Russell Grant VIP Magazine Dec 2020

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Russell Grant

December 2020



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Jessica Plummer

Out of There When it was announced that Jessica Plummer would be a contestant on the 20th edition of “I'm a Celebrity,,, Get Me Out of Here!” nobody wanted her “Out of There! " at all. Maybe because Jessica is such a gifted creature and so pretty she could turn the most dedicated Trappist monk's head. Try not to be dazzled by her good looks though; she can hold her own with a tousled hairdo and ragged nails any day; especially if a role demands a "hard hitting” look; in fact, few would say she does not know how to aim at a kitchen sink drama “right between the eyes”. She once shaved all her hair off to ensure she looked down beat enough, but had to admit “she looked S....T!” Credit: ITV

We all probably felt like “S----T!” when “Eastender” Chantelle Atkins, played by Jessica died at the hands of her psycho onscreen husband, Gray Atkins, played by Toby Alexander Smith, who she adores off screen. She never flinched at the intensity of that devastating role even using it to point out that domestic abuse has risen to an all-time high due to the Covid crisis. She said "As much as it isn't nice for viewers to see, this is real life and this is sometimes how it ends for people. There needs to be an awareness around that.” Her Taurus moon will always push her to the limit; she is earth sign “stubborn” when it comes to getting across what she wants others to know!

Wizards and Aliens Back in 2013 she burst into our living rooms in the science fantasy series “Wizards vs Aliens”. Whether you are a Wizard or an Alien, eat your heart out, because Jessica could play anything, even Lady Macbeth, Juliet to Romeo, or sing like Edith Piaf given a chance; this is a girl who “je ne regret rien!” Why? Well, she is a Virgo unashamed of her keen powers of observation and a capacity to access inner emotional reserves to help a role come to life. Jessica is not to be type caste, however. Remember, she was part of a glam girl group called “Neon Jungle?” Their album hit number eight, lighting up more than one teenage heart in the process. Jessica claimed the group " like “...neon bold, bright, strong individual characters and then the jungle part is the madness" Madness it might be, but we never saw those “Neon” girls acting overly weird. Their debut single “Trouble” entered the UK Singles Chart at number 12 and reached the top 10 on the US Billboard Dance/Electronic Digital Songs chart. So how did that happen? Little Grey Cells

Credit: BBC

Jessica is anything but wild, that is how it happened! In fact, she is "handsome is as handsome does!" In short, she is a “bright as a button” Virgo who could not only be a rocket scientist but sing along with Taylor Swift in concert, as you do. She certainly could argue a

federal case out of a paper bag and convince the world she won it "Little Grey Cells” style. She probably learns her lines fast too. Let's face it, her auric field has the word “success” scrawled all over it. Unafraid of fame, she is not into hiding her cerebral light under a bushel either. Confusion? Personal relationships might be a bit of a challenge for Jessica in this particular incarnation, however. It would be best if she could avoid those emotional morasses of confusion. Even if the most nit picking Virgos feel out of control now and then. Virgos might claim emotional contrast brings out the best in them... or the worst. Her beloved Noa, born on 30 July 2016, brings out the best. A Cancerian influence ensures Jessica is an empathetic mum, the kind of mum who wants her little one to feel super safe and loved. During “I am a Celebrity” the usually grounded Jessica actually cried her eyes out on the first evening in camp. A Mother's Heart She told the Sun "The longest I’ve been away from her, Noa, at the moment is four days. So potentially up to three weeks is really scary. We still sleep in the same bed. We are literally joined at the hip. She’s my little, best friend. So, it’s going to be really weird. Maybe it will be good for us to find that individuality. Jessica explained: "I said to my daughter before we left each other that if she misses me when she's at home, she looks for the moon, I can look at the moon and we can both see it." Jessica “knows” her little girl needs comfort when mum goes away, just like any child, she wants her baby never to go without, and Jessica's solid Taurus moon guarantees she never will. Jessica will ensure material security is not just a dream, but a reality for her family. Credit: INSTAGRAM

Credit: ITV


Jessica is not only a lovely actress, she is a “true blue” human being who strives to never let the side down. She told the Sun, “I am very happy with my life as it is at the moment!” We are happy too. We love that this beautiful actress appreciates peace and seeks harmony; that is why the universe will ensure she obtains the success she craves for, even if she has to work hard for it.

"The longest I’ve been away from her, Noa, at the moment is four days. So potentially up to three weeks is really scary.

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

How do you do so much?

I'm sure we've all had occasions when we've looked on in awe and wondered, perhaps out loud, how someone's able to fit in as much as they do. While we're still pondering tonight's dinner menu they may well have been to the gym, organised the food shop, made several important calls, volunteered at a local charity and completed an important piece of work. How do they do so much? Being organised is the key to getting things done. Without organisation things can become too random, dipping in and out of tasks with very little focus or planning. Lists can be an efficient way of introducing order and method, so enabling things to be sorted by degree of urgency. Some things are too big or complicated to tackle in one go. Input or a contribution may be required from a third-party, so being efficient is about passing things on quickly so that each person can tackle their part. Keep an eye on what's going on and where individual tasks are up to. Delegating is a valuable tool in a busy life. Being precious and insisting on doing everything yourself may feel like an important position to protect, but not everything needs to be jealously guarded. Let others help, share in the story and maybe come up with new, even better ideas. It motivates everyone when they're included as part of the team.

Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you start. There's no need to practice-run every possible scenario or set of circumstances in advance. Often things come together well enough once you begin. Allow your mindset to be flexible and receptive to different possibilities and enjoy where it takes you, unless it's one of those times when it's essential to follow very specific criteria. Double up. Some social arrangements could, under normal circumstances, potentially be combined. Eating out, seeing a show or concert and catching up with friends may successfully maximise your time and create almost a party atmosphere. Equally business networking combined with a game of golf pulls together two areas of life, as does exercising or enjoying a hobby with family or friends. Hire help. Certain routine or mundane tasks like ironing, cleaning and gardening may be worth outsourcing. It may be worth paying good money to free up your time for other things. Equally, tasks outside your area of expertise may be better done by someone else, rather than having you spend hours agonising over your accounts, admin or design work. Learn to say 'no' appropriately. When we work for ourselves or are new to a location, are keen to fit in and be accepted it can be tempting to say 'yes' and agree to everything. Sometimes we need to review what we're already committed to, or we may run ourselves ragged, trying to accommodate everything and everybody. Take regular breaks and recharge. A twenty-minute break gives enough time to eat a healthy snack, hydrate, maybe get outside for some fresh air. Often people find that they then return to work with a clearer mind and renewed enthusiasm for the job in hand.

Remember to give yourself credit for each achievement. Rather than systematically working your way through your list, instead pause to appreciate each stage of the journey, every task completed.

And sometimes might it be relevant to ask yourself why you do so much, why you allow your time to be so fully occupied. Some people are constantly busy because they need to be in control and are loathe to pass on work to others for fear it may result in them being cut out of the loop, it may allow others to be seen to do a better job or have their mistakes and shortcomings discovered. FOMO, fear of missing out, having something to prove, trying to be indispensable, not wanting to let go of the reins and filling every second with meaningful activity can all create their own stress. But then, there are those people who are eager to try everything that's on the menu, can't wait to sample every option that's on offer. Whilst not wanting to dampen their enthusiasm too much, it's also important to take time to rest, savour, rehearse and make the best choices for you. Enjoy doing one thing at a time. You can always return another day and try a different delicacy.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.



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 I'm sure that many of us started this year toasting the new decade, excited and full of enthusiasm. This was going to be 'our time', full of promise and potential. Well, that certainly didn't work out as anticipated! And so, when for many of us everywhere has been closed or only available with limited, restricted access, it's been over to us. Similar to a redundancy, an unexpected relationship breakdown, a serious health situation occurring. Those situations where your only choice is the way you deal with what's being presented to you.

What are your reflections on this year? Priorities At the beginning of 2020 I'm guessing many of us measured success in terms of results, accolades, promotions, gains. Yes, even now winning and achievement are still important but have less significance as other things have gained prominence in our lives. During a year when we've mostly been discouraged from leaving our homes there have been very limited options for working, shopping, socialising outside of home. Much has transferred online. Taking time to stop and smell the coffee when we've been restricted to our four walls has meant we could either do nothing or find alternative ways to live well. It's prompted us to look at our lives in different ways. For many our priorities have been amended. Valuing the relationships we have, our health and the health of those close to us, the human contacts we have, the importance of our homes has taken the place of things we perhaps used to value most highly. Happiness As we reflect on 2020 we may discover that many of the things that used to make us happy are less important. A day spent shopping may have once been a treat, but it's not so delightful when the practicalities mean going alone, no browsing or trying on, one-way systems in shops and being offered only one shoe to try. Other things have been found to bring more joy and pleasure into life. Sharing recipes and baking, seeing family and friends, walking in the countryside or along the beach are things that feel more meaningful and spiritual, grounding us and bringing satisfaction. Relationships Our relationships have been subject to some serious scrutiny this year due to our living in much closer proximity than was ever anticipated. Valuing our nearest and dearest has been a top priority, though some relationships have floundered due to lack of space, patience and privacy.

It's not been an easy time, with new ways of navigating co-existence and finding ways to respect each others' need to work, play and have some quiet personal time, whilst trying to be aware and supportive should dark times arise. For those of us unable to see our children, grandchildren, vulnerable relatives, the elderly or those with underlying health conditions, these months have been especially harsh. We've discovered who our real friends are, the people who've maintained contact through phone calls, zoom or thoughtful cards. Neighbours and local support groups have been much appreciated, keeping in touch and delivering food to those who've been struggling or are in need. Work and Money Many of us have found that whilst we've been earning a lot less our finances have been eased by our inability to spend as usual. No relaxed shopping sprees, meals out or holidays have meant that we've been able to cut back. Finding ways to pare spending has been a revelation. Work for some has been problematic, accommodating working from home alongside children and family members, plus apprehensions at what the future holds. Certainly, keeping afloat has been the immediate concern, rather than striving for promotion, even though some businesses have thrived through being in the right niche or adopting a flexible approach to business. We've perhaps realised that our fast-paced job is less appealing than it once was and that working from home is a less stressful, more comfortable way to work. A survey discovered that 9/10 who've worked from home during lockdown would like to continue doing so. Also, many of us may have found alternative ways to get what we've needed, exchanging surplus food with neighbours or doing favours for each other instead of hiring someone to do those jobs. Me-time Mental health has come under the spotlight this year, due to the major impact of events. We've all had occasion to reflect on our lives, our futures, the things of value to us. Having some personal time away from these thoughts has been important, especially for those locked down together in busy house shares.

