Russell Grant Magazine Dec 2018 (XMAS6018)

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Russell Grant

December 2018









4 CONTENTS DEC 18 4 Jodie Comer

27 Christmas TV on BBC

8 Festive Relationships

31 Trending Fashion

13 Your Christmas Horoscopes

42 Love Horoscopes

21 FREE Natal Birth Chart

46 Festive Spirit

22 2019 Year Ahead Horoscope

48 Dream Meanings

25 NSPCC Campaign

50 Ask Russell

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Jodie Comer

We first saw her in “Holby City”,“Silent Witness” and “Casualty”,but no matter how minor her roles, she still caught our eye. Since then she has caught many an eye, in fact "The New Yorker" just happened to mention that Jodie Comer had “unassailable charisma in her latest role as a heartless assassin.“She is also as “pretty as a picture” and successful probably beyond her wildest dreams: In other words she is not just a show biz brat from Liverpool but one of UK's hottest young actresses, a “must have” if you want your TV show to be a hit and most BBC pundits know that Jodie is beyond hit, she is star material. Yes, she IS the dark hearted, psychopathic assassin in “Killing Eve”, yes she was that hottie in medieval costumes when she played Elizabeth of York in the “White Princess”, both roles ensured her popularity hit the high note of course!

Credit: BBC

Hot Lovey Material With a Pisces Sun and Moon in Cancer, Jodie is not only “hot lovey material” she is sensitive enough to get under a character's skin and selfish enough to nudge her way past the "Nay Sayers", and grab the hottest female roles out there. Deep down she is a closet softy, overall she is complex, sensitive and prone to revealing multiple secret selves when she plays out her characters. She was brilliant as a secretary exploring her sexuality in 1960's Britain in an episode of Bovril Pa written by Vicky Jones. So brilliant she probably played her mom's Beatles vinyls and dressed Dolly Bird style in her free time.

Hyper Sensitivity Could this young actress do hyper sensitivity, verging on the morbid, as a matter of course? Certainly, she is influenced by that Cancer "mooniness"; the water sign's clingy traits help her literally “sink like a stone into her characters” and also pinpoint the darker, more psychological elements of each role. Cancer also ensures she is the “heart and soul” consistently extroverted at the right time and in the right place. She dazzles her fans on the red carpet. But then, why shouldn't she? According to our calculations her Sun is in the Tenth House, the house of fame and fortune. The Gods are clearly on her side with that placement! In fact it ensures she will be even more popular as time marches on, she could win an OBE, if not, she will be looked on with favour by “those in high places.” Venus in the Eleventh house on the other hand, underlines her exquisite beauty, her core kindness, and the support she gets from friends and family, especially her mother, who is no “Mommie Dearest” for sure. Jodie's mummy is the type of lady who encourages Jodie to be as fabulous as possible rather than hit her with metal coat hangers Joan Crawford style. Her mom is the power behind her throne, in other words. Credit: Twitter

Jodie's Horizons But hang on is that Jupiter in Libra we see looming over Jodie's Horizons? Yes indeed it is, and it sort of balances out that water sign complexity. It ensures Jodie loves the human race as she interacts with folks of all cultures and beliefs. She has a strong sense of who she is due to good old Jupiter's beneficial vibes, and that attitude will always bring her luck and approval as she pats her mates on the back and does that “Hail fellow well met” thing of her's so well! In Love or Not? So will this lovely young lady fall in love or is she already besotted? Fans scouting social can find no trace of a special other. But do not be fooled, Venus in Aries tells us that Jodie's passions run high, and that she definitely needs someone to trigger her “hotness”, Martian style as in scorching passion. If truth be told, her romances are probably up and down, around and around, and sometimes fast and furious. You see, she is looking for someone who will not only take on board her Cancer style sensitivity but know how to fix a pipe, and hammer a nail in the wall. In other words a down to earth type! A Mystery? Is Jodie a bit of a mystery, and will we ever really know her.? Not if her Cancer in Moon has anything to do with it. Best to dig a hole in the sand then Jodie, rather than getting put into someone else's box. Our Jodie certainly does not dig “the box!” unless she is starring on its small screen of course!

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer Credit: BBC

Festive Relationships

Did you know that January is the busiest time of the year for divorce lawyers? More couples consider divorce and decide to take legal advice then than at any other time of the year. The intensive period of family togetherness over Christmas and New Year can put a serious strain on a relationship. Post-holidays come a close second!

