Russell Grant Magazine - Aug20 (HOME9122)

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Russell Grant

August 2020




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44 CONTENTS AUG 20 4 Michaela Coel

28 Best part of the Day

8 Do you always have to win?

32 Vegan News

12 Booking a holiday

34 Adding colour to your life

16 The 13th Starsign Myth

38 Amazon Beauty Buys

18 Asda: Fight Hunger

38 Latest Fashion Trends

21 Your August Horoscopes

44 Could you beat The Cube?

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Michaela Coel

Young and Lovely “Tall, young and lovely that Girl from Tower Hamlets goes walking and all you can say is Aww!”

Her “I May Destroy You” series ensured even Grandma stopped fiddling with her knitting when the cathartic finale burst on to the small screen. Our very own “jewel” shot to the top of the pile as a result of that genial production. Yet it had been Michaela’s trauma that had inspired all that brilliance.

In fact, if you were to spot Michaela Boakye Collinson, otherwise known as Michaela Coel, down the supermarket, you would be forgiven for stopping dead in your tracks. This lady shines like Speaking at the Edinburgh International Television Festival in 2018, she revealed: 'I a highly polished jewel even as she was working overnight in the orders a slice of Gorgonzola from the [production] company’s offices. cheese counter. 'I took a break and had a drink with a The gorgeous being was brought up in good friend who was nearby,' she a tower block by a mater devoted to continued. 'I emerged into consciousall things Pentecostal. Arguably, an ness typing season two, many hours later. unusual working-class childhood I was lucky. I had a flashback. It turned inspired poems about Jesus and later out I’d been sexually assaulted by her play “Chewing Gum Dreams!” In strangers. The first people I called after fact, she was somewhat of an "infant the police, before my own family, were protégée" and only twenty-eight when the producers.' she won two BAFTAS for best female I May Destroy You comedy performance. Butter! This gal possesses the famed “butter would not melt in her mouth” determination so common to her Libran sun sign. In other words, she smiles as she shocks, makes magic as she describes brutal realities to us in her dramas.

Perhaps Sun in Libra and Moon in Capricorn enabled her to access love and find beauty in the most horrific circumstances. Hard headed Cappy has always been on her side helping her stick to the fame mountain track even if it is rocky. The Daily Telegraph claimed “I May Destroy You” was the most revolutionary TV drama in years”

If you think that this gal’s life sounds like an overnight success, think again. She told the Guardian her Smash Hit “Chewing Gum” went through 41 drafts before it reached TV screens. She first wrote it whilst attending the Guildhall School of Music and drama; it was a shorty, it only lasted twenty minutes. “I could feel, ‘This isn’t good. I can do better than this.’ So, I thought, ‘Let me, for once, tell my story.’ So, Michaela started jotting down secondary school memories of an all-girls Catholic school somewhere in London, a dour place that eventually stimulated her creative juices. "Hang on" you will cry, “this is all very well, but what really makes this jewel lady shine?” Well, we will let you into a little secret. We believe her ascendant is Scorpio? We really do. Why? Well because her silent mysticism ensures wisdom and an understanding of extremes. Honest and passionate she confronts our inner shadows then goes full frontal till her audience reels with shock. Surprise, Surprise! When we counted the numbers in her numerology chart the result shows Michaela actually loves standing in the spotlight. She dominates rather than tolerates. She drives a hard bargain rather than listening to advice. She turned down a Netflix deal, ready to learn the next lesson when it pops up.

Credit: BBC

At drama school she had to learn fast. She realized few people looked like her. She told the Guardian she would “find herself sweating from every pore in my body. I think it’s that insecurity of being from a very working-class background, that anxiety: ‘I shouldn’t be here.” Moments of deep insecurity are brief; according to our calculations her Sun is in the tenth house. It ensures moral inheritance, as it intensifies that light spinning around her, guiding her ascent to the peak. The cream on the cake is Jupiter in Aries. Expansive Jupiter’s “Do it My Way!” attitude ensures her brain lights up with individuality on an hourly basis. She feels her way around her fans' moods too, filling her productions with heart catching drama that takes them unawares. Her sensitivity remains unquestioned. She told the Guardian “I love finding where I can laugh in my pain,” she explains. “I think it’s vital. I’ll always have that about me.” Perhaps that is why this lovely jewel said “Hi” to her fans down the Cheese counter and smiled at them as she strode to the supermarket cashier, a sometime ordinary girl surprised by her fame after all.

“Honest and passionate she confronts our inner shadows then goes full frontal till her audience reels with shock..” When she gets really "really rattled" she will “tell the world how it is!” putting her foot in it in the process. Why? she believes in humanity; in the fight for justice. In a better world, as well as a high-level performance that moves the souls of all those who pay to watch her, in short, in "giving her all" for the sake of truth and beauty! If you do too, she will be ready to smile into your camera; and her performance will be beyond belief!