Allocating time to exercise, to go for a walk, run or bike ride in nature, has been a lifeline for many. Or making time to read, enjoy a leisurely bath, pursue a hobby, do something creative has resulted in baking becoming especially popular, as has revisiting hobbies like painting, gardening and creative interests. Escapism and a break from the house and other people has been important in providing space and time away from brooding, overwhelm and the stress of these uncertain times. Gratitude Being thankful for things we've never really reflected on has been a very special outcome from this year. Our health care providers, farmers, food suppliers, teachers, delivery drivers, even the weather, the special people in our lives, our pets. And respecting ourselves too, our resilience, resourcefulness and ability to stay positive (in the main!) and keep going.

What a year it's been..!

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

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December Horoscopes from Russell Grant

Solar Eclipse - 14th Full Moon - 31st

ARIES A romantic encounter on the 1st makes you feel very special as the festive season draws near. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone special at a spiritual retreat or in outside or countryside setting. A teaching offer on the 11th is worth considering as you’ll enjoy sharing your expertise with enthusiastic students. The Solar Eclipse on the 14th opens the door to an exceptional academic, publishing or travel opportunity. On the 17th, the demands of your professional life will die down, allowing you to devote more time and attention to socialising. Attending a Christmas celebration on the 19th will be lots more fun than expected; wear something special to this gathering and you’ll turn a few heads. The more adventurous the plan, the better. Beware of antagonising an irritable authority figure on the 23rd or you will regret it. On the 31st, the Full Moon will prompt you to make some changes to your home environment, despite the doubts or objections of your nearest and dearest.

TAURUS Let a loving partner lavish you with love on the 6th. If you’re single you may meet someone special at a concert, play or movie. A dark, mysterious person will capture your attention and fire your imagination. On the 14th, a Solar Eclipse brings in a little extra cash through an unearned source of income. Use an inheritance, insurance cheque or legal settlement to buy a holiday retreat. Your love life sizzles with excitement starting on the 15th; this is a wonderful time to enjoy a passionate interlude. Your professional prospects will greatly improve starting on the 17th; take this opportunity to apply for your dream job. Your upbeat attitude makes a great impression on the people around you on the 19th; don’t be surprised when you’re offered a different role at a cultural, religious or artistic organisation. The Full Moon on the 31st could bring disappointing news about a legal matter. Instead of dwelling on this setback, make exciting plans for 2021. The best is yet to come.

GEMINI Give more thought to what your business or romantic partner needs to thrive on the 1st and your considerate behaviour will be greatly appreciated. A role involving the arts or charity work will be offered to you on the 6th; your duties will seem more like pleasure than work. Friendship could easily turn into a romance on the 11th, if you’re so inclined. The Solar Eclipse on the 14th begins a happy chapter; there’s never been a better time to lift the curtain on a new relationship be it professional or amorous. Travelling for business will become a more regular routine as 2020 makes way for 2021 you’ll enjoy seeing the world especially if some of the costs are met by an employer or sponsor. An opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas with a wider audience will arrive starting on the 19th. Money from an inheritance, insurance refund or loyalty bonus will arrive near the 28th, giving you a greater measure of independence. On the 31st, the Full Moon ends a situation that has been weighing on your conscience and clears the way for a less stressed new year.

CANCER It might be a good idea to plan something very special and unusual to celebrate the festive season. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone exciting and enthralling before the end of the year. Do you have a partner? This will be one of your best breaks ever. There’s nothing lost in applying for a dream job on the 11th; to your mind this position would be like getting paid to have fun. On the 14th, a Solar Eclipse will prompt you to overhaul your fitness routine. Becoming more active will make you healthier and happier. You will be put in charge of joint finances after the 17th, allowing you to create greater long-term stability. A passionate relationship will change the way you view the world after the 19th; prepare to adopt a more adventurous outlook. When forced to choose between a personal and professional commitment during the countdown to Christmas, pick the former. The Full Moon on the 31st warns against making any big changes to your personal life; don’t be impetuous when it comes to making New Year resolutions.

LEO More money for luxuries will become available on the 6th, allowing you to buy some beautiful gifts and luxuries for the upcoming festive season. Don’t give into someone’s bad behaviour or temper tantrums on the 9th; you should never reward bad behaviour. A romantic adventure is possible on the 11th; be ready to pack your bag at a moment’s notice. The Solar Eclipse could mark a surprise engagement, marriage or pregnancy so there could well be more things to celebrate beside Christmas in the second half of December. Entering a serious partnership after the 17th is definitely worth considering; your professional prospects will greatly improve because of this alliance. The 19th marks the beginning of a beautiful relationship; two heads are better than one. If you already have a romantic partner, you’ll enjoy a second honeymoon phase. On the 31st, the Full Moon will bring a secret to light, forcing you to come to terms with a lifestyle issue that could see you making some pretty drastic changes to the way you live your life once 2020 has run its course.

