Russell Grant Magazine - April 2020 (VIP)

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Russell Grant

April 2020



8 34

10 CONTENTS APR 20 4 Miranda Hart

28 Vegan News

8 Pet Owners

30 Love Horoscopes

10 Mental Health

34 Mindfulness

12 Keeping busy

40 Things to Try

17 Killing Eve returns

42 Ask Russell

21 April Horoscopes

46 Email a Psychic Offer

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Miranda Hart

Super and Saggy Super Sagittarius Miranda Hart would have made an ideal head girl, not just because she is a good sport, but because she is very tall. The kind of “tall” that looks good with a hockey stick in hand! She was popular, and loved her school days. She told Graham Norton that she was nicknamed “Merm the Sperm” by her friends because she was very long, and very thin. Yet she blames her single sex education at Downe House boarding school in Berkshire for making her feel insecure around the opposite sex. She said: “I was very shy until my mid-20’s, and when I went to university it was definitely like meeting a new species of people. I was very,very nervous...” A Fish Out of Water Nominated the “Queen of Pratness”, Amanda, is the kind of fun gal we would want our batchelor brother to marry; even though she would probably be a lot taller than him. Her latest measurement was six foot one inch. “Growing up when you are tall, you feel like a fish out of water …. you don’t fit in. But luckily for me, I always wanted to get into comedy, and I’ve been able to use my height quite cathartically." Well she would do, with her sparkly Sun in Saggy, the astro sign that gallops off into the sunset without a care in the world,, she is in perpetual motion, rushing around as if she only has 24 hours to live. Moon also in the fire sign of "Go for It Aries gifts Miranda with all that comedic verve, encouraging her to say things like “let's have a cup of tea!” when it pours, rather than rains. Moved On She has definitely moved on from her “plain Jane” role in “Call the Midwife” . In fact, she has shifted from BBC slapstick to cool moves in Hollywood, Everyone was surprised at her breakthrough role in the Tinsel Town biopic “Spy”, including Miranda herself. She enjoyed becomng a svelte femme, the kind of broad that hangs around Beverly Hills coffee houses and is interviewed by fashion magazines....well almost… Credit: Instagram

“I saw a pair of knickers today on the front is said “I would do anything for love!” and on the back it said “But I won't do that!”

Mercury in Saggy explains her optimistic “Can Do,” attitude, she has oodles of faith in the Universe. She believes in the Divine She once said "It's scary to say you're pro-God". But being a pedigree type person she stands by her beliefs with her head held high. After all she is the daughter of a Royal Navy captain with aristocratic roots going back to the 12th century. She is also Princess Diana's fourth cousin twice removed. She has so much class she can sit next to Arnold Schwarzenegger on the Graham Norton Show and crack dirty jokes with “Total Recall”. She is a regularly fun guest in fact.

With Jupiter in Capricorn she is also a tenacious broad determined to wield her comedic powers “a gogo”. She is into the “fun business”, head on and went on to prove it in her autobiographical sitcom “Miranda” for which she won the 2009 Royal Television Society Award for her performance . Credit: BBC

As Funny as she is Deep As funny as she is deep, Scorpio in Venus shows up a intuitive and complicated side. When it comes to friends and relationships, she does well with simple folk who do not press her “Darkness Button”. Moments of sadness can overwhelm her at times. She admitted to a Sun reporter that “she lost her smile after playing “Call the Midwife!” The interviewer claimed “she was battling dramatically low moods and talked extensively about earlier struggles with anxiety and agoraphobia... the experience gave her an insight into how much unseen suffering goes on.” Miranda wrote in You Magazine: “In this glum state, it struck me how there were so many people in the world for whom there is genuinely very little, if anything, to smile about. “And they are often the ones who keep doing so, who put on a brave face, staying cheery despite everything.” Sad Clown? Could there be a sad clown lurking behind the Hart Smile? One could say yes, one could also say no since she appears to rise from the ashes like a phoenix, remaining that upbeat, fun persona time and time again. Astro energies prove she is a lively gal, perhaps because she possesses a strong life force, and is fond of an argument nearly always winning. She believes in what she deems right with body and soul, 2020 will deliver new projects to the lovely Miranda. Some will lead her to additional success. Okay, even if she is more complex than we think, when it comes to the “laugh factor”, she always wins hands down! The public look forward to seeing more of her and hope she will continue to gaze upon them from a great height! Seeing her smile through her tears inspires one to believe that a very special type of clown exists, and she is called Miranda!

