Russell Grant Magazine August 2021 (ELITE821)

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Russell Grant

August 2021




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Kate Garraway

This is a woman with enormous ability to believe the best, and never before in her life has she been so tested, with her husband Derek’s health having been so brutally devastated by Covid-19 and it’s ongoing damage to his entire body. Kate is a Taurus, like our Queen, someone who will prove time and again that she is no quitter. Reliable and steadfast. Taurus is the sign to have on your side if you’re struggling. Rock solid, like an oak tree, but this Taurus lass has been well and truly struck by lightning when her beloved husband began battling for his life, so shockingly, so fast from the initial infection, which has happened time and again, of course & thousands just didn’t make it. Derek is a Leo, a lionhearted character with the spirit of a gladiator. Like Taurus (and Scorpio and Aquarius), Leo is one of the fixed (most determined and stubborn!) signs of the Zodiac. If anyone can battle through to achieving some kind of improved quality of life, it is this man, with this amazing woman by his side. Kate has a sweet and “messy” loving, giving Moon in Pisces. When she cares, she has no boundaries or reservations; she quite simply cares and puts everyone in front of herself. When Derek became ill she had a series of “shockwave aspects” in her birth

chart. Those aspects could have created controversy, fast paced work changes, but for her, they were much more personal. They were both born in 1967, when an alignment of Uranus and Pluto happened in Virgo and those planets have now moved on to points where they’re showing considerable life pattern changes.

There’s an ongoing planetary phase of significant transition and potential for transformation of existing circumstances between now and February 2023. Derek’s chart shows a two year chapter, and potential for some surprising new developments that could enhance his quality of life. Kate’s chart shows that despite some unsettling, up and down times over July 2021 and some more “keep things balanced” moments, with official, perhaps legal business over the autumn months, by December there’s a strengthening aspect that could change the tempo of her life in a beneficial way.

Work wise she may make some adjustments, possibly after some lengthy heart to hearts this autumn, but she will be safe and secure, and there’s a real boost coming between December and March, possibly a new TV project that pays very well. Friends at a distance will pull helpful strings into 2022. Then early in 2023, much of the trauma seems to have eased, and perhaps whatever life has by then morphed into, it all feels less precarious, more “do-able”. Sending them both our love and best wishes!

Philip Garcia - Astrologer

Is any attention better than none?

For many of us it's important to be noticed, recognised and appreciated, but for some people, attention is their life-blood. It's what motivates all their actions. And if they don't get positive attention, like smiles, words of praise and compliments, they'll settle instead for negative attention, in the form of criticism, sarcasm and disdain. They regard anything as better than being ignored! I recall a client who commented that their parents were so disinterested in them that they didn't notice even when they behaved badly. They tried every day to get some attention, even resorting to disruptive behaviour, but their parents remained indifferent or oblivious to all their efforts.

Then, there are those who receive a great deal of care and attention when they're unwell, who then have to struggle with the realisation that once they've recovered the full-on nursing and administering to their needs will fade away. For some, there can be a reluctance to revert back to the independent autonomy that comes with being well. Attention, of any kind, is an acknowledgment of our presence. It's confirmation that we exist and are not invisible. Someone has noticed us. But we have to ensure that it's the right kind of attention.

Why does it matter so much? Why is any attention better than none? We all see life through our own eyes, coloured by our past experiences and our ongoing daily perceptions of what's happening to us. Being in a situation which has historically resulted in us experiencing upset or unpleasantness may cause us to become more guarded and self-protective than if we'd not had those experiences. Other people's treatment of us and how we respond can colour our view of people and how we define our role in their lives.

So, do we endeavour to use their apparent displeasure as a spur to do better, improve, try harder, with the ultimate goal of winning them over and receiving positive recognition? Or do we allow their negativity to reinforce our sense of not being good enough? Does their attention give us grounds to accept that they care enough to comment? Finding a voice that's strong enough to ask for a more respectful response, that demonstrates our confidence, challenges their perceptions, focuses attention on our good points and highlights our achievements may ultimately succeed in changing the dynamics of the relationship. If not, is it time to question whether this relationship should continue to hold such a powerful influence over us? Of course, approval does matter. It's an external yardstick to measure ourselves by, helping us to gauge our successes, compare our actions and results. It's hard to operate in a vacuum and that element of comparison and even competition can help spur us on, motivating us to improve and achieve more.

It's important to keep this in mind if we're inclined to feel vulnerable when others are overseeing or critiquing our actions. It helps to remember that feedback, especially negative feedback, may not be about us. And, if someone's paying the bill, Though, it's not always easy to detach engaging our services, they're entitled from that initial impression. Other to a certain quality of performance and people may be stressed about what's level of satisfaction. Their attention is happening in their lives, or they may be focused on getting good results and irritated by our apparent success, receiving what they're paying for. suspect that we've perhaps in some way side-lined them to get to where we Equally, does doing well mean as much are today. There may even be reasons if no one comments or congratulates we do not know or understand. us?

