food for sea birds, creating even more endangered species.
The RSPB nature reserve at Minsmere was created 75 years ago and now over 6,000 species of animals, plants and fungi have been recorded on this site, more than any other RSPB reserve - cue the need for alternative power. The site is now under serious threat, why?, because despite wider recognition of the nature and climate emergency we all face, the proposed development of Sizewell C nuclear power station will almost certainly have a large derogatory impact on Minsmere. Secondly the newly designated site of scientific interest, Swanscombe Peninsula, a nature-rich haven on the Thames, is already under threat of being concreted over to create - a theme park! Just two examples of dozens currently ongoing.
'Energy' is a far too big and complicated subject to be discussed in a small article or by a “non-expert” like me, I will however touch on one or two salient points to ponder. With demand for housing and infrastructure soaring we can all witness the “gobbling-up” of our local green spaces. Between 2009 and 2020 in England around 85% of all planning applications were approved as well as 94 out of 98 nationally significant infrastructures projects. More worry ing is the fact that as at July 2021 there were 8,000 approved developments within 500 metres of protected sites of special scientific interest.
What made Simon agree? Just one word – Little! Simon says (sorry) - “This was not a project about the “Great Ouse”, the “Yorkshire Ouse” or the “Ouse burn of Newcastle”, it was, you might say, a project of limited scope – which makes it one of the biggest ideas in the world”. On arriving on site Simon found a fine, low, watery landscape and flowing through it the Little Ouse – so little you'd have no trouble jumping it. The LOHP had purchased chunks of land and leases others; all in tiny packets but critically, all joined up with each other and other like-minded projects. They manage the river corridor for wildlife in a way that people can enjoy where otters, orchids and kingfishers bring magic and it offers “a place for quiet contemplation”.
Reg, one of the founders, still sees jobs that need doing. Simon sees a beautiful green, wet place filled with life and birdsong and rejoices that people could think Little, stay Little and cherish Little. In Simon words “It's something we can all do, something that comes naturally; a task that's the right sort of size. Someone's got to save the World – it's us, isn't it? If we all do one little thing at a time, we at least give ourselves a chance”. Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 27
Steve Reay
Brenda Eggleston 07974 593736 or 01793 642026
How did all this start?, well in a way that so many of these things do. People looking at a place they love, then realising that it needs a bit more cher ishing and saying to each other “Somebody ought to do something about this”. Then after a short pause they realise “it's us, isn't it?”
The Bramble Patchers meet every Wednesday afternoon 2-4:30pm during term time, in the Village Hall in Brinkworth.
We are a small friendly group and welcome new Asmembers.wellas pursuing our own sewing activities we sometimes take part in group projects which have been donated to charity.
Long live the Little people!
There is an annual meal out and visits to Quilt Shows are sometimes arranged. If you have an interest in Patchwork/Quilting or anything to do with sewing, knitting or embroidery then please get in touch and join us for a relaxing afternoon with refreshments included.
We can arrange transport. With best wishes, Val Bailey 01672 512363
Our lunch-dates for the last six months of 2022 are: 14th July, 11th August, 8th September, 13th October, 10th November and 8th December for Christmas lunch party.
We serve a choice of main course – perhaps roast ham or chicken, Shepard's pie or fish pie together will at least three vegetables freshly cooked that morning in the Village Hall. And two home-made puddings, perhaps a fruit sponge or tart with custard or ice cream.
If you would like to join us (perhaps with a friend) please telephone me. We would like to welcome new members from Brinkworth and Dauntsey so do get in touch with us.
Our monthly lunches are held on the second Thursday of each month in Brinkworth Village Hall at 12.30 for 1.00pm 2 course lunch and coffee £5.00
28 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 28
Hello Members, 29 !"#$%&'()$*%(#+&,())-.+*&/)"0+#&1)23
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Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 30
It has been noted that a lot of cars are using the recreation ground car park for general parking. This is not a public car park and should only be used by people using the recreation ground. Thank you for your understanding.
