Rga magazine april 2017 re

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Russell Grant Astrology PSYCHIC SPECIAL OFFERS! Congratulations to Cheryl & Liam

s r e lt a W e li Ju n io t ic Celebrity Pred “Our Friend Victoria”

April Getaways

NEW Love Tarot! April Horoscopes Reflexology Doc Martin Ask Russell

Starsign Easter Eggs!


April Psychic Special Offer


Your Detailed April Horoscopes from Russell Grant


Text your question to our Psychics for guidance


Ask Russell - Your Horoscope questions answered


Celebrity Prediction on Julie Walters from Philip Garcia


Comic Relief - The Result!


Discover your style of Easter Egg by your Starsign


Idea’s to get away in April

17 Our Friend Victoria Wood 20

It’s a Boy for Cheryl & Liam

22 Martin Clunes is back as Doc Martin


Save ÂŁ20

*This offer is limited to one per household and expires at Midnight 30th April 2017.

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Julie Walters is a showbiz untouchable, along with Sir Laurence Olivier, Michael Caine and Helen Mirren, actors admired by their peers and in Olivier's case still adored by the public. Let’s face it, Julie would be popular even if she was a Trappist nun; charismatic is the way God made her. Obviously, God was not the only being who took a shine to her the astro did too. Seriously, her hyper sensitive Piscean Sun and proactive Aries moon ensures she is beloved and number one player in the acting profession ready to dive right into her roles full on. She has that water sign ability to merge with “^Soul!" And it serves her well as she becomes you, me, and a list of astounding characters. Molly Wesley in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows”, “ Harry Potter and the Half Blood Princes” “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, and “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.” Her much acclaimed role as Mrs Wilkinson in the astounding “Billy Elliot” was so intense it wove its way into the British collective unconscious. Other popular roles including “Jack and the Beanstalk” in the late nineties, and “Stepping Out” in the early nineties, which did her proud. Add Pauline Mole in the “Secret of Adrian Mole”, and her astounding performance in “Educating Rita” for which she was nominated for an Academy Award. Her multi faceted capacity to become just about anyone including a working class girl who goes for an open university education, and gets into a Pygmalion style relationship in the process probably ensured she was eventually awarded a C.B.E for her services to show biz. This kind and communicative lady has won six BAFTAs and a special award for her services to television. When Ben Lawrence interviewed her for the Telegraph he described her as “...compact and beady-eyed, always poised for action – or comedy. She quipped to Ben “I don’t mind being compared to Judi Dench, even if she is 20 years older than me ....It must be the short hair. Mind you, young people think 60 and 80 are the same thing.” When there is a laugh to be had, Julie has it!

Julie is a no nonsense girl, warm, generous, intuitive, imaginative and altruistic. No, she didn’t pay us to say that, thestars back us up on that one. She has triple whammy Mercury in Aquarius, Venus and Jupiter… which merits a definite “wow effect”, and is clearly a gift from the stars. A great combo if you want to make it through the thespian night for sure. She is also a sweet and gentle Piscean gal remember, with her moon in Aries which means she might be sensitive, but she can drive a hard bargain. Julie’s Aquarius in Mercury goes against the grain of course, ensuring she is devoid of thespian vanity. That Aqui-Merc vibe also makes Julie a tad weird, yet as many say she is “an absolute joy to hang out with” being slightly bonkers does not seem to matter in her case. However when it comes to schedules please don’t fit her into any. She cannot stand stuffed shirts or limited thinkers. Her Venus in Aquarius is so friendly she is always the first one to crack a risqué joke or say something daft. She is a wacky mum too, an alternative mater, ready to understand her daughter’s world, and step into it without invading her privacy. Yet she once said “I keep seeing myself in my daughter, and I see my mother in me and her. Bloody hell!” And then we have that Jupiter in Aquarius, which is all about lucky breaks, a capacity to think on one’s feet and outside the box. In fact the aforementioned Aqui Trio ensures Julie wants the world to be a better place, and will do all she can to that end. She is idealistic, no matter how dark existence becomes. She will vote for social reform and problem solving solutions every time. She is on the side of the weak, the put upon and the classless. Julie has Venus in her third house, which means she can integrate her mental and emotional worlds without conflict. This ensures she can be detached from a character’s emotions, and yet still express them in great depth… a fine gift! Saturn in Virgo on the other hand will make her a very hardworking actress who learns her lines, shows up on time and plans her “performance” This Saturn combo also tells us Julie is surprised about her success, and dislikes being in the lime light. She is a very private person really. Does she have a dark side? Sure she does. With Pluto in Leo she is obsessed at getting her message out. She will risk, she will splurge on shopping sprees when she gets frustrated about a role or falls into some personal crisis, and she will be slightly egoic, but she will always be outstanding, flamboyant and thrilling. She touches the stars when she expresses herself as she yearns to. What more can we say about this one off thespian? Well we will leave her to state her case.”When I think about the future, I think of doing my washing, so I have something to wear tomorrow!”