It would appear that quite a lot of us find it a strain to spend long periods of enforced closeness together when there's little to occupy us. The rest of our time is often so hectic and full-on that managing the stress of everyday life can result in us losing the ability to easily relax together. It's then that our relationship can experience difficulties.

Let's consider 8 tips to help when your relationship is experiencing difficulties: Don't expect perfection. None of us is infallible and if we've made a mistake or ended up in a tricky situation it's important to be open and honest with our partner about it. Being able to share those difficult or awkward situations in a respectful, supportive environment is important and helps us prepare together in case those difficulties escalate. Communicate well rather than assume or second-guess what each other is thinking. So often we see couples who automatically finish each other's sentences or answer on their behalf. It may be seen as endearing or a quicker, more efficient option, especially if time is at a premium, but it can become irritating if we feel that we're not being listened to, respected or treated as an individual anymore. It's potentially humiliating to feel that we're losing our voice or our right to an opinion. There's no need to spend every free moment together and it can be important to have some hobbies or interests outside of the home. Some people treasure their separate activities; it helps them feel that they've retained their identity and individuality. Plus having some separate interests can be a great way to manage stress, provide a therapeutic timeout from any difficulties and offer new topics for conversation. Make regular, quality time for each other. Date nights might not always be an option, especially if there are baby-sitting, business or financial constraints, but try to have regular time which you claim as 'us time' to be a couple, play, chat and enjoy each other's company.

If there are tensions in the relationship it might be beneficial to agree to put a hold on having a sexual relationship for a time. Yes, being intimate is an important part of a relationship, but sex can feel like too much pressure in an already strained relationship. Invest in rebuilding the intimate side of your relationship slowly. Maybe go for walks, take a bath together or give each other a massage. Even a shoulder rub whilst watching TV can be a good way to rebuild closeness. Commit to actively listening to each other, and discover how effective this is as a way to rebuild intimacy. It's sexy when someone really listens and is interested in what you have to say. At first you may need to sit together and time an uninterrupted five-minute window each to say what's on your respective minds. Demonstrate that you've really listened by reflecting back what you've heard. This arrangement can prevent the listener from jumping in with their comments, explanations or feedback. Consider relationship counselling. Booking time with a professional relationship counsellor can be a worthwhile exercise as you have to set aside time to focus and commit to dealing with the issues in your relationship; how you're feeling, what you want and need, whilst also exploring how your partner is feeling. Learn to apologise readily and effectively. A genuine 'sorry' uttered immediately and in a sincere way can go some way towards repairing a damaged relationship. But beware of being sorry for everything and your apology becoming a grudging, automatic response. Sometimes there may be merit in breaking down what you're sorry for; for example you may feel that something needed to be said but are sorry for the hurt it caused. Be clear when you apologise and make it meaningful. Investing time and attention in your relationship, perhaps with the help of relationship counselling, can help you rediscover what attracted you to each other in the first place and reignite those feelings of love and commitment. Susan Leigh - A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

December Horoscopes from Russell Grant

How will the Solar Eclipse enrich your life on the 6th December..?

ARIES A power struggle will erupt in early December, putting you in line for a big promotion. The Solar Eclipse on the 6th exposes a corrupt official. Their immediate dismissal will leave a big gap in the leadership structure of a political organisation or business. Don't be surprised when you're asked to take over. You're famous for having exceptional leadership skills. Instead of letting personal relationships affect your decisions, you're ruled by logic. Matching the right person with the appropriate position will boost morale. It will also rescue a troubled organisation from oblivion. A Lunar Eclipse on the 21st finds you benefiting from a big risk. Confessing a crush or taking a financial gamble was daring, but it was the right move. Spending Christmas overseas is a strong possibility. You'll end the year on a high note. Thanks to your improved financial position, you'll be able to throw a lavish New Year's Eve party.

TAURUS The Solar Eclipse on the 6th changes your world view. Take this opportunity to go on an overseas trip, work with refugees or learn about a foreign culture. You'll gain a newfound respect for a group whose beliefs resonate with your own. If you've been longing to get an advanced degree but lack the funds, apply for a scholarship. An educational, cultural or religious organisation will pay your tuition. On the 21st, a Lunar Eclipse will bring the end to a property matter. You could sell a piece of land, buy a new home or both. If you're happy with where you are living, a grown up child could leave the nest or a home improvement project will come to a close. Christmas will be a cosy, intimate affair spent with your nearest and dearest. 2018 will end on a romantic note; prepare for a passionate encounter with an ardent admirer.