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

Does someone always have to win?

The words sound inviting enough. 'Darling, it's a lovely day, let's go for a bike ride in the country'. But what starts out as a pleasant few hours together may all too quickly turn sour if one person can't bear to come 'second' and is in desperate need of being the fastest, fittest, always having to win every stretch of the journey. You may remember coverage of the race where the runner in second position saw the person in front of him stop, clearly thinking that he'd crossed the finishing line. Not wanting to win the race that way he pushed the man in front over the finish line, afterwards saying he felt that it was the right thing to do. How exhausting is it when someone always has to be right and win? Some people always need to have the last word, not realising that over time they become figures of fun and derision. Others soon recognise how ridiculous they are with their insistence at being the ones to constantly end every discussion. It can become almost a joke to continue the conversation and bait them! Then there are those interminable exchanges that devolve into rounds of examples and evidence-based recollections, all aimed at winning each point by justifying their opinions, behaviour or comments. 'I only did that because you did this' volleys can last ages, rehashing old ground and recollections from way back in time. How tedious is that need to win! A combination of little things can fuel the desire to always have to win. The niggles and discourtesies that over time escalate, becoming increasingly annoying and proof of ways we feel we're taken for granted and not sufficiently valued or respected. Big things are often dealt with immediately they happen, but smaller hurts and irritations can fester and gradually accumulate until they erupt, sometimes over something that appears trivial.

Eventually feeling compelled to address those ongoing minor issues can start to feel like a battle we need to win. But what if the other person is dismissive or disagrees with our viewpoint? It can prompt a more serious exchange about who's in the right and who's wrong.

And actually, being right doesn't always feel so good. Some people become habituated to continually nit-pick and find fault but many life-experiences are a compromise. When we go out for a meal with friends do we want to focus on the speed of the service, whether the cutlery is on the table, if it's too noisy at the next table, or does it make for a happier experience to relax, enjoy being out of the house and choose to go with the flow. Our critical observations may be correct but do we really need to regard it as a win when we're constantly on the look out, complaining, ruining everyone's evening, possibly hoping to get money deducted from the bill.

Always having to win may well be evidence of underlying issues and concerns. Those who consistently feel compelled to prove a point may struggle with their confidence, be insecure or not feel in control of their life. They may think that by being vigilant they'll appear more knowledgeable, important and will win the respect of others, not necessarily realising that their behaviour makes others feel stressed and uncomfortable. Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

Sometimes it's important to ask ourselves, 'do I want to be right or would I rather be happy?' It's not always a positive decision to be smug and shout, 'see, I told you I was right!' It's not always essential to win. Winning can sometimes be a personal victory, noting privately that we're correct, in the right, have succeeded, but not needing to shout about every fault, flaw or shortcoming that we've witnessed. If others scrutinised us that rigorously we'd be stressed, uncomfortable and protest that we're only human. Remember that being along for the ride, letting some things go and enjoying the experience, relaxing in each other's company is a win in itself.

Of course, there are times when it's appropriate to compete, push ourselves and try our best to win, but equally it's good to recognise those times when winning is a more subtle, low-key result. Winning is only one aspect of a successful life.

Holidays & Travel Insurance

As the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) releases its list of quarantine exempt destinations and lifts its blanket ban on ‘all but essential travel’, Travel Supermarket answer some common questions around booking holidays in 2020 and beyond. Which destinations can you travel to? The FCO has exempted 58 countries from the mandatory quarantine, meaning travellers returning from these destinations will not need to quarantine on arrival in England. Of these 58 countries, some 24 (including Spain, Italy, France and Turkey) do not have local quarantines in place. The new rules came into effect on July 10. The FCO is keeping this list under constant review and may add or remove countries if the Covid-19 situation changes. Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales have set similar exemptions. Spain is notably absent from Scotland’s list. Can you purchase travel insurance policies again? When global travel came to a standstill in March 2020, travel insurance companies all but left the market. Now, having reviewed their policies, many are selling travel insurance policies again. To date, there are 12 providers on TravelSupermarket, and more policies are being added every day. As always, it's best to check directly with your provider and get in contact with them directly to make sure their policy will suit your travel needs. Credit: Travel Supermarket

Will policies cover medical treatment if you contract coronavirus on holiday? All providers currently live on TravelSupermarket cover ‘emergency medical and repatriation’. This means that, if you were to contract the virus on holiday, your medical treatment will be covered and you will be brought home, if needed. If your policy was bought before the World Health Organisation declared Covid19 a pandemic on March 11, or if you’ve renewed your annual policy since March 11, then annual travel insurance should cover you for events relating to coronavirus as long as you would have been covered beforehand. For any EU holidays this year, make sure your EHIC card is up to date and be sure to take it with you to access reciprocal free health care. The card is valid until at least the end of the year when the UK officially leaves the EU.