More Celebrity predictions at www.philipgarcia.com

Your April Horoscopes ARIES March 21st - April 20th You'll be working hard to improve your financial situation at the start of the month. Demanding a raise, increasing your fees and applying for a better paid job are all possibilities. Keep your receipts, as it will be necessary to return an expensive item that doesn't come up to expectations or is badly damaged. The Full Moon on the 11th will cause a power struggle in a close relationship. Beware of assuming a dictatorial attitude with your romantic or business partner. Hosting a gathering will lift your spirits at Easter; you'll enjoy serving as Master of Ceremonies. Your employer will become less demanding during the second half of April, allowing you to catch up on household or family responsibilities. On the 26th, you'll see a big improvement in your income. Having more money will give you more time for relaxing activities. It would be a good idea to take a solitary vacation by the sea. You'll welcome this opportunity to reconnect with your spiritual side. TAURUS April 21st - May 21st It will be easy to command attention throughout April. Take this opportunity to promote your agenda and increase demands.Your powers of persuasion will be very strong, making it difficult to refuse any of your requests. After being provided with new information, you'll revise some opinions about current events. Be prepared to apologise for any confusion you have caused. On the 11th, the Full Moon will create strain at work. Mixing your personal and professional lives will cause a great deal of unhappiness. If you feel you want to ask a colleague for a date you should think again. Easter brings a lovely opportunity to socialise with caring people who bring out the best in you. Expenses will increase during the second half of the month, despite your best efforts to economise. Launching a self-improvement programme will be successful on the 26th, thanks to an empowering New Moon. Turn over a new leaf. Amelia - Pin Number 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward in depth readings without imposing on your free will. Amelias readings are empowering & focus on providing insight,balance & perspective in personal, relationship & career areas-helping some clients connect to their inner path.

Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

GEMINI May 22nd - June 21st You'll get help from an undisclosed friend at the beginning of April. Don't question your luck when you receive a big windfall. Instead, give thanks for it by making a donation to your favourite charity. Dealing with a bureaucratic issue will be more frustrating than usual during the first half of the month. If you can postpone this business until May, do so. The Full Moon on the 11th could make you realise that a troubled romantic relationship isn't worth your time or your energy. Alternatively, the results of a creative project could be disappointing. Friends will be helpful around Easter, when you need an added measure of support to deal with a legal matter. Push an important personal project during the second half of the month, even if it means working around a stubborn authority figure. The New Moon on the 26th offers a welcome opportunity to rest, relax and recuperate from your labours. Head for a private retreat. CANCER June 22nd - July 23rd Working with a partner will help you make a cherished dream come true in the opening days of April. Don't let pessimistic relatives and colleagues break your stride. A friend from your past will try to reconnect with you; recalling old times will jog some forgotten memories. The Full Moon on the 11th could bring a tense family situation to a head. It may be time to find a healthier living situation. Travel may be on the agenda around Easter. This would be a good time to go on a spiritual pilgrimage. Assuming more responsibility in a close partnership will be empowering during the second half of the month. This is a great opportunity to show how effectively you can take charge of events. On the 26th, a sociable New Moon will draw you out of your shell. It's a great time to attend or host a gathering. Splash out on an eye catching outfit.You'll have a great time playing the host or hostess with the mostest. LEO July 24th - August 23rd A career opportunity that seems tailor-made for you will become available. Do everything in your power to land this position. Update your CV, gather a list of references and put together impressive samples of your work. You may have to go for several interviews before getting an official offer. On the 11th, the Full Moon will bring some upsetting news. It may be necessary to change your dietary and exercise habits. At first, these changes will be difficult to undergo. Be patient and persistent.You'll attract lots of admiring glances at an Easter gathering. Be sure to wear something eye catching that will turn heads. Pay careful attention to your body's signals during the second half of the month. If an old ache or pain resurfaces, make a date with your doctor. The New Moon on the 26th will put you squarely in the spotlight, where you belong.You could assume a political office or be given an impressive promotion.

