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Mercury in Leo Opposition Saturn in Aquarius

This is a time for natural wisdom and to seek out greater intellectual challenges. While not every project or idea is destined for greatness, that should keep you from trying to reach for something new and exciting. Take extra care to get any agreements in writing. Things are moving so fast right now; it is extremely easy to miss a small detail which can cost you greatly. Others may find your attention to details frustrating, but keep in mind they are not the ones signing your paycheck. There is a constant struggle between being heard and taken seriously when you share your knowledge with others who do not see things your way. Instead of fighting with them, show them the error of their ways and you will find them more accommodating in the future.


Venus in Virgo Trine Uranus in Taurus

Your exciting and unique personality shines through, calling others to your side. If you want to be the centre of the party, then now is the time to step into the spotlight and shine like the shooting star you really are. When it comes to love, you are better off finding an open minded partner who will give you the freedom to socialise widely without getting bitten by the jealousy bug. Take note of that old saying, friends come and go, but true friendship can conquer the many miles between you. Reach out to those far away and let them know not only how you feel about them, but also invite them for a visit. Although your living space may be cramped, there is infinite space in your heart. Work around the details and then let the party begin.

Sun in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus

Others may want you to follow them but that just is not you right now. As an extraordinarily complex and overly stubborn person you are going to stand out from the crowd no matter where you are, so you might as well do things your way and let the rest of the world go into disarray. Although this rebellious and weird side may not exactly help you in the romance department, it will help you to explore your more curious side. Let the genius you have been keeping locked-up out and you will find more joy and satisfaction than you could ever imagine. Increased self-awareness will come with time. There is no rushing the experience process. Just remember, that all things pass with time. They may pass as painfully as a kidney stone, but they will pass. Never let the fear of what might happen keep you from enjoying an adventure.

New Moon in Leo

This is the most magical time in the world. A new journey looking inward will help you to find out new and exciting things about yourself. Your inner light is great at spotting not only your greatness, but it also helps to illuminate the areas of your world you need to work on.

Perhaps it is just remembering to tell others how great they are, or how much they mean to you. Whatever the problem, the good news is you have the skills and tools needed to set things right. While some may not find anything remarkable about this time, there lack of understanding and insight does not diminish the light within you. If they are not willing to talk to you, let it go. Others will find their own path, even if it is one which you wish they would not follow, because they are on their own journey.

Mercury enters Virgo

This summer has been all about communication and feeling your intellectual interests, and while that has been great in so many areas; you are ready for a break and finally here it is. Although this summer has been hard, things are finally getting back to normal. As your head clears, you have a clearer vision of not only what you want but also what it is going to take to get it. Take the most direct approach and streamline your activities to ensure you have the time, space, and funds to reach your destination. Any project, person connection, or other action you have left hanging because of the busy summer, needs to be finished very quickly before your excess energy and stamina are needed for other things.

Venus enters Libra

Expect a change in the flow of life and the flow of funds. Others become more demanding when it comes to the account of both the money you have spent and the amount of time it is taking to get things done. While this may cause you some extra work, it will also show you some other items which you should have asked reimbursement for. Do not let the demands of others cause you to rethink your plans; it just means that others are going to ask you for a little more accountability – especially when it comes to taking others out to eat on the company expense account. Try being more helpful when it comes to others and do not forget to thank them for their help and guidance where necessary.

Uranus goes

Retrograde in Taurus

A subtle shift is coming, and while you may not exactly know what is going on, you can feel it in your gut. The question is not what you are going to do about it, but instead how practical the changes will be to integrate into your everyday life. You will want to find a way you can smoothly incorporate the changes into your day-to-day duties, as these new challenges are not going away anytime soon. Those around you are not going to find these changes so easy to work with. Do not let their troubles become yours; it is quite easy to get mixed up with the wrong crowd and find yourself between a rock and hard place with no real friends to help you out when the time comes.

Full Moon in Aquarius

Others are looking for a way to celebrate their accomplishments, but you are going to find yourself looking for the door. The real work gets done by those behind the scenes. Although it is nice to be on centre stage, you are better off taking the cash prize instead of a plastic trophy.

While the rest of the world wants to place limits and boundaries around what you can do and cannot do during what is left of your vacation, let the winds of fate take you where they want. Although you may be all about the plan, a little (or a lot) of deviance is the stuff which causes not only great adventure stories but also helps to setup chance meetings with a stranger who can become more than a friend.

Sun enters Virgo

After all the adventure and mixed-up directions, it will be nice to see things finally start to return to normal. Focus in on practical concerns to find happiness. You have some amazing skills and talents, but are they being used effectively? A little creative interpretation mixed in with your down to earth facts and figures can help to inspire others and leave those in charge looking to you for new ideas. While you may find yourself over thinking and worrying more about the finer points of life, that is not always a bad thing. After all, some of the wealthiest people on earth think of nothing but ideas and how they can find and fulfil a basic human need which in turn funds their dreams of space travel.

Mercury enters Libra

While there are those around you who are good at listening, there are some who are not. Starting today, you will find out who is on which list. Though you are one to speak your mind, in fact it helps you to organize your thoughts, not everyone is really interested in hearing your inner thoughts. You would be better off, in the long run, to write things down; when others interrupt you (and they will), you do not lose your mindset. It would not hurt you to show others a little more respect and gratitude for both what they have given you and for their devotion to your cause. A few inspirational words and gifts open a whole lot more doors than plain facts and figures ever will.

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