GEMINI An unexpected windfall will arrive on or around the 6th, courtesy of an enriching Solar Eclipse. An inheritance, legal settlement or insurance refund will transform your lifestyle. At long last, you'll have the money to buy a home, car or both. If you've been longing to start your own business, this would be a great opportunity to do so. Don't hesitate to form a partnership with someone who has lots of experience in this field. Their expertise will help you avoid pitfalls that other entrepreneurs experience. Take their advice seriously, even when it seems stuffy and conservative. The Lunar Eclipse on the 21st will prompt you to finish a creative project or withdraw from social media. Although you've enjoyed sharing your thoughts with others, it's time to replenish your intellectual stores. You'll spend Christmas rubbing elbows with stimulating people; let someone introduce you to their culture's holiday tradition. Ring out 2018 with someone who makes your pulse pound.

CANCER The Solar Eclipse on the 6th paves the way for a powerful partnership. Getting engaged or exchanging wedding vows will improve your chances for success. With a supportive partner at your side, you will be able to move mountains. If you're not interested in love, you could join forces with an accomplished business partner. This will be a great time to become your own boss. Hiring someone to look after complicated legal or financial matters would also be a good idea, whether it's an accountant, manager, lawyer or agent. On the 21st, the Lunar Eclipse will bring a source of income to a close. This will leave you free to pursue a more rewarding line of work. A position that seems out of reach will be offered to you. Glowing letters of reference will convince the powers that be that you are the right person for this job. Attend a festive party at Christmas, but enjoy a private New Year's Eve just with your amour.

LEO The Solar Eclipse on the 6th is the best time of the entire year to begin a health regime. Overhauling your diet and exercise routines will result in a happier, healthier you. If you've been looking for a job, you'll be offered one that transforms your lifestyle. You might have to relocate to a different city, work unorthodox hours or get paid on a commission basis. No matter what the nature of this change, it will work to your benefit. On the 21st, a Lunar Eclipse will prompt you to step away from a demanding role. You've had great success in this position, but now you're ready to rest, relax and have some fun. Christmas will be a time of lovely surprises. If you get a chance to celebrate with friends who live overseas, do so. Ringing out 2018 in exotic surroundings will set an exciting tone for the New Year.

VIRGO A love affair will give you an attractive glow on the 6th, courtesy of the romantic Solar Eclipse. If you're looking for a partner, you will find one at a professional gathering or political organisation. It will be difficult to resist the charm of an accomplished person. You'll be impressed by their ambition, while they'll delight in your wit and intelligence. Are you in a relationship? Your amour will give you a beautiful token of their affection. Accept this gift with a happy heart; there are no strings attached. If you've been working on a creative project, take this opportunity to submit it to a publisher, gallery or competition. The Lunar Eclipse on the 21st prompts you to tie up loose ends in style. You'll be able to spend Christmas relaxing in the company of friends. If you've been longing to spend quality time with your amour, sneak off to a quiet hideaway together on New Year's Eve.

LIBRA The Solar Eclipse on the 6th marks a big change in your home life. Moving to another place, welcoming a baby or elderly relative to your household and changing your citizenship are all possibilities. This change will have a profound effect on your entire life, making you feel more confident and empowered. If a relative leaves an inheritance to you, use this money to create long term financial security. Put a deposit on a home or start a retirement portfolio. On the 21st, a Lunar Eclipse brings an end to a group project, allowing you to form a new work partnership. Collaborating with a bold rebel will cause your own star to rise. Throw a big Christmas party that includes both old and new friends. It's time to bring separate parts of your life together. New Year's Eve will be quite romantic, when your amour surprises you with a fun outing.

SCORPIO The 6th would be a propitious time for launching a blog, website or podcast, as a Solar Eclipse will attract favourable & encouraging attention. You could get a rave review from a celebrity you've never met. Alternatively, you will be offered a publishing or broadcasting contract. Getting paid to talk about your favourite artists, musicians, books and films will be the answer to a prayer. Beware of making hurtful remarks in a public forum. Adopting a positive attitude will attract a loyal following, while a snarky attitude will create fame that is only fleeting. The Lunar Eclipse on the 21st brings a satisfying end to a job or public office. This will leave you free to enjoy a relaxing Christmas season. Attending a lavish party will be a great opportunity to show off an eye catching outfit. New Year's Eve urges you to get a head start on a health regime. Spend the final days of 2018 by cleansing your body of toxins.

