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August Horoscopes from Russell Grant

New Moon


New Moon

Full Moon


There might not be much time for fun and games in early August. Heavy responsibilities to friends, colleagues and neighbours must be attended before you can take a vacation. The New Moon on the 8th may tempt you to dropping some of these obligations. Instead of turning your back on the people who depend on you, finish what you have started. By mid-month, you could land a much better job that allows you to devote more energy to leisure. On the 22nd, the Full Moon will mark the end to a big group project. You should be justifiably proud of this work, which will improve the lives of many people in your community. The final days of August are ideal for entering a partnership.

Your hair-trigger temper could cause problems at home at the start of the month. Resist the temptation to lash out at a smug relative on the 8th, when the New Moon causes you to speak without a filter. You won't be able to take back your angry words and your relationship will suffer as a result. That might not seem like a big deal now, but it will later in the month, when you need their support. You'll become a virtual love magnet in mid-August; don't be surprised if you fall for someone with an alluring accent. You'll have fun comparing your upbringings. The Full Moon on the 22nd could mark a big career achievement; prepare for a big raise, promotion, or both.



Talking about religion, politics and culture can be extremely frustrating at the beginning of August. It's best to stick to neutral topics like the weather and pets during this tense time. The New Moon on the 8th could bring some deep, dark secrets to light; prepare for several shocks. Your family will be a tremendous source of comfort throughout the middle of August; trust a relative's advice about a romantic matter. On the 22nd, the Full Moon could mark a legal victory. Getting this matter settled will allow you to make exciting plans. You might enrol in a course of make travel reservations in the closing days of the month. If you're single, you could meet someone special after embarking on this adventure.


Financial shortages could drive you to distraction during the first half of the month. Beware of taking a low-paid job on the 8th, when the New Moon could make you panicky about money. Hold out for a position will pay what you are worth. A windfall from a business or romantic partnership could arrive in mid-August, helping you to breathe easier about meeting economic obligations. During the second half of the month, friendships will assume added importance. Even talking with your tribe via Zoom or Skype can strengthen ties that bind. The Full Moon on the 22nd finds you overcoming a deep fear, allowing you to draw closer to your amour. If you're single, you could meet someone special via a neighbourhood network.


You'll notice a definite generation gap during the first half of August. It will be much easier to communicate with people from your age group than members of previous and subsequent demographics. Beware of obeying an impulse to change your look on the 8th, when a challenged New Moon can tempt you to overhaul your image. It's better to wait until next month to alter your hairstyle or dramatically update your wardrobe. Your financial and professional prospects will soar during the middle of the month. This is a great time to negotiate a raise or land a lucrative position; you might return to a former employer who always appreciated your talent. The Full Moon on the 22nd will cause a close relationship to burst into flower.

At the start of the month, you might resent being pulled out of your shell. Push yourself to mingle on the 8th, when the New Moon could deliver a learning opportunity to you. By mid-month, you'll be attracting people who fuel your energy. Discussing your favourite subjects will give you a new lease on life. Don't be surprised when individuals who were once indifferent to your charm start treating you like an object of desire. The Full Moon on the 22nd could yield results of an ambitious fitness plan. Now that you have reached one goal, you'll be ready to embark on a much healthier lifestyle. Treating like a temple will boost your energy and enhance your natural good looks towards the end of August.



The opening days of August could be quite draining, due to some demanding friends and group obligations. The New Moon on the 8th could prompt you to break away from a social situation that has become oppressive. Going your own way will cause you to breathe a huge sigh of relief. Your charm, wit and intelligence will be obvious to everyone during the middle of the month. On the 22nd, the Full Moon could mark a turning point in your love life. If you're single, you could meet someone special through a group association. Do you have a partner? You could get engaged or achieve a deeper level of happiness together. Attracting admirers will be as easy as falling off a chair at the end of the month.


Whatever you do at work may not be enough at the start of August. Instead of working your harder to get the approval you desire, try to coast. Turn your attention to rewarding activities and relationships. Doing things that make you feel good will raise people's opinions of you. If you lose a career opportunity on the 8th, it may be because the New Moon is arranging a better job for you. A former romantic partner could resurface quite suddenly during the second half of August. It's possible you'll have a passionate reunion. The Full Moon on the 22nd could find you relocating to another city or revamping your current abode. Gorgeous surroundings will boost your confidence at the end of August.


Lording your knowledge over others will cause great resentment towards the start of the month. Instead of broadcasting your brilliance, be quick to recognise people's contributions. The New Moon on the 8th could make it especially tempting to brag about your accomplishments. Bite your tongue and adopt a humble attitude. Your willingness to let others shine will impress an influential person. Don't be surprised if they offer you a big career opportunity in mid-August; restraining your ego will pay off handsomely. On the 22nd, the Full Moon brings an end to a very busy schedule. Instead of running errands all day, you will be able to read, write, play music and do anything else that makes you happy in the final days of August.

Bills could pile up at the beginning of August, making you nervous. Beware of tying your personal worth to your financial standing on the 8th, when the New Moon makes you feel defensive and defeated. By mid-month, your financial fortunes will dramatically improve. You could land a prominent leadership position that draws on your considerable expertise. Don't hesitate to negotiate a higher salary than the one originally offered. On the 22nd, the Full Moon could find you cashing your first paycheque or reaping a sizable profit; upgrading your computer or car is a distinct possibility. Giving a public presentation at the end of August should go smoothly. People appreciate your wit, style and sophistication. You might even get asked to record this talk.



A close relationship will show signs of strain during the first half of August. The New Moon on the 8th could find you arguing with relatives about your choice of romantic partner. Defending the object of your affection will set a good precedent for your relationship. An intimate encounter will cheer you up during the middle of the month; it will be difficult to keep your hands off your amour. Are you single? You could meet someone special through a spiritual or religious group. Exchanging playful texts and e-mails could pave the way to a passionate alliance. On the 22nd could find you stepping down from a prominent role, allowing you more time for creative pursuits. Your playful persona will be highly attractive in the closing days of August.


Work can be a source of strain at the start of August. If you're unemployed, fill time between interviews with exercise. Moving your body will help relieve stress and give you an attractive glow. It will be much easier to attract a good job when you feel and look terrific. On the 8th, the New Moon warns against posting controversial opinions on social media. These remarks can throw you out of contention for a great career opportunity. A romantic or business partner can give you much needed support; two heads will be much better than one. The Full Moon on the 22nd finds you spending more time on your own, focusing on peaceful pursuits that keep you balanced and content.

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