Is it enough to be pleased with ourselves, proud of what we've achieved, the hard work we've invested? But often an extra level of satisfaction comes from other people, when they cheer and recognise what we've done, appreciate the effort we've invested. Even if we suspect that their praise and congratulations are not 100% sincere there's a good feeling that can come from simply knowing that others have noticed us. Those who criticise us may have their own agenda. Whilst not allowing them to deflate our enthusiasm or de-motivate us, remembering this can help us to step back and accept that we need to work towards goals and self-improvement that benefit our own quality of life. If other people's negativity continues, maybe it's time to look into finding another 'tribe', to connect with people who value you, who understand where you're coming from and encourage you to excel. Sometimes we need to take control and manage our own orbit. Even businesses have found that a small amount of attention works wonders on staff performance. Something as simple as awarding an employee of the week or month, where the recognised member of staff has their picture posted in a visible place, like reception, can have an impact and significantly improve job satisfaction levels. When staff feel valued, appreciated and pleased that their efforts have been noticed they're more likely to volunteer, come up with good ideas and be extra committed and loyal to the company. The right kind of attention enhances all our lives!

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

l a t a N te r u da o y e, f o im t w r e you th! i v n ir e o fb r p sed e o E ba lac E R pe d p F o an a c s t e o G or H

Important August Astrology Dates

Mercury in Leo Venus in Virgo Trine Uranus Opposition in Taurus Saturn in Your exciting and unique personality Aquarius shines through, calling others to your This is a time for side. If you want to be the centre of the natural wisdom and to seek party, then now is the time to step into the spotlight out greater intellectual and shine like the shooting star you really are. When challenges. While not every it comes to love, you are better off finding an open project or idea is destined minded partner who will give you the freedom to for greatness, that should socialise widely without getting bitten by the keep you from trying to jealousy bug. Take note of that old saying, friends reach for something new come and go, but true friendship can conquer the and exciting. Take extra care to get any agreements many miles between you. Reach out to those far in writing. Things are moving away and let them know not only how you feel so fast right now; it is about them, but also invite them for a visit. extremely easy to miss a Although your living space may be cramped, there small detail which can cost is infinite space in your heart. Work around the you greatly. Others may find details and then let the party begin. your attention to details frustrating, but keep in mind they are not the ones signing your paycheck. There is a constant struggle between being heard and taken seriously when you share your knowledge with others who do not see things your way. Instead of fighting with them, show them the error of their ways and you will find them more accommodating in the future.

Sun in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus Others may want you to follow them but that just is not you right now. As an extraordinarily complex and overly stubborn person you are going to stand out from the crowd no matter where you are, so you might as well do things your way and let the rest of the world go into disarray. Although this rebellious and weird side may not exactly help you in the romance department, it will help you to explore your more curious side. Let the genius you have been keeping locked-up out and you will find more joy and satisfaction than you could ever imagine. Increased self-awareness will come with time. There is no rushing the experience process. Just remember, that all things pass with time. They may pass as painfully as a kidney stone, but they will pass. Never let the fear of what might happen keep you from enjoying an adventure. New Moon in Leo This is the most magical time in the world. A new journey looking inward will help you to find out new and exciting things about yourself. Your inner light is great at spotting not only your greatness, but it also helps to illuminate the areas of your world you need to work on. Perhaps it is just remembering to tell others how great they are, or how much they mean to you. Whatever the problem, the good news is you have the skills and tools needed to set things right. While some may not find anything remarkable about this time, there lack of understanding and insight does not diminish the light within you. If they are not willing to talk to you, let it go. Others will find their own path, even if it is one which you wish they would not follow, because they are on their own journey.

Mercury enters Virgo This summer has been all about communication and feeling your intellectual interests, and while that has been great in so many areas; you are ready for a break and finally here it is. Although this summer has been hard, things are finally getting back to normal. As your head clears, you have a clearer vision of not only what you want but also what it is going to take to get it. Take the most direct approach and streamline your activities to ensure you have the time, space, and funds to reach your destination. Any project, person connection, or other action you have left hanging because of the busy summer, needs to be finished very quickly before your excess energy and stamina are needed for other things.

Venus enters Libra Expect a change in the flow of life and the flow of funds. Others become more demanding when it comes to the account of both the money you have spent and the amount of time it is taking to get things done. While this may cause you some extra work, it will also show you some other items which you should have asked reimbursement for. Do not let the demands of others cause you to rethink your plans; it just means that others are going to ask you for a little more accountability – especially when it comes to taking others out to eat on the company expense account. Try being more helpful when it comes to others and do not forget to thank them for their help and guidance where necessary. Uranus goes Retrograde in Taurus A subtle shift is coming, and while you may not exactly know what is going on, you can feel it in your gut. The question is not what you are going to do about it, but instead how practical the changes will be to integrate into your everyday life. You will want to find a way you can smoothly incorporate the changes into your day-to-day duties, as these new challenges are not going away anytime soon. Those around you are not going to find these changes so easy to work with. Do not let their troubles become yours; it is quite easy to get mixed up with the wrong crowd and find yourself between a rock and hard place with no real friends to help you out when the time comes.