Recreation Field Car Park Ruralhousingneedssurvey Brinkworth Weareaskingallresidentsandthosepeoplewhodonotlive,buthavea connectiontotheparish,tocompletethehousingneedssurvey. Theinformationwillbeused:toidentifylocalaffordablehousingneeds;to appreciatelocalresidents'currenthousingsituationandtofindoutwhat aspirationspeoplehave. Toaccessthesurveyandviewhousingneedssurveyinformation,please surveyisundertheCurrentHousingNeedsSurveyssection. Formoreinformationorassistancewithcompletingthesurvey, pleasecontact:JanGreener Telephone:01666510351/07757718537 Yourviewsmatter! 7September-5October2022 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 31
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34 WILTSHIRE’S chapelstoJoinFundraisingCHURCHES’Dayusonabike,onfootoronhorsebackkeepWiltshire’shistoricchurches,andmeetinghouseslookingbeautifulandopenforthefuturebyraisingmoneyforyourownchurchandtheWiltshireHistoricChurchesTrust. Supported by the National Churches Trust Contact: Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust Charity Number 1075598 10 2022SEPTth 11AM - 5PM SAVE THE DATE SUNDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER W W W B R I N K W O R T H F L O W E R S H O W C O M W W W FA C E B O O K C O M / B R I N K W O R T H S H O WWWW.BRINKWORTHFLOWERSHOW.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BRINKWORTHSHOW BRINKWORTH SHOW 2022 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 34
As you may be aware this year we had problems in finding available marquees as some companies have ceased trading during the pandemic. A marquee has been secured for our event but it is slightly smaller than we are used to. We have therefore cut back a little on the number of classes for you to enter. These are mostly spread through the Vegetable and Plants sections.
Entry forms do not have to be in until Friday 2nd September, so you have masses of time to get sowing or sewing. titles for photographic classes: the complete six titles for photographic
i. Stormy Weather ii Garden Wildlife iii Jubilee Celebration iv This Brings Me Joy Here now are
For all you NEWBIES (definition: an inexperienced newcomer to a particular activity!) and there have been a number of new families moved into Brinkworth and Dauntsey during the past three years, so please see the website to see if you would like to enter any of the garden produce or handicraft classes. There also many children’s classes so the whole family can enter.
Here are the
classes i Stormy Weather ii Garden Wildlife iii Jubilee Celebrations iv This Brings Me Joy v Roadworks vi Black & White There are also two photography classes for young people up to the age of 16: i Pets or Animals ii A funny picture with a caption please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ept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 35
The up-to-date schedule can be seen at www.brinkworthflowershow, where it can printed off and where you can see the lovely photographs of our last Show in 2019.
BRINKWORTH PRODUCE AND HANDICRAFT SHOW at The Village SHOW on Sunday 4th September 2022
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The Lane by Edward Thomas
Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 40
Some day, I think, there will be people enough In Froxfield to pick all the blackberries Out of the hedges of Green Lane, the straight Broad lane where now September hides herself In bracken and blackberry, harebell and dwarf gorse. To-day, where yesterday a hundred sheep Were nibbling, halcyon bells shake to the sway Of waters that no vessel ever sailed ... It is a kind of spring: the chaffinch tries His song. For heat it is like summer too. This might be winter's quiet. While the glint Of hollies dark in the swollen hedges lasts - One mile - and those bells ring, little I know Or heed if time be still the same, until The lane ends and once more all is the same.
Melt the butter in a tarte tatin tin or pan that can be used on the hob and in the oven.
Outlook on Food by Sue Fleigh
Top with the puff pastry and bake in the oven for approximately 25 minutes. When the pastry is brown, remove from the oven and place your serving dish over the pastry top. Gripping both sides, carefully invert the tart and lift off the tin.
2 tsps oregano
10-12 large medium tomatoes (enough to pack into a shallow 24cm heat proof tin)
50g Pre-heatbutteroven
Sprinkle with oregano and serve with a green salad.
to 180c / gas 5. Cut the tomatoes in half.
Tomato Tarte Tatin
Place the tomatoes cut-side down in the tin and cook gently on the hob for around 5 minutes. Remove the tin from the hob and scatter the Feta over the tomatoes
A very easy way to use up a glut of home-grown tomatoes, this is a savoury version of the classic French apple dish.
Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 41
250g Feta cheese, diced
1 pack ready rolled puff pastry
42 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 42
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nails: Gelish® manicure | Gelish® feet | manicure brows: tint | wax lashes: extensions | infills waxing: face | legs | underarm | bikini |
Fully qualified & experienced mobile beautician with permanent studio facilities at my home in the heart of the village, near The Three Crowns.
Boost Your Natural Immunity and Decrease Stress Without Leaving Your Home 20% OFF YOUR FIRST TREATMENT MaMassage therapyssage makes everythimakes everything betterng … • Reduces pain & discomfort • Relieves stress • Promotes restful sleep • Improves circulation • Aids relaxation • Soothers aching muscles • Helps relieve headache • Enhances health of skin ..and so much more! Make mas massage a regular part of your wellsage part beingbeing rroutineoutine. Renata’s Mobile Massage Therapy 07846516060 RENATA’S MOBILE MASSAGE THERAPY BOOK TODAY Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 44
Brinkworth Farm We deliver locally: • Free Range Eggs • Hay & Straw • Chicken Feed Please visit our,BrinkworthSN15 5EF Call us for a Free Tank Inspec琀on on 0800 622866 | 01672 841517 Email us on: Smith昀eld’s Yard, Ogbourne St. George, Marlborough, SN8 1SX Family Business Est. Since 1987• Complete Installa琀on Service • Repairs Maintenance& Service • Oil, Derv & Water Tanks • Plas琀c & Metal Tanks • Domes琀c • Agriculture • Commercial The Village FreestoneRecyclingClothesBinlocatedatHouse,Brinkworth,SN15 5DX I am located 3 doors past Little Foxes Nursery on the way to Royal Wootton Bassett. There is a sign advertising Honey & the Clothes Bin. You can pull onto the drive and leave your items in the signed bin. I can accept CLEAN items of: Baby, Child & Adult Clothes, Shoes, Handbags. Anything I cannot use will be recycled responsibly. NO THANKS TO BRIC-A-BRAC, DUVETS, PILLOWS or TOWELS -------------------I donate money directly to Brinkworth Earl Danby’s School in exchange for your donations. furtherFor information contact: Becky Wade 07590666689 or brinkworthbaglady@gmail.com01666510145 If required, I can also collect from you direct. Please contact me to discuss thisTheoption.Brinkworth Bag Lady Recycling clothes with the community bdoutlookmagazine@gmail.com44 !"#$%&'()*+&,-.*+()/&0(%* !"#$%$&'()&*+'&,-.$'/01%20/$%34$%$5/'-$6'1/340-$7/')+3$0++8139$6+'$)+#/$2%2-)1:39$13$&,/$0+;%0$%'/%<$$ !$,%5/$9'+*3$(7$0+;%00-.$%=/34139$2+&,$>(')/'-$%34$?'1#%'-$@;,++0$13$ A'138*+'&,$%34$3+*$)&(4-139$B$C/5/0)$13$@&'+(4<$!D#$E0/F120/$+3$ ,+(')$+(&)14/$+6$);,++0$,+(')$)+$70/%)/$915/$#/$%$;%00$+3$%3-$ 2%2-)1:39$'/G(1'/#/3&)$-+($#%-$,%5/<$
Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 45
bdoutlookmagazine@gmail.com46 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 46
Dauntsey Vale Link Scheme 47
CIC Incorporated in England & Wales Registered No.: 6552693 DVLS Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 47
bdoutlookmagazine@gmail.com48 Join our local milkround at Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 48
D. Dodson AntiqueRestorerFurniture & French Polisher 07955 765764 Ring, Text, or WhatsApp seagryfurniture@aol.comEmail: All types and ages of Furniture Restored and Repaired Lower Seagry, Chippenham Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 49
![]( 49 Dowww.cowley-electrical.comyoufinditdifficulttogetsomeonetocomeanddoasmalljob? * Extra Lights * Additional Sockets * Rewires * Smoke Alarms * New Fuse Boards * Landlord & Homebuyer Inspections Fault finding & Repairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -* Qualified Electrician * Six Year Guarantee * Fully Insured * Reliable Service * Free Quote * Tidy Work *Reasonably Priced Satisfaction Guaranteed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I will assure you of a quick response and a reasonably priced service Call Neil Your Local Electrician on 01666510976
bdoutlookmagazine@gmail.com50 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 50
