Rga magazine august 2017 fab10

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Russell Grant Astrology August 2017 FREE

Your August Horoscopes

Events & Festivals

Titanic Hotel, Belfast

Love Horoscopes

Pets and Mental Health





14 11 16 17 4 11 14 17 23 26

Celebrity Prediction - Tom Hardy Russell Grant - 100 miles for Alzheimer’s NEW Titanic Hotel in Belfast Tom Kerridge and low-cal cooking ‘Ask Russell’ your Horoscope questions Get 10 days off at Christmas

31 2

18 6 12 16 18 24 29

August Horoscopes from Russell Grant Sizzling Beachwear Pets and mental health Your August Love Horoscopes Events & Festivals for August Strawberry Cocktails

A problem shared with ‘Agony Uncle John’


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Tom Hardy You might refuse to dig “hot as hell” Virgo, Tom Hardy. Maybe you did not appreciate his performances in “Black Hawk Down” and “Star Trek Nemesis”, but you would have a nerve to deny the guy’s a hunk; so hunky even senior citizens “go all a flutter” at the sight of him! So, what is it about Tommy that makes him blatantly "macho sexy?" Many a guy would like to know, because once they get that information under their belts they would do” hunky” without so much as a “by your leave!” A Hunk Born in Hammersmith? So being born in Hammersmith does not necessarily make a hunk out of a guy. Acting villainous roles might have something to do with Tom’s toughie reputation, plus ensuring one gets a potential rock star reputation at a young age, as in being kicked out of school for stealing, and wanting to be a rapper. Few would deny Tom was a tearaway in college. But that does not mean he is a macho hunk now, or does it? Sun in Virgo, moon in Libra ensures the last thing on Tommy’s mind is “hunkdom!” Fearless and virile is not the type of everyday life he lives. He is a dad, he is a devoted hubby. He is not tall either, just five feet nine, even a bit under. In fact, “Those Libran Scales” encouraged Tom to write that famous love letter to his deceased dog! Lovely Libra also pays attention to his artistic hands, he wears bracelets, he has sensitive eyes plus a rather refined bone structure. He has lovely bow lips too, but has made a trade mark out of his crooked teeth, something that a middle-class lad like Tom might deem a bit “hunkish”, but not overly so when one is as beautiful as he is. So, time to face facts, Tom is not at all scary! He just looks tough on screen. And this is where we come to the “Hitting the Tommy for Hunk” theory on the head, and making minced meat out of it. Tom Hardy is a good actor, plain and simple. He went to a prestigious drama school; his hero is Lawrence Olivier and being a dedicated Virgo, he worked hard to improve his craft. In fact, he was nominated for a Lawrence Olivier Award for “best newcomer!” The Evening Standard saw through his talent too, and gave him a prize for his performances in “Blood” and “In Arabia We’d All Be!” One would have to admit that some macho style “rays” do emanate from his aura now and then. Venus in Leo make him a passionate man, a possessive man, a reactive man. Then take his Uranus in Scorpio and boy does that “bold buzz” sneak through the cracks!

No denying it, Mr.Uranus ensures Tom “appears” super hunky. Put an obstacle in his way, and he overcomes it fast. His only failure was not convincing the director of "Wuthering Heights" that his wig looked like a rather lost and vulnerable pussy cat. Yet normally, nothing will break this guy's steely ambition until he gets the right roles, and he has gotten a few. For example, “Black Hawk Down”, “Warrior”, and of course “The Revenant” for which he received an Academy Award nomination and became Leonardo di Caprio’s best mate. Other Tom celluloids worth mentioning are “Mad Max”, and “The Kray Twins”

Mercury in Leo ensures that being creative is a number in Tom’s life. He can be reactive too, Leo “goes for glory” and does not like “half baked”. Tom uses his energy wisely. After all he wants to be a great actor, rather than just a good one, releasing his talent in an explosive “tour de force”, as per his role in “The Revenant”