Full Moon in Aquarius Others are looking for a way to celebrate their accomplishments, but you are going to find yourself looking for the door. The real work gets done by those behind the scenes. Although it is nice to be on centre stage, you are better off taking the cash prize instead of a plastic trophy. While the rest of the world wants to place limits and boundaries around what you can do and cannot do during what is left of your vacation, let the winds of fate take you where they want. Although you may be all about the plan, a little (or a lot) of deviance is the stuff which causes not only great adventure stories but also helps to setup chance meetings with a stranger who can become more than a friend.

Sun enters Virgo After all the adventure and mixed-up directions, it will be nice to see things finally start to return to normal. Focus in on practical concerns to find happiness. You have some amazing skills and talents, but are they being used effectively? A little creative interpretation mixed in with your down to earth facts and figures can help to inspire others and leave those in charge looking to you for new ideas. While you may find yourself over thinking and worrying more about the finer points of life, that is not always a bad thing. After all, some of the wealthiest people on earth think of nothing but ideas and how they can find and fulfil a basic human need which in turn funds their dreams of space travel.

Mercury enters Libra While there are those around you who are good at listening, there are some who are not. Starting today, you will find out who is on which list. Though you are one to speak your mind, in fact it helps you to organize your thoughts, not everyone is really interested in hearing your inner thoughts. You would be better off, in the long run, to write things down; when others interrupt you (and they will), you do not lose your mindset. It would not hurt you to show others a little more respect and gratitude for both what they have given you and for their devotion to your cause. A few inspirational words and gifts open a whole lot more doors than plain facts and figures ever will.

Benefits of Olive Oil

Until recently, other than olive oil being delicious, I had no idea just how beneficial it is to the human body. I would mainly use it because recipes told me to. Or because it tastes great on pasta. Oh and using olive oil ear drops to get rid of ear wax (a doctor told me that once years ago). Since doing so much research on olive oil, i wanted to share with you. I do have to say, the best thing to use olive oil for is for eating. Whether it’s drizzled over plain pasta, for dipping toasty bread in to, or drizzling over succulent olives and sun-dried tomatoes for a tapas style lunch or snack! If you’re interested to see what olive oil is all about, here are some of the top benefits of olive oil.

Lowers Blood Pressure Even though many researchers are yet to discover why this is. Olive oil has been proven to reduce blood pressure and is beneficial to those suffering from hypertension. If you suffer with high blood pressure, try adding olive oil into your diet. Helps Fight Breast Cancer Studies have shown that olive oil contains a substance known as phytochemicals. Known to be effective in both killing the cancerous cells. Suppressing genes that are responsible for the onset of cancer. Lowers The Risk Of Coronary Heart Disease It is believed that diets rich in olive oil will greatly reduce the risk of heart disease. A study carried out in Italy found those who had olive oil and leafy vegetables in their diets had a greatly reduced rate of heart disease.

Reduces The Risk Of Stroke This might sound a little much but apparently by taking two tablespoons of olive oil every day you will increase the elasticity in your arteries. Making you less susceptible to strokes and heart attacks. If you don’t like the idea of taking it directly off a spoon, simply add

Reduces The Appearance Of Stretch Marks Olive oil, and other essential oils, can also help in reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Simply massage it into your skin during pregnancy to make it more elastic. Reduce the risk of you developing nasty, and itchy stretch marks. You can also use it after your pregnancy to help remove any stretch marks that have occurred. Olive Oil Ear Drops It might sound a little odd but olive oil ear drops are great for reducing wax build up. All you need to do is warm a little oil and put a few drops into your ears. Leave for a few minutes before removing with either an ear wash or cotton buds. t’s much nicer than having it done by the doctors! Alternative To Mascara You don’t need to spend lots of your hard earned money on the latest mascara, can get big and beautiful eyes without it. All you need to do is apply a little olive oil with a mascara brush to your lashes instead and it will give you long and shiny lashes without any of the allergies that some people find mascara can do. Olive Oil For Hair If you want shiny, healthy looking hair, you should add olive oil in to your haircare routine. Olive oil for hair will have your dull hair looking amazing in no time!