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

Pet Owners

A pet is part of the family - but a new study from Silentnight Beds has revealed that some pet owners are making huge sacrifices when it comes to their furry friends. Silentnight Pet Beds surveyed 2,000 pet owners about their pet loving habits, with the results highlighting that owners are a lot more lenient when it comes to their animals at home. In fact, animal loving Brits would rather kick their partner out of bed, with 1 in 5 admitting they prefer to share their bed with their pet! Eight out of 10 pet owners will happily compromise on their own sleep so their pet can get a better night’s sleep. A quarter of those surveyed said they find their partner more annoying to sleep alongside than their pet, and a fifth find their partner’s snoring more irritating than their cat or dog’s. 22% let their pets sleep next to them on the pillow, and a further 20% admitted they sleep alongside their pets regularly.

44% of those surveyed revealed they’d head to the spare room or the sofa to ensure their pets can sleep in the bed undisturbed. 18% even admitted to sleeping in the car instead of risking waking their animals up, which doesn’t sound very comfy! Based on research, Silentnight has created three collections of pet beds which uses the same technology used in the company’s human bedding. The collections are: Ultrabounce, Airmax and Orthopaedic.

Silentnight’s Brand Licensing Manager Clare Rix said, “Sleep is an essential part of pets and their owners’ lives and with over seven decades of experience in creating sleep havens for humans, Silentnight wanted to make sure that we could cater to the ideal night’s slumber for the nation’s four legged sleepers – as well as make life more comfortable for their human companions.”

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak means that life is changing for all of us for a while. It may cause you to feel anxious, stressed, worried, sad, bored, lonely or frustrated. It's important to remember it is OK to feel this way and that everyone reacts differently. Remember, this situation is temporary and, for most of us, these difficult feelings will pass. There are some simple things you can do to help you take care of your mental health and wellbeing during times of uncertainty. Doing so will help you think clearly, and make sure you are able to look after yourself and those you care about. It is important to follow the latest official guidance on staying at home and away from others to keep everyone safe. 1. Stay connected with people Maintaining healthy relationships with people we trust is important for our mental wellbeing, so think about how you can stay in touch with friends and family while needing to stay at home. You could try phone calls, video calls or social media instead of meeting in person – whether it's with people you normally see often or connecting with old friends. 2. Talk about your worries It's normal to feel a bit worried, scared or helpless about the current situation. Remember: it is OK to share your concerns with others you trust – and doing so may help them too. If you cannot speak to someone you know or if doing so has not helped, there are plenty of helplines you can try instead. Credit: NHS/Every Mind Matters

3. Support and help others Helping someone else can benefit you as well as them, so try to be a little more understanding of other people's concerns, worries or behaviours at this time. Try to think of things you can do to help those around you. Is there a friend or family member nearby you could message? Are there any community groups you could join to support others locally? Remember, it is important to do this in line with official coronavirus guidance to keep everyone safe. 4. Feel prepared Working through the implications of staying at home should help you feel more prepared and less concerned. Think through a normal week: how will it be affected and what do you need to do to solve any problems? If you have not already, you might want to talk with your employer, understand your sick pay and benefits rights, and get hold of some essentials for while you are at home. 5. Look after your body Our physical health has a big impact on how we feel. At times like these, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour that end up making you feel worse. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink enough water and exercise regularly. Avoid smoking or drugs, and try not to drink too much alcohol. You can leave your house, alone or with members of your household, for 1 form of exercise a day – like a walk, run or bike ride. But make you keep a safe 2-metre distance from others. Or you could try one of our easy 10-minute home workouts.

