Russell Grant Magazine Nov 2020 (KEY1520)

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Russell Grant

November 2020






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Nicola Adams

Throwing Hard Punches If you have never heard of Nicola Adams OBE, MBE it is about time you did. This lady is nothing less than a Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aquarius type of gal! A total one off, original in blood and bone! Some might consider her borderline eccentric, an “in your face” sportswoman who throws hard punches; yet Nicola has done more than beat numerous adversaries in the boxing ring; when it comes to her private life, she is certainly unafraid to stand up to trolls. A while back, truckloads of them berated her masculine appearance, the fact that she was “too black” and slated her relationship with gorgeous beauty blogger girlfriend, Ella Baig. Nicola told the Express “she was just not having it!” when it came to trolls! Who can blame her, and who could expect less from the very first female boxer to ever win a Gold Medal at the Olympics? Credit: BBC

Standing in Good Stead A beneficial Leo influence gifts this lady with a huge aura and a “don't mess with me” disposition. Her astounding physical shape, super vitality and “go for it” attitude stands her in good stead in all circumstances, even the worst. Nicola has had her fair share of trauma. She told the Telegraph that two decades ago, when she began her boxing career, the standard put down was "Shouldn't you be in the kitchen?".

“.....I was the only girl in the girl in the gym. It's a different world now." Yes indeed, Nicola once lived in a very different world to that of boxing forays and international championships. Perhaps an innate desire to hit out at the “bad guys” of life started in childhood. She told the Mirror she wanted to “kill her dad” because he was abusive to her and her mum; neither of them were allowed to have friends or go out.

only to be expected now and then. Yet, she stood up to her dad and went on to throw more than an efficient punch at her adversaries in the ring; in fact she won more times than even the Nay Sayers bargained for. After winning the Commonwealth, European and World titles and suffering more than one injury, Nicola thought it might be time to retire. As brave as she was, facing the world without her beloved boxing ring to enrich her soul was somewhat daunting. She told the Telegraph "Luckily I've got a good set of friends and family that have been here to support me, not just now, but all through my career, to help with any questions I have, because it can be daunting, because all you're doing is training and competing and then you come out the other side."

"He’d get violent with both of us. Because I have ADHD, when I was younger I was very hyperactive, so it was very, very hard for me to keep still, especially when he was watching TV," Scorpio Style Nicola dealt with the problem in strictly Scorpio style; that wise water sign knows that the world has an underbelly and that a “dark night of the soul” is Credit: Instagram @NicolaAdams

Those “Get Real” Vibes Mr. Saturn is certainly a friend. That good old ringed planet helps her get real. In fact, she got more than real when she became an ambassador for Barclays “Life skills" programme, which provides free online career advice for adults "It was something I was ready for at the time because I'd already been talking about what I was going to do next, but didn't expect it to happen so quickly."

"Ultimately Though I Was Happy!” Credit: BBC

Well, she should be happy, there is so much to be proud of! She formed the first "Strictly Come Dancing" partnership that delighted the LGBT audience! Yet again, friendly Leo and down to earth Saturn ensured her “9.5 on the Richter scale” charisma won the day.” In fact, Nicola has “won many a day”; a gypsy seer might even say a lucky star shines upon her. For example, she was the first English amateur champion in 2003, and was awarded a Silver Medal at the 2007 European Championship in Denmark; little holds her back. Super Sonic Planetary Combos Dare we say that an exciting life continues to await her. Why? Because even if things get difficult, some supersonic planetary combo will always pop up to ease her load. Perhaps, as she hits middle age, she will even discover that she is on a spiritual mission, Pluto tells us that she will certainly be ready to tread the "light fantastic". In any event, life will take her further down the road than she could ever have imagined going “way back when!” Nicola was appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the 2013 New Year Honours for services to boxing and Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). Who could have ever imagined that an abused child would not only wish upon a star but claim it as her own?

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

Autumn Mood

Autumn is usually the season when we start to hibernate a little, cosy down as the evenings draw in and spend more time indoors. After all the restrictions of the past year, fortunately made bearable by some gorgeous weather, many of us are anticipating the dark nights of autumn and the prospect of further lockdowns with dread. How can we boost our autumn mood? What are your expectations of autumn, the factors that have shaped your existing mindset? For some it's their favourite season; the thought of wrapping up warm, kicking through falling leaves on a woodland walk, mugs of hot chocolate, board games around a fire. For others it's a gloomy, miserable season filled with dark days of nothing to look forward to. How do you feel? Remember that your childhood memories and experiences don't need to be replicated as you move into adulthood. Now you can make your own choices and use your ability to take control of your environment. Why not choose to boost your autumn mood?