‘In other words, when it comes to cream on Tom’s Success Cake, there is quite a lot!’ A Revealing Secret Now let us reveal Tom’s secret! Uranus in an extreme Scorpio planetary placement ensures his soul is so hidden, few will ever get to see the real Tom. It was that undercurrent “Scorpio Uranus” element that helped him fight drug addiction in his twenties, ensuring being a crack addict was not easy after all. Now he says “I want to help other people, and I’m grateful for the things that happened in my life. It could have gone the wrong way.” A Middle-Class Tearaway Like Jude Law, also a bit of a middle-class tearaway, Tom has Pluto in Libra, he hails from a “Fight for Justice” generation. He was born in the London suburbs, he was privileged. Yet Pluto in Libra taught Tom that life can be messy and it has given him an edge when it comes to his Libran search for emotional harmony.

And here we return to that sixty-five-thousand-dollar question. Why is Tom such a hunk? Why is he so hot,dedicated, sensitive and ready to risk an intuitive leap to get what one wants from a role? Nobody knows, above all us!

Beware of making too many demands on your best friend, romantic partner or a working colleague in the early days of August. You're not the only one who is busy. A Lunar Eclipse on the 7th will mark the end of a group connection, giving you more time for your personal life. You'll have to revise a work project several times at the middle of the month, so don't pour too much energy into it. On the 21st, a Solar Eclipse will inspire you to begin a creative project. Putting an inventive spin on a traditional form will open up a fresh set of options that have gone unnoticed before now. Your boss will ask you to go on an important trip during the second half of the month; you'll be able to combine business with pleasure on this journey. The closing days of the month are ideal for signing a contract. This legal agreement will pave the way for long term financial security.

You'll feel out of your depth at the beginning of August. Ask for help or apply for formal training and do the best you can until you begin to see the wood for the trees. On the 7th, a Lunar Eclipse will mark the close of an important era at work. This could mean a rise or change of job for you. Flattery will get you nowhere in the middle of the month. It's better to be honest if you don't like a project, gift or decoration. The Solar Eclipse on the 21st will prompt you to improve your living situation. Moving to a glamorous city or doing some radical home improvements are all possibilities. The more time you spend on domestic pursuits, the happier you will be during the second half of August. As September approaches, you'll launch a health regime that will soon bring impressive results. Take this opportunity to overhaul your diet and exercise routines. Getting more time to be alone with your thoughts will also be therapeutic.

Amelia - Pin Number 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward in depth readings without imposing on your free will. Amelias readings are empowering & focus on providing insight,balance & perspective in personal,relationship & career areas - helping some clients connect to their inner path.

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Overindulging in luxuries will put a serious dent in your budget at the start of the month. Practice restraint, no matter how much you'd like to go on a spending spree. A Lunar Eclipse on the 7th could bring the end of an academic program or educational process. You'll be very happy with the result so go out and celebrate. Toward the middle of the month, it may be necessary to make some home repairs. Don't let a faulty wiring system or plumbing problem spiral out of control. Good news will reach your ears on the 21st, thanks to an energising Solar Eclipse. You'll be able to move forward with a project you've been contemplating for months. During the second half of the month, you'll be working closely with a close friend, romantic partner or business associate. You'll generate the ideas while your other half implements them. Two heads are definitely better than one as August turns to September.

You'll feel torn between family and friends at the start of the month. Be sure to attend a relative's special celebration, even if your best friend or romantic partner wants you to skip it. On the 7th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring an end to an unearned source of income, but there is no need to panic as it is more than likely that as one door shuts another will open, even if you have to wait a wee while before it does. Don't get drawn into a power struggle in the middle of the month. A loved one will subject you to a guilt trip; try not to take the bait. A moneymaking opportunity will arrive on the 21st, courtesy of an enriching Solar Eclipse. Working in a technical field should prove profitable. Flattery won't get you anywhere with an authority figure at the end of the month. If you want to earn your boss's respect, it will be through hard work, perseverance and innovation. Put your best foot forward and put your shoulder to the wheel.