SAGITTARIUS An impressive moneymaking opportunity will arrive on or around the 6th, thanks to an enriching Solar Eclipse. This is a great time to change industries. Working on a commission basis will also be more lucrative than taking a flat salary. At long last, you'll finally have the money to travel extensively. There's even a chance you will be given an impressive expense account to go on a series of glamorous business trips. Make sure to put a portion of your salary into a savings account. This will pave the way for long term financial security. On the 21st, a Lunar Eclipse will find you returning from a long journey. You'll be able to spend Christmas at home with your nearest and dearest. Don't be surprised if you hear news of an engagement on New Year's Eve. If you're the one who is tying the knot, 2019 promises to be one of your most festive years ever.

CAPRICORN You'll undergo an impressive transformation in the days surrounding the 6th, thanks to a powerful Solar Eclipse. This is the best time of the entire year to get a makeover, update your wardrobe or undergo a cosmetic procedure. Assuming a prominent public role is another possibility. If you're asked to take the helm of an important organisation, accept. This work will highlight your leadership ability and cultivate tremendous success. The Lunar Eclipse on the 21st brings the end to a power struggle. Arriving at a financial settlement or ending a troubled relationship will cause you to breathe a sigh of relief. You'll be able to spend Christmas at home with loved ones, enjoying old traditions that make you feel happy, comfortable and secure. New Year's Eve will be a quiet affair, spent with a few close people who make you excited about 2019. Happily, the focus will move from work to home.

AQUARIUS The Solar Eclipse on the 6th find you embarking on a spiritual crusade. You'll have an opportunity to devote more time and energy to activities that make life meaningful. Instead of worrying about money and status, you'll cultivate contentment through solitary activities like writing, reading or communing with nature. Serving as a silent partner to a prominent executive is also possible. It will be a relief to work behind the scenes, beyond the scrutiny of critics and haters. On the 21st, the Lunar Eclipse will bring an end to a partnership. Being able to go your own way appeals to your independent instincts. Travelling to stay with nearby relatives is a strong possibility at Christmas. You'll be glad to escape the domestic chores that are always commanding your attention. New Year's Eve will be a quiet affair, spent recharging your emotional batteries after a busy holiday season. Cuddling with your pets and paramour is preferable to attending a big party.

PISCES The Solar Eclipse on the 6th poses an excellent opportunity to join a political group, professional organisation or creative society. The people you meet through this organisation will cause your star to rise. Someone who appreciates your ability to work with people from all walks of life will recommend you for a job. Take this opportunity to work for a successful company with worldwide respect. A Lunar Eclipse on the 21st causes you to break bad habits and overcome addictions. Do whatever you can to promote radiant health. You're tired of being held hostage to temptation. Christmas finds you making a splash at a glamorous party. This will be a terrific opportunity to expand your professional network; don't hesitate to combine pleasure with business. New Year's Eve is best spent in the company of supportive friends. Surround yourself with people who share your values; they'll help make your dreams come true in 2019.

FREE Natal Horoscope Report Each Horoscope report is based on your specific time, date and place of birth so no two reports are the same. Discover the planetary positions at the exact moment you were born‌

Personalised Year Ahead Horoscope 2019

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NSPCC launch Christmas Appeal

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) has launched an appeal to raise awareness of child neglect. On average the NSPCC are contacted 55 times a day by adults worried about neglect. In 2017/18, the NSPCC Helpline handled nearly 20,000 calls about neglect. Many of the calls received were so serious that they led to referrals to external agencies including the Police and Local Authorities. The charity’s Helpline hears from concerned adults every day, with reports ranging from children being left unsupervised or with inadequate clothing, to being screamed at or living amongst mouldy food and animal faeces.

To raise awareness of child neglect – the most common type of abuse affecting children in the UK - the NSPCC has launched its ‘Light For Every Childhood’ Christmas appeal. Peter Wanless, Chief Executive of the NSPCC, said: “Neglect doesn’t stop because it is Christmas, the holidays can in fact magnify problems because children are cut-off from the wider community & their support network” “While it’s positive that people are being vigilant & reporting concerns of children suffering neglect rather than standing by, it’s still deeply worrying to see that neglect continues to be the most common reason for contacting the NSPCC” Credit: NSPCC

Amelia - Psychic Pin: 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward and in depth readings without imposing on your free will.