Further support and advice is available by clicking this page which will take you to the NHS and Every Mind Matters website

Taking Care of Yourself

We’re living in unprecedented times. From our health, income, education, ability to travel, no one has been exempt from the impact of this global pandemic. So excuse yourself if you have an occasional melt down. It’s understandable under the circumstances. We don’t know how long it will last, what the outcome will be. All we can manage is how we react and learn to take each day as it comes. Practise daily gratitude. A positive, thankful approach is the key to improving unfortunate circumstances. Start each day by being thankful; for waking up, for having a roof over your head, running water, electricity, your health, your family and friends. Times like this often bring out the best in people, so be thankful for the people who check to ask if you’re okay, the opportunities you have to walk each day, to slow right down, spend time with your family. Okay, this situation is tough, but you can improve it by appreciating the good in your life. Take care of yourself. That way others don’t have to worry about you and you’re in a better position to take care of those who need your attention. Self-care requires both mental and physical stimulus, so reading, games, work, study and physical exercise are an important part of your commitment to yourself. Getting enough sleep and not staying up all hours or over-sleeping are also important.

Explore available options. Might this be a good opportunity to learn another language, refresh an existing skill, diversify? If you’ve free time you could turn it to your advantage by investigating and even training in a new interest or skill. Help others. Those little gestures, the phone call, bunch of flowers on the doorstep, the ‘thinking of you’ greeting card can make all the difference to someone’s day. And when you shop for essentials or go online for support remember your local small traders are relying on your custom to survive. Keep to a regular routine. It’s tough when your normal life has been thrown into disarray with added unexpected worries and concerns. But it helps when you re-establish some order in your life. Get up at the same time, shower, put fresh clothes on, designate certain times for work. Some people even have their children wear their school uniforms, which helps them appreciate that this is not an extended school holiday & that they have to do some actual school work! Don’t allow the children to dominate your life and run you ragged. Start as you mean to go on and introduce one of the great online exercise classes to burn off some energy, but also have quiet time too where they read, paint, do some chores or crafts and give you a little space. Stay hydrated and eat healthily. Keeping your fluid intake up is important. Virus’s thrive in your mouth and throat so drinking hot/warm water regularly, perhaps adding fresh lemon, ginger and honey, can help to keep your airways clear. Maintain a good diet, including fresh fruit and vegetables. The supermarkets are doing a sterling job of frequently restocking.

And manage your alcohol intake. When we’re feeling fed up it’s tempting to go down the wine’o’clock route, but it doesn’t help and you’ll feel worse afterwards, as you will if you stock up on treats like cakes, biscuits and chocolates and then binge eat the lot in an afternoon!

Manage your time on social media and the news sites. There’s plenty of fake news, naysayers and doom merchants out there, feeding us gloomy prophecies, images and statistics. Yes, check in once or twice a day but don’t allow depressing information to be drip-fed into your home and life on a regular basis. Remember, you’re in control! Stay connected. There are plenty of groups using skype, zoom, what’s app, facebook to stay connected and be supportive of each other. Keep in touch with the people who are important in your life. Many businesses are finding effective, alternative ways to contact their clients and hold meetings, run training sessions and still work.

If you’ve a partner give each other space. It can be challenging to spend 24/7 in each other’s company, especially if you’ve only ever done that on holidays or at Christmas. Post-holiday and post-Christmas anyway are the busiest times for divorce lawyers! So if you don’t want to fall into that category ensure that you agree to not do everything together. Maybe one shops for food, walks the dog, works in the study, goes for a quiet read, potters in the garden, has a leisurely bath. Make allowances for each other’s low mood at times. Give each other personal time. Stay positive. A good perspective and sense of humour are lifesavers, especially at the moment. Social media, used well, can help lighten the mood. When you dip in and see the fun, imaginative ways people respond to daily themes or news stories it can brighten the day. Or laughing at some of your unfortunate attempts at baking, DIY or making something work can keep a pleasant light-hearted atmosphere. If you find you’re struggling maybe keep a journal and write down how you’re feeling. It can help to get things down on paper, and writing is more effective than using your laptop. Avoid running ‘what-if’ and worst case scenarios in your mind. Intercept those by distracting yourself; move, dance, sing, phone a positive friend for an upbeat chat. Aim to accomplish one positive task each day, from tidying your sock drawer, cleaning the windows or even sorting your emails. Then you have a regular achievement to feel good about.

We’re all trying our best to get through these exceptional times. Let’s support each other and do it together.

Susan Leigh - Counsellor & Therapist

Credit: North West Ambulance

Killing Eve 3

The third series of Killing Eve will be available to stream in the UK exclusively on BBC iPlayer from Monday 13 April - the day after it launches on BBC America. Episodes will drop weekly and be available to stream every Monday from 6am. Killing Eve will air on BBC One on Sundays at 9pm, starting from Sunday 19 April.