An oppressive work situation will cause you to think about leaving for greener pastures at the beginning of the month. The Lunar Eclipse on the 7th marks the end of a close relationship; you'll welcome the opportunity to make a fresh start. Devote your attention to a demanding creative project at the middle of the month. This work could be the fresh start you feel you need. On the 21st, a Solar Eclipse marks a thrilling metamorphosis for you. You'll have an opportunity to step into a new role. There may be quite a bit of overseas travel involved with this situation. Getting paid to visit exotic countries on an expense account will be the answer to a prayer. The second half of the August invites you to polish your creative talent to a diamond brilliance. Working with a seasoned expert will open your eyes to fresh possibilities. Be willing to break bad habits for the sake of improving your technique and ultimately, your results.

An expensive romance could come to an end in early August. You'll be glad to get a greater measure of control over your personal life. On the 7th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring an end to a work assignment, giving you a chance to pursue bigger and better opportunities. You may decide to return to a previous employer or line of work at the middle of the month. It will feel like you have never been away The Solar Eclipse on the 21st gives you a very welcome opportunity to spend more time on solitary pursuits. Devoting your energy to artwork, animals and nature will be rewarding. You also might get deeply involved in a charitable organisation. Use your considerable communication skills to raise money for a good cause. Serious family responsibilities will demand your attention as August turns to September. Take this opportunity to create financial security for your nearest and dearest.

Giving an unreliable relative the benefit of the doubt will be a serious mistake in early August. Instead of putting your trust this family member to do anything for you from running an errand or giving you a loan, put your faith elsewhere. A Lunar Eclipse on the 7th will allow you to put the finishing touches on a creative project; you'll be very happy with the result. At the middle of the month, you'll be having so much fun at work that you may neglect your personal life. If your loved ones disapprove of your career, it may be time to form a more supportive social network. The Solar Eclipse on the 21st marks an exciting social event that will raise your profile. Wear something distinctive to this occasion; you'll attract admiring glances wherever you go. Make plans to go on a glamorous trip at the end of August; you'll find some terrific deals on plane tickets and hotel rooms.

Sapphire - Pin Number 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader she connects to the Infinite realm to shift, change, and transform people's lives. She has worked with hundreds of clients & demonstrates these talents on Blog Radio.

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0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd In the opening days of August, you'll hear some harsh words from a jealous individual. You used to think this person was your friend, but you certainly won't after they show their true colours. On the 7th, a Lunar Eclipse will prompt you to find a better living situation. This is a good time to sell a piece of property or move to a more secluded area. You won't have much respect for a so-called expert at the middle of the month. Instead of following their lead, you should forge your own path. A Solar Eclipse on the 21st marks a thrilling career opportunity. Accept a job that will keep you on your toes. You'll welcome a chance to break out of a boring work routine. Although the salary won't be terribly impressive at first, it will increase over time. There is plenty of opportunity for growth with this company, as long as you're willing to work hard.

SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st Throwing your money around will attract the wrong crowd at the start of the month. It's better to be respectful and resourceful, even if you've recently seen an increase in income. A Lunar Eclipse on the 7th brings an end to a social project or academic programme. You'll have more time for everyday pleasures and pastimes as a result. Don't lend or borrow money toward the middle of the month, or you will do serious damage to a friendship. On the 21st, a Solar Eclipse will invite you to expand your horizons. Seize this opportunity to take an overseas trip or start a writing project. You could be taking on some heavy responsibilities during the second half of the month. You'll enjoy sinking your teeth into a spiritually rewarding project. Raising funds for a good cause will raise your professional profile. It will also put you in contact with influential members of the community. These social connections will be helpful for you.

CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th Dampening a relative's enthusiasm is a mistake in the early days of August. Instead of warning a family member not to take a risk, show that you have faith in their judgement. You will be pleasantly surprised. On the 7th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring an end to a moneymaking endeavour, giving you more time to pursue your dream career. The middle of the month will prompt you to return to a nostalgic destination you always loved as a child. Be sure to buy a special gift for your favourite person on this excursion. Pick something that reflects their taste, not yours. A Solar Eclipse on the 21st will attract a big windfall. Use the money to make extensive home repairs & renovations. If you don't own your place, this is your chance to put a down payment on a fabulous property. Give thanks for your good fortune by donating time/money to a charity.

AQUARIUS January 21st - February 19th A hidden rival will make trouble for you at the start of the month. Instead of doubling your efforts, make a strategic retreat. You'll have an opportunity to turn your luck around on the 7th, thanks to a powerful Lunar Eclipse. Don't be surprised if you're relieved of an onerous chore or responsibility at this liberating time. Toward the middle of the month, you might be found doing some heavy flirting with a passionate admirer. If you're already in a relationship, let your amour sweep you off your feet. A Solar Eclipse on the 21st marks a turning point in a close partnership. Meeting your soulmate, getting engaged or exchanging marriage vows are all possibilities. Arguments with an absent minded colleague could mean you have no other option but to file an official complaint. You aren't willing to put up with their careless performance any longer. Make sure to attend a big party at the end of August; you'll make some influential friends.

PISCES February 20th - March 20th Neither a lender nor a borrower be in the early days of August. You don't want to ruin a friendship because of a financial argument. On the 7th, a Lunar Eclipse will allow you to rest, relax and reflect after a busy social season. Take this opportunity to spend more private time with your loving partner. If you're single, someone from your past will try to reconnect with you toward the middle of the month bringing with them an important decision. This would be a good time to repair past mistakes. A Solar Eclipse on the 21st will attract an exciting job offer. Getting paid to exercise your imagination will make you feel much better, both physically and emotionally. Take the chance to be extra helpful to a colleague in the closing days of the month and you'll gather a great deal of valuable information, not to mention experience. Hard work will pave the way for a raise, promotion or both. Don't be afraid to assume a position with lots of responsibility.

Evangelica - Pin Number 6974 Evangelica is sensitive to the Karmic information contained within the energies, and with the help of her guides and soul-group, Tarot cards and crystals she can give you the best advice possible to help you with your problems.

Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) Or

0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

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RUSSELL GRANT WALKING 100 MILES FOR ALZHEIMER’S RESEARCH UK Russell Grant has gone from waltzing to walking to support a cause very close to his heart; Alzheimer’s Research UK and has signed up for ‘Running Down Dementia’ in memory of his Nan, Alice who was lost to Alzheimer’s over 20 years ago.

Russell had many fond memories of his Nan and reflected how she worked in an ammunition factory and painted spitfires during World War 2 and was very active throughout her life. Russell and his mother cared for his Nan for over 5 years as the disease took hold.

Russell talked about his 100 mile walk on ITV’s Lorraine show and said “On August 11th, my Nan would have been 121 years old but died from Alzheimer’s at 99 years and 6 months. I’m planning to have a Dance-a-thon and complete my 100 mile walk in the mountains of Snowdonia to raise much needed funds for this cruel disease which is now the biggest killer.” He added “With social services and the bed capacity within the NHS under strain, people are going into hospital with Alzheimer’s so finding a cure is so important on so many levels”.

“It started with little things like putting tea bags into the kettle to a complete change of character and she eventually went mute. You gradually see the person change over time. It’s a long kiss goodbye” Russell is aiming to raise £1,500 for Alzheimer’s Research UK and you can find out more and donate by clicking the logo:

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The New Titanic Hotel,Belfast The transformation of the legendary Harland & Wolff headquarters into the world's most authentic Titanic hotel is nearing completion. The spectacular Drawing Offices, heart of these historically important buildings, will soon be open to the public. Belfast's newest four star deluxe-hotel will provide guests with an unforgettable experience for anyone visiting Northern Ireland on business or for pleasure. Discerning guests will appreciate the exquisitely designed and furnished suite rooms, many reflecting the legacy of Harland & Wolff’s innovative design and craftsmanship. Each of the rooms and suites provide the latest in information technology and connectivity for both private and business guests.