As the days become shorter our melatonin and seratonin levels are affected. This is where dog walkers have a distinct advantage, as they often take their dogs for regular walks, whatever the weather. Try to emulate the dog walker and get outside, even for short breaks, so that you experience some daylight, improve your seratonin levels and hence your mood. Keep in touch with close friends and family so that you're able to talk if you're feeling down, in need of some light relief or need a little human contact in your life. Share your fears and concerns, especially in this present climate and agree to be supportive of each other. It often helps to know you're not alone and that others are thinking of you. Commit to achieving one positive experience, success or achievement each day, even if it's simply washing your hair, tidying your sock drawer, walking to the corner shop. Only you know how significant each result is! Share your good news and congratulate each other. Our diet often changes as the winter months approach. People relish the idea of a salad less when it's cold and dark, often preferring more comforting food like soups, casseroles and stews. Try to keep to a healthy diet and include all the colours of autumn, the vegetables and berries that are seasonal at this time of year. You could prepare something that cooks slowly, snuggle into a warm coat and take a walk, knowing you'll be returning home to a delicious meal. Focus on making home more cosy and comforting than it's perhaps been over the summer months. Warm fabrics, colours and fragrances can boost your autumn mood by adding brightness to your home. Red, gold, bronze, silver used for cushions, throws, prints can brighten a room. Unique items can often be sourced locally at markets and craft fairs. Scented candles can improve the atmosphere and add welcome fragrance to a room. Lighting is important over the darker months. Overhead lighting can be quite harsh, so think about wall lights or small amps which offer mood-enhancing ways to illuminate your room. Or candles, used safely, can add an attractive glow. Socialising often requires more thought, especially at the moment, with so many changing restrictions. Online socialising is a lifeline for those with internet access, providing invaluable ways to keep in touch with friends and family. Groups of friends have found ingenious ways to entertain each other, using quiz nights, book clubs, recipe sampling, all done online. And it's good to have something to look forward to.

Online classes and training could be a good use of your time over autumn, furthering your education, giving you something extra to add to your CV and improving your job chances if you're in the market for a new career. Autumn is a good time to forward-plan for Christmas, making your Christmas cakes and puddings. Or you could spend hours hand-making personalised Christmas cards and gifts, utilising your skills in crafts, painting, knitting, handiwork. Children often delight in getting involved with glitter and glue! Working from home is an increasingly familiar option, but autumn may become a time when you start to feel like a pit pony, entering your home office and hardly ever emerging in daylight; often there's little else to do! Boost your autumn mood by scheduling regular breaks, for food, to phone a friend for a pleasant chat, to go outside and stretch your legs. Your work will thank you as breaks have been found to improve productivity upon return. Add some home treats, things that you might not do during typical summer months. Allow time for a thirty-minute bath with candles, plenty of bubbles and warm towels, go through your photographs or music back catalogue and laugh or cry at the memories they evoke. A little planning can help to boost your autumn mood and ensure that you remain healthy, take good care of yourself and have positive things in your life that support you and yours both mentally and physically.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

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NEW Horoscope Report - Your Life Planner We have updated our Personal Horoscope reports and you can now get your “Life Planner” with our special Career Potential Package. Each report is calculated using your specific time, date and place of birth so no two reports are the same. The reports as individual as you are..

Career Analysis - Defines your goals and objectives. It helps you find a rewarding career that leads to happiness. Personal Outlook - This guide to inspirational living helps you relate to the people around you. It provides a deeper understanding of your motivation. Personal Outlook includes the challenges you face and the strengths you have. You can either take the easy path or find something of value to contribute.


Life Stages – Your future potential is in your report, a forecast for the next 12 months. It lets you know when to take advantage of meaningful events and encounters. Know when to wait and when to act during the year ahead. Otherwise, where to be cautious, when it is down to you, or someone else.


Life Planner – Life Planner provides valuable guidance about your relationships, money, and work. Most importantly, when you experience life-changing circumstances and how you benefit from these when they occur in the year ahead.

Friends or Family..?

The saying, we choose our friends but not our family, often causes a wry laugh. But, on reflection, those relationships are rather different. Do our friends typically see us having a 'bad hair day' or have to be constantly reminded to tidy their rooms, put their damp towels in the laundry basket or fix a broken shelf? Maybe they do occasionally, but it's unlikely to be a regular occurrence. They don't see us grumpily returning home after a tough day at work or at those times when we're truly out of sorts. We usually modify our behaviour and brighten up when we see our friends, even when we're at our worst. There's no way we're likely to snap at them in the way we would with family members. We know they could walk away and call time on our relationship. And who'd blame them if our inconsiderate behaviour happened too often! So, our friends can be good at nudging us from being too maudlin. We may share in-depth analysis of our lousy job, relationship or situation, but there often comes a time when we realise that we have to rein it in and start to pay attention to them too. A friendship may be temporarily one-sided during tough times but there comes a point where we have to try to recover a little from being down, negative or repetitive, and that's no bad thing. And then there's the fun element. A 2020 survey of 400 people for the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that 68% of the time we spend with friends is doing fun things, like visiting restaurants, bars, concerts, participating in sports, whereas the figure for family is only 28%.

