Russell Grant Magazine - April 2019 (East 425)

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Russell Grant

April 2019






CONTENTS APR 19 4 Richard Madden

22 Easter Eggs

8 Loneliness as a new Mum

24 De-clutter

11 FREE Natal Birth Chart

31 Fruit & Veg for ÂŁ1.50

12 Fern Britton talks Grief

32 Cash for your Parking Space

13 Your April Horoscopes

50 Pose

21 David Attenborough

56 Happy Teeth

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Front Cover Credit: BBC/FX

April Psychic Offer

Save £25 Call our Booking Line 0207 111 6162 1800 939 150 1855 330 4220 1800 687 307 1855 480 8602 Quote “EAST425” every time you book 30 minutes and get 10 FREE MINUTES! Can be used every time you book 30mins. Expires at midnight on the 30th April 2019


GREEN, BLUE AND BROWN It would not matter if Richard Madden had blue, green or brown eyes. No matter your preference, he is “one of the hottest young acting talents in the business!” and that is that. However, with his Sun in Gemini and moon in Scorpio, few of his ardent fans realise Richard lives “out of the Matrix” in some multi dimension only he understands. He is “mental”, his exaggerated musings are about avoiding stupid people. He does not dig folks who stare at his “hotness” especially when he walks into restaurants. He cannot stand those who sing either, including himself. Since he is about to star in the Elton John Musical “Rocketman” it makes that particular perception a bit inconvenient. AN ONGOING AUTO TUNE Dare we say it with his Sun in Gemini and moon in Scorpio he will probably be more than adept at “autotuning” earthy passions with the more sensitive aspects of his artistic nature. He insists “he is just an upstart trying to get better at what he does” we know he is far Credit: TWITTER @_richardmadden

more than that. It takes Moon in Scorpio intensity to work at high voltage twenty four hours a day!

He told GQ , “Thank the f**k for autotune!” Richard told GQ “I finished Bodyguard and didn’t want to act again. Really. It had taken so much out of me physically, mentally and personally. I didn’t see any of my friends for months, unless they came to the set. It was just relentless. You didn’t get a day off. My character doesn’t get a second off. It took more out of me that anything else I’ve done.” SHY AND OVERWEIGHT But then Richard need not worry about getting pushed to the max, not really. Not with that Leo ascendant on his side, an astro combo that always shows up trumps, guaranteeing he looks like a Prince in the most difficult situations. Kismet has it in for him too. Good things sort of “happen” to him with a lucky Sun placement on his side. One would not expect anything less from a Mr Vitality oozing charisma and sex appeal anyway.

Credit: BBC

But it was not always that easy. As a kid growing up in Glasgow, he was shy, overweight, and bullies had it in for him. He told GQ, “ it was just constant humiliation really”. Blame his shame on the Sun in his twelfth house. It ensured limitations peppered his path as a kid. The challenges taught him determination, his trials morphed into a purification process that saw him stepping beyond his own limits. He told GQ, that he ended up “fleeing to the woods”, where he hid away from the bullies. “I’d spend a lot of time in the forest.” COMING “OUT OF THE FOREST!” He sure “came out of the forest” as he stood on a Hollywood stage, with a prestigious Golden Globe in his hand for “Bodyguard!” But that was only to be expected- After-all he had long morphed from ugly duckling to swan. Growing up in a warm and supportive home environment allowed him to express his penchant for music, art and drama. He went on to excel as a child actor learning his craft at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, and touring with Shakespeare's Globe Company as a “the Teen Romeo!” He went blazing onwards and upwards, winning a “Screen International Award for Star of Tomorrow” as Robb Stark in “Game of Thrones!”

Credit: TWITTER @_richardmadden

SKELETONS! So what is Richard Madden hiding from us all then? He must have some secrets. Surprise, surprise Jupiter in Pisces is his skeleton in the closet. In other words, he looks like a hottie actor to sigh over, even a potential James Bond! But guess what? He feels the world's pain. He goes “beyond that Matrix”, and expresses humanity's deepest agonies on the silver screen. People feel for and with him, he connects to our collective unconscious with his water sign penchant for "depth!". His Saturn in Sagittarius closes the deal, in other words he will not take himself too seriously even when he pretends to. Beneath that super hot exterior a lad from Glasgow who made good, still can't believe his luck. Jupiter in Saggy teaches him how to grasp success “tongue in cheek!” though; when things get too hot to handle, he climbs some hills, where no one is f**king with me!” He once said "You act at being a man, and before you know it, you are one" and Mr Madden sure knows how to act" Credit: BBC

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

Loneliness and the New Mother

Are you surprised to hear how many new mothers experience crippling loneliness? In fact recent figures (released by Mumsnet and show that more than 90% of mums admit to feeling lonelier after the birth of their children. You could be forgiven for thinking that with so many of us choosing to have children later in life that it would be a time of satisfaction, completion, joy and gratitude. We've planned our lives, our careers our homes and chosen the optimal time for our family's growth. Certainly, we're bombarded with enough images of perfect happy families on social media, in magazines and on TV. The reality though is often very different and rarely references the extent of loneliness and the new mother. In fact 60% of women try to hide their low mood and feelings of loneliness. Feeling down, lonely or vulnerable can make us feel conflicted and determined not to disclose how bad we're feeling, especially if everyone we know appears to be living the dream. In addition, a quarter of families with young children, approximately 2 million, are being raised by only one parent, usually the mother. Being alone, perhaps away from family, with no partner for support, can further exacerbate the sense of isolation. Or having relocated away from home can result in loneliness after childbirth. 35% feel the loss of close relationships and immediate social network, often not knowing their new neighbours.