VIRGO It looks likely that you’ll be devoting more time to your domestic life during December and the run up to Christmas and that is definitely the way it should be; it’s a good time to stock the pantry, tidy up and make your festive preparations. Show your love and affection for a good friend or loving partner on the 6th; a generous open-hearted gesture will be greatly appreciated. If you want a grant, loan or scholarship, apply by the 11th, when your chances for success are virtually guaranteed. On the 14th, a Solar Eclipse marks a big change to your household. You could welcome a baby, elderly relative or roommate to the mix. This addition will make your home life much livelier. You’ll get a wonderful opportunity to acquire some valuable job skills on the 17th; alternatively, you may become an apprentice to a talented entrepreneur. A fun health regimen is worth adopting on the 19th; you’ll enjoy this routine a lot more than expected. The Full Moon on the 31st puts an end to a contentious group project.

LIBRA You will have a little more money for luxuries, treats and trinkets from the 6th, allowing you to buy some beautiful clothing, accessories and jewellery. Treat yourself. A home improvement project on the 11th will prompt you to entertain more and this could well be the moment you decide to host a big family get together. The Solar Eclipse on the 14th sets you thinking about how you can acquire some new skills. A course of study and training will be a labour of love. Developing your natural creative talent will become a trend starting on the 17th; this is a great time to learn from a talented artisan. Your love life sizzles with excitement after the 19th. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone special at an offbeat online event. Do you have a partner? Prepare to fall in love with each other all over again. On the 31st, the Full Moon brings an end to a stressful career situation. You may go into business for yourself; go for it.

SCORPIO The start of December brings an excellent opportunity to negotiate a deal, ask for a pay rise or increase your rates. Get ready to wheel and deal to the best of your ability. Your charisma is powerful on the 6th, attracting romantic attention at every turn. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone special at a spiritual, cultural or artistic gathering. Do you have a partner? Let your lover sweep you off your feet. On the 14th, a Solar Eclipse drops an exciting moneymaking opportunity in your lap. Doing business overseas will be highly profitable opportunity that should not be missed. Assuming more family responsibilities will occur after the 17th; be willing to break away from societal norms to accommodate special needs. The chance to move into a bigger home will arrive on the 19th; you’ll enjoy your spacious surroundings. The Full Moon on the 31st could be about to herald a disappointing conclusion to a legal matter. Don’t be bitter; make a fresh start. Counting your blessings will pave the way for a joyous New Year.

SAGITTARIUS You’ll get an enthusiastic response for your ideas and ideals during the early days of December making it a great time to for a professional sales pitch or a passion packed proposal. Be realistic about family expectations on the 9th; you don’t have to present a picture-perfect image to the world. The Solar Eclipse on the 14th will prompt you to radically overhaul your image and lifestyle; this is a wonderful time to work with a stylist, wardrobe consultant or cosmetic surgeon. Cultivating your communication skills will pay off handsomely starting as Christmas Day draws near. Get in touch with past colleagues, distant relatives and far-flung friends. Life is sure to get busier and busier from the 19th onwards when you’ll begin a round of pleasure jaunts and get together’s. On the 31st, the Full Moon will bring an unexpected expense, prompting you to rein in your budget and start closely counting costs. Create a sensible spending plan for 2021.

CAPRICORN Your charm and charisma attracts admiring glances wherever you go during the opening days of December so this could be a potentially good time to ask for favours, go on job interviews or enjoy a date. A home improvement project will go better than you imagined on the 11th; you’ll be very proud with the results. On the 14th, a Solar Eclipse marks a spiritual breakthrough; you could embark on a much healthier, happier lifestyle. Financial challenges will prompt you to be more careful with resources starting on the 17th; this is an ideal opportunity to open a savings or retirement account, but not such a great time for cutting costs on festive fun. Moneymaking opportunities abound after the 19th. A job involving air travel, research or cutting-edge technology is worth taking. Taking a calculated financial risk on the 21st will pay off beyond your wildest dreams. Prepare to be swept off your feet by an ardent admirer on the 28th. The Full Moon on the 31st brings an end to an unhappy alliance much to everyone’s relief.

PISCES AQUARIUS Raising money for a good cause will be a labour of love as December’s days start to pass by. Your organisational skills will be extremely helpful with this venture. Don’t let a friend’s good fortune on the 9th make you jealous; the Universe is endlessly bountiful. The Solar Eclipse on the 14th could inspire you to pursue a lofty dream that makes your spirit sing. Use this opportunity to launch a bold plan. Starting on the 17th, you’ll assume more responsibility in your personal life. Taking control of your destiny will be empowering. An opportunity to expand your horizons in surprising ways will arrive on or after the 19th. It’s possible you will move overseas or adopt another belief system. Hidden resources will become available on the 28th, allowing you to relocate or begin an extensive home renovation. On the 31st, the Full Moon marks the end of a job that has been robbing you of sleep. This will be a huge relief and bring a chance to move onward and upward.

The start of December could mark the start of a period of uncertainty on the professional front; do your best to project optimism, confidence and enthusiasm. A publishing or academic venture will push the spotlight of public attention onto you on the 6th. It’s not a good idea to pretend to have expertise in an area of technical development on the 9th; ask for help or training instead. On the 14th, a Solar Eclipse brings an extraordinary career opportunity. Don’t hesitate to accept a highprofile position in a fun industry. Taking up a serious spiritual practice is a distinct possibility in the days following the 17th. Taking a pilgrimage to a place that restores your soul is favoured for the 19th. Flattery will get you nowhere over the festive season. The best way to win the approval of those around you is to keep smiling and working hard to make sure everything goes smoothly. The Full Moon on the 31st prompts you to finish a creative project that has given you more than a few sleepless nights.