Do we need to reflect on how we allocate the time we spend with family? Yes, chores and essential maintenance does need to be done but is there some way we could make doing them more enjoyable? Washing, ironing, cleaning are important, but could they be undertaken in a more positive, upbeat way, starting by a change in perspective, where we remember to appreciate our good fortune in having a home to clean, a garden to tend, nice clothes to launder. How many people would be overjoyed to be in our position? Remember the excitement you felt when you moved into your first new home, the satisfaction of polishing 'your' windows or dusting the furniture you'd recently chosen and had delivered, the joy of keeping everywhere fresh and tidy, walking through your front door and smiling with pride. How quickly does that mindset change! Another 2020 survey of 2000 adults by a vitamin company has revealed that we spend an hour a day on basic chores like washing up, laundry, tidying, things we're highly unlikely to do with friends, and certainly not on a regular basis. So, it's no wonder that we'd rather be with friends than family! But if we elevate those dull, repetitive tasks by introducing some fun, gratitude and satisfaction for a job well done it allows for a more positive approach. Start to notice how you communicate in your relationship with your partner or family, compared to when you're with friends. It can be all too easy for family interactions to drift into a mundane daily routine where you share updates and chores rather than communicate on any meaningful level, especially during busy or stressful periods. When you're tired and preoccupied, experiencing low energy levels, try to still remember to be polite, thoughtful and respectful towards each other, smiling and touching affectionately as you pass by. Inject humour into situations and maintain channels of communication where you're genuinely interested in each other, following up on the previous day's news, noticing any change in demeanour, demonstrating that you're keen to spend time together.

The most tedious tasks were voted in the survey as ironing, cleaning and food shopping, with only 3% saying they enjoyed the day-to-day routine. But these tasks can be transformed by sharing them and perhaps including a treat or reward on completion, especially if children are involved. You could share the load in a motivational way, as in, 'you do this while I do that' or introduce a fun element by singing or dancing as you all work. Even a little competition could help to potentially lift the mood. By ensuring that you have positive exchanges with partners and children, perhaps through play and interesting, supportive conversations, you enjoy more pleasant relationships and allow even the day-to-day stuff to be a fulfilling and meaningful part of your life. That way, chores can become a more positive investment in your daily quality of life.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

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Yes, it may be a little longer to see each other in person but, we've got something special for you online while we wait! We are bringing you an incredible weekend of spiritual guidance, astrology and all things MBS, but in the virtual world. We will continue to celebrate the vibe, uniqueness and inspiration that has made this festival so special, but this time we will be able to bring it to everyone, everywhere. We are bringing together a diverse range of experts as we celebrate all things Mind Body Spirit with a particular view to acknowledging the role we play in our ever-changing world directly to the sanctuary of your own home!

Stay home, stay safe, stay inspired!

November Horoscopes from Russell Grant

New Moon on the 15th Lunar Eclipse on the 30th

ARIES Beware of pushing a good and loyal friend or romantic partner into a decision on the 9th; it’s better to respect their boundaries and not push your luck. An intriguing career opportunity looks likely to come into view on the 12th, it will mean more money in return for your leadership and experience. It will become much easier to get projects off the ground starting on the 14th; life is about to move much faster. The New Moon on the 15th finds you letting down your defences with an attentive lover. If you have a partner, their financial good fortune will spill over to you, allowing you to indulge in some creature comforts. Are you single? You’ll meet someone special at a professional conference. You will have to cancel personal plans for the sake of work on the 19th; try not to dwell on your disappointment. On the 30th, the Lunar Eclipse could cause a car, phone or piece of tech to break, posing the perfect opportunity for an upgrade. Go for the best available and don’t cut corners you don’t need to.

TAURUS Avoid spreading gossip on the 9th; you don’t want to get a reputation for being unpleasant and untrustworthy. On the 15th, the New Moon prompts you to sign a contract, get engaged or exchange wedding vows. This is a wonderful time to make an exclusive commitment to someone very near and dear to you. You may lack the expertise necessary to do a good job on the 19th; don’t hesitate to ask for additional training or for a word or two of advice from more experienced colleagues. Your love life sizzles with excitement on the 21st; this is an excellent time to enjoy a romantic outing. Beware of imposing sudden changes on a loved one on the 27th; it’s better to meet in the middle. The Lunar Eclipse on the 30th causes a source of income to dry up, prompting you to look for a more rewarding line of work. Finding a job at a government agency, university or hospital is strongly advised, as this position will include excellent benefits.

GEMINI Resist the impulse to buy someone’s affection on the 1st; you deserve to be loved for your heart, not the size of your bank account. A stalled project will start moving forward again on the 3rd, filling you with excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead. Acquiring additional and much sought-after skills on the 10th will improve your professional prospects so check out the potential of taking an in-depth course. The New Moon on the 15th attracts an exciting job offer. You’ll enjoy working for a company that offers great benefits. Official paperwork looks likely to be delayed on the 17th, forcing you to find another way to perform a job. You’ll win praise for a job well done on the 24th; there may be an end of year bonus to look forward to. After a prolonged silence, you’ll finally hear back from a charitable or creative institution on the 29th; the news will be good. On the 30th, a Lunar Eclipse puts an end to a demanding role, allowing you to spend more time with friends.

CANCER Don’t be discouraged by a loved one’s pessimistic and down-hearted outlook on the 1st; you can always find a little joy regardless of your circumstances. Your mind and heart work in perfect harmony starting on the 3rd; making it much easier to take important decisions. A pleasure trip on the 10th could be just what the doctor ordered so long as you respect your environment and surroundings. Encourage your business or romantic partner to undergo a radical transformation on the 12th; they’ll appreciate your support and the changes they make will make things better for all concerned. On the 15th, the New Moon inspires you to take up a new project; follow this impulse as soon as possible. It will quickly take shape, giving you renewed confidence. Don’t be surprised if you become something of a love magnet because around the middle of the month. You’re never more attractive than when you are energised and enthusiastic. Resume a publishing endeavour on the 29th. The Lunar Eclipse on the 30th brings an end to a period of obscurity, allowing you to command the spotlight in a powerful way.

