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Russell Grant Astrology THE LOVE ISSUE

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y t t e h c n Naga Mu Also inside! February Horoscopes

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“A Repertoire of Exotic Cocktails...” Even keyboard wizard Liberace would have found it hard to play piano and rustle up a repertoire of cocktails down the bar. But the impossible is possible if you happen to be a fantastic dame called Naga Munchetty otherwise known as Naga Haggar! In fact if you were the lovely lady you would probably win Celebrity Mastermind, present Sunday Morning Live and “do” the tango on “Strictly Come Dancing” as if you had lived in Argentina all your life. The radiant Naga is married to "bright as a button" media consultant, James Haggar. They have been together for a very long time and hubby certainly knows what gives with the Mrs. One thing he knows is that few “seek her here and seek her there” she is certainly no mirage this is a girl who stands by her responsibilities and media image. In fact she sorted an “over the top” Lisa Standsfield on Breakfast TV, refusing to answer impertinent questions about her "liaison" with show biz biggie "Prince". Our Naga will only tell it how it is when she wants to. Mercury in Aquarius ensured Naga told mum and dad “how it was”, when she was just a gurgling infant. The parental pay off was that their precocious little girl had a cute personality even if being born in Streatham did not “necessarily make a media super star out of her” at two years old. Nor did it explain her odd penchant for jazz and golf clubs. Naga has won a prize for her superb golf skills, and plays Dixieland as if she was born with a trumpet in her mouth. To boot, she is one of the few who can sport a pudding hair cut and still look as hot as a movie star.

Let us explain! When Naga incarnated on planet earth, with sun in Pisces and moon in Leo, life was not handed to her on a silver platter. She might have been “fire sign” driven, yet it took a while for folks to realize she was a “chosen one” The penny finally dropped when Naga did long divisions. in kindergarten. Seriously, when Venus hit her fifth house it earmarked her talents, and not one to let an opportunity pass her by. she hit the ground running. Add on a friendly Jupiter in Pisces and you can bet that for all her ambition, she can sense the pain of your in growing toenail at fifty paces. Sensitive Piscean rays ensure she makes you feel better. She’s compassionate, and somewhat psychic understanding why life can be tough with delicate “water sign” empathy. Yet the "crux of Naga’s matter" is Uranus in Scorpio. No matter how sensitive, how perceptive, she is as tough when called for, her unbreakable will concentrating on what she wants till she gets it. She cannot be deterred. Her time will not be wasted. In fact her spurts of creative energy unsettle those who do not wish her well. In their view she is pushy and outspoken, saying what she thinks up front; for example her justified anger at racist trolls. She isn’t having it ; she told The Mirror :

“I’ve put myself there and can’t complain that someone has an opinion about me. “But I’m not there to be abused. Nobody is there to be abused!” Yes, thank goodness for Uranus in Scorpio, a feisty planetary combo that ensures Naga she has no time for racist fools! Beautiful Venus in Aries ... Venus in Aries highlights a beautiful damsel who is big on creativity, big on innovation and big on ambition. Why? Because she does not do “back seat”, she only does “hot seat”, happy to engage with creatives, on her same wave length. She likes to work in a team even though it can be challenging keeping up with her. Naga continues to present herself with engaging savoir faire in fact that Leo moon will continue to shine its complex rays on her lovely person, stimulating her to greater things as she keeps her fans on their toes. At this point an astrologer can only predict she will definitely illumine our TV screens for many years to come!

Read more about Philip Garcia and his Celebrity predictions visit www.philipgarcia.com

Your February Horoscopes ARIES March 21st - April 20th Your charisma will be burning brightly at the start of the month. Take this opportunity to enhance your appearance. Getting a makeover, updating your hairstyle or splashing out on some new outfits would be a good plan. A person from your past will try to reconnect with you; consider carefully whether you want to take up where you left off. On February 11th, a Lunar Eclipse could mark the satisfying end of a group association. The conclusion of this matter will leave you free to devote more time to a close relationship. Two heads will be definitely better than one during this highly romantic month. Getting engaged or married on Valentine's Day is a distinct possibility. If you're already in a committed relationship, take this opportunity to celebrate in style with your amour. On the 26th, a Solar Eclipse could trigger a powerful dream.Your subconscious is trying to send you a message; pay careful attention. Amelia - Pin Number 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward in depth readings without imposing on your free will. Amelias readings are empowering & focus on providing insight,balance & perspective in personal, relationship & career areas-helping some clients connect to their inner path. Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