Removes Paint Now this one is a little out there but if you happen to get some oil based paint on your hands, rubbing them with a little olive oil will gently remove it, without the need for any harsh scrubbing. Protects Red Blood Cells Over time, your red blood cells naturally oxidise, which is one of the most common causes of the signs of ageing. However, do not fear, there is a special type of polyphenol found in olive oil that protects your blood cells from doing this, which in turn will keep you looking younger for longer and help protect your heart. So with all that in mind, isn’t it time you started to add a little extra into your diet? The Lifestyle Blogger UK

'Wow! You're amazing. I couldn't have done what you've done. You've done an incredible job! How fantastic!' How do you react to someone's effusive praise? Do you shrug it off, hardly noticing what they've said, unable to believe what they see in you, suspect that they're simply being polite, or do you smile, enjoy the moment and say a comfortable, 'thank you'? Whilst a certain amount of humility is fine and stops us becoming over-confident, it's also important to be able to acknowledge our strengths, capabilities and expertise in specific areas. It's good to allow others to appreciate us and also for us to accept that some of the things that we tackle with relative comfort and ease may be found by others to be scary and overwhelming. Often there are things about ourselves that we don't even think about or rate. Our natural aptitudes in areas that we're especially good at, which we take for granted in an almost dismissive way. 'Anyone can do that, it's nothing', we may say.

That mindset may have been reinforced by family members, teachers, religious mentors, who felt strongly that humility and not accepting praise or recognition was to be encouraged. Modesty and self-deprecation were regarded as admirable traits and anything else was seen as vain, arrogant, big-headed and unattractive. Consequently, we may have learned to hold back and not be too firm in our views, chosen to avoid any healthy discussion and debate, not wanting to attract too much attention. With comments like, 'people like us', 'who do we think we are', ringing in our ears how could we hold such views, be so confident, dare to stand up for what we think or believe in! When others are automatically seen as better, brighter, cleverer, worthier and more entitled we become more inclined to stay where we are and be grateful for what we have. We may have even learned to modify our beliefs, dress sense and opinions, toned down anything that may have been interpreted as loud or over the top for fear of rejection or ridicule, fearful of attracting any criticism. This apprehension may even have manifested as uncertainty and impacted on our normal friendliness and exuberance, as we hesitated at appearing brash or over the top. But, even if some of our skills have been acquired with apparent ease, that doesn't diminish them.

Someone who is good with numbers, a natural homemaker, a great organiser or has a natural way with people has talents that many others would envy and be thrilled to have mastered. Others may well look at us and see the end result, the calm ability to cope, the person who sorts out problems, all the while delivering a good outcome. And yet, even as they're admiring our skills and abilities, we're only able to see ourselves as simply getting by and unworthy of such recognition. In a work scenario, colleagues may view us as a coach or supervisor, someone who's proficient in a certain skill set, always happy to train others to good levels of competency and proficiency. Whilst we may be blasé about our level of ability, we may be seen as an expert in our field and be highly regarded as such. We may dismiss such respect, we've been doing this for a long time, but equally it's a level of expertise that's required hard work to maintain. Appreciate the

Socially we may admire others who are richer, more attractive or worldly-wise but, whilst we're doing that, they may well be looking at our worthy characteristics, find them appealing and compelling. They may love our values, covet our simpler lifestyle, our sense of humour, intelligence and company. They see us through their lens, untainted by our doubts and insecurities. And what if someone in the family is an academic, on track to become a rising star, and you're not! Do you see yourself as a failure, less accomplished because you're not going to university or pursuing a professional career? But others may genuinely envy you your sporting prowess, your artistic abilities, your relaxed approach to life and your natural flair in areas where they have no special talents. There's a need for the whole range of skills, and each have their place in a rounded society.

Accepting positive praise, remarks and attention can be difficult as we wonder if it's genuine and sincere. Can we really believe that people think complimentarily about us, say such amazing things about us! Yes, self-deprecation in small doses is fine, even attractive at times. But learning to be confident and comfortable with praise, recognition and positive feedback is also attractive. A smile as we say 'thank you' is often all that's required.

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August Horoscopes from Russell Grant

oon New M

New M oon Full M oon

ARIES There might not be much time for fun and games in early August. Heavy responsibilities to friends, colleagues and neighbours must be attended before you can take a vacation. The New Moon on the 8th may tempt you to dropping some of these obligations. Instead of turning your back on the people who depend on you, finish what you have started. By mid-month, you could land a much better job that allows you to devote more energy to leisure. On the 22nd, the Full Moon will mark the end to a big group project. You should be justifiably proud of this work, which will improve the lives of many people in your community. The final days of August are ideal for entering a partnership.

TAURUS Your hair-trigger temper could cause problems at home at the start of the month. Resist the temptation to lash out at a smug relative on the 8th, when the New Moon causes you to speak without a filter. You won't be able to take back your angry words and your relationship will suffer as a result. That might not seem like a big deal now, but it will later in the month, when you need their support. You'll become a virtual love magnet in mid-August; don't be surprised if you fall for someone with an alluring accent. You'll have fun comparing your upbringings. The Full Moon on the 22nd could mark a big career achievement; prepare for a big raise, promotion, or both.