LEO The early days of November are perfect for a family reunion. You’ll enjoy reconnecting with relatives who have always supported your creative talent. A lucrative job will transform your life; if one comes your way accept an offer involving real estate, banking or management on the 12th. The New Moon on the 15th is ideal for buying or selling property. If you plan to relocate, you’ll find just the sort of property you want at a price you can easily afford. Put your negotiating skills to work. Powerful desires prompt you to embark on a fitness regimen on the 19th. Being more active will strengthen your body and lift your spirits. Starting on the 21st, you’ll feel a strong urge to take a long-distance trip for pleasure. Plan a trip to a country that has an exotic flavour. On the 30th, a Lunar Eclipse prompts you to break free of a group that no longer excites your imagination. This will leave time in your schedule for doing the things that genuinely bring you pleasure.

VIRGO It will be easier to deal with a financial issue during the first few days of November. Don’t hesitate to drive a hard bargain for your goods and services; they are valuable. A creative or money-making project will bring you success and happiness on the 10th. On the 15th, the New Moon inspires you to take a course in a subject that has always fascinated you. If you’re single, you could find love with a fellow classmate. If you are already in a loving relationship your bond will strengthen because of the intellectual stimulation you enjoy. Avoid getting drawn into a nasty argument on social media in the days surrounding the 17th. You don’t want angry words to come back to haunt you. The 24th is perfect for a professional presentation or job interview. The Lunar Eclipse on the 30th brings an end to a professional role. Having more time for the people and pursuits you adore will be a breath of fresh air.

LIBRA Stop letting your best friend or romantic partner dictate the terms of your relationship on the 9th; it’s critical to be more assertive and lay down some firm red lines. A home improvement project on the 12th will transform your living space into a happy haven of peace and quiet. The New Moon on the 15th brings an exciting moneymaking opportunity. If you want it this could be your chance to work from home. Flattery will get you nowhere with a stern relative on the 16th. Instead of trying to win over this family member, it would be better to please yourself and do your own thing. More money for luxuries will become available on the 21st; splash out on some creature comforts. Don’t panic if an emergency expense comes your way on the 27th; the necessary funds will arrive when you need them most. On the 30th, a Lunar Eclipse brings a happy conclusion to a legal matter or official issue. You’ll be able to pursue a stimulating business or romantic alliance once this issue has been resolved.

SCORPIO After a prolonged period of silence, you’ll finally hear from a government agency, hospital or university after the 3rd. A romantic encounter on the 10th will make you feel like you’re walking on air. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone special at a spiritual retreat or spa. The 12th is perfect for launching a promotional campaign; you’ll attract lots of favourable attention from advertisements. On the 15th, the New Moon prompts you to undergo a dramatic makeover. This is a great time to change your hairstyle, overhaul your wardrobe, develop a whole new style or give your home a top to toe makeover. The transformation will change the way people treat you. Don’t feel compelled to wait on an impetuous business or romantic partner on the 17th. A Lunar Eclipse on the 30th puts an end to a financial obligation, allowing you to forge a new path. Instead of being tied to your neighbourhood, you can look for work in other parts of the world.

SAGITTARIUS The start of the month is good for working alongside, and in cooperation with those who share the same aims and aspirations. People will be willing to put their egos aside for the sake of progress and teamwork. The 12th brings a touch of financial good fortune; there’s never been a better time to launch a business, product or service. The New Moon on the 15th invites you to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Enjoy a trip by a beautiful body of water; this vacation will soothe your fiery nerves. Neither a lender nor a borrower be on the 16th; mixing friendship and finance nearly always leads to heartache. Making some home improvements on the 24th will deepen your enjoyment of domestic pursuits. Create a private place where you can hear yourself think; dark colours and plush textures will give you the cosy comfort you feel you need. On the 30th, the Lunar Eclipse brings an end to a close relationship, allowing you to move on to greener pastures. As the festive season draws near think about building upon a romantic or business alliance that encourages exploration.

CAPRICORN After a prolonged silence, you’ll finally get the news you have been waiting for in the early days of November. A job involving buying and selling property, the law or publicity will be certainly be worth thinking about while the 12th marks an impressive personal accomplishment that will boost your confidence and fill you with exciting plans for the future. A home improvement project will go beautifully on the 14th. On the 15th, the New Moon could see you applying to join a club, organisation or team. The people you meet will appreciate your leadership ability and they might even ask you to take the helm of their group. Friends in high places will promote your talent on the 19th; don’t be shy about having your work put before the public. A creative block will dissolve on the 29th, allowing you to put the finishing touches to a project that has been filling your thoughts for some time. A Lunar Eclipse on the 30th brings an end to a troubling health matter, allowing you to become more active.