Of course, there are many additional factors to consider too. The effect of hormones is often forgotten, but pregnancy plays havoc with a woman's hormonal balance, sometimes long after the baby's been born. Plus a newborn child brings much additional responsibility, often compounded once the first few weeks of support have dwindled away. When one's been a professional, in control businesswoman it's disconcerting to find oneself becoming overwhelmed and despairing, lost and unable to cope, helplessly feeling 'I can't do this'. Remember that even if it feels like it, you're not alone in experiencing these emotions. Be gentle with yourself, allow others to help, take professional support and give yourself time to heal. It can be tough coming to terms with how much your life has completely changed. Yes, you may have really wanted a child, thought through the implications and impact a child would have on your life, but the reality is, living it 24/7, every day of the week, it's often very different. Regularly getting up in the middle of the night because your baby is crying or needs feeding may be assumed as your responsibility. There can be guilt or a feeling of obligation to do everything and do it well because you're now not shouldering the main financial burden and going out to work each day. Motherhood is your role now.

Appreciate that the baby has brought a sudden and massive change to your identity and role in life. Instead of following your career, making decisions, solving challenges and enjoying stimulating conversations your life is now more ambiguous, dictated largely by a tiny, demanding human. Allow yourself to grieve a little for your previous life. This total transformation may have been an unanticipated revelation, leaving you in limbo, drifting with no advance warning of what was truly involved. Once the relentless tiredness, lack of stimulus and frequency of being on your own has set in you may face a stark, lonely reality. 26% of young mums report leaving the house once a week or less, with some leaving just once a month (Young Women's Trust). This can impact hugely on your confidence and self-esteem. Concern at knowing how to be a good parent, as well as coping with the noticeable changes to your body, your looks, the effect on your financial freedom, the very different conversations you now have with your partner, all can be much to reconcile to post-baby. The thought of leaving the house makes many new mothers apprehensive. The logistics alone can be daunting. Transporting a baby requires a lot of stuff. Loading and unloading a car or using public transport can be a slow process and if the baby becomes fractious it's even worse, becoming upsetting and embarrassing. 73% of mothers report experiencing rude or unpleasant

behaviour and changing facilities in public rest rooms or feeding their child can be fraught with difficulty. Financial concerns are a major factor in a new mother's world. Even when money has been discussed and budgets agreed many new mothers are loathe to spend money on non-essential things, like coffees, lunches or personal items like a new lipstick. A lack of cash is a factor in 40% of mothers feeling lonely. Babies are not cheap and concern that three people may now be living on one salary, albeit temporarily, can further reinforce a new mother's decision not to socialise when it entails spending money, pushing her into further isolation. Inviting other mums round simply for coffee, may not feel comfortable as home is unlikely to be as tidy as it was pre-baby. Wanting to be a good hostess, whilst maintaining quality standards can deter from issuing invitations. Being overtired, feeling it's too much effort and having little interesting conversation to offer can discourage feeling sociable, so resulting in further isolation and loneliness.

Softly, softly can be the way to move into your new role. Frequent places where other new mums go; the park, soft play areas, leisure centres and gradually befriend those who are on their own. Smile and find some initial common ground. Exchange phone numbers so you can keep in touch, chat and maybe meet for coffee. Source a local 'open house' baby or child group. Negotiate some time each week to spend with people of your own age; it might be a wrench at first to leave your baby, but it's important to retain some of your own identity. Find ways to reduce your loneliness.

Susan Leigh - A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.


Discover the Inner You! Your True Self and Your Deepest Emotions. Calculating all the planetary positions when you were born - this report is a very comprehensive analysis of what makes you what you are, how other people see you and leads you on a voyage of discovering more about yourself.

Fern Britton talks about Grief

Former This Morning host Fern Britton returned to the sofa recently but was overcome with emotion as she talked about the loss of her mother and how her death in April last year had impacted her life. She admitted that she still finds it hard to cope with the loss of her mother Ruth one year on, often crying and unable to know "when the grief will come". Fern described losing her mother, aged 94, as hugely painful. Fern said: "I find it very difficult to accept that my mum is no longer here. "I still can't quite believe it because she's so very present in my mind. I can still hear her in my head. I dream about her and the dreams are so vivid. "She's always telling me off about something. The grief hit me the day her ashes were scattered”. As soon as it was over, I thought, 'I just want to sit and drink gin and go to bed' - and that's what I did”. "I did some bonkers things in the aftermath - you do when you're in shock. I booked a cruise on the Queen Mary 2 on my own”. "I cried a lot in those two weeks, but I also wrote a lot and I found that very soothing”. "I never know when the grief will come now but I feel in a much better place”. The death of someone you care about can be very difficult to cope with. It’s natural to have strong feelings when someone you love or are close to dies. You might feel like you can’t handle things, confused or feel scared or numb. There is no right or wrong way to feel when you lose someone and try not to put yourself under pressure to feel better straight away. Everyone’s grief is unique and there are no set rules when you should feel better as your feelings will change over time. Additional support and help is available from the Samaritans if you would like to talk about your feelings and remember to look after yourself… Credit: ITV THIS MORNING

April Horoscopes from Russell Grant

What drama will the New Moon bring on the 5th for you ..? th

ARIES You want to take on a different role at the beginning of April, but there are people around you hoping to block your path. The New Moon on the 5th makes you fully aware of the conservative attitudes and stuffy restraints that are holding you captive. If you are going to strike in another direction, there will be consequences. You may be at the point that you do not care. If that's the case, get ready for some fireworks. There are people around you who will try making life very difficult for you. You have friends in high places. On the 19th, someone close to you and trusted will come to your rescue. Accept their offer to expand your horizons. Let your friend set you up in a training course. Getting a license or certificate in a growing field will allow you to live anywhere in the world. This is exactly the kind of change you want.

