Component 1

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Component 1 Kevin

Design brief.

With GCSE's becoming more difficult each year, students are more incentivised to revise for upcoming exams than ever. Therefore, they need a quiet, relaxing space to study near the school hence my space will consist of a large 2 floor library with a social area and a small café. This will provide the school students and locals a place to study and relax while also an area to buy food and drinks and have a chat. With the local area being very anti-social and to themselves even with the many houses around, this space will give the community a chance to come together and socialize, creating new friendships and helping the youth with their future.

The overall building will also help develop the area to make it more aesthetically pleasing, given how right now it looks very basic and doesn’t stand out towards people who go through the area.

I plan for my building to be geometric and stand out due to its shape however will fit in with the other houses in terms of the colour, materials etc. The themes I have chosen, modernism and geometric, will work well within the residential area as the houses are very rigid and edged.


The building (library) that I will be designing will be one large library building which will need enough space for 2 other small areas.

Modernism and geometric will be the main theme as I want this building to stand out in terms of the shape however the materials will be the same as the houses around.

The main area, the library, will be two floors. Bottom floor will contain:

• Front desk

• Study spaces

• A few bookshelves

• Large glass windows

Second floor will contain:

• Many bookshelves

• Large glass windows

There are 2 other areas within the large building:

• Social area

• Cafe

These two will need to be connected as people will be able to buy food and drinks and then easily be able to go back to where they were sitting. It will also be done this way to separate the quiet library space with the social space, therefore the people in the library are able to concentrate in silence. They will contain:

• Soft seats

• Tables

• Purchasing desk

• Air conditioning and heating


The location I have chosen for this project is a village in East London called 'Rainham'.

The area in Rainham that I have chosen is a small place close to a large field and a secondary school.

Rainham is one of the most historic areas in Havering as It dates to the Saxon period! It is approximately 3200 acres and has a resident population of 12500.

It is also considered one of the most prestigious of the Medway Towns.

With lots of nearby schools, there are no large, well functioned libraries nearby accessible to all. Therefore, the library location will be close to multiple schools and will be very close to a main road where lots of cars drive past.

There are roads all around the site. The road In front of the library will have a carpark which is able to hold 20 normal sized cars (varies with the size of the cars).

There will be plenty of greenery around. More trees can also be added around the building.

Location used.

Design site

The site I am using for my design is already relatively old and not as modern as some of the other buildings in the area. An example for the 'better looking building would be the care home that’s located behind this area.

My replacement design will work much better with this building than the already odd-looking houses that are placed strangely around.

The new library building will fit into the site much better and will seem natural next to the care home. This will make the area look overall more pleasant looking, which may encourage people to enter the library or come back to the area again another time.

I was walking past the houses; I notices how small they were. They seemed to be built for only one person to live in > meaning it is very compact.

There are 9 of these small houses/bungalows.

The site already has car park very close by which can hold around 20 cars so the new building may not need one.

Site location

The larger area

Very close to the site the site there are a few food places where people usually go if they want food. Many people go here every day as it is quite open and easy to access from main roads. It’s a very popular location for secondary students before and after school.

Large schools close by – this means access to the library is very easy for students. The school may try to promote the library.

This is one of the largest country parks in the area. It is very beneficial for the community as they are given this open space for many activities. Lake in the centre is a large attraction for local people.


Houses in Rainham Village:

The roof is shaped differently to the generic roof design. It is made from an irregular triangle design.

This roof is made from asphalt shingles as this type of material is effective in all environmental conditions, making it a very good choice of material for roofs.

Local houses:

Following the road along, there are a row of identical houses. In terms of colour, the houses are generic brown and cream colour, however the design stands out as it is a H-shape from a bird's eye view which is very different to the generic house shape being a rectangle/square.

Each whole building is separated into two houses. They are created together, however separated by walls.

The bottom half is very geometric (cubic). This design is made from multiple cubes which join to create one building.

The roof is symmetrically joined to the bottom half. All dimensions fit the same.

The different layers of the building design:

Dagenham Heathway Library:

About 2.5 miles away from the location is a large library in the centre of Dagenham Heathway. This is a large library which is connected to an apartment block. The actual library is black colours and is half in, half out of the apartment.

I've decided to use this library as its important for me to take inspiration from other locations. This library also follows the same themes (modernism and geometric) as the library that I am creating.


The design of the pillars holding up the main section is simple yet effective. They are placed in a pattern while connecting to the roof and the floor unsymmetrically.

Developing these pillars has made me realise how I can use these as an aesthetic part of my design serving a small purpose rather than it being the main attraction.

The factor of ‘flow’ is kept throughout


Outlining and separating each section I can see how the model is created and how separating it can create multiple layers.

Here are 2 simple tensile structures based on mountains/hills and how they follow an upward, wavey pattern. The white structure follows the tall uphill concept where it gets progressively taller as it goes on. However, I have created the green structure to replicate a whole mountain/hill where there is a peak height in the middle.