PISCES AQUARIUS A postponed legal or official issue will be rescheduled after the 3rd; you’ll be relieved to resolve this issue. Resist the temptation to lash out at a silly social media remark on the 6th; if you can’t say anything nice, you should remain silent. Landing your dream job is a distinct possibility on the 10th; this is your chance to secure a more responsible role in the artistic or even the charitable sector. On the 15th, the New Moon finds you working with powerful people who appreciate your resourceful behaviour. Don’t be surprised if a promotion comes your way before the end of the year. A family emergency will require you to rethink your plans during the middle days of November; be as flexible as possible. You’ll meet someone beguiling but basically insubstantial on the 27th they will turn out to be all style and no substance. The Lunar Eclipse at the end of November marks a turning point in a romance. Someone will get engaged or married, setting off a string of celebrations.

It will be much easier to clarify your thoughts and come to terms with your ambitions at the start of November; spend a few moments thinking about what you really want to achieve. Resist the temptation to indulge in retail therapy on the 9th; you don’t want to go into debt over things you really don’t need. If it’s possible book a break at a lovely seaside resort on the 10th; you’ll enjoy getting away from daily responsibilities. The New Moon on the 15th inspires you to write a book, record a podcast or launch a website. Putting your ideas before the public will boost your professional stature. Career ambitions will grow starting from the 21st; this is a great time to pursue your dream job. You could also consider taking a role with a charitable or humanitarian organisation. A stalled dream will be revived on the 29th; stay focused on this glorious vision. On the 30th, the Lunar Eclipse will prompt you to relocate to a livelier neighbourhood.

Good Nights Sleep

Now the clocks have gone back for Autumn, this could be the ideal opportunity to reset your sleep habits for the months ahead and beyond. Your health and happiness is linked to getting a good nights sleep and with the current worries and stress of the world, a restful nights sleep can sometimes be difficult to achieve. Easing you into a deep sleep, Dodow is the sleep aid device that sits on your bedside table, which enables the brain to switch off from outside thoughts. Presenting a long-term, natural solution to insomnia, the Dodow uses cardiac coherence, a technique back with over 10,000 scientific research, to soothe your body and mind to a deeply relaxed state in less than 5 minutes. Used by Air Force fighter pilots to keep their cool, cardiac coherence slows down your heart rhythm pattern to a lower frequency, helping you to calm down and control your emotions more easily.

Tony asks “My ex keeps trying to get back in contact with me, but I'm really on the fence about letting him back into my life..?” Tony is a Piscean with Venus and Jupiter in earth signs linking beautifully with each other. He is likely to be extremely charismatic, generous and giving and his ex could deeply regret the break-up. Pisceans are romantic but no relationship, whether friendship or in romance can fulfil all the Piscean’s emotional needs. Tony is right to take this chance to think about how he really feels. Loneliness can make the prospect of getting back together again more attractive. With Uranus close to Venus as the year ends, Tony needs stimulation, excitement and change. If he does invite his ex back into his life, it’s unlikely to be on the same terms as before. With Uranus nothing is predictable. It will be fun and exhilarating but whether or not any arrangement Tony makes at the moment is permanent, only time will tell.

Cara asks “I've been putting a lot of time and effort into searching for jobs, but nothing is coming my way. Is there anything I can do spiritually to improve my luck? Leo is strong in Cara’s chart and as much as she is determined, she will also be fighting hard to maintain her self-esteem while job-hunting. Cara isn’t just looking for any job. She is searching for a career in a specific field that will make her feel fulfilled. It might be hard to find her ideal job in this tough economic climate. With Neptune active in her chart now, Cara might think about seeking a position at a hospital, care home or nursery. Volunteering at an animal shelter or giving her time to help a non-profit organisation could lift her spirits and the Universe has a way of rewarding good deeds.

Vegan News

Not suitable for Vegans!

Nando's is launching its first-ever plant-based meat alternative

The Great Imitator has been designed to taste just like its signature PERi-PERi chicken breast fillet but is made entirely from pea protein. The plant-based chicken is served as four strips grilled to order and are available as part of the Burgers, Pittas and Wraps menu at the restaurant with customers able to choose their desired level of spice as they would with their usual Nando’s order. Nando’s is also launching a new vegan-friendly starter in the form of Sweet Potato Wedges with Garlic PERinaise with 10p from each purchase going to Nando’s Fighting Marlia. Not suitable for vegans. According to Nando’s, The Great Imitator is aimed at flexitarians who want to cut back on their meat intake but don’t want to compromise on taste. Although the new menu item swaps out Nando’s lightly spiced mayonnaise for its Vegan PERi-naise and contains no other animal ingredients, sadly the new plant-based product is prepared on the same grills as the company’s chicken and is therefore not suitable for vegans.

The Simply Vegan Podcast, brought to you by the makers of Vegan Food & Living, is your weekly dose of the best vegan news, reviews and interviews, with some fun and laughter along the way Hosted by former Simply Vegan Magazine Editor Holly Johnson and her co-host, yoga teacher Gabriella Clark.