TAURUS Working behind the scenes will be stressful at the beginning of April. The New Moon on the 5th finds you butting heads with an expert who wants to take all the credit for your hard work. Staying in this situation will make it impossible to advance. It's time to start looking for a better situation. Stop telling yourself this is your only option. It may be necessary to upgrade your skills or transition into a different industry, but this will be much better than staying in a toxic environment. On the 19th, the Full Moon will help you wrap up a work project that attracts lots of favourable publicity. Use this achievement to move into a better job. Working for a commission will be better than taking a flat salary. It's time you were paid for your superior performance. Don't be afraid of meeting April's challenges. They have been sent to move you into a better position.

GEMINI Cracks are beginning to appear in your social circle. A stressful New Moon on the 5th warns against lending or borrowing money. Coming to a troubled person's rescue won't resolve their problems. This troubled person has to answer for their behaviour. Don't feel pressured to pay a fine or cover a bill. You have better things to do with your hard-earned money. If you're drowning in debt, talk to a debt management agency. There are many groups and organisations dedicated to helping people in your situation. If you play your cards right, you can consolidate your bills into one monthly payment and possibly eliminate the interest rate. On the 19th, the Full Moon will showcase your creative talent. You'll have a chance to sell your handiwork for a handsome profit. While this may not be a stable source of income, it will bring in some much-needed extra cash at the end of April.

CANCER On the 5th, the New Moon will attract a problematic career opportunity. Although you're eager to advance, you don't want to work with a famously toxic executive. Instead of subjecting yourself to their abuse, hold out for a better offer. You have tremendous leadership ability. It may be better to open your own business than work for someone else. Your path will become clearer after the 19th, when the Full Moon will help you sew up a real estate matter. Buying or selling a piece of property will cultivate stability. You may decide to launch a business from your home. Working for yourself will solve so many problems. You'll be able to choose your work associates. It will be possible to spend more quality time with your family. There's the added bonus of creating an office environment that lifts your spirits and lets your creative juices flow freely. April is your chance to strike out on your own.

LEO Legal problems could block your path at the beginning of the month. The New Moon on the 5th warns against breaking the rules. You'll fare much better colouring inside the lines than defying authority. The last thing you want is to lose your job because you didn't want to follow procedure. If you are hit with a lawsuit, think about settling out of court. This will be far preferable than going through the time, frustration and expense of a trial. On the 19th, the Full Moon will prompt you to put some newly acquired skills to use. Your knowledge will attract a creative opportunity. If you're offered a teaching job, take it. You'll enjoy working with students who are eager to learn from you. Don't worry if you have to take a pay cut. Your earnings will improve as you gain more and more teaching experience. Having a job you enjoy is more precious than gold.

VIRGO It will be difficult to get your fair share from a joint financial account. On the 5th, the New Moon will put strain on relationships bound by money. If you're embroiled in a custody battle, you'll have to fight to get funds for a child's wellbeing. To protect your interests, it may be best to get a job that can sustain you through this difficult period. Getting training in a cutting-edge field will help you find a lucrative position that allows you to work independently. It will also help you hold out for resources that are rightfully yours. It's easy to bargain when you're not backed into a corner. The Full Moon on the 19th will improve your economic situation. Buying or selling a piece of property will put you in a much stronger position. If you don't have money for a down payment, a generous relative will come to your rescue.

LIBRA The New Moon on the 5th creates tension in your personal life. If you're in a relationship, your other half will embarrass you with their wild and rebellious ways. You resent having to apologise for their boorish behaviour. Ultimately, you have very different needs. Unless you can find a way to live together in harmony, it may be better to part ways. Are you single? Instead of looking for a partner who will impress your family, seek someone who will make you happy. Trying to satisfy other people's expectations will only lead to unhappiness. The Full Moon on the 19th further emphasises the importance of satisfying your own needs. Use this opportunity to take a college course for pleasure, go on a short trip or finish an important project. Satisfying your intellectual curiosity will strengthen your self-esteem. The second half of April invites you to stop expecting others to satisfy your needs. Seek to please yourself instead.

SCORPIO A work assignment you receive in early April will be difficult to complete. That's because you'll be getting conflicting signals from your colleagues. Things will be especially tense near the 5th, when a stressful New Moon causes a clash of egos. Some people will ask you to do perform tasks a certain way and others will denigrate your methods. You have no intention of getting drawn into a power struggle. To gain some clarity, talk to your employer. Don't do any work until you receive a clear set of instructions. Are you in charge? It's time to put an end to all the in-fighting and back stabbing. On the 19th, the Full Moon urges you to take a break. Sneaking off to a private hideaway will allow you to reflect on where your direction. Finding a more rewarding line of work will relieve stress. Opportunities involving education, travel and publishing are especially worthwhile.