Can you claim on your insurance if you have to stay in quarantine? If you are quarantined while you are away, causing you to miss flights, or have to stay in a hotel longer than expected, talk to your travel company and airline, and check your travel insurance documents carefully to see what you are entitled to. Every insurance policy is different, so check your individual policy’s travel delay section. If you have missed an excursion, check for trip disruption cover in your policy’s terms and conditions – some providers cover this in their standard policies. For others, it’s an optional add-on.

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A 13th Starsign..?

A NASA blog from the 1980’s has resurfaced again claiming there are actually 13 zodiac signs - not 12. The extra sign, known as Ophiuchus, is supposedly the horoscope for those born between 29 November and 17 December. As a constellation Ophiuchus is a snake bearer,and is said to have been the first doctor. We asked Russell Grant to explain what this means for your Starsign:

“Yet again there’s a lot of fuss about the ‘discovery’ of a new constellation, Ophiuchus. It’s not new. This has come up again and again for years. Will it make a difference to astrology? No! Will it make any difference to our astrology if more signs are discovered? – No!” Russell said “Firstly, this isn’t a new discovery and secondly, Ophiuchus the Serpent Charmer and other ‘new’ signs in the zodiac aren’t relevant to our zodiac which begins at 0 degrees Aries and ends at 360 degrees where we find the last degree of Pisces.” “Western astrologers use the Tropical Fixed Zodiac. Fixed points like the equinoxes and solstices are always the same. These are the points we work from and they do not move. There are many different systems of astrology and two Zodiacs: the Sidereal Zodiac and the Tropical Zodiac which is the system we use in the West. We use fixed points starting from 0 degrees Aries whereas the Sidereal Zodiac uses a backdrop of constellations in the skies as we see them today.”

“Yes, we use the names of the constellations but because the earth wobbles on its axis, these constellations are in a different position to when they were first observed. Western astrologers use fixed points to determine a mathematically exact zodiac of 360 degrees. The Sun might pass through 13 constellations during the course of a year but not all of these have been assigned an astrological sign, not because astrologers have not recognised their existence but because the mathematics of our astrology do not require a 13th, 14th or 15th zodiac sign.�


Asda has announced it will be donating £5 million to its partners FareShare and the Trussell Trust to help the country’s most vulnerable people through COVID-19. The extensive package of measures will provide over 4 million meals to families in poverty impacted by Coronavirus as well as giving more than 3000 charities the ability to access free food over the next three months as they fight to tackle the impacts of Coronavirus in their communities. The donation from the supermarket also will help the networks of the two charities as they experience a huge increase in demand over the coming months, as more vulnerable people turn to food banks for help through COVID-19. Asda is also investing in the logistics and support services that will allow FareShare and the Trussell Trust to support families through the crisis, including funding for telephone, and online and food delivery systems for people unable to afford food, as well as supporting the recruitment of 20,000 volunteers to support food banks. The funding will also continue the work of the Fight Hunger Create Change partnership between Asda and the two charities by helping tackle the root causes of poverty through supporting 800,000 people over the next year with access to income maximisation services for people at food banks. CEO Roger Burnley comments; “These are the most extraordinary of times and I am keenly aware of our responsibility to help feed the nation – both by keeping our shelves stocked and deliveries moving – but also by providing employment opportunities where we can and supporting our charity partners to help the most vulnerable in our communities. “ “The efforts my colleagues are going to support our customers every day are fantastic, and we will continue to recognise their efforts wherever we can. I also want to thank our amazing customers who continue to donate to our food bank trollies and who continue to think of others, even in such worrying times.”

Share when you shop Asda have food donation trollies in stores across the UK to give customers the opportunity to support their local food bank. Whilst you’re shopping, why not pick up an extra item or two that you would like to donate?

Here’s a suggested list of items you could donate:

● Tins of fruit, meat, vegetables and soup ● Tea, Coffee and UHT milk ● Jams, marmalades and healthy snacks

● Cooking sauces ● Fruit juice ● Bags for life ● Basic toiletries like toothpaste and toilet roll

● Dried pasta, rice and mash Asda will be contributing a 20% ‘top-up’ cash donation to the Trussell Trust for items donated during the food drive and through permanent collection points in store. It is calculated using an average value of £1.75 per kg of donated goods.

August Horoscopes from Russell Grant

Full Moon on the 3rd New Moon on the 19th

ARIES Keep your thoughts to yourself at the start of August as tempers could be running high. It’s better to maintain a diplomatic silence than challenge an easily irritated authority figure. On the 3rd, the Full Moon will bring an end to a troubled group affiliation; you’ll feel much happier after breaking away from this particular gaggle of gossips. Asserting yourself on the 4th could quickly backfire on the 4th so you would be wise to wait until later in the month to put forward any far-reaching plans or ideas. Your relationship with people in power continues to be tense during the middle of the month when your action-oriented style clashes with their more cautious approach. Expressing your creative side attracts attention and praise on the 16th. Your chances of winning a type of competition are extremely high on the 19th, thanks to a supportive New Moon. Don’t speak out of turn at an important professional or official gathering on the 24th or you will regret it. A job interview will go extremely well as August makes way for September.