The run-up to Christmas seems to begin earlier each year and, this year especially, many people are keen to connect with family and those important to them. Gifts have become less important as celebrating important relationships, decorating the tree and house reminds many families of the more traditional values of love, warmth and sharing. Interestingly, in the USA more people go home for Thanksgiving than for Christmas, and yet no gifts are exchanged. The day is all about sharing a meal with family, reconnecting and spending time together. For us Christmas this year is likely to reflect many of those values.

Presents A recent survey found that a third of families can take up to three years to repay the expense incurred at Christmas. This year the pressure to buy great presents, especially for children, can cause a seriously constrained family budget to buckle under the strain. Giving children experiences, time together, days out, crafts, games, nature trails, rather than actual presents can be a great way to ease some of the financial burden and manage the stress of Christmas. Do you remember retailer Ikea interviewing a group of children and asking them to write two letters, one to Father Christmas, containing their usual gift requests and the second to their parents saying what they wanted from them. When asked which letter they would send if allowed only one, every child chose the one to their parents, requesting more time together! Friends are often relieved when a member of their group suggests a small price limit per gift, a secret Santa or a bran tub, where each person chooses one gift each. Shopping local at craft fairs, markets and in independent shops often means that unique special gifts can be found which have no discernible price tag, helping to ease the financial stress of Christmas. Christmas cards Many people have stopped sending cards, preferring instead to send ecards and a promise to donate the money to their favourite charity. But Christmas cards may be one of the few times that elderly people receive something other than a circular or bill through their door and can be a useful way to remind clients and customers that you're still around. Don't discount the role of an attractive, handwritten Christmas card. In fact, this year greetings cards have had a resurgence of popularity, with many people valuing them as a thoughtful way to keep in touch. Royal Mail have hired an additional 33,000 staff in anticipation of the extra post they’re looking to deliver.

Food This year may be somewhat different, with smaller gatherings anticipated, but meals and over-indulgence will no doubt still be a significant part of Christmas celebrations, with long periods spent indoors, dozing in front of the television, grazing on chocolates and snacks whilst awaiting the next meal.

openings, local fairs and exhibitions at galleries and museums may be available to be accessed for little or no cost but may need to be booked in advance. Quiz nights, singalongs and party nights may be a great way to stay connected online with absent family and friends. Plan walks, treasure hunts or games so that people have the motivation to leave the house, burn off a little energy and breathe some fresh air. It gives you a break too. Chores

Why not ease some of the food stress by preparing a few 'ordinary' meals in advance. A hotpot supper, casserole or meat & potato pie with all the trimmings is often well received after days of rich creamy dinners. Or a hot soup with crusty bread can be very welcome after a bracing walk in the park or an energetic game of rounders or football. Source Free Entertainment Invest some time in finding out if there are going to be entertainments on offer locally. Carol services, church

If you’re able to have some house guests give everyone an area of responsibility and get everyone involved.  Children can set the table, plan a few games. In-laws may be flattered to be asked to bring their signature dish, to help prepare vegetables, make the Christmas cake or trifle. Be sure to allow a little 'me' time for yourself, time for a bath or a thirtyminute interlude so that you and your partner can spend some time together.

Alone over Christmas Not everyone spends Christmas with family or friends and it can a lonely time, especially if it's the first one on your own. This year may be especially testing if everyone else seems to be meeting their families and having a special time, able to be together. A little forethought can make your Christmas Day more pleasant. Organise your favourite meals, a small bottle of fizz, your viewing, some quality reading. Decide to do the things that you enjoy. Say 'yes' if a neighbour invites you round for a festive sherry or alternatively invite them to yours. Remember, Christmas is technically only one day, so you don't have to amuse yourself for too long. You can go for a walk, maybe go people-watching on Boxing Day, have a coffee and smile in the knowledge that your home is peaceful and tidy!

Many charities need additional help over the holidays. Hostels, soup kitchens for the homeless, animal shelters are often short-staffed so you could volunteer and join a team of lovely helpers in doing good work. Share in the season of good will with other genuine people. A little planning can make all the difference to your managing the stress of Christmas and having a happy, fulfilling time.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

Virtual Beauty

Debenhams has opened a virtual beauty room as it looks for new ways to reach its customers at a time when many of its its shops are closed as a result of the second Covid-19 lockdown in England. Shoppers can choose one of two avenues for getting beauty advice while stores are closed. The first is to book one-to-one 30-minute consultations on Debenhams’ website with, to start, skincare brand Shiseido and with make-up brands Givenchy and Bare Minerals. More brands may be included in the future. The second is to join social media masterclasses taking place every week on Facebook and Instagram, featuring brands including Clarions and YSL.

Steven Cook, co-chief executive and managing director of Debenhams, says: “During these challenging times, health, beauty and wellbeing is more important than ever before. We wanted to ensure that our customers could still have access to our beauty experts to support them with all their beauty needs without having to leave home. That’s why we have introduced the virtual beauty room and we are delighted to be able to deliver free of charge consultations and masterclasses from some of the very best beauty houses across the globe.” The beauty category has been key to Debenhams’ work to re imagine the role of the department store for a digital age. The Debenhams Beauty Club Card has seen more than 185,000 new sign-ups so far this year, while its Beauty Club Community launched on Facebook earlier this year.