VIRGO August 24th - September 23rd The beginning of April is a good time to make some travel plans. It would be wonderful to visit a country that has fascinated you since childhood. A legal matter could hit a snag during the first half of the month. Be ready to revisit some issues you had thought were resolved. On the 11th, the Full Moon will create financial strain. It may be time to talk with a loved one or child who has expensive tastes. Easter will bring a welcome opportunity to spend quality time with your favourite friends and relatives. An old flame will try to make their way back into your life during the second half of the month. Think carefully whether or not you want to get involved with them the second time around especially if there was a good reason you broke up in the first place. The New Moon on the 26th is ideal for expanding your horizons. Seize this opportunity to put yourself on a steep learning curve.

LIBRA September 24th - October 23rd Passion suffuses an intimate relationship in the early days of the month. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a business meeting or professional association. Go over financial statements with a fine toothed comb during the first half of the month. Report unusual activity or unrecognised charges as soon as possible. The Full Moon on the 11th will force you to defend our reputation to a meddling relative. Stop letting a controlling family member influence your decisions. A big windfall will come your way at Easter, allowing you to put a down payment on a home or car. Your household will undergo big changes during the second half of the month making it a good time to launch repairs or modernise your home in one way or another. On the 26th, you'll get a chance to create long term financial security. Make out a will, take out an insurance policy or start a retirement fund.

Sapphire - Pin Number 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader she connects to the Infinite realm to shift, change, and transform people's lives. She has worked with hundreds of clients & demonstrates these talents on Blog Radio. Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd A partner is encouraging you to make a bold move. Thanks to their support, you'll be taking decisions and moving forward at a rate you never dreamt possible.You'll have to revisit an old issue with a business or romantic partner. Resist the temptation to sweep a relapse under the carpet. On the 11th, an embarrassing secret will come to light. Be ready to do some damage control at this stressful time. News of an engagement, marriage or pregnancy could be announced near Easter, setting off a round of celebrations. The second half of April will prompt you to change your thinking on a local matter. Apologise to someone whose opinions you once scorned. The New Moon on the 26th could mark the beginning of a fruitful business partnership or passionate romance. This alliance will cause your creative juices to flow freely. Take this opportunity to revisit a creative project you abandoned some time ago. SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st Working on a commission or freelance basis could pay off nicely at the beginning of the month.You'll easily outperform the competition at this stimulating time. If you're unemployed, you could find work with an employer you used to work for a long time ago. On the 11th, the Full Moon will cause arguments among friends. As much as you hate to do so, you will have to take sides. The days surrounding Easter will be perfect for enjoying domestic pursuits. It's a positive time to enjoy comfort food with your nearest and dearest. Do your best to conserve your financial resources during the second half of April. Make your cash stretch as far as it can possibly go. On the 26th, the New Moon will prompt you to hold a far reaching lifestyle check. Improving your diet, exercise and sleep regimens will yield impressive results. Breaking a bad habit will be liberating; get professional help if you need it. CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th Your powerful magnetism attracts many admirers at the beginning of April. If you're single, you'll enjoy playing the dating game. Do you have a partner? It will feel like you're enjoying a second honeymoon with your amour. It may become necessary to revise a creative project several times during the first half of the month. Be patient and stay focused on doing the best job you can. The Full Moon on the 11th will find you facing off with an oppressive authority figure.You may decide it's time to leave a position that has become too stressful to bear. A loving message from someone special will make your spirits soar at Easter. During the second half of the month, you should make adjustments to a self-improvement programme that is sapping your energy. On the 26th, the New Moon will prompt you to take a financial or emotional risk. This gamble will pay off handsomely.