Charlotte Moore, Director of BBC Content, says: “The fierce women of multiaward-winning Killing Eve are returning exclusively to BBC iPlayer and BBC One once again, to entertain the nation with more explosive action and breathtaking cliffhangers. I promise you that series three of this unmissable drama has been worth the wait!� Credit: BBC

BBC entertains the nation in time of need Announcing a range of programmes that will bring the nation together and provide great British entertainment during these difficult times. Over the coming weeks there will be something for everyone to enjoy as we give audiences the choice to escape and be entertained.

shows from favourites including The Graham Norton Show, Have I Got News For You and The Mash Report. All will be recorded as live during the week of transmission.

Programming to lift the spirits from the nation’s favourite choirmaster Gareth Malone; the captivating world of apes, monkeys and lemurs in new natural history With so many of the UK’s big events series Primates; Rylan Clark-Neal’s You Are cancelled, the BBC will connect people virtually and give them something to look What You Wear and Spandau Ballet’s The Kemps - alongside new series of Sewing forward to from the comfort of their own homes. For fans across the country lament- Bee, The Real Marigold Hotel, Your Home Made Perfect and I’ll Get This. ing the loss of Eurovision and Glastonbury, we will bring the nation together to Director-General Tony Hall says: experience both. And in the absence of "The BBC is determined to do all it can to live sport and the Euros, Peter Crouch raise a smile and keep the country promises to Save Our Summer. entertained during these testing times”. Our channels will keep the finger on the pulse as the crisis unfolds with weekly Credit: BBC

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April Horoscopes from Russell Grant

What tensions and stress will the Full Moon bring you.?

ARIES You’ll get a chance to study a fascinating subject as March makes way for April. Sign up quickly and make sure of your place as spaces will soon be filled. You should be feeling very pleased with yourself if you are given a greater measure of responsibility at work near the 5th, as well as an increase in pay. Budget cuts on the 7th will seem intolerable; control your temper when discussing them with your boss. It may be best to wait a few days before broaching the subject. The Full Moon on the 8th will put a strain on a close relationship; your best friend or romantic partner will resent all the time you spend on your career. It will be easier to get your ideas across on the 11th, when you’ll be thinking more clearly about a complicated matter. Don’t challenge any source of authority on the 14th or you could lose out badly or and never regain standing or position. The New Moon on the 23rd attracts a moneymaking opportunity, but it will involve a personal risk.

TAURUS The start of April presents you with a potential packed opportunity to ask for a pay rise or renegotiate a contract. Use your powers of persuasion to strike a better deal. Your moneymaking ability will result in a nice promotion or high-profile job near the 4th. Reviewing your plans for the future will result in a spiritual breakthrough on the 5th; prepare to undergo a profound personal transformation. The Full Moon on the 8th urges you to get treatment for a nagging ache or pain. You may have to change aspects of your diet and lifestyle. Your star power will reach its full power starting on the 19th; use it to win favours and influence people. Don’t challenge a stuffy leader’s authority on the 21st or you could come to regret it. The New Moon on the 23rd will tempt you to adopt a fashionforward look. You’ll be delighted with it, but friends may tease you.

GEMINI Your grace, charm and wit attract admirers wherever you go on the 3rd: this is a wonderful time to think about how you can support friends, neighbours and family. If you’re single, you’ll have your choice of suitors. Do you have a partner? They’ll find you irresistible. You’ll make a name for yourself by being conscientious and painstaking in all your dealings. It helps that you understand other people intuitively. You can negotiate better benefits or a more supportive payment arrangement with your employer on the 7th; but you may have to overcome some initial resistance. On the 8th, the Full Moon marks a turning point in a romance; it’s time to break up or make up, once and for all. Linking to a fashionable organisation will be lots of fun on the 11th; your social network will multiply and grow. On the 23rd, you’ll be tempted to take a lower profile, despite the protests from your friends or fellow workers.