![]( 51 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 51
Established 17 years Servicing Royal Wootton Bassett & surrounding areas Plumbing, electrical, decorating, repairs & installations. Free estimates. No call out fees. Toilets Leaks Overflows Showers & pumps Dripping taps Burst pipes Valves No job too small Fully insured No VAT Call ACE Property on 0775 22 85 222 Call ACE Property on 0775 22 85 222 PLUMBER - LOCAL & RELIABLE Established 17 years Plumbing, electrical, decorating, repairs & installations. Free estimates. No call out fees. Servicing Royal Wootton Bassett & surrounding areas Toilets • Leaks • • Dripping taps Burst pipes • Valves • No job too small Fully insured • No VAT LOCAL & RELIABLE Wootton Bassett & surrounding areas electrical, decorating, repairs & installations. Free estimates. No call out fees. Toilets Leaks Overflows Showers & pumps taps Burst Valves small insured NoVAT ACE Property on 0775 22 85 222 Property 22 & No call • Leaks • Overflows Showers & pumps • Dripping taps • Valves • No job too small • No VAT bdoutlookmagazine@gmail.com52 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 52
![]( 53 -L"FF4=><=22>< #%"++&,.*---,)*.)*.!+&,.('--,-'.$.( R STANLEY & SONS “Brikiln” The Common, Brinkworth SN15 5DX GENERAL BUILDERS Extensions, all aspects of building maintenance i.e. plastering, stone walling etc Domestic & Farm/industrialcommercialbuildings Landline 01666 510333 Kevin’s mobile 07974 622604 70 years of service to the local community A member of the “Federation of Master Builders” Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 53
Inner Strength Pottery Pottery Classes and Workshops, Brinkworth Come and give it a try... Learn a variety of pottery techniques including Coiling, Wheel Throwing and Slab Building. Create all sorts of functional ware and decorative pieces. Book online or email bdoutlookmagazine@gmail.com54 Rouselands Farm, Sundays Hill, Brinkworth Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 5AT / 01666 510315 / 07734 996078 / FOLLOW US Rouselands Farm Wiltshire Fresh Lamb Boxes Small, friendly campsite in large grass field. See the animals, enjoy the stars. Tent pitches, Glamping and Shepherds Hut available. BEEFROUSELANDSBOXES FARM CAMPSITE AND FARM PRODUCE Our beautiful 10kg selection boxes of Traditional British Beef breeds are a mix of prime and slow roast joints, steak, mince and diced beef. All slowly reared on grass on our Farm Assured family farm. maturing, grass reared lamb is lean and tasty. Available in whole and half lamb packs, also sausages and burgers occasionally available. LOCATED‘PERFECTLYIN THE IDYLLIC COUNTRYSIDE.’WILTSHIRE 1477 Rouselands Farm Flyer Landscape Fina indd 1 06/07/2021 14:08 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 54
Brinkworth Earl Danby’s Primary School
Visits welcome We currently have spaces across all year groups, so if you are looking for a caring, nurturing, high achieving school for your child, then come along and see for yourself. Recently rated “Good” by Ofsted, we are very proud of our village school. Wrap around care is available, and we offer lots of extra-curricular activities & after school clubs. Lower School, Dauntsey, SN15 4HU (Years R, 1 & 2) Upper School, Brinkworth, SN15 5AX (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6) Please call us on 01666 510406 to find out more or to arrange a visit. 55 F40")H&I%+.0"$0& J6"%() KA(.L+$L#.A)-0.&M6"%()E& 2NOO 9:PPP&Q:9&QQ> 9>R== ><:&R9; Blind curtain repair and tting service !"#$%!&!'"!(")%*%+,#- .!"" Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 55
T: 01666 510 • Heating System Design & Repair • Oil & Gas Installation, Servicing & Repair • Aga Servicing • Oil Tank Replacement • Unvented Systems • Design & Installation of Under昀oor Heating 56 C WHITE BUILDING SERVICES Contact us on 07909 918433 01666 511136 ▪ Building ▪ Property maintenance ▪ Home Improvements and refurbishments Member of the:Membership No: A118492 Sept2022.qxp_Outllook2019 23/08/2022 13:13 Page 56
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