SAGITTARIUS On the 5th, the New Moon creates drama in your love life. Financial difficulties could be taking a toll on your union. Instead of sniping at each other about money matters, go to a counsellor. It will be easier to work out these problems with an objective third party. If you're single, it may be because you worry that a relationship will cramp your style. You'd rather live a ragtag existence than feel responsible for a romantic partner. Think carefully how this attitude is undermining your happiness. The Full Moon on the 19th is ideal for attending a party, There's a good chance you'll meet someone who finds you utterly charming. By joining forces, you could start a business, share your creative work or assume an exciting new role. Instead of resigning yourself to being a loner at the end of the month, reach out to those who can help realise your dreams.

CAPRICORN The New Moon on the 5th creates tension on the home front. Everyone is resisting your authority. You won't be able to rein in someone who is intent on going their own way. Instead of trying to shield this relative from trouble, let them go. Resist the temptation to come to their rescue. The only way your loved one will reform is if they are forced to accept the consequences of their actions. Are you dealing with someone who has a substance abuse problem? It's time to issue an ultimatum. You can no longer maintain this relationship if they're going to keep using. On the 19th, the Full Moon marks an important career milestone. You could be given a rise, promotion or both. Have you been unemployed? You might be offered a new role that offers a greater measure of independence. You'll enjoy calling the shots for a change.

AQUARIUS On the 5th, the New Moon will create some tension in your personal life. Angry words will be exchanged on social media, making you defensive and angry. Someone who has been posing as your friend could be exposed as your enemy. It will be tempting to get revenge. Don't let feelings of bitterness and betrayal consume you. It's much wiser to pour your energy into people and relationships that support and sustain you. The Full Moon on the 19th might find you returning from a trip, collecting a diploma or publishing some written work. Don't be surprised when your popularity soars as a result. Use your connections to realise a lifelong dream. You're tired of letting negative people drag you down. Shake off the setbacks, set a lofty goal and do everything in your power to reach it. The final days of April will help you conquer some stubborn demons.

PISCES A moneymaking opportunity on the 5th has strings attached, due to the challenged New Moon. You might have to prove yourself to an unfriendly group that doesn't want you to succeed. Instead of trying to live up to their expectations, it may be better to look for another job. You're a highly creative person who can't thrive in a forbidding atmosphere. Money from an investment, insurance refund or legal settlement will arrive on or around the 19th. That's when the Full Moon strengthens your financial situation. Use this windfall to advance your career. Starting your own business is a distinct possibility. Alternatively, you may decide to work as a free agent. Being able to pick and choose your clients will be a much better arrangement than remaining tied to a single employer. The second half of April could bring the professional freedom you crave. Conventional arrangements don't work for you; venture off the beaten path.

"Russell Grant is a solid team member of Soul & Spirit magazine and his horoscopes fascinate us and our readers every month. Why not subscribe for us EXCLUSIVE HOROSCOPE content dropped onto your doormat every month? Click our latest cover here to see more!" Rosalind Moody, editor

Climate Change The Facts for BBC One

Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists. After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere.

“I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.” The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent further warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels. Credit: BBC

Easter Eggs

Hotel Chocolat - £27 Extra-Thick Milk Chocolate Easter Egg Just Milk is an egg of two generously proportioned halves: creamy 40% milk chocolate and deeper 50% milk chocolate. We’ve wrapped it in gold foil for a glint of anticipation when you untie the ribbon and lift the lid, then filled it with mellow truffle & praline tiddly eggs.

Montezuma’s - £9.99 Organic Milk Alternative Chocolate Button Egg NEW Like No Udder is our wonderful creation of a chocolate that is as close to milk chocolate as possible without ever going near a cow! It is as smooth and creamy and as high in cocoa as our regular milk chocolate but without the dairy. The result is an organic bar with a milk chocolate taste, ideal for vegans.

Morrisons - £10 Baileys Salted Caramel Egg With Chocolates Milk Chocolate and Salted Caramel Egg with Baileys® The Original Irish Cream Liqueur Truffles with a hint of crème caramel.

Tesco - ÂŁ15 Lindt Gold Bunny Hazelnut Milk Chocolate Egg Milk chocolate with hazelnut slivers, Milk chocolate egg Milk chocolate with hazelnuts pieces and a smooth melting filling

Tesco - ÂŁ5 Tesco Finest Free From Salted Caramel Egg Caramel flavour milk free egg made with cocoa, rice syrup and rice flour with sea salt and crisp rice pieces, accompanied by raspberry flavour fondant filled milk free white chocolate flavour truffles and caramel flavour fondant filled milk free chocolate flavour truffles. A beautifully crafted caramel flavoured egg enhanced with pure, hand harvested Anglesey sea salt and a scattering of crispies, with five hand decorated fondant truffles in two flavours

Thorntons - ÂŁ12 Dark Chocolate and Orange Premium Easter Egg Hollow orange flavoured dark chocolate egg with orange pieces and 4 orange Ganache chocolates

Spring Clean & De-Clutter

Some people are ruthless at clearing out their clutter. I have a friend who is so strict with herself that on occasion she has had to return to the charity shop to buy back items she has given to them. Too late she realises that she still needs something she has discarded. Many of us are not so rigorous with our possessions. But it's important at times to take stock, de-clutter and consequently spring clean your life. Clutter can block your energy flow and make progress difficult. Just think about someone who has a messy desk or an overflowing in tray. Often they haven't a clue as to what to tackle first. They pick up one thing, then another but feel overwhelmed as to where to start making inroads into their tasks. Introducing order can help with prioritising and feeling more in control. De-cluttering helps to ensure clearer thought processes. Hording clothing can be tempting. Few people wear their clothes, shoes, accessories to destruction. Many people wear clothes to be fashionable. They want to look the part and may well replenish their wardrobe regularly. Having 'nothing to wear' is a familiar cry but often, by sorting out our wardrobe and spring cleaning out items that are dated, the wrong size or have not been worn for a year or so we can start to see more clearly what we actually own. It can be tempting to think that items will come back into fashion, we'll lose weight or up-cycle them, but it rarely ever happens. Why not be firm and pass items on to a second-hand/pre-loved/antique/charity shop, thereby earning money for yourself or your favourite charity. Some charities take smart clothes to pass on to people needing something suitable for a job interview. And clearing your drawers and cupboards provides space for your newer clothing to be more accessible and likely to be worn.