TAURUS Beware of venting your anger on an innocent bystander as July makes way for August; practising a little compassion and understanding will make a difficult situation much more tolerable. The Full Moon on the 3rd brings a tense career matter to a head; you may decide to sever links and become a free agent. Connections are the key to your professional success on the 7th; don’t hesitate to ask a friend to spread the word about your expertise and experience. After an exciting rollercoaster ride, your personal life will settle down starting on the 15th. Having friends in high places pays off handsomely on the 18th, when a personal connection brings some exciting news. On the 19th, the New Moon brings an unexpected opportunity to buy or sell some property. This deal will put you in a much stronger financial position. Resist the temptation to post a nasty review of a local business on social media at the end of the month or your sarcasm could come back to haunt you.

GEMINI The opening days of August are not a good time to negotiate a financial deal; wait until you are less emotional to discuss money. On the 3rd, the Full Moon will bring an unpleasant official issue to your attention. In future, you will have to adopt a more straightforward way of conducting business. An entertaining article, novel or screenplay will get lots of positive publicity on the 5th. This is a good time to send you own submissions to agents and editors. Collaborating on a creative project will be rewarding on the 17th, when you’ll work with some stimulating and exciting people. The New Moon on the 19th is perfect for planning to do something exciting and unusual. Dealing with family matters will be much easier on the 20th, when people are willing to listen to each other’s point of view. A better paid job that allows you to use your skills and talents will be offered to at the end of the month but it may be some time before you can make the most of this offer.

CANCER Don’t let your best friend or romantic partner influence an important decision about your personal life at the start of August; it’s important to follow your instincts at this critical time. The Full Moon on the 3rd creates tension with a romantic partner; your amour doesn’t approve of some of your friends. You will have to decide who is more important to you. A pushy employer gets on your nerves on the 4th; you’re tired of being asked to compromise your personal life, maybe even your well-being for the sake of their profits and productivity. By the 13th, you might decide to leave a job that is putting too many demands on you. A much better work opportunity will arrive shortly after, allowing you to make more money while devoting more time to your favourite hobbies and pastimes. The New Moon on the 19th is ideal for marketing an entertaining app, service or product. This innovation will significantly boost your income. Don’t seek anyone’s approval on the 30th; do your own thing.

LEO An unpredictable personality wreaks havoc on your personal life on the 1st. You might be expected to cancel plans to cater to your employer’s whims. Be ready to set some healthy boundaries and make them clear to all concerned. On the 3rd, the Full Moon prompts you to make a final decision about a relationship. Whether you make up or break up, life will be much different after making this choice. People will be more receptive to your ideas starting on the 5th; seize this opportunity to make a sales pitch or professional presentation. Excitement will die down on the career front starting on the 15th, when your employer takes an extended break. The 16th is perfect for scheduling an adventurous trip; head for an unconventional vacation destination. The New Moon on the 19th is ideal for getting a DIY top-to-toe makeover; enjoy some online retail therapy and splash out on fashionable clothes, and an updated image. Your moneymaking ability will begin to improve as August makes room for September.

VIRGO Don’t let a romantic partner put you down or pour scorn on your interests at the start of the month; you are quite right to be proud of your hobbies and intellectual pursuits. The Full Moon on the 3rd brings an end to a set of unpleasant circumstances, allowing you to pursue your solo goals away from the input or interference of others. Keep plans to yourself starting on the 5th; there’s no reason to give rivals a peek at a creative strategy. An official issue could go against you on the 10th; this news will come as a shock but you are resilient enough to bounce back. Let a loving partner guide and advise you on the 17th; you’ll welcome the chance to approach life from a different direction. On the 19th, the New Moon inspires you to take a relaxing break, kick back, put your feet up and pass some time in your favourite armchair or garden. Your bright ideas will get an enthusiastic reception on the 20th; take this opportunity to make a sales pitch. A flirtatious conversation on the 29th will put a twinkle in your eye.

LIBRA A manipulative relative will try to undermine your confidence at the start of August; turn a deaf ear to their backhanded compliments and don’t let them get to you. On the 3rd, the Full Moon will prompt you to break away from an activity that is no longer fun for you. It’s no good flogging this particular dead horse and it certainly won’t bring you any satisfaction. Your best friend or romantic partner may tease you about your family ties on the 4th; don’t let them make you ashamed of heart-warming traditions. You’ll make a wonderful impression on everyone you talk with starting on the 7th. Seize this opportunity to attend online job interviews, auditions and dates. Signing a contract will work to your advantage on the 17th; you’ll enjoy collaborating with an innovative, inventive individual. The New Moon on the 19th is perfect for joining a team, organisation or club. You’ll make some great friends from this association. Don’t let your employer flatter you into accepting more work responsibilities on the 25th.