GEMINI Talking about religion, politics and culture can be extremely frustrating at the beginning of August. It's best to stick to neutral topics like the weather and pets during this tense time. The New Moon on the 8th could bring some deep, dark secrets to light; prepare for several shocks. Your family will be a tremendous source of comfort throughout the middle of August; trust a relative's advice about a romantic matter. On the 22nd, the Full Moon could mark a legal victory. Getting this matter settled will allow you to make exciting plans. You might enrol in a course of make travel reservations in the closing days of the month. If you're single, you could meet someone special after embarking on this adventure.

Financial shortages could drive you to distraction during the first half of the month. Beware of taking a low-paid job on the 8th, when the New Moon could make you panicky about money. Hold out for a position will pay what you are worth. A windfall from a business or romantic partnership could arrive in mid-August, helping you to breathe easier about meeting economic obligations. During the second half of the month, friendships will assume added importance. Even talking with your tribe via Zoom or Skype can strengthen ties that bind. The Full Moon on the 22nd finds you overcoming a deep fear, allowing you to draw closer to your amour. If you're single, you could meet someone special via a neighbourhood network.

LEO You'll notice a definite generation gap during the first half of August. It will be much easier to communicate with people from your age group than members of previous and subsequent demographics. Beware of obeying an impulse to change your look on the 8th, when a challenged New Moon can tempt you to overhaul your image. It's better to wait until next month to alter your hairstyle or dramatically update your wardrobe. Your financial and professional prospects will soar during the middle of the month. This is a great time to negotiate a raise or land a lucrative position; you might return to a former employer who always appreciated your talent. The Full Moon on the 22nd will cause a close relationship to burst into flower.

VIRGO At the start of the month, you might resent being pulled out of your shell. Push yourself to mingle on the 8th, when the New Moon could deliver a learning opportunity to you. By mid-month, you'll be attracting people who fuel your energy. Discussing your favourite subjects will give you a new lease on life. Don't be surprised when individuals who were once indifferent to your charm start treating you like an object of desire. The Full Moon on the 22nd could yield results of an ambitious fitness plan. Now that you have reached one goal, you'll be ready to embark on a much healthier lifestyle. Treating like a temple will boost your energy and enhance your natural good looks towards the end of August.

LIBRA The opening days of August could be quite draining, due to some demanding friends and group obligations. The New Moon on the 8th could prompt you to break away from a social situation that has become oppressive. Going your own way will cause you to breathe a huge sigh of relief. Your charm, wit and intelligence will be obvious to everyone during the middle of the month. On the 22nd, the Full Moon could mark a turning point in your love life. If you're single, you could meet someone special through a group association. Do you have a partner? You could get engaged or achieve a deeper level of happiness together. Attracting admirers will be as easy as falling off a chair at the end of the month.

SCORPIO Whatever you do at work may not be enough at the start of August. Instead of working your harder to get the approval you desire, try to coast. Turn your attention to rewarding activities and relationships. Doing things that make you feel good will raise people's opinions of you. If you lose a career opportunity on the 8th, it may be because the New Moon is arranging a better job for you. A former romantic partner could resurface quite suddenly during the second half of August. It's possible you'll have a passionate reunion. The Full Moon on the 22nd could find you relocating to another city or revamping your current abode. Gorgeous surroundings will boost your confidence at the end of August.

SAGITTARIUS Lording your knowledge over others will cause great resentment towards the start of the month. Instead of broadcasting your brilliance, be quick to recognise people's contributions. The New Moon on the 8th could make it especially tempting to brag about your accomplishments. Bite your tongue and adopt a humble attitude. Your willingness to let others shine will impress an influential person. Don't be surprised if they offer you a big career opportunity in mid-August; restraining your ego will pay off handsomely. On the 22nd, the Full Moon brings an end to a very busy schedule. Instead of running errands all day, you will be able to read, write, play music and do anything else that makes you happy in the final days of August.

CAPRICORN Bills could pile up at the beginning of August, making you nervous. Beware of tying your personal worth to your financial standing on the 8th, when the New Moon makes you feel defensive and defeated. By mid-month, your financial fortunes will dramatically improve. You could land a prominent leadership position that draws on your considerable expertise. Don't hesitate to negotiate a higher salary than the one originally offered. On the 22nd, the Full Moon could find you cashing your first paycheque or reaping a sizable profit; upgrading your computer or car is a distinct possibility. Giving a public presentation at the end of August should go smoothly. People appreciate your wit, style and sophistication. You might even get asked to record this talk.

AQUARIUS A close relationship will show signs of strain during the first half of August. The New Moon on the 8th could find you arguing with relatives about your choice of romantic partner. Defending the object of your affection will set a good precedent for your relationship. An intimate encounter will cheer you up during the middle of the month; it will be difficult to keep your hands off your amour. Are you single? You could meet someone special through a spiritual or religious group. Exchanging playful texts and e-mails could pave the way to a passionate alliance. On the 22nd could find you stepping down from a prominent role, allowing you more time for creative pursuits. Your playful persona will be highly attractive in the closing days of August.