Follows an upward trajectory

Using the models, I have made, it had led me to create an initial design for how my library may look like. The structures are very geometric with the use of the large square walls in different sizes joined together to make an outer design. From the models I created, I decided to follow the white one where it increases in size like a hill. I believe that this is the best approach to create the design I'm envisioning. Moreover, the other model will still be used for inspiration.

Diagonal shaped like a triangle

City Lounge of Zhongshan Road, Jiaxing

The City Lounge is located on Zhongshan Road, the core area of the old city of Jiaxing. The site is sandwiched among buildings of different ages and is a typical urban debris space. The project is part of the old town remodelling plan of Jiaxing and is different from the large-scale overall renewal. This can be a good reference to look at for overall structure, materials and design.

The design of the stairs can be developed into its separate design in which I can use for future designs.

This building design keeps to the triangular geometric design throughout, mainly noticeable in the overall shape. Therefore, I have developed this into a blockier design as well as keeping the triangular look.

By applying these aspects into my own design, I am implementing different aspects of the geometric throughout the building; both exterior and interior. Given that, a design like this may attract many people as it will give them a good first impression. This also allows the people visiting to attain the full experience whether they are walking past the library or entering.

I can take inspiration of the staircase to design my own.

Using sketch up I have created multiple models of different parts of the building. I have done this to help me see how the building were created so I can enable different ideas for my own creation of a building.

These are the large, wide staircase that is in the building. They are wooden and follow through to the second floor. I have created it in sketch up to get a better understanding for how it was made and the purpose for the shape.

With the image above, I have decided to copy the building into sketch up and edit it. I have reversed angled the way each half slopes. Also, by elevating half of one of the sides, it has created sort of a new building altogether however, still following the same type of layout.

Using the internet, I have managed to find a building which follows a similar type of design that I am trying to create. It is an angled geometric building which is wooden all around with large panels of glass on either side, giving full view of the inside. Dull colours (black, grey and brown) are used which contrasts the white snowy area that the building is built upon.

Basic developments

from the framework:

To develop this building further I have taken the framing which supports the structure and have separated each panel from the wall. This way I can really see how they are aligned. From using the way they are aligned I have added a top section to two of the panels while then adding a complete roof over the whole of the structure. Lastly side walls are added to close up the open sections of the building. This in take creates a final structure to which can help me design my final model.

The wall oof the researched building has been flipped on the floor and converted into 4 rational building volumes.

The volumes are then rotated to adapt a design shape and the surroundings. The volumes are shaped to create clear connections.

The volumes have then been hollowed out to create atriums. A separated grass area is added to the exterior.

The hollowed-out volumes have been clearly outlined to demonstrate the individual identity of the buildings.

The exterior walkways have been clearly shown by the shaded areas. This displays the movability around the design.

Different zones within the building can be seen through the separation of the walls. Creates a multipurpose area.

Within my final design this shape can be used to help create an aesthetic exterior which can attract many people. There are three main parts which make up this structure. They are placed around each other, and the further ones are larger.

This spiral design can help give me inspiration on the aesthetic side of the final design. With these seatings being very odd looking in comparison to other seats, it will attract people towards it. This is what is needed for my café and library design.

These are the first set of models which I have created by cutting strips of white card and placing them in a way which will best suit my design. Basing it on geometric forms, I have folded each card to make sharp corners, mimicking how the library may look.

These are some quick drawing that I drew primarily for a starting design I have decided to use limited materials (strips of card) as it is only a very rough start to a design.

Developed models:

The designs consists of paper folding

Small developments are made with each

With these models I have kept one part of it the same while changing the other half is some way, however keeping to the geometric form and purpose. This allows me to be creative with the designs, giving me inspirations/ideas for the future final model. Doing it in this way also helps me decide how the interior will work, in terms of where the tables, chairs etc are going to be arranged and how they are going to fit, by still allowing space for moving around and getting through without interrupting/bumping into each other.

Primary research:

From the pictures I can modify them into different designs and shapes that I see best fit. This is done through using constructing equipment. With this I can create small buildings with the same similar design.

Looking at an object which has multiple layers of the same object next to each other can be very helpful for development as it can give me ideas how I can join objects together to create one larger design.

By using real life equipment, I can create a small building with the same similar design.

Using primary objects can be beneficial for my final design as it can help me figure out what materials look best for the building.

I have designed these drawings to be primarily geometric as it will be relevant for my final design.

The exterior of the model is strictly geometric which uses multiple rectangles to create an outer border like shape.

Round, circular design developed into a geometric circular design. This can be further developed in future models as the outlining shape.

Experimenting with the outer shape

Throughout my design I want to use different types of materials and adjust their shape to create an outer design which is unique with the other surrounding building.

Circular design overarching the building > can be used for aesthetics or lighting up the building in the dark (lights will be placed around the structure).

By using blocks, I have managed to create a geometric building which captures a unique geometric design.

Armani shop in New York.

By looking around different type of buildings, I came across this Armani shop which has an interesting stair design

The platforms which hold up the stairs are connected

The general shape of the Armani shop is rectangular which contrasts with the irregular looking stairs which take up majority of the space in the inside. This could have been done to emphasise the uniqueness of the store in comparison to other buildings in the area.