SCORPIO Avoid heaping criticism on someone at work or in your social circle at the start of August and if you’re thinking of challenging an expert’s theories you should think again. Work demands will interfere with your personal life on the 2nd; it may be necessary to cancel a romantic outing for the sake of your job. The Full Moon on the 3rd brings an end to a stressful family situation; you may suddenly decide to move in with your best friend or romantic partner. Don’t get drawn into an argument with a colleague on the 13th; professional plotting and in-fighting will make it impossible to work effectively together. A business or romantic partner from the past will contact you unexpectedly on the 15th; it’s probably best to keep your distance. A new opportunity could come your way on the 17th, which will make work seem more like play. The New Moon on the 19th is ideal for embarking on a fresh career path or applying for and accepting another job.

SAGITTARIUS Trying to control people with money at the start of August will only lead to resentment and disappointment; show respect for people, value them and they will return the compliment. On the 3rd, the Full Moon prompts you to repair faulty machinery; it will cost more than expected to fix a car, computer or a domestic appliance so you may need to cut back on extravagant purchases on the 4th; it’s important to conserve your resources. A stress-related health issue could come back to plague you during the middle of the month. Practicing relaxation techniques can ease headaches, back pain and stomach upsets. An impromptu trip for pleasure on the 16th brings out the best in you. If you’re single, you will meet someone exciting on this vacation. The New Moon on the 19th is perfect for any ventures connected with the media or communications in general; put your ideas before the public and you will be pleased with the results. Love and money should be kept strictly separate on the 25th; don’t lend cash to a boy or girlfriend.

CAPRICORN Don’t try to impose your views and values on a friend, relative or loved one as July makes way for August. The Full Moon on the 3rd causes you to reassess your financial situation and create a tighter, more efficient budget. You will decide to cut down on impulse purchases after reviewing your spending habits. Don’t put your faith in an unreliable relative on the 4th; it’s better to do an important job yourself than wait for them to keep a promise. You’ll have to override one of the family’s decisions on the 13th for the sake of the clan as a whole. Choosing stability over excitement is the safest way forward for the time being. On the 19th, the New Moon will bring a financial windfall, allowing you to take an expensive course that has caught your eye. This will be lots of fun. Resist the temptation to pull a troublemaker’s fat out of the fire on the 24th; it’s time to they accepted the consequences of their actions. Be kind, compassionate and gentle toward a good friend or romantic partner on the 30th, even if they do push your buttons from time to time.

AQUARIUS Domestic upheavals could take a toll on a close relationship at the start of August; sit down with a relative or romantic partner and find an easier and more productive way to organise your household. Remember, you’re on the same team. On the 3rd, the Full Moon will sorely tempt you to abandon a family matter for the sake of independence; resist this impulse and fulfil your promises. It will be easier to collaborate with friends and colleagues starting on the 5th, when you’ll be willing to find a consensus that will please all concerned. Be willing to compromise for the sake of someone important on the 10th. Your home life will become more peaceful and less challenging around the 15th, much to the relief of everyone involved. A romantic encounter on the 16th will erase all doubts about a relationship while an engagement or marriage could be announced on the 19th, when the New Moon renews your belief in the power of love.

PISCES The Full Moon on the 3rd will bring some unpleasant secrets to light; you’ll look at a relative or neighbour in an entirely different light. Putting too much emphasis on material matters could alienate friends on the 4th; look beyond wealth when assessing people’s views and virtues. If you’re looking for work, launch an extensive job search starting on the 5th; you’ll get several interesting responses. You’ll attract admirers on the 7th like a flower draws bees. Within reason and considering the well-being of yourself and others this will be a great time to get out and about and socialise. A moneymaking opportunity is worth checking out on the 16th, even if the competition is stiff. A dream job could be offered to you on the 19th, courtesy of an enriching New Moon. Listen to a romantic or business partner’s advice on the 22nd; their insights have lots of merit. Resist the temptation to steer a friendship into romantic waters on the 25th; it’s best to keep this relationship platonic.

Best part of your day

When's your favourite time, the best part of your day? When so many of us live full-on, busy lives, reaching our favourite, best part of the day can be akin to arriving at an oasis in the middle of the desert. It causes us to smile, breathe deeply and let go of all the stresses of the day. At the start of lockdown I began taking a daily walk along the towpath near where I live. At first it was a sort of personal diary, taking photographs of the sunrise, beautiful scenery, the birds, wild flowers and then posting them onto social media. Over the weeks it's become a treasured, best part of the day for me. And others seem to enjoy it too.