Possessions often have special memories attached to them. People with children in their lives often prize the pottery dishes and bric-abrac that were made and given with such pride over the years. But gradually your home can become swamped with clutter and in need of some fairly ruthless spring cleaning. Keep the really special pieces and maybe photograph the others. Then you can still enjoy the memories whilst clearing your surfaces. People with cluttered bedrooms often notice how their quality of sleep improves after a serious spring clean. Your bedroom will feel much more like an oasis of rest and calm when it's spacious and airy. Many people also use their bedroom as an office, with a workstation, computer and paperwork. Screen the area off once you've finished working each day. Have you a room which has gradually become full of clutter? Out of sight, out of mind! It may be a spare bedroom or even the garage. Often the piles of 'stuff' get added to without ever being revisited. I knew someone who couldn't bear to throw anything away. Things had become so bad that he couldn't pass a rubbish skip or junk shop without stopping. He couldn't bear the thought of missing something that would be 'really useful in the future'. But he had so much stuff that he could never locate an item when it was needed. He had to constantly go out and buy new. During therapy we negotiated and he became comfortable about giving away items that he felt sure were going to a good home. We're unlikely to be that 'bad' but you get the picture! You too could determine to start one area at a time, either by sorting out the things that could go to a good home, be passed to a charity shop or which are clearly unusable and need to be thrown into a rubbish skip or recycled. Food can be an interesting area of clutter. Do you shop on auto-pilot, only to find that you've got several of those items already in stock? Or do you forget to rotate your cupboards and in your hurry to unpack regularly put all the new items at the front? Become more disciplined about using lists and ask other household members to get into the habit of adding to the list whenever something needs replenishing. Great ways to avoid clutter and wasting money on unnecessary items.

De-cluttering on your own can take a long time as it can be tempting to become nostalgic and consider things one at a time. It can be all too easy to become absorbed in the memories that each item evokes. Perhaps start small, take your time and tackle each drawer in turn so that you don't become overwhelmed and lose heart. It might be useful to enlist the help of a dispassionate friend, someone who's prepared to be ruthlessly unsentimental. Or hire the professional services of a de-clutterer, who will come in and help you blitz in stages. Another option; a friend of mine hires a skip twice a year and that helps her regularly spring clean and stay on top of her clutter.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg


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Boots beauty experience

Boots is reinventing its beauty experience. From this month, customers will experience a new and inspirational beauty hall, be able to get fabulous advice from brand new Beauty Specialists, and shop more of the industry's most innovative brands and products for the first time. Boots UK has been helping customers to look good, stay well and feel better for 170 years. We are well aware that heritage is not enough for today's customer and Boots is reinventing itself, its beauty offering and its in-store experience. During April, Boots will refit 25 of its biggest beauty halls, becoming the first premium high street retailer to remove traditional beauty counters and replace them with trending zones, discovery areas, and live demonstration areas. Customers will be able to browse all the latest products (and cult classics).

Seb James, Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Boots, said: “Beauty continues to be one of the most dynamic, inspiring and exciting parts of our business, and we are very excited to be completely overhauling our beauty experience. With 800 million people walking through our doors every year, it is no surprise that we are already the market leader in beauty, but we want customers to never have any reason to go anywhere else. Adding a little glamour, some great new service and lots of new brands to our beauty offer represents the first few steps of that journey.� Credit: Boots

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Fruit & Veg for £1.50p

Cut price supermarket Lidl plans to trial its own 'veg box' initiative that will sell five kilos of fresh produce for £1.50. Following in the footsteps of rivals Morrisons and Asda, the grocer will launch its own five-a-day bundles, at a fraction of the price. Unlike competitors, which specialise in 'wonky' items, Lidl's box will contain products that are approaching - or past - their best before date. They'll also factor in fruit and vegetables that are slightly misshapen or discoloured. These items, according to The Food Standards Agency are "safe to eat" but perhaps aren't at their best. It follows NHS figures that claim Britain throws out 7.2 million tonnes of food and drink a year - most of which is perfectly edible. Lidl's Too Good to Waste boxes will be on sale first thing in the morning and be available for the first two hours of trading, at which point any unsold items will be donated to local causes via the supermarket’s ‘Feed it Back’ food redistribution programme. The supermarket will trial different packaging solutions throughout its stores, testing branded boxes against recycled boxes from its fruit & vegetable aisles. Each box will be packed in store by its Freshness Specialists every morning. It'll include approximately 5kg of mixed fruit and vegetables - and hopes to encourage customers to purchase produce that they might have previously left on the shelf, whilst providing households with a best value option to purchase fruit and vegetables. The pilot project will see the boxes launched in 122 of Lidl's 710 UK stores. The first 78 branches have been announced with the remaining stores set to introduce them later in the year.