Asda Becomes the First to Launch Ambient Vegan Aisle Asda has become the first UK supermarket to launch a vegan destination in store with two bays entirely dedicated to plant-based products. With research showing that 17% of UK households are reducing their meat intake or following a plant-based diet, Asda will launch over 100 new lines, with market-leading prices across a dedicated vegan area. With searches for vegan lines up 275% since 2019 on, the retailer has invested in launching vegan aisles across 359 Asda’s stores which will consist of one bay of savoury products including proteins, cooking sauces and condiments, and one bay of snacks and sweet lines. The 104 new products launching will include Asda own label meal pots, as well as a number of well-loved brands such as Mrs Crimbles, Vego, two exclusive Galaxy flavours, and an exclusive new Falafel Mix from Bosh. mealsAsda will become the first UK supermarket to launch a vegan destination in store with two bays entirely dedicated to plant-based products. McDonald’s is reportedly launching vegan burgers in the UK The exciting news has been revealed by Instagram account Vegan Food, who shared an image of Maccies’ reported new product featuring a Beyond Meat burger patty. The apparent marketing flyer from McDonald’s describes its new vegan burger, which features a patty from Beyond Meat as ‘100% McDonald’s taste, 0% meat’. The material further reads that ‘everyone should enjoy a delicious burger without compromising on taste’. According to the food group, the new burger will be vegan certified and will have the patty served in a sesame bun with vegan and a ‘slice of vegan cheese’. While the account has posted the image, it clarified that there has been no official announcement from McDonald’s yet and this image was photographic evidence from insiders.

Simple Tips For Staying Healthy

Staying fit and healthy has never been quite so important as it is right now with the Covid-19 pandemic in full swing. So, how do you go about staying fit and healthy, especially if you can’t go out as much as you might like? Here are our simple tips for staying healthy in 2020 and beyond… Maintain A Healthy Outlook One of the best things you can do for yourself is to maintain a healthy and positive outlook. If you need to, take one day at a time. Break it down into smaller chunks. Whether you’re in a strict lockdown that seems never ending, or just finding life a little overwhelming. Don’t beat yourself up if you have a bad day. Each new day is a new clean slate. What happened the day before is something you can learn from but shouldn’t be what defines the next day. Start fresh every morning, new day brings new hope and opportunities. Whether that’s something as small as eating better, drinking more water, exercising more, smoking less…etc. Even the smallest of achievements is an achievement you should be proud of. For example, i’m really bad at drinking enough water. I could easily go an entire day only having a few sips. However, i set myself a goal every day to drink 2 litres. Some days i hit it, and others i don’t. If i don’t, it’s not a big deal, i just try harder the next day.

Goal Setting I often hear people setting themselves these crazy goals they’ll never reach. You’re just setting yourself up to fail, so why do it? If you set yourself a goal that’s unachievable, you’ll give up before you even begin. It will seem too out of reach so you won’t have the drive to succeed. However, if you set yourself a goal that is reachable, yet still a challenge, when you do reach it, you’ll feel amazing! This feeling of accomplishment will then drive you to keep going and pushing to do better and better. For example, if you’re trying to loose 200 pounds, setting yourself this goal in a month is NOT achievable! However, break it down and try to loose 2 or 3 pounds per week. Or 10 pounds each month. This makes it seem a lot more doable, so you’re more likely to keep going. Being Active Especially for those in stricter lockdown areas, this might seem quite difficult. However, they are plenty of ways you can stay active. It is recommended you try to be active for at least 30 minutes per day. This could be 3 lots of 10 minutes throughout the day, or all in one go. This could be anything from running up and down the stairs for 10 minutes. Or, go out for a walk/run. Dance around your living room. Do some kind of sport if you can. It really doesn’t matter what you do. Just something that will get your heart rate up and leaving you feeling a little puffed.

Eat Nutritious Foods Eating a well-balanced diet is so important. Although it is important to get regular exercise, it’s just as important to be eating well. Your diet should be high in fruits and vegetables as that’s where you’ll get your micronutrients from. Micronutrients being all your vitamins and minerals your body needs to thrive and fight off illnesses.

If you can, you should also limit your meat consumption. Research studies have shown that in just 7 days of removing meat form you diet can reduce cholesterol levels by up to 100 points! We aren’t saying stop completely, however, if you can, try to eat leaner meats such as turkey, chicken, tuna instead. Many people think they need to eat loads of meat to hit their daily protein intake. However, ALL protein actually comes from the earth – vegetation, grass, soil…etc. Animals get all of their protein from the vegetation they eat. We then eat the animal to get our

protein. So in fact, animals are just the middle men when it comes to getting protein. Research has shown that the protein we can get directly from fruits and vegetables is actually a MUCH BETTER source of protein. It’s cleaner, it isn’t packed with the animals hormones and doesn’t cause fat to clog up or veins and arteries. Even olympic athletes and weightlifters have chosen to go meat free. Since changing their diets they’ve found they can – lift heavier, go for longer, run faster, all because they no longer eat meat. Reducing the amount of refined sugar in your diet would also be a great place to start. Again, this doesn’t mean stop altogether. We all love the odd treat or dessert after dinner but perhaps not every night?! Quit Smoking If you are a smoker, now is the best time to stop smoking. Being that the Corona virus is a respiratory disease, do your body a favour and let your lungs breath and begin to heal. Give yourself the best chance to survive the virus, incase you do contract it. Lower Your Alcohol Consumption A glass of red wine with your evening meal is actually meant to be quite beneficial to your body. However, drinking the entire bottle or getting drunk is NOT! Drink in moderation if you do drink alcohol. Sleep Getting a good night sleep is easier said than done for many of us. However, getting a good night sleep is so important. Research shows people who get 8 hours sleep a night have much lower levels of stress and cortisol in their body. ●Turn off all digital devices at least 1 hour before going to bed.