TAURUS April 21st - May 21st Take time out of your busy schedule during early February to enjoy the activities you love most. Instead of attending every party that comes along, think about staying in for a few nights every week. This will restore your spirits and put a spring in your step. The Lunar Eclipse on February 11th will bring the end of a professional role. After this milestone, you'll go on to more creative assignments, which will appeal to your artistic nature. On Valentine's Day, you'll have a passionate encounter that deepens your commitment to a lover. Making things official would bring a welcome sense of stability and security to your life. If you've already exchanged vows, you or your partner could get a fabulous career opportunity that improves your lifestyle. The Solar Eclipse on 26th is perfect for attending a social occasion; you'll meet some interesting people at this gathering. A lifelong friendship could take root in February.

GEMINI May 22nd - June 21st Why not host a gathering or get together at the beginning of February. This will be a great time to bring friends, family and neighbours together under one roof. A romantic interest from your past will reconnect with you during the first half of the month; this could be your chance to redeem a damaged relationship. On the 11th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring the successful conclusion to a legal matter. At long last, you'll be able to return to a creative project you had to put on hold.Valentine's Day will bring some exciting news about an engagement or marriage; prepare for a big celebration. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th will attract a remarkable professional opportunity.Your chance to embark on an intellectually stimulating career. Being paid handsomely to bring beauty to the world will be the answer to a prayer. There will be a compassionate element to this work that is highly rewarding.

CANCER June 22nd - July 23rd You'll make a fabulous impression at work in the early days of the month. Take this opportunity to make a presentation or sales pitch that is close to your heart. People will be very receptive to your ideas at this time. A family reunion could take place during the first half of February; this will be a good time to reconnect with people who love you unconditionally. A Lunar Eclipse on the 11th may deliver a big windfall to your bank account. This money will help you pay off a bill and achieve the financial freedom you've always wanted. Once you satisfy your debts, get into the habit of putting money aside each month. The Solar Eclipse on the 26th may usher in a period of travel that will be tremendously enlightening. Update your passport, invest in some good luggage and prepare to see the world.

LEO July 24th - August 23rd Travel and adventure will colour your world in the early part of February. Take this opportunity to enjoy a trip you've been dreaming about for years. Good news will come your way during the first half of the month; a disappointing decision could be overturned. On the 11th, a Lunar Eclipse could mark the successful conclusion of a course of study.You could graduate with honours or receive a scholarship for further academic work. Valentine's Day could be very special.You may be celebrating with someone who is much older or younger than you. Alternatively, news of a pregnancy or adoption could be announced at this special time. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th will bring passion and intimacy to your life. Let down your defences with someone who has proven their love. A close relationship will have a Trans-formative effect on you. Your partner will help you break a bad habit or embark on a healthier lifestyle.

VIRGO August 24th - September 23rd A passionate relationship will spice up your life in early February. This is a wonderful time to embark on a romance. If you've been looking for work, you could get a chance to join a former employer during the first half of the month. This experience will be enriching, both financially and emotionally. Pay close attention to the days surrounding the 11th, when a Lunar Eclipse will bring an end to a steady job, opening up even better opportunities for you.Valentine's Day will bring some stability to your domestic life. Moving in with your partner or putting a down payment on a home are distinct possibilities. On the 26th, a Solar Eclipse will start a new chapter in your personal life. Getting engaged or married will pave the way for a happy, fruitful future. If you're already in a committed partnership, your other half will get a fantastic promotion that dramatically improves your standard of living.

LIBRA September 24th - October 23rd Love, romance and friendship will be your top priority in the opening days of February. This would be a wonderful time to get engaged or married. If you're already in a committed partnership, you may exchange roles with your amour. Allowing your other half to take the lead will give you more time for the creative activities you enjoy. A Lunar Eclipse on the 11th will allow you to put the finishing touches to a creative project. Submitting this work for review could lead to fame and acclaim.Valentine's Day could be especially stimulating. If you're single, someone will ask you on a date. This will be the beginning of a passionate romance. Toward the end of February, a Solar Eclipse may attract a thrilling job offer. Getting paid to express your imagination will make you glow with happiness. People may ask if you've been to a spa. This is also a good time to launch a health enhancing programme.