CANCER A romantic encounter on the 4th will make you feel like you’re making a fresh start. If you’re single, you might meet someone special in a cultivated, cultured secluded setting. If you let your best friend or lover introduce you to something exotic on the 5th; you’ll be in for a delightful surprised. The Full Moon on the 8th warns against getting into a power struggle with a relative. Avoid sensitive subjects like politics, culture and religion; they will only lead to pointless arguments that could rebound and resonate for days or even weeks. Your work-life balance will be thrown off kilter on the 14th; you may have to take time off work for the sake of your loved ones. On the 24th, the New Moon warns against getting romantically involved with a friend. If you’re looking for love, find it with someone outside of your immediate social circle. A former romantic partner will try to reconnect with you towards the end of the month; it’s best to keep them at arm’s length.

LEO As March makes way for April you will find many of your interest and involvements have changed or are changing. If you’re linked to a social network, you’ll make a powerful connection with someone unusual. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour will be proud to have you on their arm. A health regimen that’s begun on the 5th will have a transforming and protective effect on your lifestyle and you will be well pleased with the results. Don’t let a loved one talk you out of accepting an exceptional new opportunity on the 7th; this position is tailor made for you. The Full Moon on the 8th warns against getting into silly arguments on social media. It’s better to walk away from the keyboard than engage in a heated dispute with someone who needs to be right. Your knowledge and experience won’t be valued on the 14th, when a stubborn colleague insists on challenging your every idea. It will be much easier to find career satisfaction starting on the 23rd, when the New Moon highlights

VIRGO Your determination and intelligence will be obvious to everyone on the 3rd when you will be a decision maker for many. A career success you thought had been put on hold could suddenly move forward on the 4th, when you’re offered a dream job thanks to your exceptional skills. A romance has a profoundly transforming effect on you near the 5th. Your partner may convert your beliefs or inspire you to make beautiful art. On the 8th, the Full Moon will result in a rather lower income than you expected. You may have to get professional help to get what’s due to you. Things should be sorted out soon and a settlement could be awarded to you on the 11th, when the other party gets cold feet. Learning opportunities abound starting on the 19th as you find your personal world opens up to new insights and influences. The New Moon on the 23rd is ideal for taking centre stage with some innovative and inventive ideas; prepare to hear some criticism from traditionalists who can’t handle modern ways of thinking.

LIBRA Why not shut yourself off from the rest of the world at the start of the month? It would be a wonderful time to revisit your hopes and aspirations for the future as well as looking into the past and reconnecting with your roots. If you’re single, you could meet someone special in an online forum; there’s a chance there will be a significant age difference between you. Do you have a partner? Buy them some local artwork that will always remind them of sentimental and happy times. The Full Moon on the 8th could find you butting heads with a relative who wants you to change your ways. Stand by your principles. Living to please others is an exercise in futility. Don’t let your family criticise your best friend or romantic partner on the 15th, or great resentment will set in. On the 23rd, the New Moon will bring an unexpected opportunity, but you’ll probably have to jump through some official or legal hoops to get your hands on it.

SCORPIO If you need it a kind-hearted, generous relative will give you the money for a down payment on a home and you could find a distinctive property on the 3rd. Alternatively, you may get excellent terms on a bank loan. Learning about a foreign culture will change your outlook on the 5th; you’ll become much more sensitive to other perspectives. A wild rebel will disrupt your home life on the 7th; things won’t be quite the same after this character arrives on the scene. On the 8th, you will clash with a bureaucratic organisation, due to a stressful Full Moon. You’ll be forced to submit official documents to get permission to travel or conduct business. An unusual partnership might begin to take shape on the 23rd, much to the disapproval of your friends and family. The New Moon will make this a stimulating but stressful time. Prepare to issue a sincere apology towards the end of April; it’s important to take back hurtful remarks made under stressful conditions.

SAGITTARIUS Could falling in love be a distinct possibility in early April as you cross paths with a witty charmer? If you’re already in a relationship, arrange a romantic evening at home where you can talk freely. The stimulating conversation will pave the way to passion. Taking a challenging online course on the 4th will be a labour of love; you’ll enjoy learning new methods and techniques. A moneymaking opportunity on the 5th could have profound consequences for the way you live your life; even better, it will allow you to think clearly about what you hope to achieve in times to come. On the 8th, a conflicted Full Moon will create drama and you will feel restricted and frustrated. You may decide to part ways with a pessimistic personality. Don’t feel pressured to buy someone’s affection on the 15th. You should be loved for who you are.