From smokey-eye tutorials to specialist skincare advice, join virtual consultations with your favourite beauty brands from the comfort of your sofa.




Enjoy a virtual 30 minute consultation with Thomas Barry, Shiseido's National Skincare Expert.

Enjoy a virtual 30 minute online beauty coaching with The GIVENCHY Maison.

Book a video consultation to ask bareMinerals experts all your clean beauty questions.

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Christmas Hampers

M & S Classic Christmas Hamper with Fizz - ÂŁ75 Clementine and cranberry Bucks Fizz (75cl)(Alcohol Content- 4%), Apple and fig chutney (100g), Berry medley soft set jam (113g), Classic tea (125g/40 bags), Perfectly matured Christmas pudding (454g), Iced fruit cake bar (400g), Milk, dark and white selection box (300g), Rudolph munch (290g), All butter mini shortbread trees (115g), Cookies and cream (350g) & Honey roast parsnip crisps (100g) Presented in a dark-stained hand woven wicker hamper with red faux-leather straps.

Aldi Vegan Hamper - ÂŁ29.99 A wonderful selection of delicious vegan treats perfect for every taste to enjoy, from wonderfully tangy gourmet gummy candies, to sweet caramel centred dark chocolate truffles. Enjoy succulent Medjoul dates and richly spiced Free From Christmas pudding, then savour it all with a fruity Chilean Merlot.

FORTNUM & MASON The Highgrove Christmas Basket - £85 Inspired by the private gardens of HRH The Prince of Wales, Highgrove and Fortnum’s have collaborated to make this exclusive Christmas basket filled with all sorts of organic wonders – from morning teas and afternoon tipples to deliciously sweet delights and scrumptious savoury spreads. A day of truly exquisite flavours await.

SELFRIDGES Classic Alcohol-Free Christmas hamper - £120.00 Selfridges Selection Turkish Delight 250g, Selfridges Selection Cinnamon Swirl Chocolate Bar 85g, Selfridges Selection Chocolate Dipped Selection 375g, Selfridges Selection Chocolate Dipped Orange 50g, Selfridges Selection Alcohol-Free Christmas Pudding 450g, Selfridges Selection Dark Milk Hot Chocolate 200g, Selfridges Selection Christmas Honey 240g in a 18” wicker basket

John Lewis & Partners Christmas Treat Sack - £35 A bottle of Prosecco and a selection of festive snacks in a re-usable hessian "Merry Christmas" bag. A delicious alternative to a traditional Christmas stocking. John Lewis Prosecco, 75cl, Farmhouse Biscuits Regency Cranberry Crumble Biscuits, 150g, Linden Lady 9 Chocolate Stars, 80g, Barfield Bakery 4 Mince Pies & Cambrook Christmas Nuts, 75g

Your Mind Plan

It’s time to take stock and think about how to better look after ourselves and our families, especially in uncertain times. About Your Mind Plan This quiz includes 5 questions for you. The answers will help you build a practical plan you can use to help maintain and improve your mental health and wellbeing. Take this short quiz to: ■ reflect on how you've been feeling over the last 2 weeks and issues that are affecting you ■ get top tips for action you can take, and advice about further support ■ Once you've completed the questions for the first time and emailed your plan, you can revisit and edit it at any time.

Every Mind Matters is aimed at adults aged 18 and over, and is only designed to point you in the right direction. It is not a medical assessment – if you're worried about your mental health or want to discuss your results you should speak to a health professional.

Trish asks “I'd really like to book a holiday for next year, as something to look forward to. Do the stars have any suggestions on destinations to enrich my soul..?” As a Taurus, being close to nature will be spiritually rewarding and therapeutic for Trish. Trish also has Jupiter in Cancer and it will be familiar places where she can relax immediately and feel at home that will give her most fulfillment. Travelling abroad might sound appealing but there will always be the need to keep up to date with travel advice to know what to expect prior to departure. This would only cause tension and uncertainty. Trish wants something to look forward to that will make her feel reasonably safe and comfortable, which is why booking a luxury holiday cottage or log cabin in a quiet retreat in the UK would be a great way to soothe her soul.

Katrina asks “With Christmas coming up, I'm unsure if I should spend the day with my family or my in-laws, who I dislike? Gemini Katrina will be flexible when making plans for the future and this is good because things could change rapidly even when she and her family have plans in place. With all we have been through this year, the last thing Katrina wants is anxiety at a time when she should be celebrating and relaxing. With Mars in Cancer it will be important to her that Christmas has its special moments for all her loved ones. Katrina should discuss this dilemma tactfully with her husband. They might consider how they have spent Christmas in the past and who with. This may help strengthen Katrina’s argument that they spend the Big Day with her family. She can also suggest spending New Year’s Day with her in-laws as a compromise.

Vegan News

Cooplands Launches Vegan Cheesy Bake U.K bakery chain Cooplands has added a vegan cheese and vegetable bake to its plant-based offerings. The new product features dairy-free cheese, potatoes, carrots, onions, swedes, peas & diced peppers. It is available in more than 160 Cooplands outlets across the North of England . The company remains open during the country’s second lockdown as it’s classed as an ‘essential business’. CEO of Cooplands Belinda Youngs said: “We are excited to partner with Violife to create a new plant-based cheese bake using their great tasting cheese replacement product”. “For people who are either vegan or just looking to eat less meat in their diet or trying to do their bit for the environment, it is a tasty option.” Last year, Cooplands says it became one of the first highstreet bakeries to make all its bread 100 percent vegan. Youngs added: “At Cooplands we put our customers’ needs at the heart of our bakery operations. We know that many shoppers want to be really sure that the bread products that they are buying are 100 percent vegan and that’s why we are delighted to be the first high street bakery to be able to offer this to all our customers every day.” The 130-year-old company also sells vegan sausage rolls and steak bakes.