Sapphire - Pin Number 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader she connects to the Infinite realm to shift, change, and transform people's lives. She has worked with hundreds of clients and demonstrates these talents on Blog Radio. Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd Devote yourself to work that you truly enjoy at the beginning of February. A labour of love will fill you with new vigour and enthusiasm.You may be so busy that you'll adopt a lower profile during the first half of the month. On the 11th, a Lunar Eclipse will find you wrapping up a real estate deal or family matter. Finishing this business will give you more time to enjoy solitary pursuits. It will almost be a relief to put some distance between you and your nearest and dearest.You could get a fabulous gift on Valentine's Day. A lavish token of your partner's love and affection will be a delightful surprise. On the 26th, a Solar Eclipse will usher in a highly romantic phase. This is a wonderful time to go on a fairy tale vacation.You and your lover will have a wonderful time kissing, cuddling and gazing into each other's eyes. SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st If you're looking for love, you will find it in the early part of the month. Don't be surprised if you meet someone special at a sporting event or some other type of outdoor competition. It's even possible an old friendship could take a romantic turn. A Lunar Eclipse on the 11th will bring the successful conclusion to a course of study.Your newly acquired expert status will open doors for you.Valentine's Day could prompt you to make a serious commitment. If you already have a partner, a special outing will feel like you're falling in love with each other all over again. On the 26th, a Solar Eclipse will give you a chance to find your dream home. You'll be able to negotiate a remarkable deal for a beautiful piece of property. Use your powers of persuasion to work wonders with a lending institution. A generous relative could be about to offer you the money for a down payment. CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th Home is where the heart is in early February. Take this opportunity to attend a family reunion or to entertain relatives in your own home. A job offer from a former employer may arrive during the first half of the month. You'll be enthusiastically welcomed back into the fold. On the 11th, a Lunar Eclipse will bring an end to a moneymaking venture, leaving you free to accept other potential packed opportunities.Your professional star will be on the rise. As the month winds down, you'll get some surprising news about a creative venture. You may be asked to edit a newsletter, write an article or teach a class. This assignment will give you a great deal of intellectual stimulation and emotional fulfilment.Your dry sense of humour will be a big hit with your audience. It's possible you'll also use social media as a way to spread your message.

AQUARIUS January 21st - February 19th Acquiring a new skill will be lots of fun at the beginning of February.You'll enjoy being with people with upbeat energy and they'll admire your inventive approach to learning. It's possible you'll get a chance to return to a place you've always loved during the first half of the month. Be ready to travel on a moment's notice. A Lunar Eclipse on the 11th will prompt you to look at things from a different point of view. This fresh beginning will help you discover hidden talents.Valentine's Day promises to be a special time, prompting you and your partner to pursue a cherished dream. If you're single, you may decide to steer a friendship into romantic waters. The Solar Eclipse on the 26th marks a significant moneymaking opportunity. Starting your own business or moving to a new company will greatly increase your standard of living. Splash out on a few of life's little luxuries; you've earned them.

PISCES February 20th - March 20th More money for luxuries will become available in the opening days of the month. In addition to the cash you earn, you'll get an unexpected windfall in the form of an inheritance, legal settlement or royalty payment. Use the cash to put a down payment on a home or car. A Lunar Eclipse on the 11th will bring an end to a period of seclusion.You'll be able to enter the dating scene or reconnect with an attentive romantic partner at this time.Valentine's Day could be especially sweet, highlighting your professional achievements. All the work you have done in secret will be acknowledged and celebrated. Give yourself a pat on the back and a great big treat. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th ushers in an exciting new beginning for you. Embarking on a different lifestyle, adopting a new look and assuming a fresh role are all possibilities. Dream big during this fateful period, when wishes can come true.! Evangelica - Pin Number 6974 Evangelica is sensitive to the Karmic information contained within the energies, and with the help of her guides and soul-group, Tarot cards and crystals she can give you the best advice possible to help you with your problems. She will also explain the potential outcome and what to expect from relationship difficulties based on the Karmic information contained within your energy field Call 0207 111 6162 (Credit/Debit Card) or 0906 539 1430 (ÂŁ1.50p per minute + phone provider's access charge. 18+)

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2017 Year Ahead Horoscope Videos from Russell Grant 2017 ya videos