CAPRICORN A careful use of resources at the start of the month could help you negotiate your way through the difficult waters of the next few weeks and months. People trust you to be organised and resourceful. If you do a good job, you will win the respect and admiration of all concerned. Getting a position that involves lots of planning and decision making is a strong possibility on the 5th. You’ll enjoy being responsible for your own successes and that of others. On the 8th, the Full Moon will make you feel torn between personal and professional obligations. You may have to cancel a pleasant outing at a moment’s notice. Your nearest and dearest will resent any attempts to impose strict rules on their behaviour around the 14th; defuse any tension by not taking what they have to say too much to heart. The New Moon on the 23rd is wonderful for romance. Instead of trying to buy someone’s affection, win them over with your dry sense of humour.

AQUARIUS Your love life takes on a more comforting and cossetting feel as March makes way for April; if you’re single, you’ll have to accept that maybe present restrictions will limit your options. If you’re in a relationship, splash out on a lavish gift for your lover. Buy them a token of your affection that is both precious and beautiful. Don’t push a relative into a decision on the 7th, or they’ll always resent you for it. A disappointing legal decision could be made on the 8th, due to a stressful Full Moon. Instead of dwelling on this setback, change tack and make some new plans. You’ll get such positive, morale-boosting feedback on your careful and considerate contributions to all decisions near the 19th; that you’ll feel like you’re making a very positive difference. Depriving yourself of life’s little luxuries will make you tired and tetchy. The New Moon on the 23rd is good for forward planning. There might not be a lot you can do right now, but you are ready for when the future opens up once again. An angry outburst on the 26th will be tiring, but liberating.

PISCES Your home life will be challenging in some ways it will also be rich and rewarding at the start of the month. This would be a good time to do some redecorating and refurbishing. You can also find some beautiful furnishings and artwork online to further beautify your abode. Caring for your nearest and dearest on the 4th will take on much more importance. A wellconnected acquaintance will praise your kind-hearted thoughtfulness on the 7th; thanks to them, you could land an important opportunity in times to come. Don’t let self-doubt keep you from launching a creative personal project on the 21st; it’s important for you to save, share and communicate your thoughts. On the 23rd, the New Moon will find you facing off with some stuffy traditionalists. Although the old guard will disagree with you, more visionary types will embrace your ideas.

Vegan News

Cadbury Vegan Dairy Milk Chocolate Cadbury is working on creating a vegan version of its popular Dairy Milk bar. According to reports, the company has been working on developing a dairy-free recipe for two years, but has struggled to find a dairy alternative which is suitable for those with nut allergies.

Credit: Cadburys

"We're always listening to our consumers, so we can develop and provide people with a greater choice of products," the spokesperson told The Telegraph.

Pizza Hut Vegan Stuffed Crust Pizza The pizza was launched in late February and was promoted on Instagram “The first mainstream restaurant vegan stuffed crust at Pizza Hut. Just choose any vegan pizza and make it a 'stuffed crust' for £2.50. And yes they are using Violife cheese for it (picture is not the actual pizza or cheese, sorry guys)." Ciara Grace, Senior Menu Innovation Manager at Pizza Hut Restaurants said "We're always looking into new and exciting ways to develop our menu and cater to as many guests as possible”, Credit: Pizza Hut

A Vegan milk brand has reached out to hospitals and food banks to help out amid the growing coronavirus crisis. Panic shoppers have stripped supermarkets bare leaving most food banks struggling for supplies as donations plummet during the coronavirus pandemic.

In these dire times, despite being a small business, Rebel Kitchen, a vegan milk brand has donated 14,000 milkshakes to hospitals and food banks to support the ones in need. In an Instagram post, they also offered to help out other hospitals and food banks in need of similar supplies.

