Sports retail project.

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Nike and Jordan experience store in Beijing. When I first saw this Nike and Jordan shop which is based in Beijing it caught my eye as it manages to have many different areas in one store which catches your eye like the two statues in the middle and the area where you can play the sport, yet it still keeps it to an actual shop. To me, its more of a museum shop than an ordinary store. It teaches so much in a limited space. The payment counter is very compact, fitting an area for payment and to view extra products. The floor and the counter are the same wood → its like an actual court.

The store provides an area where you can use the equipment for free. This area is accessible for all customers no matter their age. It has a large height and width as well. Large circle on the roof which is used for lighting .

The area where the shoes are placed have to be long for everyone to see as they are a small product → they could also be places in the sky using string → also grabs the attention for people outside the store.

Shoe shop in Germany. This shop in Germany caught my attention when I first saw it as although is has a general shape, the way the interior is designed is very eye catching. Throughout the store it has a geometric theme to it with the use of rectangles and triangles to create multiple structures. The tree like figures catch the customers eyes as they are painted white which contrasts the black walls all around the shop.

The slanted desk has a large surface area. It continues the ‘odd’ look to the store → make it intriguing.

The general structures stick out to the customers.

The overall shape is quite large with lots of room for movement however the items are arranged a way so you have to walk around the shop to view them.

The ‘tree’ like structure is fairly tall and is created using different geometric forms (primarily rectangles).

Armani shop in New York. With this Armani store in new York, what intrigued me when I first came across it was the unusual stair case which leads to the different levels of the store. It is made in an irregular circular way which from the side, reminds me of DNA.

The platforms which hold up the stairs are connected

The general shape of the Armani shop is rectangular which contrasts with the irregular looking stairs which take up majority of the space in the inside. This could have been done to emphasise the uniqueness of the store in comparison to other stores which sell clothing.

Stairs Entrance

The museum Soumaya in Mexico. The museum Soumaya in Mexico is a large museum which is primarily white and black colours. It has a very wide and long flat stair case which do not contain any stairs. This interests me as there is no ceiling to the stairs and fairly tall side walls used as railing. This is done so the people cannot see the floor below and they are forced to look at the large, pole structure used as a ceiling.

The top section is very large and gives space for lots of movement and area for the museum equipment. This large space can be eye opening to the people as they are flooded with the artwork 360 degrees and also when they look up they see the large ceiling.

The ceiling is made up with steel poles in a circular pattern. This is interesting as it is very large (covers the whole circumference). There are also multiple lights also arranged in the same general pattern as how the poles are arranged.

Louis Vuitton museum. This is Louis Vuitton museum located in Paris, France. The interior to this building is very modern with the use of wood and metal clearly seen around the store. The desks for items are very geometric which contrast the curve roofing style. This museum is very interesting to me as it captures a modern yet unique interior.

Large flooring space

The roofing section is designed in a way which makes it look like it flows. Much like water, It has a large wavy curve. This is also primarily make out of wood and metal.

This museum uses many large glass panels which are curved to create an irregular, wavy building which is large and captures the ‘museum like’ view.

Organic form.

Lots of twists and turn.

Mood board 1

Front counter

Can be used for a variety of thing, e.g. display.

Large display wall.

Seating area to try on shoes.

Mood board 2



Seating's Shelves

Mood board 3

Equipment that are dangling off the roof.

Large, long shelves.


Areas where the equipment can be displayed. Seating.

Second floor

Main area

Front door area This is a store for a younger audience therefore the interior will be very colourful with lots of different types of designs on the wall, floor and roof. There will be many different materials used e.g. wood, clay, concrete etc.

This is front room as you enter the building. Mainly used for the staff to introduce you to the store.

The lighting will be mainly used from natural sunlight, however some darker areas like the second floor where there are not as many glass windows will have large lights. The lights can also be different colours to make the area vibrant.

Old design:

New design:

The sports ‘gym’ area where people can test out the equipment. It will look like a gym room and will have a lot of equipment to use for testing/trying out. It will be fairly wide and very tall.

The floor will have a checker board design. This can draw attention from the outside as its not a very common flooring design in retail stores.

Original design.

The original design is very basic and doesn't really resemble my picture that much.

First new rough sketch.

The first rough sketch was mainly done to give me an initial idea to how this store should look.

Final design (exterior).

With the final design I went for a unique shape which I haven't seen any store or building look like. I purposely made this store small and make it feel like customers are walking into a 'one of a kind' store. Most of the store is created to be 'eye catching.

Final design (interior).

This is a more 'high-end' sports, museum like store where customers can purchase many different type of sport equipment and clothing.

The area will be mostly basic colours like black and white with small lights, brightening the area. It will have two stories. The top floor will be mostly an activity/practical area whereas the bottom floor is more of an item section with lots of displays around.

This is part of the second floor. It is a basketball court area.

This is part of the bottom floor (below the court). It will have a seating area and display sections.

Final design: For my final design I am creating a large sports store which contains many different elements. For example, this store will have different areas for different needs. It will contain 2 large practice activities football and basketball, with a large monitor for guidance on the sport. In the centre of the store there will be a large tower-like structure that will get larger as you walk up the wide spiral stairs. The top part of the structure will contain different statues for famous sports players. This will be visible through the large 360 degree glass.

I wanted to make the main attraction the centre of the store. It will have a tree like shape so it will be organic form.

Old model:

New model: Large platform where people can watch above

Second floor is large with many different areas.

Large glass panel added.

A large storage area for staff has now been added.

New model: Old model:

My old design is very basic with not much detail to it. With this there was much more empty space which looked odd with how the rest of the store was arranged.

The new design is much more detailed with more areas. This uses up more of the space so the interior is more 'full'. There are also more equipment which customers can look at.

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