Going out early morning means there are usually very few walkers, runners and cyclists around. It's lovely to sometimes exchange pleasantries with familiar faces or at other times have the towpath all to myself. And an early walk means I can manage the timing to avoid really wet weather, but also fit in with the other demands in my life. My walk is the motivation to get up and have some personal time, before I start the day well. Early risers often enthuse about going to bed early so they can get up and have time to meditate or get some fresh air before they start the day properly. For them, early mornings are the best time of the day. An early morning run, bike ride or visit to the gym gets their circulation moving, sets them up for the day and gives them personal time in order to start the day in a positive way. Equally, breaks throughout the day can be special times, providing the incentive to work and earn that reward. Going outside for a drink, maybe a catchup with friends or colleagues can give a welcome interlude during the day. It's good to be able to look forward to some time when you're able to reconnect with others or enjoy some quiet me time. In the midst of a difficult, complex or stressful time knowing you're due a breather can be a relief, provide respite and be the best part of the day. At those times you're able to pause, relax, ground yourself, maybe with some food or drink, or take a walk outside. That cup of tea, piece of fruit, few minutes with your eyes closed as you listen to music could offer an opportunity to reflect, clear your mind and then return feeling refreshed, stronger and ready to resume what you've set out to do. Is lunch looked forward to as a meaningful half-day marker, a time to sit, take a proper break and eat something tasty and nutritious? Maybe include time to read, have a short walk and enjoy doing something for yourself rather than hardly pausing as you race round town shopping and doing errands. For others, early evening is the best part of their day. There's the satisfaction of knowing that the day's tasks are finished for now. The journey home can be used as an opportunity to wind down, reflect on the evening ahead and look forward to seeing family, friends or maybe simply having relaxing alone time.

Spending evenings with the children, being there for bathtime or reading them a bedtime story is often precious, much treasured time. The evening meal, cooking, walking the dog and feeling relaxed and satisfied as a busy day draws to a close is easily the best part of the day for many. All contributing to an 'end of day gathering' experience. Busy people often relax and enjoy the time when their children are tucked up in bed, when they're able to settle down with a drink, TV or have down time with their partner or friends. The prospect of an evening drink, conversation, leisurely bath as they close the door, kick off their shoes and wind down is understandably the best part of their day.

For many of us there will be elements of each of these different times that intermittently cause us to relax, smile and feel that life is good. They can easily contribute to being viewed as the best part of the day. Which is your favourite?

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

Tara asks “I lost my mum at the start of this year and am keen to use a medium to try to contact her. However, my best friend thinks I’m being stupid. How can I ask her to be more supportive? My deepest condolences goes to Tara for the loss of her mum. At times like these it is natural to lean on friends for emotional support. With the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Neptune in Sagittarius, Tara will be spiritual, philosophical and open-minded. Many people, after they lose someone, find comfort in visiting a medium. Tara’s Capricorn friend may be taking a practical approach. She is likely to be concerned about the emotional implications of having a mediumship reading and for that reason, Tara might do some research and get some word of mouth recommendations. Her friend may be more supportive if Tara reassures her that she will go into this with an open mind and if a medium is able to bring her some comfort, this might also help her through her grief.

Nicky asks “I have absolutely no luck with friendships and people don't like making friends with me. I feel cursed and I wish I knew why. I have been lucky in love, but is there anything I can do spiritually to make people like me? Friendships have a natural cycle; people come and go in our lives. There are many reasons for a friendship to end but this does not mean that Leo Nicky is unlucky when it comes to friendships. Leo is a loving, generous and generally confident sign. It is likely that Nicky will have given so much of themselves to others and yet feels there is nothing being returned and this won’t do a lot for their self-esteem. From a spiritual perspective, Nicky needs to start loving themselves first and believing they are worthy of building good friendships in order to have happy, healthy relationships with others. Nicky should not try to be the person they believe others want Nicky to be as the best way to be a good version of themselves in social situations is to be natural.

Vegan News

IKEA is launching a vegan version of its famous meatballs In place of beef and pork mince, the Plant Balls are made with ingredients including yellow pea protein, oats, potatoes, onion and apple. IKEA says they have just four per cent of the climate footprint of the original meatball, contributing to the company's ambition to become climate positive by 2030. Hege Sæbjørnsen, sustainability manager for IKEA UK and Ireland, said: "At IKEA, we are committed to having a positive impact on people and the planet. "In order to reduce the climate footprint of the total IKEA business, including our food business, and make climate friendly, delicious food available for everyone, we are making sure meat alternatives are an easy, desirable and affordable choice. "With the new plant ball we can now offer meat lovers a great tasting, more sustainable alternative – without compromising on the IKEA meatball experience that is loved by so many." They'll be available to buy from August 3 from IKEA's Swedish Food Markets, priced at £2.75 for a 500g bag to take home, and its Bistros, priced at £1.50 for a portion of eight. They'll then be rolled out to in-store restaurants from October 26.