Many members of the vegan and plant-based community are going the extra mile to bail others during this distressing period. A local Worthing resident Pia Offord, launched the Worthing Vegan Food Bank Network with the help of local vegan businesses to help the Worthing community cope with the ongoing pandemic. Whereas Made in Hackney, a London based community vegan cookery school has stopped its classes to become a free food home delivery service to reach out to the vulnerable with healthy and nourishing food. Credit: Rebel Milk

Philip Garcia’s L Aries



You’ve put up with someone’s bossy behaviour for long enough. You need to stand up for yourself and walk away from toxic situations. Follow your heart and jump on the path of personal happiness. A creative assignment as the month begins will feel more like play than work. If you are single, you will attract people who appreciate your talents. A heart to heart talk with a relative you haven’t been getting on well with will reveal some common ground between you. You will win a partner’s trust as the month ends.

Be sure to alter arrangements as the month begins as this will give you romantic plans to look forward to. Plan a romantic dinner, start a scrapbook of old photographs or spend time watching a favourite film. Life will be exciting if you are single and looking for love. Your search is almost over. If you have a crush on someone, the 15th is a great time to make your feelings known. Online activities will bring great rewards as April ends.

Indulge your sociable side. Joy will come from spending time with friends via online chats and emails. Creative people will have a good influence on you as you begin a project that will bring you a lot of pleasure. Take the opportunity around the 17th to be honest about your feelings with your amour. Embarking on a whirlwind romance is a distinct possibility if you are single. By the end of the month you will want to slow the pace so you can consider your situation, relationships and future plans.

Love Horoscopes Cancer



A partner or best friend is bending the truth in order to get their own way or to influence you in some way. Once you discover the truth you are less likely to go along with their suggestions. You cannot ignore it if someone’s words do not match their actions. Brutal honesty will be called for now. Joining forces with a talented friend mid-April will deepen your enjoyment of life. As the month ends you will be reaping rewards from past good actions.

You have a gift for putting people at their ease. Someone will be grateful for your help and understanding as the month begins. You won’t expect to receive anything for a favour you do for a friend but you will be delighted to receive a special gift around the 11th. Your partner will encourage you to pursue a childhood dream. This will result in a personal breakthrough. Spend time, as the month ends, in a quiet space with your amour.

People will look to you to take charge of a fundraising effort. Taking this chance to help vulnerable members of the community will lift your spirits. A close friend or neighbour will keep phoning and texting you for advice or for your opinion. You might try to encourage them to be more independent and to make up their own mind. New group online activities expand your social circle but as the month ends you will prefer to enjoy some quiet time with the one you love.

Philip Garcia’s L Libra



A strange situation as the month begins will leave you confused. You might discover that friends who you thought hardly knew each other are actually intimately involved. If you feel your amour is growing bored with the same routine, a romantic evening around the 12th will add spice to your relationship. Emotions could get in the way of an important decision you have to make. Allowing your heart to rule your head might feel good but this doesn’t mean you’re making the right choices.

As your travel plans are on hold, use the time to forward plan your dream holiday. An overseas trip taken with your romantic partner will make your relationship more rewarding, so start to discuss options now. Are you single? You could meet someone special online. Trying new things with your friends and partner will keep restlessness at bay and you will be grateful for any opportunity that takes you away from work and responsibility.

The start of April is a great time to set new romantic balls rolling. A new relationship will quickly burst into flower. It will feel good talking with someone who has a great sense of humour and an open mind. A close friend will hint they are bored. It isn’t your job to keep them entertained and occupied. Just because they’re envious of the time you are spending with your amour, it doesn’t mean you have to give them extra attention. Breaking away from toxic relationships will be liberating.

Love Horoscopes Capricorn



You are tempted to steer a platonic relationship into passionate waters. Your friend needs to get used to the idea of you being a couple. Take it slow and steady and this will increase your chance of making this relationship work. You deserve to find true romantic happiness. Are you in a committed relationship? This would be a great time to encourage your partner to pursue a lifelong dream. Joint activities at home will be more fun than expected as April ends.

You’re ready for a new way of life. If you’re single, it’s a good idea to plan to move to a new part of the world in the near future. If you have a partner, this feels like the right time to make a serious commitment to each other. There is something special you are hoping to arrange for the end of April and your partner and close friends will be supportive. Your high spirits will give your romantic interests a boost around the 20th. Pour energy into your favourite hobbies.

Relationships are companionable but you could do with more excitement in your life. A new partner or friend may not seem as interested as you are in being social online. They may want you all to themselves. This makes you uneasy when you would rather have fun and discover new things. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind. Talking with someone who is fun and creative as the month ends will lift your spirits. Dreams of travel will fill your mind.