The impressive Drawing Offices, at the heart of Harland & Wolff’s naval architects department, can accommodate functions for up to 250 guests. In these spaces many of the world’s most famous passenger liners were designed including Majestic, Teutonic, Oceanic, Olympic and Titanic, making these inspiring and unique spaces for your special event.

The Harland & Wolff Drawing Offices, the earliest parts of these historic buildings, date from the 1880’s and over the following 100 years played an important part in the design of many of the world’s most famous ocean liners and the creation of the ‘floating hotel’ influencing the design of many of today’s cruise ships. A team of award winning chefs have crafted a unique menu for the main dining room with views towards the iconic Titanic Belfast building and the historic slipways where Titanic and her sister ships Olympic and Britannic were constructed.

Treat yourself to an enticing weekend in extraordinary Belfast with our Titanic Hotel Belfast Special Offers and Belfast Hotel Deals. Experience Luxury in a historical setting in the Harland and Wolf Drawing Office buildings.

Pets and Mental Health A pet can be the perfect source of companionship, comfort, well being and act as a motivator for their owners. Pets can help is all live a more fulfilling, happier and healthier life.

Pets are a great incentive and motivator to get active and dogs are especially great at encouraging owners to take regular exercise which can be beneficial for anyone suffering from depression. Caring for a pet can give your day both purpose and reward plus a sense of achievement as you feel needed and valued as your pet relies on you for everything in their daily life.

Pets offer unconditional love that can be so helpful for anyone suffering from depression or anxiety. Studies show that animals can reduce tension and improve mood. Along with treatment, pets can help some people with mild to moderate depression feel better. If you’re depressed, here’s how a pet could help you: Ÿ Uncomplicated and unconditional love Ÿ Responsibility Ÿ Activity Ÿ Routine and structure Ÿ Companionship Ÿ Social interaction Ÿ Touch

From reducing stress, anxiety and depression to easing loneliness, caring for your pet can make you feel more secure and provide valuable companionship.

Ÿ Better health Whether it’s a purr from a kitten or a wagging tail from a dog, having a pet could make a real difference!


Michelin star chef Tom Kerridge returns to BBC with a low-Calorie Cooking series The new six-part series with Michelin star chef Tom Kerridge follows a group of dieters who want to achieve lasting weight loss with Tom’s take on low calorie recipes “Lose Weight for Good” The series recruits 13 volunteers from his local area to test his recipes in conjunction with NHS-approved weight loss advice. The dieters on the 12-week weight loss programme include a vicar, a police officer and a nurse who is getting married later in the year.

Tom Kerridge has famously lost 12 stone following a ‘no carb’ regime, and is now turning his attention to low-calorie cooking to help others. Tom Kerridge says: “It’s impossible to lose weight and keep the weight off for good if you don’t enjoy what you’re eating. The NHS offers really sound advice about how to lose weight so I’ve taken this as the starting point and decided to challenge myself as a chef to come up with really appealing lower calorie dishes people will want to eat every day. The cooking techniques mean there’s no compromise on flavour and you’re promised a generous plate of food. Tom Kerridge: Lose Weight For Good is scheduled for broadcast in early 2018 on BBC Two.

Philip Garcia’s Love Horoscopes ARIES (March 21st - April 20th) A friend or loved one fails to keep a promise. Give a gentle reminder as they've probably forgotten all about it. So, instead of promising something they couldn't deliver, they will indeed keep their word. They will also be apologetic and keen to make it up to you. Are you single? You could become close friends with someone you meet on an online dating site but when you meet in person, there won't be the spark you need to become lovers. TAURUS (April 21st - May 21st) You're tense, argumentative and tired of carrying out routine responsibilities. Work is more exhausting than rewarding. Misunderstandings can occur if you're too quick to jump to conclusions. Are you letting work, financial and other life stressors get on top of you? A little loving relaxation would do you good. Treat yourself to a break. Make time for romance in the evenings and weekend.Your loved ones will anticipate your needs and you will be grateful for their understanding. GEMINI (May 22nd - June 21st) Good news about a trip you are planning will lift your spirits.You're feeling happier now and this will have a positive effect on all relationships. When was the last time you and your lover shared purely romantic moments? It hasn't been easy to keep the romantic flame alive while you've been occupied with other matters. This is all about to change. Share with your partner what turns you on and discover what makes them tick. Life's too short to deny yourself a little pleasure.