Earn Cash from your Parking Space If you have an unused parking space at home you could be missing out on earning some extra cash every month with “Your Parking Space”. If you have a parking space that is available during the daytime, evenings or weekends you could join over 50,000 people in the UK who are making money from their unused parking spaces. You can list your parking space for FREE, set you pricing, preferences and when your space will be available. Drivers looking to park will search and book for a specific date and time period. This can vary from a few hours to a regular monthly booking. At the end of each month, Your Parking Space will deposit your earnings directly into your bank account. Drivers book their parking based on 3 key factors; location, price and user reviews. Utilise the recommended pricing tool to ensure your listing will be competitive for the location and your fantastic user reviews will follow! Here are some example listings on Your Parking Space so you can see the earning potential for you:

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Jesy Nelson: My Story

Jesy Nelson, a member of the world’s biggest girl band Little Mix, will explore body image and mental health in a brand new documentary for the BBC. “Jesy Nelson: My Story” will explore how social media trolling and body shaming comments she received online took an emotional and psychological toll on the the 27-year-old musician. The documentary will also feature Jesy in conversation with other young people who have been affected by mental health issues. Speaking about the programme, Jesy says: ““This is a project really close to my heart and I’m delighted to be working with the BBC on a documentary that will both challenge me personally and also highlight a hugely important issue affecting young people today.” Fiona Campbell, controller of BBC Three, explains that Nelson was an apt choice to front a documentary on mental health issues given her prominent profile in the media and the public eye.

“It promises to be an eye-opening watch, full of universal themes which will no doubt resonate with our audience.” In October, Nelson went on ITV’s Lorraine and recalled receiving comments like “oh she’s so ugly” and “she’s fat” in the early days of her career. While it’s not yet been announced exactly what mental health issues Nelson will explore in the documentary, she has spoken out about the kind of abuse she’s suffered online in the past, most of which has focused on her appearance. The documentary will premiere exclusively on BBC Three before it airs on BBC One. Credit: BBC

James from Cornwall asks “I'm a Sagittarius, and my new partner is a Virgo. Will we stay together forever..?” As a Sagittarius, James needs a degree of freedom in his relationships and he prefers to go with the mood of the moment rather than settle into any kind of strict routine. Virgo likes an orderly lifestyle and this might make it sound as if there will be some problems ahead but these can be resolved. For, after all, relationships are all about give and take. James’ new partner will be very different in personality compared with his late wife and it is possible he will actually find Virgo’s companionship makes him feel relaxed, at ease and secure. With Mercury in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio, he will respect her loyal, trustworthy and steady personality and if both desire it, this could be a forever partnership.

Helen from Stevenage asks “My husband is a Taurus and I am a Scorpio. What's in our future..?” Scorpio and Taurus are opposite signs of the zodiac and they’re both tenacious, steadfast and loyal. Neither go into commitments with the thought of failure. They will give everything they have got to make their relationship work and although they may encounter tough times, their determination will help them get through these together. This couple understands that challenges are opportunities for growth and learning and this includes relationship challenges. Currently Helen may be feeling confused and uncertain about relationships in her life in general but Saturn will help her accept the strengths and weaknesses within her marriage. What is critical to her happiness now is that she just be herself in order to build authentic relationships.

BBC2 : Pose

As the Golden Globe winning drama “Pose” finally comes to the BBC, Ryan Murphy’s ballroom drama is a strut in the right direction, with the largest cast of transgender actors in Television history! Pose is set in New York city during the late 80’s and takes us on a whirlwind tour of the New York Ball scene which was an underground subculture in which LGBT+ people, mainly of colour, competed as part of “houses” in dance, drag and dance off competitions. It shows how an alternative community was created known as “houses” which were safe spaces for those rejected by straight society, run by “mothers”. It’s a look back at the dark days of HIV, discrimination and how being different meant you couldn’t live a normal life, find a job or get adequate health cover. Pose has reached the mainstream audience thanks to Ryan Murphy who made his name with the comedy drama Glee and found cult success with his American Horror Story series. Ryan announced that all profits from the series would be donated to trans and LGBTQ charitable organizations.

The show arrives with a departure: She, too, eventually found sanctuary in Blanca is leaving the House of the world of ballrooms. “I never thought Abundance, and its “mother” Elektra of myself as beautiful or good looking or (Dominique Jackson), to form her own anything like that,” Jackson recalled in competing house. “When I got kicked an interview with website Refinery29, out, I was a 17-year-old kid who didn’t “and here these people were telling me understand who I was,” she tells Elektra. that I was beautiful.” “You found me, took care of me. You The cast brought their life experiences to helped me understand. It’s time I the script, as did Janet Mock, who is a passed that kindness on.” There are writer, director and producer on the now two houses” show, and the first trans woman of Blanca’s first recruit is Damon (Ryan colour hired as a writer for a TV series in Jamaal Swain), a gay, 17-year-old boy history. It is perhaps for this reason that who was kicked out of his family home the show avoids broad strokes, instead with the parting warning: “God will exploring the nuances of LGBT+ punish you by giving you that disease.” identities. The Aids crisis hangs over the When he meets Blanca, having been lives of Pose’s inhabitants, too, as it did sleeping on a park bench for weeks, surely every queer person in the Eighties – he finds not punishment but joy, in the but it does not define them. Moments form of balls and dance school. that depict the devastating impact of the disease are unflinching, but far from Next comes Angel (a luminous Indya all encompassing. Moore, surely a star in the making), a trans sex worker who wants to find her When MJ Rodriguez found out that she “Prince Charming”. As a six-year-old had landed the role of Blanca, “I just struggling with her gender identity, bawled, because at that moment I felt Angel stole a red, patent women’s solidified,” she told the Motion Picture shoe and was hit by her father – “for Association of America. stealing, but more so for what I chose “I felt secure. I felt like, finally, I get to to steal”. A relationship, at first transactional and then emotional, with tell my story and the many stories of trans women who are not a married white cisgender man called Stan (Evan Peters), seems to offer here today.” Angel the life she wants. But Stan – who Series One is available now on BBC works for Donald Trump and whose iPlayer and Season two is due for detestable boss (James Van Der Beek) release later this year. drives a Mercedes, boasts about his bespoke suits and declares “God bless Ronald Reagan” as he does lines of coke – is no straight white saviour.