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Astrology and Fragrances You want to smell amazing, but does your choice of fragrance capture the essence of who you are? Can different aromas change your mood? Do you wonder why you lean towards a certain fragrance? Which fragrances, according to your Sun sign, might suit you? We asked Russell Grant to explore the relationship between both! ARIES: Your bold spirit takes you places most people can only dream about. You’re always eager to explore new interests and ideas. You prefer to live in the moment and you will have a favourite brand for every mood and occasion. Experimenting with bold, energising fragrances will add spark to your days. Saffron and amber alongside top notes of lavender or freesia will appeal to your adventurous soul. Your fragrance match: Calvin Klein – Eternity | Yves Saint TAURUS: You are a lover of sensual, sensuous pleasure. Always in tune with your own inner desires, any perfume you wear needs to fit you like a warm, cashmere glove. Elegant fragrances that combine the gentle hints of spring with base notes of amber or cedarwood will appeal to your inner artist. Strong floral base notes such as rose, lily and gardenia will play to your natural style. Your fragrance match: Marc Jacobs – Daisy | Dolce & Gabbana – The One GEMINI: Intermingled scents that tickle and tantalise your senses are just what you need as these are qualities you look for in friendships. Spritz on playful, uplifting scents like grapefruit, mandarin or coconut when socialising. You’re always busy, jumping from one activity to another. Zesty citrus flavours of lemons, oranges and bergamot with a base note of musk reflect your passion for life. Your fragrance match: Giorgio Armani – Code Woman | Hugo Boss – BOSS In Motion CANCER: You can be a little shy about expressing your true personality. You don’t always want to stand out in a crowd. Ylang-Ylang will help bring out your affectionate side without drawing too much attention to yourself. The beauties of nature uplift and inspire you. Blends of rose or geranium with basic woody notes that remind you of a light breeze on a warm summer’s day, will enhance your nature. Your fragrance match: Guerlain – Samsara | Hugo Boss – BOSS Bottled LEO: Your larger than life personality makes you the centre of attention in most social occasions. You love being admired and your penchant for extravagance makes you a popular guest or host. Choose opulent fragrances with base oriental notes to keep you feeling sexy and important. Luxurious notes of orchid, yellow mandarin and orange blossom will match your glamorous personality. Your fragrance match: Calvin Klein – Euphoria | Hugo Boss – The Scent VIRGO: You have a reputation for being a workaholic and you take pride in your work. Your practical nature needs no frills or extras but you will appreciate well designed bottles and attractive packaging. You love flowers and plants and have an intimate appreciation for the healing power of fragrances. Choose top notes of plum, blackberry, jasmine or lily of the valley followed by an earthy base of sandalwood or cedar. Your fragrance match: Dior – Hypnotic Poison | Calvin Klein – Essence for Him

LIBRA: As a creative Libran, you need a fragrance that stimulates your imagination. You care about balance and harmony and will be drawn to soft floral fragrances that harmonise with ocean notes to create a feeling of relaxation. Love and friendship are essential to you which is why you will also choose fragrances to favourably impress friends and business associates. Your fragrance match: Dolce & Gabbana – Dolce Floral Drops | Salvatore

SCORPIO: You enjoy an air a mystery and prefer fragrances with interesting levels of complexity. You don’t want to be able to unravel all aromas at once. You need a lasting scent which makes an instant sensual impact yet contains deep base notes to enchant your soul. You will find blends containing mandarin, ocean overtones or amber finished with notes of frankincense, Ylang-Ylang or myrrh exciting and enticing. Your fragrance match: Yves Saint Laurent – Opium | Dior – Eau Sauvage SAGITTARIUS: Visionary and adventurous, anything that engages your senses will stimulate your imagination. Like your adventuresome personality, the fragrances you wear need to be exciting and something other people will notice and recognise. Choose fresh, uplifting top notes of cinnamon or peppermint for that initial zing with a background of floral or spicy hints that come through when the scent dies down. Your fragrance match: Jean Paul Gaultier – Classique | Jean Paul Gaultier – Le Male CAPRICORN: You want to be the best at what you do and you pride yourself on your hard work and diligence. You enjoy the great outdoors and feel rejuvenated by the wonders of nature. When putting in long hours in the office you need the equivalent of a lush, verdant landscape in a bottle. Warm, woody notes such as sandalwood and cedarwood can be incredibly engaging for you. Your fragrance match: Dior – Hypnotic Poison | Dolce & Gabbana – The One For Men AQUARIUS: You’re never quite sure about what you’re going to do next and will have an array of perfumes to go with your mood of the moment. Celebrate your individuality with zingy and unusual fragrance combinations. Go for sensual musk flavours with bold overtones of woods and spices during the working day and choose rich undercurrents of myrtle, chocolate, lotus or jasmine for romantic evenings. Your fragrance match: Ralph Lauren – Big Pony Female 1 | Ralph Lauren – Big Pony 2 PISCES: Creative and deeply romantic, sensual fragrances in refined packaging will appeal to your gentle and stylish nature. There are times when you need spiritual as well as creative diversions and floral notes such as carnation and jasmine with lingering woody scents will enhance your imagination. Fragrances graced with ocean notes or alpine influences can be spiritually uplifting. Your fragrance match: Davidoff – Cool Water Her | Davidoff – Coolwater