PISCES Work can be a source of strain at the start of August. If you're unemployed, fill time between interviews with exercise. Moving your body will help relieve stress and give you an attractive glow. It will be much easier to attract a good job when you feel and look terrific. On the 8th, the New Moon warns against posting controversial opinions on social media. These remarks can throw you out of contention for a great career opportunity. A romantic or business partner can give you much needed support; two heads will be much better than one. The Full Moon on the 22nd finds you spending more time on your own, focusing on peaceful pursuits that keep you balanced and content.

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Common Recycling Mistakes

Recycling isn’t always as simple as it may seem at first glance. When you dig a bit deeper in to being more eco-friendly, it can actually be a bit confusing. Is all plastic recyclable? Do you need to take off the lids on glass bottles? Can wrapping paper be recycled with the cardboard? These are all questions I've asked myself and tried to find answers for over the years. So, incase like me, you’re not 100% clear on what can and can’t be recycled, here are a few common mistakes people make when it comes to recycling. cardboard become un-recyclable. For Plastic Caps example, if you have a greasy pizza Yes, plastic caps on bottles can be box, tear out the greasy part and recycled. However, make sure you take recycle the clean part. Also, if you off the plastic caps from glass bottles and add them to your plastic recycling receive a card that has glitter on it, this bag. They CANNOT be recycled if they also can’t be recycled so this will need to go straight in to the bin. are still on the glass bottles. Also, make sure you take off the lids and add them Glossy Paper to your recycling separately as some Contrary to common recycling centres won’t take them still belief, magazines on the bottles. can actually be recycled! These can Coffee Cups go in the recycling Due to the thin layer with your newspapers. inside the coffee cups that make them Wrapping Paper waterproof, means they Even though wrapping cannot be recycled. paper is made mainly from paper, it is Switch to re-useable cups NOT recyclable. Normally because it’s whenever you can to laminated with plastic, foil or other nonsave waste. paper materials. If it has sticky tape still on it, or glitter, that also means it can’t Dirty Cardboard be recycled and can disrupt the Dirty or greasy cardboard or paper can recycling process. actually make your entire bag of

Nappies Food Waste No, nappies like ALL food waste can be either recycled pampers cannot be or put in to a compost bin. If you put recycled! If you want food waste in to your general waste, it to be more eco-friendly too will end up in landfill in your nonwhen it comes to biodegradeable bags. Sat there forever, nappies, you’ll need when it could have gone back in to the to find a different ground as nutrients. Make sure you use brand. bio-degradable bin bags for all your food waste and NOT the normal plastic Plastic Bags bin bags. ANYTHING you Old Clothes put in to a plastic bag, whether recyclable or not, will go straight in to Old clothes often find themselves in the landfill. Make sure you separate bin, even though they can anything out that can be recycled. If quite easily be recycled you have any plastic bags, reuse them in a few different ways. as much as you can as these cannot Once you are done with be recycled. Do not buy new plastic your old clothes, instead bags, instead take your own bags to of throwing them away, the shops with you. perhaps you could give them to a charity shop. Drinks Cartons You could even make them in to Cartons such as milk cartons with a something else. For example, if you plastic lining should be recycled in with have a pair of ripped jeans, you could your plastics. Do NOT put these in the cut them down to be shorts. Or that old cardboard recycling as they will end smelly towel could be cut up in smaller up in landfill. Depending on your area, pieces and used as cleaning rags. ‘Tetra Pak’ cartons can now also be Aerosol Cans recycled in with your plastic recycling. Check your area BEFORE you recycle Once your aerosol can is empty, as each area is slightly different. remove the plastic cap and put BOTH in to your plastic recycling bag. Do NOT try Batteries Due to the chemicals in batteries, these to pierce a hole in the can as it is likely to explode. cannot be recycled. If you need to use Frozen Food Boxes batteries in your home, opt for the rechargeable ones instead so you can Due to the waxy coating on frozen food use them again and again. boxes, it makes them difficult to recycle, so should be thrown in the bin unless the box states otherwise. However, some boxes do not have this waxy coating so check before you throw away. The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Lisa (London) “My ex-husband never lets me know when he wants to see the children. He may contact me at short notice and offer to have them or break our arrangements, sometimes by simply not turning up for a pre-arranged visit. This means that I end up consoling two disappointed children and can never plan anything social for myself.” Therapist Susan’s reply: It sounds as if you need to mentally remove your ex-husband from your plans in terms of relying on him for childcare. I'm sure you've repeatedly explained to him the consequences of his behaviour, the impact it is likely to have on his long term relationship with the children. You could try discussing the situation with your lawyer to see if they could formalise your access arrangements, but if he is determined to be unreliable there is in reality little that can be done. You probably know several other parents of young children. Could you encourage your children to become friends with them so that they would be comfortable staying over at each other's houses occasionally? By alternating childcare you could provide each other with reliable baby sitting and free evenings from time to time. Grandparents can assume extra responsibility after a divorce, but often one set are neglected or become estranged. Could you utilise your relationship with both sets of grandparents? They may be thrilled to be asked and love the opportunity to bond overnight with their grandchildren. It can also benefit the children to have a loving, supportive relationship with their grandparents, one that is a little detached from their immediate family issues. They may find it beneficial to have a safe place where they can discuss their fears, problems and concerns without risking upsetting or offending you. Try being more relaxed about social events and have fun at home by inviting friends over to yours on occasion. Okay, it's not the same as a night out with the girls, but you can enjoy time with your friends, everyone can bring a dish and a bottle, the children can play safely together and you can all enjoy each other's company.