●Make sure your bedroom is pitch black.

●Read a book in bed.

●Ensure your bedroom is cool.

●Stop eating at least 2 hours before bed.

●If you share your bed, try having separate duvets.

●Put lavender drops on your pillow.

●Wear ear plugs if you’re a light sleeper.

●Take a relaxing bath in the evenings. The Lifestyle Blogger UK

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NEW Horoscope Report - Your Life Planner We have updated our Personal Horoscope reports and you can now get your “Life Planner” with our special Career Potential Package. Each report is calculated using your specific time, date and place of birth so no two reports are the same. The reports as individual as you are..

Career Analysis - Defines your goals and objectives. It helps you find a rewarding career that leads to happiness. Personal Outlook - This guide to inspirational living helps you relate to the people around you. It provides a deeper understanding of your motivation. Personal Outlook includes the challenges you face and the strengths you have. You can either take the easy path or find something of value to contribute.


Life Stages – Your future potential is in your report, a forecast for the next 12 months. It lets you know when to take advantage of meaningful events and encounters. Know when to wait and when to act during the year ahead. Otherwise, where to be cautious, when it is down to you, or someone else.


Life Planner – Life Planner provides valuable guidance about your relationships, money, and work. Most importantly, when you experience life-changing circumstances and how you benefit from these when they occur in the year ahead.

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Advent Calendars

This 25-day beast of an advent calendar, includes booze (gin, rum, vodka and champagne), sweet treats, such as earl grey biscuits and lemon curd, as well as the most delightful savoury bites (including the signature Piccadilly piccalilli) – the foodie in your life will be delighted. When only the finest in life will do, this is the crème de la crème of advent calendars. £200, Fortnum & Mason Forget everything you thought you knew about marshmallows. Handcrafted in small batches, Belinda (who also happens to produce for Fortnum & Mason) makes her grown-up mallows with natural ingredients, coming up with divine flavours such as elderflower, passionfruit and coconut. It really is a beautiful calendar, complete with magnetic closure and 24 mini present boxes which we’ll keep and refill next year. £35, Belinda Clark

Put the kettle on but make it fashion because this is tea for the ‘gram. Housed in a gorgeous, bold pop art inspired pink calendar, we love the 24 big chunky windows within. There are 12 flavours inside, all encased in no faff pyramid bags. Wake up to a powerful ginger and orange black tea, get through the afternoon slump with a fruity infusion and doze off with chamomile and peach. £19.99, Holland & Barrett

While we did put other cheese advent calendars to the test, we found that the original is still by far the most convenient for storing in the fridge (it fits in the door!). Packed with 24 individually wrapped cheeses, with five brand new flavours to 2020’s line-up to keep things interesting. Tuck into vintage PDO cheddar, enjoy the nutty notes in the aged red Leicester and try one of Britain’s oldest cheeses, the derby with sage. £8, Ocado

The perfect way to say Joyeux Noel to loved ones with this year's Advent Calendar invites you into the colourful home of Bonne Maman. Concealed behind each door are 23 adorable glass mini jars of jam or marmalade. Each day reveals a different exclusive fruit variety or unique flavour combination not usually available in the UK.

Time to get into your cosiest PJs because this stunning art deco inspired box contains 12 decadent hot chocolates. It’s such great quality, it would be a shame to throw away once empty. Each of the 24 beautifully printed drawers contains two servings of flavoured hot chocolate so choose who you’ll share this one with carefully.

£23.99, Bonne Maman

£60, Whittard

How often do you berate yourself, feel that you've fallen short, not achieved what you set out to do or done as much as others in your orbit? A 2020 survey of 2000 adults by a weight loss company has found that we criticise ourselves six times a week; personally I think that number is on the low side! How many of us talk to ourselves more harshly that we ever would to anyone else, calling ourselves stupid, bad, thick over even the slightest mistake or transgression? The reality is, we may have done something stupid, but it doesn't make us so. And later, when we reflect on what happened, it may have been that we were stressed, distracted, preoccupied or any number of other things. The same survey shows that 80% of us worry about past mistakes, struggle to put the past behind us and often compare ourselves unfavourably with others. It sounds like a very stressful way to live.

Let's consider ways we can improve our perspective and start to feel that we are good enough. Appreciate that others are often wearing their public face as soon as they leave the house. You know yourself that even if you're only going to the shops, chances are you'll change out of your scruffs, apply a little aftershave or lipstick. As do others. They display what they want to be on show.

If you're not achieving what you've set out to do ask yourself why that is. Is it your goal; do you want it enough or are you doing it simply to please others? Could it be that your underlying aim is to make long departed parents or grandparents proud, but it doesn't really inspire you sufficiently or is outside your capabilities. Once you stop to reflect you realise that those relatives would much prefer you to do something that makes you happy. Being your own worst critic could well arise due to living a friend or family member's dream. They may be living vicariously through you and are highly invested in each stage of your progress, feeling free to advise, coach and criticise. They may feel they're being helpful, are offering encouragement, but in reality are pushing you towards the success they've missed out on whilst taking none of the risks or investing in the work.