AQUARIUS January 21st - February 19th Home improvements will make daily life much easier; use the early days of April to make repairs or upgrade the kitchen or bathroom. A property matter will hit some snags during the first half of the month. Take delays, mechanical breakdowns and misunderstandings in your stride. It will be much easier to straighten things out when you are calm and focused. On the 11th, the Full Moon will cause arguments about religion, politics and culture to erupt. Instead of adding fuel to the fire, listen carefully to all points of view. Reconnect with friends and family at Easter. The second half of April will find you doing battle with a bureaucratic institution. A change in policy will create tremendous inconvenience to you. If an agency refuses to stick to its original agreement, you may want to contact the media. The New Moon on the 26th is perfect for buying or selling a piece of property.

PISCES February 20th - March 20th Joining a professional or creative organisation will be empowering in the early days of April and set a trend for times to come. There is strength in numbers at this pivotal time. Double check the address field before hitting the 'send' button on emails. Misdirected messages can cause tremendous problems during the first half of the month. The Full Moon on the 11th will bring an unexpected expense.You'll have to juggle the budget to accommodate your financial obligations. Use your considerable charm to talk your way into a great job around Easter. The second half of the month will see some big changes to your social network. It may be time to purge some people from your Facebook feed. On the 26th, the New Moon will give you a chance to acquire some valuable skills. Learning how to make furniture or repair equipment will give you a great feeling of satisfaction. If you play your cards right, you may even be able to use this knowledge to increase your income. Evangelica - Pin Number 6974 Evangelica is sensitive to the Karmic information contained within the energies, and with the help of her guides and soul-group, Tarot cards and crystals she can give you the best advice possible to help you with your problems. Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+) (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

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The stars of the “The Chase” won the “Let’s sing and Dance for Comic Relief. After impressing the judges with their Wizard of Oz routine earlier in the series, the pressure was on Shaun Wallace, Mark Labbett, Jenny Ryan and Anne Hegerty at they danced and sang in the final episode. For the final performance, Lesley Joseph appeared on stage dressed as the wicked witch of the west. The final episode of “Let’s Sing and Dance” marked the end of this year’s Comic Relief, after Red Nose Day. The total money raised so far stands at just over £71 million at the end of the broadcast. Comic Relief’s co-founder Sir Lenny Henry said “Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that has helped to raise an incredible amount of money this Red Nose Day for people who really need it most here in the UK and across the World” “From the fantastic people across the UK who baked cakes, hosted parties and wore crazy outfits to work and school, to those who took on Red Nose Day challenges and donated, your money is seriously going to change lives” “On behalf of Comic Relief, we cannot thank you enough..” Comic Relief was launched over 30 years ago by Sir Lenny Henry and filmmaker Richard Curtis, and has helped over 11.7 million people in Africa and almost 70,000 vulnerable people since the last Red Nose Day in 2015

Starsign Easter E Russell Grant reveals the type of Easter Egg tastes and styles for each of the Starsigns...

Aries Aries will love it if the Easter Bunny leaves them an assortment of Easter Eggs with a fine array of tempting tastes.

LEO Leos love Easter as this is their chance to have some creative fun. There’s nothing like joining the kids decorating eggs to bring out their inner child. Chocolate always gives Leo an uplift and the bigger the Easter egg, the better!