Philip Garcia’s L




You have fallen into a relationship rut and this is making you restless. You can break this pattern by trying something different. Visit new places, start-up activities that include your partner and friends and venture into new territory. This will breathe new life into existing relationships as well as forming the start of some stimulating friendships. You’ve got something special to say to someone so plan a romantic dinner for around the 21st and this will provide the perfect setting for you to reveal what’s on your mind.

You have high hopes for a new romance or friendship. There is someone you are growing close to and you might appreciate the chance to share some of your deepest thoughts. This is a good month to forge a stronger bond. A change of scenery will increase your appreciation for each other. If you are already in a committed relationship, your aim, this April, will be to give your amour all the loving attention they deserve. The 18th would be a great day to give your partner a token of your lasting love and affection.

Taking an interest in a humanitarian effort will give you a new lease on life. If your partner is complaining about the little time you spend together because you’re so wrapped up in a community project, encourage them to get involved. Are you single? You may be reluctant to give your heart away but when you meet someone who feels special, you should follow your impulses. You’ll have a chance to pause around the 26th, to enjoy some sensual pleasures like a gourmet meal and luxuriating in a scented bath.

Love Horoscopes




Something is bothering you and unless you clear the air, this will cause tension in the home. Don’t worry about upsetting your partner. They will be glad for your honesty. If you are married or about to make a big relationship commitment, there are some important issues you need to discuss. Your romantic partner could get a big raise around the 14th and this will benefit you, too. Are you single? Post a profile on an online dating site and you could meet someone special.

Responsibilities are heavy but this should not stop you from having some romantic fun. There is a time for work and a time for play. Be sure this does not overlap. In your off-duty hours, don’t feel guilty about putting your own preferences in front of duty. Refuse to work overtime, for instance, if this upsets personal plans. Your partner will be grateful that you are putting them first. If, during the first few months of the year, you have been erring on the side of work, April’s the time to channel your energy back into your partnership.

Push aside any reluctance to wear your heart on your sleeve. Love is all around you now and this is a perfect time to shower your amour and other loved ones with tender loving care. There is someone close by who is longing to know you share their feelings. Show what’s in your heart and this will pave the way for them to be more open with you. Arrange some quiet evenings at the end of the month with your favourite person. These will be very special moments to share.

Philip Garcia’s L




Events taking place at work as April begins, won’t just be limited to work concerns. There is every chance a romance will develop between you and an attractive workmate if you are single. If you already have a partner, be careful that people don’t mistake your friendliness with a colleague for anything other than friendship. Your amour will receive some interesting news concerning their career as the month ends. This could have exciting implications for your joint future but you’ll need to discuss new possibilities further.

It will be wonderful to let your defences down with an empathetic person. You naturally tune into the thoughts & feelings of those around you and it will be a relief to be able to discuss this side of your personality with someone who understands. You’ll be even more sensitive than normal during the first half of April and you will long to make the world a more compassionate place. Follow a desire to launch a charity based concern. Work commitments could interfere with romantic plans as the month ends.

Romance, as April begins, will be punctuated by a series of disappointments. Don’t let this get you down. Your partner might seem to be making their work a priority. If you feel they are neglecting you, this will be a great time to expand your social circle. It will be worth your while to attend a work related function around the 19th. This will put you in contact with some influential people. Be sensitive to your partner’s feelings as the month ends as this is when they will need you most.

Love Horoscopes




Friends, neighbours and loved ones all seem to be doing their best to please you as April begins. Although you don’t always like to be in the spotlight, it will feel good to be recognised and respected for all the hard work you’ve been doing on other people’s behalf. You are popular and in demand and instead of shunning this, try to enjoy the attention. You might benefit from a friend or partner’s good fortune as April ends. Accept a generous gift with an open heart.

A friend’s help and encouragement will help you through some difficulties. By the 9th a cherished wish will be fulfilled. You have always known the true value of your friendships. This is why you will want to find a way to show your gratitude for the people who’ve been there for you in both good times and bad. Choose the 13th to arrange something special for someone. Going on a holiday with your partner and friends will be therapeutic. Visit a city that is known for its cultural diversions.

Expect to experience some tricky moments around the 5th when your plans will conflict with your partner’s. The sooner you resolve this the better and a romantic ceasefire will restore your sense of humour. No matter how upset you get with each other, you’ve always been able to make your amour laugh. An opportunity to travel abroad is beckoning. Sharing your travels with your amour or best friend will give your spirits a lift. If you are single, you will make some wonderful friends while on a journey.