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Frances - Medium Pin: 6892 Frances is a Gifted Medium who has had years of experience and I would say she knows her stuff well.

Maura - Psychic Clairvoyant Pin: 6506 Maura is a Clairvoyant Psychic with over 20 years experience. Maura aims to enhance and encourage your positive thinking to guide you on your path of life. Maura uses Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls linked to your voice vibrations. Maura specialises in relationship and domestic outlooks

Call for a 1-2-1 Phone reading now! Call 0207 111 6162 to pay by Credit/Debit Card

Celebrate Christmas 2018 in style with a fantastic feast of quality programming across BBC television for all to enjoy. There will be programmes for every member of the family and the chance to enjoy some special moments together in the company of some of the UK’s most well-loved performers. Bringing explosive drama and intrigue to BBC One over the festive period is the much anticipated return of iconic drama Luther, Sarah Phelps’ adaptation of Agatha Christie’s The ABC Murders, plus a six-part drama adaptation of 19th century classic Les Misérables. Take That mark their 30th anniversary with a special one off programme for BBC One and we’ve a mix of animated adventures and family fun with Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s Zog and David Walliams’ The Midnight Gang, as well as an innovative interpretation of Richard Adams’ bestselling novel Watership Down. There are familiar festive favourites galore including specials from Call The Midwife, Doctor Who, Mrs Brown’s Boys, Hold the Sunset, Still Open All Hours, EastEnders and Strictly Come Dancing, plus a live special of multi award-winning hit show Not Going Out and brand new comedy Click & Collect; and celebrating 20 years, the stars of Goodness Gracious Me alongside celebrity fans of the hit BBC Two series discuss some of the award-winning show’s most memorable sketches. Credit: BBC

As Poplar prepares for Christmas, the nuns travel to the Mother House to elect a new mother superior. Sister Julienne is the obvious replacement and must face this possibility as her future at Nonnatus House hangs in the balance, in this year’s Call The Midwife, one of our best-loved dramas.

In documentary, the illustrious careers of comedian Billy Connolly, writer Andrew Davies and storyteller Raymond Briggs are explored; and natural history programming includes frozen action Spy In The Snow, Gordon Buchanan’s Grizzly Bear Cubs and Me, Christmas Sky with Chris and Michaela and Snow-Wolf.

Multi-award-winning crime drama series Luther makes its long-awaited return to BBC One. DCI John Luther, played by Idris Elba, is once more called to immerse himself in the deepest depths of human depravity in a new four-part series written by Neil Cross. Credit: BBC

Morgan - Tarot Cards Pin: 6931 Morgan is an excellent Tarot Card Reader who picks up with the greatest amount of accuracy on your past and your present and future.

John - Tarot Cards Pin: 6921 John is a Tarot Card Reader and has been psychic since being 8 years old. His approach is to convey information in a calm and relaxing manner.

Sapphire - Healer Pin: 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader.

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Philip Garcia’s L



You aren’t deliberately Tension at work and in neglecting the needs of other areas will reflect on your loved ones. When you your closest relationships. have so much to do, you Although feelings are have no choice but to prior- strong, you need to keep itise. It might seem as if them under control. A long romance is taking second weekend break is just place to work and family what’s needed to perk up obligations but you can’t a close relationship. You turn your back on your don’t have to go far. Just responsibilities. Someone arranging to be alone will keep reminding you of together without any a promise you made them distractions around you and you will find the time will give you a chance to later in the month to fulfil reconnect. You may not be this. You would have got in the mood for too much around to it anyway company but you will because it has been cherish the time you preying on your mind. spend with your amour.

Gemini You are likely to notice an increased sense of intimacy in a new romance. A relationship that is more than just physical is starting to develop. You meet on so many levels: spiritual, mental and emotional. Romance is more enjoyable because of the love and spiritual bond that is growing between you. You and your partner appreciate each other’s point of view and you feel happy about all that you agree on, jointly.

Love Horoscopes




Your approach to romance is very emotional. Your amour values the strength of your love and affection. They may not always agree with you in matters of finance and other practical arrangements but they do appreciate the love you have to share. If you find yourself arguing over trivial matters, try not to let these differences come between you. Deal with problems as they arise and you will strike a compromise.