By taking inspiration of the Armani store stairs, I have created a model and design which replicated the same stairs, however in my own creation and my themes of geometric. The stairs will be made of strong, sustainable materials like concrete and wood.

By using elements of previous developments, I have created a rough final model which is not in detail, however, captures the general shape in which my final design may look like.

The main materials my building will be made from will be concrete, steel and glass.

The interior will contain the basics needed for a café and library. For example, tables, chairs, bathroom, bookshelves, front desks etc.

Interior floor plan:

Entrance to library/cafe Road

By look at existing buildings I came across this national museum called MAXXI created by architect Zaha Hadid. I really liked how they created this entrance where it leads you towards the entrance, kind of forcing/incentivises you to enter. Hence, I am taking this element and implementing it into the front of my design as it works perfectly with how the pathway (that is already in place) is placed. This building also uses the same materials that I will want to use for my design; concrete, steel and glass.

Pavement connecting to the building Platform

My design has two main sections, library and café, which contains many areas; vending machine, bathroom, front desk (for both sections), bookshelves, study area, desks, tables.

Study area


Front desk Stairs Bathroom
Vending machine

Shoe shop in Germany.

This shop in Germany caught my attention when I first saw it as although it has a generic outer shape, the way the interior is designed is very eye catching. Throughout the store it has a geometric theme to it with the use of rectangles and triangles to create multiple structures. The tree like figures catch the customers eyes as they are painted white which contrasts the black walls all around the shop.

The slanted desk has a large surface area. It continues the ‘odd’ look to the store → make it intriguing.

The area where the shoes are placed must be long for everyone to see as they are a small product → they could also be places in the sky using string → also grabs the attention for people outside the store.

The general structures stick out to the customers.

The overall shape is quite large with lots of room for movement however the items are arranged a way, so you must walk around the shop to view them.

The ‘tree’ like structure is quite tall and is created using different geometric forms (primarily rectangles).

By taking different elements from the structures within this shoe shop, I can adapt my interior in a way which is like these elements. An example are the stairs. I plan to create a unique, geometric stair design which will be eye catching when entering the library.

By creating a very rough final SketchUp design, it has allowed me to see how it will look with different materials and colours to see which works best with the purpose of the building.

Opening the building up to see the inside from the side will help see where I will place each equipment such as chairs, tables, bookshelf's etc. This is also done to see how much space is wasted.

Final design: basic

Final SketchUp:

Café area:

Library area:

Library second floor:


Side views:

Side view:





Final physical model:

With my final model I tried to use materials which have similar properties and colour to the actual materials that would be used.

Final SketchUp implemented into the design site:

By placing my final SketchUp on the design space it allows me to see how the area will look once the building is in the area.

After placing it in I had realised how well the building fits into the space with the colour and overall shape. It creates great development for the overall area while also not standing out too much.


The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the design of a café and library, considering its functionality, aesthetic appeal, and suitability for its intended purposes. The design elements, spatial organization, and overall user experience to determine the success of the design in creating a comfortable and inviting environment for locals and students from nearby schools. The functionality of the café and library design is crucial in determining its effectiveness. Firstly, my spatial layout has allowed for easy navigation and accessibility. Enough space should be allocated for movement, ensuring that visitors can move freely between different areas without feeling cramped or obstructed. Additionally, the placement of furniture and fixtures should contain convenient seating and browsing areas, promoting a sense of comfort and ease for visitors. The café area should be wellequipped to serve customers efficiently. The arrangement of the counter, coffee machines, and food preparation stations should allow staff to work smoothly and maintain a high level of customer service. For the library section, the design should prioritize the display and accessibility of books and other resources. Bookshelves and storage units should be strategically placed for easy browsing. Comfortable seating options, such as chairs or study tables, should be provided to accommodate different reading and studying preferences.

Aesthetics play a significant role in creating an exciting atmosphere for café and library visitors. The colour scheme, lighting, and overall ambiance should align with the desired atmosphere of the space. Warm and inviting colours can help create a cosy and relaxing environment, while well-placed lighting fixtures should provide sufficient illumination to the interior. The interior design elements, such as wall decorations and artwork can contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal and theme of the café and library. Thoughtful incorporation of these elements can enhance the visual interest and engage visitors, making the space more appealing.

The success of the café and library design ultimately depends on its suitability for its intended purposes. The café should offer a comfortable and inviting environment where customers can enjoy a wide range of beverages and food options while also catering to different dietary preferences. The library section should provide a quiet and focused atmosphere for reading and studying. Adequate noise insulation, such as sound-absorbing materials or designated silent areas, should be in place to minimize distractions and ensure a peaceful environment. The availability of study rooms or private spaces can further enhance the suitability of the design for individuals or small groups requiring more secluded workspaces.

Conclusion: In evaluating the café and library design, considerations such as functionality, aesthetic appeal, and suitability for the intended purposes are crucial. A successful design should offer a functional and inviting space that caters to the needs of people visiting. A well-planned layout, attention to detail, and a thoughtful combination of design elements can contribute to a positive user experience, creating a welcoming and inspiring environment for patrons to enjoy food, beverages, and books.

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