Capricorn Combine old traditions like hiding dyed or painted eggs for the Capricorn to find. When the hunt is over, present Capricorn with a quality chocolate Easter egg that is indulgent, decadent and if they are on a diet, very very naughty!

Taurus Taste, aroma and wrapping are all important for the selective Taurus. Go for extra tantalising flavour, expensive brands and quality rather than quantity!

Virg th cho bas eggs healt

Eggs Gemini Small, individually foil-wrapped eggs they can dip into long after Easter is over or an Easter gift basket filled with an assortment of chocolate will be the perfect gift for Gemini.

Virgo go will appreciate the care and hought that goes into handmade ocolate eggs. An Easter fruit gift sket or fruit flavoured chocolate will make Virgo feel they’re eating thily while enjoying an Easter treat.

Aquarius Organic and Fairtrade Easter Eggs are the ideal choice for the Aquarian. Unique novelty eggs will fulfil Aquarian’s chocolate dreams. Go for minimalist packaging.

Libra A fabulous Faberge egg is a gift the Libran will treasure forever. Hollow chocolate eggs will disappoint them as will solid ones. For a real Easter surprise, Librans need a sumptuously decorated egg with exciting fillings.

Cancer Creative Cancerians will go out of their way to fill a basket full of personally decorated eggs for their loved ones. A chocolate nest cake stuffed with mini chocolate eggs will appeal to the nurturing side of their nature.

Scorpio Arrange an Easter Egg hunt to delight the Scorpio who loves a mystery. Scorpio will enjoy creamy flavours that melt on their tongue. An EasterEgg and Champagne hamper will surely capture the romantic Scorpio’s heart!

Sagittarius As an alternative to the traditional chocolate egg, Sagittarius would appreciate the thought that goes into an Easter selection box filled with a selection of chocolate from around the world.

Pisces Romantic Pisces loves surprises and loves to be kept guessing. Gift them with candle-dripped Easter eggs as well as chocolate ones! A shell that has a ripple of white chocolate running through it will be deliciously perfect.

April Getaways... Discover fun events & festivals across the UK this month! Have a bloomin lovely time at the Harrogate Flower Show Gardening events in April don’t come much bigger than this as over a hundred of the UK's top plant nurseries from across the country prepare to create spectacular displays this spring.You will find thousands of garden-related products, with hundreds of exhibitors offering everything from conservatories to fruit cages. The show hosts the UK's biggest floral art marquee with hundreds of beautiful, intricate works of art. Fun activities for children include crafting, planting and spotting and there is a range of fun activities for children. Find culinary inspiration in the Cookery Theatre as talented chefs demonstrate delicious dishes featuring local spring produce.

Cheer on the runners at the London Marathon This annual sporting extravaganza sees thousands of runners take to the streets of the capital, passing some of its most famous sites (not that they have time to soak up the view). Of course, running 26 miles (40km) is not everyone’s idea of ‘fun’, but we can assure you that watching other people do it certainly is, and the atmosphere among the crowds lining the route is electric. Head to the Cutty Sark sailing boat in Greenwich at the seven-mile mark, where the runners weave their way onwards against a marvelous maritime backdrop. From here you can hop on the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) across the Thames to Mudchute, where you’ll be in time to catch them again at the 17-mile mark too.

Enjoy 4 days of fabulousness at Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival If you are looking for fun, fabulous festivals in April, look no further – the Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival is an award-winning show featuring some of the best performers from the world of burlesque and alternative cabaret. One of the region’s most exciting festivals, the 2016 event won ‘Best Event/Festival’ at The Burlesque Awards 2016, and This is Cabaret calls the festival the "Shining jewel of the UK Burlesque scene."

Be inspired by authors, readings and workshops in the North East Hexham's annual celebration of all things literary features some of the country's best writers, in a suitably beautiful setting. Each spring the pretty town of Hexham buzzes with anticipation, as one of England's top literary festivals rolls in. Writers great, old and new, come to the town's Queen's Hall, a magnificent Victorian landmark facing lovely Hexham Abbey, to speak about their work and perhaps teach a few tricks of the trade. Other events include illustration workshops and history lectures.