CANCER June 22nd - July 23rd Romance is in the air. Be sure to make the most of it. Experimenting with new ideas both in and out of the bedroom will revitalise your love life. If you're in a long-term relationship don't be surprised if what worked for you both years ago no longer makes you happy.You have to constantly adapt to keep your relationship alive. Are you single? A travel offer could also be your ticket to a new romance.

LEO July 24th - August 23rd You need activities that stimulate your intellect as well as your heart. Do something exciting, fun and glamorous. Whether single or attached, take the initiative in love. Expect to find yourself responding with enthusiasm to a partner who is equally as bold.You feel more in tune with society and more willing to mix, mingle and make new friends. Love will be delightful and when you're with your favourite people you can relax and be yourself.

Listen to your Week Ahead Horoscope for FREE You can now listen to Russell Grant’s podcast for FREE. Every Friday, the podcast is updated with the following Weeks Horoscopes for all Starsigns! So sit back, relax and discover what Russell Grant reveals about your Starsign for the Week Ahead!

VIRGO August 24th - September 23rd A sense of achievement will come through an award, prize or bonus. A friend or workmate will earn your respect by being sensible, practical and organised.Your talents are highly valued and so is your ability to cultivate teamwork and harmony. There is plenty chemistry and a sense of emotional connection between you and another. Joint plans will come to fruition. If you are half of a duo, your partner seems keen to hear something you aren't yet ready to tell them.

LIBRA September 24th - October 23rd A misunderstanding blows up out of all proportion. Wait until tempers cool before discussing the issue that's causing all this contention. Diplomacy is key to keeping relationships harmonious - a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. Asking how people feel will enhance understanding in relationships. Stay positive and keep smiling.Very soon a relationship will begin with a person who lives close to you. This could lead to a passionate romance if you are single.

SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd A sensible friend gets your respect because they don't seem to waste a single moment of their time. Their efficiency will help you sort out your life and relationships.You are grateful for some wise advice that helps you see a problem from a different perspective.You are starting to feel more at ease in romance. Responding sensitively to your lover's desires will heighten your own romantic enjoyment. Single? It will be fun figuring out how to capture the interest of someone you fancy.

SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st A romance that has been dawdling along isn't bringing you any happiness.You might end this relationship when it becomes apparent that neither of you feel very enthusiastic about it. There will be a tremendous sense of relief once you make this decision. A lot is going on in your life and there is plenty to keep you occupied. Single? Be sensible and think about the consequences before responding to a known flirt's romantic suggestions.

CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th Someone's emotional dependency on you isn't the burden you expected it to be. It makes you happy to be to help a friend who is going through some difficulties. They've always been there for you in the past and this is your turn to return the favour. Are you half of a duo? If so, never before have you been so much in tune with your partner's feelings.You can almost reach into their mind and read their thoughts.

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AQUARIUS January 21st - February 19th Conflict could cause problems. Disagreeing with your partner can have positive results in that it will help you resolve issues that come between you. It's worth looking at what is working and what isn't working in your relationship. Are you single? True love of the lasting kind doesn't seem very easy to find these days. As it is, you're quite content operating independently. There are worse things than being without a partner.

PISCES February 20th - March 20th Romance is exciting.Your enthusiasm for having fun is contagious and you will easily win the cooperation of your friends and significant other.You are charismatic and alluring and you seem to draw people your way with magnetic ease.You just want to have fun so it's hardly surprising you are so popular. Everyone wants your company. It might seem strange to have so much power and control over your friendships and close relationships.