Mindfulness colouring is a fun and simple way to add calm into your life and be present. Use these free mindfulness colouring pages that you can print at home to help you be more mindful every day. It is not for nothing that mindful colouring books have been so popular lately. Being mindful is great not only for your mind and soul but also to your body. It is meditation, just like yoga, but without the physical part‌

The Little things you can do

As we are all isolating due to the Corona Virus, a very boring and stressful time for many. However, its not all doom and gloom, try to see the positives in every situation. Now you have been given the gift of time - time to spend with your family (or whoever you have been isolated with), or to do some jobs around the house. You know, the ones you've been putting off for months/ is the time to get them all sorted! Get your ducks in a row while you have the time so when everything does go back to normal, you can concentrate on the more important things again, knowing your home is good to go.

Go to town deep cleaning the bathroom A bit of bleach down the toilet and running wipes along the sink might help keep up appearances in your bathroom, especially when you feel too busy to clean it thoroughly. The truth is, you can have your bathroom looking incredible and all you need are these three things... ● Baking soda ● White vinegar ● A toothbrush you won’t use anymore The combination of the baking soda and vinegar can be used to make a paste which you can apply around the grouting in tiles, the shower doors and fittings. Leave it on for about an hour, and it will create a reaction, giving you time to attack that grime in a way a toothbrush will only be able to scrub off.

Now if you have shower curtains and hate that the bottom and edges are looking a bit dirty, take them down and throw them in the washing machine along with your towels. The towels will rub against the curtains and get more dirt off than if you throw them in solo. Get your radiators sorted If you’re going to be spending all day in the house, no doubt the heating is going to come on more. You don’t want it blasting away if the radiator in the spare room you’ve avoided for years still doesn’t work, that's just a waste of your hard earned money. Now is the time to get a radiator key (or pliers) and start checking your radiators. Know where things in your house are As you (most likely) sit on the sofa reading this, can you say yes to questions like this... Do you know where your stop tap is? Do you know where your fuse box is? Do you know what amp those fuses are and how to change them? Do you know how to program your central heating? Do you know how your smoke alarms work, and if they’re all working right now? Do you know if the number on your fridge dial makes it hotter or colder if you turn it up? Make it your mission in this period of being stuck at home to know where everything is and how it works. You might never have changed a fuse in your life, but reading up on it and watching a few YouTube videos could see you become the electric expert in the house. The same goes for your water and heating systems. Many people just take them for granted because we flick a switch or turn a tap. Learn how these elements of your home all work, and you’ll soon see yourself never have to worry about getting someone in for a quick job. The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Lesley asks “My daughter (who's an Aquarius) has had a tough time recently. I know she's feeling low and I really want to help her. What can I do? Lesley is a Taurus with Jupiter in Aquarius and this makes her good at talking to people in a way that calms emotions to help them decide on the best way forward. She can draw on this ability to help her Aquarius daughter. With Mercury, planet of communication in Gemini, she will communicate honestly and this will be appreciated. It is likely Lesley has already been a big support in her daughter’s life even if she doesn’t realise this. With Venus and Mars also in Taurus, Lesley can be quite fixed in opinion and it might help to be open minded about her daughter’s needs and feelings. Sometimes Lesley might think she knows what other people want but she may not understand it all and the best way to help her daughter is to ask her what she needs and how she might help her.

Rachel asks “I've been in the same job for five years now and have been passed over for promotion on numerous occasions. I feel really frustrated but just can't seem to find the motivation I need to look elsewhere or push myself forward. Please help?” Mercury in Capricorn can keep Rachel plodding along in the same routines even if she isn’t enjoying them. This is because it brings her a sense of security and familiarity. But there’s so much more to Rachel’s personality that can be seen in her chart. For instance, her need for excitement and adventure as shown by the Sun, Venus, Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius. Because she is feeling frustrated, she needs to break out of this pattern and explore other options. She should take this opportunity to make changes in her life by forcing herself to try something new. A change of scene will help her look at her life from a different perspective and allow her to see possibilities she has so far failed to recognise.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: Instagram, BBC, NHS, Every Mind Matters, North West Ambulance Service, Cadburys, Pizza Hut and Rebel Milk. Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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