Eat your way through Salcombe’s Crab Festival Visit the UK’s most delicious seafood festival, with hundreds of activities, chef demos and eating experiences to be had in South Devon. Enjoy fun activities for all ages, local chef cookery demos, fabulous artisan and local food and drink producers, all served with a great big dollop of South Devon sunshine at Salcombe Crabfest.This hugely popular April event is set to be bigger and better this year, with with a whole host of culinary greats acting as the attraction for foodies young and old.

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Comedian Victoria Wood to be celebrated and remembered in “Our Friend Victoria” on BBC One “Our Friend Victoria” is a six-part series in which Victoria’s archive is introduced and celebrated by her friends, peers and co-stars. Victoria’s rich and varied career spanned four decades, won her a raft of awards including six BAFTA’s and deep affection from the British public. This is a chance to honour and appreciate her most iconic work all over again alongside some re-discovered treats. Julie Walters (Victoria Wood: As Seen On TV), Michael Ball (That Day We Sang) Maxine Peake (Dinnerladies) Daniel Rigby (Eric And Ernie) and others to be announced, will each present an episode of the series dedicated to the star. Jim Broadbent, Conleth Hill, Anne Reid, Thelma Barlow, Celia Imrie, Ted Robbins, David Threlfall, Shobna Gulati and Aisling Bea will also be amongst the many other guests talking about their love of Victoria. A spokesman for the BBC said: “British comedy lost its most prolific and multi-talented star last year. Victoria was unparalleled in what she achieved as a creator, writer, character actress, sketch and sitcom performer, director, singer, songwriter and stand-up – she did the lot with a unique humour and a broad appeal common touch. Close colleagues from across her career guide us on a celebration of Victoria’s finest work so we can revel in her brilliance once more as her work and influence will live on for a long time to come.”

“Our Friend Victoria” will be on BBC One during April marking the one-year anniversary of Victoria’s death.

Reflex Most people have heard the term reflexology but really don’t have a clear idea what it is. They think of it as some type of new age, alternative type of either healing or personal improvement practice. A vague memory of their pediatrician hitting their knee with a tool with a triangular piece of rubber on the end to check their reflexes comes to mind. If the lower leg moved forward you had good reflexes. Reflexology deals with reflexes. Reflexologists believe that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands which correspond to all the glands, organs, and parts of the body. They have a unique method of using their thumb and fingers on these reflexes to find areas of congestion and tension and then work these out to help the body work more efficiently.

xology It is hard to understand how putting pressure on a certain area of the foot could have an affect on an organ or gland. It sounds sort of like acupuncture. The reason reflexology is said to work is because reflexes link each part of the body to a special area on the feet and hands. What connects the reflexes is the nervous system. For example, there are about 7,500 nerve endings in the foot. When a reflex point is manipulated properly a reflex action, like the tool hitting the knee, is produced through the nerve endings. Some of these nerve endings get damaged or unresponsive. The reflexologist eases the tension on these nerves and blood vessels which allows blood to flow easier helping the body to work better. If you have ever had a foot massage then you know how relaxing this can be. A foot massage emphasises the muscular, circulatory and lymphatic systems. Most people know that the circulatory system moves blood through our systems but are not as familiar with the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is an extensive interconnected system of vessels, spaces, and nodes in the body which circulates lymph which is a fluid made from protein and other fluids. Reflexology not only helps the muscular, circulatory and lymphatic systems of the body, it also affects the inside of the body, all of the organs and glands, everything inside the body. Reflexologists use a reflexology chart which is a map of the foot showing the specific locations of corresponding body parts as their nerves are represented in the foot.

The chart shows which nerve to manipulate for each body part. It is interesting that the left and right foot reflect the left and right side of the body and the heart, lungs, chest and upper back are located in the ball of the foot.