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Aquarius Isabelle from Torquay is between jobs at the moment. This is causing her to feel depressed which in turn affects her relationship with her partner. She asks whether there is a way out of this..? It’s never easy when one partner is unhappy and although Isabelle won’t mean to take it out on her loved ones, she will tell it as it is. Venting her frustrations is not an ideal solution when it is starting to push her partner away. All the more confusing is that he has probably never seen this side of her nature and feels confused about how to react. Isabelle is going through emotions she has never felt before and with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aquarius, she is struggling to understand what she really wants. She needs to get to the root of what’s causing her frustration to understand herself. There’s every chance it is not her job situation but something deeper that is bothering her and some counselling might help her work through her problems.

Beatrice (London) asks when she’ll find happiness..? Scorpio Jinder from Newcastle asks about career, family and their prospects, too, for finding love..? With a group of planets in Scorpio, Jinder is serious, intense and focused about everything that gets their interest. Anything that is hidden fascinates Jinder and they will delve and investigate, looking for hidden meanings. They can’t help but feel suspicious if their daughter won’t reveal what she is up to, but sometimes it’s best to remain silent. No matter how much Jinder wants to help, other people will appreciate it if they are left to their own devices. If a house move is what Jinder is hoping for, Uranus suggests positive changes will come about. Home life may be disrupted for a while but this will be for the best. In the workplace, Jinder will be taking on new responsibilities. Old friends will be supportive and most things will go well over the year ahead but as far as romance goes, Jinder shouldn’t settle for second best.

Click HERE to ask Russell your Questions

August Getaways... Discover fun events & festivals across the UK this month! Strut your stuff at Brighton Pride Brighton Pride needs no introduction. Every year this coastal town is painted all the colours of the rainbow as thousands flock here to promote LGBT equality and celebrate its unique culture. If nothing else, Brighton Pride is about the freedom to express yourself, so don’t be surprised if some festival-goers take this to the extreme in the Wild Fruit Dance Tent. Generally, this is not the place to play shy, especially if you find yourself front row in the Legends Cabaret Tent during one of their ferocious drag acts. Of course, the best demonstration of this community’s pride in its individuality is the Parade itself, when the streets become a sea of colour and character. Even if you’re not actually taking part, it’s well worth a watch.

Edinburgh Fringe Festival The world's largest arts festival transforms Scotland's capital every August, as thousands of performers take to hundreds of stages all over the city to present shows of all kinds and for every taste. The work on show ranges from huge names in the world of entertainment to unknown artists looking to build their careers. Audiences can enjoy theatre, comedy, dance, circus, cabaret, children's shows, physical theatre, musicals, opera, music, spoken word, exhibitions and events.

Lytham 1940s Wartime Weekend The 1940's Wartime period brought to life with a bang! Come join in the atmosphere on Lytham Green and throughout Lytham and immerse yourself in a brilliant weekend of live entertainment, re-enactments and have-a-go fun! Historic Vehicles, music and dance, memorabilia stalls, thrilling battle re enactments, educational talks and demonstrations plus living history camp! Why not pick up the latest war winning gardening and food tips or join the Home Guard?!?

Castle Howard Proms Set on the sweeping North Lawn, this spectacular classical concert will be a night to remember for the whole family. The evocative sound of the last remaining Spitfire with its original wartime service engine will open Castle Howard’s Proms 2017 in patriotic style. Confirmed guests include Brit Award winners Blake and classical star soprano Joanna Forest, who will be joined by the London Gala Orchestra. The programme will include popular classics, songs from musicals and Proms favourites which concludes with a stunning laser and firework finale.