When we doubt our abilities, feel we're not good enough it impacts on everything we do. Our outlook, perspective, self-belief, enthusiasm levels and decision-making may all be tempered by uncertainty and even fear. This can cause hesitancy and result in us second-guessing every Remember that when we compare decision we need to take. Things that ourselves to others we're not measuring we wouldn't even query when we're in like for like. Each person has their own a more positive frame of mind may well situation, their own story, priorities, become major areas of doubt, ‘should motivations and circumstances that are I/shouldn't I’ dilemmas. Stressful, hidden behind the public persona, energy-sapping and diminishing your most of which we're unlikely to have single-minded focus towards your goals. even the slightest hint of.

Accept that failure and setbacks bring their own lessons and rewards. Any new venture should test and challenge you; that's part of the experience, fun and ultimate satisfaction. Rather than doubt yourself start to value the tough times that push you on your journey as part of an opportunity to learn new skills and make new connections. Allow others onto your 'team'. It doesn't mean that you're not good enough if you have gaps in your knowledge. Knowing where to go to remedy problems and shortfalls is a skill in itself. No one can be an expert in everything, so allow others to contribute their ideas, talents and input and maybe even discover better ways of doing things. Be kind to yourself. Breaks, fun and time off are a great way to recharge your batteries and you may find that you return with new ideas, inspiration and solutions to things that had previously been troubling you. But equally don't allow yourself to languish too long in your comfort zone. If you've been going through a tough time, have a lot going on, then adopting a steady pace might be fine, but staying too long in cruise-control does you no favours. It's good to move away from comfortable sometimes. If you're aiming for a big goal it can be disheartening if things don't come together as you'd hoped. Rather than beating yourself up and telling yourself that you're not good enough why not instead break it down into bite-sized chunks that are more manageable, achievable and set you on the right track? Remember to praise yourself with each stage that you accomplish.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody..�

TV News

Michael Sheen and David Tennant return with more Staged for BBC One The new series sees the pair attempt to navigate their ‘new normal’ at home with their increasingly exasperated families whilst simultaneously trying to tackle the world of ‘virtual Hollywood’ and their ever more fragile egos. Following on from the surprise appearances in series one of Judi Dench and Samuel L Jackson this series sees the regulars joined in their virtual hell by a whole host of unexpected guests. The Real Full Monty on Ice It’s back! The shows with the most front on British television are returning this festive season and promise to be bolder and ballsier than ever before. For the very first time, the new line-up of brave celebrities will perform their routines by doing the full monty on ICE, in a winter wonderland spectacular without a thermal in sight. The petrified class of 2020 will be led by Ashley Banjo and Coleen Nolan. Stepping up to reveal all on ice this year are Woman’s Hour legend Dame Jenni Murray, actress Linda Lusardi, Love Island’s Shaunghna Phillips, actress Hayley Tamaddon and This Morning’s Dr Zoe. While baring all for the boys will be rugby star Gareth Thomas, actor Jamie Lomas, singer Jake Quickenden, jockey Bob Champion, Diversity’s Perri Kiehly & Love Island’s Chris Hughes. All have stories to tell about how cancer has touched the lives of themselves or those closest to them.

BBC and ITV battle it out for charity in University Challenge For one night only, the worlds of TV collide as stars from the BBC and ITV go head to head in this very special episode of University Challenge for BBC Children in Need. Journalist and broadcaster, Kirsty Wark takes on the night’s hosting duties and is joined by a host of famous faces from the BBC and ITV, who will compete against each other in separate teams. Comedian Dara Ó Briain heads Team BBC and is joined by celebrity guests Anita Rani, Dane Baptiste and Steve Pemberton and the opposing Team ITV is led by actress Fay Ripley and consists of celebrity guests Charlene White, Iain Stirling and Joel Dommett. Both are ready to give it their all for BBC Children in Need, but which celebrity team will have the knowledge to finish top of the class?

Yorkshire firefighters heat up for a new documentary series A new BBC documentary series featuring Yorkshire firefighters will use the latest technology to bring viewers closer than ever to real emergencies and the men and women dealing with them. The four-part documentary series follows the work of the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. With access to firefighters working at emergencies, the series will take viewers from the control room to the front line. Firefighters will wear the latest helmetmounted heat resistant cameras, transporting viewers into the heart of the action. The West Yorkshire Fire And Rescue Service has over 900 firefighters and is a closeknit community with a diverse range of personnel dedicated to serving the public - often in highly dangerous and life-threatening situations. A specialist Urban Search And Rescue Dog called Jessie and water rescue unit are part of a team responding to an increasingly wide range of incidents. Expect drama and jeopardy - but also plenty of Yorkshire warmth and humour too.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: BBC, Soul

& Spirit Magazine, Instagram, NHS, Mind Body Spirit, Dowdow, Nandos, Vegan Food and Living, Asda, McDonalds, Amazon, Next, Mango, Urban Outfitters, Fortnum & Mason, Belinda Clark, Holland & Barrett, Ocado, Bonne Maman, Whittard and ITV Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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