Angie (Leeds) “I dread holidays and weekends. Everyone at work thinks that I lead an amazing social life with lots of exciting friends and activities. I tell everyone that I'm busy, going away lots and have a busy social life but now regret that I may get found out, am living a lie and am excluding myself from making friends at work.” Therapist Susan’s reply: Identify why you with demanding partners, children, families would envy your being able to lie in bed, feel the need to invent a false life for read the papers, watch TV whenever you yourself. Look at the reasons behind inwant to. Remember that and relish the venting another persona and then exfreedom that you have. plore ways to remedy the situation. Perhaps consider counselling as a route Be aware of the importance of taking things to improving your confidence and self- steady in making friends at work. Remember esteem. If you feel that you or your life that you're paid to hold a senior position. are unsatisfactory then look at ways to That means that you cannot afford to improve that situation. Building your relacompromise the company's standards by tionships on lies in order to impress your appearing to cultivate friendships or favour colleagues is not a worthy long term certain people. Try to keep work and play strategy. separate; then you can remain fair and professional throughout the working day. The truth is, other people rarely remember the details of what we tell them and Look to establish fun and interests in a variety care even less. They have their own lives, of areas. Some people enjoy going to the stories and concerns to occupy them. gym or attend exercise classes and make You may risk raised eyebrows, but you friends there. Other people use their free could say that your trips were cancelled time to learn to paint or speak another or that someone was unable to make it language, or they do voluntary work or so you've decided to defer your weekamateur dramatics. Having ends away. Being more truthful from several areas of interest then on will enable you to relax and that occupy you become more genuine. As a consemeans that you Email your quence, your relationships with your become so busy problems to co-workers will become more real. that you don't need Turn your free time into special time for yourself. Maybe catch up on a few chores, do some paperwork. But equally commit to looking after yourself and treating yourself well. Your colleagues

to invent stories about how you spend your holidays and weekends.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.


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Lenny asks “I am a postgraduate student studying teacher education. I've received positive feedback throughout the course but no luck with job applications. Do the stars hint at when I may be successful?” With the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius, Lenny has chosen a career he will excel in. Sagittarius is also an optimistic sign and despite some disappointment with job applications, he isn’t likely to give up. With Saturn linking with Pluto, there’s a strong chance Lenny will be offered a position in the autumn. This will transform his life in many ways and it may be that he will have to relocate in order to take up a job opportunity. This is the type of opportunity he won’t want to turn down. An exciting turning point will be reached towards the end of August.

Amy asks “I have always been drawn to the stars, I feel it may have been a big part of a past life of mine? How can I feel more connected to my spiritual roots.?“ Amy is a Piscean with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo. She will always have been highly intuitive and drawn to exploring the mystical side of life. Learning about different cultures can also help her develop her own beliefs and strengthen her spirituality. Amy might take time to connect with her spirit guides through meditation. She won’t be surprised to find herself thinking more about her ancestors, how they lived and what they might have experienced. Also what she might learn from them. This could lead her to start delving into her family history. For not only is there a strong link with our ancestors through DNA but also a spiritual connection too.

Vegan News

Greggs launches new vegan version of one of its most popular bakes Greggs has just announced another new vegan product is joining its shelves this summer and people are very excited. The bakery giant will be selling a vegan version of its sausage bean and cheese melt from August 5. It's their third plant-based bake, after starting with the sell-out Credit: Greggs sensation that was the vegan sausage roll in 2019. The new vegan sausage, bean and 'CheeZe' melt will be available in more than 2000 shops nationwide next week, priced at £1.60. Greggs fans will also be able to order it through click and collect and on Just Eat. Inside a golden puff pastry will be pieces of vegan sausage, two types of vegan 'cheese', and baked beans. Oggs announces launch of vegan snack bar range Totally Vegan Buzz have reported that Oggs is launching a range of vegan snack bars in response to ‘growing demand for plant-based convenience snacks’. The range, which includes a quartet of vegan Brownie, Flapjack, Millionaire and Tiffin bars, joins the company’s existing vegan-friendly cakes. The latest treats are made using the brand’s patented vegan liquid egg alternative aquafaba instead of dairy. Credit: Oggs