Congratulations to Cheryl and Liam on the birth of their Baby Boy! The birth was announced by the proud new parents as Cheryl shared a photo on Instagram with her fans saying “On Wednesday 22nd March Liam and I became parents to an incredibly beautiful, healthy baby boy weighing 7lb 9oz and looking like a dream” Cheryl welcomed her first child at London’s Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, with her partner, Liam, by her side. This snapshot offers the world a glimpse of their newborn but Cheryl and Liam will not be sharing any pictures of their sons face as their main priority is their child’s privacy. It is reported that the couple were offered huge magazine deals from the UK and US but they turned them all down as the baby’s privacy is the most important thing to them. Cheryl added “Although he still doesn’t have a name he is already stealing hearts. We are madly in love and overwhelmingly happy with our little arrival” The baby boy arrived just in time for Mother’s Day with Cheryl saying “Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers around the world. A day that now has a different meaning to me forever.” Liam shared the same picture as he wrote “My close friends and family know there are a few times when I’m left speechless ..wow!

Liam added “I'm incredibly happy to welcome our new baby boy into the world, it's a moment that I will never forget for the rest of my life and my favourite memory I have so far. I’m completely in awe of his incredible mother and how she has been the whole way through this, she's really made my dreams come true. We haven't named him yet but he's already capturing hearts including mine. I feel very blessed. Happy Mother's Day everyone!' Whilst Cheryl and Liam haven’t decided on a name yet, Alfie has proven to be one of the frontrunner's whilst Liam said he had been name picking and commented “I like Taylor. Taylor’s a pretty neutral name for a boy or a girl. That’s what I’m going to call my first child”

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Martin Clunes is back in Cornwall as Doc Martin Martin Clunes returns to Cornwall to play the nation’s favourite grumpy medic in a brand new series of Doc Martin for ITV. Martin Clunes reprises his role as Dr. Martin Ellingham, the GP with a brusque bedside manner and a phobia of blood, in eight new episodes of the hugely successful drama set in the idyllic, sleepy hamlet of Portwenn in Cornwall. Caroline Catz plays Doc Martin’s wife and local school headmistress, Louisa Ellingham. After having therapy to save their marriage in the last series, they face the challenge of living happily together with their baby James Henry. Martin Clunes says: “I’m thrilled to be back on the beautiful North Cornish coast to shoot series eight of Doc Martin. The Doc is as obstinate as ever, but he is trying his best to be a better husband and father.” Ian McNeice is back to play Bert Large, with Joe Absolom son Al. Bert is desperate to make his home distilled whisky a success, but there’s a shortage of customers willing to buy. Meanwhile guests are not exactly flocking to Al’s bed and breakfast, and he fears he will have to close the doors for good. Wedding bells are ringing for unlucky in love PC Joe Penhale , played by John Marquez. He popped the question to the Doc’s nanny Janice Bone, played by Robyn Addison, in the last series and is looking forward to marital bliss. Will the course of true love run smoothly at last for Portwenn’s police officer? There’s romance too for the doctor’s receptionist, Morwenna Newcross, played by Jessica Ransom. Morwenna and Al have become an item. But there’s devastating news for Morwenna when her parents Jack and Tara Newcross return to Portwenn unexpectedly. Selina Cadell returns as pharmacist Mrs Tishell, whose husband Clive, played by Malcolm Storry, is keen for her to join him on his keep fit regime.

Your First Phone Reading with Russell Grant’s Psychics & Mediums Whether you’re looking for guidance to your specific questions or just want a general reading about your life, Russell Grant’s team of Psychics and Mediums can offer you enlightenment and insight. With over 200 Psychics, Mediums, Tarot card readers and Astrologers to choose from it can be quite daunting. You can visit http://russellgrant.mobi/psychics to see who is available and read their biographies. Sometimes callers are drawn to a particular reader whereas others ask our Receptionists for advice relevant to their questions.

You can have an instant telephone reading by calling 0906 539 1430 (18+ only) which is charged to your phone bill at £1.50p per minute plus your phone providers access charge. Each phone provider’s charge is different so we recommend you check before making the call. Using this service will be restricted to a 19 minute reading as the call automatically disconnects.