Co-Op launches new plant based range Asda recently hit the headlines when it announced it would be launching in two dedicated vegan bays filled entirely with plant-based products. Now Co-op supermarket is making it easier for shoppers to find plant-based food in one place as it teams up with awardwinning plant-based food business The Brook, to launch new branded plantbased freezers in Co-op stores. Co-ops new plant-based freezers will be filled with a tempting array of high-quality, frozen plant-based ready meals from The Brook as part of its mission to ‘make delicious, sustainable food more widely accessible.’ Customers looking for tasty meat-free meals can now access The Brook’s range of meals, desserts and cooking sauces by visiting one of the selected Co-op stores or ordering directly online. The new plant-based freezers can now be found at Central England Co-op stores, including the brand-new flagship store in Boley Park, Lichfield. If they prove popular, the freezers will be rolled out to further stores across the UK. Beyond Meat To Launch 2 ‘Juicier’ Vegan Burgers Beyond Meat has announced the launch of two new vegan burgers that are ‘juicier’ than its flagship patty. The new meat analogs will contain a significantly lower amount of saturated fat in comparison to beef. Beyond Meat says one of the new burgers has 35 percent less saturated fat compared to 80/20 beef. The other, which it described as its ‘most nutritious patty yet’ contains 55 percent less saturated fat than 80/20 beef. Both burgers will ‘boast the same savory taste profile’ and have fewer calories than 80/20 beef. Morever, they will have ‘B vitamins and minerals comparable to the micronutrient profile of beef’.

Online Christmas Markets

In years gone by, at this time of year we would all be going out to the various Christmas markets we had planned to visit throughout the festive season. However, this year after the COVID-19 pandemic, things are going to be very different! What with most, if not all Christmas markets now cancelled, Christmas 2020 is set to be mainly an online affair instead. However, this will NOT get us down, we shall enjoy the festive period! We may not be able to go out to the markets, but they will come to us instead. Online Christmas markets are sprouting up all over the place at the moment

Christmas Market 2020 This one started only a few months ago by a friend and fellow blogger Chantelle Joy and is proving to be VERY popular. With most, if not all stalls now fully booked. Plus a jam packed line up of events including – craft making workshops and Christmas author Q&A’s. They have stalls from delicious chocolates and fudges, to homemade soaps, gift hampers, toys and jewellery. Plus so much more! The thought of leaving your house now to venture in to the cold seems bizarre when you can do it all from home. Online Christmas Fair Another great sounding Christmas market is the Online Christmas Fair who have a great selection of products on offer. Everything from – tasty liqueurs and beach wear, to handcrafted oak furniture and personalised socks! Plus everything else in between. Also, become a member and get 25% off site wide with the code – OCF2020. Online Christmas Events However, perhaps you’re looking for more of an event or a workshop instead? If this is the case then you should check out Eventbrite’s list of online craft fair’s. They have everything from – Q&A’s with professional crafters to demonstrations with textile and wool makers. Definitely a great one to check out if you’re feeling crafty! Bath Virtual Christmas Market There are a few of the original (in-person) Christmas markets that have now gone online. So if you loved visiting the Bath Christmas market, you can still do so virtually. Local to us, this is one we haven’t missed for the last 5 or 6 years. They have stalls from – grown up marshmallows, decadent brownies and gorgeous cheeses. To glass ornaments, aromatherapies and thermal clothing. The Lifestyle Blogger UK


NEXT Emma Willis Rib High Neck Jumper £34

MANGO Faux shearling aviator jacket £99.99

URBAN OUTFITTERS Kimchi Blue Yoko Icon Cardigan £99

NEXT Lipsy Dogstooth Cardigan £46

MANGO Openwork knit sweater £49.99

NEXT Navy Real Shearling Reversible Coat £595

URBAN OUTFITTERS BDG Leopard Print Corduroy Skate Jacket £79

Christmas Gifts

Personalised Birth Flower Scarf - £33 This is a gorgeous, soft pashmina scarf with an embroidered birth flower of your choice. This is a great mid weight scarf, which can be personalised with an embroidered name or initials.. It would make a great gift for a friend, a Mum or a Grandma and comes with a gift card with a print of the birth flower on it and a description of the characteristics of the flower and that month of birth.

Chocolate And Salted Caramel Robins - £15 Using the most delicious Belgian milk chocolate, you two beautiful robbins to decorate the table It wouldn't be Christmas without a robin, bring the Christmas cheer with these fun festive birds. Using the finest Belgian milk chocolate, our two beautiful red breasted robins are filled with delicious salted caramel fudge and bound to delight someone this Christmas. Personalised Vintage Wooden LED Bus Advent Calendar - £42 A gorgeous wooden advent calendar in the shape of a vintage London bus, complete with drawers to fill yourself! This stunning advent calendar alternative is perfect for filling with sweet treats to make the countdown to Christmas all the more exciting.

