1 &2 Bedroom Laundry facility on premise.
1 Parking Space Hardwood floors. 1 BR $1550
2 BR $1850 + 1.5 months
security Utilities separate.
See Super Apartment #2, 61 Newcombe St. Belleville. Call Joe (862)283-7599 36W03
BELLEVILLE Newly renovated 2ND Fl, 2 BR Apt. HT/HW Included. 1 months security. No Pets/Smoking. Washer/Dryer, AVL.Now Call Maria (973) 759-7077 36W03
E.NEWARK Newly renovated 3 BR’s, LR, Kitchen & Bath $2200 + 1.5 months security, Utilities not included, No Pets/smoking Available Now (201)334-8526
HARRISON 2nd Floor.
2 BR’s, EIK, LR,DR 1.5 months security. Utilities separate, Heating included. No Pets/ Smoking Available Now (973)351-5512 35W03
HARRISON 2nd floor 4
BR’s, 1 Bath, Large EIK, No Pets/Smoking, Available Now (973)7142368 or (201)463-6303 35W03
HARRISON 1st floor
3 BR’s, LR, EIK, 1 Bath 1 months security Utilities separate, No Pets/ No Smoking Available Now (973)714-2368 or (201)463-6303 35W03
HARRISON Studio Close to PATH train and NJIT. $1400 + 1 months security. Utilities included. Available Now (551)229-6989 35W03
HARRISON New Home 2nd fl. 3 BR’s, 2 Baths. Close to transportation. No Pets/Smoking. Available Now. (201)7090645 or (973)741-8292 Leave Message 36W03
HARRISON 2nd Floor
Beautiful 2 BR LR, DR, Kitch, Full bath, laundry $2000 + 1.5 months
Security deposit. 10 min Walk to PATH, Major highways & Stores. No Pets/Smoking Call (973)485-6746 or (917)992-2293 36W03
HARRISON Newly Renovated 2nd Floor 3 bedroom apartment, Kitchen, LR, DR, 2 bathrooms, Deck, Parking. No Smoking. Utilities Seperate. $2,700/mth plus 1 mth security. Available March (201)655-8653 36W03
KEARNY Stewart Ave, 1st Floor, Spacious LR, Eat-in-kitchen, 3 bedrooms, Bath, Offstreet Parking, Storage, Backyard, No Pets/smoking, $2150+ Utilities, Security Deposit. Available January (908)-771-0762
KEARNY 1 BR apt. HT/ HW included also Hardwood floors , $1,500 + 1.5 months security. No pets/smoking. Available Now. For more Info Call 201-306-2994 36W03
KEARNY 2nd floor 2
BR’s, LR, EIK, HW floors throughout, laundry included $2200 + 1 months security Utilities separate No Pets/ Smoking Available Feb 1st (917)294-4024 36W03
LYNDHURST Newly renovated 1st floor 3 bedroom, 5 rooms. EIK. Spacious LR. Laundry space. $2200 + 1.5 months security. Utilities separate. No Pets/ smoking. Close to train station. Available February 1st Call 973-9001852 36W03
One bedroom in an apartment complex. Excellent location, near stores and transportation.$1825.00 per month, one month security. Heat and hot water provided. Laundry on premises Storage in basement. No smoking and no pets. Adults preferred. Please call between 10:00am and 7:00pm: 201-997-2341 35W03

PURPOSE: The Town of Kearny is seeking funding through the State of NJ Green Acres Program for improvements at Riverbank Park located at 925-927 Passaic Avenue near Route 7/Belleville Turnpike in the Town of Kearny.
KEARNY 3 BR’s, EIK. $2300 + 1.5 months security. Utilities separate. No pets/Smoking Available Now (201)772-9965 36W03
KEARNY 3rd floor in a quit family oriented home. LR, BR, Bath, kitchenette, “Micro & Refrigerator No stove”. Utilities included no pets/smoking $1200 + 1.5 months security (973)668-8305 35W03
Elevated building 1 BR APT. HT/HW included. $1,575 + 1.5 Months
N.ARLINGTON 2nd Floor 3 BR’s, LR, DR, Kitchen Utilities separate. $2200 + 1.5 months security. No Pets/Smoking Avl. February 1st (201) 8894843 or (201) 889-4847 34W03
KEARNY 2nd fl. 3 BR, LR combined with DR , 2 bathrooms, no pets/ smoking, no Parking, laundry inside apartment, C/A $2500 + 1 1/2 months security Utilities not included Avl. Now (201) 2064845 35W03 NORTH ARLINGTON 1 bedroom, 1 bath, HW floors, Newly painted. $1,600 + 1.5 mth security. 1 year lease. H/HW included. No Pets Available February 1st No weekends Call (732)237-4682 35W03
Security See Super, 654 Elm St, Kearny. Laundry facility on premises Call Sofia after 3pm (201)998-3516 for appointment. 36W03
1 BR $1,550 + 1.5 Months security. HT/HW included. See Super 6 Woodland Ave. Apt. 1 (201)892-8035 for appointment. 36W03
1 BR, Close to shops. $1,700 + 1 1/2 months security. No smoking. No dogs. Credit check. Available Jan. 1, 2025 (973)838-1662 36W06
HARRISON Room for rent, $600 + 1 month security. Kitchen, Cable & Light included. Single Male or Couple preferred Avl. Now (201) 726-8136 Se habla español 35W03
PROJECT SCOPE: The Town of Kearny proposes to create the following new facilities at Riverbank Park: Hartung Recreation Center/Kearny Crew House; and/or to renovate the following facilities: site improvements and addition to Hartung Center and Kearny Crew House. A concept plan showing the proposed changes, a preliminary cost estimate, and an environmental impact assessment for the project can be found at:
PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION: The public is encouraged to attend a public hearing to learn more about the proposal and to ask questions or provide comments on the proposed plan on January 21, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held both in-Person and virtually via Zoom (, as part of the regularly scheduled Mayor and Council meeting. Written comments on the proposed application may be directed to: Stephen D. Marks, Town Administrator, email:, 402 Kearny Ave., Kearny, N.J. 07032 36W03
Reliable individual to maintain a clean and orderly facility by performing routine tasks 8 to 12 hours per week: Including sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, emptying and removing trash, cleaning restrooms and restocking supplies. Must be detail oriented, physically fit, able to work independently and speak English. Contact First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Kearny N.J. at 201-991-3513 weekday mornings from 9 till noon 36W03
BELLEVILLE male prefered. responsible person. no smoking. No kitchen. $750 + 1 month security. Utilities included (973) 3325613 36W03
Available, immediately over 20 yrs experience. Excellent references. Call Pam At, (973) 583-4066 32W09
PART TIME for Property Management Clerk must be bi-lingual Spanish or Portuguese. Must be proficient with computers and have good communication skills. Email resume to 36W03