Credit: IKEA

Brewdog is expanding its relationship with vegan brand Biff’s to create a fully vegan delivery-only operation across the UK. The venture will use Brewdog and Draft House – part of the Brewdog group – sites to create new delivery hubs, which will serve Biff’s branded burgers, wings and fries. The two brands launched their first all-vegan bar together in London last year. The first eight sites are now operating in Shoreditch, Brixton, Paddington, Camden, and Shepherd’s Bush, alongside Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburgh. However the two brands intend to double this in the coming weeks, with more kitchens launched in cities across England, Scotland and Wales, creating the largest vegan food delivery business in the UK.

Credit: BrewDog

Adding colour to your home

When some one mentions putting colour in your home, you can feel your heart begin to beat faster, immediately starting to think of brightly coloured walls, a dark purple feature wall, or carpet that makes you feel queazy from looking at it and you can feel the beads of sweat begin to form on your forehead! However, it’s actually not that scary at all, you just have to know where to put the colour and how to do it right. I like to think of it like a yummy cake. You have your basic sponge cake, the one you really love (your home), but feel it’s lacking something so you want to add a little bit extra to it. That’s where the cream fillings and the toppings come in. You don’t want to add so much that you ruin the cake, you want just enough to finish it off beautifully. Hopefully this article will enable you to see just how simple adding a pop of colour throughout your home can be. I bet you can remember, especially in the younger years, some one asking you what your favourite colour was and you would instantly know. However, I bet if someone asked you know it wouldn’t be the same. When I was younger my favourite colour was a pinkish purple, however I definitely wouldn’t want much, if any of my home to be that bright. Maybe a pop of that colour here and there but I also love pinks, greens, yellows – albeit in their rightful place and a limited amount of each colour!

Teodora Ninova, contemporary artist and owner of Teodora Art has put together a very insightful FREE guide on – how to create a sanctuary in your home with the power of colours. This guide contains 5 inspirational moods to help you think more about the ambience you want for your home. A very useful guide if you are looking to bring some more colour in to your life and your home, or if you just want to now a bit more about how colours affect our everyday lives, without us even realising it. Art is one of the most powerful and effect ways to bring your personality to life.

Colours are far more than just the colour you see before you. We are all subconsciously drawn to colours that reflect our moods. The more creative people will be drawn to the brighter, more vibrant colours. Whereas more academic people will be drawn to more neutral, plain colours. The table below shows a more in-depth guide into the colours we see and what they mean‌

The type of art you have in your home can really showcase your personality and bring it to life. Or, for those more timid and introverted people, maybe having a loud, bright, bold pice of artwork in your home is your way of expressing your personality in a more personal and private way. You might not be the loudest person in a large group of people, or perhaps you lack the confidence to allow your personality to shine through in front of others. A stunning piece of artwork in your home might be your way of doing this. Either way, a piece of your favourite artwork in your home is the perfect way to add colour, life and vibrance to what could be quite a plain living space.

If choosing a piece of artwork for your home is a terrifying for you; perhaps you have no idea how you can show off your personality in a piece of art, Teodora actually works with her clients to create bespoke pieces of art, perfectly suited for your home and style. Plus, it you’re a first time buyer, it’s even better as you can get 15% off! Bouquets of flowers are probably the easiest and cheapest way of adding colour and life to your home. There are so many different varieties available and so cheap that you’re sure to find one that fits your style, whether you buy them from a supermarket or from a florist. Plus a bunch of flowers has to be changed quite often so you can experiment with the different colours and see what works best for you in the different areas of your home. And of course, flowers not only smell

Something as simple as placing a few throw cushions on your sofa, or adding a colourful rug can really change the look and feel of a room with a pop of colour. If your lounge is quite plain in colour, this can be a great way to introduce some colour in a non permanent way, especially if you’re new to the idea of adding colour. This could be a good way to slow yourself in to it without making your decision as permanent as say painting a wall for example.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Fear of going out?

Many of us have discovered that we can comfortably live well with much less than before, how few things are actually essential and how convenient it is to In fact, fear of going out can become have food, clothes, work, education a convenient reason for staying in, and socialising delivered to our homes. remaining on our devices, not have to By not going out we save time, possibly make an effort, able to hunker down. money on random purchases and avoid the stress of leaving home. What's the appeal of going out when we're faced with ongoing regulations; During this period many of us have investqueuing, mandatory face coverings, ed significant time, love and attention one-way systems, no browsing, no into our homes, cleaning, baking, sorting trying on in shops, pre-booking, social out the garden, doing those jobs that distancing, limited numbers, table we've never had time to do. Making our service only, no cash accepted in homes cosy and comfortable some venues. While places are coming strengthens our attachment to staying to terms with the new codes of indoors. Becoming established in new practice going out is not such a home-based routines for work, exercise, pleasant experience. It's more pleasant mealtimes, where everything's to hand to stay home! and we've everything we need, can make hibernating an easy, attractive Over the past few months we've been proposition. besieged with constant news updates, orders, commands Now that restrictions are easing it's no and admonishments about the surprise that some people are dangers of going out due to the global apprehensive at the prospect of leaving pandemic. We've seen outrage at home. We've had weeks of scary pictures of large groups of people statistics, posters, TV adverts and flouting the rules and even been conflicting information everywhere we encouraged to report on disobedient look. Some of us have got so used to neighbours. Going out has become a staying in, dressing casually, living this stressful, much less appealing activity, new routine that going out feels resulting in some people developing overwhelming, too much effort, 'can I be FOGO, the fear of going out. bothered?'