Wagamama Launches New Vegan Dishes With Tempeh Startup Plant Based news reported that restaurant chain Wagamama just introduced three new vegan dishes. The launch is thanks to a partnership between Wagamama and Club Cultured, London’s first-ever tempeh factory. Tempeh is a traditional Javanese food made from fermented soybeans, but it can also be made with any bean, seed, nut, grain, or legume. It’s a popular alternative to meat due to its firm texture and nutritional profile. According to USDA statistics, tempeh offers 19g of protein per 100g. In contrast, tofu has 8g of protein for the same serving. Club Cultured Co-Founders Harry, James, and Connor only began crafting their first products three years ago – in a garden shed.

Credit: Wagamama

“At the time we were dreaming of working with Wagamama, we were experimenting with tempeh in a garden shed. A few years, lots of hard work and belief later, we’re incredibly excited to be able to spread the tempeh message into the mainstream and help more people discover how healthy and delicious this protein can be!” Co-Founder Harry Watmough said. “Wagamama are incredibly forward thinking in terms of plant-based options. We’re incredibly pleased with the dishes they’ve created, which showcase our tempeh and have some great flavours!” Wagamama already offered a range of plant-based dishes. Diners can order entrees like sticky vegan ribs, yasai steamed gyoza, and vegan chilli


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Vegan Chocolate Chip Cupcakes I could honestly eat biscuits all day every day. There’s something so satisfying about eating a crunchy biscuit. Even over chocolate or cake! However, since going fully vegan last year, I’ve struggled to find a tasty ginger biscuit that isn’t filled with sugar and dairy. So, I’ve been on the hunt to come up with ways to create a vegan, refined sugar free, dairy free ginger biscuits recipe. Although i do love a gooey cookie, especially a chocolate chip cookie. I also love a ginger biscuit that's snappy and crunchy. Perfect for dipping in to a tea or coffee. However, most of the recipes i found ended up being more cake like than a proper crunchy biscuit. That is until i made this recipe while playing around with ingredients – total game changer! If you too like a ginger snap kinda biscuit, you’ll love these. So many vegan recipes i have come across lately either end up not tasting great, or have a weird rubbery texture to them. So, over the last few months we’ve been trying to come up with the best vegan cupcake recipe. One that left you wanting more, and that left you feeling guilty for having such a decadent treat – when it’s actually healthy! There’s something so simple, yet so satisfying about munching on a few vegan cupcakes. Yep, this vegan cake recipe is so healthy you can have more than one at a time if you want to. Even if you aren’t vegan, you’ll still love this recipe, and you can make it not vegan very easily. Personalise the recipe to your taste and dietary requirements. For this recipe you can use any chocolate you enjoy eating. However we use either 90% or 85% dark chocolate. The higher the percentage is, the healthier and cleaner it is in terms of ingredients they use. Throughout the recipe testing phases, we used a number of different types of chocolate, and at different temperatures to see how each reacted to baking. We found the best chocolate to use is dark chocolate as it holds it’s shape better – great of you want whole chunks in your cupcakes. It’s also better to use cold chocolate, which also helps it to hold it’s chunky shape. Great for an unexpected mouthful of chocolate! However, if you aren’t vegan and love white chocolate, give these White Chocolate & Raspberry Blondies a try. Another thing to note with a chocolate recipe like this is to make sure you’re using cacao powder NOT cocoa powder. Cacao powder will give your cupcakes a depth and richness cocoa powder won’t. It’s a bit more expensive but it’s worth every penny to get the really good stuff.



● 190g Pla in Flour ● 3 0 g Ca cao Pow de r ● 1 Tsp Bic arb Soda ● 1 /2 T s p Salt ● 1 Flax E gg ● 100g C o c o n ut S ugar ● 100g D ark Choc olate ● 250mls Water ● 40mls C o c o n ut O il ● 1 Tbs p A pple Cid er Vineg ar ● 1 Tbs p Y ogurt I us e cocon yogurt b ut ut yo u c a n use an y you like

Method ●Preheat oven to 180 C (Fan). ●Combine all the dry ingredients in to a large bowl. ●Add in the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and combine gently. You want the flour to just be incorporated. Over mixing will make the cupcakes sold and rubbery inside. ●Fill our cupcake cases around 2/3 full. Leaving room at the top for them to grow. ●Bake for 17 minutes – or until a skewer comes out clean. ●Leave the cupcakes in the tray until cool before removing. The Lifestyle Blogger UK

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Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: Mango, Next, Greggs, Oggs, Wagamama, Urban Outfitters and Missguided

Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. © RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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