Although you prefer to be in the driver’s seat, someone else wants to call the tune and you can understand why. Your partner or best friend expects to assume a leading role. They are making plans that are important to them and they expect you, as a loyal Leo, to give your support. Since you can see why this is so important to them, you will gladly allow them to lead the way. Give and take will bring everyone together in a spirit of harmony.

Tuning into your sensual side will be fulfilling. Emotions are intense and letting down your guard will help you move forward in your romantic life. Exciting developments will lift your spirits when it might seem as if your wildest dreams are coming true. This is a great month to look for love if you have no partner. Team up with someone who shares your interests and strong sense of loyalty and you will know you have found a soul-mate.

Philip Garcia’s L




You need to give some thought to something you have just found out about your partner’s past. Despite what you have recently discovered, there is a progressive feel to your relationships. After a long talk, firm commitments will be made and once you have given your word, you won’t go back on it. If you are at the start of a relationship, your partner’s passion may seem overwhelming at times. Encourage them to keep everything light-hearted for now.

Relationships with friends and neighbours chop and change. You could be mixing with some excitable people who both inspire you and cause you some irritation. Your patience will go a long way to keeping things harmonious. A close relationship is going through some growing pains. You might wonder if you and a partner are going in different directions. There is still plenty you can share together for a long time to come.

Tension in a close relationship has been making you miserable and a romantic reconciliation will restore your good spirits. You feel now that you can look forward to enjoying the Christmas festivities without these problems hanging over you. Few relationships are perfect and you are learning now that a little disagreement does not mean your relationship is a failure, nor that you are incompatible.

Love Horoscopes

Capricorn You long for stability in relationships but things are a little tense with those in your immediate circle. Close relationships are important but they need careful handling to avoid foolish misunderstandings. Some people are more sensitive and touchy and it may be necessary to bite your lips when in their company. Fortunately, your patience will make a difference and you should notice a big change in atmosphere as the weeks wear on.

Aquarius Someone is starting to play a more important part in your life now. This is a relationship to be enjoyed because you will share a strong friendship. You get on really well and it might feel as if you have known each other forever. There are strong karmic connections. You may be asked to help a family member who is struggling. They know you mean it when you tell them you will do anything to help out and that their happiness is important to you.

Pisces You would find it more helpful if your partner and friends told you what was on their mind. You’re tired of being left trying to guess what they are expecting from you. Someone close will oppose some of your ideas and a neighbour’s interference in your personal affairs could result in discord. Social plans for the festive season need more careful thought. Refuse to make a spur of the moment decision that could be later regretted.

Get into the Festive Spirit

Christmas comes around once per year, meaning that the novelty factor usually allows us to enjoy it. We find ourselves wanting to indulge in all the old traditions, play the songs we’ve heard a thousand times before, and delight in a time of year when everything glitters and merriment can be found everywhere you turn.

However, if you do want to fight back and increase your enjoyment of the season once more, then these ideas might help to get you in the mood‌ Unplug For 24 Hours Unplugging is inherently beneficial; we all need time away from our phones and internet connectivity. As useful as the internet can be, it can also be a downer; we find ourselves confronted by an endless stream of bad news, which can make it difficult to conjure up a truly festive feeling. If you abandon the internet for 24 hours, you give yourself some mental space that can help to raise your festive spirits.

Visit A Christmas Market If you want to capture your Christmas spirit, then consider Christmas Market breaks the perfect antidote to your malaise. Christmas markets are peak Christmas; the sights, the sounds, the fragrances, the hustle and bustle of happy people looking for gifts or treating themselves. If you’re in need of festive spirit, then a Christmas market will be able to supply it in spades Take a few days to visit a Christmas market and your Christmas-loving side will soon emerge; markets are absolutely undeniable, and you won’t be able to resist their lure of indulgence in the season.