Kid's Eco White Igloo - ÂŁ40 Environmentally friendly cardboard igloo playhouse. Our cardboard play houses are designed primarily for indoor use but are suitable for outside use in dry calm conditions. The cardboard play houses should be stored in a dry place.

Polar Bear Iced Bun Baking Kit - ÂŁ19 Learn to make the cutest polar bear iced buns with this baking kit. Kit contains pre-weighed dry ingredients, decorations, as well as an easy to follow recipe card and greaseproof paper. Makes 6 polar bear buns. Just add butter, milk and an egg.

Letter From Santa Personalised Book - ÂŁ23 A letter from Santa children's story book. Personalised with name and details and filled with gorgeous illustrations telling the story of Santa at Christmas. Santa shows you his house, reindeer and introduces his special elf helpers. You'll see him checking his list for your name, make and wrap the presents and delivering them on Christmas eve. Follow Santa as he prepares for the biggest day of the year, delivering a present to your child in time for Christmas!

Mince Pie Christmas Cookies I made up this recipe after having some left over mince meat in a jar and not wanting to waste it I came up with a few ways to use it up.. Method 1/ Combine the mince meat with the softened butter and both types of sugar in a mixing bowl until the mixture has gone pale in colour. 2/ Mix the egg and vanilla extract in a separate bowl and whisk together. Once whisked, add to the mince meat and sugar mixture. 3/ Add the porridge oats to the mince meat mixture and sift in the flour, bicarb of soda and all the spices and mix together well. Rest the mixture in the fridge for at leat 45 minutes. 4/ Turn on the oven and heat to 180 degrees. Whilst your mixture is cooling in the fridge, line 2 baking trays with greaseproof paper. 5/ This mixture should make around 20 cookies. Spoon out your dough using roughly a tablespoon sized amount of dough and roll into balls using the palms of your hands. Depending on the shape of cookie you want, you can slightly flatten down your balls or if you’d prefer, you can leave them as ball shapes, they will flatten slightly in the oven. Make sure you space the balls out well on your baking trays so they don’t stick together whilst cooking. 6/ Place in the oven for 15 minutes. After 11 minutes turn the tray around to ensure your cookies are baked evenly. The cookies will be ready once they have turned slightly golden in colour and look slightly darker around the edges. 7/ Remove from the oven and leave on cooling racks for at least 2 minutes before eating. These cookies will stay fresh for around 4 days if left in an airtight container.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Ingredients * 200g Mince Meat (m ince pie filler) * 100g Light Muscova do Sugar * 100g Caster Sugar * 120g Un-Salted Butte r * 80g Rolled Porridge Oats * 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract * 1 Medium Egg * 150g Plain Flour * 1/2 Teaspoon Bicarb -Soda * 2 Teaspoons Cinnam on * 1/2 Teaspoon Mixed Spices

Christmas TV

Dawn French is to reprise her much-loved role as the nation’s favourite vicar, Geraldine Grainger of the Vicar Of Dibley In Lockdown to mark the end of this extraordinary year. During lockdown, post lockdown and pre-another-lockdown, Geraldine has been writing and delivering monthly sermons to her parishioners via Zoom… when she can make it work. These new thoughts on life (and chocolate) will air this Christmas on BBC One. Dawn French says: “Back in the dog collar, back in Dibley and back on your telly at Xmas. I couldn’t be happier. Bless you.” The Christmas special is set in December 1965, with everyone at Nonnatus House looking forward to traditional celebrations with all the trimmings – but things go a bit awry. Sister Monica Joan is rushed to hospital, Trixie is incensed to receive a subscription to a Marriage Bureau as a Christmas gift and a surprise reunion for Shelagh involves a deeply moving birth.

Christmas is always better when there’s a Doctor Who special to look forward to. The Revolution of the Daleks begins with the Doctor locked away in a high-security alien prison after the events of series 12, while Yaz, Ryan and Graham have to pick up their lives without her. They soon get reeled back in to adventures in time and space.

This special Christmas edition of the popular talent contest will see Ant and Dec welcome back some of the most memorable acts from the show’s 14 year history, with a judging panel comprised of Amanda Holden, Alesha Strictly: The Christmas Dixon, David Walliams and Jayne Torvill & Christopher Dean have never skated Countdown will reveal Ashley Banjo. in the great outdoors – but the 25 most memorable in this 90-minute special dances of all time voted they put that right by for by the viewers, from travelling to Alaska. They the perfect 40’s, the discover firsthand the trophy-winning routines, dramatic effects of dances that have made climate change as they us laugh, and perhaps are forced to travel into some that are the remote wilderness to remembered for other hunt for wild ice, as they reasons. seek to find the perfect place to dance a special Bolero. Classic sitcom Birds of a Feather returns for a oneoff special, joining the characters three years after we last saw them. in the interim they’ve gone through a few changes – Tracey and Dorien have been getting right on each others’ thruppennies, while Sharon has escaped to the other side of the world and is stuck on a COVID-cruise. Linda Robson and Lesley Joseph will reprise their roles, but usual star Pauline Quirke will not be involved as she’s stepping back from acting to focus on her 200 nationwide performing arts academies.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: ITV, BBC,

Instagram, Debenhams, M &S , Aldi, Fortnum & Mason, Selfridges, John Lewis,Cooplands, Beyond Meat, Next, Mango, Urban Outfitters and Not On The High Street Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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