Visit www.thefragranceshop.co.uk to find the fragrance for you..

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Your Valentines Love Horoscope By Philip Garcia Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Something you have to decide on quickly will cause tension in a close relationship A take it or leave it offer leaves you feeling torn. One choice may mean going against a partner or loved one’s wishes but this is something that means a lot to you. Your feelings should count too. Talking it over is not the answer in situations like this. It would only open the way for others to talk you out of doing what you really want to do. Taurus (Apr21/May21) Neighbours want you to do them favours. Friends need advice. Family expect you to be there for them whenever they need you. You won’t begrudge doing anything for anyone especially when people are asking you so nicely. Neither will you have the heart to refuse when your boss steers extra work your way. But what is all of this doing to your romantic life? At least arrange it so you spend quality time with your partner in the evenings or weekend. Gemini (May22/June21) The chance to explore new ideas, places and possibilities is a one you can’t refuse. You’re ready for a change. Someone who cares for you will advise you to steer clear of certain people or situations. Heed their advice for they do know what they are talking about. There’s nothing stopping you from trying something new but common sense should prevail. If anyone tries to encourage you into risky exploits, is this relationship really good for you? Think about it. Cancer (June22/July23) A heart-to-heart will have one of two possible consequences. Either it will wipe your concerns away or it will confirm you have picked up on someone’s negative feelings. Has the time come to make changes in a relationship? Circumstances aren’t the same as when you first met and you both now seek different forms of happiness. Talking is the first priority. This will help you see life more clearly. Leo (July24/Aug23) A new partner’s lively company and weird sense of humour will give you plenty to laugh about. Unfortunately, an old friend appears to resent you having some fun. They are secretly jealous and feel threatened by your desire to mix in new circles. You’re tired of bending over backwards to keep some people happy and you can’t keep allowing possessive friends to hold you back. If they really care for you, they will willingly let you go. Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) New arrangements in an existing partnership bring a stronger sense of hope for the future. A surprise text message after a first date suggests this is the relationship you’ve been waiting for. You’re making exciting plans and this boosts your confidence. You’ve been clinging to old situations for too long now and trying something new is the best thing you can do. A fresh cycle of experience will tie in with developments in a close relationship.

Save 30% off our Love Horoscope Reports! How you fall in love, stay in love and what you look for in a lover and ‘soul mate’. It not only represents love and affection, but also harmony, cooperation and the way you feel about and react towards other people. It reveals the kind of lover you are and how you express yourself when you are in love.