World Bogsnorkelling Championships The 32nd annual World Bog Snorkelling Championships are to be held in Llanwrtyd Wells - an event that Lonely Planet described as one of the top 50 "must do" things from around the world. Hundreds of participants from around the world, and plenty of spectators, are expected once again. The current World Champion is Daniel Norman who achieved a time of 1 minute 26.38 seconds in the 2016 championships, whilst the World Record, which was set in 2014 by Kirsty Johnson from Lightwater in Surrey,

It’s nearly to early to think about Christmas when it comes to booking time off for the festive season. If you have a job when you can book time off over Christmas and the New Year, it’s time to get your Holiday requests in NOW so you can enjoy 10 days away from work whilst you only use three days of your holiday entitlement.

If you do this, your last working day before Christmas will be 22nd December and you won’t return to work until the 2nd January.

Here’s how the end of 2017 looks: Friday, December 22: Your last day at work Saturday, December 23 Sunday, December 24: Christmas Eve Monday, December 25: Christmas Day Tuesday, December 26: Boxing Day

Saturday, December 30 Sunday, December 31: New Year’s Eve Monday, January 1: New Year’s Day Tuesday, January 2: Back to work again Happy Christmas!

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Happy Birthday to... Philip McKnight from Crewe who will be celebrating on the 26th August.

Happy 50th Birthday to... Maureen Jayle from Derby who will be celebrating on the 19th August.

A fond farewell to... Julie Limington from London who is emigrating to Australia.

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Strawberry and Mint Margaritas 300g of Strawberries into a blender, add 240ml of tequila, 2 tsbp of honey and sugar to taste (Serves 6) Garnish with chopped mint leaves & Strawberry slices!

Strawberry Daiquiri Blend 4 fresh strawberries, with 2 tsp sugar, 35ml white rum, 1 tbsp strawberry liqueur and 25ml of fresh lime juice. Garnish with a whole Strawberry and enjoy! Please drink responsibly

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A problem shared with our Agony ‘Uncle John’ If you have a worry or dilemma that’s been keeping you up at night let our trusted Agony Uncle offer his words of wisdom and insightful advice. A problem shared is a problem halved... I've only been eating a very small amount for My husband has had 2 affairs since we the last 8 weeks but I’m not losing much married 4 years ago. Why aren’t I good enough weight and feel ill.? Cheryl/West Midlands for him and why do I let him back? T.W/Somerset ‘Uncle John’ says... Being a healthy weight and ‘Uncle John says... You asked why you aren’t good enjoying a mix of varied food is a great way to enough for him, but the question should be why look after your mind, body and soul. However, are you being so good to him..? With him having 2 using a restrictive diet can have serious affairs in the last 48 months, it tell’s me this isn’t consequences for your health, both in the short a husband who has your best interests at heart term and long term. and is more than happy to think with ‘anything’ but his brain, with not a care about your feelings Whilst you didn’t include how much food you’re eating within your question, I would like you to or the vows he made to you. see your GP or call NHS 111 as soon as possible. I get the impression his extra marital behaviour is You’ve mentioned that you have been feeling unwell so it’s really important you get expert having a real negative impact on you, as you’re medical advice in terms of your symptoms and asking why you’re not enough for him, when in reality you sound like an amazing, brave, trusting you can also talk about your weight loss goals as they can offer guidance & support to help and loving woman - He’s the fool for not realising you. what a perfect wife he has in his life. You are good enough and you’re the one coping with the stress The simple mantra of weight loss is following a and anxiety whilst he does what he wants! balanced and varied diet that contains all the necessary vitamins and proteins to maintain Only you can answer why you allow him back in and replenish your body, plus regular exercise. your life after each affair, but I can guarantee, there will be a 3rd, 4th and 5th affair as he has Simply eating less and minimising your daily shown utter contempt for your feelings and if you food intake is just not sufficient for the needs of keep allowing him back, what reason does he your body and can be dangerous. have to stop anyway? For more information visit the NHS website You need to move on from this man to spare you HERE ahead of your GP visit/Calling NHS 111 from sleepless nights, always wondering what he’s been up to and if he’s putting your sexual You can email ‘Uncle John’ your health at risk too. problems. Email Unclejohn@russellgrant.com You are awesome and you deserve so much more 2 emails will be picked each month for from someone who really cares... inclusion in our magazine.

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