Overcoming the fear of going out has to handled sensitively. There are still many unanswered questions and no clear end to the pandemic in sight. Many families have lost loved ones, their businesses and livelihoods have been impacted, their relationships have suffered; no one has been unaffected by this situation. But being ruled by fear, running worst-case scenarios is debilitating and unhelpful. When you're struggling with fear of going out, FOGO, start by being gentle with yourself and accept that you've been through a tough time. You may berate yourself by saying that others have suffered more loss, been more seriously affected, but your feelings, fears and concerns need to be acknowledged nonetheless. Some people have personal reasons for feeling uneasy at the prospect of going out. They may have put on weight, feel they look a mess, have nothing to wear, nothing interesting to say. What can they talk about if they arrange to meet friends; all normal topics of conversation have long gone or seem trite and trivial now. When nothing much has happened apart from box sets, family tensions and online courses the thought of starting a conversation can seem daunting. But remember that everyone's been through the same experience, they most likely have also struggled with mental health, sleep, motivation, issues with their children, partner, concerns about socially distanced relatives.

Set small goals for yourself. It might be an errand, a visit to the bank, shop or service provider. Have a reason for going out. You may need a haircut, to pay a bill, to buy a particular item. When you focus on your goal it can help to minimise the fear of going out. Drive yourself there if you can. That way you're independent of public transport and can travel to suit yourself, free of timetables and other passengers. Or keep the taxi number to hand, noted clearly in your phone. Maybe arrange to meet a family member or friend. Someone who knows, understands and is ive of you. They'll be able to distract, support and provide the right kind of encouragement if you start to feel stressed, anxious or panicky. Add in a reward. As you start to feel more positive about going out find a pleasant cafe. Many offer seating outside. Treat yourself to a coffee or light lunch. Hospitality is very stringent about enforcing the rules, so you can be reassured that table service, social distancing and rigorous hygiene standards are in place. Take a book. If you're going for a walk or getting used to going outside, extend your time outdoors by taking something to read or distract and engage you. While the weather is good it's a perfect opportunity to widen your comfort zone, work on your confidence and practice doing a little more. Many people are determined to keep some of the benefits from the past few months. Saving time by shopping online, working from home, spending more time in the garden and in nature, valuing family and regular together time; all ways to appreciate what's really important and keep in our lives once lockdown ends. Yes, we need to maintain sensible precautions. Historically few would choose to eat in a grubby restaurant, we'd seek recommendations when contracting work out. Now it's time to venture outdoors again apply that same common sense approach. We need to go out, turn fear into reasonable concern, overcome FOGO, spend money, invest in our local businesses, support our communities, but recognise that for many of us that will look a little different from now on.

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ITV looking for The Cube contestants

The Cube is back with a one million pound jackpot and looking for contestants A brand-new version of ITV’s award-winning hit show The Cube is coming soon, promising higher stakes than ever before with a life-changing one-million-pound jackpot. Host Phillip Schofield will return to preside over the high-octane gameshow, which sees contestants attempt seemingly simple tasks within the high-pressure confines of the iconic Perspex box. Each pair will have nine lives to complete seven games, each worth an increasing amount of money, as they move closer to the huge jackpot. Players will have to overcome extreme nerves and frustration as they take on deceivingly simple tasks such as throwing a ball into a container, balancing on a beam or stopping a clock at precisely 10 seconds. But will they have what it takes to beat the mighty Cube? Casting for the series is now under way and producers are looking for competitive teams of two people from the same household/ household support bubble to take part. Credit: ITV

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Morgan - Tarot Cards Pin: 6931 Morgan is an excellent Tarot Card Reader who picks up with the greatest amount of accuracy on your past and your present and future.

John - Tarot Cards Pin: 6921 John is a Tarot Card Reader and has been psychic since being 8 years old. His approach is to convey information in a calm and relaxing manner.

Sapphire - Healer Pin: 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: BBC, Soul & Spirit Magazine, Travel Supermarket, Asda, Ikea, Brewdog, Amazon, Next, Mango, Urban Outfitters, and ITV

Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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