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Your Valentines Love Horoscope By Philip Garcia Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Much to your disappointment you will be persuaded to postpone some of your more adventurous ideas. Friends cannot join you, family have other commitments and your partner wants to think things over. A strong desire to change all that is around you is not shared by everyone. The few who understand your restless spirit will have little influence over actual events as their ideas can’t be taken seriously. Do your best to fulfil your current responsibilities. Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’re thinking more about the past and especially a past relationship. Making comparisons of then and now could upset your partner. It isn’t a waste of time worrying about their feelings. If they mean anything to you, start listening to what they say. What you see as an idle threat could turn out to be the opposite. Sometimes, you don’t know what you’ve got until it has gone. If you want to save a relationship, head out to a special place with your lover. Make them feel special. Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) If you’re unhappy in your current home you could find a new one in a better neighbourhood. If you’re happy where you are, a home improvement project will be more complicated than expected. The atmosphere in the family may not be as relaxed as usual. You find making changes empowering but others are feeling nervous. They will soon adapt to new situations. Are you single? Take romantic developments in the casual manner in which they occur. Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Take the opportunity, as the week begins, to enjoy amusing romantic diversions. Your partner is in high spirits. Make the most of their playful antics. Single? You could be pleasantly surprised by the results of a blind date. A new neighbour or events in your working life will open doors to a new cycle of experience. Your cheerful spirits and confidence will bring a higher note to the days. Both private and professional concerns will progress more smoothly now. Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A reflective mood helps you make intelligent choices. Other people may not agree with your decisions but you won’t change your mind. A relationship hasn’t gone as expected. You aren’t to blame. A clash of personalities means you will never understand each other and you could actually do without this kind of drama. It’s time to break off a toxic relationship. This is your chance to free yourself of hurt feelings and start again. Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Relax and enjoy living in the present. There is no shortage of friends to share time with and plenty things to do. Expect to enjoy many happy moments with someone you love. Don’t feel guilty about indulging in whatever brings you pleasure. Enjoy this while it lasts. Go out with cheerful people who just want to have fun. Are you single? Take the initiative in romance if you sense there is someone who wishes to go out with you but they’re too nervous to ask.

Email a Psychic Get the guidance & enlightenment that you deserve... Do you have a burning question? Whether you're thinking about a new job, moving house or looking for more of an insight when it comes to your love life. No matter what questions you have - you can ask one of our highly talented psychics who have been offering psychic guidance all over the world for many years with amazing results! Simply ask your question and receive a confidential reply direct to your email address. No fuss - No delays .... Just answers! You can select from two options - a quick answer to your question: the Psychic will answer your burning question in around 1 page reply - an in-depth answer to your question: the Psychic will answer your burning question with up to 4 pages in reply. Our team of highly skilled and hand-picked psychics will try to answer your questions as quickly as possible (but please allow 24hrs for the quick answer option and 72 hrs if you choose to have them look at the in-depth question). Simply select the service from the two options below - and proceed to ask your question.

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Stacey (Manchester) asks “As an Aquarius, which star sign am I most suited to romantically? From experience, Sagittarius doesn't work!” Hi Stacey, It can be fun to compare Sun Signs to determine compatibility but it has to be remembered that our Sun Sign is a part of a much larger picture. Not everyone is pure Aquarius or Sagittarius but has a mix of planets in other signs too. So although Sun Sign compatibility can give a general impression of a relationship, it could be very different depending on other aspects of each person’s horoscope and personality. As it happens, the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars were in Aquarius on the morning you were born so there is every chance you relate strongly to Aquarius characteristics. You need a partner who takes a refreshing, unconventional approach to relationships treating your union as something unique and special. Someone who has high ideas and the courage to pursue them. You will thrive in relationships that give you plenty breathing space. Star signs that are likely to be compatible are other Aquarians, Arians and Geminis and although you say Sagittarius doesn’t work, there will be some Sagittarians who will share your dreams and aspirations so don’t write them off altogether. Please remember there’s more to a person than just their Sun Sign. Margaret (Ipswich) asks “I am a Sagittarius, but I was supposed to be born on the 28th January, which I think falls under the Aquarius sign. Are you destined to have the characteristics of the star sign you were physically born under, or the star sign you were supposed to be born under?” Hi Margaret, This interesting question is a one many people may have wondered about. A similar question would be: does inducing labour affect your astrological inheritance? Or could the moment of of conception make a difference to your astrology? There are differing views on this but most astrologers believe that the moment you take your first breath is the time you become independent of your mother. A ‘due date’ is a date estimated for the convenience of the mother and medical staff preparing for baby’s birth. Whether born prior to or after a due date, the minute you are born you become an individual. Everyone is born under a set pattern of stars and planets and your horoscope represents the position of the planets, astrological aspects and angles at the precise moment of birth. Astrology is more than a Sun Sign and when you were born, Margaret, the Sun, Saturn and Uranus was in Sagittarius, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio and Mars and Jupiter in Pisces. All of these together suggest a love of learning, strong powers of concentration, deep and passionate feelings and a strong likelihood that you are an empath. You have strong philosophical ideals and making a difference to other people’s lives makes you feel useful. This could be why you recognise Aquarius traits within yourself.

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