Look Back Through Memories Of Christmas Past If you want to touch base with how much you have enjoyed Christmas before, then there’s no better way to do it than to take a walk down memory lane. Spend an evening reading any old cards you have stored, watching videos, or just looking back through your social media feeds from the past few years. You should soon begin to feel a glimmer of excitement at the prospect of another Christmas season, just ready and waiting for you to create new memories with. Introduce A New Tradition Every family has Christmas traditions, but why not start a new one to give yourself something different this Christmas? If you have a young family, then consider these traditions to start with young children; pleasantly unique and innovative, these are great options for recapturing your Christmassy self.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK


The surroundings in our dreams can often have hidden meanings and messages in relation to the overall dream. Some dreams can focus on a specific person or subject whereas other dreams can be more general in which a place or setting has a significant meaning or theme to the dream. If you dream of a specific place in your dream state can sometimes indicate and represent your current mindset. If you are familiar with the location or setting you should try to remember what feelings and emotions you felt at this particular place. Perhaps it is a sunny beach which brings back feelings of a wonderful holiday in which you completely relaxed, enjoyed the company of others and enjoyed the warm sunshine on your skin ensuring you felt rejuvenated and refreshed. Other settings may upset you such as your first day at school which was a frightening experience as it was new to you and you didn’t know anyone and felt lost and a little upset that your Mum & Dad had left you at this scary place on your own. Dream that you are in an amusement arcade means you should use your time more wisely. You may be wasting your time on fruitless pastimes when you should be focused on more important things in your life. Intriguing temptations will be put in your way if you dream of walking through any other arcade. These are trinkets that are being used to lower your security so be aware not to give away any secrets or cause any upset with a slip of the tongue. The temptations are also a distraction that someone is using to try to knock you off you current course. If your dream involves a large arena or stadium it is a sign to be more cautious in all of your business and financial matters. Be very wary of any spectators in the arena or stadium as these can suggest you have some false friends who don’t really have your best intentions at heart.

Seeing yourself standing alone on a balcony predicts problems ahead with your career as your job or role maybe under threat from cutbacks or a change in the direction of the company you work for. However, if you are with someone of the opposite sex you are in for a big love affair. Your life will be turned upside down with the passion and feelings you will experience with this new lover. This will be the first time you have experienced such feelings for someone! Dreaming of a barn means good luck in your current projects or workload. If the barn falls down or catches fire there will be some trouble and hurdles to overcome. These delays will be frustrating and annoying but you should be able to overcome everything with your usual energy and passion to the job in hand.

Living in a cottage in your dream are a sure sign that better times are around the corner. An empty cottage spells some loneliness so you need to start finding new friends to ensure you have a large circle of friends to support you during your lonely periods. A derelict cottage is a sure sign it is time that you sorted out your personal life. You’re emotional state is in a muddle and you need to move forward rather than dwelling on the past. You may have been hurt in the past but hanging onto the negatives will not do you any good. Accept the past and move on to better and brighter times! Dreaming of an open gate spells major changes are on the way for you in your personal life. A closed gate is a sign to stop putting off your problems. Burying your head in the sand or avoiding the subject is not the solution. You simply have to be brave and face the problem head on!

To help remember your dreams, try keeping a dream diary. On waking, don’t get out of bed or even change position. Keep a note pad/pen at your bedside and record everything you can remember.

Emma from Newcastle asks “I have recently returned from maternity leave and have been offered a full time role. I love my time off with my baby, so should I take it?” Leos, like Emma, are loving, generous and affectionate. Her biggest challenge now is to achieve a work-life balance and she will need to approach this dilemma with realistic expectations. Planets in Virgo and Capricorn in her chart, nudge Emma into wanting to take on a full time role because this will help her provide the best for her family. She also has Jupiter in Cancer and this planet inspires her to pour more time and energy into being a mother. Her career could provide Emma with enormous fulfilment in 2019 but Neptune throws confusion and doubt over her decisions as she considers all she will miss out on at home by making her job the priority.

Joanne from Birmingham asks “I'm thinking of getting a dog as my children recently left home and I'm feeling lonely. Would this be a good addition to my life?” As a Sagittarius, Joanne will have enormous empathy for animals and she may have been thinking about getting a dog for some time. Loneliness can become an unwelcome companion when children leave home and adopting a dog will provide Joanne with a sense of purpose that can help lift loneliness and depression. She will be aware of the responsibility of being a dog owner but with this responsibility also comes the pleasure of caring for her new pet, improved fitness through regular walks and increased opportunities for social interaction. There is a restless side to Sagittarius which keeps them on the move and travelling with her dog will be loads of fun. There are so many positive reasons why a dog would be a good addition to Joanne’s life.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email

Photo Credits: BBC, Twitter, NSPCC, Netflix, Urban Outfitters, Mango, Top Shop and Very.

Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED &

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