The other (and cheaper method) is to pre pay for minutes by credit/debit card. Call our Booking line on 0207 111 6162 who can process your payment and advise you the best reader based on your specific questions such as Love, career or a general reading. The more minutes you book, the cheaper it works out, so we recommend a 30 minute reading for £42.40 (works out at £1.41p per minute) and you don’t have to use your minutes in one call. Once your booking has been processed, you are given a pin number, and you can quote this every time you want a reading until all of your minutes have been depleted.

Once your payment has been processed, you are connected straight away for your reading, so no waiting for a call back. We recommend you find a nice comfy chair, a cup of your favourite drink and a note pad to make a note of your pin number and also notes from your reading.You can ask specific questions you would like to focus on or ask for a general reading! Enjoy your reading!

Email a Psychic Get the guidance & enlightenment that you deserve... Do you have a burning question? Whether you're thinking about a new job, moving house or looking for more of an insight when it comes to your love life. No matter what questions you have - you can ask one of our highly talented psychics who have been offering psychic guidance all over the world for many years with amazing results! Simply ask your question and receive a confidential reply direct to your email address. No fuss - No delays .... Just answers! You can select from two options - a quick answer to your question: the Psychic will answer your burning question in around 1 page reply - an in-depth answer to your question: the Psychic will answer your burning question with up to 4 pages in reply. Our team of highly skilled and hand-picked psychics will try to answer your questions as quickly as possible (but please allow 24hrs for the quick answer option and 72 hrs if you choose to have them look at the in-depth question). Simply select the service from the two options below - and proceed to ask your question.

Quick Answer

In-Depth Answer

CS (Lincolnshire) asks about her next job move..?” Cancerian CS from Lincolnshire has recently left her job after fifteen years. It became a very toxic environment after a change of management. CS wonders what her next career move should be. With the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Cancer, the caring profession or working for a charity would be ideal for CS. It will bring her great fulfilment to get paid to make the world a more humane place. CS has qualifications, but not the work experience to fulfil job criteria. Volunteering for a charity would help her get some practical experience under her belt. Her challenge in 2017 will be to find ways to keep herself motivated. There will be challenges ahead and CS should prepare to make some adjustments. She would love to move to a new town or county but is concerned about how this will affect her young son in junior school. There is every chance he will quickly adapt so CS shouldn’t let this deter her if she really wants to relocate.

Susan (Chester) asks should I move abroad with my Scorpio boyfriend..? Piscean Susan from Chester is asking whether she should move abroad. She also provides her Scorpio boyfriend’s birth details. With Mars in Aries, Susan has an adventurous side and she can also be impulsive. Fortunately, Jupiter in Taurus will help keep her grounded. If Susan was to move abroad, it will not be a hasty move and she will try to keep to a sensible plan. She should however be prepared as change could happen very quickly and dreams may not turn out as expected. Before going ahead with any big move, Susan should ask herself whether it is really what she wants. It could also be that her boyfriend is not being entirely honest with her and could let her down at the eleventh hour. Even if he makes a commitment to move, he might find this hard to fulfil. This would be a great time for this couple to go on a journey and they should test the water before getting involved in anything unfamiliar.

Click HERE to ask Russell your Questions

Our FREE minute package deals: ü No special offer codes! ü No expiry date! ü No time limit! Don’t forget you can save money with our FREE minute package deals:

Book 50 minutes & Get 5 FREE MINUTES Book 60 minutes & Get 7 FREE MINUTES -

Book 100 minutes & Get 15 FREE MINUTES

Remember you DON’T have to use your minutes in one reading. Just ask our Receptionists for your Pin Number at the time of booking so you can quote it until all minutes have been depleted!

Pay for a Psychic reading via your Mobile Phone Bill

* 5 Minutes for £1

(New callers)

* 10 Minutes for £19.99 * 20 Minutes for £29.99 Click HERE to see more details (Only available from a mobile device)

www.russellgrant.com & www.russellgrant.mobi

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