Happy Teeth

When you’ve been looking for brighter, whiter, and healthier teeth, you probably already know very well that they should be brushed and cleaned at least twice per day. This is something we were taught as kids, after all, and you’re well aware of the foods you should steer clear of as well in order to avoid hurting the enamel. There are, in fact, a few other tips-and-tricks that can help your teeth to become a bit whiter and healthier that might have passed you by. Avoid a dry mouth When you want to keep your teeth healthy, your best friend is simply water. One of the worst things that can happen to your mouth is that it dries out as bacteria tend to target our teeth when this happens - and it commonly happens at night when we’re deep asleep. Having a glass of water next to your bed and enjoying a sip every now and then will certainly help with this, though, as well as just staying hydrated throughout the day. This is why it’s so important that we brush before going to bed, by the way, as a dry mouth that is still full of bacteria’s from the food we ate will be terrible for your teeth. You can check out Instasmile, by the way, in case you have dental problems that are beyond what you can fix at home.

As well as making sure you don't have a dry mouth, making sure you brush your teeth well with a good toothpaste is also going to make a huge difference. You don't want to be going for a really cheap one, but it doesn't have to be super expensive either, somewhere in the middle should be good. I honestly wouldn't bother with aiming to go for a branded one either, I’d rather get something recommended by a dentist or to go or an activated charcoal toothpaste instead. This is the one I'm currently using and the best place I could find it, price wise is Superdrug at £2.48. Unlike many charcoal toothpastes, this one doesn't make your mouth go completely black, it's just like any other toothpaste, and it's minty fresh! Oh, and consider getting yourself an electric toothbrush as well in case you haven’t already done so, it will make a huge difference to the cleanliness of your teeth and for your pure white smile. Rinsing at the right time Finally, we need to talk about how you rinse your mouth and how often you do it. While some dentists recommend that you avoid rinsing right after brushing so that the toothpaste can stay on your teeth for a bit longer, others say that it doesn’t really matter. We’re none the wiser, of course, to stick to what you’ve been doing so far - but remember to rinse with a good mouthwash about half an hour after a meal. You don’t want to brush or rinse right after as your teeth are still a bit vulnerable after eating. There might be a lot to keep in mind when it comes to caring for your teeth but, the more you get into it, the easier it will be for the routine to stick. And, of course, for your teeth to become brighter and healthier with time.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK


Everyone likes to feel loved, special and cared for. We all yearn to find that someone special to share our lives and experiences together. Some fall in love very quickly whereas others take their time in slowly building a relationship before letting down their guard and revealing their true emotions and feelings. You probably remember your first love and the deep emotions that you felt. Your first love is a key life stage enabling you to explore your feelings, how to interact with someone special and sometimes the hurt of losing someone when a relationship comes to an end. This is all part of a learning cycle that enables you to be stronger in the future and also better understand what you are looking for in a potential partner and how to act in future. Dreams can play an important role in your emotional state. During this “safe” time you are able to think and act out your deepest emotions that you wouldn’t normally show or express in your waking life. This enables you to explore your thoughts and feelings in a comfortable environment where you really explore different scenarios and emotive situations. Some dreams can leave you confused as you may feel a mix of emotions or situations. This could involve a feeling of being happy and content quickly followed by moments of sadness and unhappiness. This contradictory dream is often a sign of your inner mixed emotions and how your conscious and subconscious are in conflict in an emotional flux. This could relate to a current situation that is playing on your mind and you just don’t know which way to turn or what your true feelings really are. These dreams are often a signal that you need to look deep into yourself and try to understand what your true feelings are. Sometimes this is complicated as your heart can sometimes give you one solution, whereas your mind is providing a different view and perspective. If an old lover pops into your dreams this could indicate that there is something unresolved or unfinished with this person. Perhaps you left on bad terms..? This could be a signal that your current relationship is reviving some of these existing issues as you don’t want to make the same mistakes again and if the relationship isn’t right for you, you would like to part as friends with no ill feeling.

If you dream that you are attracted to someone as if under a spell, indicates that you shouldn’t let your heart rule your head. You feel that the love and emotion is very real and so strong but this could be a warning to be a little cautious and take a step back to regain some control and breathing space. To dream that you are watching or taking part in a dating show is a sure sign that you are looking for a long term relationship. However, this dream suggests you are looking in the completely wrong place to find that someone special. Try to think about what interests you and find locations linked to your interests, hobbies and pastime. An alternative meaning could relate to your current love life with someone you feel is always scrutinising you and likes to display you and show you off like a mannequin. This type of relationship will start to depress you soon as you know you are worth more than how you are being treated. So you have found that someone special and now you are dreaming of Weddings! This dream signals a new beginning and transition in your current life and circumstances. However, this dream is usually a negative sign that you are fearful about commitment and losing your independence. It can also suggest that there are underlying issues in your relationship that need to be addressed as soon as possible. Your subconscious is telling you that your relationship will soon move forward and you are feeling some anxiety about taking this big step. Take some time to really understand your fears and what isn’t working in your relationship. If you can then find a solution you will be in a much happier place and your fears will be dismissed. If you dream that you attending someone else’s wedding you need to understand how you are feeling. If you are happy and joyful this is a sign that you are looking forward and embracing a new start of change in your waking life. If you are unhappy or sad, this could relate to the current upset in your relationship.

To help remember your dreams, try keeping a dream diary. On waking, don’t get out of bed or even change position. Keep a note pad/pen at your bedside and record everything you can remember.

Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email

Photo Credits: BBC/FX, Twitter, ITV This Morning, Hotel Chocolat, Montezuma’s, Morrisons, Tesco, Thorntons, Boots, Lidl, Your Parking Space, Mango, Urban Outfitters, Top Shop and Very. Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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